THK DAILY ASTORIAN, THUKSUAY MlMlNINU. APlilL II, 17. gall! gtatortan. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. 81. TERM OF Bl'BCRIPHOr. DAILY. Sent y mall, per year 16.00 Bent by mail, pec month M Served by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Brat ty mall, per year ti in advance. Pontage free to subscribers. taw. Tlwy rll to befog (the gonea-ai Ntu;Kn by all aorta of falre attack upon tiie PUiKy hiH. but not a man among them raised his voloetn iWwtce of the law which they thwwielv put Un the statute book. Muny of th-we In 'dhe ptvemnt houtse ww member of the oongre whMi framwl ant en aoted the VllrMn law, aaM a number of rhom wvtv mauitior f tl way and moan committee at that time, but FREE TO EVERY MAN THK METHODS OF A C1UKAT TUKATMKNT FOH WEAKNKSS OF M1CN. Which Cured Him ...iter Everything Elae Failed. Talnful dtseane are bad enough, but when a man Is slowly wanting away with nervou weakness, the mental i foreboillnirs are ten time worse than not rate of them ttimpte0 any de- ,he n,)Wlt w.verv ,ian. There t no let tolled defon of "that monauiv. (up t- the mental milTerlng day or nlicht. Sleep Is nlm.wt lm)o.nltte, and under The farmers of ttu I'nlted Statm are likely to have an liiviwuvl mar- ; kot fr their piwluothma at any early 1 (f Sl.xla, ,mtl It waa jsuoh a strain men are scanvly respon sible for what they do. Kor year th i writer rolled and lowed on the troubled hue. The m-iprK'liy feature of the question whether he had not better All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. j Business communications of all kinds IHnsley bill aiv exjsvtcl to open a ! lake a dose of poison and thus end all I his trouble. tut providential inspira- aod remittance must be addressed to pv wany markets which asv nmv The Astorlan. (-t to our agricultural pnMu. ts. In The Astorian guarantees to Its sub- (hW,t,m , ,hK t u OMH,.(ty, , Klve orlbers the largest circulation of any . , MwsPaper published on the Columbia l"n:1 s!"u'' ,uoh s,WJAl U river. vantsv ow othor oouotriw in .vr- Advertialng ratea can be had on applt-! tain markots a to give our farmers cation to the business manager. ' praoMoalty a monopoly of the The Weekly Astorian, the second old- '( trww part of the world The aver. at weekly In the state of Oregon, has, I, p,,,.,,,,,,, of (Arm pnvluot dur- any free I mean absolutely without cot. text to the Portland Oregonlan. the ! . ' . . i because I want every weakened man to Urgest weekly circulation in the state, j ,m nv ,"rS nHB !,.. of my experience. John F. Handley A Co. ,re our Port-1 million rw annum, of v-hich amount j , w , lhJlanthroplst. nor do I land agent, and ooplea of the Astorian j 3 mill! n, or nearly 5.7 ier cwnt.. ha i pose as an enthusiast, but there are be had every morning at their 'gone, to flreat ltritain, all other -part , thousand of men suffering the mental linn came to his aid In the shape of a combination of medicine that not only completely restored the general health, but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts to natural slie and vigor, and he now (declare any man who will take the trouble to send his name and ad dress may have the method of this won derful treatment free. Now when 1 tand, 124 Third street. , aXfe Aetertaa hereby offer t doaat HKHVNDRED DOLLARS to St. Mary's Vital, payable damaad te Falaar MalauM, sktHnr legal eTldeace Is pre awed saowlag that aay aftaraooa aaw papw pabllsaed la Astoria has prlatod wtUda Ike last alaety days axplriag be. fere tala effer a aiagl "speelal" or tker kind of telegraphic pre report, eeelred eear the wires eaterlag olUtor f tke telegrapk sfBoM la Astoria, froas aay polat oalslde of Orecoa. Aatorla. Or., October 15, !. of the world taking but 43 per cent. I torture of weakened manhood who And Portland, too, has caught the Moanse Ifwer. Carter H. Harri.n Bays he'wUl be mayor all by !hhneeif. j would le cured at once could they but that lb j cured me. Po not try to study out how o our nu, iv'i ,uch a remedy M the one bHltiea open to the farmers In matter of making for themoelvee aa gvod a market In other parts of the world aa they already have In Oreox Britain. Democraita w are crtticfeing the Dlngley bill have not a word to say in defence of their own tariff law. Even that sturdy free-diver demo cratic paper recently edited by William J. Bryan, the Omaha WVrld-Herald, rejoice at .the prospective Improve ment of the agricultural Industrie of Its state under McKlnley protectto. Quoting In commendatory terms