THE DAILY AST0K1AN, SUNDAY MORNINU. Al'ltUd., 18U7. gaily otovimn JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TERMS Or SVBSCRIPrrOM. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year Bent by trial 1, per month Served by carrier, per month.. ...oo .. .50 .. .45 WEEKLY. Bant y mall, per year St In advance. Pontage free to subscriber. Alt communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Buniness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to its sub scribers the largest circulation of any aewnpaper published on the Columbia river. for a ntpht, but a. nwrble wall that shall defy the tomorrow of centuries to cvxne. He does It all. truntlng and belkvltiR, taking no more thought for the niwv ttnw h tkm for today. Therefore, he works today contldent ly, and gtors all hin rk pormn nsnce. H pUw and plants today, heoaum ve know thtre will be a fu ture harvt. Did he take thought for the drought atut the blight and the tArm of totnomw, ho would gafhr no harvest In the autumn. He (wv.1.1 his Hhlw away around the wvvlj. nung the- danavr of the tides, the winds, the waves, and the tlivs, because he tak no thought for the mrrvv, but trtfata that lonior-! question whether he had not better rw'a duty and care will be r ' d w f ,,u' " FREE TO EVERY HAN THE METHODS OF A GKKAT TREATMENT KOR WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Him itr Everything Else Failed. Talnful disease are bad enough, but when a man is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness, the mental forebodings are ten time worse than the moat severe pain. There I no let up to the mental suffering day or night. Sleep Is almost Impossible, and under such a strain men are scarcely respon sible for what they do. For years the writer rolld and tossed on the troubled sea of sexual weakness until it was a a to.lay's have txw. He builds his his troubles. Hut providential Inspira tion came to his aid in the shape of a lighthouses on the oo.t so that to- lxinblnatlon of medicines that not only morrow, as today, the vhi.e-iii;ed completely restored the general health, wanderers of the m.v .-.,,. but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts ioHlnr U Jis taven. He founds his Advertising rate can oe nail on appii- j tlmcdcfvlmr tnii'nii,,o ,.r ,,,. i . , , ... , , .. . ... . . ... j iuiie-ui rj ing imiu.uuons or g ern-, tnt, trouble to send his name and ad- intent. hrarnl.-u?. n.n.1 r..l irinn Lhm.iv The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has. rows, for when he cannot, and only the gvod God can and will take LEGAL ADVKHTISK.MKNTS, But to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. ! to natural slse and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take ment, learning, and rvligton, Ixvtuse 1 dress may have the method of this won he calmly behVvw in million morJ J,,rtul treatment free. Now when I ay free I mean absolutely without coat, because I want every weakened man to John F. Handley & Co. sire our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan an be had every morning at their stand, 124 Third street , Te "Aetorlaa" hereby offers to doaate ONEIHI'NUKED DOLLARS to 8U Mary's eepltal. payable on demand to Father Melaaaa, whenever legml evldenee Is pro daood ehewlag laal any aftoraooa aew paper published la Astoria has printed within the las ninety das aspiring be fore this offer a stngto "special" or Uaor kind of "telegraphic press report," iweelveei over th wires entering either f the telegraph ofleos la Astoria, froas nay point entslde of Oregon. Aetorta, Or., October 1ft. IBM, A MISUNDERSTOOD TEXT. We mot the richer day. In a paper not counted infidel, the quotation. "Take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take .thought for the things of Itself, followed by some such flippexit remarks as that "it is wetl farmers, merchants, sailors and practical people generally, do not fol low tins advice, otherwise we should be as badly off as the savages." This flippant and blasphemous pneer was afterwards quoted by one of our religious exchange, and some small erlticfcsn was made upon the misap prehension of the meaning of the Phrase, "Take no thought." It was aid by ithis writer to mean, "take no anxious thought," or something to that effect We do not think the Master's word needs any such defense. The sneer aitaia as much from ignorance of the i world as from ignorance of His aaysng. That speech goes goes down tnto Kite depth of life and human na ture, and reveals the very ground upon get the benefit of my experience. 