The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 26, 1897, Image 1

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The Dally Astoria n
Hi a RumI AH
uml worry ,1.UI
...Family Circulation...
An "Ad "
Much oi than thru ir a
m AtTomA.
In Ins A1oiak'i
wni Columii.
NO, 67
City Book Store
Stationers SBooksellers
All the Leading Newspapers
and Periodicals Kept on Hand
Robt. Stewart & Sons'
Irish Flax Salmon Twine
It Is the Best, the Strongest and
Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . .
Dealer In Cork and Lead Line, Hanging Twine, Leads; alto, Oar, Oarlock ,
tloat Cooking Ulenitlli, Sail Drill. I'ainU. Boat Null. Etc., Etc.
Hell.Htartlua Itiirv I'imrr Mitrlnt- Knvliie.
HcrctilcH Gnn Engine Works
4UA NAMDOMK NT.. HAH rilM('ll-0
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
UuarantMit lh HmI la Ilia Marktl
The Colutnblo Iron Works
.... FOUNDRYMEN ....
Blacksmiths, .Machinists, and Boiler-makers
Ciirn.r Klahta.nih HI. .ml I'ranklln At.
Ross, Higgins & Company
R. U Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
Commepclnl Htrool, Aatorlr
The Palace Cafe...
Is the Place for a Good Meal-Eastern Oysters
V. V. WHIPPLE. Proprietor
Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co.
Gravel Tin and Slate Roofing
ninth street "?.":-r5?2r.S2?isiS5issa ree,s
Clarkson & McIrvin
Promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co.
All Work
Roof Painting
nd Repairing Lky Hoofe,
General Contractor
House, Bridge and Wharf Builder-House Moving Tools for Rent
t'aliuj gasoline uf cheap distillate oil.
Engine connected direct with pro
peller rhaft, nj no noisy, easily broken
tmrt gear ud In rvrr motion.
New nrxuk dv1r: no internal arrrng
electrode to burn f.uL
Hft (or testimonial.
We an building these bp s'yte, self
atar.init mnrltifi engines In all slae
ii l to lxi home power.
Every engine ful!y guaranteed.
Coating on Tin and Shlnclc Roofs
Repairing of all mnasor vom
Room Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
l.cnve orders at
i; i) .
Korst (iiilc In Yihih Visits Astoria,
Portland ami the Sound funnlrj.
Deull. la I Mini .ad the IturlMir ln
thrniinltil Report ul tbt Vtcik ul
(be Htc.mcr r.lmotf.
Af(-r th at'irin. a mini, ii I durliiK
lh ralm l' I'm t" flKutv nut
tin- fluinna" il',ti l.y Uk frritli'
wlili ti r..v.!li"l all ymtiT'luy
('nliirii'':i'lilir ntxUt .i'i I'h It y.-tpr-ily
iiirnlni. thi-n- In urn- f tli
worm Kl'-a wt m-"tt "ti tlilx rii ml
or In tlx' vlilnlty r I In- mouth r tin
ColiimtiU rlvrr. TtH- l.'l'Kr.i lm-l.l-rn
ln'iv ami I'ortlaiwl im noon
Im'ki-n il'n.n n thf llrir to
()lHuMilntnH'nl. Vialuin inlliun or.
rumM n lh ly aJvl thtviuxh the
rlty. l"i th rtwr. nrvly all ttu- way
to I'ortlmi'l, th wntT him i-xtr-inrly
niiKh ari'l riavtfali')n difficult. Tlx
Rlil(a In tlf hrl'r lay lo . rxmpt
tli tranir hi tunlly imiii-IIi'i to
iiHik" ihWr rtin. Whllr no irtil re
port rouM Im- rflviMl frMii th
It nun .tat-! y ih nu-n mi th wdm-I
hll huJ to n-r tlv nwutti
of tin- nvrrv tluit It IjiI 11111
hnv.' In I'!mIhj m tlw- rut of JJ or
M mil.-, an h'ur. Atxnit i o'cl. k In
IU aftrrniMiii thr Wwii-rn l'nln mir-c-rtl.-il
In gttlnir rnnwtlon ith
At K.'&rtioroiiifh ll-n.1 thi- atorm Kjt
Mtrtl'ularly violent. Ttii !iir il I--ilrlvom
t t.'M-rla. thi hU h
t w I (i K umil In thM aov.Tninrnt
work, 'fre ov-rtuniril an1 conipli'tfly
At Ihvaoo ttir atonri uu a liur.l one
ami aJi'Jilt tiixm KlaJi Krlly". pll.. drlvw
Mujt lon iuhon um totaJly il-ini-wl
. Fnil t ViltnTt'n ilrtvtT al"
blin hor.. ati'l rMH'unly itaiiLK'tt
In th city Hi. 1'iirkiT wan'tiou"'
aiunx Um , ral'r'W'l Hi' l"ul It roof
tnki'ii ofT. nlidrt Max In ml.'' I In irw
rlv.-r nouth of th.- mUron.l lm- It
I.M.k tlin." Mir Ktiil of u I tut to roni-pl.-t.'
