tm nmv aatokian, WiUY stonmn, wmi 9. mi. LICOAL ADVEHT1BICMKNT8. CIOVKUNMUJNT PIlOl-OHAIifl WANTKH. I'llol'UHAI for iWh ln.f am! frwnh mutton: rifflon 'lilf ('oitniil mry, Vaimmivitr Htwrnrk, Wiwh. Arll I, IN 117. Hvtl(1 tir'MMMivK In trip, lliMtn, Mill Iki nvoivwl limn uml at ttttliM'N of ('oniiiiliiiNtrlnN at followlnpr immiii) mwIm, (for Cmtli li'H-f ml frroh Ynultim to Imi dnllvnrnl Ht Dint l't (Hiily), until lit n'nliM'k n.x'ii, May MtiT, ttxtt ihih1, for furirlMliliiK mid dnltvi-ry to iilttniiw dittat-tm'iit, 1', H. mmy. lh fnh Iwl mil fmli mm. ton tvlM Uk ly Hi Commissary at Vwt to m miiiix1 t itrlnir U moiitli. wmimwnlna- Jiiiy I, IHW: IM liar- rarkai mat fiut Hliormiin, MiOm; Kurt Can4y, KKikM, Walla Walla nmd Viiiuivrr HurraoU, Waati, Krrwh txwf Khali Imi gnod in quality anil rm l!llH tit tr tiummlUt w, ttiwl from fim luul hi ml quarter nwal proMrr Umially, lliitlllitlllg mi IxHIt nut tlwTn. of. rYrah imitt'm aliall t" of bhk1, fat aiul marsHaM quality, from Wnl4ir over 011a milt Uliilr tlir yvnra ll, llwf mid mutum t Imi ttrmMKl and trliiimwl and dellvmud In tin Ik, a prpTtlml In circular of In. tnii' lloim lit MiMr. 1'rnpn.nla will ba tu mMia-il nijtlliw prtcnail which tilililnr will iIpIIvit frtwh Ixwf or niutton of chiu-oi tT tlmvii stated, mul to I iIcIIvitct! f twiiH.mtur not gtvatnr than tril il.-uro VtiriMilir.. (lovern tiBMit twrvin rtifht to rJwi th whole or miy iri of miy or nil lild. Inf.irmatlon fiuiitntm.) here, or ty viiiintnwiry At th evinil hwi. Cn valia omliiliilnif iiroixwAla should Im iimrknl 'TroiunuUn for Krnh Jtwf Mutton) at ." mul aildrad to imilnitii or to t'iitmlM&ry at la to milml. V. II Naah, IJoul -CV.I , A. ( t. H, NOTICE. NutUxt In Imtvliy iilvmi thnt nil num-. twly llot-iis.- ar tutv duo and payable to tlm fhW of I'nlliv at lilo oltlw, mul If not pU wltliin imi iUti fromdaUi it thu intu', a (MniiUiy of 2i Tivni "I'UUoinU will t rhnrpM. II. IC SKIMS. Au.lH'T mul ivilw Ju'ltf. Aaloriu, dr.. April 1, 1 'J7. TltKAHt'ltKlt'H NOTICK Notliw 1 hcrnliy aivrn that IhiTa la funila In tlui Hty trwumry to pay Jl warrantji Imlnrwol prior to July 1, HIM, rumpt wvranta ilrawn on Wall Xmat a4it Wil Ninth atrxt Jntnrmt will cnua afttr thla data. J. V. 0NN. C5ty IVnuiurw. Aatorta. March V, 1M7. Kl.KiTHIC l.liiMT-NoTK.'i: CdNTKAiTOIW. TO (IttW of h Vmr (Naiimbna'iMi, Ai t4, Or-irBi. Alirtl . IV7. NiXlin la Hr.'liy Ktvm ituu nlil iniiotla Witt Imi rm-lv-ral m thla nltlrai until II oVIm'k in , Miy I. I)'J7. for tha vartniui wk mul ntntorliUM iut-nuiry a tlm lntalllia f ft atly i') rc MtC plain, to In ( rated tiy ai lm iuIik nnJi'f v.hix'1. mul im-iiil ly tlm liiunlilinjlty. rniat.lii muM In liuuli- mi prlntol rnnN nuppliM t- Uk olc-rk of ttu twnmlnntil, anl 111 full iu v NiUktra UxuvwIiJi, ami nitint lm i-timiaiild l.y a iKi-tlllnl iiluk ilintt In mi mnomrt tiiiuJ to ton (ln it rrnt of Uh mdrn-tt-ikto miHiunl M'l, imulii pay ablu to tin rlik of tlio Aiwiaia, VlT (AmiiiiiuwIhii. Ilillilli-alm of hlda and nix-.iiiiiuiyliiK pilnil plniui ulinil lm fllod m lt oltliK- of i tin ohkIiiutt m or l-fotv th data pmvlounly timirtlnniil. I'liuia mid wpomili-ailiiiw ikui h kn i-ld T at Urn oltliK of tlkttt iHiuilkai, or ail tlx ultliv of Umi ciiikIiiiit. W. W. I'AHKF.It. nutiniuin. II. (1. VAN lU'HHN. n.-rk. AUTIU'll I.. 