1 am not a philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are j thought. Nay, it J the caJin confidence ft the future, the taking no thought for th thousands of men suffering the mental 'tortures of weakened manhood who morrow, the leaving to morrow': u cureJ t M they but things to Itself, its work, its qutons, I et guch remedy as the one that its dajagvrs, tta battles, its sad defeats, perhaps), n .pure confidence tn the great Hands that guide the ages; it is the faithful, hopeful doing of today's work, the fighting out to the bitter end today's battles, that lies at the root of civilisation, and makes its dif ference from savagvry. Faith la the foundation of power. The world might teach a thinking njan that, if he found H no whrre else. The man who believes that the high cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mail the Informa tion, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happiness to moat of ua Write to Thomas Slater. Box JSS, Kalamasoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed envelope. Only one marble statue of the hu man figure with cyelaflhes let known. God rules the agea. and under tha'.It to one of' the genw Df the Vatican, great faith does the little or great of , the Shvping Ariadne, and was found today's duty, certainly trusting thai God will care for him and it ou the morrow, is the man who i'it works Chat will stand. The nation that to In 1503. TO t'l'KK A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tableta All druggists refund the money If It does its duty, with so.nethini? f the; falls to cure. 25c For sale by Chaa. same faith, even though it be ur.-! Rogers. Druggist. conscious, is the nation that lay foundations fr a thousand years of tomorrow. Our Lord wa announcing the watch word, not only of Christian conquest, but of the conquest of civilization, when he said: "Take, therefare. n- thought for the morrow : for the mor row shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto th? day is the eva thereof. The owners of a Colorado sawmill started a well to supply water for their engine, and at a depth of six tn fet struck pay ore, and will have a mine txiHtead of a wejl. CANADIAN RETALIATION. Use Webfoot Corn I'nre. No care no pay. For sale at Es tes-Conn Drue Store. A monument is to he erected at the Devil's Bridge on the Kiothard road In Swltxerland in memory of the Rus sians who perished there in 1798. No people suffer so much from phys- Toledo Blade. I The immigration bill, which will doubtless pass congmts at the extra J!cal disabilities as those whose bust session, has aroused the ire of the Ca- I neas requires little or no muscular i anrt n n ' eition. The lack of exercise aii9M the whir-R i4vl1rfilln. TV .v..t I 1 v 1 i . . . y'"4 ! ing KJ retaliate. The Beetkm which Hvr to become sluggish and the result low ear it conveys what was in the ,' has aroused the wrath of our brethrvn ! ls constant Constipation, Indirection, shallow mind that penned the sr.eer jacrosa the border is that which makes i Biliousness and Sick Headac:i. To above. To the thoughtful mind it Is' unlawful for any alien who has not ; Prevent this take Simmons Liver Reg the word of Him who knows all that In good faith made d-iaratin In ie-iu,a'-or: ,l keps the liver acllv: and Just because the civilized ma no thought for the morrow that he ' leal form of hU ntanrm t, t.,,m 'makes one's condition as comfortable is in man. Fur it Just because cttilrtl of ,he t-nlted Sta,lvet -io las those who have muoh exercise, the savage takes thought for the mor- i employed on any public works of the! row that he remains a savage, arul 1 United States or to cme regularly or Sunday work Is froftvne.1 on by the n takes habitua"y mto the Vniui States for Photographers' I niun of Mich.fc-an. I the purpose of engaging in any me- ' 11 wants all tne gaJienes to oe cioseu cnankai trade or manual laoor'on the Saihath, usually the birAest nas oecome ana remains civilized. .rages or salary, returning from time;day for tht! lnen ot the camera. The savage believes enly in today. 