the recemt utterances of the republican Secretary of agriculture, tt says: "Ne braska has taken Into her feed yards since October last more than Ave hun dred thousand sheep to be finished for the mutton markets of the wxuvd. . . I can afford to pay the few postage stamp necessary to mall the Informa tion, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they coat nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happlneas to moat of us. Write to Thomas Slater, Box SSS, Kalamaaoo, Mich., and the information will be mailed In a plain, sealed en-velope. No matter what the almanac says, the snuUl hoy will not admit that spring has arrived until he can carry home In a tin can a live mike of the vintage of IS9. Cincinnati Tribune. OABTOXIIA. The big drop In wheat in the New- York market came like a surprise t party 'to many.' but It wa to have ! bem expected. The state of Nebraska can sMy be set down as the t-t district of the country m the Uhlted States for the mutton sheep Industry n all its com bined requirements. Nebraska Is cer tain to become a popular. ;rJPerou8 mutton-growing and mutton-feeding All this, be It rememb red. under the III e"fr- Fbhtiig- H very good in Florida. . plenty of lish In the riwrs. hlaek i berries are getting ripe and noNnly ; iLvd tst-trve. Florida Time.H-l"ni,n. If the farmers of Clatrop county are Indtoposed to take advantage of the exceptional opportunity to advertise 8,aw- their seet&m presented in the govern- j the World-Herald promi inerr: sugar beet experiments, the As-' rvew PlanB of Devv" republican ad ministration, which is giving Its ear liest a tt en ton to a protective tariff as the jchief aid to the eheep Industry of the country. chamber of commerce should take the matter up before tt la too late. MoKinlev nrnsnerltv fat maJiinr itaulf I " o - apparent tn many industries, but in none more prominently than in that of railroad construction. The Railway Age, , cbnfiervajtive journal, estimates that the railway construction of the TO tlKI A COLO IN ONK DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c For sale by Cha. Rogers, Druggist. Great weather Uua! But the skies are not half so blue as the poets who can't find a market for their spring songs. Atlanta Constitution. The burden of labor 1 constantly being lightened by new Inventions, but nothing now has yet been dlscover- FOOD ILL DIGESTED. Imperfectly nourishes the system. since rt 1b only partially assimilated ! ed to brighten the hour of labor, and by the lood. Pale, hagard mortals, make life worth living like Simmons with dyspeptic stomach. Impoverish- I Liver Regulator doe. It's the King of ed circulation and weak nerves, ex- Liver Medicine. A sluggish liver de- LKC.Al. ADVERTISEMENTS. STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. Notice I hoivby given that th oohw mim council proxo to tnvmwe SSd street from Franklin avenuo t llarrl son avenue IlitrrlK.Mi avenue from 33d utreet to Sith etivel, SMlt tret fnni Harrison avenue to Irvng nvnnue, In that HrUon of the city ivf Aatorl ktKuvn Avlatr's AMoria. Sold iiu proveitH'Ut to consist In grading said sliwts to a wldih of W fv( through the center ther)f to their e-HtuMWul gt'ndiw, and by plunking tlt siune to a width of lt fet through the ivnter thrsf with new and sound tlr planks 3x12 iitclv, laid one l u ll i art. in KCMilaiuv with the plans and sptv lileatlon and oillnaiuvs In nMntdui IllrtVlo, The l;ud and pivmls, upon w hleh the special hh,smiii'1ii sliiill Iv levied to defray th ssts of w,A tmpi-oXT-mont aiul the iifctriet cmbiiicltig said ImptMX eitut and lands and prtMnlxr t. Ik1 it.-s.-M'iw,",!, tlieri-f m- ai- htt'ly dee. Igimted ax follows, t-w t IVvlnnlng at the tn iit h -ft ouiw of lot 2 In bl.vk tt Adidr's xrt of l'Pl r Astiwiu, whl. h Hii.t l on the claim line between the Adair IV U C. and the Shlvvly l. 1.. I., tlttu run ning eat along tht north line ivf Mixks Ji and 3S to th itrthfut onur of lot 3 In block 3-1, thence south through the center of bkx-k 3S to th northeast corner of kt (1, block 41, thoine ut to the northeast corner f lot S, block 41. thence south along th e.t lines of lots 8 and 14 to the northeaat cxirtirr of lot 19 In block 41, thence ent along the south line of the alleyway running through block 41. 43 and 43 to the cvnter of lot it In block 43, thence south through the tent,r of lot Si and along the eatit line of lot " In I Jock 43. ajul lot 6 In bhK-k 6o to the south east corner of lot S, Mock 0, thence weat to the mutheast corner of kt 4, blix-k 0, thtKv aouth along the east line of 15, 1. 