V THK DAILY AST!) Ill AN, FRIDAY MUKN1NU, MAKCH 10, IBM. gaily stovimts JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telcphor. No. M. TKKM Or SIBSCKlPriON. DAILT. Beat by mull, per year Sent by tnall, per month BorveJ by rarrlur, per month. .12.00 . .50 . .45 WEEKLY. Bent by mull, per year $! In advance. Pittt&ge free to subscrlln'ra. they have simply stood Ktlll ami walte.t for Hirht. Of course, this eondltliin ofj thing haa been very greatly aggra vated by the feara exolte.1 by the silver movement and by the disturbing polit ical symptoms that have been devel oped by the election. We h.d a sim ilar and about equally protracted re. action following the panic of 1SS, arln Inif from similar rauaea; but that first shook of these earthquake disturbances j va. far less aevere than the one from which we have been sulTerlnn since i IS:! The chronic crumbier still lives, but ' I there are loss ch-s of chronic Indite--' All communications Intended for puWI- linn and I"ysjHpjt than r.irmerty. The atlon should be directed to the editor, fiict Is. . many ople In the pa-t have Business rommunlcntlona of all kinds I taken Simmons Liver Kesulator that and remittances must be addressed to j they are now cured of these Ills. And The Aatorian. ! trreiit multitude are now taklii Slm- ,inons Uver Regulator for tne paint' troubles and they'll soon be eur-M. j "It Is the best medicine." Mrs. K. Halne, Baltimore, Md. OUTWAPD BOUND OREGON GRAIN FLIMTH8M-7. (.eilard aud (Vrraeted .v.ry Krltlayl AII.KI. ruto. Atu-uat S Am bark H Hvr ahlp Hr ahlp SI Hr ahtp Sept. "Hrhlu U Unhlp . ,.. tit hin iv,irhilt,,.. Kr hrk Oclbr J. Br dark Mirliln . lrtik Nov. I MM., ;T 0l.O rORl Siiumia tNS Vladlroatoek i'iwiv I m. I'.Mi Port Natal.., smhcrUmUhlii'l IIMU Uir.rpotil ('lm'miiiitiluirt ....ns! Altos Bay, HrvtihlMat uau'ork ,..,.. HaNaml !iri..... Antler .. lul.l Tnimor ... '.t Hull , lHH.uoa. llii . . t Sumc ...ilJI.'siliU'th.,.,,.....,, l.or.1 Shxhaabury X.) ..., K'Tlseoutt UIH Itr ahlp ,.;'lyil..Klle .l lrbirk llnif treum , ..il.-w tlitrktik -, ' i!le. ... .. ....:U .., U Ht -lup tiivuhllils- UMIrliaik.. M t, lgvrtii Ki,'ii;(le Ili'iiHelte I'lorta I ItnllMrtrui' rViiilrada tialirnrni l'"tl' ifri KaltialM Java A ht'fcU.y . . ., I'lllvHHM The Actortan guarantees to Us sub scribers the largest circulation 01 any newspaper published on the Columbia rlrr. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. the second old est weekly in the state of Oregon, has, aext to the Portland Oregontan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley 4t Co. are our Port fcuid agents, and copies of the Astorlan ea be had every morning at their stand, K Third street. To "Aatorln" hereby Tr to dooato HVNbRED DOLLARS to St. Mary's osplud, payable oa deaaaad to rather DMaaaB, wheserer legal evldcaee la pre o ao almwlBg that aay ofloraoos n.-ra-iao pablUhed t Astoria haa prlt4 srtthha the laat alaety days ezplrlag he love this offer alaglo "apeeUl" or other skMl of "telegniphle proaa report," roolvi over the wires ooterlag either f the telegraph osleee la Astoria, frooi aay polat oataide of Oregoa. Astoria, Or., October 15. ISM. A woman could Ret a divorce for half the bruised she receives smlllusly In her efforts to rida a wheel. If the black and blue spots were presented by her husband. I" lir illl ,.... iT Slip f lrl'ik. H,'-rhlp . -liltr r..k . 4. Hr Urk . Hr nil .. br h .rk it Hr htp.. s Itr Nhin... it Itr lup 6 Hr lnp lirtn,lT.. 7 rir siil'i iHi i-ark VC. TO Cl'RB A COI.I IN ON It A V Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. Sic. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. It wants to be understood, seriously and positively, by the members of the police commission that some explana tion is required relative to their sudden and sweeping move on the gambling and sporting fraternity of Astoria yes terday. The veriest fool In the city anderstands that it Is no more against the law or public' decency for these people to ply their vocation today, the 19th day of March, than it was on yes terday, last week, last month, last year, or all the other years their class has been allowed to go unmolested: and the rumor that:,the action of the commis sion was inspired by a spirit of retal iation sgajnst the city for the t educ tion in police salaries, approved yes terday morning by the mayor. Is too grave a matter to be lightly passed over. The members of the police com mission have hitherto enjoyed the con fidence and esteem of all classes in the community, and the monstrous per version of public power and duty Im plied In this charge demands an ex plicit defense, and that at once from Mr. Gordon' and bis associates. What ever may be the merits of the salary reduction Question, law-abiding citizens will not sustain such trifling whii the dignified end important responsibilities belonging to the office of the police commission as a nay to meet it. That kind of Jugglery and manipulation uf the laws designed to regulate and pro mote public morality and good order must not be tolerated in Astoria. Such a course inevitably tends to official corruption of the worst kind, and would soon produce in Astoria a state of dis respect for the law, and those charged with the duty of enforcing It, as would be perilous and disgraceful. We want no Boss Tweed or Tammany methods tnl city no matter by whom they are introduced, nor how apparently harmless their object. The members f the police commission ought to be the last men connected with the city government to set such an example. The woman who regards Lent as a restful period cannot be truly religious, for the devout fair one Is kept pretty busy with two or three services a day. Torturing, tching. scaly akin erup tions, burns and toalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by Pe WKt'a Witch HaxeJ Salve, the beat known cure for piles. Chas Rogers. In these fin de Steele days too many daughters are called upon to chaperon their mothers rather than their moth ers to chaperon them. Many a woman leads a prison life who has never been sentenced to ex istence behind the bars. If you have ever een a child In the agony of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as It is admin istered. Many homes in the city are never without It. Chas. Rogers. Painful diseases are bad enough, but when a man is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness, the mental forebodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There Is no let Some of the new summer hats arr up to the mental suffering day or night, cloud-like combinations of varl-colored I sleep is almost Impossible, and under Ja". Feb it Hr H,t:p...u. II Br bik UBrVr.. . 1 'ir lu. a Brhlp ... J Hr hrK a srthlp ... . 14 Hr Mill. 17 Br bark ... Br bark Hr baric. ... -IS.Uli l01 Boor. Talue rtl.iMU Ssirelvua. . Havl Ui i.'leiilul Chvlmiford ,.. NilKMlaie . . H-n l'e. Mrl-uiope . . .. IVIen . .. IVlllllCtllfR . ... Iih hcupv KH'k . . . 'I.lmlru IMItallorll . 1. mtsdsle - .. KursM Mw K.nli .. . fabnl , i t tie: . ..... l'n'on .. lVr.veriire . Hi l iiore .....! Mutdtileiii- ....; . ot lUd.tlliton Yallort. i ml" Inn Princess .... UV f IiuouMi r'UuuMith ... IX l.i'l. . litis r .'n..utl ... ' ' alni-ulh' INI HilUiI T I oik Kslm.iuOi ... yu ork 1.7V S .u h Allies PruiiUMirUiii l.i l it ......... . Ml.lu.. UJl.'mt Hi(hi..ii r'ore-l.... s fork tarusoa. US Algoi !'