TI1K DAILY ATSOIMAN FKIDAY MORNINtl, Al'KlL t, IMI7. HOWELL & INVITE Their Friends, Patrons, and the Public Generally, to call on them and inspect their - NEW Astoria Electric Supply Co. Will Conduct Business at 430 Commercial Street Opening on of About April 1 WITH A FULL LINK Of Electric Supplies - Fixtures Fancy Slippers Ladies Walking Clin AC Durable School OllUCd Seasonable Goods Putters Rotter Boots, Etc John Hahn & Co. Are 479 Commercial St. YESTERDAY 8 WEATHER. Maximum temperature, CI (leg. Minimum temperature, 42 (leg. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from September 1, 1, 189S, to date. 80.63 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1, 1S94, to dalte, 20.68 tnahaa. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather; fresh 'north to east winds; warmer east of the Cascade. TO BKADEBS.-The "Dally Aatorlan" oatalne twlro aa aaock reading matter aa aa? other paper pablUbed la A .tort a. It la the only paper that pmtau It ntdm with a dally telrrraphlc report. TO ADYKKTISKBS.The "Dally Ae teriaa" haa mora tbaa twtea aa many read ra aa aa oilier paper published la Aato rla. It la therefore mora tbaa twice aa VSjoabla aa aa ad verttalne; medium. BUte of Oregon. J Count of t'lataop.j We, the BBdenicaed, local manacera raepectUely of the Weatera Colon and 'aatal Telegraph com pan ir. hereby cer tify that the "Dally Aatorlan" la the only per pabliahed la A tori a which bow re ceive, or at any time during oar control f aald offlee haa received, a telegraphic rea report. B. D. johxson, Manager W. C. T. Co. J. B. CLARK, Manager Foetal Tel. Co. I AROUND TOWN, FRIDAY. Thou thtakeat I shall die today; I have been dead till now. And soon shall live and wear a crown For aye upon my brow. Chatterton Yet love can last, yet love can last. The future be aa was the past. Alfred Austin. "Gypsine"- Swope. Spring made a good start yester day. "Gypsine" the finish. only durable wall Straw halts 'made their appearance yesterday. Ekatrom haa the only complete stock Of jewelry In the city. Jaatarrleed Laird Scholar Co', Spring Style. Columbia Hboe Co. The muddy river indicates times for the gill netters. good Born, to the wife of M. Gain, Wed. nesday night, a daughter. Herman Wise left tor San Francisco on the Columbia yesterday. Hava you any Jewelry that needs re pairing t Take it to Ekstrom'a. How can Schillings Best, tea cost so little and be so good ? Easy. It is roasted fresh every day in San Francisco like fresh coffee and pea nuts. Other tea is roasted once a year in Japan, etc, like stale coffee and stale pea nuts. A SchiMinr Ceojpaay ban Francisco US WARD The Live Grocer. STORE - 510 & 512 Commercial Street, Clean the Htres N'ftr it he duty days dome. Kltte, marbles and fop now occupy the small bay's time. Chung Gomes, In tle police court yesterday, forfeited $2 for being drunk Mk Stella Smith wa one of the pastaengers on the Columbia yester- day. The new bowling alley of the A. F. C. H1 be formally opened Saturday night. Mrs. I. Cohen left yesterday morning for Chkxi, Oal., to attend Rhe wed-llng of her niece. P. J. Meany, the leading; merchant tailor, 117 Tenth St. The highest prioe paid for fur skins. Mr. C. O. Terry, traveling patanger agent of the C. B. A Q., was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger agent, of the Southern Pacific, was In the city yesterday. It is predicted that because of the unusually long winter there will be a long summer in 1S97. Captain Richardson, of the Colum Une, brought the good weather with him from Portland yesterday. The remains of Chaa. Turp. the In fant sun of Joe Turp, will be buried at Greenwood at 2 o'clock today. A. R. Cyrus has moved his real es tate and Insurance office to N'o. 46$ Bond street, by the Occident hotel. Up-to-date. B and H. "Special" and "Stormer" bicycles. Fully