TIIK HAII.Y ASTORIAN, TUt'HSDAY MOltNING, MARCH Xfi. IKW7. Astoria Electric Supply Co. Will Conduct Business at 430 Commercial Street Opening on op About April 1 ' WITH A FCLt LINK Or Electric Supplier r ' ' FIXtMPCB Fancy Slippers Ladies Walking: CfiHAC Durable School OllUCo Seasonable Goods Rubbers Robber Boots, Etc. John llafin & Co. Are WarruM 479 Commercial St. TK8TKRDAT8 WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 5 (leg. Minimum temperature, 45 deg. Precipitation. 1.J7 Inches. Total precipitation from September 1, 1, 1896, to date, 77.21 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1. 1896, to date, 20. 5 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Occasional rain; cooler; light, varia ble winds. TO RKADKRS Te "Dally A starts" aatalas twice ss saecfc readtag natter a asj ether paper published la Astoria. It la the ealy Baser that BeeeeaU It readers with a tally telegraphl. report. TO ADVERTISERS. The "Dally Ae- taiisa" has mora Uua twlee as assay read era a aay ether papar pabllshad la Astoria.- IS la therefore Kara thaa twlee as aalaaMa as aa advertising saedlaaa. tata af Orro, I Ceuaty af ClataepM We, the BMderslsjaeel. laeal saaaager. reepeeUvely af tka Wester Valoa aad Testa! Telegraph eoatpaatea, hereby ear Ury that the "Dally Astertaa" Is the ealy papa' pablUhaa la Astaria which aaw re eelTee, ar at aay tlsae 4 aria g ear aoatral f said as has received, a telefrsphle press repert. B. D. JOHNSON, Maaager W. V. T. Co, J.B. CLARK. . Maaager Postal Tel. Ce. AROUND TOWN. THURSDAY. The best work for anyon to Co. is the work that Is Just before bin) by - UrS ordering of Goda providence. Men Can counsel and speak, comfort to that grief Which they themselves not feel; but tasting It, Their counsel turns to passion. Shakespeare. - 8wope. only durable wall "Gypsine' "Gypsine" the finish. Ladies' bath and hair-dressing parlor, 107 Twelfth, street. Mr. J. B. Nice, of Cathlamet. the city on business. is in Ekstrom has the only complete stock of Jewelry in the city. Miss Rita Kennedy, of Skamokawa, is visiting in the city. Jast arrived Laird, Schober Co't Spring Styles. Colombia Shoe Co. Treatment for dandruff and loss of hair, 107 Twelfth street. Miss Alice Munsell, graduate optician, office In Shanahan building. A carload oelved at B. of 1897 wall papers F. Allen 4 Son's. Have you any Jewelry that needs re pairing'; Take it to Ekstrom's. Mr. F. A. Weander, the South Bend merchant, is visiting In the city. The Family Restaurant, 570 Commer cial street. Good 15c meal. Try It. Captain Hegardt is again able to at tend to his duties at Fort Stevens. Mrs. Stjernstrom, 107 Twelfth street, treats rheumatism by massage, the only cure. Jack Reed's new boat house is well Under way at the head of Ross, Hlg glns & Co.' slip. Obtserver Johnson's new weather vane struggled hard yesterday, but finally gave up to the rain. Captain Archie Pease passed through the city yesterday on his way from the beach to Portland. Lalrd.Schober A Co's Ladle., Mliwiud Childress Una shoes. Spring Htylea. Colombia Hhoe Co. Mrs. M. McKInzie will have her dis play of spring millinery on Friday and Saturday, March 26 and 27. Advertising is almost ruined by lies. That is why we say so little else but " your money back if you want it" Ask your grocer for Schil ling's Best; if you don't like it, he pays you back your money. A SaSminf Coaipaay baa f i The spring remedy that it better than all others is Paine's Celery Compound Thousands have been curt J by it. Physicians use recommend it. It You Well! Try a bottle, . ESTES CONN DRUG CO. Commercial Street The most attractive and inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or der at 618 Commercial street. Walt for the "Huseby." the best bicycle on earth for the least money. MO and ISO. F. L. Parker, agent. Misa Munsell. the