The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 13, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. M.
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..... ,.- . WEEKLY.
Beat by mall, per year 2 In advance.
Postage fre) to subscribers.
All communications intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Astorian guarantee to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorian. the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has,
axt to the Portland Oregonlan. the
tergest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Handley A Co. !re our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorian
aa be had every morning at their
stand, 124 Third street.
i-rhm "AaUtrlaa" hereby offers to donate
Mpltal, payaM. oa deaaaad to Father
Dielmaa, vkmnir legal evidence Is pro
damd showing that any afternoon news
paper pobliehed In Astoria has printed
within the last ninety days expiring be
fare this uffar a single "special" or
ther kind of "telegraphic press report,"
lied over tha wire entering either
f tho telegraph oOlces In Astoria, from
nay point oatslde of Oregon.
Astoria, Or., October IS, 196.
With tine decided advent of spring,
the blooming of flowers, songs of birds
and bright, warm sunshine, has come
a general feeling of encouragement
sand confidence all over the city,
Nothing bo dispels the clouds and re
news hope aa the smiling faoe of na
ture, and when favorable natural
eonditaws exist, backed up by the de
termination of vigorous and entorprw-
fcur men to strain every nerve to push
forward public prosperity in the com
munity in which they live, aid in the
growth of their city along safe and
permanent lines, sumotmng has to
give way and take the place of the
old lethargy. Sue a state of affairs
baa developed In Astoria, and thre
la every indication that it wfil be
followed to Its logical conclusion. The
- J v-. ... iv. n ouhc v, V.' I . " I. cur
upon us. and the people are expecting
great things out of Nazareth in 1S97.
Wars and rumors of wars fill the Eu
rODean air. a railroad war of eicant c
proportiune threatens the 'United
States, the result of the supreme court
decision in the trans-Missouri case
tinder th? anti-trust law, which, de
spite all efforts, may unsettle bus'ness
throughout the land yet the little A
toria railroad is dally nearing comple
tion and its relations already estab
lished to transcontinental tines are
such as to guarantee success from
the butttset. Following the rail
road H is well known that several
Industrial enUrprUM-s, suirpltm-mtary
to It, and which will establish the tin
pan brigades so much needed In Asv
toria, are under consideration for this
season, and will be inaugurated if
proper support can be obtained. As
a result of these great changes, can
be seen in ithe near future the building
up here of onj of the greatest com
mercial canters on the Pacific coast
and the establishment of a large Ori
ental traffic. If the latest rumors
from London are correct, that J. J.
Em, the president of ith? Great NV-nh-arn,
has succeeded in effecting a com
bine of that roa1 with the Northern
Pacific, Northern Steamship Co., the
Canadian Pacific and the Baltimore &
Ohio, the magnitude and conse
quence of the deal can hardly be es
timated, and despite broken asicia
tkins and rate wars, which will be
hut temporary (as the feod .-cue of
the American people will firoe con
gress to legalize tfo? polling of rea
sonable rates), Astoria will receive its
full meed of profit and benefit fiom
the combination, which cannot fail to
add to Its prosperity In hundreds of
different directions. Added to this, the
interest of the .ou;hern Pacific
here, its reported acquirement of the
O. It. & X., and possibly the Sh rt
Line (already outlined In the press dis
patches, and the reported appoint
ment of T. F. Oake? as president of
the O. R. & N.), It can be e-en that
Astoria will be one of the Important
termini of the great transcontinenitaj
railways and will play no unlmport.
ani'part In the inevitable rearrange
ment of the Western railway check
r board. Why should we not h'dd
up our heads? .
The democrat who are ridiculing
the legal effect of the retroactive
clause of the Dingle y bill have short
memorif, or are Ignorant of the fact
that their own party established the
precedent for hat provision of the
law. it la baaed right square on the
fcrfsfcjo of the United States supreme
oourt Involving- a similar provison of
th Wilson aot. The Wilson, bill did
mil Iwoonm a law unlH August 2.
ISM, though it declared that duties
should be levfcd on and alter AuguM
4. It was ptwllnti, thetvfor. nvariy
a iiuh after the Inner date. The
supreme court decided that the rates
became operative on the date divlaivd
by he act, although that date was
twonty-four day before the bill he
came a law.
If Oreov and Turkey annihilate
eaoh other; ISuKsia and France agree
to disagree; England, France and
Italy make a new team, and Ku.o,
Germany and Austria take pot luck
together there may result such a
sia;e of afTiilnt as will leave the Tutted
States the only white nation en earth
with plenty of vht, canned taltn it
and pn-k to sell at reasonable prices.
