The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 31, 1897, Image 1

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    . V
nd worry
An "Ad" T
In Imi AariKiAN i
"Wlll Colima,"
The Dally Astoria n
Has a Rwiula
...Fimlly Circulation...
Much ion thm txM timm a
. XO. 71
City Book Store
Stationers & Booksellers
All the Leading Newspapers
and Periodicals Kept on Hand
Robt. Stewart & Sons'
Irish Flax Salmon Twine
It Is the Best, the Strongest and
Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . .
DMler la Cork and Lead Una, Hanging Twine, Lnada; alio, Oar, Oarlock,
Boat Cooking Utenalla. Sail Drill. I'alnU, Boat Nail, Etc., Etc.
BIMla(llli M) llorv l nwrr Mttflllf Kiigtlir.
HcrcitlcH Gh Btiglnc Works
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
OMtrtntMd tha Hast In Is Marks!
The Columbia Iron Works
.... FOUND RYM EN ....
Blacksmiths, Machinists, and Boiler-makers
Cora.r Eighteenth Nt. and Franklin A...
Ross, Higgins & Company
R. U. Boyle & Co,
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
B23 Commercial Street. Aaitorln
The Palace Cafe . . .
Is the Place for a Qood Meal-Eastern Oysters
W. W. WHIPPLE, Proprietor
Astoria Roofing &
nintu cTUccT Asphalt Pavlne for Basements. Sidewalks and Streets
nirllH SIKttl Asehait Cnatln nn Tin and Shlnrle Roofs
Qlarkson & McIrvin
Promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. : kSSiF-"
AH Work Quaranteed
Roof P.lDtinii
4 Repairing Poof N. JENSEN and R. O. HANSEN
Hodsc. Bridge and Wharf Builder
.' - ... , ""J
Using gasoline or cheap dlU)lt oIL
Engine connect tj direct with pro
peller shaft and no noisy, easily broken
bevel gears used In rrvrrto motion.
Naw MUk dovlca; no internal spring
rlictrd to burn (ut
Send for testimonial.
V ar building thru new a'yle, self
atar.lng miuiiin engine In all sixes
uti to ?W horae power.
Every engine fully guaranteed.
Cornice Co.
' Gravel. Tin and Slite Roofing"
Coating on Tin and Shingle Roofs
Repairing of all mnas or woora
Boom ComPany
216 and 217 Chamter of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
- House Moving: Tools Tor Rent
M Ma Id Dmuniinil'iinicrnimi Smith's
I'oint Komi l'uunl liy Count tlcrk.
i i a
City Attorney file Antt Opmlmi, khltb
r.iduri: Aitloto! Street towmilitc Is
tcrlr Wild .If. U. t. I nit".
Atotin. Man 3i. (Editor Astorian )
-!n vitii lai "f thin moriiiig If
given letter fro-n Jt. V V-Ylch.
made .if ih i lly I'lunrll, -ii Ml" run
Jrit of M'iii:h' IV'lnt li-nii '
Mr. V i.'h' i Mmuy l"lnl 'if iniil.n
tm U tlitt h' c imni'ifi ounri: nun
tw u.i-k-J by th rl'y .i't -rn ) i-l n
Ion, wii-rim li hn fn-r-i'ilurr
that he woiiM n : lv- a ir an
"pinion fnun thl n.flr'-r. Heriw'lh I
haml yini Lit n o''nl m rn-'-ivi-J
frrim th rlty atlictvy im thin uliji-. t.
anl u((. it U-t 'oun. ilimn SVIih
nilglu tk- Itl I'I'W. :t i furthrr
cmurnl"i hy Mr. Wt'rh thm Vfrt.t'n
iiirii n h njii't"l va-.-tmn ;rn
en-Ainu hv? !ii nlj-n uly !liip.
iMitvl fr.itn th' ilflr of lli courtly
iWk, hr,iu' I nh.-uM Inf-r from in
rlty alt tm-y ilnl'm (htl all inni
wrr on 'lie nii'l h-Ticr t)ir In nn
I'hHiit'f f I V cliircr of J-'hV-rv.