warranted. $45 and $55. Fteher Brothers, agvnts. The merchants yesterday reported a Wg day's trade and feel confident that a prosperous season hag set in. Laird Scbober A- Co' Ladle. Mluraan.l Children fine ,boe. Spring Style. Columbia Hbue Co. Mr. Hugh Peters, the well-known oontrautor, has engaged with the rail road contractors. Honey man. De Hart 4 Co. The mate and cook of the Potrtm pos left last night for Germany. The ship Is still In poftaession of Captain Hirsch, i A few more mistakes In the weather like the one made yesterday, and the- farmers will soon be able to get in their crops. r isnermen s supplies coffee pots. stoves, lunch buckets, net floats, water breakers, hatchets cheap a W. J, Scully's. Those In term tod in athletic game should look in at the new howling al- ley u rney want to eve an up-to-date institution. Another lot of choice country hams bacon and shoulders, well cured and fresh, for 8 and 10 cents per pound at Foard & Stokes'. You can get a chamr Is akin at Kog ers' drug sture fr luc, 2.'ic, 2.x;, 10c 50c, 65c. 75c, and $1.2;. Itogere' drug stire, ow Fellow' building. The weather man made a miatake and put up a regular sumrv-r day yewterday. IKlofl and fl.wera, and ail the people basked in the sunshine. The trouble of the O. It & X. boys in cleaning a stovepipe yesterday and putts ng it together again waa most amusing, and double divuntd all moving experiences. The launch Uncle Sam haa buen newly painted and will 1 run this seaw,n In the interest of Schmidt & M of r-ortland, who are going into the buln-wi of shipping a.:t ssdmun to Germany. Rambler blf-yetes are flttl with G an1 J. clincher tirvn, the iulcke3t to mend. Do not pay 50 or J75 for sec ond grade wheeta when you can get a'97 Rambler for $80 or "jf, tor M. W. E. Warren, ax-vtt, 547 Comm.rlal atrwt. The ladies of the Corigreira,tlo:,al (huroh are all exceedingly busy with work for the egg sale next we-k. The regular monthly socUJ of the Y. P. s. will be !XMtjnl. The monthly buKViwws meeting will be held, hw ever, txmlght The appointment yeaterday of In- Bpreotor Madison Is certainly most en couraging to all appHcants for govern ment petitions, and shows the effects of the civil service rules and what Pained Celery Compound Is noi a patent medicine ; it is not a sarsiparilla ; it is not a tonic; is not a nervine ; it is as much better than all thce as a liumond is better than cut pUss. It is t'rf Best Spring Medicine It mrei. In the world. We have it. ESTES-CONN DRUG CO. Commercial Street in be actvmplttfhod by an Jd as well a a young iihui. It was reiHWttHl tltat a man wat here yesterday from Mlrhlrin, n,) rintliig a inHln.-ate from Utat Ktie tiMl purines to builtl m 'XHrt w mill In Astoria with a caivit'lty of JJti.lHH) ft p.vr day. Ytwtorday &ft;mi.n th Hon. C. W, Fulttn drove Judge McHride. Judge Moreland and IVputy District Altor ney Allen to Smith's IN int. wltcre the party likKpei'ted the work U-ing done at the Astoria Iron Works' new ship yard. The oltloe of the Southern Piuillo Railway Company 111 ruiift-r be Ifound at the WWUt-Fargo ExrMj oBlce, Curtis Trenchard, agent, where tickets to all parts of the wvrtd can be had and all information for trav elers obtained. The order entered in the county court Wedri.lay, denUniing to extend the time for payment of taxes, was made upon the ad vice of the deputy district attorney, on the kmeanvl that the time had pat when the court eould le gally make such extension. The regular equipments ion the $50 and $75 Crescent bicycle are Dunlop De tachable Tires, Brfn Lamina ted lUma. Padded and Laced Saddles. Wood and Steel Adjustable Bars. Purchasers taught to ride free of charge. Sale room, and academy 506 Bond Street. Sherman & Thing .agents. I. Field, one of the workmen on the pile driver of Comtractors Maney & Goerig, at Scarborough Head, yes terday had his arm broken by the hammvr of the driver falling ui-on He was brought to the city by the Dtvyer and placed in St. Mary's hos pital, where his arm nw dr.vm.