'to time to a foneigncrtintry." The future to him has no fixity Th ! Thte n is aimed ait Mex! .ans : The latest results of pharmaceutical world Is tv governed by a God ofai,(1 C- tatr. of t vurse. j -cince and the best modern app-l- i largely predominating who. living ances are availed of In compounllng law. but by eva and capricious pow- ,he bfTd(T daH or , Ayer-, Sareapdllla. Hence, though era. His life is one of uncertainty and the line, as at Detroit and armg the ! half-a-century in existence a-J a niedi- Tlolence. What h? has now is his New England boundary, to work In ' ctre. It is fully abreast of the nge in own. He can enjoy It now. He Is th? mills of the I'nited States. It a'l that goes to make It the standard will also compel thouands of Caia-'. blood-purifier. idians In southern New Fngland to dV- : He greadily grasps and devours the ciare Intentions of cUJzenshi p. or here. The educational and organization good of the moment, becajise h- takes! after stay at home. Holy,ke, Chico-i meetings Inaugurated by the Trade thought for tfli? next as a thing alt"-;!'' FaU Riw. 'Manchester, Lowell ! a-id Lab-- Assembly fit the Twin !an-l vYi cw mo n -1 . ,.itt. . t Vt a t-. un at 1 1 Uavf 1 1 1 a rt 1 gather in the power of evM chinces. " """" "us nave great numbers of this class who are be continued IfKleflnltely. :vjt ciUzens, and who go and ome 10 And so taking thonght f-5r the mur- j row as so1T.ethlng that he has nt cer-j8.nd from Canala perio-Jicaily. tainty about, as for a tiling that may' The first retaliatory movement! be or may not be. as th.- evil nowers ' as might naturally be exi t-: will, he neither builds nor plants, makes no ventures for the future. H- ;ed, frm the Canadian town of Wind- isor, which Is dlrtly across th' L" , fr m Dti-j'oit, rlvrr A large piTtn;a;re of His thought about H seirei .h'm so'Detrcrtt. crj(vlng the river morning And thus'an'1 veluI"f to a;d from the r,la. f savage, living f rvjm , ... .., . - , adopted an ordinani; prohibiting the that he do nothln? for it. he remains a nana w mouin. empiojinent on. her publi; works of a The civilized man, on the other Workman whj hai no. iv.-iH ui hin liaind, believes that which has been ht,r Unvits for six months continuously, will be. He has seen into the onl,r- rjrevl "Js U' Buch ''mi'l' yrneivt. Th !lnd.r xjunil ha. al-so meni.iHal rng of nature and the divine harmony .. )K. ii, , . . ized the Io minion government to p;is of life so far, that he has faith In an act prohibiting the "mploylmj ..f that order and harmony for the mor-ali'ii airtisanB and mf.-hani-. in Can- iMW VIGOR (SCe MORE In harmon v with the world, 2XK! completely cared mua an auigiQK nappy praines ro; iDe greauni, granu est and mtmt si:. cesaf ul cure for snx tial weakness au I iofctvlfror known ti mellcal science. An accouatcf thisw dirul dUmmtry, In bKk form, with ref erenct and proofs, will benefit to sitf. .'"ring men (sealed) fr. Full rxwn'.y viif?r ;vruiaaeDtly rcsuirol. Failurs UuvmuWi'.- ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. i it'll 'trr " n ala. I The swrti m of the bill which has aroud Canuck wrath Ih a projr row iS he has for to lay. H-? is firmly confident In the Immutability of ihe c,,uok it.. nv-asure tor the protection of w,rk- st, rains will fall, and dews and seed ingmein who are American rir.lze.iS, Mrne will o me, and harvest. His homei'hose sarins are InveKt-d here, wh wlU be his own. guarded by the sanc-i' taxea fere and b"ar iMr !