ASTOUIA 1-UUL1G UbAKY ASSOCL'kTiOK. Save time ni worry L'E An "Ad" The Dally Astoria n Has a Rsntiua AND PlUIWKT .. .Family ClfcoUtlon... Much mooi than TMRri Tif a LAMiR A THAT Or ANY OTMtR lAM ID ASTORIA. In Tm Axiiaii'i "Wm Column." ICXCL,USIVJC TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLVI. ASTORIA, OltMiON: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1897. NO. 63 $ GRIFFIN & REED City Book Store Stationers & Booksellers All the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals Kept on Hand LEGAL BLANKS AND WHY DO WE KGEP- Robt. Stewart & Sons' Irish Flax Salmon Twine BECAUSE It Is the Best, the Strongest and Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . . FOARD & STOKES CO. Dealer In Cork and Lead Un, hanging Twine, Laads; alto, Oara, Oarlocka, Boat Cooking UUaslla, Sail Drllla, I'alnU, Boat Nalla. Etc., Etc. SELF STARTING HERCULES ItiMiarlliig llorw Power Murine Knitlne. Colt I'AIITM I I.AK AllllHKft HcrculcH Goh Brtginc WorkH 400 NAMMOMB NT.. KAN rit AN l O ' UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Braiid Hams, BaconStrictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS QuaraatMa the Itetl la Ibe Market CORNER FOURTH AM) OLISAN STREETS - lORTLAND, OREGON The Columbia Iron Works .... FOUND RYM EN ... . Blacksmiths, Iflachinists, and Boiler-makers Cura.r Klhtnlh Nt. Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AMTOHIA AND UAHT AHTOKIA CHOICE KRESII AND SALT MEATS R. Iv. Boyle & Co. Real Estate, Loans and Investments Commerclnl Htrcet, Antorln The Palace Cafe... Is the Place for a Good Meal-Eastern Oysters W. W. WHIPPLE. Proprietor Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co. 34 Gravel, Tin and Slate Roofing' ninth TMFFT Asphalt Paving for Basements, Sidewalks and Streets Asphalt Coating- on Tin and Shingle Roofs Repairing of all kinds of Roofs Clarkson & McIrvin Bom tympany LONG FIR PILING Promptly Furnished Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. All Work Hoof Painting sad R.p-trins U.aisiy Hof J. A. PASTABEND M- General Contractor House. Bridge and Wharf Builder-House Moving: Tools for Rent OFFICE SUPPLIES MARINE CASOUNE ENGINES L'lnT gasoline or cheap dlstlllal oil. Khcinra connected direct with pro pellor shaft. Mid no nolay, easily broken IwvkI fun uikhI In revema motion. New spark device; no Internal (print electrode to burn out. Hon. I for testimonial. V are building thrM new 'ylr, elf ular.lnif marltw engine In all site up to ?00 horse Hiw'r. Every engine fully guaranteed. and franklin At. 216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon Usv. at mora Guaranteed - - N. JEN5EN and R. 0. HANSEN EXPERIMENTS IN FLAXCROWINC Interest Worked Throughout the Slate Hnd Coniwnlcs formed. MOVE .STAKIID IN AHTOKIA Ha florae ixd frail Seed (la the V) Will Be Ditriliitcd Here Clatsop In (be f orctroat. At lam Oregon hae awak-nod In the furl I Im I she ran grow a 111 Nl'lti flax which will compare favorably with that grown and manufactured In Ire. land. . It cannot fall to be a source of (at traction to every rldni rrf Aatorta and CUtsop couniy that the work of It prominent business men, Mi-aura. Foard A Woke and M. J. Kinney, to faithfully ronducted during the it month, to ntert cttlxcii of Oregon In the raising f "ax fur fllx-r .1 certainly Ix-arlnir fruit. Thla la ev. d-nced by th i)UWkriKa with which l hi- people of thv etale at larav have Uk.n up the matlw. ami It it moat iratlfylna I" note the gm-ral artlvlty rnm-ernln( tha culture of flax. Mr. i K. V. 1'orivr. nna;er of Itobert jStewert A Hon, the wralthleat flax lilniirra of l.laliurn. Irelanil. certainly knew what he waa talking nb .ut vh n he auBifi-meJ that the climate of Ore on h aa ell (aJuiitn) ,to the culture of flax. The rriirta of flax already crown In thla county without any nia cin! care or att'titlon, (l.-monalrat.-H lM)nn. a ilouht that flax can te aur. ceaafully grown In )rexon. It will iro!a!ly take only a little time ami exwrlence to convince the eople of th w'orlil that n Kod a fltxr can be rvducl In .'rrs "n't eat counllca a la grown anywlur. All of tha re port received from experiment mi fi I made h.lnt In that dlrectliHi. I Already a company hue lx-. ii atarte,! , In I'ortlnnd. manacej and InMu.-in-.-il by aotm- of the moat promlm-nt ladl-e lit the XorthweDt. to clloiuraitc t he Jralalnir of ilux for the fiber Whi-n I Mi-Hiliimca V. I. lord, J. .'. 