Am .-hilrm in ( thn l-t on.n'ltti-
I hv ii.n inii'ii'l"l t' (ivomtcji atiy
chnrlur riviliii nor to fmtlwr ar.y
liillvlJuaJ tn'.m-i:. .and think an Uivr.
titration woulj ilir nic of any urh
('hninravn CoiiimltUw oil Htni-tx ami
I uhllc Wi;.
(H iNlo.N rirriTY ATTOUXKV.
Hon. P. L. Pnrkr, ("haJrinan Cum
1 1 in. I". L. r. .'h!r n I'.nn
.nlitnr .n Strrru ant Public Wayi.
In r-'ly to your r.iU't fr ai oilnln
a t hr ala'UJi of th- Hinlll)' t'olnl
roal. I beg I.nvr to .iilmilt thr follow-
Inir r-Mirt:
I In IhH'vmlM-r. W, an ainii wan
Hiiadv. on th t-tltlon if tlir P'uliuiu
jlar Iml A Trunt (.Vi . to Im vth county
i rnul artu:i. Smith'. I'oint lai atnl. A
'l-tlilon a In tru- offli-f of tin
j county cliTk. afllilavliji of ihwHhk no
I tUi. f tc, wcrr1 uli IIUil, anl an -ntry
mu.l- In tho J.iiiiiijU of th" roiiiity court
irocNHllti(fa rwliltiK th fact that tin
IN'tltloti hal tti fllf.l. anil onlrrtnit
that the fHt'l ! vacat'il. aii'l II M
divlanM ly th- county court.
The (iuirtliu Ik, iIWI tin- county court
iu'iulrr Jurlwhctlon ov thi- matter,
and va th order made and cntorrd
li-Kal an to tlx irorvnllnir.
Tlk- lawn of I in'pm, Iwut'-a 17;'l and
17;:. aro iiMl.-fliiftrt aa to hvytnir out
county roudti. and varatlni; thrm. If
the two (-x tl.mii. ami 4ii:', can he
oinatrwd ttritlr. thitX' would lw no
dllTlculty to di'tvrmlnc whcthiT ttvc
I'Vlnlaturi' lnt4ulxl that a petition
ahould Iw alruv1 by twvlvc rmuio-holil-
cra, hut that a prittlon to vacate a
county rrnul nnxl mly ! hUiiciI hy
onr. I am of tlu opinion that the
two acctlnna irfwuld be oniKiniiil to.
Id'thcr. The quimtkai thon la. waa the
iwtltion nultlctrnt to Rive the court
Thr prtJthm la alionil by twrlva
houiholdTB, but la dcfcctlw In that
It docw not l(iribp rh' pad, cither
the oinunKncfrnrnt, twrnUnua or liiter-
nxillatr points. Another p.tltlon la fllcd
hy thr I'.Tilnmila Iand & Trust Co.,
which docs give the Inlcnncdlatc ixilnl
ami kw a sulDiilnnt diwripton of thr
I ii nd or roa.l to lo vacaUM. but It In
only aliened ,!) m? Hraon.
The taw rcqulmi that a notice, or
four notice, Khali be invatiil In con
spicuous .ntacoa. The notlcr llliil In
these iTootvdlnira la i1k'iM hy two
person, ielther of whom are on the
petition, and Is not verllled Is. there
fore, iiiBuniclent. The ln.w alw ri'uuliv
that vle.w altall le apiHdntnl, hut
as to w-hethnr they are to 1"' apiiolnted
In vacating a county road does not
seem to ne necessary, and the law
are so mlwlcttdlnn Outt It Is lmillilc
to g-tvip an opinion u to their Intent
or meaning.
But the pe-tltlon and the notice be
Ins; tiMmfflolcait, aa required by the
laws of Ore iron, conferred no Jurisdic
tion cwi the county court to vacate
the road, and all proceeding there
under are therefore wild.
