SVE TIME Expuiitto How i u nd worry VVVJL An "Ad" - In Thi A.tcinian'i "WmiI C,iilui." The Dally AstorUn Has a Rodi.a and pnmaambmt .Fimlly ClrculitlOB. Much modi than turn Times WfrfiS A A THAT Of ANY OTHIK learnt IH Aft TON! A, ICXCLUSIVIC TELEGRAPHIC PRIiSS REPORT. VOL. XLVI. ASTORIA, OltWJOX: TIM USIUY MORN I NO, MARCH 25, J8!)7. NO. 66 GRIFFIN & REED City Book Store Stationers & Booksellers All the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals Kept on Hand LEGAL BLANKS AMD WHY DO WE KEEP Robt. Stewart & Sons' Irish Flax Salmon Twine BECAUSE It Is the Best, the Strongest and Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . . FOARD & STOKES CO. Dealer In Cork and Lead Line, Hanging Twine, Load; !. Oar, Oarlocks, Boat Cooking Ctenilla, Sail Drllla, Paints, Boat Nalla, etc., Etc. SELF STARTING HERCULES n IMI-Nlartliig lleiw I'owcr Murine KiiIiik. run I'AiiTin i. Alia adukkm HcrcttlcM Goh Engine WorkH AOS N.tNNOMR NT.. MAX Ml A JU'Ul l UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS (luar.nuea I hi la th. Marfc.t COKNEk FOURTH AND (JLISAN STREETS - PORTLAND. OREdON ' 1 - The Columbia Iron Works .... FOU N D RYM EN .... Blacksmiths, JYIachinists, and Boiler-makers i'orn.r Klghu.nth Ml. and Franklin A.. Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTOHIA AND HAHT AMTOHIA CHOICE KRESII AND SALT MEATS R. U Boyle & Co. Real Estate, Loans and Investments Commerclnl Hlroot, Aattorln The Palace Cafe... Is the Place for a W. W. WHIPPLE, Proprietor Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co. 34 Gravel. Tin and Slate Roofing- nintu ctufct Asphalt Paving for Basements, Sidewalks and Streets 1 Asphalt Coating on Tin and Shingle Roofs Repairing of all kinds of Roofs Clarkson & Mclrvin LONG FIR PILING Promptly Furnished I c c .1 . 1 .U 0 T ASiona Aspnaii cc ixoonng to. KfiKSt All Work Roof Palntins ad Repairing lmUy Hoof.. J. A. PASTABEND General House, Bridge and Wharf Builder OFFICE SUPPLIES MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES Using gaaolln or cheap dlstlllat. oil. KnainM connected direct with pro peller shaft, and no noUy. easily broken tn.vr gear used In reverse motion, New spark device; no Internal spring electrodes to burn cut Hm.l for testimonials. We are building these new s'yle. self slar.lng marine engines In all alii u tu Too hore power. Every engine fully guaranteed. Good Meal-Eastern Oysters Boom Company 216 and 2!7 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon - - l.ev.orqrr. Guaranteed N. JENSEN and R. 0. HANSEN Contractor - House Moving Tools for Rent COUNTY COURT ON STATE TAXES ThIics the Hull liy the Horns Orders Srcnsurcr Not to Pay Our .Mont. TKEASITUK TO UK PROTECTED Oltklnl deport l ibc list fcioa ul t be (,rt Vines T Mittcfn Takes lp aid DiHs.acit. Official Report. In the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, I" ant fur the ounty or Clatsop Tuesday, March 23. W7 Fourth day March trm. I'rctnt-c1lun. J. II t. "ray, Judge; C. Peterson anil Howell Ix-wis, Com inlalsoners; F. I. Durbar. Clerk; and Jainn W. Iiar, Hherlff. Court net and w duly "ln-d at 10 o'clock . in. Clerk prcwnia statement f Jurir. and In attendance tiefore th Circuit Court, and ltncia In tU'wI aiKO bc-for araicd Jury. IMiruary Icnn. frm February 15 to March 11. ami Mtmc a allow c-d and warrant t.ciuiMl In favor of crti rntltlcd thcTc-tc. In th tnattrr of the- tax urrha- of tbo meat half erf th aoulhwxt quar ter. acuthcwt quartrr erf northcaat ciuartrr, arc tlon 17. tuwnahlp I north of raniro wol, ld for tara for year lm. aaarawvl to II. O. Hprar; or dered that Inn-rcat from dat of pur-i-haac rmlttd and dc-l luw) to Danl.l Mclnnla ufon payment of tax, coicta anil iwnaltloa. IVtltlon friv Wm. U 'I"! lo can-c-o tax purrhan of north-aat quart'-r of aouthwai quarter, north half of aouthraat quarter action 21. north half of i juthwc-n quarter aectlon J!, twn hlp 5 north of rfciiRo I ft, pur chaaed Tr delinquent taxea f'r ar aine brlnit fovernmcnt land at dale of iMHumrnl; ordered jcranted. Tetltlon of I. O'Hara to remit penal- Itlra and Inlereat from tax purrha I of ram half of nrlhrat quarter ac tlou 14. tuuiiahlp 7 north- of range t went, an ine laxaiion oc very mui n : I out of pnortlon to the value and In-! M-ome rec-elve.1 from the proerty. and; ability be y; order.