20 and Jt. In block SO, (o the northeast crner of lot 31, in block 60, thence east along the north lln of lot SO and 29 to the northeast comor of lot 29, bbvk 60, thence south along the east line of lot 2.1. block 60, and lot 2 and 7 In block 67, to the xouthcant corner of lot 7. block 67, thence wtt along the south boundary of Nivk 67 and 66 to the southwest corner of lot 6. Mock 1 66, thence north through the center of block 66 to the southwest onier of lot 6. block 61. thence went along the s-mth line of blix'ku 61, 62. 63 to the southwest o.rnor of lot 7. block 63, which poitU is on the cloJm line l tween the Shlvely and AiliUr U. I.. C, themw north"rly along said claim line to the place of beginning, ttalnln lots 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. block 39. lots 1. 2. 7. 8. block 3-S. lots 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, block 40. lot 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. , 7. 8. 15, 16, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24. 2J, 26. 27, 28, 29. 30. 31, 32. 33. 34. Mx-k 41. lot 2, 3, 4, 5. . 7. block 63. lot 1. 2, 3. 4. S. . 7. S. block 62. lot 1, 2. 3 4. S. 6, 7. 8. block 61, lot 5, . 7, 8, block 42, fc.t 19, 20. 21, 22, 23. 24. 23, 26. 36, bk-k 43. lot 2. 3, 4, S. 6. IS. 16. 20 29, 30, 31. 32. 33, 34. block 60 OUTWARD HOUND 01U2G0N GRAIN Fr.KlflM8tM.-7. (Hsvlsed and Corrected ry Krldsy) HA 1 1. M fl.AU. NM AiiMUnl ,lAm lisrk , Seimin . Hitler ulilp ( eiv 'lv tlr Milii jxiillii'rlsinlolitiel.,. Ill II r ulilp !l'Ui'mmimililli't Hipt. 7 llrlili iMrvuhll.lni MHrililp ;lnriinl , W Hrlili lAiilloie , J,.rlmiV Ttiiimn . . , ;llKrlrk lunlue lln. ......... tVUir Mlrlrk.. !xiie irlili. .. Utril ,sUii(inlmrV.. s Hi hmk .rlwnrt t' llr ulilp t'MciiUie V Hr Iwrk X... IVe. Jan. Iijllrlxok.... 1-1 lir .hip . I'l llr Imrk , P'lrlili fc'lllr 'rk . . it ir ttlt '.Till ..V ... V- llr l'rk.. lit li n. . a Ur l .tk.. llr li'i n III ,llil... n llr lnp . Mir ship , " llr .111" li III I'llik .. I' llr oil 1 1 lil llr li.lV .... II llr I. in ... Kill, lvli. . i: llr lilp l Hi ,hle ... Ji Hr .In. ... '-elir lil .... t Hr lrtt 21 Hr li rk . 11 llr lik .. .'I llr ,hlp . . Ji Mr hrk . . Hr I'.ik .. S Hr ti.ok .... f ur l-ok I. Hr lili IM llr Milp il tier bark . I Hr l'l IT llr line I? r hie... ."2 Hi lutrk ... ;u llr ihip.. '.V Hr alilp .. Ji Hr lilp Hr liip.. .v llr liork Hull imim Ulle . Ill vulill.U Mtl. IMI Iilii'l.i Ileinlelle lett I i ilUlnrue MllltHtU liilUoilll ('a-lle. Mi'rm K'lisll lain V i..-li y I'tllHtllMl , . , Mi niui'ii . . . ,. . Iiuil'tnlc . .. N;ll't .11.. II. ol I'l . i:eiiliil . . riu'lin,tril ,. Nlli. .ImIo . , II, li I er .. , Meliuiepe . P,!,'-i, I'enllli'tllr . I hi le'rtl' ItOi k . I tll'lrll I' ,ill,... ll I'm cWtUle m. ,. urtoli, Keiooll, i itl'iil I r rt-i ..... IriM'ven Yr'tfi itni, ... Iletat lUer.V i iu'nUrn ... . .. i e el lUil'lllilull. iVsllnrl i mlirlitn rrliui . Z.nii imotu lilll. Vn.lur ...iKm kliurl , . (I. . Wolff. K.ul.i tHr,hli Illswt .1 Hrihlp i listii leu ... i Hri.rk. I KIkIii ... Priiiiiutirieii , M l.l.i. , Frl. fllr !ilp .., Hrl'.rV. 1.1 Hr lrk ivtir iltln ... 23 Hrihlu . .-J Hr l'rk.. a Hr ihiii 11 Hr miIii 17 Hr hark . . Hr bark . Hr bark liiilh a ill t'tireM I arnara , V ( no, o.k.iiI lle,'in . Hiillen Itall . . .. Mtelirihaulth I'amlltlla. liririwiiith t'ie Mrallirt.'ll T-aciamao run lew VlaitWiwIiiek IJIU I'nrt Nalsl.,, IMD l.lyorpeol I4aJ AUna liar,... i j.Hi.turk ISWI.umu, Nil Mm Hull Mill tttltMl leVWV If tttl(taMaiIMi l.'ljjtilli.ln JR:l IIU 1MI , 1.17 Ilii , Ikw I A .'I li' Kinfiek luw " . . Iwttf " ...9tH ' ... liT " ... Ulkl " , u 11 , IM Cork ...-ill ' ' l . " ,. lilt l,lvrrHHi( ..... H im ,irk ... ItiM'iirk , . IM7 I'urk ...., . :n Turk . ... iwii'ntk J.iU irk . I'Tn'mk , . . linn l urk Iiiwi riynioulh . . Itiurmk ., bin Hiiiliaii ,., .'IN Cork ISl " bij " llTri I vriCalimmih. .. Us, Faimuntb . . iMMiCirk iloiili'urk Iti!rwk.. HMi'nrk Invvl ilik iWiVrn l.tMKalmmilh. 'M K4linuulh ..... I'T l.lrHMiL ... Il Faliuiiulli .....!! r-al.n.nuh' ., ., l' HiUlol ! ?M'ork .. ,1:.- KallilouUl ..... i ork . d!v..nih Africa in.ic.irk .. ....:lJi:iMk , .e iw .. jlAn Alia bar..... .. IM.tif.a Hay. . lUM I'urk .. . I" ' .. ...cli.lli . . IIHI " illlrt " I..II' HMivm. No. Si!" lie. JI Nn Jkl , Jail III . a. Ken I Jan l su Kebli ,. . 14 Mured 14 fab is Jan Hi ., Vb I Mur. li J. Mareli II Keli I Mareh Feb ;'. March 1 . SareVrri"! ' lu., " I.!..., Feb 'It March II.. CMNrAI. A II mi.ivki UI.IM 41.11 ft.0l 44.JWI IV.ttt k 4t,inti 7H.4IA K l,.ti!i 4il,twl 4J.H.A 4.4.KH K.'