NIK DAILY ASTOIUAN, VliUS MUK.NINU, MAKCH -fl, 1897. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. t. TERMS Or Sl'BSCRIPriON. DAILT. Bent by mall, per yew Bent by wall, per month Served by carrier, per month WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year 2 In advance. Postage free to subevrlbera. All communication! intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its ub crlbcrs the lar(f-et circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old ant weekly In the state of Oregon, has. next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handle? Co. mb- our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their land. IT Third street Til "AMnritl" hereby orJer to doaate OX Hl'MDKED DOLLARS to St. Mary dMpltal, payable oa deeaaad to Father Ittolaaaa. vkmtfr legal evidence Is pre pared sawlag that aay afteraeea ewe paswr pahllaked la Aet-rlm has prlated arHMa, th laet alaatj days xplriag be fore this offer a slagla speelal" or tfcer klad ef "telegraph! pre report," weelved Tir the wires MMrlng .Ither f the telegraph o Aloes la Astoria, fro ay potot !! of Oregoa- Astoria, Or., October IS. . The free trade wing of the democ racy is reviving the old He, In which tt charged that the law did not pro duce sufficient revenue. This revival ts, occasioned by lih fact that Presi dent McKInley In his message called attention to the deficiencies under the low tariff law and) recommended a pro- tecuve tariff, and by the other fact that the new tariff bill is based uposijtne pilters speedily. This popular the McKinley act. Thise who are medicine also remedies, rheumatic. charging that the McKinley law failed ,,,m..ion. ru. h,' that they are either ignorant of me facta or else that they suppose others to be so. The earnings of the McKln iey law from the date of its enactment. October L 1890, to the meeting of the free trade congress in August, IRd, which was railed tnrot-her- tr. twrin the ! work of its destruction, were 113,575. 4S in excess of the expenditures of the government during that time. Any deficiency which followed during the remaining few months of its existence was due to the business depression and stoppage of Importations caused oy me prospective cnange in tne iarm law which that congress had promised to make. The contrast betwen the methods of the republicans and the democrats is clearly ehown in the length of time occpied by the two parties in getting their proposed tariff bills before con gress. President Cleveland was inaugu rated March 4, 1S93. The country was then In a state of agitation and business collapse consequent upon the prosepectlve change In tariff. Yet the new tariff bill, whose advent every bsinesB Interest was waiting, was not reported from the ways and means committee until December 19, 1893, nine months and fifteen days from the date t Preetdent Cleveland's inauguration. Contrast this with the course of the republicans. President McKinley was Inaugurated March 4, 1S9T. announced th his Inaugural address that a special session oi congress wouiu r neia on amrcn 10, me . on te j lowing day, and that congress, before j It had been In session three hours, had i before it a well digested tariff bill I ready for its consideration. Thus the republicans. In nine working days of McKinley administration, had accom plished what the Cleveland admlnls- tratlon and congress were nine month In doing, and had provided a bill which will produce revenue instead of the deficit which the free trade bill pro duced. Mr. Hryan, the great leader of the democratic party, has occasional fan cies that he Is a humorist. His latent says the Standard-L'nlon, Is. to put on a powerfully severe expression and say: "The general has not come yet, ha he?" "What general V ,1s the quick Inquiry: for the great statesman (g a serious