-d. It U feared amputation may be neo- aary. Fish Ommissluoer II. D. McGuIre vltrt Astoria vterday and biok a spin up and down the river and reports that all over the Columbia and Willamette rivers there is now leew Illegal (lulling than in the four years past. In A.Uira harbr not a boat was found out. Sheriff Hare ac companied Mr. McGuire around the harbor. Chief Hall oik yesterday arrested a much-wanted crook named Rolland, wanted now in Portland for robbing the pawn shop of B. Barbm. Th-re was recovered In his potasewkm a lot of watches, etc. A detective will ar rive this morning from Piartland, and take has man back with him. The arrnMt is one of the most important made for many months. The irmpeotor of customs e-t Tilla nk bay having resigned, to take ef fect April I, Collector I'age yesterday appointed Mr. Franklin R. MarlUon Inspector and leputy collecUjr of cus btrrat tut Tillamook bay, the mouth of the N"halem and Nachotte. The ap pokiitment was in Jtriot oixTvance of the civil service rules, approved by the president. Foreman Frank Mlldrem, of th wrk on the new lighthouse at the cape, who a few day ago was Injured by having a nail run into his knee, died of blood pofceoning at St. Mary's hos pital yesterday morning. He leave two children, a young girl and boy. The remains were taken to Portland laxt night, where they will be burled beeride those of his wife, who died seven years ago. Mayor Taylor yesterday returned to the city auditor with his signature the ordinance for the improvement of 21t, 22d and 23d streets; authorizing the payment of $259 to Alert Hk Sc. Ladder Co. for Its horses, etc.; au thorizing payment to g. Xormlle of $3,318.26, and authorizing J a contract with the Went Shore Mills Co. for not 1- than 33 electric lights at $17.75 per lamp jx-r month. ROYAL Baking Powder has. been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. James Ryan, early yesterday morn ing. In the Anchor saloon, smawh -d Chan. Peterson In the face with a broken b,-er glas, which he had In hta pocket. Inflicting an ugiy wound. which had to be sewed up. About 4 o'clock Chief Hal lock arrested Ryan, Who was afterwards released on $50 caeh bail. Yesterday afternoon when the case came up for 'hearing before Jiidne NNiv It v ivM'itl that a warrant tuul bwn wm out for Kyan In tlie stute court an I the Judgn mix he would illxmlvn tlv cav lit the H:e ciHHt w1um the unvnt In the otlnT txmiS ww. niRile. t'p to a late hour, however, Kyn liad in t lH n PIilikliM, ami the ball Im hi III In Judge NVlwMt'a lMtnd.1. It U IxSleved lie has dlAipixured. COUNTY CtU'ltT. Ill tt txmttty exuvt yetorMiiy, In ihe mn-iUT of th lHniHlury line t.wvn road dOHtrhda 1$ aiul M. It. M ',.Hlen aitl S. A. tlrtwtx wr,' iolntM view. er. rij uuai nunUH-r vr cliUma were alKiwint, In the matter of ttw bridr. on the county tmvI. Niv fig. M m l,r.Hl tluvt $U l alKwet tmt ivf the g.-nTJ fund fir Ka cvntruo(hMl. The p.vulon ,r 11. K. L. U-tui for a nix iiioul-lvV l.ju.r lkx:se tt al kwvl. ' I Ihi txmNk.l.M'atlon of tlr fVCtvtiit llll f,r tMitMUT'a llhll.t held 11 1 the pulp mill vn Young's riv.M-.1 where t'hnjt. J. S..y Hlwt tiim auo kll'.rtl by th macUli.Ty, it w re- lvl t.y tl. Airt nhat tio stioh nl- Iiwmih'8 wuuld be made In the fu ture, hh H'h.MV waa no iro.nl r.ukn for holding mi tniii.vt h.tt the nnu wan klllixl by an a.xvdent in pluii sltfht t many e pie: St.tinn'r S.i K.m $ 10. im Oronr 11.50 Juixm 7.50 lv'tir 25 00 T."il $.3.70 The full txmrt also expnad the o.::il..n that attortwys should he more curt-ful In Hinmnoning Hik-hm U tlte olrt.ult oourt ut the txpeiue- of the county. u the ple s money la t, o hard euriel l-e n.