'A MA MM, 401 t"iU. HI.-, H. V., Co. TUn luv. V. II. Wtiavrr. imatorof tha V. II. fhunih. IIIUhur. !.. nc owiUm tho vtlun of Chrniitx-rlnJn'a CiMiirh Kirnnly. ami dix-a not timltatu a till oth.-ro iktHiut tt. "I liavo UmkI Vhiiiiili-rlulu'H Vuirh lUiiuity," he aaya, "and find It an rxrclli-tit mmll cliK fur coIiIm, mflui mul Iwiorao tMm," t diwa vorynni wtio clvra It a trial. Hold ty Iatiti-Coiin Mru Co. Tin- 'our of A p mil Mmla thn.t riipli! tniitt In N' York la inntt tutlomtl. Hut It will ri'iuli it full bmtiih f Hi, Miipn-ini t'mirt of thr XTmVtod Mini to flml miy rapid tnuilt In Ni-w York. Mra. A. Invin, rraldlnif at 7?0 lton ry aln-t, Alton, 111., aulTiTi'd with Mclittlc, rhi'iimatlHin for ov-r -Inht inontlia. Slu diMitortid furlt lu-arly th wholo of thla time, imliiK' vnrlniw rotu ixlliw niomjiiiiiuli'il ly frioiulti, mid won tronlol by tho iihyrtrfana but rn-oi-lveil no "n'lli-f. Hli thon uswl ojip mi1 a httlf liolthfi of C'lmnilxirliUira I'lUu Unlm, wlili .h effected a compiete cure. Tilda 1 at hor reauitrt. im h w-antM otlura almllnrly Affllutrd to know wtmt cun-d hor, Tlio S nnd CO will l&n fur Mtlu by KBU-a-CoiKn I)ruf Co. WTIvini a MrttlMli Itivnilnr tcim to I'arla to conft-r with thr Fivno'i MlnWU-r of FonMun Affulra it la In dUatlve of a dtvtlre to Ki-t thi-lr In 'MtrumnntlB In itune and up to concert Mtch. Amortoana aro the most Inventive people on earth. To them have been luaued nearly 600,000 patonta, or more than one-third of all the 'pntanita la aued In the world. No dlaoovery of modorn years lioa Ibeon of greater benefit to mankind than Chamber laln'a Oollc, Cholera and P&arrhoea Itemeily, or Jioa duna more to relieve :poln and aufforlnif. J. "W. Vaugn, of Ookton. Ky., aaya: "I have uaed Cliamberlailn'a Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea iunily In my family for sev eral years, and find It to be the beat medicine I ever uned for cramp In the stimiaoh and bowels. For sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. In tlio rorllufoinlnit I'nrwiita' fiwt Kirim it lii'ioklyn, fiUlKira, woll iiHlln'r,cn.n it ii kn pin I. llin Kiiav anoxa of futliora hav Hml atunt nit oini Inn of litt . mul It U only jut Uial tin? pvlrina of Hwhk liotili t lamt Iw unjWHi.lwti. Kitlton Hch Salt for Imth nl Mm KHtt'H-Uonn Druir Store lOti hikI 25i mt lutckairc. x IiSwuUkmh will Im worn on h.t tin ill Mirlnir U funliiT advmuvol, lit wl-lt titniio Howin w-lll tilim forth in mi HuMr billHinai'. ir prnvniillon of IuiMimmm, mid In iMnaw anil HUrkon tlm ktowIIi of tha luUr, un llttll'a Vra-Rtnlilo HI ill I on 1 1 u.1 r Hii" or, I'liynloUuia wid'n aa mid rriymmr1li It. WUnlow I'l'iMilna; la wild U Im a iriM-iit-r inwtimiri to llfn than mJb"ttl travi'l. Till muat In Hhi oomtmimt.t Iiik Choiiirht of rli hnUM'wIfi wIhi twin lliri-i la-rvaiita, yv U roiiiK-l1i I Xt throiiifh a kIum diirkly. ciim minute la all tha tlina nvcoanry to iliil from xrtMiiitU iinrlriu that (inn MWiut CoukIi Cur dona what II nntnn Impll.a Chaj lt"nra It U a im itn HiIiik t any, lul n"v.