THE DAILY tiiVllUN, THURSDAY M0KN1N0, APRIL 8. iwi. MARINE NEWS. THaNsrrmrATiON l.isics. TKANSroltT ATIOT LINES. l if l 1.1 the best pi 'modern chemical science to culinary art The best cooks use it because the food prepared vith it is more apjictizing, Jieultlmil, and economical. TIouiiwilrait.mria tn-"itlalttt" u4 hunt la riiiM HwW umlh-vu ua. Tllll N. K. PAIRIJANK COMPANY MtflAI. AllVICHTIHKMICNTH. tinVKHNMKNT riUH'oHALH WANTK.D. l'ltuiMAlJ4 fnh lwf and trwli mutton: twin Cldof t'oriiiiila nary, V aim invar llarrai'lis, Wash.. Adl I, mvT. Hoaled iimtNMMUa, In trip. lut, wilt Iw rv.-Hvol tniw ami at ttl(v f ('iitmlnmtrl at following Ivuiinl !. I for frrill txwf and frnwh Unit I. m 1. 1 Im dollvrrvd at that 'Hi onlyl, uhiU 13 o'nluok ti.m. May l I'll., tU oMwirt, for furirfulilii and dnlvry ro suhUlntw dxpartmnnt IT. H. army, th fnh Iwf and frmh mut ton nllrt f"r )y tli ('ommlasary at tKWl l Iki supplied duHlltf fix month. bfHnmtU'lng July I, 1!'7: IM" liar-ra-k bjxI K'Tt Hhwmiui. Miw; Ki tai Caiby. Hiadtajst. Walla Wall nd VanMuwr Itamu'kA W'nah, Krw bmf atiall li rl In nuailty and m- 4 1 tli n fit linnv1lab iwh, ami from fim tuxl liliul iuoitor nai pr-nxf' tiwuUly. ImJiitlliiif all lmt rum thrn. tf. r'h muttim nhall I if nind. ' ""v niUiaHoii. Ii.nuliu ln' fat aiul mi-kial4o quality, frun ' ttn'' klndrwl ilTB.iiK'fniiit Alnnt all wt.tra ovir on and undT tlir j dniiririm umWwaiid ttiln, ami art- run. ym Jd. ll-f and inutimt t l :' l,,t "ikIi to t. ll you ao. 'I"h drawl aiul trtmml and driiw! tn 1 dniirirtat win. tPl to .II you a sub bulk, im int'.xHlwl III rtrvulw vt Iq.jwtluto In twl a witv mail fr-mi wliom MruriUiDM t. Ud.W IY.wal will ! to buy n-dli-ii. ftrnd 21 rr-i,w In on b arMrtlintui (rli'muE w1dvh j wiil rt4uiiw to Wortd'a I "lix jiwu-y blddor will dnUvxr frh lrf or muttim ! Moal AwrlnU.m, lluffalo, N. T., W rbarartM- aliovu atstod. aiul to I and fwrvi. Ir. I'HnVa KKill hii Vlivnrrl of tntiiimratum not KivntiT than M dr-nrnoa Ktirnnbolt. tlovnm rrmnl ri rtsht to rJ't ton wh iln or any wrt of any or all bula. IfUVrrnatlim fund-tlipd hvrv, or by CommliMary at th avrrl K.n. "miiiii tin iriinil liiiliiirn-iwi a vnlopon ivmtaliilnir iroiiiala hImhiM Um aix-oiw, Urntn the ffTirt to tm markml "IVoixwala f'r Knwlt lrf j Intnuluvo In IM pUuv KntflfU wiUklii (or Mutton) at ," and aMrnMHid Imln and turban, to undiO"itiil txr to c'omiulmwry at 1 - (tt1a to Im uiiU1. W. II. Naah, Uul .fd., A. C. O. B. NOTICK. NoUm la lMt'tiy lvm that all quar- tnrly lUviiiM-a aiv now du and payable to Uw ttik-f of l"olUw at hka mv, and tf nut paid within lm day from date j of thia n..ili, a (mtuUty of :& prr ront j rflillUonal alll bn rharr1 II. K. NEI-HON, Auditor and l'ollon Jii.Ik Jtatorta. Hr.. April 1, IV.7. TKKAAl'HKU'H NtiTICK. " j A, mint whvi if't In a car with a baby NnMii Im btrily Irl voti that thfre I M uluaya an tt.Ji-ft of liit.-rr-xi In the la funda In tJio ity ttaaury to pay..thT ihuthtutith wh.-n the 1ietlt one all warrants ndorl rtof lo July I, i tvnm to rry, 1194, ciiil warranta drawn on Vail wlrmt and Wmt Ninth atrevi w. JnUTTut wilt cixuw after thla date.. J. W. COSS. llty lVajiurr. iitnrla. March 17, 1H97. Thn lt.-v. W. II. Wavrr. iairt.irof tu If. II. Chunih. tIIWurg, I 'a., tve Ctili the valui of rhamtierlaJn'e Couirh Iwincly. ami do. not feudal to toll othmw about It. "I have uund Cluimlx-rtiUn'D uirli HxtmMy," he ay, "and find it an rxor.ll.iit modi tiit for rlbi, oouidia and Ikoara hiMW." Ho dona voryin wlio kIv It a trial. Hold hy Km.-Coivn Drug Co. Tho bla'k icnni ttu.1 whowi n ahlny aurfiu In thi irarlnh lUht of day maki a nvml m-n'ti-i-aU.