The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 10, 1897, Image 1

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    The Daily AstorUn
Ha a Rrouur
...Fimlly Circulation...
Much mom thaw thru tmm ai
niiJ worry
An "Ad ".
In Tni AiroDUN'l
"Waul Luluo.'.'
n K6i HTI Ills I T; .
4 1JX
Stationers & Booksellers
All the Leading Newspapers
and Periodicals Kept on Hand
Robt. Stewart & Sons'
Irish Flax Salmon Twine
It Is the Best, the Strongest and
Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . .
Dealer In Cork and Lead Line, Hantlng Twine. Laads; also, Oara, Oarlock.
Boat Cooking ttenalls. Sail Drill.. Paint, Boat Nalla, Etc.. Etc.
The rishcrlcs Arc Not Protect cd as
They Should lie In This State.
lisEtfccisaOrequa riohermct-Cm Tilt
rih la Vblaf" Vatrra Mr
fill at fit Satmos.
Using gaaollne or ehp dlatlllat oil
Engines connected direct with pro-
puller hart, and no nolay. eaaily brofcen
bevnl geara uawd In reverse motion.
New Hirk device; no Internal spring
utrrtriHlrf to burn Out
Krnl fur tcatlmonlala
We are building them) new yle, itlf-
alr.lng murine end nee in all sliea
up to Too horse power.
Every main fully guaranteed.
elt-Hlarlliii US lliu rimn Marine KukIup.
HcrcttlcH Goh Biiglnc Works
405 NANNOMB at.. BAN rttANCIMl'O
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Ouaranlwd the IWst In ta. Market
KWi CNmimhwitoiwT II. I. MWiulie,
wln returned tiLMi night ftm piUrnS.
Ina lh rlvrr. In speaking rf Vw iWll
rulty of fiif'inHiiK Wm flh bwwa of Or
egon, said Ihst he nmllivl (rKon
( l,c fur behind evi-ii IiiIiuhI utr
Uk f.iir(n. It la admitted -wry.
wliii that '.rnn kwiw Uw n-it
valulI Inland flaMnir k"u'1 In
I'nttvd Htl.-. Th r-"rt of N-w
York f'T tin- la"t two yrara ahuw '.h
tmiitym-nt of 7.004 fiahennra, wliila
ori'K.m Ihm yur nniUy-4 7.:i). New
fir th nmluiituiiuv of iw flhM'la.
hlU Oivgon. U lrat kiiiuul !tli.
In trta.1. nnrlit4M M.6k) f rr
to lv-Ui' Ha grviiK ttxluNtry. 111).
not 1 10.000 a yvr t protect
crj, which It (itnnldara ui inn-rt.'U
fmnl nh. and which (Mvipm wi.uld
throw aay CaUforrm la )--ar m-
(roi'CWtMl MO.oou. mvI Clralo, a
protnX UKMr riohiTlra. Mrtnv"1". Mich
limn awl iuoa-htMrtn tatM ail urn
Uri unw of nxn-y tn th tntwnut
of thr flMTK-rii. rHron In Uw Kn'at-
nnhliur ln.(' In the I'liton. and
1. th lM to irtct th uvluatry.
Mr. McOuire aim mid that h I
tkd ( rvm a llc-iue law
irtmHiu- t( tlio mi now In fonw In
WaxMliurt.rti. Thrr a Ilip-nniu murt
lay 12(0 a ynr for a iwrmM nh
Thin nKiy ttnla to uirt tlx? InitU
liUkHM for tliw pnitit'Uon of lUii. It la
only Jiwt ainl rtht tlvn-t a mn attnuM
not ily (iiiallfy aa a nltlwni of the
t'tt Klat. but fumul l ny a amall
tax t.i-nrl tlw uiiirt of rou-ctlve
iiH'iotuivw hta on huMltviwi. An
other qurtJm which ha not Ik) n. ma yd n w arte under the
i.n.iirr.Mit JuilMtlh-ttiai l(iw. Wash
Inirtoti llci.' iImMiik-' r-tfon ibv
not. Sic only liwu wnliliwtc of
oilliuhli. I'an ao (t-(fo!i lloh rnian
oniM rl liuiidiir)' Unc In mll chan
nl of tlx- Oduinbla and tW in Wnoh-
Hii!to(i nicr( Ii limn a Mr.
Mcxiultv Oil ii k n.t.