-r-i'ImOom a truthful on-. I tint mtuiy of th' Krin'iiU atli-hnl ly fiUr ll:iKvr In l4'iit an an linitlymnd llmjt rvnn tli.wn in whom i;lutrtiy U a li can not tiiakn any ur of tlnin. If you havo avnr avn a child In tlio nny of croup, you oan appr'lata th ratltud of mothiTa who know that Onu Mlnuta ("ouuh Cura rll'r thrlr llttlo anna aa ijuli kly aa It la admin latorad. Many homna In tha Hty ar imvar without It. Chita. ItoKr-ra A ir-tty woman In ii- of rli- mw lilla of injlllin-ry. W a plitlun. hut n platn run n it Iw dul'lml tniUifUlly iiHirr lluin a ilirnii at tl- moat. Torturtna. lohlnit. a-aly skin rrup- tlona. Imrna and sealda are aoothed al iiiik and promptly healml by Me Wltt'a Wltnh llaaol Mmve. Ihe beat known cure for pile Chaa Itoirera. TIm atudy of o-iiloiry la a itn-al fu.l mnotiK woiix-n of fiuhlon throe lnya. It ia luitU-iwdU. Iiiwvvtr. UuU tin rt.lar oina are tin irtU'Nt en IhUKlnMn Clili-ora. I'a , "IlenUd:" Itli hard VnmH nirta One Minute Cotmh Cure tlio (Teat int auecraa In mixlU-m acienre. He told ua that It cured hla whole family of terrible coughs and cold, af ter all other eo-callod cum had failed entirely. Mr. Vrnsnl said It aaalated hla children through a very lad ahice of meaalea. One Minute t'ouuh Cure makea eipwtoratlun very eaay and rapid. Chaa, Kiuxera, MruKKlat. (ieorir" Knuu-la Train la now inm. elate eilltor of Coxey's Pound Mony. I tliia a coav of i rssy home and era ay norm? Mlnutea m like Hours when a life la at atake. Croup gives no time to lid for a doctor, delay may mean dinih. One Minute CoUKh Cure gives Inatant nllef and Inaurea recovery. The only harmlias remmly that produces ImiiM-dlatn reaulta. Cha. lingers, MniKirlat. fa tli-re ev-r nurh aouinl refiihlim dli'P ua that hli-h f.illinvi a brink iln on Mm lli-yrte th"e tine npilnu 'vriilnga Many oaaea of "Grlpiw" have lately tionn cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Thla preparation aema eaiM-lally adapted to the cure of thla dine use. It ants quickly, thus preventing serious complications and bad effects In which thla dlaeaac oft on leaves the atlent. Chaa. Il I'luiky lltth tiriwiv may lai-k thox illM-nt1on whh'h the lu'tler part of vatr, hut tlre la no ml.ilike nlwiut the valor. It la aiir)rlatng what a "wee bit of a thing" win accomplish. Rick headache. constipation, dyjeiala, sour stomach, dlxxlneaa, are quickly banished by Ie Wltfs Little Karly Itlsers. Pmnll pill. Hafe pill. Ttest pill. Chaa. TlogenJ. Kiupiror Wtlllum Kays IAm irrnnd-fiilh- r u "mo-hMit nl unpr.-ttMi-lliiiih." Hut, thon, proluilily Viu-llke Willie ihlnkM he U modest ami un- pl'l-tl'lltlOUli lUlllM'If. H It ltK A llll.ll IN ONKIIAY, Take laxative Itromn Quinine Tatilcti. All driiKKlata refund the money If It fill In to cure. 2h Kor aala by Chns, ItiiKera, MrilKKlHt. 11 Mei-nut that ut lnat tho time has iiiumi when the pHPtlsan Mlltliian In liMlhiid ito be afraid of the spunky In dependent voter. LKNTEN SUnVICES. Calendar fur Grace Church Durlm; Each Week. Monday Morning prayer at Bun- day school teachers or Church Broth erhood at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday Morning prayer at 9; boy choir at 4, Wednesday Morning prayer and lit any at 9; evening prayer at Holy In nocents at 7:30. Thursday Morning prayer at 9; carol practice at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and address at 4; boy choir and litany at 7. Friday Morning prayer and litany at 9: evening prayer and address at 7:30; choir practice. Saturday Morning prayer at 9; Sun day School Guild at 10. confirmation