person, of course, and he gently murmurs, "General Prosperity." There are people so debased as to consider this smart. There are even persons who think Mr. Bryan is saying smart things all the time, and Is liable to. be a wonder las he grows nip. We remember another great man who crushed his friends by saying, "Good day for the race." WTiat race? was apt to be asked, and the prompt re pose was "The human race." Mr. Bryan shows signs of dullness that we deplore. There was one thing im portant In the mere announcement of the election of McKinley to be pres ident. It prevented the most searching panic ver seen In a civilized country, for no enlightened nation has yet done so deflating a thing as the election of Hryan would have been. Of course, he and the believers In him would have charged the loss to the goldbugs, and the revenge of bankers, and, of course, ths who believed In the out cry could not have refrained from the use of extreme language In de. . V. nt.iniiidil (.llUitd Ktlll th.. I noum'tHg wr j... v ........ - " .- money centers, fcnd much space would have been occupied with the criminal ity of capital. Mr. Hryan and the rest could not comprehend that they wcrs profiling desolation, and doing It In i cast of sincerity with an opacity ...f..w.,., i, ' '""" jor McKinley as a caii.tuiate tor pr s- , Ident never pretended that prosperity ! would come to stay without the en- actmcnt of Us putting into applica- j , , .. , tum certain ... ... ral a.Hre and first message to con- givss leave no doubt whatever as to j those principles. And still we do not . k .. , ..,.-. .i, McKinley rvcvmmeiiuauon.- jum xo- prove that they will not restore gen- era! prosperity. That Is the "general ' . of. Such Is their an- . . . . lipatny to iru w, themselves. TOSSED ON THE FOAMING t BILLOWS Tou may never have been, but if you cross the Atlantic, no matter how smooth the watery expanse, wth-out sea sickness you are well, a lucky voyager, that Is all. Old tars who have spent their lives on the oceun waves, who were almost born, ao to speak, with their "se legs on." suff er now and then from aea, sickness In very tempestous weather. Sea cap tains, tourists, commercial travelers and yachtsmen say that there Is no Aner safeguard against nausea than Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters, and It has been equally reliable as a pre ventive by Invalids wno traveled by steamboat and railroad, and who sometimes suffer as much In those con veyances as ocean travelers' do In steamships. EU'.ousne:, constipation, sick headache and disorders of the I stomach caused by oppressive climatic I infliLinivt or unwholfaome or unuftu. ..,r av. . W.dney and nervous disorders, and the ii""- ....a,.-. BILIOUS COLIC. Persona who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by tak ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarhoea Remedy, and If taken as soon as the first Indication of the disease appears, it will prevent the attack. For sale by Estee-Conn Drug Co. Wildcats are extremely variable In size, some kinds being no more than two feet In length, and others five. The smallest varieties of wildcats are the size of the domestic variety. 0n)s mlnute te .jj the time necessary ; to decide from personal experience that I jOne Minute Cough Cure does what j i name implies. Chaa Rogers. Kwreant men cashiers of several ! i Minneapolis establishments have been replaced by women, and the action hat led to another discussion as to whether women are more trustworthy than ! men. Address with 21 cents In one-cent ; stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, World's Dispensary Medical Associa- ( tion, Buffalo. X. T., and get a free ! :opy of the "Medical Adviser." i R. Harry Perry Is putting the fin- ishing touches to the fountain for the cnogressional library