' TUB DAILY AdTOlilAN, HCDAY MOIWINO, APRIL 4. IU7. .BTIIKKT IMPKOVKMMNT N'rTK'K. Nolli-n 1m Imi'Miy Blvnti tlMiit llM roW moil con iicll iroMnw to iiivinvva 93d alrwt from Franklin aviMiu to llitrrl on tvVfiiuo, Ilu4'rltiin nvi-nuit frnn S.'lil wtrwt to SMIi alrmM, Wh mrl from IIiiitI.!! s,vi(im to Irvrvir avoiiun, In tluu ixrllun i'f tint Hty of Aatorla kivon Aituir'a Awlnrla, HaM Ini iroviiiwiii In koiimUI In gru'llnit said aMwla to a wMtli of !H f4 through ttt "tili-r tlinrnof lo tlirtr esnaMMul irm.li-a, ttpil liy pbiiikliiK Itu muue to ilili of 1(1 fiiM tlirinmh llw inciter thoi'imf wlih ii and immiiwI flr pliuiks 3U Iik'Ikh, lulil ixiB turn apart, In j.ntiui wllli t'ln Uuut iuiiI ) l(l(niiloii mhI urilliMtiutw In rliiiJon tlMM1ll. The InjkU ruul itvinlvt iio wImiIi tllrt ni'iU aMrHMtinl wliull Imi hvi"d to ilcfrny lb iM of awM knpnrv. Iixiul mul 1lw ilMitul niolimuliiK kmM lllilMVflli1ll and IllluU tt-iul . K(lllr to Ixi nMiil IlK-mf' n iv nivty i1. lUiirtoiiioir Ml III" north nitiixr of lot 3 In llx'k .IV, lii AdaUr'a 1 of l'wr Awiiiiia, aliMi itnt 1m in ttw ulalm Him Iwtw.w.n llw Ailmir I I.. ('. nimI llw. Hlilwly li. I,. ('., tlminw run ning mint along lh" north 111)"- r hlm-aa M an 'I .in to I In. muflixiol rii- of lot I In block .IN, ilnmw vniili tlrtmirti tit intr of libii k Ji lo t lu imrth-nM coi nnr of lrt . Mm k II, Ui"tim iwt to tho norihimil miriwr of H, Murk 11. iImmmv r'iKti along llw l Iliwa of tola h an. I H lo III" in-ltnw irorr nf lot IV In ll'k 41, tlin'' nul nJoliK ln Mini i h lino uf th aiiiywny miuilii through Mm-ks 41. l ami 41 lo (tut nninr of lot .10 In ll'-k 41, iIkmuw Miilh thinigli "" inl'T of 31 taid along I In- inwt lliir. of U "4 In M'-k 43, mwl kit t In t i lo I1u north tUMi initr of loi 8, lh k lliriirw wont o h iiutli"ivl inrnr-r of lot 4. IiIik k AO, lltiiiv noillll aloiot tin- raMl linn of loin i'., m, :o Mmi :i, III l..k v.. to ill" n.4-llmot wn-r of l"t 31. In U k 0. Hutu wmI alimtf IIm mih Him- of h 30 jh1 : to Ui wiMt foroor f lot M. Ii. k fill. tlit-r Moulli ivknix tlx iiit lln of lt J9. Mm k on. Mini lot : nJi.l 7 In hl.-k t)T, to I tin MMifuMI iiihv of kit 7. I'l' k 87, iImvi.t nloiiit th wniUi Im.uimIii')' of Um'kM (7 unit M to Uv MiihwfM irnr of M 8. hlm-k ti, thno north thiurh tt witiT of htm k M t llw MMlliwit iiit of lot 8, lilm-k 81, huw M III. .Off Uu Molirh IUio of lil'H'kM 81, A;, U to tho Motitlmt i.ri" of 7, bha'k M, H'htoh i4ot In on llw liUti) Hn ( ltn thf Hhlvnly nl A1n)r l. I.. C., tliotum nurtlirly alojif wUl Ulm tine ! tlx' iliu of I'.-tiiiinlOB. i'ialnlnif :. 1, 4. i, . 7. Uo.'k it. loin I. 6. a. ;, -'!. J, 1. G. !. 7. I. I'lovk J., lrt ;. 1. 4. . 7. I4.u k 40. . 7. . Ma I. 7, 3. 4. 18. It. IV 19. :l, H. !3. !4. J. 77. 7". M. 31. 3?. M. St. M.M-k tl. loin J. 4. !. 8. 7, I. look 83. I"l" I. I. 4. t. , 7, J. 8 4. t. t. " 8. bloott 82. Ma , K. I.U k 81. Iota i.kH-k t.'. i.itM I 'J, :i. :i. :i. !t. !J. M. 38. Ik'k II. kMM i. J. 4. 6. . ix is. ;o 71. So. 31. 3.'. 3.1, 34. ..-1 tW, lota 3, 4. &. 8. Il. k 88. lota I. 3. 7. . lU-k 87. In t)i ort f t'MT Ajfl.irtn, IaI.I out iumI riri1l ly John A'lnJr. In t'liilii immiy. it. irn. Kutlmaiifi f llif riwi f nuili lin lr u riimu mi.) iilamt aji'l M-ltl'Hilon of tl' l.xiUliy to lx- ImprnVPtl will ! on ni In the oltliv of the utiilxor ami lolliv Jili!t fir piiblU ttinlnallon. Tltul nt thu lu-xl nuultu-ni".