Aflxv a careful icxnmlnn.tlon of nil
the paixrs and the law bearing
tho question, although not aa clear
In my mrral as It should lie. I am
however, of tbe opinion that the county
road around Smith's Pohvt has never
txwn legally; vacated and that It still
exists aa a county rood.
Respectfully submitted,
C. J. Cl'RTW.
City Attorney.
A reporter fnm the 'Aatorlan called
uHn Mr. G. C. Fulton and Imiulred
if he had read Councilman Welch
letter In the Astorlan. Mr. Fulton sold
that be had, and was nurprtai-d (that
Mr. Welch had considered It necessary
to charge "Jobbcrj-" and 'mysterious
disappearance" of certain iaper relat
ing to thia road.
"It la toideed wry unfortunate that
some men, particularly those holding
offices of public trust and confidence,
are unable to differ In opinion from
tlulr f.-!..w oinci, even thoiiirti It
l ufi a imiln of lw, without charg
ing "JnlilnTy," "mynteilous dlKMpimur
aiw." of ,iit tlwtt have lwi (rnls
luld. If any aui'li piuly bus knowl-"lgi-
if fai ls 'or rvliirw- thi'rrf Jus
tifying such a cluirg". he ahould linme
llaiely ai'iunlnt th public with th
aiiiiie, nn. I having II, If he falls to dn
i, h Is tn my Julgiiiifit w holly Hjn
worthy of such offi'-, and tho same
uti l truthfully aald If, In making
iKh a grave (arif, he Is not xs-
, f ,Ui h fai'ta or evidence.
"Km tuniitHy, In tills rimtroversy
tliof-r U no iM'i aslmi wiin lever to make
I'lmrifi of Johliery or mysterious dls-ai'P-nranre
of pa;T. The Astfrta
Iron Works, (tie if the moMt (tir
g'ttn and ent'rprtsl(ig of our cltlwus.
has, by its eirgy and buslm-s aWllty.
.r-Ktir-.l a cinitrait to majie certain
rejMilrs upon the government atetuner
Mitnianlia. In order to oimplete this
imlrmi it will rteeltate tile expen-OHur-
of many tnouaamls of dollars
In Uibt city, and the giving of a large
amount of employment to a large num
ber of our laboring men. I Is a fact
that, although the natural point f'S
the oaitrtruKlon of the ways whereon
to plane veasela ouid repair the sum
Is at Aetia-la, none have been built
thr-; Mid In order to complete rhls
nsitract It Is nerMiau-y to coneitruct
ways, which also Involves the HeHeeUon
of eonte advantageous point. This ha
h-n determined to be Smith's Point.
Now. ermii me to say right here that
luul some iieru m not residing or doing
hualness here secured this Important
cmtracit. uul had such contractor even
auicgcitted the pilbilUy of doing the
work here, and building ways that
could tie um1 tn the future for like,
work, there would have been held a
meeting of the business men. a subsidy
would have been ralaed and grounds
1iMifLt"d or ipurchawed. and in my
humble Judgment no breach or sunpl
ckm would have been raised UmU there
no longer existed a road at Smith's
i'olut I'.ut the Iron works being a
.-al concern, n-sldlr.g in the city, em
ploying Imal lalKa- and cfMHributing
gumerally to the well-being of the city,
lws undouhblly incurred the Jealousies
and cnmltUti of pcnaiia lanl I do not
refer to the eminent councilman) who
have s-Hisht to hlnia-r aoid annoy It
In Its buslntw; lwmce the charge of
Joble-y" and "mysterious dlnapiK-ar-aiu-"
I tut why J-dJiery? Why mys
terious dbaippeantnce? In all candor
mul'l it nt have b-eii staged that tile
papers Mating to thN road had b"en
mislaid and could nt at that time
In found? indeed. I took the trouble
t call at the county clerk's office and
Imiirire If our worthy councilman had
made any Inquiry for these papers, and
was lnfirmed that he bad not. No.
but he must need charge the chair
man and omimlttee of streets and pub
lic way and the Asbnla Iron Works
with "Jobbery." and even the county
clerk, who has absolutely no Interest
In the matter whatever, with causing
the "mysterious disappearance" of the
iwiwvs relating to this road. Again,
why all this?