optician, can be found at her office In the Shanahan building from a. m. to I p. m. The report made yesterday that P. O'Hara's petition to the county court had bene granted, should have read not granted. The sheriffs office was a busy place yesterday. A large number of tax payers came to the front with the wherewithal. - Another lot of choice country hams bacon and shoulders, well cured and fresh, for 8 and 10 cents per pound at Foard Stokes'. The Telephone yesterday brought down a hundred and forty passengers, a larre number of whom expect to work for the railroad. . It was reported that at a meeting last night of Engine Company No. 2 It was decided to ask the city council to purchase its spaa of horses. Little prices and big values in new spring checks and fancy black and colored dress goods lust received at the Low JMoe Store, 491 Bond street Daffodils and crocuses are blooming in the gardens, despite the efforts of te weather bureau branch of the agri cultural department to keep up winter all summer. , The darkness In the vicinity of Trul- lunger's mill, it is sa)l. Is something exceptional. On a black night one can I almost cut his way through the dun- ' geon-ltke atmosphere with an a. Two Chinese fishermen squatted on the Telephone dock yesterday and pa tiently plied their vocation through an auger hole. A small string of suckers lying near by, attested their success. Mr. A. Morris, night operator of the. Western Union during the past few months, and who has been transferred to the San Francisco office, has been succeeded by Mr. B. Mlnkler, of the Salem office, An unfortunate canine was yester day precipitated very suddenly from the awning of the Bonbonlere to the sidewalk below. Further than a howl or two, he seemed to sustain no se rious Injuries. Mr. Georeee H. Myers, the Seattle canneryman. who was In the city yes terday, said that business on the Sound is at present rather quiet. Fourteen new canneries will be operated in that territory this season. Dress up, look like something, but don't pay high prices for thlra-class j goods. We have Just received a big 'line of skirts and silk wraps, everyone 'a beauty. In prices we defy competi tion. Cohen's Low Price .Store. Mrs. Lillian H. HolliBter, supreme commander Ladles' Order of the Mac- icabees. of Port Huron. Mich., will de- llveT fta dresu at Carruthei-s hall Thursday evening, the 25th Inst. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. Crescent bicycles for 197 have many Important Improvements a grace, strength, beauty, perfection never be fore attained. The '97 models now on exhibition at our riding academy. 006 Bond street. Sherman & Thing, agents. The property-owners along the road way west of the Washington canrtery have enjoined the further repairs be ing made to the road, which will some what Interfere with the new shipyard work. It Is said that this action was incited by a member of the city council. Mrs. F. K Johnson, the well known seiner of Skamokawa, Is Sn the city on business. Mr. Johnson has ordered ! a consignment of Brooke's Japanese Balmon twine from Yokohama. He claims that this twine Is of an excep tionally fine quality, and he expects its arrival shortly. Captain II. K. Robertson, of San Francisco, who was so successful last season In shipping a large raft of logs from Stella to the Bay City, has Just completed arrangements for handling this year two similar rafts from the same point. Improvements to the plant at fitella will be made to the extent 13,000, and operations will com mence April 1 for the building of the Will make nrst sft. which It Is expected will be towed out of the Columbia In May. The second raft will be ready for ship ment In July. Mr. Robertson contem plates establishing permanently the business of ocean rafting at Stella. The teredo In San Franolmv hay makes nevessary the renewal of piling every three years The Southern Pa cific Company Is thus In the market as a large and constant purchaser. Doubtless sea rafting will soon prove to be the basis of a large industry Lon the Columbia river. A meeting of the board of regents of the Monmouth State Normal school has been called for next Tuesday. The Hon. Itenjamln Young will leave for Monmouth Sunday evening. It Is tx peoted that some action will be taken to provide means for the running of the school until such time as the legis lature makes the necessary appropria tion. A Cutting AtTaJr.