at Washington, j Neptune Is the cental figure, and about him are arranged disporting mer- I mead. ! Self-denial is the one thing most dif- flcult to inculcate and always hard to practice, efcially hrn there are good things to eat within reach. But there is no self-d-nial nefesj-arv If vou take i Simmons Liver Regulator. It promotes , digestion, prevents Dyspepsia and a 1'S-J tr a hearty meal of dell'-acles will prevent any discomfort. It's the! best g'xd-night toOdy. White broadcloth Jackets with black j chiffon fronts will be worn with ac- ! ror.jion-p!alt-d Bkirts this summer. RHEt'MATISM QUICKLY CURED. After having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying out j il't In doctor bills without benefit, Mr. 'rank Dolson of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., I w-aa cured by one bottle or Chamber-; Iain's Pain Balm costing 23 cents, and I has not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by EHtes-Conn Drug Co. I And now shirt makers are taking or ders for mannish shirt waists for the real talor-made girl. Minutes e.-m like nours when a life Is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute CouKh Cure rives Instant relief and unsure recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. Some men act as though being loved was their right and natural due. Chlcora, Pa, "Herald:" Richard Vensel reports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest success In medical science. He told us that it cured his whole family of terrible coughs and colds, af ter ail other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. VenseJ said It assisted his children through a very bad siege of measles. One Minute Cough . Curs makes expectoration very easy and rapid. Chas. Rogers, Druggist. iE TO EVE THE MKTHOt'S OF A OKRAT TREATMENT FOU WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Him ..iiw Everything Elae Failed. Painful disease, are bad enough, but when a man Is alowty wasting away ; with nervous weakness, the mental . fniwhotllnm are ten times worse than (hti n)0(ft wvr(, lftln, There ts no let u., .y n,e mental suffering day or nliiht. !Slwp Is almost Impossible, and under 's"ch a strain men are scarcely rrapon IWe for what they do. For years the vvri((r M(, towuM on tTtmWeA soti of 805timi weakness until It was a o.uctlon whether lie had not better 'e dw of poison and thus end all nig l)lllie. iut provmcniwi ih'w () (n pf , inWn.tio,, f medicines that not only completely restored the general'.h. I but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts to natunu slse ana vigor, ana n. now declares that any man who will lake ,0 mnJ hg nam m, ' Arvea may have the method of this won j derful treatment free. Now whtn 1 fe I mean absolutely without cost. because 1 want every weakened man to h- of my 0JtpOT,,nce. I am not a uhllanthroplst. nor do I lHse as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the) mental torture of weakened manhood who would be cured at once could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamp necessary to mall the Informs tlon, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that a) though they coat nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happiness to most of us. Write to Thomas Slater, Box JS8, Kalamazoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed in a plain, sealed en velopa. Bones of soldiers who were burled at Clarksvllle. Tenn., when the female academy at that place was used as an hospital, during the war. were uncovered by a recent landslide back of the building. It la surprising what a "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick heaJache. constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach dlxilneaw, are quickly banished by De WTtfd Little Early Risers. Small pill. Pl- Best pill. Chat. Rogers. I Indianapolis is the first city to decide to completely surround Itself with a system of parks. The first appropria tlon is 1330,000, and the plan requires a gradual expenditure of J5.000.000. TO CI KI A COLD IN OMC DAT .Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It fails to cure. 25c For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. Frenchmen often put their family name in the middle, and then their mother's or wife's name. Thus Albert Mayer calls himself Mayer May: May was his wife's name. DANGERS OF GRIP. The greatest danger from La Grippe Is of its resulting In pneumonia. If rea sonable care te used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that this remedy Is a certain pre- ventlve of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 85 and 50 cent aixe for sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The authorities of the Dominion of Canada have presented the Hawaiian government with iO.000 young salmon to be plated In the rivers of the Ha- wallan islands. FROM CRIPPLE CREEK. After the big fire In Cripple Creek, I itook a very severe cold and tried many j remedies without help, the cold only becoming more settled. After ulng three small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and In this higTi altitude ,lt takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good. G. B. Henderson, ed Iltor Dally Advertiser. For sale by Es- tes-Conn Drug Co. Hamburg leads the cities of Ger many In the extent of Its electric car service. It has 340 "motors, while Ber- "" which comes next, has only 114. OASTOniA. T ft dj:t One firm in Macon, Georgia, sold 2,000 mules last year, and it Is estimated j that the total sales for the year In ! the city came up to 5,000 head. i The hair of the head, to 'be an orna- ;m?nt to the wearer, should revive 'painstaking care, and if Its color is 'faded Hall's Hair Renewer should be applied." The chatelaine with all Its dangling golden ornaments is once more in pop ular feminine favor. Qalrklr.Thorsasblr, Forever Cared. Four oat of five who s of for nervoasnrn, mental worry attacks of " the bines," ara but paying tlio penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your rigor. Don't desir. Rend fur book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ER'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. OUTWARD HOUND OREGON CHAIN HA I I.KIM ril, I SAMo.. A.ut'nt S Am kiMlu'.lHMioiHa. , , . nmor "niu,.. v ,.v . ...,.,..,..,., Mr Mi. .. silh rliiillilie SI Ht fliln. ....... !iirmimiihlt . T Hr IOu,.,..... trvulilMt 14 nr in).. ,..., j t'i" ,m ... ?.'Urtiti I A iiUm .,..,.rt'i,..,iriiimore ,. U Kr brk , Inuiiir-iln IVtbr Hr Imrk Suw ........ Mir nun l.orM ,ni.uiirr KHrtwik. ;MrlwH.nrl Dili lltn .. ''hileul.- Hr t irk .... liiiil -irvmn .,,. , ... II lit iMIlk .......... I'UI'll'S m 1 V Hr liln ..... . ' Hrv nlillil.l...... ..... 1-iHrlmrk. :.MIsvm IM llr ollllt KK.'lnl.tle lleiirlette lon .. ... I li ill. I .rue . ... ii.1rml- .,..U.i ri l':,i le. si. ri.i K'.tiol'.a . . ,IVN hl'.li'JT I'h'i..1 M-Iliweil . Purl i.ilr' . N uriM-MI... II'IVII'I Hr Imrh . ..'rlilii Ji lit 1 in V Hr lurk u '.. llr .li p . Hr lurk t llr lnt i. Hr luii ttiir li'i n llr : llr .lit i . .. liin K-irk . I, Hr lil(i li llr link K II; I'lllk i:'h, iu l illr .lllli Ivlti .h' Mltr Mile Ji'Hr lili SI Hr t'rk . xl Br b rk.. . . j; llr l''k H Hr .Mill Jd Hr i.Ark-. . . . o Hrbk llrbirn r i bilk I.s llr hl. l llr hip ... tl iit bnrk l I'r !'l....... 17 l:r .l;li : r .iili- II. Urk ...... .0 Hr hip J3 :t .lilp.... .i II' hlp Hr lilp llr bur . . H'rVilp..,.. r. hr.hli. ... t H" !i!p ... . it r lMir.,.. l.t Br twrk.. .... v r .lop a Br.hip ... Ur Imrk H r)rbli .. .. 