The opening so successfully of the
fishing stfrtsen. Just at the c: lebrution
of Easter, will add much to the j
and tutppiness of hundreds of Astor
lans. The forty dollars earned In viie
night by a single fisherman Is hetur
than sltthig idly by and watching oth
ers take our living from u.
In the bodily mechanism vhen the
liver gets out of order. Constipation,
dyspepsia, contamination of the llxd.
Imperfect assimilation, are certain to
ensue. But It Is easy to prevent
these consequences, and remove their
cause, by a course of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, which stimulate the
biliary organ and regulates Its action.
The direct result is a JlsapieArance
of the pains beneath the ribs uid
throusrh the shoulder blade, the nau
sea, headache, yeilo'viiess of the skin,
furred look of the tongue, and sour
odor of the breath, which characterlie
liver complaint. Sound digestton and
a regular habit of body are bUclng
also secured hy the us? of this cele
brated restorative of health, which
Imparts a degree of visor to the body
which is its best guarantee of afety
from malarial epidemics. Nerve weak
ness and over-t.ns! in are reiieved hy
It, and it improves both aweUte and
In the snla water business In thi ,
country there are 530.000.000 ln-ested. I
u was jonn -Manners, or .ew lorK.
who originated, in 12, the Idea of;f
charging water with carbonic acid gas.
ine, name 01 that great benefactor or
manKsrw-presumabiy a woman-who
mm suggesrea ine niea or aroppmg
some ice cream into a glass or soda
water has not been preserved his -
Americans are the most Inventive '
people on earth. To them have been !
issued nearly 600.000 patents, or more
than one-third of all the patents Is-1
sued In the world. No discovery of
modern years has been of greater
benefit to mankind than Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, or has done more to relieve
pain and suffering. J. W. Vaugn, of
Oak ton. Ky., says:. "I have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DI-
arrhoea Remedy In my family for sev-
srzl years, and fnd It to te the be3t , cast them ino troughs by the river
medicine I ever used for cramp in j banks. The salmon are then tinned
the stomach and bowels. For sale; and sent all over the world. As much
by Estes-Conn Drug Co. as five ton's weight of fish a day has
.thus been taken. Toledo Blade.
A rumor in Athens, Oa., says a eijn-
pamy of students of the fniversitv -A
Georgia are going to Cuba during the 1
summer holiday and .fight .with the .
Insurgents. The leader of the move- j
roar is a member of the law class and i
lives near Painbridee. His father i
owns half Uwerst in an ocean tug,
and he has the consent of the owners
to use the boat for three months.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a fe.v days, but
oi l chronic coughs and throit troubles
may receive Immolate relief anJ b!an'1 thn1 tr0uMm- R'RCr8'
permanontly curel by n-Coug-h
Cure. Charles
Minute 1
A ouri-tb prbate sul: has
in the KritrlUh law cur;s.
t; Kl'min, .1-. -a el.
r.,,.e up
Aa 1 :1
't nlf
a million dollars to fojno arid . low
a church on th n,ljU m -'i. .very i
Sunday, tefor rhe .col - ..f
the thirty-nine articles ia!l '- r .-id
by a clergyman out-ide ., the iharr-n
U'xir. uinnnente j r-lM.:et are .on
testing the validity of th waiK,
He Favorite Bone Using.
For ail diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach, q
Keep it always in the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS Liver Regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LlVER
J. H. ZeUln & Co, MrUadelphJ.
Take laxative Ilromo Qulnlnt Tablets.
All druggists refund the money It It
falls to cure. !5c. For sale by Chaa.
Rogers, Druggist.
"in very short time," sayw the
New York Christian Advocate, "there
will he btvlhcrhtaohi tuvmvl aftr all
rhe apiwtlcs and perhaps a number of
the prophets. They are now rivaling
the secret scletks In number and per
sistency. The Ibwherhood of (he
t hristian churcrh Is as much as we find
time to attend to properly, and
hardly oliilm h mtvt nil f Its tvhn
A. Invecn. residing at T Hen -
ry stn-et
Alton, III., sufferiM wlth
viatic rheumatism for over eight
whole of this time, using viirlous rem-.
edlea revommeiuhs! by fr'ends, and '
was treated by the physicians, but ;
nvlvevl no relief. She then ul one
and a half bottles of Chamberlain's 1
P.U: Palm, which effected a eomplet. , , ,mtm.s ,M v,KS,r Bm, h nw
cure This Is publlshvM at her requ.t. j ,vlal!, (lm, mall wlu, , uk(
as she wants others sl.nllarly nffllcted ; w. ,roul,u. , Mll, Iiam ,,, ,u.
to know what cur,d her. The and 1,, h.v h mtniK, rf h w,.
cnt sise sUeby Estes-Cotm,,,,.,, tn,tmwil friN., Nllw wen ,
Tug Co. Vy frM 1 mean absolutely w ithout cost.