.IUI 7,lfi 4H.4MI .IK k1 WI.KM fl.llH ll I.1.UM I " M.M4 m.m 1 M.W si.iviT 4J.i W.dJI nJ,IH7 M.iTu .u.4ll 'a7i7 .-HI..1I I Tn.J W.iwl 6j,JfWl I II. '40 N..IKJ J J4.1W rj.t;j 4.MJI 4A,t(J 7.llt iwmj 4.'.n 4J.IH7 J U.K o,I7 7.V,1U M.iMI 4',.WI K U.7 JM.Nkl HI, mi r,vi I. 4t.lUI ai.. MKAl M NBvlVlS I) 7.I.U !.l Tu.-wi M,u u,.tJ0 .TTJ IH.IOI M,.l 4I.UHI 7.i,mHI 4iiiW 7n,mu all 1 1' I' Run. PuTtlaii'l Klour Ullli . Nlliami A Kerr . Ilallinir, Uiiinrlaa i d . J It Cameron Cn a... Halliiur. iliillula il I'n .mii.nii A Kerr . I'milrinl Flour mih lulfniir. iltillirln . Co , J II Cameron . Co I'orllanil Klmir MlllaCiK,.,,, HlliMin Jk Kerr . . llHllour, liiiiniisann i n Ml,.ml 4n, l A -Mil M ,vi Milium A Kerr ... n. am m.ui 0 J It I'mnniull .1 1 ii fi,',Jil Halt'iin, lliilliilo ) Co , il noil ,1 It I Miiicri.ii ti Cn iu.iio ,fli-.. hi M ki'rr in mil II. lit. uir i.nlhrln a I n ni,ii 'niimin A Krr ...., . .... I.i.iui I'niilaiid Flour MlIU . .. I'l.fUiiii.l K lour M U la Tlli,l j ( CainnriMt A St ., I " .V.iau HallMiir. Iliiiiinn a in hii.vmi A Knrr A Hoi Portland: Flour Mill llalfoiir.Uulli'l Ai Co Hiliwni A knrr, J II Coiiii'r"ii Co iibmii Krr Ilaliuiir, liulhrlK a Co I II Caiiieron a Co llalloiir, llilllirli- a Co j H CaiiiKruii a Co llalloiir, liulliiie I n liii.iiu .i.i'W , M.itaj 7A,iu irj,nii Ji"J IHK.HKJ SJ.nm VJ,.HI W.i.HI iu .wo l.mi IIUiIlO M.Ull ..uw M.11U 7lOJ IW.IUU I,'.U ulAii Ikl.Oll AI.1V) 7 l.l. ui 0,iU m.vo llt.iol W.lltl si.iui 7M 4.'.H1I a.'.ioi i-'.i'U IUI.4MI Ja.uo ' ao'on) II U1I BJ.mi V.MMJ M.illl v. roi ns.iw fonlaml Flour MH II.Ki.iii, liiulirl a Co ., II W Me nr Hlln.. li 4k Knrr tall oi r, HiilhllK Cm ... rtilMou Kerr H.lfmir, Ilullirln 4k'ci'i'.'. t H-ni ................ llalluur. liulhrU i'o .. .1 . J K Cameron A Co ., HiIk.iii A Knrr Hatlmir Ulllttrir A I i lul'iiiir, iiiilhrl A i'o .. Mltmili A Korr llalloiir, lliilhnn A I'n . J H Caiueiim A Co ... i ,. , llalloiir, ilulhria A Cn . 'llalloiir, iljllirla Co. M.lliuir. ilui'irli, 0 1 Hlhuni Hi.l Kair I'l.riluliil Flour Mill' llaltour, Ilulhria A Co. J k CamDMii A Co I'C KUralorl'n .l It l amainu at'ii .,.. J It. Camrmu A I o ... NaT i III l"1 I e a j iu l lia Id I Ua 4 lia I lia Id I Im I M I lia Kt I II ltd All l M 4!l ill l 1.1 111 Hal ii ua .. ., til lla M il lw IK tl i.,... Ill lit M 1.1 lua.... tt lla U m., . All lla kq All II M A: I lua M All Ha 411 lua.. ... Ail ml Ail Ha ... Ail II W Ail II M Ail a .... til lua...... 411 II at Ail l . ... il lia.... til M ' til M W All M M Ail Ha ..... All ! M Ail lua All I" ...... til ll . .. ,.Ail Hi W Ja-i i .Ail 1 ..... . l l M . Ail Ha . ,.. , til 14 M Ail HI 'n"fm'".'.'.'." A I 10 ,. A'l .Sir a til Ik t iu'U'. .1 I M : im n ; li l A iS,uiS naliie M.OJ' n mm hbitooiir, ltulvyJaIi 44U) eila liran '-AI4i l Ion, hraii, valuo lliuo, ami 4,f-4j raa almon. I AI" I3.KW I'til flour. lue ta.iM K-Alao a,74 libit rlu ir, Ta'ua fwrj. F-ll) Kia bbli tl.tur. luo Ann 17. ""J bbla Hour, ralue V4 iU, 11 -l.ivi Mill flour, ralu pvl.ixo t-Alao UJW bbl rliuir, raius U'UJO J - klan 9faS bbla flnur, alu ww ainl Uhi b.-an. value tr.HU. Alv. V l ui .( lu.rt,, value-l rrill, 1) bin ol bran, valumt lltou, auj ,7J butliali of l.arl-v. raiueJ tl.uui I, - Ami ml bbla Hour, taiue. .M -17.11.1 bbl flnur, talu., 7i,u. N-AIH bbla flour, value l.wil. O - Ali A'. .11 bbla tli.ur.v.luo ;,iUJ. nrtted State in 1897 wfll be 17,500 ! perienCe a marke1 and 1m-I presses one's spirt is and cause lan-! .n. 1. 21, lots 3, 4. 5. 6, block 66. lots 1. 2, 7, 8, block 67. In the port of IP(er AsUrrta, as InJil out nml rorotilii! liy John Adair, In Clatsop county, tre. wS whk, by the way, is more than ( provement In their physical condl- ; gor. besides U(setUnK the whoU eystem. ta-ioe as tion by availingr themselves of that . But Simmon t.lver Regulator tones mucn as was accompllaned ! sure resource of the friclt and dehlll. hw during President Cleveland's entire tated, Hostetter's Stomacn Bitters, i term. If this estimate is reaUzed, j 11118 B"enla' Wn'c and alterative lend Will somebody pt-ase organize a the raflu-ay conatructK.n of the United M lmptaa to the Pse of dlgea-j ety for the prevention of sprln iii-ru wuicu incur an aueuaie aevei- poets? (r else persuade tne Humane Stakes In 1897 will exceed that of any period fcn the past decade. opment of the materials of blood, fiber: society to include this branch within and muscular tissue. Moreover. It j its