THE DAILY ASTORIAN. WK.)XKS1,AY M0KN1NG, MAUCll Si, Astoria Electric Supply Co, Will Conduct Business it 430 Commercial Street Opening on or About April 1 WITH A FlIX LINK OF Electric Supplies .and Fixtures Fane Slippers Udles Walking Chnac Durable School OIIUCo Seasonable Goods Rubbers Rotter Boots, Etc. John Hahn & Co. Are Warranted 479 Commercial St YESTERDAYS WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 5i dit. Minimum temperature, 40 dog. Total precipitation from September X, 1. 1S96. to date, 75.86 Inches. Exceas of precipitation from Septem ber 1, 1S96, to date. 1S.41 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. For Western Oregon and Weatern Washington Rain, southerly wind moderate gales on coast. For Eastern Oregon Light snow. TO BKADERS.-Th "Dally Astoria ataJaa twin aa mack ra4iag matter aa ay other pa par' la Astoria. It ' la th. only pa par that praaaata IU raadara with a daily telegraphic report. TO ADTERTISKRS. The "Dally Ae tarlaa" haa mora thaa twice aeaaaay raad ara aa aay ether paper pablUhed la Asto ria. It la tharafore mora thaa twice aa valuable aa aa advertising mediant. tata af Oregon, I Ceanty of Clatsop.) Wa, tka nndarelgnect, local managers reap-eetlTely of tka Weeter (Talon aad Festal Telegraph eoaapaalra, hereby cer tify that the "Dally Aetorlaa" 1 the ealy paper pabllahed la Astoria which sow re alvoa, er at aay time daring oar control ' af said Boas has reeelTed, a telegraphic p. rata report. B. D. JOHNSON, Manager W. V. T. Co. J. R. CLARK, Manager Foetal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Td laugh today, today is brief, I would not K-aU for anything, Td use today that cannot last. Be glad today and sing. Rossettl. "Gypsine" Swope. Drowned yesterday rats. Mrs. Jewett is visiting in the city. New Oxford ties. Columbia Cfcoe Co. New lace shoes. Columbia Shoe Co. New strap sandals. Co. Columbia Sho "Gypsine" the finish. only durable wall Did anyone hear the wind blow yes terday? Mr. Frank the grippe. Gunn is suffering from Mr. from Thomas Truilinger baa returned Carson. Chinook winds aoce yesterday. made their appear- Ladles' bath and hair-dressing parlor, 107 Twelfth street. Ekstrom baa the only complete stock of jewelry In the city. Treatment for dandruff and loss of hair, 107 Twelfth street. Miss Alice Muneell, graduate optician, office In Shanahao building. X carload celved at B. of 1897 wall papers F. Allen &. Son's. Have you any Jewelry that needs re pairing! Take it to Ekstrom's. Mrs. Stjerostrom, 107 Twelfth street. treats rheumatism by massage, the only cure. Messrs. Chris. Henry and E. Miller, of Pillar Rock, were In the city yes. terday. General Agent Lounsberry, of the O. R. & N., has a new Orangeman In bis employ. One of the best sailors on the Dal calrnle leaves this morning via New York for England, where he will re. oelve bis papers as third mate. If your tea is good, it is cheap; if it is not good, it is dear, no matter what you pay, for. it you had better drink water. But good tea . is better than water sometimes,, be cause' it tastes 'good, and whatever tastes good makes the stomach work right So good tea is cheap and poor tea is dear. Schilling $ Best is good. A Schilling h Coapuy - t -. - Sea Irancuce 60S Paine' s Celery Compound is the Best Spring Mcilicine In The World. It makes the weak ttrocg. We have . ' ESTES-CONN DRUG CO. Commercial Street Mr. Frederick Olscn ha bought out the business of Sam Roberts, at Ol ney. Mr. Spraguo Marsh, a logger of Bear creek, was in town yesterday on business. Messrs. David Dunn and Al Smith. of Portland, were visitors in th city yesterday. Mr. Frank Stokes returned from fishing trio resterday. and his friend hardly knew him. The Brunswlck-Balke Collander Co. via put In th alleys fo the new A. F. C. bowling alley. The most attractive and Inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or der at 613 Commercial street Walt for th 'Huseby." the best bicycle oa earth for the least money. 