-' 'P -r-. . ... . .. tionate share of the public burdens. tkins of law. Hte goods will be his . , .. , jThe Wincwir ordinance Is mere child s own to enjoy, ehtolded by the sword py, la not m(, American who of Justice HSs morrow, if he llveyj seeks work im Canada to me hundrel will be in all tfhese respects as secure Canadians employed on this side of a. his today Therefore, he takes no? ' by Can- 'ada, either by the Domrlnlcm govern thought for tt He rests, and Is confl-jment w by cltleB w,u ,nfcff derrrt tn 11 le security of a divinely vts because it does rirut touch Amer guidwdl and guarded world. He be-'leans. Wages are higher, the opixr- Ueves that Justice and righteousness tunU' for ,abor 8X6 m"re abundarU and God are supreme and will prevail. bo ne 1WK.B anCTuj ana .y up lor me IO CVHK A COLD IS ONE DAI, morrow. He plants orchards, of which; Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta. his greaJt-grandchildren may eat He!A" druggists refund the money if It I tans to cure. Z5c. For sale by Chaa. siuiiuumiiiimiumiuiuliuiiuuuuiutf a a a CI OUR CATALOGUE Springand Summer SENT FREE. The Big: Retail Store of the West. than in Canada. builds houses thai may shelter his de scendants when he has been dead for EWterationB. He works, not for him self, but for the race; not for today, tot for all time. He constructs not a flimsy wigwam, to shelter himself Rogers, Druggist. OABTOniA. Importers of Fine Dry Goods. Money can b saved buyiiiir from our CuUiloiiifi of Dress Goods, billot. Loces, LlnenN, Ladp' Suits, and all Dry OoodM, Furniture, iiouw.hokl OixxSh, Toys, ilanl ware, Wall paper, PraptrleH, Carpetii, Kutfs, Table l :llcaclH, eta A beautifully illustrated caUloirue of latest Htjfles sent free. MfH postal card with your name and address, it will be seat poHtpald. A SPECIAL. $8.00 for $4.95. Kuirt. Hrocaded 811k. new. larie deslTM, new shapes, lined and In terlined, and velreteen binding, all sizes, worth (B.00, FOR $4.95. THTTnmTiTnnnnTTTTWiinffnnTnmTi 8TKKET 1 M PHOV KM ENT NOTICE. Nitlc is IwMvby glvi tlwvt tl cotiv mon council propo' to mirov tM stixvt frotu Franklin avetttM to Ilarrl sn avenues llarriin avenue from tS stivot to SfitU strwt, S"tii attxt from llivrrlvn avnnue to lrvtur wiui, tn thiU inrtUn' oi the Wty of Atrla known as Ada-lr'a Atttorla. riKl im invvonxtt to txvnsist In grmllng said stitvts to a width of 30 ft through the eontor thervf to tlu-ir establlshd gritdoH, and by phuiktng the same to a width of 1 fvt through the iHMtter thonvf ulth new aiul round tir pliuiks tnclk-s. Wild one Inch apart, in aotvrdamv with the plans and hv- lilcatlonH and onllnaiuvs In relation thereto. The huids and ptvmlvi n whl the spviiil nssxHKiiii'nt shall N lvviM to defray the ts of siUd inipiv tuottt and the lis(riot enibruiing sabl Iniprwinnt and lands and pivoil to Ih a-d therefor ar' hereby di' Ignuted as follows, to-wit !.-tiiuiiur at the north went iinier of lt i In bl.vk SH. in Adair's lrt of Tpix-r Astoria, which i-olnt I on (he claim line between the Adair l. I ami the Shlvely P. U C. thuv run nlng east along the twtrth line of blocks S3 and 3S to tlw tm-t1iwt cniv if U 3 In bloik .ts, thence south tlirough the ranter of bUtck JS to th nrtheM comwr of kt . blo-k 41, thtyKe east to the northeast corner of lot 8, Mock 41, thence south along the east lines of lots ft and 14 to the nortlwoot mrner of kt 1 In block 41. tlutue rast along the south line of tlw alleyway runnltvg through blocks 41. 43 and 43 to the ivntvr of lot 3 In bkvk t;t, thence south through the ivnter of lot 34 and along the eot line of lot it In I loc 43, and lot In block 60 to the soul east corner of lot . block 6rt, thence west to the southeast corner of lot 4, block to, thence south along the eaa line of lota IS, U. :i aid 21 In bkx-k 60, to the northeast corner of ht 31, in bUn-k 60. thence east along the north line of lots 30 and 29 to the northeast comer of lot 19 block 60. thence south along the east line of lot 29. block 60, and lots and T in block 67, to the xouthoovrt corner of lot 7. block 67, thence w.nt along the south boundary of Mocks 67 and 66 to the smthwt corner of lot 6. M.e 66, thence north through the center of block 66 to the southwest iiTtvr of lot 6. block 61. th-niv went along the south Hue of blocks 61. 6'.'. 