-d not itranted. finlerrd court d. now adjourn until tomorrow mornlnic at 1" o'clock a. m. Wedneaday, March :4. 1;;-Hfth day of term Hume present aic j.-'ter-day. Court met and waa duly opened at 10 o'clock a. m. In the matter of Mate taxi . hi-re-hjc, the failure of the Icxliclature of thla Mate to orKoJilie or paw an ap propriation bill, ad required by the !i-onatltutlon of Oregon, makea It un- low-ful for the tate trowjeurer to pay out or cllicburite any tnoneya comlnn Into hla handle, unbua he la nuthoriied by atich and act, and Whcreaa, The time Indicated by law for the treaaurer of Clntaop County to remit thla county' aharv of the atati tax to the atate treaaurer l nonr at hand, and Wheeeaa, The larKi amount of money thua locked up In the alate treaaury will take from the people ;f Clntaop County nearly IM.000 that ahould, under the prcaent condition", moat of It be held by the County Treasurer, and uieed lo pay outstand ing warranta; fc Therefore, It la ordorej that th? County TreiiBurere U hereby lru.tructeJ nut to pay to the State Treaaurer any money collected for taxs In this coun ty, until tho further order of this court, and that the County Judge and Dlatrlct Attorney are hereby uuthor Ired to draw up and prcpar? all pa pers necessary to legally protect, or defend the treasurer of CUtsop county In this matter. l'lHn roll call Judge J. H. IX liray and Commissioner H. Lewis voted aye. and In favor of the adoption of the above order. Comntlsloiier IVt-'rson voted no, and against the adoption of the above order. I Ordered that Court do now adjourn sine die. ' J H. D. Cray, Judge. C. rUTKKSON, H. LEWIS, Commissioners." Attest: F. I, DUNB.VK, County Clerk. ATTENTION. FOItKSTKRS! All members are jvqueHte.l to be present at the regular quarterly meet ing, to be held In Forest rs' hall on Thursday eve, March 25, at '.30 o'clock. Business of Importance Is to be trans acted. A social will be held after ad journment. AHCH. McLKAN, C. R Attest: G. OUNPERSON, H. S. WHO fall -O. Tho man who said that the hardest part of an Eiwtern trip came after leaving the Mississippi river, never Journeyed between Minneapolis or St. Paul to Milwaukee or Chicago over the lines of the Wisconsin Central, for the accommodations over this route are unsurpassed, the connections are close, thus doing away with vexatious delays. The dining car service la the remark of all travelers who go this way; a good, square meal at reason ubln prices. For particular addrs 'i'-'riC' H. Jlalty, giMii' agent, Hr Hlaik atrec-t, Portland, "r., or Jan. i'onO. g'-neriil agent, Mil waukee, Wis., or apply t" your nearest l!i ke agent. I'ltKV To IlCItOLAItH. The 'Junction of Wonwin Voting to lb Curried to tho Huprcme Court. Kugen. Or.. March U Th- general merchandise atore; of tloney Hn., at ijonheii. was entered by burglar, laal night and quite, an amount of goods was t k -n . In all the l la alviUt l!V. Th poatotrire la In tho aan.5 bundling and s'mi atampa were taken but It la not known how many. This I Dm sixth lime thla store has been burxlarlxed , Suit has been entered by Laura A. Harris vs. the Hoard of Judge at the lat election on account of th refusal to allow women to Vote. Thla cas will be carried to the supreme court, In order to get a derision aa to the constitutionality of that section of the law which says women who pay taxes may vote at a school meeting. THE Kt'KM TO ALAHKA. Heattle, March 24. The steamship Mcic will aail for Dyea. Al&ak. to. morrow, with men, women anaf chil dren outfitted