It Is remarkable that not only In
Kvtfia, but In Austria, Italy ajid ;
Siain, the health of either the sover-
elgn or the heir presumptiw Is a ca-ise I tm,U!wniU llf . unrerlng tits mental
of anxiety to states...; and even the i ,or,UIV, llf wwlk,.neJ m4vnh,H,d who
Oentu i.lWv rs affllctwl with - would le cured at ones could they but
wnMltutkwtal which Is raid toigtt ,ui.h a nnxvJiy lh)J oll. tnat
I not without in ofteet on Inter- 'cum, , iv, not try to out how
DHtkwval polfUcs. , 1 1 can afford to lyly lnt, ft,w postage
" - stamps necessary to mall the Informs-
PBUSOXAI The gy-ntWinan who . oll bu, ,.ml for ,ti fcnJ 1(lttrn tlm,
mKVvl the congifgation last Sunday ,h,n. m few ,,, on th thM
by conUnually ivugldaig will find In-'though they cost nothing to get they
stant Mlef by using One M Inute Cough worth a fortune to some men ar.d
Cure, a speedy and harmless ( ,..ln a lifetime of happiness to moat
for throat said lung troubles. Charles j, us. Write to Thomas Slater. Hog 35S,
Rogers. j Kalamaioo, Mich., and the Information
will be mailed In a plain, sealed en-
The field Columbian Museum is to velope.
be removed from the Jackson Park, . , ,
Chicago, to a new dte at the foot ofi
Congress stnvt. on n:ale ground in j
the new Ialte Front Park, riu build-
ing Is to be plai-ed east of the Mllnols
tvntral ruiltait tracks and the In- It .-tatted I.s'H) Sunday schools, and
closure surrounding It will have an during that time l"s rhutvhf develop
extetvt of i." acres. ,l frn sell mis which previously luul
,!-.-n opened. The t;r. liter nut of this
Croup and w-hiij4ng cough are wrk Is iM-ing i. ne In Mlnaesotn. the
childhood's terrvrs; but like pneu- Dakota. Montana, 1 !a:i". Texns, Kan
nsinia. lronchltls. and other throat -m. ImlUui Territory, oklahoina and
and lung troubles, can be quickly the mountain real ms .if the Virginias,
cured bv
using One
Mlnute Cough
Charles Rogers.
The reimrt of the Cremation society
England for ism shows that there
,wre 137 cremations at Woking, as
.oompared with 150 in 1S9.1. The reports
fix,m th, thT creamatorfc. however.,
at Liverpool. Manchester and Glas-1
; g,tKi show that cremation is lncrem-,
!inK ta po,)ularlty.
I 1
Thirty years Is a long time to fight ;
Painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob
MKaheil, of Vnkmvflle. Pa., struggled 1
'ha' Jig beftire he tried DeWttfs j
Wlu Hazel Salve, which quickly and
permanently cured him. It is eq ually
effective 1n eczema and all skin affec
tl ns. Charles Rogers.
1 A curious plan for catching fish is j
j on 1he Columbia river out west. ;
'A number of wheels are set up In the!
! middle of tne stream, wnich, as they !
turn around, catch, up the f sh and ;
"b the spring time comes, g.ntla j
Annie, like all other sensible persons. I
cleanse the liver and renovate
018 syetem w-tth DeWlttt's Little Early j
Kers, famous little pills Tor the liver
an1 stmat all the year round.
I Charles Rogers.
j When a cold Is contracted, cure 1:
:at once. One Minute Cough Cure will
set you on the road to recovery in
a minute. It w31 cur? pneumonia.
1 bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung
I 1 nose wno never neaxa 01 a. rariuii
swlmmim? before may be Interesterl In ,
this incl'le.nt: A Hath (Me.) irunner '
over in the Wiolwlch woods ari'l ,
w'"un'le'l a b. and ' "fore th
oould luring him down the llttl
had reached the river and had tc.v
im 1
ver W t-t b-fire a second
'ended his career.
shot had
'. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo writs
us that after sufferinK from piles for
seventeen years, he completely cured
them by using three boxes of ln Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema
;ind severe skin di-seanes. Chas. Rogers.