- Inmplli1t toiimto. FVir ptyfntlon of haldnf-aa, and In rwnnw and tlUckcn tho growth f the tutlr, uw Halle Vogntablo Blrlllan Hair lli'nw r. I'hynlcuuui (itd.ce and rci-iiminrnd It. It In a v"ry HlroiiK-mlndrd woinnn who mil r-Klnl it uk I im' jiit a p.'p at tin. IilmI ii' of a lioik Khi- In tnj1 Ing in rrul. One minute In all the time noc.tnry Ui diH'Jdf from ponuMMil rxpirlfno that t)ne Mlnuto (Vugh ure do what It nntne lmplla. Choi, llogora. Art.r nil. d.ilto thi. pii.vhIiih'1 of KHinly bl.Hmiu. fho moili-Mt vlolut ap-1r-h.Ii lo tlw iiuil.'t, n-(lii.l timtf. If you bave evor aoen a ohlld In the ajrony of croup, you onn appreciate the gratltudo of mothwa who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves tholr little onoe aa quickly ae It la admin Uitored. Many home In the dty are never without it. Chaa. rtogom. And now the vry ewell cravat la tkxl a little do one aide Innt.sul of dlrootly In frnvt or at the back, an forim-rly. Amcrloana are the moat Inventive people on earth. ' To them have been Ixaued nearly 600,000 patent, or more than on-third of all the patent la aued In the world. No diaoovery of modwn years has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamber Iniln's Colic, Cfhol.Ta and Dfrurhoe Hfmedy, or luw done more to relieve pain and suffering. J. W. Vaugn, of Oakton, Ky., says: "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and 11 arrhoea Remedy In my family for sey eral years, and find It to be the beet medicine I ever used for cramp lit the sbmuah and bowels. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. ft of the MV Worm-n niv uliNoliit.ily tvckLmn In itu-iimilliiK liM" If tlwt nrlti ll mi mayn .mi (Impa lh-y urn nultn as l(ltly In hAiivIkMit tiii(y. Tin grout whikLt Is llutt tins, urn it iixNti fun eral .ri-l"ii Hum tlmr are. Tim hmrty, Imultliy nuin Is a ooiilHiunl Irritation to hi dysiirptlc friond ('iitlMllii hi tlw rt of litl-l"itha of III" alrktMWM nf Men, and of a liu'ip' irixi-tlni of the Hl kii- f women. It h rui Kmtly, tut urnlly tuul iiil kly. Nulmv I mil tliiiiiilly working a luirl u aim in to throw off liiiimii U-. and to fi-ror mil MitHonniu Tvfiim' matter. Wlvn thr In mi Imimllmriit, Ir. Hertw's I'kvuauit I VI let bH thn wImw-U working stfnto wllliout uiy trouble. Tley ilt nature In a Kitlr, hmlth- 1 ful rifloktit y. Th-re In nothlnit v,,,,',,t ,,M'lr ' H"'i. and )' j ' ' J'"" a If It wt-r twin I im vi.iifiii. tou tin not ixtimxi a ulavo lo ilvlr imr." Ttiny aiv illffi'ivnt '"'' " "V oWnr .lll for "(VHiiiimn Hrn Mr-lU-ol AdVtaT," ro- fuw-4y lliu'rnlk Tliiiuuh thi- n-iiiilaitixi Mllor 1u.t doc ivit koin up iw 1rillly at oilier Mra. A. tnvn. n-aldlnif tU ?M Hen ry tn-t. AlUHi. IU, aufTirwl with wlatlu rhi'utiuitlMit for ovtr idht itMiutlui. Klu dootomd l iH-aj-ly th h.'ln of thla time, urtng varloup firm- w mntruiiMtdrd by fTK-iuln. and m lr"ul by th jihyiiui. but rMn-lvnl no rnll"-f. rQift than uand on and a half bollk of Chambwlaln'a Pain IUU111. whli- crfootvd a oumplet i-itr. Ttila la publWhnd at her rrUt, an ahe wanta othtTS Imllarl affllctwj ! to know what curvd her. Th 25 and J DO cuit alu for aal' by KiiU-a -Court I Irtnf Co. Salton Sea Salt for baths at the KHtPS-Conn Drill? Store I Do and 25c jer packaire. T1m day wlnn yvni f- th loa-t like tvvark am thn' otv In whloh you artf al io, ml oftjilu to be nwlunl to .Until. Torturing, l.