for a long stay In the Tukon valey. Altogether, frn the ticket .iftlcea In Seattle. Tacoma. Eve rett. Port Townaend. Victoria and San Francisco there have been 40 tickets sold. Had the veawl been able to ac commodate thm, several hundred peo ple more would like to go at once. There will porhably be 420 dogs on the Mexico, making a modest estimate of one for each passenger. Many peopM have been forced to buy second hand tickets because they were too tate for cabin berths. Ml' ST SUAVE. Ibadlng. Penn., March 24. Superin tendent Paasmore, of the Reading A Southwestern Strwit Hallway Co., has Issued orders to all employeea that af ter April 1 they muat dispense with their muatachea and beardB. The or der has ridiwl murit dlcatlfaction. HKI'.MAN N C NF1 It M E D. Washington. March 14. The senate confirmed Hlnger Hermann, of Oregon, to he cninmlsHloner of the general land office. TIMES ARE BETTER. There is no surer Indication of the return of prosperous tlmea than the highly Interesting detailed account In the last Issue of the Railway Age of new railroad building under contract for this year. If one-fifth of the work contracted la completed In '97. It will be one of the biggest year's work done by the railroads In recent times. In the schedule of the Pacific states la Included the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. The following state ment of miles contracted by the 300 lines In the various sections of thi country will give some Idea of the magnitude of the work undertaken nd the revival of the Iron Industry In this country: No lines. Miles. Scot KneUcd it n I of H ail.tX) Middle .late. 47 tW.- eouth Atlnntle itsten no S Sll-.-O Hull .nd Mll-il pl V.lley itstci... J,;i47.0U ('ntisl Po Ihern tatc-i .v J.MM.V) No'tliwwtecn lie 1.1 l.l Soutnviwi.iD ,iii'J...... n a.!" t'srillc ilo XI 1.1." w TuUl in tt' and tetruorl...9uo 17.M1 71 THE ASTORIA ROAD. From 'the Dally lAstorlan, Jan. 26, 1S97. "Perhai one of the best Indica tions of the power which Is behind Mr. ilammnnd. and the foundation upon which the future Astoria is to be budded Is furnished In that portion of the ninety-nine year contract be tween the Aatoria & Columbia River Railroad and the Northern Pacific for the use f the latter's track between Coble and Portland. It appears that one of the conditions Is that the Northern Pacific shall Immediately re lay that portion of Its system with steel rails of the heaviest manufac ture, and It Is further provided that the Astoria road shall have and en joy the same terminal facilities, union depot and otherwise, now owned by the Northern Pacific in Portland." HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following deeds were filed for record yesterday: K. P. Thompson to Jans Han son, lot 3, block 7, Warrenton addition to Astoria Jl.0fi5.00 R. C. Kindred and wife to Jans ' Hanson, lot 1, block 15, First addition to Kindred Park 1 00 J. C. Dement amd wife to Jans Hansen, lot 7. block 26. De ment's Astoria SO. 00 C. K. Hlggins to Chaa. Miller, lots K. and lfi. block 5. Astoria addition to Varrenton !-25 The mill wheels are turning, the looms are flying fast, the furnaces are burning and hard times have passed. Walt fo th "Huaeby." the beat bicycle on earth for the least money. )40 and M. F. L. Parker. aent. WILL MR. CORBETT NOWBE SEATED from the liriefs Submitted to thtCom mittce It Appears That He Kill. THE DEBATE ON THE TARIFF Seasitlossl Sptecbcdjof brosveaor i .1c .Millsi defaum's Appoiitaeat Cm-tiraiea-tiic Dlvtbe Ci-. Washington, March 24. The aenat comlttee on privileges and elections has received the brief in the claim of Henry W. Cortx-tt, of Oregon, to a eat In the senate. It argue, that quality of representation of the sev eral slated In the federal senate was an eaaential feature In the scheme of government provided by the fran.r of the ' constitution, and that this equality I destroyed when any alate haa but