Mr. MHiutrv Miy tluu tli rlvrt- In
Piwrontly full of III' flili. and he pre-
IK-tM lurw! mUhIhm thin itiM.n.
frin itf li Kly of the 'l, a id ar
ti f..rnl i-rrni by rawh firl!tt
ilini. On u h oUu-r bund, tlw incin
lHf i.f th- luntms of f-ln a niaMva
ivwuliiif dlrnotly from tlie riy of the
xplc, 'U'iif U'd for ahortwr
term and m-mhi to If) lx-for- tli people
nif.iiii at Uk- l"ctviia, would i"rv a
a eafiKuurd aaadiurt any aitfrnpt to
pu b-Klxlivilon oM.nly d"trlmntal to
flH WiU-rorta 'tA Uk' n'l It
rx-rl, alwi, lUutt Hfi would
lx (nitiOM"d of nwn nvre larnd In
natliml uffnlr, morw ex piariMiwd In
mtfwii(i tlM? avwnH!iitl nwlmn
lnm. and cnrU"ntly r. al'l? to
dlivrt the policy of the nation bo aa
to pwfw't (he Intern! orfwnlzaiUon
mid prnmtf aiwl pnvetva pvare and
K'md fivrtna aliDMul.
T1m hWtory of our exlutnre haa
Khown tlita ranlnc U b a1i th-a
.XMit.;lon to bw wrtl ISoundl- It k
true ww hnvv expirlnxl aOine ixaa
iiormtknK ciuhtlMM In our I'nltod
Htat ort)KTw. 1 "dt"-ka have ar
ru litrbdwtam and It ha axnclmei(
ion'l u tliiMJKh the de'r'n-'t of tha
pvple fh-mjh-w hod 110 Influence up
on oonrewii.aMU anvm; y u win um
found that the trouble ha not bevn
bi Th.. dt(Ttrnlt inannT fxlna
nwiiklit-iv of the two houiww. but In-
ataaa.1 thtiv tiaa l.i aome rule of
prvlijr at fault.
1ki a d-aJlK k auch aa dlfrraoed
tur lat lant winter wcurn In tat
ifiUlurc, the ItnnMcUatc eaxluiort
I Uiat llw diatom ahould be elected
by dlre votw of tha pple. Hut the
rm-ly iuk1u l t the opr one.
WhiU we nerd hi a chnMf that will
prcvoitt nuinlxTi from aiantbif
Uvinwtvr and thT-by (truftlng
proiKvdlnri'. a ohawce fha UI make
U lmpeiUl r ao clwtion to be
prrv4ed. aiwl Own thr Will U no
iK-h dlNfumlnir foroc poaidlJle.
We do wHI U conalder the reault
be fr we make a anu. or before
uw ati.tnot to make a change. b-
raiilral aa ta now alnxxn Unlvixsally
ppili.-d. We do well to aak mirfc-lvea
w nt her we an certain of bnacrlng
our oatdltlm y uch an innovation;
ttli.T we will atnd hlahw In the
lartlinatbm of f ivlim nations and
woth.-r our own Internal mailmTy
will be improve!. "rP.KS."
Seventeen Cuestsof the Uurocd Knot
ville Hotel Still I'naecountcd for.
larxxtt over iMM'Jed. By the 'erna of
th orntra Mm. f!anf -d la to pay
an anriual pmnilum of $175,0')'), pr.d
upon hr d'mih one million dollars will
bo paid by th company to the Inland
Htanord untverwtty. Khould h live
ten ytur and oonttnuo her anuital
pay mon ui of prnlume, the nnlvotalty
will reve, at her death, two million
irtead of on.
Telegran toarlag lato Kaoiville Froa All
Tartt of the Coaatrjr- Heavy Lonat
ltd Little lisaraace.
Chattanootra, April 9. The aruthem
drr-urt bicycle meet began Uoltfht aa
the Ojlawfum. The event of the even
ing w the magnificent duet between
A I. Wekilg, of Buffalo, and Big Ell
v 11- . ,1,1 WetnuHrtt, of Olympla, Waahngton,
(Ifty-lwo guntta who wera a'alng In
Um llo'u-l Knox yaaUrrday morning,
Wh(i Cite fire broke out, only thirty'
official pacemaker of Uut year'a cir
cuit, both men riding the iaat two
U( of the mile open a few Inchea
I TL-Jnl. In (ha Iab 1
five have tt actwunted for. The ho-l"1 B
U4 n-gtater wan deatroyed and It will
pvrhapa never be known hmr many
Uvea were loat. Thoae known to hive
IttTtohnd in the flamea are A. B.