A Woodford county, Kentucky,
buys all the old broken-down hor:-es he
I rati get fr 11 a head, kills and skiiM I
th-m and feeds the lb-yh to th" hog-i. 1
! i
! P.ald h'-ads are becoming in , tre-
fluent airnong the middle aged. 1 hi
'an be prevented by the timely use ,f
j Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair , lie
'. newer.
In conseq uence of the remarkable
unanimity that prevails in Ireland on
the subject of financial relations, a
movement has been se.t on foot to
establish an Irish club in London,
v.-here Hibernians of all shades of re
ligious and political feeling could mwt
UfKn terms of absolute social equality.
Two yeans ago R. J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y.,
bought a small supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. He sums tip
the result as follows: "At that time j 3
the goods were unknown in this sec
tion; today Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy Is a household word." It Is the
same In hundreds of communities, t
Wherever the good qualities of Cham
berlain's CoughRemedy become known
the people will have nothing else. For
sale by Es tea-Conn Drug Co.
Which Cured Him ..iter Everything
Else Failed.
Painful disease are bad enough, but
when a nwui Is slowly wasting away
with nervous weakness, the mental
! .,. . n,h i. .. . i...
!.... , . . v. ....... ui iv.. . . h
I lip t'i mi, iiiviiuu ptiiieiiiia tnj in,!,.
Slevp Is nlmoat liuposslble, slid under
such a strain men are scarcely respon.
slide for what they do. For years the
. . - M1, , - .... lls1,1,..
, ...,,i ......t.,... ...on i .... .
' ...
t.ike a dose of poison and thus end all
his troubles. Hut piMvKletillul liiHplra
llon came to his aid In the tdmpe of a
iHinltniition of medicines that not only
completely restored the general health,
hut toilunrt! Mm wesJt. toiitkelitle.l nut (
i because 1 want every weskened man to
! , ,., K......iu ..ri,n,..
I am not a philanthropist, nor do I
rose as an enthusiast, but there are
In the 73 years of it exlstamv the
American. Suntlay Schmd I'nion hits
. roumb-d IW.'HH) scIi.hiIs. from which 6.
"Hi churches have sprung. iMst
T'Tin w.v. the t'nrolinas and ;.rv!a
TO t't'liE A I'OI.I) l DM, I V
Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablets.
All drUKKlsts refund the money If It
falls to cure. :io. For sale bv i-hu
Rogers, Druggist
It Is rather appropriate aft. r all that
the hea.lsnuui .f this .idmlnlstr.ul
should ,nie from ble,-dlng Kansas,
I'- t'-.i.r.. n
"tuiuoi lAiril 1 urv. A
CU re 110 pa)'. COT SHI at r,8
teS-Conn Drilff Store,
; Ergland .-nslsts of J'.uon.M) of arrep,
j Scotland I9.."'1ti,iwi) ,ind ln"and
1 000.
No people suffer so much from hys
lcal disabilities as those wh ise busi
ness requires little or no muscul ir - x
ertlon. The lack of exercise oau the
; liver to become sluggish ami ;he lesult
1 is constant Constipation, In.lU.-:In,
r P.IIIoUfness and Sick Headacii". To
prevent this take Simmons Liver Iteg
1 ulator; It keeps the liver acllv.. and
1 makes one's nmditlon as comfortable
'as those who have much exercise.
AboUt widow.
get married
vV,y yea- In France.
The latent results of pharmaceutical
science and the best modern ai'P'l
ancos ore availed of in rompounllng
Ayer's Carsapdllla. Hence, though
half-a-oentury in exls'anc a a iiiedi
cine, It Is fully abreast .if the nge In
all that goes u make it the standard
There are mow thtn im.m chlhl.en
In th.
national s-hi,o!s of (i'-nnany
who ntuttter
General and Nervous Dt-liiilv.
m'i fi'jn'" of
:il.., ... a 1
f r I x- :
' : r '.
M.' ! I
r?ml&': iiMi.r v t . " . ..ii.'i !..
ifeii li-tifv from W Stales
( 'ountrle. 8eml l',r -' t'; -I 1: )' . tt c
ij'aiuitioii and prouls, tiailud i. u ilul 1 Ii ce.
ERIE MEDICAL CO.. 3uf' alo, l. Y.
P j
4 QnrinTaMsf C 1 m m a t
cnv'T nnrn
3 The nitr Ppfail Sinre
al I t A.
Importers of Fine Dry Goods.