40 and $50. F. L. Parker, agent Miss Munsell, the optician, can be found at ber office In the Shanahan building from 9 a. rn. to 5 p. m. Yesterday a large carload of Amer ican Onplate was received from the East 'by Elmore. Sanborn St Co. Mr. Emll Schacht. the architect, left for Portland last night but will re turn to Astoria the first of next week. A striking Instance of domestic felic ity was witnessed on board one of the river boats yesterday. Just before its landing. Herman Wise's advertisement of spring goods, in another column, can not fail to interest all lovers of the artistic. Another lot of choice country hams bacon and shoulders, well cured and fresh, for 8 and 10 cents per pound at Foard & Stokes". More seining will be done on the river this season than ever before. Several new grounds along the river are now occupied. The steamer Telephone, dn discharg ing the carload of tlnplate at the bonded warehouse Monday, dropped seven boxes overboard. Life preservers and cork-seamed gar ments and umbrellas were In order yesterday. Johnson, the new weather man, had charge of things. Mr. C. H. Warren, manager of War ren's cannery at Cathlamet, accom panied by his nephew, Clarence White, spent yesterday In the city. E. S. Ferguson has been appointed by the county court as administrator of the estate of J. L. Moore, deceased. In the place of C. A. Bottom. Little prices and big values in new spring checks and fancy black and colored dress goods Just received at the Low Price Store, 491 Bond street Old-timers say that this has been the most protracted and wettest win ter in many years, and argue that good weather should soon appear. If anyone found a sliver-handled um brella marked "S. E.," and will return it to the office of the Astorian, he or she can claim a reward of II. Mr, Sam Kozer has asmimed the du ties of bookkeeper at Ross, Hlgglns & Co.'s store, In the place of Mr. R. V, Marion, who has bought out the Up- pertown store. Onthe 28th Inst, the Northern Pacific railroad will put a new passenger schedule Into effect. The overland train will then leave Portland at 11 a. m. Instead of 1 p. m. The Charles L. Young Colum bia comic Opra Company will ap pear at FlKher"s April 2 and 3 In the "Mascot," "Pirates of Penzance' and "Said Pacha." Air. c Y. Nelson was in town yes terday from the John Day's, and says one of the needs of that locality Is a bridge across Ferris creek, to enable children to attend school. Dress up, look like something, hut don t pay high prices for thlru-clafs goods. We have Just received a big line of skirts and silk wrap, every one a beauty. In prices we defy competi tion. Cohen's Low Price Store. Monday evening Mr. William Ross got Into the wrong pew. Thinking that there was a council meeting in the city hall, he opened the door and walked In, only to find himself In the midst of a meeting the Liquor Dealers' Association. After making his best bow Mr. Ross gracefully retired.' Mr. N. W. Tallant, of San Francisco, present of the Columbia Kiver t rt-k-In Co., will arrive In th city this morning on a visit to hi brother. Mr. E. W. Tallant. The ladles of the M. E. church have been busy In iholr sowing circle pre paring for their spring sale of taney work, which will be held on the first day o May. The clocks at the general offices of the railroad company were yesterday out of kelter. and the clerks did not know whether to gi home and est. or stay and work another hour. Mrs. Lillian H. Holllster, supreme commander Ladles' Order of the Mac cabees, of Port Huron, Mich., will de liver an address at Carruther'a hall Thursday evening, the J6th Inst A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Crescent bicycles for lS'.'T have many Important Improvements a strength, beauty, perfection never be fore attained. The '97 models now on exhibition at our riding academy. M Bond street. Sherman - Thing, agents. The strong wind blowing off shore yesterday evening caused the river craft not to land with their accus tomed ease. The Telephone's line stretched a yard before checking her outward motion In the teeth of the storm. The Rev. Mr. Walters will hoi. I spe cial meetings at the M. K. churcti be. ginning with a prayer meeting to night, each evening this week. The Rev. Dr. Gue Is expected to be pres ent part of the Mine. Messrs. Howell A. Ward have com menced the erection of a new ware house In the rear of the old Crosby store, which they recently purchased and Into which they are now moving their stock. The warehouse will be connected with Bond street by a road way. t Service at Grace church will be omitted today Thursday bt th fes tival of the Annunciation, and there will be a celebration of the Holy Com munion at 9 a. m. and evening prayer at 4. Other services during the week as usual. One member was