-edJetMy vxiwnd- l. A short time ag. In the Ann n:rng cuee, a utlniwi wiu. buIhw na.t from Baker City, who xa- m-ver ut 011 (he wltn. b rtliin.l, but h.we exMwe to the ouirty wua $150. JAIL nilKAK. The man Rolland, alias D..yfua ar retted yeotenlay by Clil 11 ill K k. who wuj wtuir.-.! In INtrtlund Pr ro- blng a J.'wt'lry atia-e, or ivtwnHhop, at 11 o'clock lu-'t night wcaed frm the 'Ity iail and Is nguin u fne num. He 'iu eitlmi In one of the tanks. which. Mke the thT. haa hi its nf an IS-lfK-h wjuarv hole tur xvitllivtliiii. This hole fa oovwvd by an iron grat iig. The nuui bioke V oe In mw ay the water eliml. st.Kxl on It, pried off the grating, crawled out and dropied hwn into the main crridor. With one of the grate Iwtrtt he prlcl .Men the luck of the u;.hI.Ic il.mr of the Jail ajHl Ktmply wu'ked out. HOTEL AIUUVKUS. Ckx.l.oit Mrs. Clia-i. Clitunbtvuu, I. i!udd,-n, W. S. Cram and wife. C. W. attain, W. O. Miirtin. J. C. .Mone- land, C. Bl.j.mi, Tho. Gla.ldlng, C. M(IirUd, W. It. Claldge, Portland; Ho. Ta-rill, F. W. 1'tfttygiwwi S. ;a!liwky. I.. SI mm. ma, San Kran- bxi; H. II. Shuttjt, V. Nonitan, t'hi- Arfc: J. I'. Crow Iry. Mt, IiUi: MIks lolliwul. South Bond; C. ('. I'alion, llwiu-..; Th. 'julnn, yutnn'a Land ing. I'arkur Houne W. S. C.-nia-lly. J. W. Ilunn, ('. X. Tuttle, Portland; Strait. T. Mt'lnayre, Skam kawa. n. UP TO DATE. A great many Pndtlc coast people when contemplating a trip east and when bringing friends west, know v ry little about the interior line, and the object of this article Is to afTrl re liable Information, In the first place for good time and service, select a route via St, Paul and Minneapolis, be-nu.ic the lines that way are continuous under one syi.in with out any change of cars, and every man from peanut agent up Is a cour teous, reliable and experienced "officer, ready to aid and protect you In every emergency and capable of malting you feel at home and cumfortable during the long Journey. Then see that your ticket reads via the Wisconsin Central lines, because that thoroughfare affords strictly flrat- olass service, and the meals on Its din ing cars (always reasonable In price) are equaled by few and excelled by none. Geo. 8. Batty, 246 Stark street, Portland, Oregon, Is general agent for this company and will cheerfully fur nlith you a n.t and handy calendar and full Information on the subject of transportation, if addressed or called up'n, and any agent will, upon appli cation, sell you a ticket over the Ws connin Central lines. If there Is a blowhole anywliere In that euprejne court drofctlon ithe rail way aGtornt-ys (an be dejK-nded on to And it. On wentlmerita! grounds the Cretan s.iemri to deerve aixut a much Hymaithy arid nupect aj a(ny fjrt'her seml-savagrf. Soft, White Rami with Shapely Nalli, r.nxo rlant Hair with Clean, Wholetoine fk alp, pro. doced by Cuticcba Roup, the mint effective Ikin purirving anil beautifying map In the world, as well aa pure-it and iweeteat, tut toilet, bath, ami riunw.-ry. The only preventive Of Inflammation and clogging of the Poicm. e.r I. tM thronrhmit Ui. eorla. Potts Pace a Can. Coir., Sra Praia.. SMua, V. I. A. r"Mo I Porlr aad Ucutllf th Skla, letla, aad Hair," auila Int. BABY HUMORS BEAUTIFUL SKIfJ TI1K ClUCtMT CtU'UT. The following ptw.'vdlnjrx were held In t'hk. .in-ult ixiiri't )-vaiertlay : C. J. t.lnvllle x. C. C J.nsh; mo tion Ixi strike out iHtrtM f txmiplultit auxtatiMI, and to make , wmplalm nioiv tL'(liii1 kiverrulel. W. H. pattoixHi va. Bounl of IMIt IXviiimlr-lloiieiK; mandate of enipreme court olMvd entered. Wm. tllv va. It. It. Mnram; mo di) m M c.uHlmiaaiv allow .1 011 inty. im-nt to diulant of $100, An.livw Hill, a native of KiiHMla, tia tt.lniltt.Hl 1.1 cltlioiiNhlp. I. K. Wanvn It. V, tVnahan; Uigii).vt enteiHl ui the vordlot. S. P. Marsh va. City of Aatoria; de. wv rviutored aa piuynt f- In the ivniplnlut, iwr Wlren va. Town of Clutsopj caae tuvuiil ml hi1hhJih to the court. Amorlcan Bible Society Hep-'aJbcy. Blhliw and T.wtnmeiits of all .