Wewlca, of Locke, N. T., a drummer;
O. W. Iluberta, of Puiaaki, Tenn., a
lUrhUiirur rod agent : A. E. WUllama,
Saneatlon Created by Speaker Street
During the Invtalig&tlon.
Topeka. Kan., April . Speaker
I alHwttt iKa V ai n aan foF aal ai MTVa frr
8,nnfle4d, Mv-.. rtlrl merchant " 'JTLZTZZ,' "kI T k!
t T31K I KM 1 1 IMTT aarrj pvu t ( taft aaa
from different clUa tnuqrirtng about
piple aupixwed 4o have been in
KnoxvlUe. The work of (arching for
the remalna In the rulna waa begun
bate thta afternoon and the develop-
menu already rndlrate Chat tha Uat of
dead wilt be larger than waa at flrat
thought. Charred remalna were found
In dlffawnt localltiea of the rulna.
The tld Way the. !t r All. as I'ro-
Mtb-d by the CoimUtuilou.
The Columbia Iron Works
.... FOUND RYM EN ....
Blaeksmiths, fJaehinists, and Boiler-makers
Corner KlghU.nth at. and franklin Ave.
Ross, Higgins & Company
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
B23 Commercial Street, Aatorlct
Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co.
iyt Gravel. Tin and Slate Rooflne
aiiMTu ctwfft Asphalt Pavlnr for Basements, Sidewalks and Streets
nin I n O I RCC I A.nhalt rnatlna on Tin and Shlnffle Roofs
Asphalt Coating on Tin and Shingle Roofs
Repairing or an ktnos 01 koois
Clarkson & Marvin fioom Company
promptly Furnished
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co.
All Work Guaranteed
fttl. Gomnter
clal (ret
Roof Painting
and Repairing Laky Roof.
N. JEN3EN and R. 0. HANSEN
General Contractor
House, Bridge and Wharf Builder-House Moving- Tools for Ren
B(ilm. Oreimn. April 7. (Kdllor Aa-
t'lrlan.) If the quewtlon of thv flec
tion of I 'lilted HtaU niniitior by d!-
,t wte of th in(c.ple waa put to
the ixiHile of 1 10 tate today, thife
can be ik) doult that tlie pi-mnt ya
tm would U condeinmM by an ovor-
wholniilng nuJirity. The ewiitii of tho
laxt wwHkin of Hhe atato leKMature
haw ao aroum-d public IWUng ugulnat
the c4ivtlon of (Hnutom by Ue IokI-
latlve body tluU few would atop to
whnialy welirh the argunnn.: In fa-
r of the iiniit Hjntmn, but would
runh to tlie ikiHb ag,r to vote for a
olukiiKo. Tle Atnerlcan iwople aiv not
wnimTvuflve. Tlioiv atx va.t numbein
who, upon the 1uiphmi1uk of ajt un-pleiu-iiint
iMilttlcal evwit, cvux-lude tliat
a nulkal olutiiKv In thv govvrtunental
a'Htni la nccvifcv'iry. Such a aplrlt as
that him mode Coxey'a army o!U!e
and haa cauttod a silver craze t
awvp over our country, threatening
tiki very vxImLvikv of miitlomU Integ
in ILlie coiuttltuUniuU cmveiitlon,
wlum our dolegatm w-re pipnring a
constitution for the I'nlted 3! a tea,
throe milifnttw for the elivtlon of sn-
ntiora wore proioMd: One waa by the
loglalature f tiute; another wius
by the people of u-.h atale; and the
third waa Itiy tlu Itw of nirivata-
tlvea of the United StaU. The latter
nvcthod failed to revet vo any support.
wlUlo tto bkixiuV was dropiwd after
nno dlmuHxUm, leaving the flntt to be
adoptel by unaiUinous wte. The rea
soiling Udn iiWhlrh itlila modo of eJec
tUm wa Bii)poa-tel was, thjit It would
linindUtely rouuieot th atuite govern-
nuiola Willi the national gowrnunent,
and thus harnioiilKo the whole Into
one univtinail aystem; tluut It would
liitimlueo a powerful I'liwk uixn nush
kciHlu,tliH in a. inaiuu-r nut unlike
that created by Ithe dlffeant organl
mtloiw of tlu two houses of purlla
meivt In KiiKland; and that it would
tnoroawe publiu oonUUlniue by tsocurlng
the .national 'gtvomnient from uaulue
onoroaohnvontu on the powvr of the
Htaitm. It waa aittlolaled tluit the
dlffeiiiiK'e in the mode of cbMlng the
moinlM-rs t tlu two holmes -vould
luive tlie muoh dtdred effect of guard
lug agaJinjtt undue oonaorvattsm on the
one Iwmd, and hanty, lll-conisliKTed
lturlaUUon on the other. The reoiate,
telng compueied of mem bora who look
not dirwitly to the (pelople for their
election, was expected to serve aa a
check upon the unin of the other
body aa being oompoHod of men fresh
AMtorla. April 9.-Kd;tt-r AoHan.