63 to the southwest corner of lot 7. hlm-k 63 which ixMut Is on the claim line be twecn the Shlvely and Adair P. I,. C themie norttwly along said claim line to the place of beginning, containing lots 2, 3, 4. S. 6, 7. block 39. lots 1. 2. 7. 8. block 3S, lots I. J. 5. 6. 7, Mock 40. lots 1. 2. 3. 5, , 7, 8, 15, 16. 11, IS. 19, L'O, 21. 22, 23. 21. 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30. 31, 32, 33. 34. blink 41. lots 2, 3. 4, 5. . 7. block 63, lot 1 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. block (2, lots 1. 2. 3 4, 5. . 7. 8. block 61. lot 5, 6. 7, 8, block 42. lots 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 36. block 43, liU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15. 16. 20 21. 29, SO, 31, 32, 33, 34, Mock 60, lots 3. 4. 5. 6. block 66. lots 1. 7. 8, block 67. In the port of I'pper Astiiria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, in Clatsop county. Or. gon. Estimates of the expene of such Inv provem-tit and plans and specification of the locality to be Improved will be on tile in the ntlloe of the auditor and police Judge for publlo ex amlnallon. That at the next regular meeting of the common council, after 10 days from the expiration of the notice of such improvement, to-wit: on Friday, May 7, 1897. the said common council will on Hi. lor any objections to such improveirrumt being made; ami If a remonstrance, signed by one-half of the property-owners in the a.bove-de scrlbwd district, be filed against such improvement In the office of the audi tor and police Judge before said 7th day of May, WJ1, no such work or Im- porvement will be made except by the concurrence of two-thirds erf all the memljorK of the common council elect. And unless such remonstrance le filed the common oouncl will order said Im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: II. K. NKI,SO.V, Auditor and I"lloe Judge. Astoria. Or, April 5, Ml. OUTWARD HOUND ORliGON GRAIN FLKMT-lSiMJ-?. (KiotliMhl and Onrrm-txtl srsry frlilsy) 8ed. SAII.MI.I MAO. Allium .1 Am tmtk.. , ll'tior lilp.,., Jv llr hli SI lir.lilii 7ltrlli. 14 Hr Iviii , Wlirlili J.N..rl.ili 'J Fr twtk., ... tVlbr Alrlik NMr.lllW .... K lir Uik...... Mir atuii v Hr trk ti Urtmik !Mlrlil li Mr I'Hik. IKiHr lili (i, r Sluii JS llr Imrk Aijurplup '.l!lu ls,k Hr t'rtrfc . llr li NAM.., .'Solium .... t'MUV ....... ,.,.j!iitlierlsiidalilii'l . . . CUomitiinsiiahlit't ., HnMUUI'UI Msrl.n.l Aiittoi'S I'iiunore IhiUiiiuh IIii . Suue Uinl Shiitiwiliiirv Krleour ClrilexUle... !tliill -tn-aiti m . .. tlli' ..illrviihllils. ,Mitelnrvii 1 . lilleltttlttto ., . Hoiirlcite ' lell ,. I iHitoisriii ... AHdr.iU ... aUorm 4 ntle 'Ji llr ti ll Kiel Nov, Allrh'irk. KlellM KillU ELECTIUO LKUIT NOTICE CONTRACTORS. TO Of!l of the Water CommlsHlon, Ak brla, fn-egon, April 7, H'J. Notice is hereby given tliat wwiled proposals will be rwjelvwl at this olllce until 12 o'clock in., May 1, ISO", for the various work and maU-rials nee-uary for the liiHialllng of u nixty arc lli-rht plant, to l- operated by an Im pulse water whi-l, and owned by the nunlciitality. I'roiMysalM rnut le rmule on printed frniH nuppli-l by the clerk of the commission, arid In full ai' therewith, and mu't le aceomianlel by a certlfbfl cheek of deiosit In an amount eo,ua! to ten (Hi) pr cent of the aggregate amount bid, made pay able- to tlx; clerk of the Amoria Water Com minion. Duplicates of bids and accompanying ipwiflwl plans shall be filed at the office of the engineer on or before the Jate previously mentioned. Plans and specifications can be se.-n either at the office of this ojrnmlsKlon, or at the office of the engineer. W. W. PARKER, Chairman. II. G. VAN DUBEN, Clerk, ARTHUR L. ADAMS, Engineer. 401 Cal. St., S. P., Cal. NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that all quar terly licenses are now due and payable to the Chief of Police at his offloe, and if not paid within ten days from date of this notice, a penalty of 25 percent additional will be charged. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., April 1, 1897. Iec. Jan. Fell II llr uliui. ii Hi hli llr ship llr lii ;lll llln Hi III liark .. . to llr lili ... til llr h.rk Itiltrlwll IT tlrihlu ... I .l lr IUi It, lit liti... 3i llr Mile a i-lr ship. Jl Hr Urk :i llr h.rk. .'I Hr trk . .H ur .hlii ... . '.K Mr LurV ... . Ilrt.ik ... Hr lrk ii ur b,rk.. I . Hr hln....n la llr altlp ... ."J Her tmrk I- Hr llii 17 Hr hii 17 r nun a llr Urk :v tir lii tl urihlp ... J Hr ihii iMIr iluiv. . JV Hr hjk . nr ihlp SHr.hli. HriMirk.- JHr !iln Hrhrk , l.tHrburk . 1 Mr ihip il Hrhli .. ."J Hr lmrk -M rlr.hlii . ... II Hrmilp 17 Hr trk . . Hrtmrk . ... .... Hr burk A' lieftley . Kulwmsi Mrlliwrll ., piirhriilr' - ,, Simliuv, Il o l hi . . tlriitul ,. 'lirliufnnl m .. Ml, .l,l .... H u lJ-e ,, Miltutope , IVlpti - . IVhllirillra . Im hi'm iiiM'k . I imli'ii I'ulUlllH'll I nlailiile .. 'i urul. . , - kt'tiwut, I'SI'llI ,i r tl.'l , I rrieiiii .I'eiieveiniu'. Jltio l 'l oh c iM(Ui'e .M'ii. el ll.idillhtoll.. Y.ll.irl (i kinlirUii l'rluM , ,-Zunoa limutii II III i.,lur KiNkiium il. w. Wolff Kollo Hnwkli rliaiu "ion 1...I.I KIkiu iniiiiieirun Miilw Iti(lu"ii t'ere-l....... 1-jmme.t. Mh oall H.T.WHIII Hum. ui lUll Mn. lollmul.ll iitiiilull.. lrviwlnth fitille llfKlhilelil T 01 KSI roH vm VI.illvo.tonk JU Hurt N.Ul,... .Mi l,tvriiiii Ik.' Alsa Hr. IM) fork I wn MIS .t,MM. . J-JM llllll 14 iiiiiiiiiiiimMiKM l.'I'l Slll.lti.. AT. mi IrVW1 lirrsl IHW urn U.. .. JI.1 . l:ir Cork ... Il " tnen " v. . . '.'4 " ' ., ... IMiT ' ... WW " w " . Kwl fork , im " . uui wMi ...'JIKl l,lerpKif" ' . lit'iM'iirk .. ItAM'ork . IsiT t'urtt , . ... .'HR fork ... UO fork 'J im fork . ins ('oik . . iwaiNiik IM I'ljrmoulh Iit .ik .. ... lir;i Iturhnu ....... Jlt'irk iim; u HwJ " I x: Kitlmouih. ,. Wvs.Wa mouth. . HuVOiirk t.MMVik . lt'irk ..oa.ii'ioa lWi',k ,i"i..rk ..lUDVCslmnuth. . l'.ViKliiiiuiih ..m.I ., Irj l.l.rtiL ... m K.lmuuili...., ,. IMkfslmoiith' itufti Hililul ,.( Cwi'nrk ur.r.iineiiui .. ll ork . li7V..tnii Africa IT7J fork .. . I J i or . v Cork . Itci Ali !,... lA Hsy. . UMi'i.rk I1 ' .ilr-ll' ' jlllti " ! " - .li'.'i AMHIV iiiil Ni'iV.'Sm!" leo, 1 N J Jail IH '. Krb I Jnii at " .10 Kr-b,,., " 14 . . . Mureh l .... b Ik .lull Ht .., Feb l .., M.rt h II.. M.rrli II .. Fell It) Mr. h Fob M March 'it . Msie'li'l"."!! " lo.... " 1.1.,.. Feb M.lWl tl .'tl A II HH.iMrt .1,11 i.l.) It, Ml Tf.trt K 41. "it 7S.4UI r r,, I,IIU.1 lu,; 4fi ii,iii K.'.IUI lU.txi M.UJI I. 1.IMA It M.t tl.vw M.:i It,ui7 J.I ih.;i II4.IU7 Ki,.tH Ho.tmi ,7I7 (ai,.1ll T W.wul K'.lnn II. JW M.lHi J4.IIU u.rjj .4.1 V7J M.iWJ Uit i:,r7 ;.ii7 41. 74iM 1' K 7l ; .,0 I l.u M,yn I. 4H.UO M Al M NB1.1.VS 0 (VJ-mi Tu.vo i,m VAl.l'B, ""Tli,il Jtl,l ' ".! ' 1 1, ml 7mio "ii,io.i 7H,U siili'l'KSm PiVrlliiiiil Kliiut Mill. . Hlb.oii A Kerr lUllniir, tliillirlss Ci J H Csmoniil t - .. ... .1...I..I. M I In niuiMiii't""""- MMi'iiit A krr I'urtlriKl Flour Mil lulloiir. Outline a I'u , s it rsiiifion i i'ii, portluml Monr Mill. I ii Milium tk Knrr . . Hiilioiir, outline mm ', .. Ml,. mil 4, io itiutt HlliMin s Krr . il. JIHI ici.iu (1 .1 II rummi'i s i M.A.i ll.lfoiir, lllllllllo I'u HI. am J It iiineiiiii A l' UMim Milken A Kerr in cm Hiilfoiir ioiIIiiIk A Co HvM Hh,ni A Knrr l.'i.uui I'iiiiIsikI Hour Mill" ... riirtUiel Kleiir Mill. 70.1X1 J It '.tin-roii A U" ., KH,imii i y,,uv Unit. Mir. iluilirln CVi IUi.ii.i it Kerr .Ki.lIU A Hers , M.i.u I'ortlsml Flour Mill 7,i,uu lUllniir. tlullirlr' I n ij,mii Mn. win A Kerr 7n J tt i'.imr-r,ii A i " lun.itu .oitMtni Kerr M, Hnlmiir. llullirl" ft i n irj.M) I It Cmiinniii A C" lUllniir, (iuiiirie a o .... .1 It rumen. n A I " ., lUlfour, (liillirlr A I ... I..,. II. ) II. In & w. 11 rvi.mii IIWI II". 14) .tJ..Ml .,U M.lill 'Hum iw.roi HU.vii uiA"i IU.IIO V.tJ Mum SU.ikO l mi l.t,.m nil IIA.IUI 71il 4J.IIU J.llll 4J..OI IV1 M.tMl 7n,ui u'mu II ! HJ.'iil ir.'.ixi M.IK1 Vhiii M.IUI I'nril.ii.l Flour Ml'l H of.. in, l.ulliim Al li W Me ' r 4IIIWIU kf , II .nr. iliiinrix A I " MUin A herr il ilfniir, liulhri" A i u . Hern i T- ll.lluiir, liullirlo A l . J It t'slneroll A I'" ... HiIiwiii A Krr H.ll.nir liuiliri. A I o H.lmiir. iluilirl. A I " . ,Hittini A Kvrr ....., (lullinn A !' J Ht .iii.ion A t'n. ., ur, ilulhrl. A i'i lUllniir, II ultirle I'u. '.Ifiiiir. lito'ifi. i" i. hiii.ihi aii.l kir I'oriuml H.MO MHI" lUlfour, tlutlirl' A I'u ) k I'.iiirnin A I'u .. ft' Flet"r t'u I It i J k I'.inrrtiti A i'u I MM I IS .1 I ID 0d I IJ. ad j lis li I Ha M I IM Od j In I lis Id I iw I M I lis Id I II kit til IN . K lU ii Ul II t HI II ul ii. a.1 4!l IM W 111 lh .. . il II M tl IK ui ii ad til lin... ,UI ,. Ul ,. Ul 'Ul !'