Monev can bfl navfd huvln from our
Linens, I;wii'-H' HultH, and all iry Goorii,
b urnltur. lious'mola (1'kkJh, Toyf Hiir-
3 ware, wan ra :r, urnimrivn, curpuiH,
UutfH, Table IJ;lIt;:icIM, fc
3 A if:iuiiiuiiy uiuHirai'-u cuiuiokuo 01
jaiHt KtyieH Mi:n& iree. jviati puniai caru p
3 wun your name nu nuurew;. ib wiu uc
wiui (Kbipaiu. t
A a corriAi f
9 UrbWlMUi fc
$8.00 for $4.95. I
firnnriitfi fiklrt. Ilrocudcd Kllk. new. t
lttrue i1I(tih. new dhtturn. lined and In- P
ttrllner). and velveteen binding, all alien. P
A worth iaoo, P
I FOR $4.95. E
ii E
C .... 7. ft rii El
H MMIHT. iHM 1 HillflHl f
1. lit, At, Al'VKRTIS K M K NTH,
Notice Js heivby given 1tuit lls imiiw
imm council propose t liuprovs 3!ld
ttvt from Frnjikllu awnuo t llarrl
son avvnue, lliuiis-m avenue from J:M
sliwt to stns't. H.'.t.H ni rout fixutt
llo.riis.iii r von ue to Irvng avenue, In
tluit imiiloix of the city of Astoria
known aa Adiiir'a Astoria. Said im
proveiiHiit to uwislst In grading said
sleivts to a width of Hit fert through
the center thertmf to their etabllshd
grades. iuid by planking the siuue to
A width of Hi feet thi-oiitih the ("enter
thonmf with now and sound llr planks
Inches, laid otic Inch apart, J it
aooonlantv with the plans and spec,
mentions and 01-dlun.mi-a in relation
The liijuls and pri'iulstvt umn whli-h
the special as.ssiueiit shnll U lovied
U defray the cls of mud lmpive
mOiit and tho dlstiiot embracing said
lmirov-monl and lands and promise
to be asseHwl herf r aiv hereby des
ignated as follows, to-wit
IW'iinlug at the noithwoHt cottier
of lot i In block 3:i. in Adair's lort of
l"PIT Astoria, which mlitt Is oit tho
ciulm line botwvon the AdaJr IV I. t
and the Shlvvly 1. L, t'., thence run
ning east along the north line of Mock
39 and 3S . the noi-tinMist ivnief of lm
3 In bUn k 3.1, thence south through
the con tor of block 3S to the t.rthTiKt
corn of lot t, block 11. thotti eivst
to the northeast corner of lot s. block
It. thence suth along the east lines
of lota S and 14 to the tuu-thenst ii-iwr
of M 1 in bhvk 11. tlu.nce oust along
the south line of the nlleynay tunning
through hkM'ka 41, 4.' and 1.5 to lbs
center of lot 36 In hi s-k 4:l. ilionoc
south through the center of lot 3 and
along the eaut I'.iio of lot ;'6 In block
43. and let 6 lit block M to the south
iast corner of lot 6. block W, Ihoncs
west to the s.utluast isirner of lot 4.
block 60. thonoo south along the east
linn of lots 15, 111, lio and Zl.
In block 60, to th northeast
corner of lot 31, in block 60, thenas
east along the north line of lots 30 a-nd
:"J to the nortlvtst corner f lot 39,
blH-k o, thenee south a'ong the east
line of lot :':. block o, anl lots 3 and
7 In block 67, to the southeast ornr
of lot ". bbs-k 67. thence mt along the
south boundary of block 67 and 6
to the muthuist i'ltior of lot 6. block
66, thence north thnugh the center of
block 66 to the southwest ortier of
lot 6. bloi-k 61. th'-n- wwt along the
south line of Mts-ks 61, 6.'. 6 p. tho
southwest corner of M 7. block 3.
ttiiloh 1 nt Is on the claim lino
tween the Shlvely and Ailalr 1. 1. C,
theiuv northorly along sji.M claim line
to the place of beginning, imntalnlng
3. 4, 5. 6, 7, block .19. lots
7. S. Mock 3, lots 3, 3. 4.
7. M.-k 40, .,ts 1, 3. 3, 4.
7. . i:, 16. 11. IS, 19.
33, 33, :4, 3a. '37, 3t,
31. 33. 33, 34. bl-wk 41. lots
4. 5. . 7. blo.-k 63. lots 1.
4, 5, 6. 7. , block .', lota
1, 3. 3 4, 5. . 7, . bl.H-k 61. lotn
5, , 7. S, bt.k lots 19. JO, 21,
22. 2J, 24. 23. 26. 3fi, b.-k 4:1. lots
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. 15. 16. 20
21. 29. 20, 31. 32. 33. 34, blork ,
lots 3. 4. fi. . block 66. lots I. 2.