-tln of llm ooinimm whiih'U, aftrr 10 iliiyit fiiMii llm rlriiit1n of tho lull,-, of mich litirovrtmttt. t i-it: on Krl'lay. May 7. 1"7. lh miiitiion 'ooiw8l will omwUVr ivny otJ'iiot'a lo MUfh 4mirnviKMi I'Hiik ln''l',; ajl If M. ivinoiiMtraiiixs altrtv'l by iw-bnJf of in- inMiMTlyiwiHTu In llw abovo-ili. tirllt itlMtrliM, m airnltnit wii-h ltiiiro-iiMMil In tin ollliw of tiw auill Mr ivml nMIiv JiiiIh lr' anlil 7th ilay of MM.y, lull", no auith -k or Ini-jxirx-oiiwiul will ! mtliU' riK'jil by th tuinoiirrwmv of twt1lrlH of all thr tiHmlim of tho 0011110. mi 'oin. ll oltt. Anil unlwa auoh rnnamMirM.mw f filwl, thp rnnviii (NMimi will orlr Ui1 Ini .ivioW'tit to lw niaxl'V II. K. MOULIN. Ttw Mi'iliiu crtlomi hcivo iui n.-,1-lnit ov-Un.-ai that ftn tho ri'irlMtru tln of Ihi' thvniiotnot' r t ili-llitm-p. tJulrUlr.Tliarimehlv, Knri rr Onwl. l niir out of ll' n !io rii for iirrviiiiinw 'H, r.iont.il worry itiic!; of " I'm bluuu," i a liul j'ft: it,: tlio irtia'ty r." ciir'.y piu c'ivu'is. Vi -IhniS roolivlm y'ir mniilwo.1, roiirilii your vlKl nr. Lnu'l ili:-ulr. Hfiol for UH.k with iliiiui tloft i.uJ jir if n. Mallwl lttliHl) i roo. ER'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Signature li printed Id CLUB diagonally croaa the ' OUTSIDB wrapper of every bottle of (the Original and Oenulne) Worceaterahlre SAUCE J " MnI S m m m LV 7 Am further protaoUam MgmlaM all ImitMtlon. rAcwU-tataiUaStat, JOHN DUNCAN3 50N5. N. V Byit''hy I'X Mnnlajwl ttth Dr. Jama- is.ti Ik-ohium IiI litniiirhl f irlnl, ii til II." Iilw rhr fomih Afrlnan. aylvtm lunim, Iwifow Iif "iiimiIm IiIm illr," 1 a. cua-toii mIkii f lh fwtiiia' to nffnl In llw HkMm f ixiuUlirn, Tl MHIK A 4JOI.II IS OlSKIMr, Taka Imatlva llromo Quliiln Tablatt. All druimlit refund th mnnay If II utll lo euro. ro. Kor aala by Chua, IbiKora, Drumlat. Tht Wy1r la tiow lail iii with a KTltnia alTitlon tit lh" throat will no far towaril wqiflrtnina; ttia ictKnil Itn MVWlMl "ill tliMiwa IniM of 1a,Ut Ikhiii "rlvlia 4t lo Min in tlw twvk." Tlw lUrv. W, II. Wtiavi-r, Matrof lha If. II. C.'liuroh, lMIUbura-, I'a.. fo iKiila tin valuo uf t.'liamlxirlaJii'a (Smalt Id-nwdy, aixl li"t hxaltnU lo loll irthita u.IhhU 41, "I liavii unad rhamlwM-Uiln'a Conirti lttiily." ha any a, "til find It Ml rxooll.mt maill rlii.) for roliK ivnMfhM aii-l Iwntraa-iu-m." H ilooa rvryon who Klvra It a trla.1. Hold by Kati-a-Conn I'ruu Co. TIm i-till'l wlai .liita a oiiMlity for jiiiiUnif Hi oil llw ntllrnifl Iriu k r.m ii.it 1m n-irnriliM aa an ulnnt-iilo-r in ulkyl )oy by rin Ibw nioat iir-'Jmll'"''! paritita It may ruvr ou thn.- hii.I nioiiry to Iim liif'.rm.l ihul, wIh ii ymi m-iol a lip o I .iii tin r. Ay.'r'a HnrMiimrllU 1 tin kiinl not in fitvor with tin niiilb'al .i-.if -iwIimi It j thr niaii'l'.inl mil. a mn h, tin- only Ii.i.mI iiirllt'T nlmlttcl i th" i'M'tuii Worll'a Kalr. Th" )itina itn,T r of il.THia.iiy xmhw lo In. o Ih Mi n a; mild? llw I'll tr ni Hist th w tiil lintilil m iiiMi al Dm rluiiKtiiK of hi mi na li" Ml nil K'HM iho aiuto-. Mra. A. Invmn. P'alillnit a.t 770 II. n ry atrvol, Alton, III.. aufTr1 with I.iii' rh'iinitt.tUiii for ovir olxht tnonllvi. Hli iliKiornl forlt m-arly th lioln of thla llmi. ualnn' vniioua rni ilii rn-onuiimiiikHl by fr noila, and kw lrinl by the vhyiai8ajia. but tv.