.. UI Im . ... Ul a. nj l lu. ... 'Ul IM W I ... . . Ul II Id ,UI ..... .UI II . ti ii. a Ul in ..... Ul lio .... Cl A. Ih Ul u UI M K .Ul Iim , 111 U. W Ul H ..... Ul I". Ul to. ., ... Ul l M Ul in . . . . Ul HU il M Ul lu . .... l IM 4 Ul lu ; ui"i"'.v.'.'" ul io. . Ul Ul . Ul IS sd Ul 7. 4 ul In (I . Ul II Ul. .; i m I l , l:. ! a l.viui lima dour, r.liu- ll,ii H-ID. VU ubl. flour. rlu lAuu nlMi 44UUi r-Alo .1 lorn iir.u. .iiio lliuu. aioI 4K.4J rw ..Irnou. I Al.o ,M0 bhl. il "ir. .lu K AIM a7s bbl. tit it, hi H.S'l. F !.; blil. It.iur. traluK ",,ii. u A, mi I7 wbbl flour. rtu uu, H-lrl.ii.iu bbl nmir, lii lu uw l-Alw bbl flmir. lu IaVUO J -Alio i bbi tloiu, .lu I w.vai ml oimi b,nn. fc.xx) Al.o VI I t .f luirl. Tlile-I fTtt), luo toil ul hr.n. .liicl Ittna. .ml 7Mnnlili of b.rlrr. lut-. II jUi I. -Ami 7I bbl flour, vslur. IA,M. M-i7.tUblluiir. luo, r'MU. N A If" KM bbl. flour. .ol. l&.vti. O-AImiIUH l.liU n..ur..iim I' '."H). The Kintill Ik)' wIki In put into Iron. irs this sprltur wttl r-trnnl this prl.d as a TikMt iiin.i i.hi i.i.n h In tils Uf.-' history. Mrs. A. Invin, n-slditiK at 7W H.-n-ry str-t, Alton. III., suffer.! with sciatic rhoiiimitlHin for vr .dijht nonttui. She il.-l..rod f..r It n.j ly the whole of this time, usliuf various rent e.lloa reivniimiulrd by friuln. and wa trvntnl by the phym.tiui. but rwvtved no ri'll.-f. Sh then used one and a half Nittl, of I'lmmlwrittln's Pain ItaJm. which rffcc.t.'d a complete cure. This is published at her reiju.t. as she wants othis similarly afflicted to know what ciirvd her. The ii and JO rvrit alse fur suie by Katea.Com Pruif Co. Start in to have yur Hf, m.nired If you want to hir a few pmsinl nuos. tlons fnn the m-illinU rxumlniT re. itardliiK your Mli;ive. VESSELS ON THK WAV TO 0KI:(3(K. (Hetlted and Corrected rverr Krlilajrl UVKKI'iMiU hr lii Hlyilitwood . Hr.hlpilleii Uw..... Nr Wl'AiUt.k, .S.S. W, Hr .bin Ulwislrui,. .. Hr bark t' ANTMKKP- Hr brk i llr .lilii FunlinwiiiK IIAMIil'Hit- Ur bark Norma I I AXO SAMS CiniK. XHn iollloaB. Ut'T .. IMrkwa imrimAi lUH'-ur, tlnthns Cu . . .... MorilMB IJuo IiaiaI M I ,. Kerr iltV tmAI I, lilia A Co ........ .-smro l',:iIWAl lirimih.. HtMllioAl rolor, Vim. l o I'liiiiiKon , ItWAI Hailour, iiullirl. t'o I . I'JWbOAl . HKKKWKNCKSt Total lnon4toa the waj-IOA iUui tiiuo I i Ims-.'S.VOI. I In. ii h.ui. inn lu w I4. PKKSO.NAI.-Tbe k-Mitl-man who snnuyeil tlv- rowcreirntlo'i Isst Sunday iy t until, uaJly ohukIuNii w III find In stant iviiff by uiintr '! Mmute coutrti i Curv. a ni"dy and hnnnbiw renieily for tlwoot ami Iuiik tnuibbs (llinrles ItoKera. 11 VJf Krciidshlp b fn-iimmtly mitile i.n ex- nll. for iliii-i'tln.'Ilr.- by ple who prhlc tlu-mwlvt-ii on KeiiklnR their mlnil rr'y. MANHOOD RESTORED-! tloaol a taiuoua Fraorb lUirrUn. ul qukklr mtiaa ij it iwr. imi of dtarM ul th. gvorrMiv. mm i. b m fl Mm JiMiioini. laJt.trt lb. HAi-a,imli. f Nrv,M. M4ais 'ituplM, VnlluiM In Marry, Kiawius pr.i., Vtrinni. ..-4 tViutliaUn. Il .KM aJI l" br l.r r nKiiL Iwmm quk-s. DIM of dlarhvi. blrb II mlrhrk. ).la to NiHrnuhtfiliiMM arrnar ... irrra all iMborroraol ImiMenrr. 1 1 Tl nrnkoiiiiniiumim, tn ' " a) arun kkln.r.aml tb.anovr ors.n.ol sUUaisutlMa I Cfllll dHA1hM.udrMlflmimyi .Ml urvuiA 1 b. rnaui iiTrr .r not niwt br Iwinn ta briu ernetf par imni ae tmaMwt wftb rislalllli. CliflliKW BIlhoir kaowarvnanr finir.uiiilMiitru. kiuiiailmnnU ,i a wrnmi swninifv a-)T.a and oar rviarna.) if ! M nui IkI Pwiuum, I for mt nnd foe raaotrrul iul mununiaa, AiriAToi.DicitraiKaaaMrrKKBo,K rwiui CHA8 ItOGEItfl. 4C Commercial HtrtwL INDIO iinmp ami wtmiiitnit counh are hlidhiMMl's terrors; but like pni-u iienilu. bnmi-hltls. runl otto-r throat and I unit troubb-a, can ! ijub kly ourv.1 by ibAiii: ih- Minute Couifh Cur. Charles IbiKera. Fruit stands are iHirtirularly attract ve at thiH rn-ajf m. The Daily Astorian Has the Largest irculation on the olumbia River! bveryone Reads It For Delicacy, for parity, and for Improvement of the com plexlon nothing equals Poiiowr'a Pnwnss. Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced bv Physicians the raoet Favorable in 'America for sufferere from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objfctloo iwrd acalnat Indlo lo th paat by th larc number who otharwlM would hava b.n (lad to tak advantaca of IU beneficial cllmata, ha been a lack of auttabl acoommodatloa Th Southern Pacific Company take pleaauro In announcing that aeveral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav Jut been erected at Indlo atallon, that will be rented to auiillcant at r- unable rate. They are (urnlnlied wllh modern convenience, aupplled wltn pur artnalan water, and ao altuated a to ulw occupant all the advantuico to be de rived from a more or lea protraot'd realdenoe la tlila delllitful cJlmal. (From the Ban Franclwio Argonaut) "In tb heart of th great denert of th Colorado which Ui Houthcrn Faclllo traveraea thei la an oal called Indlo, which, in our opinion, la the aanltarlum of the earth. We believe, from peraonal Investigation, that for certain Individual, thnr la no ipot on thla planet ao ravor able." O. T. Btewart, M D., writ: "Th Duiity of th air, and th eternal aun ahlne, fill on with wonder and delight. , . Natur na accompiunea o much that tber remain but little for man to do. Aa to It polbllltle a a health retort here I the moat perfect eunahln. with a temperature alwaya pleaaant, a perfectly dry noil, for rain la an unknown factor; pur oiygen, dan atmoapher and pur water, wnat mor can b deal red 7 It I th place, abor all other, for lung trouble, and a para dla for rheumatic. Considering th number of urTerer who hav been cured, 1 hav no hltancy In recom mending thla genial oail a th haveo of th amioted." A BPECIALTY.: , HUT Hl ooll I'lllSON MirnO HI IbK'Wrt.T.- I ,'INII P m hpeiefr..a: irk aiiil.r Mmgar IV. Itfo im lor ior.Htteb.r .. wmuo ltriiotf rmilr.w1 r.mmlb"l.iblll..r 1 banr. II ltr..oholun ror I. tMitn.h, i anil b.v ..'ha. ai ulror I veliroW. ralllii ut, II M thla Hvfximl.ry HI.4NM Polmi.S I.iit .tfucou i'Aictieinrnouin, Mr.Tnru.1, 'llliule., 'ifMr t'oloreil Hol I Irer oe oy Mrioi in. iMir, mror i jriiri.w. nine ut. it M thi Kee.iuil.rv HI.4NM PoImS gurarile wear. veiliimiiri.t oliii nete rMM and etiftlleece Ihe world for a ea.e weeaanoleore. 'I io. aon. m .'.r iMtftteU the. bill o( lb imt iIij.. rlHIi. AOO,(HM mi'lUl b.lile4 our ane.ndb Uuo.lrar. Abilule lir.M.r. rnl W1 u iiwiMii. AJr. imih itmr.uv c Ml llMonld T.mpK ClIIOAOtAj UA. i B r" la a mmn jTi VUr.i 1 ill. "r.rm.i,.,rh lll rf.ri V V, hum, uimlurii iim f uuiumi u -litri., nr .nr 1.0. ram m aouisi.. II.,., Irrluiinn ,.r l.... I rntw4. linn ! nirtii mm. , 'xtfvae UKiwe.i pfl. bran, torn .itu(.t,t. Mt'llltl.) ?! 71 ajol y I'r.Hbn, . n,.. TT'TT'.r eMil In aui wrrer, i. w .vst cr ...mM. ri.Mi. r,.r aapy i.'ioiiUr wiii n. miawi 1 a Caveat-, and Trtde-SUrVi ottlrwl nrjd all Pu- rnt buuucwimiiiliaird ("f ModcmatC ftt. OudOfficfitOrpOiiTt u. Ptc riTOrrice AHli WO I Mil ftO iif jMitCMl Ir) IcU (lilt illAU UUJM rrmtile Ip-m Wvitiiiiit(n. Send niodrl, tjftiiif or photo., with d"rip tlon. Wo ilvie, il ftiriiulil ttr nut, ltr o( t (tariff. Our fe mit ilun till iMiffii laarrurrd. A PAMMLtf, ' H"W tn t'i-i-in ramttia," with ((Ml tit Munt ii tha U b, ami turcica cuunlxjaa enl (fra. Adilfcaaf C.A.SNOWt&CO. Oee. P.tcnt Orrici, Wt.HiNaron. 0. C INDIO. Is 6ia miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles Ij.oo 00PVHI0MT. Ao. . f ,,",r.h '"' l"erlpllnri m.r auleklr amrlain. (re, wl,lh- . Inv.nlliin 1. proh.lilr iml.iiliilila. I'miiiimiil...n, ,1r1,.il7 punriil.iiti.l. obtoM a.M, f..r wi uring mi.oi. la America. We h. W.hiiiiiii ,mo 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, b.atlfullr, l.mwt elrenialoa of ai..iiilnni..iiriil.wwir,MmiiW.iiiTari Uuon U f at nun Mul (re. Adai MUNN 4 CO., 361 Jlrudwav, Mevr Terk. Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE. SANBORN & CO Agent, Aitorla.