th. wriik of thN tuiiMlnit. nml
part lully li'iii"llili mi "U nr'lioiiw
ii.Mir tiy. A M.rtlin of tin- i-ourtliou.".-fciuv
llo n ilow n. Th' fo!) i pf
'nptaln t'arratlirr'a plare en partial
ly dcinoilfhr.!. ami the rnttlnK' ll'1
Milway on Kxi lmnit- Ktri-ot n nr Hill.
iinl on lix. hajiKf mr-vi opplti thi
now ilnit, hitv tion ovprlnmni
Slitn li.'nl nil over th t lty dnnKl"l
from tlo-lr funti-nlii);, lioun.'i nhnnk
on tli.'lr foiiiiilntliinn. hl tlrw In the
ii I r. iimlin-lliui turiiml liwlj.' out, and
thltiK othrrwliw rr mailt illnivii
nlilf for pt'dt-KtrUiui Mr. I-lxvk'a
ffni'tj In t'lilonlon n a t-iitlr.'ly df
molUhnl, am! thi llif lino liiii nrar
tht rnrkrr houne cam don with a
lianit like the report of a (tun.
Anioiia the aimixliiK Itu'ldentA. It wan
notice,! that a luckier Individual had
liitte an excltlni; chnxe for hla luit.
Whdle walklna; down Ilond lif
wna NtriH'k ly a audden K"t "'f wind,
hla headKeru Hew off. and after .urn
Inn a few niimnieiwiiiltH In the air.
nllKhted alKiut twenty ynln ahead of
him. He una on It In a moment, and
reached to pick It up. but hla momen
tum was no great that lie fell forward
on hla fiuv, und the hnt flew nmUn,
rollhiit atoiit a block. Ita owner took
thlnita eanler next time, nt he bur
down upon It. and wifely landed It on
hla head.
A lurne mm it; drifted In front of the
old Morgan cannery and mmle thing)
lively for the craft lying nt the dink.
II wn securely lahed. however. lHfor
doing much ditmnge. The Telephone,
which arrived down wifely and on
time, reported heavy weather all the
way, but experienced lire mot trouble
In croiig the buy to Tongue l'nlnt.
Countable Wlckman. who came In
frim wiuth of Oreen Mountain yenter
dny, reported that the atorm was one
of 'tlvt nt terrltlm nne It' had
ever wltniHtned. While coming through
the timber over the niountulii, heaaya
that the big tree groaned.cracked and
liroke In all direction, and that trav
eling wn really dnngermm.
In tola connection Captain Cnruthers
aaid, yesterday aftenion. that only
a oue-hor. town would permit !gn
bonrd to extend over the Hldewalks,
to b luii hil upon the heads of vaxer
by by every guxt of wind. Several
year ago a number of tieopb' were
killed In rortland by falling sign
board, and lnee then that rlty ha
relegated them to the background. A a
Aatorla I coming to the front as a
railroad ' and commercial center, her
city council will prolmMy take almllnr
action before the arrival of another
It wa rumored yentenlny on the
atreet that the Rteamer Klmore had
been wrecked. Plllgent Inqnlry failed
to trace the rumor to any authentic
source, except that a man came up
from 8ealde on the train mid gin
out the newa. The owner or the ves
ael have had no advices regarding the
matter, and It la not believed there
la any truth In th report. The Elmore
loft here Monday morning for Tilla
mook, and It la known that he arrived
at her destination. It te not believed
utie could have been ready to sail for
Aitorlit before Ut fveiilng or this
morning, ami Captain Hchrader 1 too
'.ireful a nuvlgulor b l-av out In thr
fii. of a slorm.