4uril. I.. tJllton. n. N. IMitock, and ladle of like prominence head ai patriotic 'movement u h a till. It evlio ct sic cnlhueliiKm und-T the iruldanue of w hich auch a cauae la mire to le onie it permunent InhiMry of th atate. Now that the agitation coninienreit In AMorla haa creattM jiuch widespread Intercut and enthiiKlaam. and alnce live hundred poundu of the bct ..! I In the world Will aoon be here (win Itotterdam, and lnc the Stewart of Ireland have not only taken fcreat In- tereat In the iu!tlon, tnit have Inti mated their wtlllnKntna to establish a nplnnlnK mill here If MilTW'tont flax can le Krown to uiply It with proper tlber. Atrlana and the people of C'latii county should alo take the ;lcail In making a tlnal, aclenlltlo cxper jlnient In the matter of It growth and I cultivation. They can congmtulute themaelvea that Mr. Kinney. Foard & Btokca and the Stewarts have opened the way; but If they lt others take precedence over them, It will be found later to be a mlxtuJte and a lifelong rfgret. When the deed arrive from Rotter dam Mcra. Foard & Stokes will dis tribute It gladly and willingly to all thimo who ilen Ire to make an honest and careful test of tlax culture. THK F1IIST C.l'N. New Enterprise Incorporated Look ing to the Greater Astoria. In the county clerk's oftlce yester day, 'artlclea of itHMrT"ratlon were filed which may mean very much to the future of Astoria. The enterprise established Is the Astoria Wharf and Warehouse Company, with unlimited I duration. Tho incorporators are F. P. Kendall, William Timson, O. C. Fulton, and M. M. Walker. Tho artlclea recite thot the company can receive and hold, purchaae, ac quire and lease, and grant, bargain, sell and convey, leaae and mortgage real estate, together with all rights, prlvllegeaand easements, and any and all manner of franchises thereunto be longing; that It can purchase-, build and construct or lease buildings for docks und warehouses, and that it can grant, bargain, sell, mortgage, lease and dispose of the same; that It can purchase, receive, own, acquire, bargnin, sell and hypothecate personal property, warehouse receipts, notes, bills, and evidences of Indebtodnss; that It can engage In a general wharf age, warehouse and storage busfness, and operate a bonded warehouse under t'nlted States laws for gain, profit or hire. The principal office Is to be located In Astoria, and tho capital stock Is placed at $30,000, or three hundred share of S100 each. THE NEW SHIPYARD. This morning Contractor Normlle will put twelve teams at work at Hinlih'a J'olm to grade for tha ways of lli new uhlpyard of the Atorla Iron Wurka. The Manxanltit will be locked there aa aoon a po.alble. In order to havo her rebuilt within tha ontruct time, in thla connection It Is nolb cable thut no step have yet been taken to Improve the roadway between Hie Washington cannery and the point. It Is understood on good autnorlty that tin- Taylor estate will make no uhjectlun to the Improvement A meet ing was suppowd to have been called lust night of citizen ri t'nlontown to ret'onuiwriil measun-a to this md, and If nw i-mary, take up a subscription In aid of the enterprise; but it could not he learned last night that such a meeting had been held. Certainly It will not redound to the credit "f the city, after the creditable display of enterprise on the part of the Astoria Imn Works, if a suitable road Is not built to the new shipyard. At least this Is (be cutisensus of opinion of the business men of the city. JIM AND IlOlJ. Make It I'p Over Heverat Hound of Drinks. Kan Francisco, March 22. Corbett and Fitxslmmoiis had an amicable meeting this afternoon and partook of refrrshineis together. Corbett begged hard for another chance. Fltxalmmons reiterated his resolution to fight no mre, but Anally made eonreaalona, promising that If he did fight again Corbett should have the first chtnee. Fltxslunnona was passing through the lultby of his hotel when Corbett hailed him. The new champion stopped and the recent bitter antagonists greeted each other as cordially as If they had been lifelong friends. "Iet's have a quiet little smile." said Corbett. Fits wait acquiescent, and arm In amn the pugilists, to the sur prise of the loungers, paraded through the long billiard room and soon each as siandlng with his elbows on the bar. They had a drink together, and then retired to a secluded corner and held a long talk. Corbett asked as a favor, not at all as a demand, that Ft(lmmiui would give him a chance .to retrieve III reputation. Hob repeal led his declaration not to light Again, but Cortiett was persistent, coaxing t Flixnimmoiis with all the pcrsuaslve I Hsu at his command to put on the ; gloves once more. After several tounda of drinks. Fltxslmmons Indulging In j ginger ale and Corbet t drinking min eral water. Corbett 1J: "Well. Hob. at least you will