-hlng. analy ekln erup ttona, buma and enalda are northed at oniw and promptly healed by De Wllt'a WlU'h lliuel Halve, the btt known cure for pllie. Chaa Ibigvra. A nn u tlnd no iiuivr wuy of gftUng Into tr.KiHU- ttuui by trying to noiivlnin Mplo 1tuwt bi In amartw ttian ho itUly la. Chlcura, 1'a., "Herald:" Richard Wmtvl rvporta One Minute Cough Cur the grvatmt eurcras In medical science. Ho told us that It cured his whole family of terrible coughs and colds, af ter all other so-called cures had failed el.ilrely. Mr. Vensel sold It aaxlsted his children through a very bad siege of meajilca. One Minute Cough Cure makes expectoration very easy and rapid. Chaa. lingers, Druggist. KiuliKliea, jttniw bi-rrliw and tomatoes add tuilin of attractive color to our table at thin rteiuton. Minutes wm like nours when a life In ut stake. Croup gives no time to Hond for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and Insure recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Itogers, I Iruggtst. LENTEN PEItVICES. Calendar for Grace Church During Each Week. Monday Morning prayer at 9; Sun day school teachers or Church Broth erhood at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday Morning prayer at 9; boy choir at 4. Wednesday Morning prayer and lit any at 9; evening prayer at Holy In nocents at 7:S0. Thursday Morning prayer at 9; carol practice at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and address at i; boy choir and litany at 7. Friday Morning prayer and litany at 9; evening prayer and address at 7:30; choir practice. Saturday Morning prayer at 9; Sun day School Oulld at 10. confirmation class at rectory (for young members) at 4. " The ladles meet at the hotel Tlghe Tuesdays and Wedaesdays In the after noon to make the vsttnents for the boy choir. ' MlW WATKH. llATK. . 1. V. It. Il.lll ft', ll III ft l.ll llllfl llll III ,fl Tuiwmy.. Tliurmluy 1'rlilny , Hul hi ilny Hiimliiy , MoihIm)', itfllnr HliHU' uHt)i ! vinn f fl VI 711 i 4:ii ! 10 I'll)" ' V'i 4 7 i or7 .1 ,' 4 1 v, 11 ihi u 11 um 7 rni7 lit n il r; mi 11 -i n ik 0 n I I'Jil It o;i 1 7: I Mi l 4 7 Mill 7 1 lull ir 1 ft- 1 I'll 1 Tin. Kliintr nrrlvel In from Tl o inook ynafUHiliiy, ' Tli wtiiwrr Clillluu arrlvl down yenl.-rdiiiy nrid fr Hin Fran- UlNIII. TIki siiIuioiki- KdM'srd Park Im i)I rlwtrsrlnir ballnsl at the I'arknr dor k. Tlu. iJlinirlntrd. utu-r lotillng lumlr at Ok. (1n,Uip mill, now.l down to tlfi I'ltrkiT houw. diN-k ami tnrii.uixl loiwttiig kIm.Io( y.irliiy aflornoon. Tin- lrirt sihimnrr aflnst wa kuivilwi.1 at Ilnith, M on March IMh, Miyn Um Miulw Journal aiul nainrd the lYiifik A. I'aiiiw-r. Kli Is 201 S Kiin gniMt. Um 274 fee lon.43 f t txarn snd 21 feet deep, llll.-d Willi Mil modern liiipmveiitenta, att.-am drums and wlnd- Isrri, etc. Kroni pilvate advlnn rm.lved It la lnied ttiat the C-rmin ulilp H. K. (Made, wtil. h arrlve.1 at Cork from Ktin rianiflwi, i now In Hrein.ti tuivhtig Iwr 'IWM4i d.i'k flttl up with laener a.'oiiuiKFliUl.mii. She Is g lng to Hon- lulu, will carry 'i'A iMim-ngers, snd all til wi lierths laivt mm lak. n -Hn Kram lsco Cumim-n-t U Na. Tlx- New y.irk Tlnieii of March I'Clh. ays e.lll.irtnlly : At a llim- wh -n Jut lnum InlWm of Ih" tr.-iitiixiirt to whli'h iip.ii n AiiitIimui sailing v- "iii sr.' sulijcteil Im been excite by the dr.-a.lful eXHn.-nc thrmi.-li which thn inW- of tin- T. F. flakes wi uM ii'lle"ly furc-d to g.i. It will be only fair to stale that there are Aiiwrtivin otvlps wh in- owners und oltli'i-s do not make 4he nlarvatl.m snd tthuw- of sailors tlu. ImrtlM of tVtr pIMflts. The lint of lVe hritaMc ex ciptliina, it in huinllailiig to cutif.