scope? Chicago Journal, soothe and strengthens overwrought I The- democrats, particularly of the Of weak nerve, counteracts a ten- j The rapidity with which croup de- free-Bllver, popuHsfJc stripe, are Just i aency Hypochondria or desponden- j velop call for Instant treatment; and now seeing great significance in the election of a demagogue a mayor In Chicago, on a free-silver platform. How little Importance, from a partisan point of view, can be attached to the utjcome of municipal elections In Eastern cities tni these day can be understood from the fact that whDe gold-standard, republican Chicago elected a democratic ticket, fre-sllvr, republican St. Louis on the name day elected a city government olidly re publican in all .its blanches. yet few households are prepared for its visits. An admirable remedy for this disease is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has saved hundreds of lives and should be In every home where there , cy. to which dyspeptic and bilious per sons are peculiarly liable, and is an agreeable and wholesome appetizer and promoter of repose. The Infirmi ties of age, and of delicate female constitutions, are greatly relieved by are young children. It; and it Is a reliable preventive of, ! and remedy for, malarial fever. j jt is allvery well to talk of love be- ' tng blind, but If an infatuated woman not ; doesn't see more than is attractive In htir fiance than anyone eliw (li-foViTS, we don'C know what we are talking about. To shine bjts quickly, do blacken, but dry with a pice of or antre. Let the Juke dry in and then p jlsh a soft brush, when they will shine like a mirror. Tk fag- Hal CASTOniA. It was reported yesterday that lish- ; errnen from the upp.-r river have made j their appearance in Astoria and are Spring Is evidently on th' ufng th.Hr best end:-avors, as many i J n? wmpraxure to. m ne-; . . household word." It U the rf them did last year, to persuade the 1 tTrw" tn Kan,a' 'lay ,a1 wee,' j same in hundreds of communiUe. AMoria fi.hem.en to go on a strike. ! "'L "" m'? 1 Wherever the good guatttle of Cham- . J .f Texas. The warm ,vav.. is said to ajg coughR-medy lx-come known The oprr river and smaller suvam. tA? strolling -Mt .va,d -!;. stm tJlota. ,,. pW(ple wlll nothing else. For ane hlh and full of driftworKl, mak- I aIe f EBt-Conn Drug Co. Ing Jrfhing there almost lmfjfible. TO Cl'KE A tiilliix o:iui, j Last year Che Astoria, and Ch!niokTake laxatlve Er"mo Quinine Tablet.! The Wfe woman Is making up her u. AH drugglnts refund the money if It ; plnrnor gowns now before the warm ' fails to cure. 2oc. For eale by Cha. who struck, and while they were idle j itogers. Druggist. Two years ago K. J. Warren, a druggist at Pleasant Rroik, X. Y., Il 91 i bought a small supply of Chamber T ', Iain's Cough Remedy. He sum up 'the result as follows: "At that time ' the goods were unknown In this sec- 1-1 tlon; today Chamb-rlaln's Cough Rem- th up-river men reaped a rich harvest. There is ntuvm to believe that the wear!, whe-n liv-y v. ill b.; neeiled, will make sewing a di.-agT.iable task. The fin-t ltn-? lall arn- of th? (frU- It may save you time and mmey Astoria mw are too smart this year B''n "eem to have got in ah'-a,l of the to be informal that, when you n ed a . i, u .iii .. .v., I'' n-r robin l;.ton H-raid. I bloo'l-purifier, Ayi-r's Sarsaparllla Is the to have the wool pullel over their . 1 . m ... I kind most in favor with the medical eyva itn tifus tnanruoT. E. E. Turner, of Compton. Mo., writes I proton. It Is the standard and, aa " us that after suffering from piles for ' su,:n- tne "my "'""-Purlr B"m""!" The Mlverite have been , compelled UVenUn years, he completely cured the Cni'Ja'", World's Fair. to abandon another posilion. They ( them by using three boxes of De Wltt'a j A-nlod the nubltahed assertion that Ja-! Witch Hazel Salve. It cure. .,ma The home woman can't get very pan had abandoned the silver and gone ana "vere skin diseases. Chas. Roger. to the gold standard, eaymg that the report was baaed upon the mere fact that a measure of this kmd had been introduced in the Japanese parliament. The laceet advices show, however, that Uve proposition establishing the gold standard has passed both branches of the rarUament and has probably by this time received the signature of the emperor. Nothing Which ha occurred since the 6th of November has been bo serious a blow to the 16 to 1 theo rists a -this action of Japan. weak mi CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victim