give me the tirst t nance?" "I am not going to tight any more." responded Fltxslmmona, "but If I ever do re-enter the ring I promise t ) give you the Ural fight with me." "Tlml's a go, la It. Fltx." "Yes," repealed Hob, w hile the anxiety cleared from Corbetts' face. SOLD1EUS' .HOME. Koseburg. March 23. The Soldiers' Home Hoard Is In session here. S. B. Ornmby was re-elected president; John I. Hoberts vice president; George Car py. secretary; executive committee, the president, T. It. Sheridan and Sol Abraham. Kl'.Al. KSTATK TRANSFERS. The following deeds were filed for record ywterdiiy; I'nlted States patent to Uaniel May, southwest quarter of aec tlon 3:i. township 5 north of range 6 weat. 160 laycrea L. M. Hiiwes to L. Greene, lots 16. IT, IS and 19. block 9. Mer- Iweather Iowns JJOO.OO tJus Adolph and wife to Edna W. Wiley, east half of southeast quarter section 1", township 6 north of range 8 west 500.00 Inaac T. Cole and wife ito John Uripp. lota 25 and 26, block 6, Kinney's Astoria 10.00 Oanlel May o Ida Baker, south west quarter section 33, tow n ship & north of range 6 west.. 1.00.00 HOTEL. ARRIVALS. Occident S. Schmidt, P. Casters. Geo. Myers, O. S. Potter, Frank Thlebault and wife, Jno. MsGowan, Chas. Thompson, Thos. Hodge, Tho8. Haines, A. N. Smith, David Dunne, H. Spauldlng, ,M. P. Callender, C. Pearson, Mrs. Jvaderly, W. Wheeler, E. A. Seeley, J. A. Morehad, Geo. Easterbrook. Parker House C. S. Carruthers. Clatsop; P. Titus, John Turpie, John Day's; E. A. So.ile, Ilwiico; Cy Carruthers, Warrenton; A. Gruhm, San Francisco. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following unclaimed lettera were advertised at the Astoria postofflce on March SC. 1S97: Conley, Mrs. MaryJackson, Wm. yS. Globe Iron Works Murphy, Mrs. K. Hetl. Wastad Slim, E. B. iMdFVrren. Ame- Webber, E. lla C) Wolk. Harry. Foreign. Halten, J. J. Olund. L. P. (3) Peraona calling for any of tha above lettera will pleaaa Bay "advertised." Additional postage of one cant far cacb letter advertlaed la charged. HERMAN WISE. P. M. TARIFF DEBATE THE HOUSE Dolllvar Illuminates the Dreary Dar With Coruscation of Liijht and Kit. THE dem(k:katic sensation .Itlisris Declares Tora Dsty (hi Cottoa HcKialcr't Keceptioa to Correspoadeaia Cbiace Dclegstes. Washington. March .23. Although several passages at arms enlivned the tariff debate In the house today, a brilliant speech of Dolllver'a. waa the distinctly overshadowing event of the day. It sii one out through the weary, monotonous gloom which haa so far prevailed like a locomotive headlight In a fog. Dolliver la a finished orator, and hit speech today w as a master piece of forensic eloquence. Replete with wit and glowing periods. It alter nately aroused his republican col leagues to unbounded enthusiasm and convulsed the house with laughter. Dolliver Is quick and adroit In the use of the foils, and the democrats re frained from Interrupting him. Mc Laurin. democratic member of the ways and means committee, creatsd a mild sensation by proclaiming himself In favor of a 'duty on cotton, and It was noticeable that when be tepudiated the free raw material doctrines of Cleveland and Carlisle "and those who ihad prostituted the name of democ racy" fully three fourths of the demo crats on the floorustalned him with hand and voice. Other sneakers during the day's ses sion were Messrs. Gibson. Dockery, New-lands. Lacey. Swanson and Cock ran. THE CORRESPONDENTS. Washington. March 13 President McKlnley today gave a reception to the newspaper correspondents station ed In Washington, and the representa tives of the local press. Although It was a busy day In corgre-w, at least on, hundred and fifty representative of the leading newspapers had gath ered In the east room when the pres ident entered at 3 o'clock. His cor dial greeting of his old acquaintances was a pleasant feature of the recep tion. The correspondents were Intro duced by Mr. Bunnell, chairman of the standing committee of correspondents, and at the conclusion of the handshak ing the president mingled freely with his callers and again expressed his pleasure on meeting the correspond ent of Washington, whom he had so pleasantly known In the years gone by. After the correspondents retired a delegation of Chinese from Califor nia, representing the See Tup Society, called on the president. CHINESE DELrXJATES. Washington. March 23. March 23. The Chinese empire has sent a note to this government stating that it will be represented at the universal postal congress to be held here In May. This will be the first time China has been represented at such a gathering, which Is held