.... vnr OwiiM IMAtarUy, H-ewiu llMCork llunon Hall " Mmhnhn;h. ..... 1M1 VamlMia. illM " ..... ttiriiioinlbCaille lu1 " :llnlhfleld ..iVU lt-;lr llll ., h. Hr h.irK ..... K.llrlMirk i:lHr hii. .. . i:'ltrhii I:ll lllP. tit lM. It! Htll 21 Hr Lurk it H' b rk.. -I Hr ba'k . -M Hr mil JS Hr br Altrb-rk.... J Hrtwr . Hr b uk. l. lir shin is Hr snip ... jailer bark...., 1" Hr Mp IT Hr ni K i r liii. .. H Hi ttark Z.i;ol JO Hr tliip liiW4i It I LI. JS Hrnhli ....IVai.ilnara M Hr lii...i iliH'ktuinl Hr (hip ti. . WultT..., JSHrb.trk. ; hollo HHrsiilp Jlli,kUle .1 Brshln nhaiii"hii Brli.rk.-.!Ij'rd Ktijlu ..I;. .'lis . ;o. (Sirk ... Ii " ls " . JIM " ... I7 ' ... II " .... MS " . I,ii ( oik an " 14 'I - . . '.'131 l.lvi riKi.il WV . i.ik . IX.'.i'ork 1M? Tors . J'.T i ..ik . .. i.i roik i 01 l lrr I o. k . llS fork li I'lvmoiitS UHil oit UTJ Hut Wut ,.;:i M ork . , l' " ,.d.-ii " .'IIW " I ;i.vr Kihn.Hilll. .. ! II Kitiir.oulti. . I it tor Jtmn'ork .llW.t'iKll,,.,.. I ifrU'iuk i Iwwl'iirk KMIVRl. Nor. '.... lltMV Jl Nov X Jan IS rVb I Jan .11 an. . .... Feb ( ,.... .Uli M OSKTAIA I A H 1 -JI.IM .!. .VI.IIW) ,.W TW.TVJ K t.i Ts, r' M.i IIMKCi .M.; lV'l .0I .'. lit) 4, IXI ,lll ll I...AV. II WW :i,sji i '.'( .Ml.?l i.J,WT M."!'l till, 11 TU -''..HI 7 .. U,'l .v.',:.ni U.-'ai M.JU I '.'1,1 to .t'oiy J sr ix-j :.rm UHI7 iMAI ,7lJ W.SvS aW 6.1.0X1 l SI.NIO L 4s.uta ai MKtl M ;n a.Jio 0 7.1 vukw I 1 ixt) ; VAI.l'K. SIIII'I'SHH. IWtTsTiil Kloiir Mills"" SHwiui ,n Kerr Hslloiir, iliillirlv . Co VMt i H faiaenw C 4l.i iiallmir, ilnllirlii A t'o 1,V,WH) .siIm.hi .V. Kerr ., iMrilrtuI r our Mill .. . l,o.':i HsUimr, (billirle , To . Ti,Hi J It i'mimwi ,t t'.i ItH'lism Hour Milln t. ,, itl,:y ;Mtlmii A Kerr 4S'i illiill'oor, ilullirli' unit Co.., t.'.vw I , ,M..mi iMllitoii A Korr II. Ml I v..im l) I It Cilliirron ,t Cii .V,. Unllolll, I. Mill. Ir . i'ii I'l.SII .1 U I nl'H'l.i'i A C , . mi-mmi A Ki'rr ,., !U an Hiir.niri ulliru' .V id h l.'KM -lU,,ti A K"t I . .. Ii.mi Imiliiiiil rl. ui Milii ... I flO.tl.lt Hi i i- Mnt "M.uo ,1 It emu, r.'ii . ii v,mi i;.iv Hnlf.'iir, ilullirli' t HVi.,,,1 .si,, Kvir l.rtW A lll'IK vnm I'i'M mi. I i i.iiir Hill liKlfinir. liitlhrle & V ... I'.VM .u,u t Ki'n i0 J II I mill r i. A I v I'mmi , Ki-rr ll.C.'fiti, i in lir It ,v in. I It I 4illirr.ti Ci. Hitlfiiiir, liii'lirl, C .1 U Citiiiruit , IV t!fniir, liiitltile i ii HKi'U I loll t I tin W I ll H.l I Ida (VI i I 1 S.I , I IN SI ' 1 IU VI , I IJ ImI I n ! I Ha at) ' ; I UK. I as i ' I I la ,1il ' I I II. M Jay ii . i u i ci III Jl VI io.. . 4)1 1U H.I tl l.u .l f IO .. . II IU X.I !U Ii ll lit l ti lo. K lla Al I' I 111 l ,411 li" ' tl Ha.... L 111 il W til Hk. . Xi l M UV H nl .iK ; l-.al l.ill ll'I.ISO :cj.vm ', .t.l'l TU.rtO Aa.inai UI,VU mjiu ii.uU .V.TW klllll HJ.ua) S..Val lls.ua) Sii.iU) ouai 7.Vial .',IXW KJ.Ua) 4J.iU au SM, tsu TS.O-a) 'orilaiiil I inr Ml b H -'(mil, (iniliri.- , Cu I) W Mi- .ar Sllianii a ki rr all .nr. (iuilirlr & I Mliann krrr Kalfmir, iluihrlr tt Co ...... A H.m jlUlluur. Uuilirlf t C J R Camrron a Cii.,.. Itlliaon a Ki-rr oaK.Mir liulhr e A Cu Hal' mi r. Uullirle a Cu Sibion a Kerr Hslfuur, (iiitline A Co J rt t'aJniron A Cu..,HH HaHoiir, (lulhrls a Cu Ha'fuur, (I .ihrle Co. Hallnur. ili"irl C ..... Sin, i, ii (tul Ksrr Pun laml Mour Mill" llaKniir. llutlirle Cu J H ('aninMD A Cu SO.TTi ll.liJO ll.ua) tJ.ill) SU.Ual ,rr KlvvalorCo ll 'J Kl amvi.ai ai'u.... .tU) J H Cameron A Co .. . ll lla a.. Jill "a .. . ll Ilia . . H 'I' ti 0a ... Ill IM III a ..'all sa M all Sa S,' ..'SI !' . II Ii 1 I'l Ilia. ! .. H I..