-4-lvixl n rnlli-f. Khi" tlmn ua1 one iuwt a luUf l'ttl' of ('luinilx-rlaln'a Tain llalin, which rffo(H a oomilnt rut. Tlila la pulillMtul at hr r.u.at. aa atM wanta othrra almlUuiy affllrlr.1 lo know uTuit cunil h?r. The 15 and W mill mIb" t"r mil by Kali-a-rotm lrui (Ni. rWlul.ury la aulTi-rtntf from ai attiuk .if indiHitiaa. but If h" il'-xMii't have an atuu k f llunaia nn'l 'niiiy una uf tlbt ilnya h will be K-tUn( off luiky. 0-V.HTOXIX.A.. TW fit Hal U iuin Th" nw trinity of alliantv lxtwini tlm TmnavniU iv publlo ami tin rnir Kiv Wiuri Mlwa thitt (lotn I'oul la Mttll kvolitlia' hla wralhTl.l'rl. T77? Tl CTItK A t'ttIlV( OXK , Taki laiatlva Dromu Qulnlna Tablota. All itruKulai n-funj lh tntmay If It fallH to cur-. !la : Kor aU by Chaa. Hoici-ra. timiralat, ; 1 - Knalaml woul ) tiy a laivr nwtui um t rtiiiril.tw Jf .hi Impart on Dr. dhln'l iom Initiltiinrtnialy nh hT litifaiit with ua. V The Wt'lfoot Corn Cure. No cure no jmy. Kor nnle at Eh tcs-Conn Drutr ston. Thr atory rotiw-m f r nn I 'art a that th wlfo rf lUiro hiiM Inmiltr,! tin ITt'utia lo (litrnay. We ah.mliln't hnv- thouKht It -alll. Ono mlnula bi all tha tlma naoeaaary lo ilm8il from pronaJ xpariino thai On Mlnut t'oug-h Cura dora what Ita nam lniili. Chaa. Roirora. Ivi-ttnr wrttlna- t a lraurv when It In no (T.rt ami th- wrm with hom you -onyHiml hi aulllolnnUy wi4l known to l 1ilTiaU-l In tW orvUnary iotatln of your dally Uf". Tney ara an amall that tin) mat K'-n-aitiva peraona tako tham. thoy are an ffit1ve that tho moat obatlnate cttiea of onnatliMttlon. hi-adahoe and torpid llvor ylPld to thorn. Tliot la why ! Wltt'a Utile trly Itlwra ar known aa tho fanxma Utile pill". Ohiut. Hog- era. Tlwn may be no we In crylutf over Hpllt milk, but n womnn wim.-tJin'S mia iikmv il.iw nrl(tht comfort out of a koo.l ii I hen from tin inot olnifiU In-rUI'-JU lituu-llUbhlo, It la urprlinij whal a "wee bit of a thlnn" onn anyonipllah. Sick hemluche, oonattpbtlon, dyapepala, anur atoniach. dltilnean, are quickly banlahed by De Wltt'a LltUo rcaijy Itlaera. Small pill. Safe pill. Heat pill. Chaa. Rot-erf. To 1m n-rawMally coirw.t th law of rll.ln.ii ,t tho nwk muat tie In front IimUhvJ of ait th back aa lr,mli'. IJfn't allow the lung-a to be Impaired by the oontlnuoua Irritation of a oounh. It la eaalnr to prevent oonaumptlon than to cure It. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung- trouble. Chaa. Itog-era, nreakfaat p&rtllea at aweU cafe are quite a mid-Lenten fad. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., wrltea ua that after luffeiin-r from pile for aeventaen yean, ha completely cured them by ualng- three boxea of De Wltt'a Witch Haael SaJve. ' It ourea eciema and aevera akin dlaeaaea. Chaa. Rogera. Itlark and white ooatunwa aire fre quently reen on the wheel. Fic pnevwitlcm of baldneaa. and in renew and thicken the growth of the hair, uao Hall'e Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Phyalolana endorse and recommend It. MARINE NKWS. II HIM WATHII. A.M. , f. M. IxiW WarirK. a, M,' f, M." DATK. Tiioi'luy.," Wniliiwi'r Ii.io fl jlh.m ft.iili iinft ijh in ,fl n,li H7IHI , I iiti.iH - ft ri l I umnu i ii'7': n ia i k 81 1 4 I loirmlny 0 hi mi U .'