received at the M. E. church Inst Sabbath, making ten new additions during the month of March. Several new members will be received next Sabbath. This church has never enjoyed more prosperity. A fine Eater program Is being pre pared. Mr. Lou Belmer, while assisting in the unloading of tlnplate at the bonded warehouse Monday, used his good fore finger as a buffer in stopping a 700- pound crate of tin on the dock. Noth ing was hurt execept the linger, and his friends say that it would now make a good car-coupling. Mr. John Grover, the weather bu reau man. who has made so mur trouble for Astorlans during the past winter, will leave In a day or tw for his new- post at Tacimo, where he will have charge of about three thousand miles of territory. It might be well for Tacoma people to hok out for a dnp In the weather. A Cutting Affair. At W. J. Sculley hardware store, 451 Bond street, where he sells clothes pin at 2 cents a d"7en, rolling pins 10c, potato mashers 5 stove lid lifters 5c, stove polish 5c, as bestos cooking mats 5c, candlesticks 5c, garden trowels 10 curling Irons 5c, all sizes egg beaters 5c, two-foot rult 10c, hatchets 25c, No. 8 copper wash boilers J2, wood frame clothes wringers 11.75. Mr. Robert Bell, son of Captain Bell, of the schooner Surprise, sup posed to have been lost some time since, has returned from Alaska. From a very careful examination. Mr. IV-ll learned that his father cleared from Angel Island last fall for Astoria dl rect, with a cargo of salmon for Fish er Bros. It had been arranged that he should take the Inside passaKe via the Sound, but for some reasor. h chose the other course, and all hope for his safety Is now at an end. The winter In this section was an excep tionally fine one, thT-; b-lng no snow fall whatever. In the county court yesterday, which was in regular session, among other orders entered was one that the county tierk draw warrants for the witnessed and Jurors' fees at the last session of the circuit court. A tax deed was also ordered to be bwued to Daniel Mclnnis to certain property assessed In 1891 to H. C. Spear. On applica tion, Daniel A. Mclnnis and John H. Hansell, natives of Great Brtlaln, were admitted to United States citizenship. The petition of W. L. Deeds to cancel the tax purchase of certain lands sold In 189j was granted. The petition of P. O'Hara to remit the penalty and Interest on tax purchase of certain land, was granted. Soft, White Bands with Shapely Nails, Luxu riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by Cuticcka SoAr, the most effectiTo skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as parent and sweetest, for toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventire of inflammation and clogging of the Porks. iGura Soaf gold thmntflimtt ttw world. Tom Duo asb Cass, tosr., bolt Fropt., BoUua, V. S. A. a-"How la Pnrifj sad Beutlf IU Ilia, Beslp, d Heir," Buile Ires. BABY HUMORS Ei2r2i?Z22LZ BEAUTIFUL SKIN iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiimiiiiiUj (AVER'S! I Sarsaparilla 1 Is tho original Sursaparillit, the 5 stuiularil of tho world. Others 5 hv imttattHl th remedy, g They can't Imitate tho rwortl: 3 50 Years of Cures 1 S3 5ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ The report of Captain D. D. Halliard on the survey made last fall of the Portland channel. In the Territory of Alaska, has Just been received. The report Is comprehensive and Inter esting. Is highly lllstruted vHh photo, graphic views, and In It Captain Gall lard has tuken invasion to repeatedly compliment Captain William K. Greg, ory and the Manionlta, on which he made his survey trip. It will bo re memlierod that this was the voyng. Captain Gregory made Just before the regatta of last fall. All of the paraphernalia belonging to the agricultural weather bureau whs yesterday removed from Observer Gover's old quarters to Mr. Johnson's rooms of the Western t'nlon.Telenrnph Co. In many respects the change Is a good one for the public, as the West ern t'nlon oillce is open day and night. a. -id those having emergency buslncs can communicate at any hour of the day or night with llwaco or the Cape. On the other hand. It would seem that the change is not particularly bene ficial. Observer Grover gave Atorla bad enough weather, but ever since Mr. Johnson's encuiubency the weather has simply been vile. Yesterday was the mistiest of the