(a.-rlp. tt.ma, and In nil iniruiir iWltist. Sold at et prliv. Sullitble fr itU irltiiitlon, preexmis. it ltelt"ry at ttriilin A KM'a Astoria. Hoe-Cake Soap Has No Equal Made under United States patent, it must necessarily te different from all others Contains no starch, free alkali or worthless filling GRAMMS & CO. Groceries. Feed, Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. SOLD CM RAP POM CAHII Cor. 15th 1 Commercial. We Have Bargains In Property on Both SUes of the Bay. six room tiuge, n', on t six iw. Warn-ntn. iT'fl. Kany term, or tiiMttilliiHikt plan. Corner lt, 3:'-l and Kranklliv. T.'.jklM. hiU!, a! rental, A 1-ur.aln and cany termri. Ut I", block 19. Al.ertr'k. tlreiU Ntrgaln offered. Ten room hoiw on North H.'ai-h. ull funilfih.-.. 0t $l..'i. (iri.-. who lives lii the Kim. will 'll f.-r l. Xe.ir Mt. 1 1. Mel we have u-ivn of kim tlmU-r liuid. Will Irmle for iu-r.iure on 'ltu-h aouth of Columbia river. Ufts 7 itiwl S Kindred I'wk; ilirap fir cah. lot 21. b!i'k 27. New Antorli, ith Iiou.se. barn, cow, chMienH. etc. ('h -ap at J.VX). A BAUCAIN-C.H air. near Kluvrt, ll"0 .r iu-re, esuiy terms. Thnv lots In block 25, Shlveley'a; iwll 'mxW. Iiargnln at $2,lw. Very ivl.sy b-niis. 75x75 rta bliKk IS. Adair's, $1,500. HtrtMt ear and i.v.-l atm't. Sevn ro-w hmiw at rVwjade; nud rn ImpixnetiKtits; niix-ly looattl and tTh.nip; terms ey. House, lot and lani in I Mildly Pirk on Xnnnli-um, $100, taeh. A gr..t largaln. 160 acres on Klk cnek Iklc3i, 1500 f.lt Ifptrrtagj'. lv-n:tfoj traot, Suit able for toying out In Ms. Cheap and ternts to suit. lot 9, block r. (Km fluw, Hea nle. House, blacksmith shop; well on proirty; Jut like giving It away at $1,000. A KINK FARM of 120 aor on Up. Iir Netuilem. A.fKut .rtw-half of place tlmlnT la.ml. Iialnnn- wiMure imid tilled land; $l,5iN) on en,Hy terms; Is a bargain. Store building, liarn, large on-hard, paHture land, tilled soli, mpi1e.i a l-autlful place near Olney. We are pr.'par''l to offer It at a bargain. Choice- location Lrts in Warrenton, Now Astoria, Flavel, and other Wst SHe locations. KkohIiIm jroTty (!rin's Orove, Holllday Park, Igan's luldltton. It In 'Alderbrook. The most de. "irallic residence portion of Astoria, Cheap and easy terma. If y u wiMh ito ll yrnur - pmpertjr lint n with The Astoria Land& Inv. Co. 355 Commercial St., Astoria, Or . Prrrted rnattiT di3-litlve of A'torla nvalUnl on 'application. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co., CORNER... J50ND and ELEVENTH STS. MaM on application. Keep on Coughing if y)U want to, 1( you want to cure that cough get Aytr't Cherry Fectormi, ft cures cougAs ami colds. A SNAP. For sale cheap and on y terma, four oIhiIos building lta In MvClurv's', Aaloria. Kor partloulara call on Howell A Ward, bill Bond atrrot. BUILlUOItS AND CONTI'.ACTOIIS. If you want good lumlier and lowest I'tl.Hm figure with Inn OotH MIIU. W. II. i:iWAKHH. aiient. VA Coiiimi'rcUtl street, Astoria. WANTKD. WANTKD A girl hot ween the aaeof M and Id, to work In a small faintly. Apply at 163 Bond stm. ron balr r'll MA LK Clll'lAl'nh net. good aa new. Inulre at t! Webfoot tm. ml-wlon lliiurn.. Twti at.cy houiw on Kxohang atrwt. nltti all 1110.I.T11 Improvrmeiita. Ap ply to W. It. A DAI It. IU Cooimcroial FUK RENT. FOR RENT Elegant room, with or without board; 4T Franklin avenue. Ktlt ItlJ.VT A nicely furnished frmt rHaii. Apply at the Aatorlan ultl.av SOCIKTT MICKTINCM. TKMI'LK I.OIXJK NO. f, A. P. aad A. M. Regular communlcatlona held on the flrat and third Tuesday evening of each month. tl. W. I-OUNBHKHHT. W. at. K. C. HOI.DKN. Bovrelary. rilOFKHSIONAL CARD. SCHV)L Ht'PKRtNTKNDKNT. II. 8. LYMAN, Office, Hotel Tlghe. corner 15th and Franklin. Hours, first Wednesday of every month. I a. m, to $ p. rn. Kvory I Saturday, 1 a. ni. to 1 p. m. II. A. BMITII. vCJr DENTI8T. tiifi Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. II. Cooper's store. DH O, R. EBTF.S. PHTSICtAN AND SURORON. Hwlal attention to dleeaaea of women and aurgery. omre over l)nt'xra atore. AatorU. To lr phono No. U. Pit. JAV Tt'TTI.i:. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Oirice, nioma t and 6, Pythian bulldg. 531Mi Commercial Bt. Residence same. Telephone X. Acting assistant surgeon U. 8. Ma rlne hospital service. U. T. CROflUT. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. 441 Commercial street I. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on nond street, Aatorla, Or. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, upatalra, Aatorlan Building. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxeo. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON k DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, $4. B, M and 17, Hamilton IlulMlng. All lecal and col lection bualn-aa promptly attended to. Clalma agalnat the government a epa jlalty. uThe Louvre" AST0KU S GOKCCOtS ENTERTAINMENT HALL 8 KI.OOK" rine Mu.le. (lenie of All Kind. Two Magnlllrent Kara. CVEKYTMNft TIKST-CIASS Cood Order and Everybody's flights RTItlCTLY OltNKHVBI). ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING! ROOM FRIB TO ALU Open every day from t e'eloek to 1:1$ and t.K to 1:10 p. m. Bubacrtptton rate $1 per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH at DUANK STB. the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon b& doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? RREMNER & HOLMES T.ji,on. uiacksmltht Bpeolal Attention Paid to Steamboat He- Iiali'liig, ioi aealioemg, BtO, UOCCING CAlflP tnORK A SPECIALTY 1ST t I.N ICV NT., bet. l anil alb. .SNAP A KODAK. al any nian euinliii nut ut our store and you'll ! a portrait of a inau brlnisilna, oar with pieaialil IhoiiKhla. Hui'h yualltr III Ilia lluuora, we huioitrxviionlila, .ln any inaa. COM If AND THY Til KM Muonns & co. A. V. ALL1CN, DCALtR IN f irocrrlrs, Flour, FeeJ, Provlnlotia, Frtill Vegetables, CriKkery, (ilaw and Plate J Ware, l.ngRrrVSuppllr. Cor. Tenth and Commercial slreeta J. B. WYATT, lhoa Ne, aa Atterla. Ore Hnnlwnrc, Shl Chnntllcry, ( irocerleM, ProvlMloiiH, PAINTH einrt t)!L.r, peclal AlUnllea Paid la llepfrlyiai sale. I07J Mot Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubikatlnf OILS A Sptvlalty. Ship ChaiidliTy. Html wart1, I ron it St Coal. (JriH'eritn A ProviHiontr, Flour A Mill Fetul, pHintH, Oils. Varnihw IxigtTS Sujiplit'S, KnirliHiik8 8cak'H. DiMirn A WindowB, Ajiriculturiil I mplement WapiiiH A Vi'liiclt-H. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. NICOLL, Assistant. OrFICB: Kopp's Hew Brewery Japanese Goods Orlentnl Cttrloa NoveltieH WING LEE. SOJmmerclajjK. W. L. ROI3B Heal Estate and Insurapoe 110 ELKVR!TII ST. Offluo wltli K. A. Taylor, SEASIDE SAWjuM. A complete stock of lumber en- handi In the rough or dreeaed, Flouting, rus tic, celling and all kinds of ftalsh; mold. Inga and shingles. Terms reaaonabla and prices at bedrock. All orders, promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II f L LOGAN. Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor, ASTORIA IRON WOHKB Front Bt., foot of 4 th, Aatorla. , General Machinists and Boiler Maketr La4 4 Marin Enflan, Boiler work, Staaa. boal aa4 Cann.rr Work a Specialty. CatSot 04 All Dcrlptioe Mas le Or4r oa Short Notk. John fox.. ..President and Superintendent A. L Fox Vloe President O. B. Prael Beoretary Aatorla Savings Bank Treasurer Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER YARD, OFFICE SC5 COMMERCIAL ST..