- i ...til Ho ... . I . I'l III l I all HO ,jll HH... ,lt aalKI . ll Ho. .11 l . 111 10. J .. ..,, ll ii .... ..II ... ll .11 I'Ji ! ll la .t i'l tl a, . H IIS It. .1 1" 1 . Ia Sit . i: mi ii MI A D.UI4 boununr, talue Hl.UX) n I.i43 uliU flour, value VVVOUI alio MOD oils bran, r lla., i ... k,.,. .i. liir.i ..i M MJraaoa salmon. D Alto 14,Ctt) bbls flour. alo $.B.i K Alao J3,7 bbl flo ir, value avVt'J. r-)jr; bbls Hour islue daiikH. i.-Ani 17 .-.a) l.hl. flour, value M Aa). U-lsM bbls flour, valua IH.iW) I Also lsjVis bblt flour, ralua 1M.0UO J Iho ,.' bbls dour, alu t-WjiiiU iml Jtiunia b(n, valu ti.-UO. Alto JO tons n( shorts, TaJue-1 rO), 100 Ulna of hran. valiifil lltno. ami .ri hushsls iif hsrlry, ralu. ll.iuu 1 Ana M bbls flour, valur. UU.J00. M 17.115 bbls flour, value, I73.0M. . Alt'i St! bbls flour, value UVut). o - Alto ..7 bbls flintr.valus fHT.uuo. FREE TO EVERY MAN THE METHODS OF A GREAT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Him ..iter Everything Else Failed. gauxe. "Be regular and punctual In all things" was one of the old maxims, taught long ago. The last Is not for gotten, but the first Is scarce remem bered, so Irregular Is the life of most people nowadays. The only corrector of this evil is Simmon Liver Regulator, which keeps the liver active and pre vents the ills of Irregular living. Dys-r-epsis. Biliousness, Constipation, etc. It also cures these troubles. "Hall Over" is a Jolly old-fasluoned game, especially adapted for Lenten diversion. Henry Clew-s letter for March 13th says: Affairs in Wall street are still following a process of fermentation and development which, though not universally seen or understood. Is DANGERS OF GRIP. The greatest danger from La Grippe Is of Its resulting In pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that this remedy is a certain pre ventive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure In less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent size for sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Western populists are doing more quarreling now among themselves than they have ever done. If Bryan had been elected there would have been riots every day over the offices. It is surprising what a "vee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, are quickly banished by De Witt's Little Early Risers. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. Chas. Rogers. The sultan of M irocc.) in about to ' i many ai;ain. As the Moorwh Hover -:g:! eteadly working towards better eondi-jis allowed 3.323 spous-s. not much pi.p tlons and higher values. The truth I ular Interest aroused by his tires, n; such a strain men are scarcely respon sible for what they do. For years the writer rolled and tossed on the troubled sea of sexual weakness until It was a question whether be had not better take a dose of poison and thus end all his troubles. But providential Inspira tion came to his aid In the shape of a combination of medicines that not only completely restored the general health, but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts to natural size and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take the trouble to send his name and ad dress may have the method of this won derful treatment free. Now when 1 say free I mean absolutely without cost, because I want every weakened man to get the benefit of my experience. I am not a philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at ones could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mail the informa tion, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happiness to moat of us. Write to Thomas Slater, Box 388, Kalamazoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed envelope. VESSELS ON THE WAV TO OREGON. i Revised ami Corrected every KrUlay) roat lAiuiD raos and sass. captaik. sm satb. : costiusist out UVKKPooC : " ! Brhl. RlTthrwood Imr HMI H!f- ur. liuihrls Co Br ahii. illen L .. SEWCA-TI.K. N.S. W. Hr all I Ulauvlrau,. Br b.uk : ,ellur Heliltisoii .itre iuii ilryi-r. W.aio 'Kerr.. Snlkerkshlre .. rt'KT rnur.