Later p'lxirt last nlirht wre to the
i'(Tct tluii tht atoHliHT Klmore' crw
wr nil drownifl eac'td the t-Mik. No
on.t weiin-J to know Jum whwe thu
new. came from, or eiuld put their
hnml on thn man Mho hul brought
It. but It wa nwl'1 a niiiuxtnger came
to H.-uie from Tlli'wiviok, and that
the cook wa aaved by the llfe-wivlnx
row from th twk,
H-. n! to the AtorU;i.
1'oitlainl. llanh K. For several
Iwuin toduy an i 'ioIihx tlnl storm
nigt-d with iiiiexcetliwl fury. Atone
time tlx (wind attained a vvVxaty of
llfty mlla an hour. '
hlgit were Mown down and jwate
glana windows broken. Kliitrt- light
and telephone wires ncr crippled and
many inmshiu kle bullillngs were blown
down For snTil IfMnirs there wa
Hupi'iiNoii of the atreet car service,
(uumd by trouble at Oregon City,
whtiiif tht motive pwcr iomt.
A largi stu-potifHon bridge at the lat
ter place wa wrencbed fully eighteen
(in In tntm th ler. raualng lntir-fcreiK-e
of the elect rt3 wlreu. Late
this uflernoon the bridge was worked
back Into Its original poltlon and rtret
car tralllc In thla city Is reHumed. A
bHivy wind Is reported to have pre
vailed on I'uget Bound.
Taixtma. March 25. The hlgheat wind
In years jirevailetl In thla city today.
Many plate gla windows were de-tro-l.
fence were ppsttrated and
stuu ks blown dowiW and the air wa
tllle.1 wrlth ning delrtH The ship
Ithuddlan Catle went adrift and waa
carried to the opposite side of the
bay. Tug have gone to her relief.
No serious dumage U rejirt?l any
where. S.-altle. March !.- The worst wind
storm this city ha ever experienced
pumf'd over tixlny. Teh-graph wlreg
wer pr'Mttrated and there wa no
communication with the outMde world
until line tonight. Wharves and ware
hoiiw were wrecked, but the lofat waa
nui grMat, A ,-hlinn"- fell frjim a hoiw
and klllitl a horse and broke the driv
er's arm. One dry good hou-te lout
a l;..Vsi plate glai window.
Turklnh War Ship Hombardlng the
lnurgi,nt--rrd.r tu.t.
Can.-a. March "'. At S o'clock this
evening the insurgents succeeded In
blowing up the bliH-khouse at Malaxa
w ith dynamite. The whole structure 1
now In lliunee and the Turklnh war
ships are hombardlng the inurgnts.
The admirals of the InternatlonaJ
l'i't havo addresMfd a general order
to the international troops welcoming
them to Crete, and adding: "We ex
hort you 'by your conduct to act an
example before the Cretan eople,
whom the power charge us to protect
and promptly to save from the hor-ri-rs
of Hvll war. The enterprise upon
whlnh we have embarked will be dlffl
cull and ofttlme may be painful, but
wtt rely on you to defend the Intercnto
of huuinnlty and the honor of our
Memphis. Mairh 25. ArttHht'r slight
fall In the river at Memphis I noted
and a corresponding rise in spirits of
all Intorettted In the condition. The
river, according to the otllclul bulletin
of the weatlier bureau. regiHttrs l"6.7
feet, a fall of one-tenth of a foot. The
river at CiUim continue to rise, w hile
at 1'adui'uh It 1 stationary. Dlsixitchcs
from all xlnts south or Memphis show
that the MuwisBlppI la rising slowly.
The fair weahcr Is favorable. Xowa
ivclvcd from all points along the
Mlsnliwlppl ilndlcate that the system
of levee Is still Intact.