14 Hr Milii .. . IT Br bark ... ... HrbarK.. .. N.o. Illei.Uil I lu lin.H'Ml .. ... Si' U'O . II. li I.' ... Mi'liiiii' r-io.. .. . . . . vntbtlleii . .. I. it in'i llrt'l I Ituleii l'..:ill v I' v iv'il.e .., Kiim.ii Kii"ii . . I'ubul ... rr.rle: .. H'roeU'H . ivree iu"e ...R.o.l nore ...... !.lelle .. J l .v. ,i lltt.blilltoll.. . Yllrl rml.'l.u. Prince .... ... zuii imw.ii Hill Vn.U.r ,. . . . ...lli.K'knurM ... ..iii. W, Wolff . . Hullo ...iHswawl-S . ii h im ih.n ... Klkiu...-. . . , lrumbirloii MIJ. , Hih: .a Kiire-l lruh'4k..... . (MIKW.I .. rW.wlDg ... Huilon 11 all .. -h. ihani.h .. I'mviliJi. . . Abr;iinth Cns le Jul I. . Hr burl. H.-nlliMHit A-atToblii Aonr, W, ti-IW.'WIbbU Sour. Tlu IvVOOD iT44i)0 ei!Tbrii i ulmoa ' Io$.t.lM) K-A1m Jtl.74 bbl. door, r.i,i. io,.VJ V Sour. lu AM AO. H-W.V)bblB.Mir, luai0 l-Alao W.m bblt (lour. lii lvt..k bran Talua WJW. Alw SO ton. f .horta, raluwi I7, 100 tutit ol bran, value.1 Utou. an.l flour' ralue UUU). M-i7.lbbl tl.iur, value, ITl,0u. N-AIi bbl. flour, talue U'ui jJ. are a thousand $fe & good reasons why you f should use I DOWOLEflE It rains on an (average of JOS days in the year In Ireland, about ISO In England, at Kosan about 90 days and in Siberia only 60 days. Torturing, letting, scaly skin erup tions, burns and scalds ax soothed at once and promptly healed by De Witt's Witch Hasei Halve, the beat known cure for piles. Chaa Rogers. One of the lattwt designs In Incan descent lamps la formed by U-lng the wire between two sheets of glass set In a flat frame. CASTOniA. SKates that are Im ked on the foot by pre-islng the hrl of the shoe Into the heel-plate of the skaie have just been patented. IMMIGRATION NOTES. The Oregon and Washington board are doing good work and should be lib. erally supported and encouraged. As a result of this wont many eastern people are turning their attention to the Pacific Northwest. If the. reader has any friends In the East who are likely to come here this year, send their names and addresses to the un derslgned and I will see that they get a supply of the best literature and In formation as to this country. GEO. S. BATTY, General Agent Wisconsin Central Lines, Portland, Or. Two prea hern will be pitted each other In th- legislative S-at-e In Pike county, Kentui ky, next fall. They are so small that the most sen sltlve persons take them, they are so effective that the moMt obstinate cases of constipation, heodahce and torpid liver yield to thr?m. That Is why De Witt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. Chas. Rog ers. When you are blue you rejoice In the opportunity a funeral procession gives you for making gruoome iihltoiiplitl remarks about life In general and your own in particular. The chronic grumbler still lives, but there are less iwsph of chronic Indiges tion and nyspcpHla than formerly. The fart Is, so many people In the past have taken Simmons Liver Regulator that they are now cured of these ills. And a great multitude are now taking Sim mons Uver Regulator for the name troubles and they'll soon be cured "It Is the best medirrlne." Mrs. E Ralne, Baltimore, Md. The first treasurer of Rush oounty, Kansax, Is said to have received $1,600 for taking care of $500. TRULY ASTONISHING. Miss An nette N. Moen, Fountain, Minn., says: "AyeKs Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful efTr-ct In curing my brother's children of a severe and dangerous cold. It was truly astonishing how speedily they found relief after Ukl g this preparation." The Guildhall library In London has refused to acecpt a bust of the late Joseph Whltaker, whime "Almanac" Is thought by some to be one of th most useful books ever printed. There are none why you I p. slio::!d l.ird. 0 Vf Th N. K. Compt-, t0 (Kevlsed mul OrtroKtl vrjr frliluM TVS CIHHKll (OH ( KM v M Vlsillvoal.H'k , Hon Nut)..,. IMII l.lTtplKll .... IJ Aliioa Buy I J.m i:ork INki .,.,. ll.t ;'XI Hull Iv1 I Jl Sllloih A II m,ivki ji,ii .vi.mui 4I.IW .4U K HI,. I'M" 4 I'U 4v''l .',Hi ..l-" I H 11 I..,' t.i.. .i.!W ,NV. iM.m Ime. Nov M. Jmi 1.1 Ceb I ..... . Jim Ml so. ... rVb! .. w " It Ur. b It . b If MIMMtUMtHIIIIl IIIN 1V l.ffS t,.M..,M,M,.t., llffl . .t..M 1 ., IAVi . .Inn il tvb I" Msreh -.'IH IWlVrk ... I4l. " . lM " .. ?! " ... I.M " ... Iii " Mx " . Ifu I'oik aiis . it'.'i .. it I J I Liverpool IMii'nm ., .. l.