.linn m 1 1 'l 7 IMI I 7 r i Mm v , . , MHiurilny MiimlHy ,. MoiiiIiiv, I iuih I 1 I m 1 ft! : 7 wii 10: 7i, li I .ii n l ;.-ir I in- 1 in J 7 I Mi mi i i h 8 M, : N :n,u a; N 'am 0 H t rMHl thut lh- ItolUtmo will b down tlMt iivr Tuewlay. The llarvnnt Quiwn tia the OUtwtl. van up rlvw yaTday no'm. Th atrhoorMir I,uey will aw) I from Kniwiplon with a eargo of lumber for Kim KnwK'lMoo today or timiorr rw. Tim MLnaiiior Kla.t', Cu4UWlti fipwn, ha.II1 early yoalwilay tiKmilng with a buif-i fr,lKit ami taarig-r Hat for Hun Kihim-Imko, TImi firm IhrKe-fiMuitml aohooner Jen-nk- HtoHa, arrlviil In ballitat yiMtorday from Hiui I'wlro, ami waa towed up ttm nvnr by ttie )U4t. HIm haM ti-d at I'Im I'lirk.-r Iioum- dork, whore hi-r UllnKt WUI M) dlnejiiiricnd. CupUiln KiuidnJI, of tin- tug Itollef, I t rlgurlng m 'lulto a. dnw all to him i -If wlien Ik- take up qiutrtrra ax Tort Hi-vii with hla fln vitwt on Urn lull. Ilia vImIlh 1o Hie oily will IImui tnvi' prUjiaMy 4y niarwd. 'u,tiiUn Jo4m Kerr, if the llrltih i lilp (ileiielviui, Juat iinivml, waa In I.I, l Hi :'0 yra iigo In Iho aliip Mar tin Si-ot.t, Hi"l tona. Ills venae! at t.ml ilm waa tonailre a very titrg oiu ii ml Uie i-Apl-iitl wan tho lion of (he port. During that vbtt he ran a f ml raco with ''ivjjtuJn J. A. llrown, 4 llrown Mi-f'al-, Captalna KUnp. m ami Kluvel acting aa alartera and JulKm Thv iww f tiMhti mad ateam nuAif ,laaun laurwh dv4gnd by Captain V. A. MieVr. nnl now tw-iirly ixmh pl4it.l in hla warolwiuae, tiita Tated imi little ouninent. The boat la aiaiut ;i f,t long, with a ittiM.y lop, la flat liltniixl anl haM aeatlng iMiixuvty for doaiti j-ootik. The perullar f-alure of the (raft In that ahe la proelled by two large aide awldl whavla, whlilh uu revolved by the muacWaun of th" -MUtwrvg, who ttprljihl lev era. like the rullroad bleyclea are fitted wMh. to whli'h are iittaelird double mi.v. ri) i ecu tug a rrank xhuft nm tvillin :1m- .,lr." MTii-in. It Ir i::ltmt-d that lKm Uk mitn-re mil r luvim lel on th' Nii-atiiili-um thla imiumr ahe a l! aff.ird much fun to llw. I'Ai'lnln'a vk:t.ii. CASTOR IA For IufanU and CUldran. run- Mat ' km gfuiu N Notlcv with wltat rvajlltwr-a perile will give yini ailvU. Iut how tlvy fr-"re up when a loan la miggvnted aa more pnu-tlmdly to Che jnt. Sa 1 1 on Sea Salt for hat lis at the Estes-Coiin Pruir Store 10c and 25c per package. The flohu atyte la notel In many of the aprlng OAia-a. Torturing, Ichtng, aoaly skin erup tlona, buma and acalda ara ioothed at once and pnMnptly healed by Pe Wltt'a Witch Haael flalve, the beat known cure for pllea. Chaa Rogera. NOTICH TO MARINERS. Nolioe la heivtiy glvnn f Ihe follow ing change m the bunD,ge of thla dtatrlot, which eJTwn the Hat of bea-p-'iis, huoyi and day mark, raelflo cmat, 1S95. tii lay lar. Oregon, page S6; North Spll letty buoy No. I. Tlila buoy, which hna Nen lheiU)fr rexrtod adrift, and hU-h wtu f,nmorly a hliu'k nrat-rtlaiu oan, marking the outer Hubmerged end of the North aplt Jetty, waa tvplooed March 13, 1897, by a bluck khvih1-oUm can bijoy nviored nlxnit one-fourth mile went northwest three-fourths went from the po-4tlon of tho former buoy. The buoy in now In 17 fei-t of water and mark 8 the extremity of the wind aplt' making out from the outer aubmorgud ond of the NorlCil iilit Jetty. Its boatings are: (V.pe Arno Uglithouae, south aotilhwe.it one-fourth wvirt; Yokam point, auulh; Guano rck, cant atxith emit tliiw-olghtSui eot. VeMml should tnt pn." Imtweeji this buoy and the outer buoy. Columbia river, uhamiel over Walk er IhIiukI bar to Martin Islund, )age 1S. Tho following cltanges have b-n nuvdo to mark the recently dredged channel across Cottonwood Lsland Hhoal: RulnliT buoy No. 1. A block flrat- clnea ar buoy waa eatabllehed March 26. 