7, S. block 67. in the port of I'pixt
.Vnbirla, us livid out mid r-oiiri.l by
John Adair, in Clatsop ixninty. Oiv
gon. Kstlmatnt of the exiien-'e of uch Im-proveiu-nt
and plant iuid p,'ltl, at Ions
of th1 locality to ! Improved
will be on (lie ill the otllco of the
uuilitiir and tllce Judge for public ex
amination. That at the next regular
meeting of the common oouncll, Rfur
10 days from the expiration of the
notice of such Improvement, to-wlt: on
Friday, May 7, 1S'J7. the sold common
council will nmsldor any objuttloiis to
such improvmnt Ix-lng male; ami If
a reiiionatranoe, slgmil by one-half of
th' propi-rty-oNvrMM's In the abovv-de-
Hcrlln'l dbrtriot, l IHml agiUimt such
Improvement in the otlloo of the audi
tor and ihiMiv Juilge befife said th
day of May, 1W, no mioh wirk or Im
porvemMit will lm made exoi-pt by the
conourTeni:1 of two-thirds of all tho
momlmr of th common oouncll eliit.
And unlii suoh reinormtrunco be filed,
tho common councl will order said Im
provement to ! made.
(ly onb-r of the Common Council.
Attest: II. Ni:i,S"N,
Auditor anil I'.ill. Judg,..
Astoria, Or,, April ", lsy7.
nillee (4 the Water f'ommUslitn, An
torlu, fireginn, April 7, I'.i7.
Notice I hereby given that Healed
liropoKalH will be p-oelvi-d at this ottlce
until 12 o'clH!k m May 1, IsW, for tho
viirioiid work iiini maierials n.'Q44ury
for the liiHtalilng of a nlxty iflu) arc
l!;;lit plnnt, to be opetat.d by an Im
pulse water wheel, and owned by the
mil nlflpality.
I'lopoMals tn nut iinule on printed
forms supplied by the clerk of the
commlHslon, ami in fun luwrrd-Lvioe
therewith, and mint he nccompanled
!iy a rciilfled chock of dxpoHit In an
amount equal to ten i(ij M-r cent of
the aggregate amount bid, made pay
able to the clerk of the Astoria. Water
Implicates iif bids and uccoinMUiylng
'pecllled j.lfinx shall lie llhd at the
oflloe of the i-nglneetr on or Ix-fore the
late previously mentioned. 1'lans and
specifications can he sei-n either at the
olllce f thto oommisriUm, or at the
olllce of the engineer.
W. W. I'AllKKIt, CJiiUrman.
II. O. VAN UUHE.V, Clerk.
AllTIIUH L. ADAMH, Engineer.
401 Cal. Ht., H. F Cal.
It may be that the Mlsslppl river
was merely rtnlng to call attention to
It desire f(r an increased appropria
tion. In going to the gold standard -tussla
and Japan wem to have rn.lsundarsi.iod
Hunator Wolcott'h mission abroad.
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. mul McKce Ave.
Qood Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
48 a Bond Street.
Revifeil ami t'vmeiml every Friday)
list .411.111 tllll 4SI ttlMK
rivHiVooi "
llr ulp Hlylh.wixhl ,
H' hlti 1 lieu le .
SKW. Asll.g. N. H. w.
Hi hl t.isiislvaii
Hr '.ark "ri(roa
A M'. Kill'
Mr )rk 1 iintbtiaiti
Hr lili'Kiiiihro.i 11.1 .. ... . , .
llr i'ik .Vie in , . .
Hani. Hun In InsI- It, til,
Total ituinsse on Hie r IdiUi
tmm. 1 .a i . 11 1 u 1,
CtTSaflnaiaiai alMnMh.M.Hj M-l,.rMai,ill -r k iana.
TTia rraaon ara hoi rnrint by lierinm la (Mauaa ritnaly pat fan! ftf Irratta tll
f r tmlllla. I'dl'l lKN Kialhaaaiir Inoai raainly ! run iohkii an vmui. aiuiaiiva
Jia A arrilifasaarantmiffivaaaiiilBtiinaf ruiirnal If ai boata v rH tuwi a pmuiaMtitsufai
UJOatxit.ali (i,r&ui,ty mail. wihI lur raaanrruUf ainl tunumiaja,
Aiklnas Da Vol, DltlMB .X V. tt Iku r saa rtawtea, fat vWk
C1IA8 UOtlEKS, 461 Commsrclsl Htroat.
PinriS,lt f,.r fr.h l.f and
fm7h mutton: otllfe CMef ('oinmls
miry, Vam-uvrr lliunirks, Wash .