1. If public gambllna- h too great
a crime to IUiuv. why cw protilblt
!. If It Ui a crime to U.v-nae inun-
brtiiK. I It a crime to license drinking?
S. If t a a enne to gitnible in many
places. I It nt better to giuiiMe In a
f,.v plac?
t. If yu have a son that gamldea
under Ucenne you uui j
th- geirtknian. Could you do o under
tlte jiiM-nit fine )ntm?
5. In your opinion do you not think
... - - , II A
It would lie aarer ror a man imunm
to gamble to do to In a llcwisod house
rather than In an unlleertj! one?
titled in the bribery Invewlgatiw. He
"Harry Wilson, Whom I waa told
waa the agent for the American Book
Co., eafcf he would pay me $1,000 if I
would apply (ha two-thlrda rule neces
sary to advancing btlla against the
school book bill, and $:.SO0 If the bill
waa deftwted. He placed $100 In my
lap. I told him I did not oare for
fighting Has Proceeded In the Vicin
ity of Grobina, Turkey, for Hours.
Orders hsaed for the advaace of tke Ttrk-
Uk Arsijr ia Torce Creek Brigaads
Caascd tke Break.
Special to the AaLorlan.
Blasaona, Majcxtdonia,Aprl 1. Baodd
of Creek brlganda bare entered Tar-
key at KranJa, in the vicinity of Gro
bina. The Turkish troops have been
engaged with them and fighting hwa
been proceedina; since 5 o'clock tiila
At Turkish headquarters iiv news
La looked upon aa of the gravest de
aorlptfrm, in view of the excitement
here. Edham Paaha haa sent order
to have everything in readlneaa for
an advance of the Turkish army hi
w - . ,
a-aa beyond a doubt burned, waa
years old and waa traveling south for
hie health. Large tewarda have been
offered for bod lea and a large force
of ni la at work tonight clearing
away the debris. Of thoae injured,
perhana only one will die. J. C. M.
itogle. of Tennessee, a civil engineer.
Ilea in a very critical c-mdklon at the
city honpAtaJ. ' He Inhaled the flamea
and hat Umba are burned badly.
The t'al property Iowa austalned
will foot up $1,611,000; total Insurance,
take the matter under advteefwnt.
latter, in reply to letters from him, 1
WTJte on one W them which I return
ed that "I (.ould be of no service to
him. "
Other members teaUfied to attempts
to bribe thera to vote for different
Axtorto, April 9 (Editor Ator;an.)
The Evening New remarks that
trees do not seem to be ipular. ac
cinlliig to tlie NohaJem Tlniea,
tMK'auHe 'tluut Journal a.lvociaU'e the de
Mtruinkm of tlv! In the vi-lnlty of
the school house.
I am somewliat sui-prlsed that the
News iHple are not aware that tlie
Nehalem timber la princliaJly tlr and
spruce, ami wi iiiii.
CI I tz.r-.-s.
S.v1i- I" 'the Gitman lainruoge
will be bold a uautu on uiui;io i
. a 1. .. .I.., rttfiirrft.
(ornoon at i w o
D-.LM..nal cJiuivh. conducted by the
poator, Kev. J. O. S.tfinld.
M E. Church The. pastx will
nreacih boih morning and evening.
Moimlne subWt. "The mumpnaoi
.... ,A .
Entrants." t lass m"ouiig ai o -
Sunday school nt 12:5. hpwortn
iiiini.. t 6:3i i. m. Members will be
m-ceiveil at the mining service.
Stervlcca Sunday at 10:30 In English.