San Francisco. March 25. The Uni
ted State suiweme court decision de
claring tlie trans-Mlswourl freight as
sociation and similar organ Ixat Ions &
in violation of the anti-trust law and
abolhlilng the same ha created a
sensation In rairoad circles In this
city. The opinion prevails among
railway officials here that the division
will precipitate a rallrad rate war
In the near fututv.
Chicago. March 25. In the circuit
court today Judge Houston refused
to dissolve the temporary injunction
agalnnt the telegTaph' companies . and'
the board of trade, restraining them
from removing "tickers" and supply
ing market quotations to a number
of firms and Individuals. The de
cision I a practical victory for the
bucket shop men.
Canton, Nev.. March 25. It 1 stated
that tha total receipt of the prlae
fight carnlvail amounted to J10D.0OO.
Walt for the "Huseby," the best
bicycle on earth for the least money.
$40 and $50. F. L. Parker, agent
Kail Street Does Not Hclictc the
I'oucrs Kill I'erinit Kar In Crete.
Started ty tke V Coagrts Hi latpired
Cualidctce of 1st Bataesita of
tke Coaatry-
New Ycn-k. March 20. HpeclaI to the
Astorlan.) Ttie market for aecurltle
shows a broadening and more active
tendency omtt'ared with the condition
noted In thee advice of last week.
The movement 4s freer, and the under
tone more confident. The feeling ha
b"n strengthened through a consider
able amount of stock oWng taken
out of ttte market, sutiposed by a
leading railroad capitalist, which la ie
gardwl as a favorable Indication Of
the prospects of that class of Invest
ment. Another atrengthenlng' Influence
has been the treasury report on fir
elgn commerce, which shows an excess
of export over imjort for February,
amounting to .'4.500.000. Although this
creditor balance Is considerably below
the extraordinary monthly balances In
our favor during the last half of tne
year, yet It la murb more than suflces
to aet off the debtor balances accruing
outside the merchandise movement. and
makes a atill further addition to the
fund standing to our credit In other
countries. Hill on Europe are still
known to be held here to the amunot
of t;'0,oOO.O(0. mostly representing re
newals connected with export bills
bought by local bankers several weeks
ago; what may be the amount of un
known holdings of the same character
It la impossible to Judge. These assets
will go far towards offsetting any In
crease of imports arising from the
prospective addition to customs duties,
and to thou extent the effect will be
to defer exports of gold from thi
center which seem to be anticipated
a lmedlate at London and Paris. An
exaggerated, .has been .put
upon two small shipments of gold to
Paris, which were made for some spe
cial purpose and could not have been
done from ordinary exchange coisld-
I erat Ions except at a lose.
The only thing connected wph the
foreign exchanges calculated to su :ges;
any misgivings Is the poslblllty thnt
the political complications in i'ur.ipe
may cause some of our securities to
be sent home. It Is true that Amer
ican stock and bonds have withstood
the shocks of those complications In
London better than other securities
dealt in there; but London Is at pres
ent much more sensitive than New
York, and price yield less readily
here than there, so that London real
isations on this market are not fre
quent. In this way we have taken
from London stocks amounting proba
bly to fully I2.50n.0i0 during the past
week. A Tew doees of that sort, how
ever. Is likely to put us more on the
' So long as such a situation a now
exists In Europe Is pending. It Is Im
possible to suppress questionings as to
what would result here In event of
failure of the united powers to main
tain peace. However Importable Buch
failure may seem, yet the bare possl
Ullty of It Involves such serious con
tlngeiicltt first to Europe and next to
us that prudent people will naturally
discount the chances of the worst hap
pening; and this fact tends to mod
erate speculative operations and to
restrain the rising tendency for which
this nvarket stands. In other respects,
well prepared. These factors, however,
hold the "bull" spirit In check only
very partially. How long this element
of suspense may be continued It Is
not easy to Judge; but at the moment
there Is nothing to sugeot any proba
bility that the political complications
will fall of a reasonably early peaceful
One of the most assuring features
of the International complications Is
that, at least to the eyes of ordinary
observers, there has been nothing to
suggest any suspicion of bad faith
between the powers. Naturally,, there
has been a suspicion that some of
the governments, Kussla especially,
might turn the occasion to their ac
count for purposes Incompatible with
tha Interests of the other parties to
the concert. That suspicion rests upon
such radical grounds that it will hard
ly be dispelled until a harmonious
peace is finally established, and abso
lute confidence is. therefore, at pres
ent not attainable. It lsto be con
sidered, how ever, that npne of the pow
ers, not even Russia. Is now In a con
dition favorable to the realization of
any ambitions seriously Involving the
relation between the European powers.