of Lost Manhood should send ai once fur s book thuteiplains how full manly viiror is eaaily, quickly and permanently restored, ho man cu fieri ng from weakness can af ford to IgnormliU timely advice. Book tella l.nw relomnant and tone are linparf d to ererv portion of the body. Bent with poHtlva proofs (sealed) fret toanynianonappUcsUuD Che democrat to defend 'their tariff ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO,1. Y. One remarkable feature of the tariff dubafte in congress was the utter ab sence of any attempt on the part of How the wheelmen responded to the sun's invitation: Cleveland Plain-Dealer. huhband brings to her each n1i;ht. Don't allow the lungs to be Impaired by the continuous Irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung trouble. Cha. Roger. To fel assured that your houe is haunted, you have only to own a cat with a propensity f'rr hiding in out-of-the-way places. Use Webfoot Corn Core. No core no pay. For sale at Eh-tes-Conn Drue: Store. The woman who think thwe is no haatm hi talking 1 going to dwell con tinually In hot water. Kstimates of the exi"ene of such Im provement and plant, awl specifications. of the locality to be Improved mil be on file in the office of the au.iit.rr and la.llce judge f.r publb- ex amlnatfon. That at the next n-gular meeting of the common couwll, after 10 day from the expiration of the notice of such lmprwvenimt, to-wlt: on Friilay, May 7, 187. the snJd common council will oonsitlor any objections to such improverrwmt Ix-lng made; arvl If a remontrtranoe, signed by one-half of the property-owners In the above-de Bcribed district, be filed lurolnst Buch improvement in the office of the audi tor and illne Judge before said 7lh day f May, 1S'.7, no sut'h work or lm. porvement will be made except by the concurrence of two-thlnls of all the rrw-mlxfrs of the uinwm council brt. And unless uoh n-monHt ranee b filed, the cimmnn councl will order said Im- provement to 1 mle. I!y ord'-r of the Common foumll. Attvrt: II. K. NKLSiiX. Auditor and IMloe Judg". Astoria. Or.. April S, 1HU7. XOTICK OK KXTKN'tflON DK CO.M MKKCIAL HTRKKT. Notice Is h'-n-by given that th (Vim mon Council of the City of AHb.ria, Clatsop coiiny, Slate Oregon, have ile. elded and determined V extend, Com mercial tt.r'-.-t. in the City of Astoria, the b-ginnitig, t"rmlnu and lnt-nnr. dlate xinLM, and Ihi- land to Im- con demtHil loitng h.T.;lni.fter described and net forth, and im more fully ap pear by the rcrt, tnai, plats and surveys of said pr'iHI extension of Commercial stre-t, now on file In the office of the Auditor and 1'ollee Judge, arid iTribraecd ond ib-wrlbil In urdl nanv No, entitleil "An ordinance confirming the n-port, plat of t:iirvey, of the proposed ext'-nslcri of .'omrner- clal street," approvird March 'i'l, Wt and the Common Council of tin; city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore'l, hav ing as'atalwd by Investigation nnd lmiuiry and an examination of the rer: ords that J. II. Manwell, C. W. St. -no and T. O. Trulllnger are each dlsin terostl freeholders of the City of As toria, and no kin to any of the owner or persons Interested tn any property to bo appropriated for the extension of Commercial street an provided by Or dinance No. 2231, entitletl "An ordi nance oonflrfmlng the report, plat of survey of the iroped extension of Commercial street," approved March 22, iWjl, and that each of rvuid penvms pfrsw the qualification of Jurors of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clatsop, In that they and each of them are white male citizen of the United State and of the State of Oregon, over the age of 21 years, and are and have been ni- dents and legal voter of Astoria, Cltasop county, Oregon, and of the ward In which they now reside, for more than one year last past, and each of their name are on the tax roll of said Cliktsop county, ftiul tlutl etlch of tlx m are subject to Jury duty, and that ouch mid nil of miU.1 atove luuiicd x-riia, sft.-r investigation made, una entitled and i!iiillil,-l o sot as viewer as renulre.1 by th.- chart. r of the City of Astoria, und w.'iiliiit all the ijual- Ificiitlons n.'e.Ts-uiry as fully and siitisfai'.torlly upix-ars to trw Com mon folium!, nt.-r the tnvatlKiiili mil. I. iif"i-.i!-l, ami ,-uch of said named i-rii- halng by a wrlitn statOMient. tll- d In the otnre uf the Au ditor and Police Ju-lit.'. having d-i-lsre-i that they p.