April I. IVJ7. Heoje.l pr-uiaU, In trip
llmt will hr rn-eivnl Iktv and at
ltlo.n of Ciiiiiiilroirl al foUwlng
name.! (fur freh Uef iuid fcnh
mutton to tw dollvired at that Iiost
only), until 12 o'olock n.. May U
1197. th.-n oiH-nml. for fiirtilshtiig and
dellviTy to sublstotiw doartment, U.
S. artny. tho fresh l'f nd fresh mut.
toil cajleil fr by the t'ommlnmu-y al
liont to lx suppllnl during all montlis.
commencing July 1. IH'.i"; Itolae liar
racks and Kort Slu-rmruv. blnjio; Korts
Caiiby, Spokat'. Walla WnlU amid
Vancouver IWurarka, Wh. Kreah
beef shall le gno.1 In quality and con
dition fit f r Immediate tts, ami from
fore and hlrul iiuiuIit im-ats propor
tionally. Including all lt ruts there
of. Prenh mutton sluill l" of goil,
fat ami market 11 1 He ijuiiJIty, from
wethers ovit 0110 iuid under threo
year old. Iu-,-f and muttim t b
drin!ed and trlmiiuil and dcUvrrxt in
bulk, as prrtlil In circular irf In-
(ructions to Udders I'ropoaat will
te aJt r,d,l stntli4g prliftiit which
bidder will deliver frwsh Iteef or mutton
of character above stated, and to be
delivered of temporal urv not greater
than M ib-grrx Fehrenholt. Clovern
morit nn-rves right to r-J-t tho
whole or any part of any or all bid.
Information furnished here, or by
Commlmary at the several o(. En
velope containing ropoil aliould
be marked "I'niposals for Knh Ut
(or Mutton) at ," and Sjldresaed
to underMlgnt-)! or to CimimlsAu-y at
jts to I hi supplied. V. II. Nash,
Llcut.-Col., A. C. O. 8.
A Handsome Complexion
ia one of thn groatcat rlitrma a woman ran
poaaoaa i'uaauMI'a C'omi-uxium Puwuaa
iaa It.
Jr4a1- SO VtA'
taaahjai. XPIRIINOC.
TwAna; himl
Pra..a DISIOM8,
Anrnni "ending a akalrh anil flearrlpflon maf
qulrklf aai'Mrlaln, frua, wlmllier an ltmhlliin la
prolialilr ialitilnlila. rnmtiitiiili'atliilia alrlrtlf
CMinlliliirillal. Olileal wancy fnnuM'tinn ialnliUI
In Aniflrlra. IVu iiava a WalilliKlnn oHIra.
I'atmita laknn lliniUMb Munu a Cu. recalrs
pacla, uotliMi ill the
bxailllt tllr lltont rnt.-.l. tnrirn.t (rlrenlatlun r,i
iir Ri'iniolte linirii .1, ariieki y, lerniH floi a rnari
I.VU.u iiiniifli.. 1 1111.11 inili.a anil ilaMll
Uoos US I' A TKXTH aunt lino. Aililruas
301 llroailnay. New York.
Cavcati, and Trade-Marks obMlnrdsnd all fai-J
cnt buinrconducied l MooisaTC tit.
Ous Ornct is Opposite 0. S. ParisTOrr ict j
and oe can arr ure jialrnl in kee tuna Uian Uiuacl
rn.,.M (mm Wamhiiitf lim. i
Send model, drawing or photo., with dearrlp-1
lion. Wo adviae, it patrm.Ma or not, tree of
charge. Our lea not due till patent la arrun-d. j
a pamphlet, u How to Obtain I'atenta," wlthl
roat ol aaine in tha V. S. and tureiga cuuntiieil
ent iree. Addreaa,
Osr. pats nt Orriet. Washihoton, 0. 0.
Beaver Hill and
Gilman Coal
...Try It
For Family or
Steam Purposes.
Agents, Aatorla.
Sitiinlt'ii dii thoHouth nido
of AtrlaH liilln.
Twi-nty tlogiwH wuriniT
niitl vop'tatiou 150 ilnyH in
atlvaiico of tho North nklo.
Mngnillft'iit Hilt'H for it
Moni'OH, tivorlookinj; river
ami hay, sunny aiut hol
to rot I.
Kasy mul natural gnuloHj
littlo or no nuliiin nootloil.