one senator. The appointment of Corbett is held to ba strictly within the terms of the constitution providing for appointments by the governor If vacancies occur by resignation or otherwise, and many authorities and precedents are cited to sustain thla view. As to the recent failure of the Oregon legislature to organize and elect a senator, the brief says: "What ever equity there may be In holding the state responsible for the malfeas ance or nonfeasance of & regularly organised branch of thetate govern ment, we earnestly contend that It would be the grosses injustice to hold the state remponslble for the nonfeas ance of Individuals who had been cho sen to represent certain districts In the legislature, but who did not qual ify as legislators and were In the mi nority of those entitled to sit :n the house In any event." TARIFF DEBATE. Washington. March 24.-The third day of the larlff debate m the house was almost a dull as the first two. There were :no notable speeches, one by Oroavenor and the other by Mc Millan, -bur the rest of the speeches with the possible exception of Walker's hardly created a ripple tn the monoto nous sea of speech-making. Grosve nor and McMillan were distinctively the orators of the day. The other speakers were Fox, Simms. Williams. Terry, Sayers, Johnson, Evans. Mad dox and Adams. The night session w as devoted to set speeches. There wene only two fee., turea of the session that caused atten tion. Kerr severely criticised the reci procity features of the bill, which he predicted would wholly fail to secure valuable concessions for the surplus products of agriculture. "We should adopt the McKlnley plan of recipro city," he said, "the plan born In the brain of James .G. Blaine." He char acterised this aa the fatal defect of the bill. The other feature was the statement of Castle that "If Rome had her Cat allne, America had her Hanna." The speakers were Livingston, Bedford. Burndadge, Bromwell. Castle, Bedford. Kerr and Olmstead. ILLEGAL MARRIAGES. Tacoma. March 24. Superior Judge Keen today handed dow n a decision in that the state law making Illegal the marriage of divorced persons within six months after a decree was grant ed remained In fTeot, though the peo ple concerned were married outside the state. This will effect several peo ple who have been married In Portland and Victoria Immediately affer secur ing divorces In Washington. THE MARKETS. New York, March 24. Hops Steady. San Francisco. March 24. Hops 9 and 11c. London, March 24. Hops 1'3 15s. Portland. March i24. Wheat Valley. 79c; Walla Walla. 77 and 7Sc. Liverpool, March 24. Wheat Spot, quiet; demand, poor: No. 2 red spring. 6s 2d; California, 6s 3Mid. ABANDONED AT SEA. San Francisco, March 24. The Mer chants' Exchange received advice to day of the British ship Androsa, which left hers on October 28 for Liverpool, being abandoned at sea on March 8. three hundred miles west of Falmouth. The crew were landed at Boston. RUBBER FACTORY CLOSED. Bristol, Conn., March 24. The fac tory of the India Rubber Co., which la controlled by the United States Rubber Co., closed today for two weeks. Fourteen hundred employes are affected. THE BLYTHE CASE. Washington, March 24. The way for the famous Blytho case to reach the United states supreme Court was opened today by the action of Justice Field In Allowing a writ of error, di rected to the Supreme Court of Cali fornia, bringing the case to this court The case Involves the estate of Thomas H. lilythe, of California, amounting to about II.MiCMMX). He died without a will and hla daughter. Florence Hlythe Hlnokley, made claim to the property as the- only heir. Her claims were contested, ibut -were finally sus tained by the state courts, and the priFperty turned over to Mrs. Hinck ley. The contestant ask to bring the case Into the Cnlted States Hupreme Court, on tlf ground that she la an alien, and the federal, and not state