-At W, J. Soulier's hardware store, 4M Bond street, w here he sells clothes pins at 2 cents a. dren. rolling pins UV. itato mashers 5c stove lid lifters .V, stove polish 5c, as bestos rooking mats &c, candlesticks &o, garden trowels lrte, curling Irons 5c, all sixes egg beaters 5c, two-foot rules 10c, hatchets 25c, No. 8 copper wash boilers 12. wood frame clothes wringers 11.75. A letter received yesterday from Randsburg. the new mining town on the MoJave desert. Kern county, Cal states that the "city." which is but five months old. Is a very lively one Its dwellings and stores are tents. the only board building being a the ater. Water costs $2 a barrel, and a sumclent quantity for a bath means an outlay of 50 rents. Sagebrush and sand abound, and hall and sand storms add to the comfort of the people Spiders as large as one's hand crawl over the beds. Mr. Nate Bergman, formerly of Astoria, Is one of the res idents In this new city. In coming through Skamokawa slough early yesterday morning the steamer Lurllne got too close In shore and collided with a fallen tree, which ripped through the cabin, taking the bunk out from under Inspectors Peter son and Corbet t. who were asleep In one of the staterooms. These gentle men had a narrow escape, and one other person was slightly injured. Fur ther than that no damage was dona. and the steamer made her . ret urn . trip to Portland on time. During the re pairs to the Lurllne, the Undine will probably take her place. Another move looking to the Im provement of the city during the com ing season will be made within a couple of weeks. W. F. Bchlebe baa purchased the store now occupied by Williams, the barber, on Commercial street, between Tenth and Eleventh, and after thoroughly renovating and redecorating the premises, will remove his cigar factory and store to that place. Uth!f lriiirovvnteia un Com mercial street are In contemplation, and by next fall it is predicted the entire aspect of that thoroughfare will be changed. Justice Aberrromble's court room, yesterday afternoon, was crowded with Celestials. Each and every one was Interested In the case on trial, which was that against Ark Wo, the China pawnbroker, w,ho was arrested on a charge of receiving stolen porperty. The property was clothing taken from the rooms of Mrs. Sing. Wo'a bonds, fixed at J5O0, were put up In cash, and after th nesting of evidence, Judge Abercromble took the case under ad visement until 12 o'clock : today. Dep uty District Attorney Allen appeared for the state, and the Hon. C. W. Ful ton for the defense. They are still smashing toll gates In Kentucky. The supply of Kentucky toll gates must have been enormous to start with. Mr. E. L. Lockwood. representing the Scribner's History department of the Oregonlan, Is in the city In the inter, st of that work. Mr. Lockwood will remain until Saturday evening next, and would 111 . have all who wish to enter Club B, n w In process of formation, to call at the Astorlan office and examine the work and the plan under which it Is being Introduced. Re member thU Is positively the last club that will be formed, and the price will be advanced after April 6. The worR Is delivered on payment of II down and I- per month for nine months. The grand spring opening