"Tle whole truth about this matter
can te statd In a very few worda.
At the request of the Iron works I
made an examination of tbe records
to awvrtain whether. In my Judgment,
the Smith's Point road had beem va-
cat'M. This IxHng the first tlma that
I had my attention called to It. I Im
mediately examined the record, but
could not then find the original peti
tion, or proof of pouting notloe of the
hi-artng themn. The county clerk was
then very busily engaged with the
county cotnmhwIi'neTW. I Anally aban
doned the search, with the promise
from the olllclala to continue the search
at some convenient time, and oonllned
my examination 1 1 the records. The
result of my dnvesltgntlon Is found In
my opinion, which has been published
which, by the way. was not Intended
to be and was not written for that
purpose.' Now mark Wha.t follows. The
clerk has found the original papers
found them wlvere they were placed by
the former clerk, in the court house,
and found them all together. No per
son .excepting he who wrongfully de
sired that the proceedings relating to
tho vacation of this road should be
suppressed, to the end that the same
would be held not a county road, could
poRNlhty desire them to "mysteriously"
or otherwise disappear, for the original
palters show beyond controversy that
there still does exUt the Smith's Point
road, aa originally laid out. It appears
from the original paiers
1. That the portion to vacate the
road does not decrlbe the beginning,
Intermediate points or terminus of the
mail to be vacated, but simply de
scrlles It a the "Smith's Point road."
The statutes provide that this petition
must describe the beginning. Interme
diate oInts and termination of the
road to he vacated.
2. The notice posted was signed only
by L. Ieheek and Martin Johnson.
The stntutes provide that the notices
must be signed by twelve household
el's. 3. There Is absolutely no proof of
the posting of any notice thirty days
previous to the hearing. The law pro
vides that proof must accompany the
petition, that notice has been potted
thirty day previous to the bearing.
The curling Iron has to do more
titan Its share of work these days,
when waves and ringlets are demanded
by fashion.
During tbe Last Day's Debate On the
Tariff 15111 in the Houmt.
demm:katstk v to obstruct
But Sot Very SicccMfnl - Stutor Curbett'
Certificate Asic.dcd-Rjilrojd rooliiy
Dill latrodicta By ToraWr.
Wiulnngtin, March 20. Party feeling
ran high during the last day of the
tariff Mate In tfhe house. Political
swhe) were wedged In at every op-
(ortunity and there was constant ma
neuvring for political advantage.
The opIKsatlon dimcted thHr efforts
toward stirring up dbwention in the
republican side, but they aucoseded
only In exposing a single instance of
revolt today. That wua i the uU
Jert of free hides. The democrata preas-
ed the question of duty on hides for the
iienerU of the farmer with such vigor
that Hepburn was drawn into the de
bate and made a strong plea for dutia
ble hides. He demanded that ttie bouse
be given an opoprt unity to vote wi
this question and declared that every
Western republican was in favor ot it.
Cannon, of Illinois, also gave a quail
fled endorsement to this demand. The
republican leaders defended their bill
today wKh vigor.
The 1)1 and means committee held
the floor with their amendments from
10 4n the morning to 4 In the afternoon.
About thirty-flve were offered and
adopted. Among them was one admit
ting free of duty "books, rcientttlc ap
paratus, charts, maps, etc." for scien
tific and educational purposes. After
that five more pages of the bill were
read, nuking twenty pages in all. of
the 16J page of the bill. Tomorrow
the bill will be open for amendment
until 1 o'clock, an attempt to extend
Che debate having failed, after which
an hour on each side w ill be allowed
to done. Voting will begin at So'eloc.
The democrat displayed a gixl deal
of anxiety t'lay to get in an amend
ment to strike out the differential on
sugar, but they probably will be frus
trated In this. The only motion they
may be able to secure a vote on la one
to recommit with Instructions.