-ii'i.rk . ImT I'ork . ... .T: ' ik ... IWM'olk .,.1 J m tk.jk iii'i.ik . Iiiiscork Iiwi livmouth . !irli ....... . ... Iv;m Uurtwu ,...l Hi.l'i.rk ....,. ,... Mn-l II IK. li li. iNUr. b il irvliii.-.. II VUn li I I MIV'li"i' Hi li Kel. ! . M.. Ml rt.vwl M .-I I'.T MI,JI I'.'.l'l. IV s. ;i: '.ni 7 I.M u 'l n I .' M. .'4,1 III iJ. t.'J l-.'l 4:..:o : ...iBj i ii.' I ,N 4.'.lli.' Ml...1 O.Ti..' "4 n, 7 : i M,ml .Kvl .'! lil.rtW 4.lU M H JO M :.i v. a,v Tn, ,w.v je.f.u lr'li II law " . . x II M " IW F ilm. .villi . . Ilaiiraimoiiiu. . IWW Onrk - IWn'ork . .... let.irk... rin'oik iwftOui k .... lav-Cork I.ij Falmouth. MMKuliiioulh Iskt l.lverpaMiL .... ifl Kftlniuutri. lHVr-lmoiilh-. ... liw ....... ... KM fork ,lr ralmouih ' law -cork ' l7vs.iiih Afrlrs ;imcvrk .. I IMjCurk j I 1MB Cork ; i ir iK' ny, .. . UM Cork IWMk ' ilMl! - !ll4' .. IUSS .IMl. i,r VESSELS ON THE rtetlte,) auJ I'litierlail rii rj r tl.ln) roar pailip raon nr. ntsi UViRl'tinl Br .i.lp Blrtli.woiMl Br .hip i!eii !. NKWCAST1.K. N.M. W. Br tblu tlnelnr Hr bark Crmier..a ANTrKHP- Br bark I'unibrlanl . llr .Isp Kiipbn lie HAM III Kit Br b.ti k Norma I1',, M Kerr .Suit in lirltllh.. , I'll.'llMOtl IIKKXHKNCKN I Ir... Ti tal lonuage on the war - loi') name llm lu H.')1. H.nif tliti In -ll VC r.nar . a a rat an im. imamatr. a i kraskinsrian kklnenand ihartna araana ul aU Uunui nuaa, rtraitaaaa ii..n.lh.M.ni1 Mnmuuil Tba rraaua tuffe r a Dot eonri br w I.I- ..rilliKN aialbaonlT kawwn ala A wrllUw. anarante stn ann B..T r.qrni o mi mtm mi iCaboi,ii luf maU . Haeu ( laactreuUr ao4 laatioMoiata, AAlrmm DATOI. HBDICIkB CO f. (A CHAS BOOK KM, ii INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced bv Physicians the most Favorable in America for sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha obltctlons urged acalnat Indlo In the past by the large bumbers who otherwise would have been glad to taka advantage of Its beneHclal cllmato, ha. been a lack of suitable accommodation j The Southern Taclflc Company taka pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have just been erected at Indlo alallon,' that will ba rentd to aopllcanis at r'-a-, sonable rates. They ara furnished with modem convenienses, supplied with pui artesian water and so situated as to glv, occupants all the advantages to im ! rived from a more or leaa protract' .1 residence la this delightful climate. (From th San Francisco Argonaut.) ' "In the heart of th great deaert of the Coloradowhich the Houthem l'ucllla traverses thero Is an oasis called Indlo,; which, In our opinion. Is the unltnrlum of the earth. We believe, from personal , Investigation, that for certain Individuals,! there Is no spot on this planet so favor able." O. T. Btewart, M D writes: "Tha purity of the air, and the eternal sun-! shine, fill one with wondT and delight . . . Nature hss accomplished ao much that there remains but little for. man to do. As to Its po.nlhllltlea as a I health retort here Is the most perfect I sunshine, with a temperature always! pleasant, a perfectly dry soli, for rain la in unknown factor; pur oiygen, denss! atmosphere and pure water. What mors I can be desired? It Is the place, abort j all others, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering thai number of sufferers who have tmenl cured, I have no hesitancy In reoom-l mending this gnlal oasis a ths har or the atnictea." INDIO Ts 6l miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles oc KUWr-lS!)r7. Kiiu'ruiiK. I'oriUuM Klour Mill. , slbiiiii ,k kerr , Ibillmir, voillitlt. A I n li,ii .H.UW 41.00 T.i,mo iliiiW TO.IHV tti'.'j'ii" 40 4.', M Ml I h. iM I ll .V I lit II .1 t 10. tk' I IJ tt.l j IU .i I H kit I I.', kil I Ira I li. 1.1 I in I M I lu kit I IU Hit k't II- .H.I CI 1 1. .I'l II. rt.t til Im l.'l II. !' i;l l.i. IM i It f niunroii A Co Hitlliiiir, ilmliriii A To SII....II , Kerr I'orllniit Kluiir Mill. .1. Iil(nur, tniilirie Co , I K I'liiiixnui ,i i iv ISirtlMinl I lour MIIUCo nHmou ,t Kio r Iliillimr, Miitlirle ami ISi MIIihoii A Kerr,,,,. ., I .1 ,. 41. .111 P J It Cuuieroii , Cu ., :,vi li.ilfiiin, until. li, a Co iU iu .1 It t'nitieroit Jk Ci i.. i. S...iu ,n K,.rr , m .i i CiiMirloilbrlr. K f ,'.",,, t. .) tllnim ID h,.r , I.VMl I'nllUml Mlli,, ... ISirlUiiil Mill. mi in. ... ,.k'l II. H , k'l liu .,14,1 ll 3'l '!l ll . ,., I. ,4.1 jl 114 M . tl III. t . I til I". ... CI In. t:i im l .. til 1 1-1 II. t'l I'U'i IU .'U . U'l K. ... M'.O.) ; imi ii.,ii ,i,iii v. i M.O.I pv, ..I : ..mi H.nO nj. i 'J. HV .'.' .i4l I Vo .'t.'.MI ,ll M.'U O.iAl M.'.O ll'.,l ill. II u,,wi :i .1 hi,..4 I i ti..i M. IIU ttVM) j li i ninrrim a i vi Ilitlt.uir, UnllirlB A Co tl'i.oii A Kerr, V Hers I'i'iCmi.l Mill ,.,... Hull. .hi, U.ilhrte A Co ii'M.ii K Kerr, J It Comer. ii ft i o t I'..mi 11 herr ,, I lllhli,. A I II,.,,,, I H Jk Co .... lUK.iitr, II. oh r' A Co ,. , ,1 It CAiii.' A Co lUlluiir, tliilbrlv A Co ISirilml H.nir Mi U H.ldiur. tii.lliru' ru til IIM .. . til II. U'l kit i . . .. d . til ru vi tit IU IM li W Me .ear . .... hll.Mili Kerr ,., K .ii r. tiiilbrle s C SibW'H A k"rr ii.K.iiit, i i.ri to!,;; . It..... CI I.-.. ;i Ij. '-I til km ... H!(iiiir, iViiiiuiii i 'cr"',;, ci lw I CI M .. , l 11" l -l H til HX .... I'l M ll lit III...,. til i at . ,i lMt ..;;;;;; iVv . U IV. . ... ..-! Al I'l I M A I : ikI .... Al 1.1s . Al J H CamuMn A Co,,.. .., Mibm A Kerr Hnll.Hir lonlir e n I n H.l'niir. t.mlirlii A Co..., MilMim A Kerr Hnif.iur. Hiiihne A Co.... I.'.'".' ,J H merim A Uo..,, .'.i " " ' .'.. ilt..iir, (lullirle A Co... rL .i, tl ilhrle Co, Ni.tMi lUKmir. liui'irifi 0 h . ;,.) Hitoiiii sml K-r 'I'linliuiil r limr Mill. . rtHui II no n,.i lO.UO it,1"!1 v.mi !4l,.tU, Uullirle A Co. J K ('mrmn A Co ! , I' C KlevMor Co, J H l'nteloa at'ti J K Camvroil A I n Al ll IM 1 I, ml IU il - AIki .1 bun Ucu, JuninXl, mni W.MJ raw i T bl.U Hour. lii WJ.iMi. i.-A.n. I7.-.WI.W. J - Wr) HA libit fl.wr. lu jmm ii. hu.hel. lurlejr, iralue l H.ino I. -Ami Alii bbn -Alw U7t bbl. fl..ur,iu i-tT.-u. WAV TO OREGON. OOMIOIIM lolf kotl .. irrix.u ,'tr: pu,l 'I'M' li a I I I :i:v im i:;i im a i ! Ilir.i PDA I i: low I UU;lUAI lUtlfoiir, tluilirl Co i. Il.ll.iw A Co r.ivlor, Voir ( Co lU'lotir, iiuthrle Co MANHOOD RESTORED Uoof (aohmm i r-ix-ti nrmh n. will quk-fcly cur uil mil ii-r fimpiAs VnlltnM la Mrrr, KiiumwUh lrlia, Vnrtt--, wA ftuuT-'0. li Uifi J Uwmm br 1r or MfML kfvnu tnU km of J'-tuurri fritW-b If ivu(rhirkl U WwrmwiitrrlwH im illallra, IMI at nraana. tnra to m w staaty par eant a t Ba with rmlr aiiileilnv,uk fvi tM.tra 4oi sot aowt a par tuanu I aura Buj 17 Baa nKra,C. w Aiitfcf Commercial Street IOTP. A SPEC! ALT Y'o' B .-ufotftn l-Ui-dr-u . -m contour (,,.; 9 lioni t r Mm pfM u)r m un ru 1 1 f If r" Mrt1 (or lo ot t bf . u I n iriMHtt'T'!' l-) . Ann Mill nmiw insi ami ornl to Pn. W oli' H lb nvt ulitl ,!!. -ml rhIUii world fur A ciun- 9AOO.OOO cKptuU bbirl our nttomafr L.uii a l m Irani 7. A .wwl nli pronfa Mini itU1 u r-f.'icM.n. AMrm 4 '(Ma. KKMKllV , 1 OniO v-svawv mmtmm i inn!, Hrinftiirrbuft, nhiM, anniiurti at tltui, irritation or ttlr 'NitlU fwitfiw. th.n hi PlUroal Dm ii i J(."rt,and Traile-Marka obtained and all I'at- joosOrnecisOPeosiTc O, . I 4i..l .iuiik- ura palml in Umt I jrcm.ile Wmrui.K'"t, 1 Stnd m.Klrl, drawinit or pnntn I iMxini--concur ira ic rue. . P.TiNTOrrici; i luue liiaa tiic J J Stud m.Klrl, diamine or phntn., with Hr-rlp- ii'.n. Hi auvl, II miriiu.u. - tUre'. Our Ira not rlua nil io-ni il. tn .irr.l. J i a siaiaHLtT " ll" lo Obtain I'.irni., w.tbj ira.1 "iiie in'lha U. S. nd Mci.n tuui.l.ic.J Jnl Irte. Addf-, jC.A.SNOW&CO. n.m e.