sextennlally. and the delegates will 'be sent with a view to the en erance of the empire Into the univer sal postal union. INDIANS IN TROUBLE. Tvkoa. Wash., March 23. Four drun ken Indians from the Coeur d'AK-ne reservation went Into Whltmore and McLean's grocery store lat night. Af ter using noisy and abusive language they began to throw crockery and mer chandise around the room. Richard Kelly came to the aid of McLean and was knocked down three times by the Infuriated Indians. He seized a large hammer and knocked out two of the red men. Constable Oliver Sparks, hearing the noise, came on from the street, and with the weights from the scales and counter knocked out the other two. All four received ugly cuta on the head, and iit was feared for some time that thy had been killed. Physicians were summoned and their wounds d rested so that they could be taken to the calaboose. The citizens are aroused and are determined to send the offenders to the penitentiary. PASSED THE ASSEMRLY. Albany, N. Y., March 23. The Great er New York charter bill passed the assembly by a vote of 118 to 2S. It eorqes uo In the senate tomorrow. PAWNBROKER ARRESTED. Yesterday a Chinaman stole from the rooms of a white woman a lot of silk garments and other artlclea. The woman was formerly married to a Chinaman, and had a number of fine Chinese suits. Officer Oberg waa noti fied, and at once started on the track of the thief. Happening into the pawnshop of Ark Wo on Bond street. the officer discovered the missing goods on the counter, which had Just bn left by the thief, and were being put on. the shelves. When questioned Ark Wo said he did not know mho brought them In, though he paid $3.M for the articles. Mr. Wo waa then arrested for receiving stolen good and placed in the atatlon house under $000 bonds, and today may tell who the thief was. THE WOOL GROWERS' QUESTION. What Oregon Growers Think of the Dingley Tariff Bill. Portland, March 23. The Oregonlan haa Interviews with several heavy wool growers and dealers of Oregon on the wool schedule of the Dingley tariff bill. Several gentlemen eptessed themselves as being desirous of seeing an eight cent tariff duty placed on wool rather than the higher dut) con templated by the Dingley bill. Hugh Fields, president of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, and owner of large numbers of sheep and a pio neer in the wool business of Oregon, said: "Reasonable protection la enough and I would place that at eight cents on wool In the grease. I betlve that there should be a tariff on all wooL I would not let any of !t come In fre. I think a universal tariff Is essen tial, and eight cents a pound la suf ficient. "If the tariff on wool should be rais ed immediately to the high figure mentioned In the Dingley bill, our mills would have to shut down for the time being. If this raise was made the price of wool would Immediately go to about 20 cents per pound and the mills would stop' until the stock of clothing manufactured under the con ditions when wool was bought lor 7 to 10 cents had been worked off." Thomas Kay, proprietor of the wool en mills In Salem, also acquiesced in the belief that an eight cent duty was much more desirable for the Western producer than a rate of 11 or 12 cents. SENATORIAL FIGHT. Kentuckians Now Laboring With the Great Problem. Special to the Astorian. Frankfort. Ky., March 23. Today sep-ira'.e ballots were taken for the States senator with the following re sult: Senate Blackburn, free silver demo crat, 14; Hunter, republican, 13; Boyle, republican, 3; Davis, sound money democrat, 6; total, 36. House Blackburn. 34; Hunter, 53: Boyle, 3; Davis, S; McCleary. 1; Sioane, 1; necessary to a choice, TO. The silver democrats held a caucus tonight, but did nothing to Indicate what course they would pursue In to morrow's ballot for senator. Dr. Hun ter's friends have been bringing every possible pressure to bear upon the re publicans who voted for Boyle today, and claim that two of them will vote for Hunter. The friends of Governor Badley claim that three more republi cans will desert Hunter. Neither side give names. The Hunter people will try to force a continuous session to morrow and keep on balloting until an election Is had. The opposition will attempt to defeat this by adjourning, if it is tound no man can be united on to defeat Hunter on the first bal lot. THE DURRANT CASE, San Francisco, March 23. The attor ney for Theodore Durrant today filed their petition In the supreme court for the rehearing of the application, pre viously denied, for a new trial. No new points are cited In the petition, which will