-Mw the ne-,rwttry ipial-llli-ati.Mui to net is vl-cn uf.reald, the said J 11. Miunctl. '. V. !ione and T. . Tru!lltm-r W miI they are hereby apioinled vb-wena to view th proi.a- extension ,,f ('.iiniin r. In! street in tit,' 1'lty of Aat.s-l.t, aa de. scribed by tin- Suneyor and embodleil In his said P'rt, which said r"ort was adopted by tin- tiuniti-ii t'ouncll of the City f Asi.kIs, In said Odl maiioe No. :.'.H. atxl lire rn-n-t)- authi-r-Ised and emiiowervd to make Ihe s -iiB-tit of le!-(lt and ilntn-s In oM-nliig and condemning of a.-uj Com menial street, as by th cuar- ler of Hie t'ity of Ast.iu. thai raid vleH.-in herein apiiolnUit are li. n-by reiilril uuid I iMt runted to n-i nt the oftl.v of th.- Auditor and Pn'lc Jmlv in tlx- City Hall of said city r Astm-ia on tho l.'ith diiy of April. lv7. ut th hour of p) o'clock In tlie forenoon of said day, uivl tlx-n and there to 'Unl Ify as such view em as r..ulred I tin- ilwirt-r of the City of Am! irta. That Hie laiuiidiirh. U-glnnlng, ter minus, uit"rmoliute points and de-u rlp tlon of th. ppip-rty to la- tnt'ered upon ami ooiab-mmil for the pr.'toil ex tension of sail! I'omiiM-rHiil strict are ilescrHie,! an follows, P-u1t: lleglmilng ut a slnt marked by lack in the iiist lime 4 Sevent-xnth street, at Its Intersitlon with the uth line uf Commercial stri-t, which point Is "HO fii-t north, t it-greaw 2H mlnut west and .10 north, K.1 degree ?1 minutes ,iut of n hi i me monument at inter of tl. Iiiteni'tinn ,f Heven tia-nlh str.-t with Franklin avenue, in Hhlveley's AstorUi, which tuck In also tin1 northw-st i-ortu-r of MiH-k 1.1-, In Shlveley' A-toria; rhenc nitinlng cast erly and nralle with tlx- north line of Kxchange str.-t t-i tlK witit line of Twenty-third mri-W, extended, a dls- taticn of uino fe-t; th.-nce riorilu-rly and at right angl.-i to the north line of Kxchange utr.-.-! i;i) fi.; thmu' wint erly and parallel to the north line of Kxchangi str.i-t Jlou f.-.-t, t.i a dnt of Intersection with the tst line of Seventeenth Htr--t, 6n f.--t, northerly from th- piam, f l-i;liining; tlwrnoe southerly W fe.-t u th. pliu-e of begin ning. Said slip of land north of and adjacent to Ms 1, .1, , 5, 6, block i:!2; lots 1, , 3, 4, D, 6, block MO; I, 2, .1, 1, 5, fi. block 12!) ; luijt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 block 12N, lot I, 2, :i, 4, 5, n, block 127, all In Shlvel.-y's Astoria, and also lying north of and ndliuxnt to Klght.-nih, Niiieps-nth, Twentieth, Twenty-first and Tw nt.y-.s.-cond sln-ets. That all of said lwrlls-i pil property and all of Maid lots and block are situate In tho district i-mbriun-d In said proHi-d i-xteiislon of Commi-nlal Hl.n't, and all of Hald lois will be oon-demiii-d and an appraisement of the benefit and damn,g. r-stiltlng to the wtw-rs of said roierty will Ik; mad by said viewers aforesaid. All imt svins owning or lnt-nrfteJ m any of said pnperty to b. conlemn'il for said prvped extension of Coinnmrclal stn-t are herely duly and legally no tified of the actions of the Common Council pursuant to tlt renolutlonn and orilnano- h-r'tofore ailopted by said Common Council r said exten sUm of Commercial street. Thl notice Is published by order of the Common Council and pursuant to the provision of the charter of the City of Astoria relating thereto. bated at Astoria, Oregon, April 6, 1W. II. E. NELSON, Auditor and Poll Judge. VESSELS ON THE WAV TO OREGON. (Rarlavd and Corrveld srvry Krl.lsy) irftKrtioE " llr lili Hlyih.w.xHl HrhH Ulru U. ... NRWrASTI.K. W. Hr ahlp lllaiielrau,. . Hr tiara t' ANTw KRH Hr bark umhrlaul .. llr liip Kuiihroatiia HASlHl KU llr bait Norma Plrkwri . Xl.uru.ia Kerr . fiulti ro 'llrimiln. . . ITU.nn.uit . hurt iuAt I3UIIUUA ITVIimtl 17 74 IIUA1 IIIHilKIAI i., iirnai I jiri ICUAI rtisaluaaaa. lUlf.'iir, llmlirla t'o J. Uliltaw A Co - OUT n 4 Ti l.r, You- a I'o lUll.Hir, imUoli. I'n Tin a! tonaag on th way -10 UKKKHKNCKM Same Uta lu Imbv-.WIOI, I I roll 8aaia llm In Iiwv-II.MI. iilimnnn nromnrn "cupiotm a ol Ilia liMfaua oraai-a. aua aa Ul tlaibV iln Ilia llai k, Mammal Nom, lirijuiia Ial4 rip. tkMior a ramiiua rranra i.raaiaii,iii ouirtir nn wof all o.r- or nia,aa u ma a".H"au,a oraai-a, tuttt aa Ul MaiibV ItMiMnnla, I'aiiialn Ilia Hack, Mammal f-maal-aa, Nom, lirijuiia rimpiM, I'ndlnaai to Marry, fciHauauns Praii a- A tmaUtatUiin. 