All are m,ore concerned with Interests
In Asia aiW Africa than with any
redistribution of the map of south
eastern Europe. It is to the Interest
of all parties that Turkish, Balkan and
Grecian questions should, for the pres
ent at least, be patched up and left
over; for more radical treatment at
some more convenient season. This
Is the great saving factor in the sit
uation, and It strongly suggetsta a
probability that the powers) will pull
together and use whatever force may
prove necessary to settle the position
of Crete and prevent Oreece from pre
cipitating war with Turkey and the
Balkan state from Joining In the
Thla seems about the view enter
tained by intelligent observer In Wall
street; and London and Paris appear
to regard thla as the direction In which
the probabilities largely preponderate,
t'pon thla baal operators here show
a d Ik position to follow the strong drift
of the market toward higher prtea.
Hlnce Wednesday a much more buoyant
feeling has been developed. There is
a system In operation which seems to
suggest a oo-operatlve effort to give
the market a general lift throughout
thn list. One stock after another is
taken up In an apparently preron
erted order. Large purchase by the
Vanderbllt following appear to have
given the cue to the market; and the
readiness with which that lead la fol
lowed by otlwrs indicate that the
rising tendency which set in during
the latter half of the week is some
thing more than a momentary spurt.
It receivw more support than appears
on the surface from the opening of
congress. The speolal seslon conveys
the feeling that the new administra
tion has taken hold of prartkal legis
lation with a will and Is In earnest
to remedy the evil conditions from
which the country has been so long
suffering. There Is something Inspir
iting In the awiurarvcea thus conveyed
that there will be a speedy end to
the deficiencies of revenue and to the
embarrassments of the treasury. The
new tariff legislation, though electing
sharp differences of opinion at the
outset. Inspires confidence In the mer
cantile circles by the promise that
the outcome will be a revival of our
Industries under the policy that, up
to 1SS3, had made the country thriving
and porsperoua The result of all thla
Is to dispel the discouraging conscious
ness of being surrounded by abnormal
conditions and dubious pot Idea, and
to produce that feeling of settledness
which encourages the steady pursuit
of business. All this Is wholesome
and conducive to confidence, and the
pwrt week has given us a foretasti
of the better times which It all por
tends. Wail street la not likely to
fall to respond to these new conditions.
Is Threatened by the Breaking l"p of
the Association.
Chicago, March 23. Chicago & Njrth
weniern. Missouri Pacific and St. Loula
and San Fraoclco filed notices of
withdrawal today from all traffic asso
ciations of which they were members.
The St. Louis Air Line also wlthdrew
from the Southern States Association,
of which it was a member. A meet
ing of the executive officers of the
Western roads was held today at the
office of the third vice president of the
Santa Fe to talk over the situation.
At the close, however. It was an
nounced that no concerted action had
been decided upon and none was Ilkoly
to be. The more the decision of the
supreme court Is considered the more
clearly does tt appear that not a vest
ige of ground Is left the traffic associa
tions, as they have heretofore been
conducted, on which to stand. All
tiat now remains for the roa;;; to do
Is to direct their energies to necuring
legislation that will open some way
for them to conserve their Interests
and prevent their revenues from being
dissipated by mad competition.
As yet no rate-cutting ha been re
sorted to. The roads are attending to
routine business and seem to be afraid
to take aggressive action of any kind.
Denver. "March 25. Receivers Fred
erick R. Coudert, E. Ellery Anderson
and Oliver W, Mink, General Mana
ger Dickinson, and other officials of the
Cnlon raolftc arrived today upon a
tour of Inspection.
"I can hardly say," said Mr. Mink,
"whtt will be the effect of the supreme
court decision in the trans-Mlseourl
case. The rnlon Pacific has not acted
as yet and I cannot forecast what we
will do. Much depends upon the de
velopments of the next few days."
"The breaking up of the associa
tions," said Mr. Dickinson, "means
a general demoralization of rates and
eventually a most disastrous wsr.