This motion has been prepared in
the shape of a resolution by. and is
the Dockcry amend ntent to suspend the
duty on articles whose prices are con
trolled by trusts or combinations. Even
this motion may be held to be out of
order, under the special order. There
Is some talk of a number of republi
can votes being cast against the bill,
but nothing definite is heard.
Washington. March 30. Representa
tive Heitwiole, of Minnesota, has intro
duced a resolution for a banking and
currency commission, which Is in line
with the recommendations of McKin
ley's Inaugural address, and of the In
dianapolis conference. The resolution
recites that In view of the present In
adequate banking and currency system
It Is desirable that congress have the
aid of experts in meeting the condi
tions. The commission Is to be com
poesd of four citizens, eminent In fi
nance and politics, appointed by the
president, and a senate committee ap
pointed by the vice-president, and rep
resentative: to be appointed by the
aeaker and comptroller of the curren
cy. The resolution provides that It
shall report to congress the first week
of next December.
Washington, March 30. Senator For
akr, of Ohio, today introduced the
pooling bill. Tt is practically a repro
duction of the Patterson bill Introduced
In the last congress. It Is Intended
to meet the objections to pooling w hich
were rabwd by the supreme court of the
United States In Its decision recently
rendered In tho trans-Missouri freight
association case. The section amends
the interstate commerce act so aa to
render dt lawful for railroad associa
tions to enter into pools.
Washington, March 30. Irt the senate
today McBride, of Oregon, presented
an amended certificate from tht. gover
nor of Oregon as to the appointment
of Henry W. Corbet t as senator from
that state. The certificate states that
the appointment la "until the legislature
shall mnet." thus curing the supposed
def-et In the flnrt credentials, which
did not fix the limit of service.
Many Killed and Injured and a Town
Swept Out of Existence.
Guthrie, O. T-. Map SO. A report
is received here that twenty lives were
lost this evening In the cyclone that
wept over Chandler, a town of 1MW
innabilant. fifty miles east of here. It
Is reported that only two buildings were
left standing the Mltohell hotel and
the Grand Island grocery store. In ad
dition to the twetity persons reported
killed, rumor has it that fully 150 wera
bail I y Injured.
The cyclone struck at S o'clock this
evening. The court house. In whloh
Chief Justine Dale was holding court,
was taken off its foundation. All com
muntcatlm with On&ndler is now cut
Kansas City, March JO. A special to
the Journal from Guthrie. O. T., says:
"At o'clock this evening a terrific
tornado, followed by hail and fluod,
swept through the town of Chandler,
M miles east of here, completely devas
tating the town. Three fourths of the
residences and business houses of the
town were totally wrecked or badly
demaged, scores ot people injured and
many killed. Darkness at once came
on and the work of rescue is carried
on under the greatest difficulties.
The telephone office was carried
away, and 10 p. m. the telehone con
nected w-ah a wire two miles this way
and a message sent here for assistance.
On every side can be heard groans
and cries for help, and the scene is in
dscrtbabVe. A targe number of physi
cians and other cfttaens have left here j
for the scene with surgical instru- j
merits, drugs and other supplies.
A later message mates that a large
number of people known to have been
In busines buildings are missing and
it Is feareu tliey are buried under the
ruins. The true state of affairs cannot
b? learned Until daylight.
Denver. March 30. A special to the
News from Cheyenne. Wyoming, says
a blizxard has been raging here all day
and tonight there B no abatement. The
snow on the line of the Union Pacific
between Cheyenne and Laramie is be
tween four and five feet deep. All
trains have been delayed, though not
seriously. The storm is the worst ex
perienced in this vicinity In years and
ranchmen are much alarmed for the
safety of tiheir stock on the range.
Powers Will Not Blockade Greek Ports
Trying to Compromise.