-s. would not take Mp IllUi h HKU-... pv-r If It witv H down In full, but thut In no nuiifm for lirniirUig lis exlM-m. Tlww ht retison for Just pride, t', In tlu- fact that, Juitt a tlw llUte lt.n of big hlni Ixstrliig our flag In rlude t)ie vry bt siHlnuti .if liutrViHi ar.Jilttiire ll.t tiU). so the fw of 10.1111 on wlihh humanity ami a ! g.-moKlty are liluntratil exemplify tri.m- traits to a hlgh-r de gree fhmi m trw case with the viielii .f any oilier nuilon. Anyone who auks the euJliBH that rtroll slmg Uw l--' lllwr wharve im what ship of all th-y would pref.T to suit b. wry IlkHy to hear Uhj name ff some one or tw Ammioan Htpiwr. mupled, It Is true, with vetment t-inarka on the autiorlor nvattramt picvlvwl, a a gennral rub. m -iwU subject to the slilw.uig laws of Onw.t Hrttaln. The twine In hl4rhit repute. tx-rliais, among Nw York nll!C",k that of tho Wlllbtm II. Miw y, a sia of 2100 tons, owned Ifvkport, Me,, ciimmand.M by the v.-tan cjlaln, J. A.Amrs- bury. He Is saV officer uuiu men not diew, on tUs dck, and who sue. NVifl In getting itJiem, Uvihust' his treat mvnt of his crew Is of tin- tut that im-n expect. One rult f this that ailts- make wysge after voy age with Captain Ame'bury. In teat of always drllng him In a Imdy at the first port rwu'luM. and another, upon Which the wnor ff the (kike might well hI.t, Is that the Mary almost Invartahly mak uulck runs. Some call this "luck." and awrthe It to fa wiring wlndM. Now as a nwuter of foot. alilai are prH-lle.l by men, not by itmi whid. Bind a smart crew ttmt la, a orow wvll fwl and thereftire stiimg: well tieiLtod and Ihwrof.wv will Ing can do much toward shortening every votmsi. With such a crew the captain oat) "hold on" Imi hi stingy ami brutal rival la fotved to ehorten sail, and 'hr can take atlvantage of evor)' Utile brwxe in the regions of calms. It Is abolutoly true that the Oaken uas out 250 days. rat on or c-iimt of Worms, adverse winds, and no winds at all. but bc-aue, irt sail-.-d fiMin lbeiirkong with a "laaarwit" scantily supplt.l wltheXn of uTetch- M (uallty. A plain tuklrt now looks as peculiar a a IhiIIihoi Mcvvc. Fow rlius o.iiuncni.U,rs have occurred of lat. nnd the voice of William Jennings Itryan has vt late ciiut.rl to reverberate throughout Wie land. Cause and effect. regulator7 Hie Favorite Home m For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep It always In the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver Regulator win cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. II Kill WATKH, A. M. i v. n. J. H. iicilin a- Co., rtUladelphlav ;a$tgm AVcgclablc Pf cparalion for As slinilnliirg UicrootJotuiKcuLi ting Hie Stomachs and bowels of PixrmsIiC5liori,Crefful- ncss and RcsLConulns neither Otmiin.Morptiiiie nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. jkmouxtSAHvntmuta Ml Awtfccl Rcrnrdy forConlip- lion. Sour S to rrwifri, Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Fevcri sh ncss mid Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Sitfruilur of NEW YORK. rt "itiiiwfij EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. i3? 41 0-TO-B fl GUARANTEED II Ei TOBACCO 4-4 If orerLOinnnbnxntnld.snanca m tmn lu power A-l' id ttm world. Mu? mo II p"un4 lo kldtri and It oercl Uiu u Bia m wskl ltui-4'Bl nn iikju. TWurutukDd nunniic jDtlrrabui. too will In 0 Iit.le4. M aipMt too lo tm iiilil nuT. for cura In l.)luu.lT (uim.M br drumrUu -rr-almrw. Srod V ur u-.kli-t "i.ti't 'l'iw nd Hiwjfcr Your I,ir A war " wriMn r'lannilin aiwf Bo'd -n'1 O isiagrurr 'sjaJoH -wsq Xq paaiuaxsn MANIIOOD RESTORED U311 iii TIlA ueata. Third sod Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. FOR PORTLAND (Via Ki jijipit. ditto", Weitport, snil Way loi.dilli!".) THE STUMER H, C. Ailnria