14 aUira) ail liMava tiv riar r slchi iHavania ttua-fe. tMaiuf tfuailiaita, hk-b Ilrio4i-h-liao Mia In Maaraiaiivrboa an rrnar irrra an wanurnKairf msntawr. i rini; Kriaa ar w n a. an aiun kalnraant oiaofinarrn'a""iaUlU4Muiuaa. a vriva.a nmauMM. wim nwrni nM, ww " i IliMlIlN, Um Tba raaaua aairxn-n ar sol eanal br l-inr la barvuaa nlnaty par pstil at IxsrVM vnfe Praauulll. tM'l,IIHC!4 4t lalnaonly mrB emrt tnciraolihuulaiier-ntUua. binipailaviinfc ala A wrliim suarmnfaa ftTo ami moaar riumri II ail b... an not anact a naauniua iuDabaa.aia f..raia, by niaU, wna tur raaacirrular and laauawnkkha , For Delicacy, for parity, and for Improvement of the com jilexlon nothlnn equala I'ouosi'a Pownaa. AAlraa PATOi. WKPICIB tr.U boa aa rraiiokaM.C'fcl. PwMtUH CHAS ROGEHH. rt Commercial Htrast INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate I'ronounml bv Physicians the most Favorable in America for Huflerers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures mm dp poison 0A5PECIALTYi.rrVe', jiiarf lll.titdl I'UlON prniuinlff 1 urcKlnlii4t4Uir- Vnurafillrvlrlrt ' rilnm1 firnj hi(lbUi.n4 1-TUfO If rtmhavtflAtvrtitivf tt. imI mill hf irhN mnd Saitti, M UGoiift 'trh In nxiutlt. Hum Thrtic, nf tmrlof ll t-lr. Ilnlrnr l"rlrii fnm ut, ll ( this Hvnmdnrf II.IMI I'OIhoQ Cdftrattt lu rur. hrn Ui nl obiA rr ) MUnr lh wurlil fur m bik(llu thnlilll of th iniMt ttitnriit ltyl rlNiift. ftOO,H tMiMt bii.rt itur fiot.ed U"ntkrtrmtitr. A'luiirtorri4irtil mmitMm Ar HIK HI-Ml uv CO, nwmiii irMUiiiVa V4MWaaJW - .nralaTaw m M i M tlfaar4 mm w 4jtrajr "v. jmt Pi a a..a-ai4a.nnaa I r-mlr lur il..n..rh.aa, oiwi, 4.tti..f rbvi, aiiim, oaaaiaral ilaa I -liara-a, ..r ait? Inrlalniria ti'.a. Irritation ur alrara- -nraau Miaiii lion ..f amiiin aim ,'(( ml Oian. Oa. braaa. Nn aauiaaaal. by bntrataa. ..r anl In ataln wraaaar. I.f ,ii.niM. iii.miiI. 4 1 m. ... l l-tll-., 7s. i.'lrrular vio un rwiMt Th objection urvad acalnat lndlo la th paat by tba lan number who otherwise would have been (lad to take j advantage of It borw-ricUl climate, ha. ' bn a lack of aullalile acoommodatloii. J i no ooutnem l aoino company take ' ploaaur In announclnif that leveral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Juat been erncted at lndlo elation, that will be rented to applicant at r-a- aonable rate. Thny are furnlahed with modern convenlenaea, auppllud with pur arteeian water, and ao lttiated aa to give occupant all the advantaK to be de rived from a more or leaa protracted renldunoe la thle dulltfhtful climate. (From the San Franciaco Argonaut.) "In th( heart of the grrat deaert of the Colorado which th Houthern Paclflo traverae thero la an oa.aU called lndlo, which, In our opinion, la the aanltarlum of the earth. We believe, from peraonal Investigation, that fur certain Individual, thura Is no spot on thl planet so favor able." U. T. Stewart, U D writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill on with wonder and delight. . Nature ha accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to Its possibilities a a health resort here I th moat perfect sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soli, for rain 1 tn unknown factor; purs oxygen, dens atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired T It Is th place, above all other, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering the number of suffer era who bar been cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending this gnlal oasis a th hava of th afflicted." Ti pisjr4Mrsfs winmiHiMiim 5i;avrti,nl TrfKir-Mdrk-iobtalnfdintl all I'm j t-nt biwneMcnmltii led fir modcnati fit. Sou Orrict l Orrom U, . Patcnt Off tot 4iid we lanwi mo (ml nil lu JcM (iiu (laAl) UtuM frcmniflfrom Waahniifiun. I hnd rnijdrl, drawirtic or phntn., with 6rwerp ftlon. Wa UiM. tl vt ntal'l i-r ni, lrr g( t,brf. Our ("e i't due till tMttrnl ii M-rurrd. A iHMLtr. " Mow lu OliUin I'aiiaiiii." with rtmi ol Miii a hi the U b. iid fixeiga countiiu (tent (rra. Addict-, C.A.SNOW&CO. O", fTf mt Orricc, WAtMiNaroN. 0. C. VVV-V,V,VVV4VVVV-Vv-eyTe fcYf 80 VIA!' Lm. aw, V IXrVIRIKNOI. D I Mil 4. i I INDIO Is 6i3 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles f 3.0c Tlinf Ulan. 00VIOHTS Ao, tjtmw Minnina a aa. qiiu a It prnliahl ,..,..,.,,.,, vinmi aaauo. riirawiirnis paiaais I'auinia ukan ihruush Muuu to. reoeit speelal uotloe In the " SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, baanllfnllr llliiarralad, larsait elnrnlatlrm of an Miiiilflrt l.,nrnal. wiwkir.tarniali.iiiaraari mmilha. Hh.i,iiiib eupl-i and iLajia Booa on faTKN-rs aaul tree. Addraaa " MUNN A CO., 301 ltreawar. Mew Vera. Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try I For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE, SANBORN & CO Age, Astoria,