. . O ...iv
c-..i.i..t "Pht hnl fuii"r. owe
1UI'JMW - -
dish r-t's at i.i. ouoj,
Maiuibtkan!" Services at Fred Ous-
tofsan. Young's IUver. on Tuesday at
2 p. m. Good Friday services at 10:30
a m. and 7:43 p. m. i"Ui la
Services at the Presbyterian churoh
us usuul tomorrow, in tne mornms
at 11. evenhig at 7:30. Sunday school
at V.':13. Y. 1. S. C. K. at 6:30. The
pastor i dilius of having the mem
Ikm'h prtoemt at the morning service
tomorrow. In th? evening the theme
will be reminiscences of home, grang
ers and young people are urged to be
present. All vM ba nnost cordially
welcomed. Henry Marcotte, pawor.
Situation frwnewhat better, Thouh
the Waters. Rise hi Localities. .
Memphis, April . NotwtthnUndlng
the hljrh w.ds and hivy rain atorms
reported from the overflowed Misfls-
alppl deita last nlKht. the situation in
the flood writ-ken dtetrk t IS certainly
no worse. If not bettvr. tinlght. The wlilch haa bat pouring through
the five big orvva-aws for more than
a week la raidly Howirur into the Mia-
siiMippi again at a point twelve- inllcj
north of Vlcksburg, and ia sweeping
iuchward with terrible force. The
strain on the Louisiana leveea will be
something terrillc for a wek and if
they withstand that length of time
all will be well.
The Sunflower river la also on the
rainiiage tonight. Two thirds of the
water from the Flower lake crevasse
la ruHhing into this stream and a
large area will be Inundated from the
overflow. Tallahatchie and Coldwater
rivers are gradually falling. At Hel
ena the river la slowly falling and
the indications are that the big stream
will continue to decline. The waters
below the Arkansas Midland levee are
at a standstill tonight.
of refugees Is increasing at
almost hourly. The steamer Maude
arrived there late this afternoon with
more than one hundred flood sufferers.
swelling the list to 3,000.
At Greenville the situation has not
changed. All the leveea along th
Repreaerttatlves From All Nations to
Meet Slay vFlrst.
Washington, April . The postofllce
department haa leased the old Corco
ran art gallery building for the uae of
the postal congret, which is Do aa-
semble May 5. It is expeoted that.
the amgresB will be in session six or
eight weeks. The entire building will
be fitted anh furnabed expressly for
the congress. The union embraces the
whole world, excepting the Chinese
umpire, Corea and the Orange Free
State. These latter countries are ex
peoted to be represented. Each na
tion can send any number of delegates
but haa but one vote.
The appropriation for the oongtV3i
has not yet been made, butt the pend
ing sundry civil bill appropriates for
this purjwde $100,00. Usual ooot of
these conferences is sold to be alwut
Washington, April 9. Representa
tive Simpson, of Kansas, declares that
he will carry into effect his threat to
block any business Which the house
may alttempt to do by unanimous con
sent before the speaker has appoiou-d
the corrmidtteeB. He says he will also
call for a quorum to approve the Jour
nal aah dm. hhA lwilLAA m.f The
The number . w. .-
Helena I
Simpson in nis ooairuuuve uviun.
But Trade Report fthcrwa General In
activity Because of Flood.
Near York, April 1 Bradatreet'a to
morrow wOl ay:
The situation aa a -whole shows n
gain. Staple lines are only fairly ac
tive. Overflows, washouts and flood
continue to do great damage in tha
Uknlsalppl and Mtesourt vol ley a.
through a portion of which general
trade remans practically ait a stand
Wheat haa continued disappoint
ment aa to prices, dropping nearly 4
oanna a bushel on Bradstreet's report
of an increase in the world's vMhla
supply taat we?k. Instead of a de-
crease expected, due to a larger quan- .
Uty of wheat In sight abroad.
Jobbers in Omaha, Ft. Paut. Milwau
kee and Portland, Oregon, report a '
better demand notably in drygxxla.
oiU -faints, statm. shoos and leather.
rrospeouve aavanoes iiyine ran lanir
are behind another rise In the price
of wool and wooleiu, but common
goods thus far fail to advance, be
cause the restricted production is
meeting current demand.
Dayton. Ohio. April 9.-Col. J. B.
Thomas, governor of the Soldier
Home, has been arrested, charged
with the violation of the law by serv
ing oleomargarine at the tnstituton
wthout dsplayng a card atatng that
fact. It will be a tent case, aa it la
a question whether the law can ba
enforced in the home, which la a Uni
ted States reservation.