authority, la necessary to adjust ner rights. No stay of proceedings was granted, as Is usual In such rases, be cause the property haa already been passed to Mrs. Hinckley. The petition for the writ Is In the name of H. T. Wythe. MORE CHEERFTL. Is the News From, the Hlg Flood. Though the River Still Rise. Memphis, March 24. The river bulle tin Issued by the weather bureau to night announces a slight fatt of the river at Memphis tenth of a foot. This has been the record for the past three days, Including today. The gauge, therefore, registers St.t feet. The bureau predicts that for the next 24 hours the river will remain about statlonay. The fact that the river con tinues to rise at Cairo la sufficient evi dence that no considerable fall may be expected tn the Immediate future. The situation is practically unchang ed since yesterday. The fact that the levees below the city on the Mis sissippi side remain Intact and the good news that they will probably with stand in further rise Is calculated to make the outlook more cheering. The dispatches giving good news con cerning the condition of the levees be low this city may be relied upon as authentic, being received by railroad officials from their agents at the vari ous places. In addition to those there is a confirmatory message from Ma Jor Debney, he himself having com pleted a personal Inspection of the sys tem of levees below Memphis on the Mississippi side. The work of the relief committee con tlnues without abatement. The com mittee is kept busy providing for the wants of 3.000 destitute people who are bcre dependent upon charity, nor has the stream of newcomers ceased. While the relief boats do not make as many trips as they did during the first few days following the overflow, nor do they bring back as many refugees at each trip, they always bring some addition to swellthe crowd of refugees. The continued fair weather Is most fa vorable, and each day of sunshine Is 'welcomed as a harbinger of good tid ings to the extent that with no un toward rainfalls occur to swell the mighty volume of water, the end may be sooner than expected. Notice has been received by Engineer Fitch that the levee on the Arkansas side has broken in two places below Memphis, one at Dawson, which Is about 13S miles below Memphis, and one not far below Modoc. The report concerning these breaks seems authen tic. Engineer Fitch has acted upon them wtih promptness. He has sent a boat with barges and skins to tne assistance of the people in the country affected by the breaks. Details concerning the break at Daw son are meager. The break near Modoc was not unexpected, as the levee there seemed to be weak, several braks hav Inv occurred In spite of every effort to prevent it. BOSTON MAN WINS. New York, March 24. Six thousand people were packed In the Broadway Athletic Club tonight to wltnes" the 23-round bout between George Dixon the champion feather weight, and Frank Erne, of Buffalo. These two matched to meet at 122 pounds, but though Dixon was at the weight. Erne was easily 12 pounds heavier than his adversary. After the 25 rounds were completed Dixon was declared the winner. He rceived an ovation. Erne led seldom and Dixon forced the fighting all through. When some of the light weight fighters offered to take Dixon's place, on account of Erne being so much over weight, the Boston boxer said "No. no; not on your life. I don't care if he weighs a ton; I can lick him." Tom O'Rourke. Dixon's man ager. asserted before the gloves were donned that there was evidently some Job up and he declared all bets off. Dixon never looked better In his life, and his work in the ring was worthy of his best days. Tonight's contest showed plainly that the decision ren dered against him in favor of Erne last year was not merited by Erne's fistic prowess. CHELMSFORD IN TROULBE. Falmouth. March 24. The British bark Chemlsford, Captain