class at rectory (for young members) at 4. The ladles meet at the hotel Tlghe Tuesday and Wednesdays In the after noon to make the vestments for the boy choir. MARINU NtiVVS. II III II WATtH, A. M, Y. M. Il.lll ft 'ill, III ft i4vr watkm, a, m, i r.'ii." Ii in ft ,Ii im ,f unuii i v in .i k DATK. Tui'ln v. . Wmlnnd'y Tliiirmlay Krlilav .. Haluntiiy Huiiilny , . Mouilny,. tHlliD. Ill l i II till? ; -rt 7 n ti ii 7 I li It" n 7 Ml II 7' a ra ii Hi i I 'lH II III I 0 II UK 7 llH il ( I 4 n i i'. ;! iv in (V II I U .l: (IIWOK1 I ft: .; I hiv Tho sh iiimr Flward I'urk loft up river for I'ortliunl yitTilay. Tlm A Id" I lliuwliaril, Cuot. HtiKliea, iiloiiivd ynteiituy for Hon l"nuiiila'o, wtth a goiieral cargo. Tlm !tWkait, CaiitiUn Munhwn, elmtmit yelrlay llur a bay, wHli a nuwi of gtnral tiierolmidlie. Tin anil mit Kmma l'ttr, Catitaln Allen, yntJ.rdiiy iaird fur Mmtr'y wlt.h a cargo of 3r.7,Ooo fit of luinlior. The ('.utner Klinore, f nHii4ii Hchra. der, wmnreil yesterday with a rargo if gi'ir-ral iiuTi'tiaiidlim from Tllla liwk. Tla tug ltlef twxl t" i'hHiu-r Auroila out to ina yiKtiTiliuy fioin Kitapi'tim, Ixiund to Hun FnuuilNnn nlfh Itiinbi'. The ColiKiiliUi arrived down and left at 4 o'nlmk yit-ti!ay nwrndiig f..r Kan Kruiu-'K with a largv getuial eargo and Mti4-nifer lint. Tlu t'olunilflno, '.;itm,li (V.nwny, arrlviil il'iwn from lof:laiul y-Wirilay ami left out at Ii uVlmk for Cape Klattnry, where she will lam aupplU-a for Hha rnlt-! rtaloa itiKliin-rH, who are iniudrurt i th n'W fur rlgntj Ubttm. Tin big, biirty. hoiilthy limn la a coiittmial Iri-tUtUiri to hli djai-ptlc friend. t'lmstlpMiion In ttw rt of lilne-lrt ha of tlu- alrkneMt of un-n. and of a larg jiroiiotilon of the uli-km- of womin. It ei be ciirecl easily, n it- ii rally luwl qudkly. Nature In con tinually working a hard as nlie ran to throw off ImpurtUea, and ti froe out Mibonoiia ri-fuae iinittr. Vi'lw-n tluTo la an lmeUment. Ir. I'li-ree's I'liivamt lvileta ant tlm whn-U working agnlti without any trouble. Tls-y ajlHt nature in a K mi tie, hiiUtn ful. ettloU-nt way. There la nothing vl-ilmit about ttw-lr ai-tinn, ami yet II la Just aa nftiiki as If It "ire twin aa violent. "You do not I.-me a alave to tlwtr law." They an dllTi-r-nt ttial 'Ix-tler: than any otSn-r pill for tile nun- t CimMJpttli'Mi, hiiulluJve and klnilrwl dff.-migauenta. Alma4 mi drufc'gtiftrf unilratmid thla, and are con. ai-lenllous enough to t-ll you so. 'Ilv drugirlat who tries to sell you a sub. etltute la nut a eafe man from whom In buy naillcnle. Hnd :l onia In one wiK atmiips to World's I lii'jumry Medina) AaaiK-latloti, Ituffalo, N. Y., and i-Wva Mr. Ilmw'a loOH age "("annum rW-nae Medina! Advt-r," pro fusely i1lualrntil. Will lum Mi-Klnley O.'iairm hj IH'V-n- wavrl In hla tillif that the eleo. lion of hla dltlnulHVd rouain would lirtng proaportly. Aiiottwr awnnt to lrt Autra liurta i" iM'Ing made. I'iiU-jji ithn iJd J,-.ilmi.ilen am) dlnVrenci a tinve illa-npvi-aid. the attmpt la dMined to fiilluiv. They are so small that the mt sen sitive persona take them, they are so effective that the moat olmtlnate oases of oo nat liatlon, he ad ah oe and torpid liver yield to thurn. That Is why Me Wltt'a Utile Hnrly Hlaera are known aa the famous little ptlla. Chaa. Rog ers. The Cadillac prwiclier