of '67 will take place on the 2 th Inst., at the millinery parlors of Mrs. Robs. Mrs. Rons is the only mllllnor In the city who goes to San Framisco twice ea:h year, In order to personally select her goods, and from which place she has Just returned with the finest and most Stylish line, of gol ever brought to Astoria. The unique adverUsing of Paine's celery compound displayed In Kstes A Conn's drug store has called forth many favorable comments. The big window Is certainly a work of art. In.tant relief for skin-tortured babies and prat for tired mothers In a warm lia'h with Cl-ticcba Soap, and a single application of ( rTKTBA ointment), the great akin cure. The only speedy and ecjnomlcal treatment for itching, burning, Meeillii, acaly, anil pimply bunion of the akin, scalp, and blood. utlcura icat. CorKATMi, rVJi Proprietor; lUum. "laWw toCr try Ut,j Utinof," atilt fM. BABY BLEMISHES "SSSaa" BABY E5lf8 Before Retiring:.,.. take Ayer's Tills, nml you will sleep better mi l wake in better condition for the tl.iy's work. Ayer's Cathartic Tills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They nre sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyancesexperienccd in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Tills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. Lieut. John P. Merrill, commander of the Thirteenth Llghthouae District. who Is In the city, yesterday formally closed the contract with the Astoria Iron Works for the repair to the Msnsanlta. To an Astorlan represen tative. Commander Merrill expressed his pleasure at the work being done In this city, and predicted that when the repairs are completed the Man- sanlta will be In better condition and a bettor ship than when she was launches'. He abw snld that ltVht ship No. 67, now being built by Wolff a Zwicker. of !ortlnd. Is well along and will be launched as soon aa tnere Is a good stage of water In the river. The same Arm Is also making good progress with light ship No. 70. which Is as far along In two months as 67 was In four. No. 70 Is for the San Francisco bar, and it Is a credit to District No. U that she got the con struction of this vtesl Instead of San Francisco. Commander Merrill will leave for Portland Friday on the Man- sanlta. and en route will Inspect the light house at Warrior Hock and the mouth of the Willamette, The steamer Harrison, which left out last evening for New Westminster. B. C, carried a cargo of tlnplate In bond. This is another evidence that Astoria Is Ix'comlng a distributing center. TIIK IIOTEIA Parker House Wm. MrOlam. South Ilend; Thus. Larsen. Skamokawa; Her man Smith. Chas. Johnson, W. M. Newton. Portland; J. C. Muller. Ilwa co; Thus. Hoyle, West port. Occident Cmvo. Kasterbrook. Ocean side; P. J. MKiowan. Chinook: M. BabbT. Oregon City; J. It. Smlmth, r,o. Marks, Kaltlmore; W. C. Itarrett, C. Bishop, Chicago; II. Goblstone, San Francisco; (i. B. Hvgardt, Ilwaeo; A. L. Pee, I'ortland, A SNAP. For sale ch-ap and on easy terms, four choloe building tots In McClure's Astoria. For particulars call on Howell & Ward, S19 Dond street. Hoe-Cake Soap Has No Equal Made nndcr United' States patent, it must necessarily te different from all others Contains no starch, free alkali or worthless filling Report of the Condition or Tiix First National Bank OF ASTORIA, At Att"rta. In the itnte of Oregon, at the close of nunlnew, March V, IMK7. BMOL'BCRS. lan. and dlvoiinta .f l.'nKio M Overflrafti weurcd anil miieriireii. l, (SI t,. S. Homlii Ui pm-i ure I'lreulntlon Ufiin l I r-niiuii.niii U H liuiiils l.miooo MtM-ki, veiirltle.. Ha: HfiX 81 lather rteal Kmate ami MortKmte' Owned line from national hanks (nut reserve ai;aiiti line frt.ni state lianks and bankers line f rum approved revrve agents...... f')fvLn nn othr-r ea.h Items NiiI. m ,f other .Natioiuil Hunks Nickt-is and eentf . 