Thompson, from Portland, Oregon, via. Astoria, November 16, for Queenstown, arrived here, today and reports having lost her boats and stanchions. In addition her chain plates worked loose and started her bulwarks. The staunch ship Chelmsford, and her Jolly captain, Thompson, are well remembered in Astoria. She brought the first cargo of steel rails from England for the new railroad, arriving tn thla port August 12, 1896, and docked at Flavel. THE RAILROADS HAVE WITHDRAWN And the Big Prclflht and Passenger Associations Have Gone to Pieces. SANTA FE SYSTEM LED OFF Birliagfoa Wis a Close Secoad tad tk Others Will roltow Steps to Ittor guiie 0 a Xe Hi sis. Chicago, .March 24. As a further re sult of the supreme court decision In the trans-MIsslsslppi freight case, the entire Burlington system today gave formal notice of Its withdrawal from both the Western Freight and West em Passenger associations. Notice of withdrawal from ail subordinate bu reaus of those association was alas given. It Is regarded as almost certain that this action by the Burlington road, coming after the withdrawal yesterday. of the Santa Fe system, will be fol lowed by nearly all Western roads. The Rock Island and the Milwaukee II 8L Paul roads are expected to with draw. This, of course, mean the dis ruption vi in. savjcuhiiuu. lui wiu c?z necessarily result In s demorallsatlea of rates. In fact, the Burlington has) appointed Chairman Caldwell, of the; Western Passenger Association, te handle Its mileage tickets and to Issue clergymen's permits, which la regarded as the first step toward the reorgani sation of the Passenger Association, although necessarily on different lines. EXCITEMENT IN KENTUCKT. A Fight to a Finish for the Senatorial Plum About to Begin. Frankfort, Ky.. Ilarch 24. Several of the forces In Kentucky's senatorial struggle are lined up like armies ready to do battle. The two ballots already, taken were but strength-trying skir mishes, and no one knows which side will make the Unit real attack. Tonight It la whispered that the anti- Hunter republicans are ready to act and are urging the democrats, who are in the Bradley coalition scheme to make the dash Intended for tomorrow. Hunter, with six bolting republicans. has secured three democratic votes, and Is .putting forth very effort te secure the two additional votes neces sary to his election. The antl-Hun-coalltlon proposes to hurry up matter to prevent his securing these votes. vv nen tne oreas. snail cucnv, aim mors than six bolting republicans go to vot ing with the democrats for Bradley, H Is believed some of the free silver democrats will turn to Hunter and make the finish fight one of the clos est and most exciting on record. THE MACCABEES. Portland, Or., March 24. The first state convention of the Knights of the Order of Maccabees convened to day. The chief Interest centered In the election of a supreme representa tlv. The lucky man waa J. W. Sher wood. Portland. The following state officers were elected: Past commander. J. A. Burleigh, Enterprise; commander. J. S. Van Winkle, Albany; lieutentant commander, F. R. Robinson, Eugene; record keeper, I. M. Hunter, Corvallis; flnajice keeper. G. G. Mayger. Mayger Landing; chaplain. Rev. H. Harris, Cove; physician. J. P. Tape, Portland; sergeant. E. A. Hiklreth, Ashland; master-at-arms, A. J. Price, Sclo; first master of guard, M. Hunter, Dallas; second master of guard, George B. Idleman, Union; sentinel, C. P. Hus ton. Junction; picket, W. T. Rlgdon, Salem. Tonight there was a competi tive drill between the Albany and Portland teams. ) HARRINGTON RESIGNS. S Seattle. Mach 24. President Mark Harrington, of the state university, has resigned. Absolutely Pure- Celebrated for its 'great leavening strength and healthfolnaes. Assures lbs food against alum and all forms of adulteration ooaunoxi to (the cheap brands. ROTAL BAKING POWDEa CO, NEW YORK. AgpcJ AKIff3 FOVMtl