who talks tttniut the "awfulnii. of the nude" may be able to auggest some eay dovlii for havkig babies Imrn with, )iijamu. CASTORIA for Infant! and Children. ni hi ii siii Urn tirf (psi. M Tho 1U1 to enforce thij conuiiiuul miti'lti faUitl to wihh the Kuiikis IjeKlKlaluiv lr the- reason, protnUily, th'iit the commatHlment which Han "Thou Bhult luit utrtil" w;ui ivfMiiled aa a ixvort lnult on thu free silver Ml"JL AMMINISTIIATOK'8 NOTICK. Notice is hereby given thut by an order of the County Court for Clat mip county, State of Oregon, the un dersigned has been appointed admlnls- riitur of the estate of John Helnents, deceased, nnd all persons having claims ngulnst snld estate are required to pre sent them, duly verified, to the under signed within six months from this date. J. M. RUIKH, Administrator. Astoria, March 18, 1897. In Sterling, Ky., a wildcat has been nuMxilvcil toiifttf ht a) man to a flunlcv Mils week. It Is a downright shame to wwjate a good wlldnat like that. WEAK QUI CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims ol Lost Manhood should send at once Mr a book that explains how full niHDly vIeoi is easily, quickly and purmauuuily iwtnred. JNo man su fieri ng from weakness can af ford In lumire th! i timely ail vice. Hook tolls bow Ifllll lu.l h .In relonment and tone are imparted to everv portion of the body. Sent, with positive proof (sealed ) frtt toanynianonappuoaliop ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. Toi XVrfictablc Preparation for As slniilnllng die food mul He? uli -lliig Hie Skinuuiu and ltoncLs of lTOBiotet)ieslion,Cheeiful ncis and RralContalns ncilhcr OtmitiT.Morptiine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. jtt tmitmmt U, t A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stoniach. Diarrhoea and Loss or Sleep. TacSinsle Signoturc of NEW YORK. t iry.'.vVT.H'y-mrU "1 U l IXACT COPY OF WBAPPCB. S.0-T0-BA! GUARANTEED TOBACCO 1 HABIT 1 irf lilH HI boiM tx-li. Hf) P.U r.i rf imni Its ryiwst l-m. Nii-bi-lcl 11 i-vrMtmt brri-tia1 Id lm world. Msnr slu Si pounrt. in In dtt rxl il t,,rt riU 10 oik tlw wouk Iturtfii-nt iijkq ntnt. vliffjnnia sod maimiillc. Jqk trj m too. Vuq will di d nimi4i. rapci fim w, mii t m ntti vtui. lor a iuif isarMulatlf ruiriiu-i bf aravnt err vbm. Srnil lf our lrlrt "ili.rri 'I.n,mj ..!! an4 f-tiok Your Life Ay." wrlco MfaLtil sriif Iim twul. aiUrau'I UKBiiJlUlJiu lii.Mi.ljV U.,lUrAew lor a. 8o'' n,l G "jeijgsrrurr 'sjanf "swr.-) Xq pasiasjwn Unu ass Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. and McKee Ave. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. WHITE COLLAR LINE "MIUI GA1ZERT" Portland-Astoria 4ttamtrs It-eve Piartltuid dally as OilKiws: Alder stiwt Ua-k. 6:45 ft. m. iuul 7:11 ji. m. Ash ttret dock 7 a. m. and 8 p. m. Llvpm Anuria. C. It. and P. S. N. dixk. 6:45 am. and 6:i5 ji. m. O. H. & N. dock. 7 i a. in. uul 7 p in. Salunlay nlKht stumT ltawei Port- j mil fiMiu AUUr strwt dock at P:45 1 p. ni. ami Ah atrtvt dock at 10 p. m. Sulteilule lncJudcs Sunday nlglit : luiivt nit of IVirtland and Astoria, j but iw Sunday nuu-nlno; boat. Night tniat from Tortland txnncots with Steamer MILER" nt Otthliunoit at 5 a. m. dally exo-i j Monday ftr W'eatport, Clifton and' Knuinxv, RJid all landings on Oregxm c4d. U. B. SCOTT. President E. A. Seeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Ag-ent, Astoria. Telephone No. IL Marshall & Company's Twine Elmore, Sanborn X CO., Agentts Fresh from the milla for 1897 Ashing-. Every ball guaranteed. Please report any lmperfectlona, BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Evury ball must be marked "MARSHALL & CO., SHREWSBURY MILLS." Manufactured from selected flax specially for COLUMBIA RIVER FISHING. See that every ball bean the MARSHALL label. 