1S97, In twenty-four feet of water, to mark the edge of tha aplt off the lower end of Cottonwood island, and ahould lie given a berth of one hun dred feet. Tho bearings are aa fol lows: Radnior wharf weal southwest one-half wee; Dob. J bower Landing post light, aoutheaM one-fourth ett. Cottonwood laland ehoal buoy No. S. A black flret-olana ai.r buoy was ea tabllahed March 26, 1897. In twenty-two feet of water, and should be given a berth of 60 feet. The bearings are aa follows: East end of Cottonwood lsland eaat one-fourth aouth; ColTln rock light south southeast three-fourths eent; Dobel bower Landing post light west three-faurUhs north, Cottonwood Island shoal buoy No. 5. On March 2B, 1897, the number of this buoy waa olianged from 1 to 6. This buoy ahould be given a berth of 50 feet. By onyr of the light house board. JNO. P. MTCRRELL, Lieut. Commander, U. 8. Navy, Inspector 13th L. H. District. Office of U. S. Lighthouse Inspector, Portland, Oregon, March 29, 1897. i ' iff 'J isiiiA I tVrc8ctablc Prcparalionfor As slmllatlnj? UicFootJflrwlHctfula Uiig tta Stomadis andbweb of ma Promote s Di jeslion,Chcerf ul nc53 and Rest .Contains nettner OpiurrT.Morphlne nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. Pi rim Smi' rimnl4 Jufir A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion. Sour Stonkich, Diarrhoea Wonris Convulsions ievcrish ncss and Loss or Sleep. Tae Simile Signature of NEW YORK. tXACT COPY Of WRAPPER, 1-TO-BAC 'T4aLWffOMTMiwM.OTrWcti -m rmtrti Ita www f 'fm. f.ci-io-tMK ! thirnbrit.rrvir-frM itt urn world. Maor tlii ) pfnM in Oitrasmlit Mom ril to mints lb wrtfck UnpiBl in u n trin. rliruruu ftfMl wnun, Jut try a tt. i will t titfbta-4. H nttfc ftm to bi T49 uM j Mf. t'tt m vur la raluu If rumuuvd tir"!" trrtrr jtbvrfi (W-oJ tut our to.klrt "ifc-o't 1iiav-o iit and hma Yuur Uf Aiv " rV'.en ifuwuU;3 an Uwauiipl A4iliwXitft iXJUaXUMi;Ml)ir CX.,Ctol4B0o,r Xv Varlu Bold p1 O Tiflnjr ajaam -wqj Xq raiajii 1 whloa lead to lonrmiiT, wnnmpuou or inmimj. ' :t rapoSui. 1 par boi. lor IA W aU prepaid ClrcoUr Free. 8oM by ilTdnoreUu. lor It, Uka no other. Mannlaetored by U J l2aMaTvmrTxZn. Una-Darts Drug Co,dlatdteUaf aXTIIlli 1IUIU tVMl.I Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. and McKee Ave. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 483 Bond Street. The Daily Astorian Has the Largest Circulation on the Columbia River Everyone Reads It SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTTiE OF PI ill Cwtcrla ! p-.t tp la r-tif )otl.'t ealy. It Ii tut ulJ li dIIl. Doa't tlow acvtna ta mII It Ju. njUiinf (1m ob tli j'.e or aroalit that it fi li "jut at good" ai4 "U1 aur mjmr- Tit tu- aaii yJf . fvri . s ita GUARANTEED ft TOBACCO 5! HABIT U( v rtasrtfryy tftertwlrv for toirfvr In nr MANHOOD EESTIMD'iSSMi IUU, Mieh as Walk Bteoiory, Vom ol Brain Power, Baadaeaa. Waka. Hlnia, Lost atanhood. MgUy En ladopa, MerrooMij-. ,ajiala, lost o4 powar in OwwraUra Organa ol aliaer tex o.a by orw-aMr-tlon, Twihtul orrora, xcxm1t um of lobaooo, opium ori ittmnlania. "flli"' aWn HWMMWl Va J. W. CONN, JlcmC AtorU. Situated on tiie outh side of Astoria's liills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North pide. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. TREASURER'S NOTICE. NorJoe is hereby given that thera is funds In tha dty treasury to par all warranto Indorsed prior to July 1. 1894, except warrants drawn on "Wall street and West Ninth atreet eewVr. Interest will cease after this date.. J. W. eo.N'X, ,' CJty Treasurer. Astoria. March 27, 1897. Ladies Who Value A refined compleiion mist use Poztnnl's Pow der. It produces a coft end beautiful akin. Marshall & Company's Twine Elmore, Sanborn 5a COi, Agents Fresh from the nulla for 1897 fishing. Every ball guaranteed. Please report any lmperfectlona. BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Every ball must be marked "MARSHALL & CO.. SHREWSBURY MILLS." Manufactured from selected flax sped ally for COLUMBIA RIVER FISHING. See that every ball beara tha MARSHALL label. I, 7, 8. . 10, 11. U 13. 14-ply 40'a. 12, 13, 14. 16, 18-pty SO'a. 7, S. . 10-ply SO'a. TRANfffOKTATlON LINES. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Trlii lava Hvaalde for Astoria a 7:30 a. m. p. m. dally. Trains Imvestorla for Flavsl at I a. fn. and i p. m. dally. Trains 'eave Astoria for geaald a 10 W , m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains leav Ftavel for Ant oris at -W a. m. and I:M p. m. rtall. GO EAST ,. VIA . Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Meal ll Disisg Car a It Carte Rock Dillitt Mo Dst The all-rail route to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokane , Shortest and Quickest Itine tTO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulath, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining- and Library Observa tion Cars. Daily Trains ...Fast Time HERVICI ASI BCE5EBY CSEAQCELED For tickets and full information call on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. A T. A, Portland. Or. R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A.. Seattla. WHITE COLLAR LINE IKE STEAMER" TELEPHONE Astoria and Portland . Telephone leaves Astoria, dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. tn. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 a. ra. dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at t p. n. Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. a SCOTT, President. E. A. Beeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent. Astoria. Telephone No. U. In the heart of Chicago. The Union- Passenger station In Chicago, Into which all Burlington Route trains run. la lo cated In the very heart of the city. The principal hotels. the largest atores, the best theaters, the biggest business establishments are only a few blocks distant. To reach them It isn't even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, It IS necessary to take the Burlington Route; that Is, it Is If you want the best there la. Two routes via. B1I lings, Mont, and via St. Paul Minn. Swift, aafe, luxurious. Compartment sleepers are notable fea tures of or St Paul-Chi cago trains. Tickets and time tables at any ticket office. A. C. SHELDON. G. A Portland, Oregon. Are Yon Going East? Be aura and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN line:. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA RAILWAYS. This ta the GREAT SHORT LINE Batwaaa DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East South. and Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves- Ubuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given tals roaa a national reputa tion. All classes of psssao-era carried on the vastlbuled trains without axtra ehanra. . Skip your frsla-ht and travel over this famous hoe. Ail scan la have tickets. - W. H. MEAD, F. C SAViOB, Gen. Agent . Trav. T. and P. Agt 141 Washington at, Portland. Or. : TUANAPOHTaTIOM I.1MK9. Going East? if you ami:, DO NOT PUHflBT Three Important Points FIRST Oo via tha Bt. Paul bw.au sa tha lines to that point will afford you tha very best srvlc. SECOND Rea that tha coupon beyond St. Paul reads via tha WbKxinaln Cen tral becauss that line makes doaa onn nantlona wKh all tha trana-contlnsntai lint enterlna; the Union Depot there, ad Hs service Is flrat-olaaa la srery particular. THIRD For lnforma.llon, call aa your neighbor and friend tha near eat ticket aent and ask for a ticket read. Inr via the Wescoiwrtn Central lines. or address JAB. C. POND, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wta. Or GEO. 8. BATTT, General Axent, Portland, Orefon. 0.R.&I. GIVES CHOICE OF -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St Paul Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha of St. Paol Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclicin? Cbair Cars Astoria to San pranelseo. Columbia. Monday, March 2. State of Cat. Saturday, April S. Columbia, Thursday, April 8. State of CaL, Tuesday, Aprtl 11 Columbia, Sunday, April U. State of CaL. Friday. April 21. Columfcls, Wedneaday. April ZS. For rates and genera! Inrormanoo eaS oo or address O. W. L0UN8BERRT. Agent W. H. HTJRLBtJRT, Oen, Pas. Agt, Portland, Or. e. mcneill. ' President and Maaagar. This Railway Company Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights Its trains by electricity through out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago; the Chicago, flilwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestlbuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking' cars, and palace drawing1 . room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oara and the very beat dining- car service. For lowest rates to any point In tha United States or Canada, apply to ticket agent or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent Portland, Or. J. W. CASET, Trav. Pass. Agent TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R.P.Elmore W.H.Harrison Augusta.... ' aaeAaLsL ...Open for Special Charter... Sailing sates to ssd treat TlllasMak sad Nchaltsi sepsad apea th waatasr. For Freight and Passenger Rates Apply Ts , ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS O.R. N.C0..Af"t, Partlaas I These tiny Capsules are I i VI to Balsam ef Ccoaiba, IF J I vUKt IN 48 HOUnS VJ IJ J tta . tame dltetstt without convenience. . I Soiq b Mil -rufftttt. IMimuml I