Constantinople, March 30. Aa to the
Cretan situation proper. It is under
stood that the admirals in command of
foreign fleets In Cretan waters are of
the opinion that, now that Greece has
virtually completed her war prepara
tions on the frontier of Thessaly, a
blockade of the principal Greek ports
would be useless, thus bearing out the
forecast previously made In these dis
patches that the refusal of England to
take an active part in the blockade of
Greece might lead to a collapse of that
cheme to prevent the outbreak of hos
tilities. Under these circumstances all
the efforts of the ambassadors of the
powers are now being directed toward
prevailing upon the Turkish govern
ment to advise the sultan to withdraw
the Turkish troops frm Crete, as an
other sop to Greece, and as an
other attempt to prevent war, and tn
addltton the ambassadors are endeav
oring to prevail upon Greece and Tur
key to agree to the establishment of
a neutral xone between the opposing
Turks ami Greeks on the frontiers.
The mass meeting last night waa
somewhat ot a disappointment to its
projectors, as the speakers were about
equally divided for and against licens
ing gambling. Space will not permit
a detailed report of the many excellent
addresses made during the evening on
both sides of the question. The meet
ing adjourned without taking definite
It would now be In order to appoint
an investigating committee to find out
what Senator Lexow and bis comrade
Hume Brothers En joined Prom I'sing
the Jensen Soldering Machine.
Cover the Fartoer .laaiiactare or Cm of
the Hicfciae By Aajr Except the Alaska
facker'a AMociitioa.
San Francisco, March 30 Judge Mor
row today granted an Injunction on
the complaint of the Alaska Packers'
Association restraining Joseph Hume
and Hume Brothers from operating or
usana; the devlos known as the Jensen
machine for packing salmon. The me,
chine was invented and patented by
Matthias Jensen, of Astoria, Oregon,
and the patent was purchased by the
Alaska Packers' Association. The ma
chine pack salmon automatically into
cans with great rapidity and accuracy,
an operation formerly performed by
hand. The ki Junction la very broad.
It not only enjoins the further mao
ufactur of thai inachines, but prohibit
the rebuilding and repairtnf; of th
ok) ones.
This proceedings ipvolves the vaadlir
of the first patent Issued to Mathtas
Jensen for a van-heading machine,
which was beJd by the United States
Court of Appeals to be an infringe
ment of a machine patented by Norton
Bros., of Chicago, at whose instance
the Injunction above referred to was
obtained. Mr. Jensen afterwards in
vented av much superior machine, which
was duly patented to him, and also .
enjoined by tbe Norton Bros, aa an in
fringement of their machine. The suit
involving the validity of the second
Jensen patent was recently tried before
Judge BelUnger in tbe United State cir
cuit court for the district of Oregon, and
is now pending the decision of the
court The latter suit, arTecttng the
validity of the second patent, is of so.
preme Interest to the packers of the
Columbia river and elsewhere, and the
judgment of the court is awaited with
much anxiety by many packers who
desire to operate the machine. If Mr
Jensen's second patent is sustained, the
machines manufactured under tbe first
patent will be superseded by the new
machine, and it will result in a savins;
of many thousand dollars to the sal
mon packers of thia coast, aa K la the
only successful machine that has ever
been invented for doing .the work now
done by the process of hand-packing.
Chinamen Attempt to Blow Up the
Woman 'Who Prosecuted Ark Wo.
A sensation occurred on the Bowery
about ! o'clock this morning, occasioned
by the explosion of two targe Chines
bombs hi the rooms near the corner
of Seventh and Astor.
A few days ago a white woman loat
some clothes, which were stolen and
pawned to Ark Wo for 13.85. Ark Wo
was arrested for receiving stolen prop
erty and bound over In $500. He would
not tell who brought the articles to
him. Later the woman was threatened.
Last night Chinamen probably placed
bombs under her bed , bored hole
through the partition, attached fuse
and at proper time lit them and ran
explosion and room on Are. Hearing
the outcry, John and Pete Kenny and
AI. Siefeidt ran across the street and
arrived just in time to put the fire
out Officer Oberg did all he could t
find the offenders, but before the explo
sion took place fihey were no doubt
concealed a long ways off.
Absolutely Pur f J-
Celebmted for its great leaveuluc.
strength and healthful ness. Assure the
food against alum and all form of
adulteration common to the cheap