1,"02 10 2S.779 44 SW.I79 M uu on M ox I,awki;i. MoNKr IlKKKKvr is IIahk, Vis: Tierte Slffl 000 00 fKiil tender luifc 17 110 104i7S 00 in-d. inptloii fund with I.'. H Ireasurer (Slier e-iii.i)t(;rrulatlon.. W2 50 Total ,..liiti,ij iu I.MHII.ITIKS. Haiillal iloek paid In I SO.WSi CO Niirplu. fund . lO.OOU 00 I ndivldeil pmnn leiet ex- rr and taxes paid.... (W,!H7 HI! Nalloiial hunk 1w1tt.1t out- slamliiiK 9ViO 00 Individual d"MiaiU auh- ji ' t ui cheek m;.ta w b'ni-r'd reniheatfs of d po.lt 3!!,ur,2 IS- m.'Mi S3 Tntal .. Hra,IIH) 19 xtao-ol Kngon. I C unity of Clatsop, ( "" I. s, H. i;mli.ii, eanlner of the above named bank, do snleiiiiilv swear that the above alate ment Is tnie lr Die lst of my knowledK" and belief. H. H. (;KIHJN,:abr. Hulwritwil and sworn to hef re me tills J.Hb ilavof Mrch, infl. IHKAL V. BOKI.MNO, 1 Notary Public Correct Attest ; WM. .M. I.AIlU, I i. c. KI.AVKI,. J Mreetors. JOHN A. UKVLIN, Th Mul'teM Htora) In Kiss's CMslsntsra SOMETHING W don't taki' Ihs Tultlle to bt so foolish as to kMI-vo any Storekeeper who maU ridiculous statement; what v fUlm Is: That Yu'exccllevery Clothing-Houm n Astoria, toth In Variety and Price. Our Spring Stock of Hen's 5uits. nml vitv Boys' and Child's Reefers & Sailors. HATS! Neckwear. Fancy Overshirts. Pants, Underwear, Umbrellas, i:tr Ihlsf. Carried la a Casipttt (l.ntlrtn.n'i sad Hes' Stan. HERMAN WISE. The Champion Many csuiea of "Urlpp" hav. lately been cured by One Mrnute Cough Curs. This preparation eewm nsiieclally adapted to the cure of Oils dlseiiae. II aota quickly, thus preventing avrhtus complications and bad effects In which this disease often leaves the patient. Chas. Rogers. 80 far. Nans-n has received J1W.000 for telling how he didn't dUcover the North Pole. He made a very ptofltahle failure. OABTOniA. I.KNTKN SKIlVK'KH. Calendar for I'.riu e Church Purlnit K.afh Wrs-k. j Monday --Morning prayer at ; Sun- ' day school teachers or Church Broth erhood at 7:30 p. m Tuesday Morning prayer at 9; boy choir at 4. Wedni sduy Morning prayer and lit any at 9; evening prayer at Holy In nocents at 7:30. Thursday Morning prayer at J, carol practice at 3:30 p. 111.; evening prayer and address at 4; boy choir and litany at 7. Friday Morning prayer and litany at 9; evening prayer and address at 7:30; choir practice. Saturday Morning prayer at 9; Run day Hchool Oulld at 10. confirmation claiis at rectory (for young members) at 4. The ladles meet at the hotel Tlgh Tuesdays and Wednesdays In the after, noon to make the vestments for the boy rholr. tor rent. FOIt RENT Elegant rooms, with or without board; 617 Franklin avenue. FOB ItKNT-Mcely furnished rooms, with bath, for gentlemen only. Apply at 314 Seventeenth street. FOR KENT-3 dwelling houses In Kast Astoria, of 9. 7 and 4 rooms re spectively. Terms reasonable. Inquire at 1C45 Harrison avenue. WANTED. WANTED A good farm hand. None but a strong, reliable man of good hub ItH who lUnderotand milking, need apply. Wages, 10 per month. Inquire of Sherman A Thing. WANTED A good girl Immediately. Apply 698 Commercial street. FOR BALE. FOB SALE Forty foot si,w for Bale cheap. Apply 674 Commercial street. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mans on application. AMoeln. What Tliyr lliiylng. For Nothlngj Isjrroftt! KvtM' cariiifnt wt!l m-wotl guunuitml to lit. P rirt'H tin lowest. A inttHt hamlmmu assort turn t at wry ivitsonuMo prices. Our Hat and Cap iVpaitimnt i complete, the nowct ntylt-s, the low tst HgurcH. Never before hits any house in As toriu hnwn such a variety; all the new shinies ami styles. 