even Similar, Tuendar and Tlmrvliiy at 6 p. m , i-aturriay al 7 a in, leaven Pnrtlaed every Monday, Vieiliieiulay aud Kri.lay at I p, in., and balunlay at V p in. Landing at t'atlilamrt on all down trin Towliis ami lobbli'S around Antorla erery Sun day, Tuesday and Thursday. KEIH'CHi ItATKS. Information foot of Main Ulcrl, PtlfcKSON a UILMOKE, Agents. Marshall & Company's Twine Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents Freeh from the mills for 1897 fishing. Every ball guaranteed. Please report auy Imperfections. BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Every ban must be marked MARSHALL A CO.. SHREWSBURY MILLS." Manufactured from selected flax specially' for COLUMBIA RIVER FISHING. See that every ball bears the MARSHALL label. 6, 7, 8. 8. 10, 11. 12. U, 14-ply 40'sv 12. 13. II, 15. 18-ply. NTsv 7. 8. 9, 10-ply SO",' SEE THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEEY BOTTXJ2 OF CMtori li pet tp la oo-! ittls ssly. It ii sot told la bilk. Don't illcv scyaie U sail yos saytliicg !ta oa tb fits or promt that it U "Just si foci" sad "will sBtwrr erery pw Pm.:' - Etc that jot get O-i-8-T-O-E-I-l. w.KlW. HABIT to tetror ttsiitwlra for tobamaln ao Kraalns Dr. Pean'a Yellow Worse. tf,t. Ti, w.iM.i(til mmd 'ill 6MST0H mmm ---- lamnw w v,o eaita, such M Weak Memory. Loss olBrom rower, Headache, Wake. luloeM. lo Manhood, Nignily Emlaalona, Nerroaaneaa. ail Oas, lua oi power la Ueaenlive Ontana of eilher sex eaund by or or -exertion, yoathfulcrTora, exeeaalr u of tobacco, opium or aUmaUuils, which lead lo lonrmlty, Coaanmptlon or IniMaltr. Can bseamod lo. real pocket. 1 per box. 6lor i,by mail pr-pali; Clreular P8nW brail dranlau. Ak lor It, take no other. Manulaclored by the vL. mVL? J 7r i-.Hl Prnr.. Iue-uaTia Drua Co. dlauUmUof Yamhill .. ForUaod. Ut. J. W. CXiNN. agent Astoria. Astoria and McKee Ave, Situated ou the south side of Astoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river arid bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural graaes little or no grading needed The Daily Astorian Has the Largest Circulation on the Columbia River ! Everyone Reads It Astoria and Colombia River Railroad TIME CARD. Trains leave Seaside for Astoria at 7:20 a m. and J p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at I a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains eave Astoria for Seaside a 10:30 a m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains' leave Flavel for Astoria at : a. m. and IM p. m. dally. GO EAST ..VIA.. Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Meals Is Rock Ballast V) Dsst Disisg The all-rail route to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulnth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Library Observa tion Cars. Daily Trains ...Fast Time SERVICE AM) BCESEKY CSEAQUELED For tickets and full Information call on or address A, B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. A T. A., Portland, Or. R. C. STEVENS, O. W. P. A., Seattle. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE STEAMeT TELEPHONE Astoria and Portland Telephone leave Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. tn. T. J. Potter leaves) Astoria it I t. in dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at I p. tn., Sunday exoepted. Sat urdays it 11 p. m Tickets good on both boata V, B. SCOTT, President. E. A. Beeley. Agent, Portland C. W, Btons, Ajent. Astoria. Telephone No. 1L In the heart of Chicago. The Union Passenger station In Chicago, into whloh all Burlington Route trains run. la lo cated in the very heart of the