be decided without argu ment. The prosecution believes the petition will be denied. TO MAKE WHISKY CHEAPER. New York, March 23. A plan to con solidate all the principal Kentucky dis tilleries, of which there, are 116. will probably be completed In a few days In this city and a new whisky trust formed. Levy Mayer of Chicago, attorney for the American Distilling Co., the old! whisky trust. Is In town and I en gaged In drawing up papers for the proposed consolidation. The correspondent saw him at the Waldorf last night, but he refused to discuss the details of the scheme, say ing that their publication at thla time would be premature. "All that I can tell you." he said, "Is that 116 distilleries in Kentucky pro pose to consolidate and that whisky will be cheaper." THE MARKETS. Liverpool, March 23. Hops Pacific coast, 3 15s. San Francisco, March 23. Htps S and 11c for fair to choice, and 12 and 12 for fancy. Liverpool. March 23. Wheat Spot, quiet; demand, poor; No. 2 red spring, 6s 2d; No. 1 California, 6s 3d. There to a struggle going fn now for supremacy between the cup of hot chocolate 'and the glass of Ice cream soda. WAR SOW SEEMS TO BEJM311NENT The Cowers Will Land Troops on the Island of Crete to Relieve Marines. GREECE STILL REMAINS FIRM .loser .W Lctin for the Eqilpmeat at Creek Troops while the TsrVs art Sat terisg Crcft rrivitioa. Constantinople, March 23. The am bassadors have formally notified tba Grerk government of the Intention of the powers to land troop on the Isl and of Crete to relieve the detachments of foreign marines now on duty ashore. The port? ha raised no ob jection up to the present time, be lieving that the next move of tha foreign fleet will be to carry out tba threat of the powers to blockade tha principal porta and coasts of Greece. On this question, however, there la na unanimity of opinion. In ' the mean while the war preparations of Greece) are continuing night and day and there are no Indications of a back down In that quarter. Money does not appear to be lack ing for the equipment of tha Greek, and large suppllea of arms and am munition have been forthcoming- from what sources Is not so clear. The Greeks are animated by the strongest feeling of warlike enthusi asm, while the Turks are said to be suffering the greatest privations with out pay or proper equipment, whfca has made them sullen and resentful, but far from desirous of entering npoa an aggressive campaign. FRENCH MARINES. Canea, March 23. The French ma- Canea, March 23. The French transport Auvergne lias arrived at Snda Bay with 450 marines on board. THE GREAT FLOOD. Rivera Still Riving and the Distress Increasing at Memphis. Memphis, March 23. A fall of one tenth of a foot' In the river here is announced tonight. This slight drop In the high water here Is not consid ered by the weather bureau officials as feeing Indicative of a permanent or1 material charge, but is caused. It Is thought, by the giving way of the levets above Memphis. The effect of the flood Is not dlscemable. The gauge this morning registered 38. feet, or one-flfth of a foot below the highest point reached. This drop haa not made any change for the better in the situation. Indeed, it Is caused by a decided change for the woraa In the Arkansas districts, which have been Inundated by water rushing through the broken levees above Memphis. At Cairo the river Is still rising, the gauge Indicating S1.3 feet, a rise of three-tenths of a foot In the 24 houra ending this morning. At Marked Tree, on the St. Francis river, the rise Is greater, the gauge registering 49 feet, a rise of eight tenths of a foot in 24 hours. With the rise continuing at Marked Tree and Cairo there Is no hope of Immediate relief at Memphis. The rise continues at all points below Memphis, except at Arkansas City. The -work of the relief committee has assumed enormous proportions, and there la not a moment whei the headquarters are not besieged by a mob of negro applicants for every kind of assis'tance. It is almost Im possible for the committee to attend to the needs of all who apply, but specially difficult to distinguish between Imposters and the really needy, as the former are known to be much In evi dence in the crowds which dally seek supplies from the committee. Ribbon fully seven and eight inches In width is often used to tie the fash ionable Ibridat 'bouquet. Wait for the "Huseby," the best bicycle on earth for the least money. J40 and 150. F. L. Parker. aent. immm Absolutely Fur Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assure tha food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDEE CO- NEW YORK.