7.V ami $1 ties for f0c, ami others in proportion. Mill ami soft bosom; percale, wool ami silk shirts of the celebrated "Monarch itrand." Clothier of Astoria. AHTOItIA IKON WOHKt) Front Ht . foot of th, Astoiia. General Machinists and Boiler Makeir UaS saS Msrise Ist'sts. Boiler aerk. itum eosl tst Cesser? Wots. Spatially Castteft el All D.Krrpa,( Maes is Otser es SSofi Noses. John Fox... .President and iuperlntaridanl A. U rox Vloe rTealdeai O. B. Prael Harraiary I first Nalloaal Bank, Treasurer 1 I ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READINO ROOM FREE TO ALU 1 Ops avary ay from I s'oloek UI N arwi s to I so p. m. aubarrlptlon rates H par annum. W. COR. ELEVENTH A M7ANR iT BOCIKTT UEKTINC1B TKMI'I.E I.OIX1R NO. 7, A. K and A. M Iteaular communlratlona held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month, O. W. IWNMIKIUIT. W. M. K. C IIOIJIKN. Hecreiary PItOFRBSIONAL CAUDA. SCHOOL Bl'PEBINTENDKNT. II. 8. LYMAN, Office, Hot4 Tlgh, oirner Uth and Franklin. Hours, first Wednesday of every month, 9 a, m, to 1 p. m. Every Saturday, 9 a, m. to 1 p. m. It A. BMITH, DENTIST. siijiig? Itooms 1 and t, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's stor. DR. O. B. E8TE8. PHTBICIAN AND BUnOBON. Bpadal attention to disease, of women and surgery. Office over Dsnslgsr's atore. Astoria. Telephone No. U. DIt. JAY TtJTTLE, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON omon, rooms 6 and (, Pythian bulldg. C3lVi Commercial St, Bissldence same Telephone 99. Acting assistant surgeon V. H. Ma line hospital service. H. T. CROBBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4St Commercial street. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlc on Bond street. Astoria, Or. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Offloa, upstairs, Astorlan Building. J. N. Dolph. Richard Niieo. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 14. K, M and V, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against th. government a spa slalty. the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon tt doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements., at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? RREMNER & HOLMES Tslnnhons No-OJ Blacksmiths Special Attention Paid to Nlaaiiibeat Ra plrlng. First class llorseslioaing, Kta LOGGING CAMP (DORK A SPECIALTY lT OI.NKV ST., bsl. Sil ami 4th. .SNAP A KODA at any man domini out ol nur siur. and you'll i a pun mil of a man brimming over with pirassul Ihoiiftiits. Much qusllly In the llituon ws havslo oiler are suiiiiuh la lileue snr Weft. COMtr ANl VWY Til KM MUOHES & CO. A. V. ALL1CN, FAlf M IN Ciroirrlfs, Flour, I reJ. Provisions, Fruit Vr.rtitPles, Cro.kfry, Class am) Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies, Cor. Tenia and Commerolal atresia. J. B. WYATT, Phens Ne. SS Aslerls, Or(a ! Iiinlvvnre, SlilpCimiscllery,, (IroccrlcH, IYovIhIoiih,. I'AINTM n1 OILM. secla! Alteatles, PalS le ssairlag sales. IB71 il9l Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA. Lubrkatlng OILS A Spe laity. Ship Chaudlery, II aril ware. Iron A Stef, Coal, (iroceries A Trovisionn,, Flpur A Mill FchI. PaintH, Oila, Varnishw,. Loggers Supplii'S, Fairbanks SoalcH, IVnirs A Vimiown, Agricultural Iiiijilementi Wagons tt Vehicles. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GF0.NIC0U. Assistant. orriCE: ropp's zvj Brewery Japanese Goods Orleiitfil Ctiriot. NoveltieH WING LEE. 543 Commercial St. W. U. It OHM reol Estate and Insuiopca 110 KLBVICSTH HT. Office wltl K. A. Tsjrkir, SEASIDE SAWJuILIi. A complete Block of lumbar on handi In th. rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling and ail kinds of finish; mold's Ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II r U LOGAN. Seaside, Oregon. Iroprtetor. "The Louvre' astokivs (.ortcr.ois ENTERTAINMENT MALL. a m.ooii rise Muale. (lames of All Kinds. Two. Msgninrent llsra. CVERYTIU.IG riltST-CLm Good Orde and. Everybody's Rlghtt. RTKICTLK UIIHKKVKIf. Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER YARD, OFFICE 3M COMMERCIAL BT.. 1 1 ,Z-:: - yJ ,w - ) . t