season, and If there Is not an improvement iKn, (he vigilance committee ha declared It intention of exterminating the Weat ern t'nlon oltlce and the agricultural department. OABTOniA. Urn vnsanv a- ' r'.' SS. &CGA4Ki LENTEN SERVICES. Calendar for Grace Church During Each Week. Monday Morning prayer at 9; Sun day school teachers or Church Broth erhood at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday Morning prayer at 9; boy choir at 4. Wednesday Morning prayer and lit any at ; evening prayer at Holy In nocents at 7:30. Thursday Morning prayer at 9; carol practice at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and address at 4; boy choir and litany at 7. Friday Morning prayer and litany at 9; evening prayer and address at 7:30; choir practice. Saturday Morning pruyer at 9; Sun day School Guild at 10. confirmation cluss at rectory (for young members) at 4. The ladles meet at the hotel Tlgh Tuesday and Wednesdays In the after. noon to make the vestment for 'the boy choir. Frnh from tho mills for 1S97 Ashing, Lvery ball guaranteed. Please report any Imperfection. BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Every boll must be marked "MARSHALL & CO., SHREWSBURY MILLS." Manufactured from selected flax specially for COLUMBIA RIVER FISHING. See that every ball bears the MARSHALL label. . 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. M-ply 40'i. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18-ply 50's. 7. 8, 9. 10-ply 30's. Soap Foam Washing Powder IS QUEEN OF KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY Pure White, It Will Not Make the Clothes Yellow, nor Injure the Finest Luce. Report of tho Condition OK THJt First National Bank OF ASTORIA, ai AHtona. in the stats i.r nr....,.,. n,. KMOURCK. Overnrafli secured aii&msjviireiL' '. ' !, OS L. n, llmiUs to e. ure clreulHtln IZJViO 0U It .l "" "!) ., i,imo oo Other Kesl lunate iiiT"ji'oVti(tt( Due from national iaiik"i"(iiot rese'rvi' 18,123 10 line nirn ff l.ioib. ut t.'.'.'.'.'u.'.'l k-Vkj .... Hue from approved reierve aieiils mi.m, W, lie'k and other canh Items (ri Mi ol i,l older National I'.io.u- uMn MekeiH and cams " 'Am I.A WFI I. MOSKY KKSKBVC 1 ! BAHK, VlZi "lieele Siiti r(m M IavuI tender note. tl7r, , 104 575 no K' ileiii(,tin f dii.i with U. H Ireanurer (1 per cent, of circulation 1.... m 6(1 Total . .tWI.lOJ 1 I.TAHIUTIKS. 'ariltal Hloek nuhi h, Miiriihn fund .'I..!!' H).m 00 10,000 00 unairided profits ex- iM'riM'S Ufl.l t..u. National hank notes oiii" HtaiMlinir.. Individual dep'nli's"ii"b"-' ) '! to i he, k ..XM;m M Uem-nd eertlfleates of iW- tfi!t 00 l"',l' T 32,(S52 33.1,201 S3 Total ;;; IC.1,lfl9 It "taie 01 On-gon. I iiliuyiif i;ialoi, ( I. S. (rordoil. CllMllter of tliA ahnvA nuniAt tiailk. flO H4,..llllV HMiir tllMf th HhOVe HtHlf.. ment Is tnie 10 the heit of my knowelga and belief. g. 8. (KJltliO.M. Cashier. Hiiiwrlhed ami to nefore me this J'-tb (Ja of March, If7. . HKAL y. B0EI.UNG, . Notary fuOlla CorTeCt-Attest : WM. M. I,AI)I. , '. KLAVKI,. I Directors. JOl'H A.UKVIJ5, S I The L,tK't? eViat a C t ! SOMETHING Wt don't Ukf the I'liliUe li no foollnli t0 kfllevo any Sfwrekrrirr who makt rlille uliiiaMUliiiPng; what w eUim U: That we excciievery Clothing House In Astoria, both In Variety and rrice. Our Spring Stock of Hen's Suits. Vt I V Boys' and Child' Reefers c Sailors, HATS! N ever Neckwear. Fancy Ovcrshirts. Pants, Underwear, Umbrellas, r thing Carrie In a Cipl( n ' ihntlcaien't and Hoys' Store..; HERMAN WISE. The Champion ruR hint. FOR RENT Elegant room, with or without board; 7 Franklin avenua. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. with bath, for gentlemen only. Apply at S14 Seventeenth street. FOR RENT J dwelling house In Eastt Aatoria. of 9. 7 and 4 room re. spectlvely. Terms reasonable. Inquire at 1645 Harrison avenue. WANTED. W" AN TED A g'Nxl farm hand None. but a strong, reliable man of gone! ruih-1 lbs, w lu understnmlH milking, nrd j apply. m'n. IJ0 per month. In.iulr"1 f Sherman & Thing. j WANTED A good girl Immediately Apply 558 Conwnerelal street. FOR BALE. FOR SALE Forty sciov for sale cheap. Aply 574 ('omenerenil street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. II. S. LYMAN, Ohlce. Hotel Tlglie, corner lith and rranaun. Hours, nnsl Wetiru-wlay of every month, 9 a, m. to 1 p. m. Every Saturday, i a. m. to 1 p. m. H. A. SMITH. JLt-t DENTIST. "ft Rooms 1 and 2. Pythian Building, ovet C. II. Cooper's store. DR. O. B. ESTE8, PHYSICIAN AND 8UROBON. Special attention to diseases of woman and surgery. Offlca over Danilger's store. Astoria. Telephone No. (1 DR. JAY TUTTLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, rooms 6 and , Pythian bulldg 531' Commercial St, Residence same. Tirlcphone W. Acting assistant surgeon V. H. Ma- line hospital service. H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4l Commercial street J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond street, Astoria, Or. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astorian Building. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nliaa. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24. 25, M and 7 Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection busln as promptly attended to Claims against the government a spe cialty. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mats on application. Asslorltt, Whal ThyP( lluylng. For Nothing! Is great! Kvor gannont wt-ll wwed iiml gimrnnut'il to lit. Prin-s tlio loSVt'rl. A niitft liitntlmiiit' assort incut at very ivnstuuililc prices. Our Hut ami Cup Depart incut i complete, the newest stylts, the low i st figure t. (H'Ior lias nnv Imuso in As toria fhownjsnch a variety; nil the new shades ami styles. and $1 ties for ;"0c, ami others in proportion. Still' ami soft bosom; percale, wool ami silk shirts of the celcbmtel ". Monarch Hrand." jet Clothier of Astoria. SOCIETY MEETIN04I. TEMPI. K LODGK NO. T, A. F. and a. M. Hegular communication bald on (be first and third Tuesday avanlng et ach month. a J. W. LOUNSDKHItT, W. kCl K. C. IIOMiEN. Secretary AHTOKIA IKON WOHKM Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr La u4 Martas Esflnss. Bollst werk, Sleea anst aa4 Caaaery Work Specialty. CasOOh e All Dsetttpnoes M4 la OriM e Sken Hoiks. John fox.... President and SupSrlntendenl A. U rox Vlos ITealdeol O. 11. Prael Mecretar? First National Bank. Treasurer ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READINO ROOM FREB TO ALU Open avary day frota I e'olock U 1:11 and to l: p. m. SuheciipttoB rates II per annum. H.W. COX. ELEVENTH A LOAN! Tt Do you know that the Daily Astorian added Fifty new paid sub scriptions to its list during the month of January, 1 897? This speaks for itself. the Best... THE CENTER OF ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows' that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, . at very low prices. Is t not a fine Investment? RREMNER & HOLMES 5J,t0M Blacksmlthi Special Attention Paid to Mtaatuboat Ra pairing. First olaas florwhoeing, BtO. U0GG1NQ CAMP CQORK R SPECIALTY IVT t'l.NKY ST. i bet. U and th. .SNAP A KODAK. at any man eoiiilns out ul our star and you'll pnrtrall ot mail vrlinmlaa over with pleasant llioiujhla,. Hush quality In lh muuta. a tiavalaellstaissaouiikU, lileasasny nisa COMIf ANI THY TllltfVt liUQUUS & CO. A. V. ALI.ICN, tltALI'K IN Cirovftle , Flour, KerJ, ProvMnns, Fruit, VegrtaMM, Ctoery, ( n J PUteJ Wre . Loggf r' Suppllf. Cor. Taath and Commarelal street. J. 13. wYAirr Pheat Na. Asterte, Oraa Hnnlwnre, ShipClunHllcryfc (.roocricH, ProvlHlotiHk I'AINTM mid t)ILM. aetlal Attsatlea Pal la teeelvlai kale. IR;a i8o Fisher Brothers, Lubricating OILS A SiUlly. ' Sell ASTORIA. Ship Chandlvry, Hardware, Iron it Steel, Coal, OrocoricH A Provinionrt, Flour A Mill Feeds Paintu, Oils, Vamishw IiOpgerB Suppliea, Foirliank'8 Scaled. j Doors A Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons A Which. Emil Schacht architect GF0, NIC0LL. Assistant. OFFICB; ropp's New Brewery Japanese Goods Orientnl Curloa. NoveltleH WJNGJJEE.J43 Commercial St. W. L. HOI3H Real Estate and Insurance IIO KI,KVKJTII NT. orrica wltli K, A. Taylor. SEASIDE SAtfluTIib. A complete stock of lumber on hand In th rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling and all kind of finish; mold. Inga and shingles. Terms reasonable; and prlcea at bedrock. All ordera promptly attended to. Office and yard. at mill. H F U LOO AN. Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. uThe Louvre" ASTOKI.'S GORGEOUS ENTERTAINMENT HALL s ri.ooit, Vina Music (limn af All Kinds, Magnificent liars. Two, EVERYTHING HRST-CUSS Good Order and Everybody's Right NTKICTLT OHHKKVKI. Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER YARD, OFFICE 355 COMMERCIAL ST. I DEVELOPMENT i 1