When war comes It would be the sur
vival of the fittest. The big roads are
alle to take advantage of this to crush
their rivals. I hardly believe any of
the roads are looking for trouble, but
trouble will come, now that ?ah line
Is on an Independent basis. The re
lations between the Union Paciflc f.nd
Oregon Short Line remain undlsturoed
and no change in traffic agreements
sfms likely. The railroad business
is gradually improving. Business Is
better now on the Union Pacific than
a year ago.
London, March 25. In the commons
today parliamentary secretary of for
eign affairs George Curxon, replying to
a question on the subject of the Cre
tan blockade as applicable to British
and American vessels, said that both
British and American ships carrying
cargoes belonging to Englishmen rr
Americans and destined for the Interior
of the Island are liable to be visited,
searched, and delivery of the cargo
Tariff hill Kill Xow Be Discussed !
the Huuse Inder Pive Minute Rule.
Oefeitf tk Dill aa4 Trista-Dolsgs Ii th
Staate Ckanlier titeraatioail Bimetal-lisa-Ruar
Grow ficetloa.
Washington, March 25 The four
days' general debate lo the house on
the 'Dingley bill closed tonight. ..Be
ginning tomorrow the bill will be open
for debate under the five-minute rule
until next Wednesday, when the rote
will be taken. Bailey, the opposition
leader, who was to have closed the
general debate for hla side today, waa
unable to make hla apeecb. owing to
a more throat, and a mutual arrange,
ment was made for an hoor'o debate
on each side Juat before the final vote
Is taken.
Speechmaldng today waa not of a
rery lively order, but the crowds la
the galleries continue. Five members
of the ways and meana committee
spoke today Tawney, Daisell. Ruseell,
Payne and Stone. Other speakers at
the sewion were Talbott. Clark. Ma
gulre, Gunn, Cox. McRae, Grow, Simp
son, Curtis, Burke. Lenti. Cotsoa, Haw.
ley, Darmond and Fitzgerald.
Daixelt reviewed the malts of the
Wilson and McKlnley law and de
nounced the ad valorem system as
giving opportunity for Immense under
valuation. "Idle men and women,
busy soup houses and starvation" had
marked the period of the Wilson bill
He ridiculed the statement of the
minority that it offered no substitute
for the bill because It had had no
time to prepare one, and -Inquired If
the democrats expected the country
would be willing to hava them air ,
their theories at a cost of a million
a day. He defended the bill on the
charge that It fostered trusts. The
political economy of Adam Smith has
Ung - siaee "he-en... relegated , where tt ,
belongs, he said. "The Industrial world
has been revolutionised by the Intro
duction of the factory system. It ts
no longer a single farmer or l single
mechanic, but aggregations cf wealth
necesj-jry to engage In vast enterprises
which are recognised by the laws of
every' state." He would not say there
were not abuses Incidental to the sys
tem, but In free trade England tlwre
were more monstrous trusts than In
the United States, and he cited the
English steel rail trust and read from
an English paper concerning the new
combination of armament manufac
turers. The cry about trusts was an
exhibition of ignorance of economic
Washington, March 2S. la the senate
today the discoml on over the creden
tials of Henderson of Florida brought
out "the statement from Hoar, acting
chairman of the committee on privi
leges and elections, that the action
on the pending election cases was de
layed by the uncertainty as to the
committee organization In the senate.
Stewart said the general feeling waa
that the senate was capricious In Its
action on these cases, and that there
should be some definite settlement of
the whole subject. ,
Spooner suggested that the question
hod already been elaborately argued
and settled both way
"The Inference from that sugges
tion," pursued Stewart, "la that we
vote on these coses according to our
political convicttons."
'The manner "of settling this is by
means of an international agreement
for the free coinage of sliver," re
marked Hoar, tfaoetlousJy. "When that
la accomplished the senator from Ne
vada will have no further objections."
Washington. March 25. Senator
Wolcott, who has Interested himself
la international bimetallism, expressed
the opinion today that the recent ac
tion In Japan In attempting to de
preciate silver would hasten Interna
tional action .to restore the equality
of the two metals.
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and healthful nee. Auro tha
food against alum and all forma of
adulteration common to the cheap