6. 7, , . 10, 11. 12, IS, H-ply 40'a 12. 13, 14, 15, 18-ply 60'. 7. 8, 9, 10-ply 30's. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEBY BOTTLE OF Cattorii Ii tit la eue-fii twttlea oslr. It ll sot sold ii balk. Doo't alio asToas to saU 70s izpii'.tg '.m ca tli pl or promise that It li "Just M good" asi "sill miw erery pw- Srf-R,. iV.t ... l rLi.ft.TJV.lL.11i. j.. Tit tu- taiBjM b Ammfrm ttMSimlni t nr tnhrm In mnw hm ilEi mmm MANHOOD RESTORED g3P.Ss38 easu, such as Weak Memory. Loss ot Braia Fower. Hoailacae, lulotsa, Manbood, Kightly Eml-lons, '0!ft.,ii?i2 1'aa oi power la OjuerUe Orsans ol eiiber aex eaated tT,yer?1 tlon, Toothful errors, excessive ase of tobaeeo, opium or sUmalaDU, ablcnUtolnflnany.CoojumpilonorlnsanltT. Can be eamea in trestpoeseC l per bo t. tur br mll prnjali ClrlsJ Free. hf I1 drurrUU. Ak lor It, take no other. staDUfaclartjd by the Kail Medi"ne Co.:rarl, Frloee. Uue-Darls Drug Co, tUaUihattag aieota, Tbird and Yamhill ata. rorUaad, Of. J. W. CONN. Agent Astoria. Situated on tiie south side of Astoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. The Daily Astorian Has the Largest Circulation on the Columbia River ! Everyone Reads It THAHtrORTATION LINK,' Astoria and Columbia River Jtoilroad TIME CARD. Train leave Seaside for Astoria at 7:20 a. m. and 2 p. m. dally. Train leave Astoria for Flavel at I t. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Train 'eav Aatorta for Seaside i 10:20 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Train leavt Flavel for Aatorta at :4f a. m. and 2:SI p. m. dally. GO EAST , VIA. Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Mesla la Diliag Csr a la Carte Rock Dallaat So Oaitt The all-rail route to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper, Dining; and Library Observa tion Car. Daily Trains ...Past Time SERVICE A SO 8CESEKT CSEAQIELED For ticket and full Information call on or address A. B. C. DEXtf ISTON, C. P. & T. A., Portland, Or. R. C. STEVENS, O. W. P. A.. Seattle. FOR PORTLAND ( Via Kcsppa, nirtnn, Wettport, sndj a; Uudlugi.) THE STEAMER H. C. laes Astoria eerr Son.tay, Tnedy and Tbunulay st p. m.. eatnnlax at 7 a m, Leaves Portland every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 p. in., and baiunlay tl)p a Landing at CaUilamet on all down trips' Toning and Jnbbli amund Astoria every 8nn dsy, Tuesday and Thursday. HEDrCEP RATES, lnrnrmatlnn foot ot Mai street, PETERSON GILMORE, Agents. In the heart of Chicago. The Union Passengvr station In Chicago, Into which all Burlington Route trains run, la lo cated in the very heart of the city. The principal hotels, the largest stores, the best theaters, the biggest business establishments are only a few blocks distant To reach them It ton t even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, It IS necessary to take the Burlington Route; that Is, it Is 11? you want the best there Is. Two routes via Bil lings, Mont, and via St. Paul, Winn. Swift safe, luxurious. Compartment sleepers are notable fea tures of or St Paul-Chicago trains. Tickets and time tables at any ticket office. A. C. SHELDON. G. A, Portland. Oregon. Are You Going East? Be aura and see that your ticket read via THE NORTH-WESTERN ' line:. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH. ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and SoutL. Their Mag-nl(loent Track, Peerless Vaa tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Train and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given tnia road a national reputa tion. All classes of passenger carried on th vestibulad trains without extra oharg. 8hlp your freight and travel over this famoua Una All agent have ticket. W H. if BAD, r. C. SAVAGE. Oen. Agent Trav P. and P. Agt M Washington st.. Portland. Or. ft ha rtal 1. Bguiai T T4fJt TRANHroHTATIOX LINK. Going East ? IP YOU AHE, UO NOT POMOBT Three Important Points nitUT-Oo via the Bt, Paul becatiM the lines to that point will afford you th very beat service, SECOND See that the coupon beyond 8t. Paul read vfca the Wlaoonala Cen tral because that Un makea do oon nootlon wtth all the trar-continental line entering the Union Depot there, ad Its service I flrst-olaa In very particular. THIRD For Information, call on your netghbor and friend th nearest ticket agentand ask for a ticket read. Ing via the Wesconsin Central lines, or address JAS. C. POND, General Paiiaenger Agent, Milwaukee, "Wla. Or GEO. S. BATTT, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. 0.R.&N. GIVES CHOICE OF -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha op St. Paul Pullman and Tonrist Sleepers Free Reclining- Chair Cars asBBaBBMB Astoria to Sao Fwnelseo. Columbia, Monday, March 29. State of Cat, Saturday, April t. Columbia, Thursday, April 8. State of Cat, Tuesday, April IX. Columbia, Sunday, April 11 SUte of CaL. Friday, April U. Columbia, Wednesday, April 28. For rate and general aronaaaoa aO en or address G. W. LOUNBBERRT. Agent. w. h. HtntiiBintT, Oen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. E. MCNEILL, Prealdent and Manager. Milwaukee! This Railway Company Operates Its trains on the famous block system; Lights Its trains by electricity througU. out: Uses the celebrated electric berth read. lug lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago; the Chicago, riilwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veetl billed trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free redining chair oars and the very best dining car servloa. For lowest rates to any point In tha United States or Canada, apply to ticket agent or address C. J. EDDT. : General Agent Portland, Or. J. W. CASET, Trav. Pass. Agent TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... ) Al si isi ...Open for Special Charter... Sailing dates to and froar. Tlllaaaek aad Mehalcsa depend apoa th weather. Far Freight and Paassngsr Rates Apply T. ELMORE. SANBORN & CO. AQBNT8 0. R. A N. CO., Agents, Partlaad aretuprioi 1-3 Cubebsor.iferfionsandffJI!' CURE IM 48 HOURS V tha lama tjlteasea withotra Inconvenience, I SoldhtmltimrgtHr.