Mltctlralpi front safoly withstand the
storm of lost night. At Memphis the
river continues to fall. The railroads,
Tacoma, April 9. Direct ins John El
der and S. B. Elder, of the country
school district six miles south of Ta-
cmtci, were 0.T?3ted, today on com
plaint of Director A. H. Jackson, who
alleges that they let contracts for lev.
with one exception, are again open torl, rfte exeaTOt
business and in good shape and all
Ing for the foundation, etc., to them-
. . - L...1..I. .
trah are being run .m at.u.e prloeg auJulng
own bills, which the disrtrlot paid.
9t. Taul. Apru . ine nver is
T7-. n.l,1nl.Thi
tne up-graoe agam. r.,. TT&nciBCOj April 9.Tomjrrow
to 7 O-CIOCK 11 rose wie-teui... v. ut Oawlon,, frBJ.k ,h
.L.4K.a- m' i im n mmii tha Tin rnn
siowiy. tne gWe..K:.rv handicap, with a guaranteed value of
not view tn wn ay .w... t,onnn. will t mn Th- distance 'is
c. . T T v-.o
If you want good lumber and lowest
prices figure with the Gobel Mills.
W. B. EDWARDS, agent.
3.15 Commercial street, Astoria.
Indlumapolta, April 9. The heavy
rain and snow storm wlilch prevailed
from S o'clock yesterday to 3 o'clock
todav did muoh damage to telegraph Taooma, April 9.-The steamer Mex
and telephone wires. Five Inches of Ico Bailed this evening with 250 pas
snow fell, but Is rapidly dUsipiearlng. aengers for Alaska. A larbe number
of them are miners Douna ror me
WHRVP TITMRLES. ukon. The steamer oarrwe itwj tons
of general freight
Chicago. April 9. Beginning at
about five mlnutea to neon toaay, THE HOTELS.
wlatn May wheait had reacted from
67, to which price it gradually risen, parker House Stethen Campbell,
to around 664, a stampede of holders Jao Peiereon. Olympla; Tboa. Pollard
oommonoed w-hloh within fifteen mm-1 North Oove; S. W. WiUwn,
ufx tumbled the price to tne w. T. Willlame, Portland; W. Hauk.
break was due partly, It la sold, to Seattle; G. H. Porter, Aberdeen; John
renewed bear operations for A. J- MoGrath. Peoria. 111.
Well, but more largely by the selling Occident I. C. Darnell. Kalama; P.
out by IiXbcf-t LtnuDnm uo- ' Cf Bates. J. H. Smith. C. H. Jackson,
3,500.000 busfluels of long wheat
closing prioe r May was 6iT.
Torturing. Idling, scaly akin erup
tions, burna and scalds are aoothed
at once and promptly healed by De
Wltt'a Wltloh Haiel Salve, the beet
known cure for piles. Chaa Rogers.
D. J. Hanna, A. T. Biles, Dave J.
Brink, A. Neppooh. Joseph I'aquet,
MIhh L. Rlvare, P.irtlaTid; R. Brum
baugh, F. S. Rogvra, W. H. Carroll
II. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rcaenbly,
San Francisco. April 9. Mm. Le- It Lewis, San Fraincisoo; I Mr. and
land Stanford today signed & contract Mrs. Rosenbly. New York; Chaa. E.
by which her We Is now insutvd for Peabody. Seattle; A. !E. Dangler, De-
tt 000 000. The DoUcy ia said to be ttlC iron; a. uur, cuappLou.
LouaivUle. Ky., April 9.-Eddie Bald,
who ia now training here at Fountain
Ferry, haa acoted a challenge from
Tom Cooper to race at Detrot May
31. The dtetanoe will be one mile,
best two in three. Bald also accepted
the challenge of Walter Sanger, of
Milwaukee, to race for a purse and a
$1,000 side bet on the same condi
Seattle, April . At a meeting held
in tflila city today of the Red Cedar
Shingle Manufacturers, controlling a
large percentage of the production of
the state, the price of "A" shingles
was made $1.05 per thousand at mill
for eastern shipment ehd $l.:o for
clears." The .prices have been 90
cents and $1.
San Francisco, April 9. Three
knockouts, all In short order, confti-
tuOed the program provided by the
National Athletic Club tonight. Jim
Jeffries put Thecdore Van Easklrk U
aleep in ten rounds; Slater defeated
McCoy in one round and Maxwell
whipped Morristsey in three rounds.
ir u
Absolutely Pure-
Celebrated for lta great leavening
strength and healthfulnees. Aiwurea tha
food against alum and all forms of
adulteration common to tha cheap