-riHT orriei. waaMinoToi.. a. m. 60 VIAtta mm i TRAOI MARKS, ''li'' COPVMIOHTa As. OOPVttlOHTa Ao. A nwn aencllng a rtetrh and aeacrl ptlnn mar qiildflrawiertalii, free, wlialtier an Invention la lirohahlr t'oaiuiuiileallona alrletlf v,un.liill.l. Ol.leat aaeiui. f.wnHiiriiia paimiui la Anierira. Wa ha. a a Wa.lilniin.ii um. I'auinia taken thruusb Muuu Co. rooalr Slxwiai uutloe In ths SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beaotlfullr llliiMrated, l.nn.t clmil.tlon of aiiTftnieutin l iu.ll run anr anirinlsa journal, areekiir, a reari Uooa OS I'aTKMTs taut frao, AdUraas MUNN CO., 3S1 llraadway. Hew Ysrk. Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try H Fnr Psmllv or Steam Purposes. C- . E rurv. IxtJId fMi:-tt. Sun Mucuuali-hiHiiiimaH. Nrti iir., 'ininlw 4iopir 'oor Ht.t, l'lrrr on ItViJii u ah HMWDilirf tif.4MU lOlstiQ F lllWitlMll W mm i M tifWiw a. .. J...II.5 p;a y -. w vs. u a . T. Tot M l P'.Ot "'r-P'r, ' MAt1 ' 1:1 . iil.r 'hi riii . T 1 m if a a ELMORE. SANBORN & CO Agent., Aatorla. TH ANNI'OUTATIt'N I INKS. GoinK East? II' VOU AIl'- XI NOT I'OMOItT Three Important Points I'-IUHT- tlo via Hi- HI. bcausa lit,, lines lit Hint point will affortl you llit Vol')' Intit sei'vlt'iv HKttM H' Hl'tt th" i'"ll' beyond St, I'nlil rrnul Mil the IhohiisIh Cnn. tint li.x-ii. llmt line imtkea rime ttin. n.,.oim with all Iho tmim Hintlilental lima oiiloillig III.' I'nloii 1'i'l'Kl thnrs, ml Km arrvl.ft la tri .'li"" t vtry pnrtli'iilnr. Tllllll Kor Infoi iiiulloii. tall on your iiMglilnir mid fri I Hie tiistriHit lloknt agent -and ak for a lli kel rad. lug via tlio Weat'oiuilii iVnlnil litis, or a.l.liTwa JAM t I'UNO. ileiioinl 1'iit.wimrr AiU'ttt, Milwaukee, Wis. or tii:i h lurrv. Ooneral A Hell t. 1'oiilniil. urtigxtn. 0.K.&N. aiv8 ciioicb or -2- Transcontinental R0UTI:5. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha of St. Paal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Fran&lsd t' Monday, Mar. li . Stale f t'nl . Maiurday, April 1 Colutiilila. Tliunnloy, April i Stale of t'ul., Tue.lov, April U c'i'' rt.iruUy, April 1 Htatn tt t'nl , FTlday, April :1 t'oliiinlila. Wp.lnra.Iay, April : Kor rataa and nrmt tnrormaMon sail mi or a.l.Irvsa O. W. l.OI'NmiKltHT. A(nt. W II IHMtMlt'llT. (Ian. I'a Act., Portland. Or. K. McNICIU. rrealdsnt and Maaagsr. Thl5 Railway Company 0eratr Its trains on the famous block ayatmt; t.lghis Its trains by lm-tr1rlty through out; l'a th celnbratl fletrti' berth read ing tnttip; Huna aplendl.Ily nulil passenger trains .very day and night between Hi. Paul and Chligo; Iho Chicago, nilwaukec & St. Paul A li otierat'-a (m hi te.1 v.-illiulnd trains, rarrytng ths lr-wt private compnrtnvnl cars, lllwTtry buffet smoking cra, and aU.e drawing room Wir. Parlor itm. free rti'llnlng t-halr irs and tha very beat dining car a.-rvld.. Fr Itiwrett nttes to any iHnt In th I 'lilted Htavttw or Canada, apply to tlckr-t agent, or addrrwa C. J KDDT. (rtitral Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. CAHKY, Trav. Pasa. Agont TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... a A LLs ...Open for Special Charter... Sailing dates to and Iron Tillamook snd Nchalam depend upon the weather. Por Freight and Passenger kstes Apply T. ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AUBINTH O. R. A N. CO., Agents, Portland Thf. tiny Csptulet arc juperfoi to Balsam or topaiua, CubebiorlslextlonJandiMlErt CURE IN 4 HOURS V 1h tama diseases vlthoufl nconvenience. IMllWAUKlt) Solii if all Jrntth. I