I'll A I
ILillni r. thulirlK O
n;i uu.ti
), Ul.U.w ('
tavler. Y"ie '
I loin
Hani. Mm III lo It VJ.
m lll,no' UitiiHM rmmh 1'iiyisrUit. Will qutrklr itji ul nil nr
Ttma or Qw'iw fi iMriiti itrvui. M n txmi niintL
liwittiila. l alualtt 111 iA.'.,naniltiaJ MnUal..!. JVievuoa Ivl.ll,n
I'lntHva. I'liAlna! kt Mafrr. Mliauvtln Pratt V.rlrtr.1. a4, It iiiia all Iimm li er nwiil l'i iuk s-
n.u iTa'dan , 7l.Vtt II not eltrfc Imui In Spf malnrrtuM. an4
all Ilia Imputanrr. I ItKSj r. I'lfWMa UMlitM, Ut
klJnavaajid tha urinary raniJ ail LmiHirlliaa
1 A SPECIALTY u);.:,
Iilarf til li:l I'tMHOM paraiaitaMlf
.unKlmlMiiMUaia. v.utiant.oaitwia
ll at. r r aama .f e un.ltir laaia k uara
Iv. If .il urvfi.r Iiio.iu. bra . alllaA,
'a'eii'nartfci m railreail faiaaiul b 'lal bllla and
th 'harff. if wafaill.ii-ura If fnaha.auaan mar
1 tirv, Imllila fHilaalt, a4 anil ha., arhaa .ml
I.itw, luoouarat'liiitiiiiiutti, Hurat hrtaat.
'Iinplra, (iiiKr t'eloft HMila, I Irara ua
an iilut iha l.-lf. II air or Kjl.rna (King
jul. It M Ilia Hrli,lar III.IMIII I'ltlHOM
! ttarautiour. w.iiUi.ovm,ioIU-
1 ,ic la 1 aaa ami rhallenia III world fur
1 ttriciannol rurti. 1 tita diieaa 114a aiaara
banieit tliaaaill ! Uiainu.1 nana mi bral-
I tea- s),ino.ui" eat-itai naiiitiq our um.tMlw
ikinnl (Vaiauir. AIiImi proe'a arm k.m 1
. i .l.iam. Aiklo NA 1(1 Ml lltf CO.
xl Uaaoitia T.uuila, 4.U1CAOU, ILL.
m am aan anrannaas
rm-Jr f..r 1,-ia.irrkwa,
1. Hf.raialirliiaa,
hiiM. a
a a a 1 a r a 1 41
"ftara-a, iir anv IbR.mat.
ll..n. loliall.. r ul.-ia-
imuMiaia ll.-n ut i a.a.
fmlC-l 'n Cn. '. aairiaaaai.
-...m o P?J Drvaslata,
4 . jf" or a-ftl la alala vraaaar,
IaVW rr-a. (u
SrV B t1 "' "' ' i-o. M n.
I Ocular am ua rauuaal.
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounct'd bv Phynicians the
moHt Favorahle in America
for hufllTers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
Th. obltntlona ur-d aaalnal India la
I th. past by tha larga numbers who
otnarwu. would have been glad to tak.
advantage of Its bennfli'lal climate, has
bn a lack of aultahla aocommodatlon.
Th. Houlhern I'arlrto Company takes
pleaaur. In announcing that several
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hav. Just been erected at India station,
that will Im rented to antillmnta at rea
aonablo rates. They are fiiriilnhnd with
j modern convenient, auppllrd with pur.
arimian water ana ao situated as to give
occupants all tha advantages to ha de
rived from a more or lea, protracted
rNlduno r this delightful climate.
(I''rnm the Ban Krani'taco Argonaut.)
"In the heart of th. great doeert of th.
Colorado which the Houlhern l'anlflo
faveri-therj la an oasis called lndlo,
which, In our opinion, la th aanltarlum
of the earth. We bellovo, from personal
Invest Igation, that for certain Individuals,
there Is no spot on this planet so favor
able." O. T. Btewart. M D., writes: "Th.
purity of th. air, and ths sternal aun
shln., fill on. with wonder and delight.
. . Naturf has accomplished so
much that ther remains but llttl. for
man to do. As to Its possibilities aa a
health reeort-here Is th. moat perfect
sunshln., with a temperature always
pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain la
n unknown factor; purs oiygen, dens,
atmospher. and pur. water. What mora
can be deal red? it th. pines, abort
all, for lung troubles, and a para
dls. for rhsumatka Consld.rlng th.
number of sufferers who hav. boea
cured. I hav. no heeltancy In reoom
mending this rnlal oasis as th. havo
of th. afflicted."
f fit, 1 u...
M'J llwai
M mm m a-, t.
Ia 61a mileB from
and 130 miles from
Fire from Los Angeles $3.00