city. The principal hotels, tho largest stores, the best theaters, tho biggest business stablijiments are only a few blocks distant To reach them it lan t even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, It IS necessary to take the Burlington Route; that is, It is if you want the best there la Two routes via Bll lings, Mont., and via St Paul, Minn. Swift, safe, luxurious. Compartment sleepers are notable fea tures of or St Paul-Chi cago trains. Tickets and time tables at any ticket office. A. a SHELDON. O. A Portland, Oregon. Are Yon Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN I LINE. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS aoa OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la tha GREAT SHORT LINE Botvrss DULXJTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnlflcsat Track. Peerless Tes- Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Havs given this roaa a aa!!?ud reputa tion. All classes of pssasngsrs carrlsO oa tbs vestlbulsd trains without extra oharga Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una All areola have tleketa W. H. MEAD, r. C BATOE. Gea. A swot. Trav. F. and P. Agt. . M Waahlagtoa st, Portland, Or. Going East? If YOU AHII, DO NOT FOI4UBT Three Important Points FIRST-Oo via the St. Paul bscauM th lines to that point will afford you the very beat service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St Paul reads via th Wisconsin Cen tral because that line makes dose eon n actions with all the trana-eontlnantal lines entering the Union Depot thera, ad Its service Is fi rat-class in ovary particular. THIRD For information, call oa your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket read. ing via the Wesconsln Central Unas, or address JAS. C. POND, General Passenger Agent, MUwaukoe, Wla. Or GEO. 8. BATTY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. 0.R.&I. GIVES CHOICE OF -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St Paul Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha of St. Paol Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining- Cbalr Cars Astoria to Sao Franeiseo. Columbia, Monday, March 21. Bute of Cat, Saturday, April t Columbia, Thursday, April 1. Stats of Cat, Tuesday, April 13, Columbia, Sunday, April 18, ' Stat of Cat. Friday, April 2S. Columbia, Wednesday, April 2S. For rates and general rnrormatioo eaB on or address G. W. LOUNSBERBT. Agent W. H. HTTRLBCRT, Gen. Paa AtX, Portland. Or. E. McNEILL, President nd Maaagsr. Milwaukee! llili Railway Company Operates Its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by electricity through, out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger train every day and night between St Paul and Cblcago; the Chicago, Hilwaukee & St. Paul Aloo operates Sleam-fceated vestlbulsd trains, carrying' tha latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking cars, and palace drawing room sleepera Parlor oars, free reclining chair cars and tho very beat dining car senrtos. For lowest rates to any point In tha United States or Canada, apply to ticket agent or address C. J. EDDT. General Agent Portland, Or, J. W. CASET, Trav. Pass. Agent TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... A tIf a ...Open for Special Charter... Salllag date to sad Iran Tlllaasek sad Nthaleaa depend apea tha weather. Per Freight snd Psasenger Rates Apply Ts ELMORE. SANBORN & CO. 0. R. N. CO.. Afat. Partisan (otAVjiMUUiiY'V j Thesatlny Capsules are tuparfo i to oauitn or topaiba, Cubebiorliecl!onand'inillfJ vuna in a HOURS - tha tarns disease! wiihoL-f uiconvenience. 1 N