- - Hr shii. I'nrt Jakvill Hedge .., ANTwEKP j Br hark ombrlan! . C.rltfltbt. Hr lil(i Kuphroawii- HOSoKOSir ; Hriti M.mot Lftauim Mi l.an. H AM HI Hi) Br bark Norma . ISuu IWAl I7'hAI lln-J IOUA1 i . 'JI CJ HO A I l 13 HOAl i; v iuu.m I Vat I0DA1 IWilWAI 110 j. UiiiUw . cn ; Mliaoii A hi-ir .Tavlnr. You fl Co :11a four, itiittirte Co I U. It Ji S Cn Fresh from the mills for 1897 fishing KKPKNCNCKII J Iron 1-Nov. Hh, 18, WW, Total tonnage on the wajr-11 0DM. Hams lime In Hat- tt.jj. 8am lime In IMaV-K.m. If the powers had It to do over again, it Is doubtful If they would send an ultimatum to Greece. The Indications are very strong now that there Is a string tied to It. Un't allow the lungs to be Impaired by the continuous Irritation of a cough. It Is ealer to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will war! off any fatal lung trouble. Chas. I'.ogers. Is that people are awakening to the conviction that the last four years of depression has not -been due solely to our monetary troubles, but that its causes have run deep into our who) business structure. There has been an earthquake disturbance of the genera! basis of buHiness, affecting almost ev ery form of capital and Investment, and helping to produce the paralysis ef production and the interruption of trade of which we have had such a sorry experience. The special underly ing cause has been the extraordinary inc'L e In plant and In the general capacity for production arising from the progress of Invention within the last twent or twenty-flve years. The undue expansion of production from this cause has produced a decline in prices which affects everybody and every Interest, 'to Ofc wage-earning .lasses, it has brought many great ad. vantages; but fo the owners of large sapUals It has meant a decline In the value of almost every kind of property - they hold. Capital hag therefore been less sought for employment and has .eided smaJier returns or none at all and Its owners have been very cautious! about how they employed It. Every in terest .has thus been smitten with stag nation, and few have understood what It meant or where to look for remedy; solitary matrimonial intention. i King fle.irge may be the monarch of I. -i comparatively small nation, but he 'i: ,.l.lu t,, ,.1.1,... .. 1 1 l. ..AH.. ... i-. rr i . m ,7 ,ii in.- vie of war. and he doesn't s.-eni I i care whether war comes or not. Fates' SIMMONSX REGULAT0rT C.8TOHZA. Tk ha il alit Bfu: ll n vrtFJCfc tub Favorite Horns RemetTg. For an diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. - Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active,-harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. ' If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth taste) badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. J. 11. Zellin 'i Co., PhiladelplU. To a novice riding on a tandem Id cycle seems the nearest thing to fly ing ever Invented. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo writes us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he completely cured them by using three boxes of rie'Wltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. Chas. Kogers MANHOOD RESTORED,:-- tioa ol iMiotn Krwcb jhymirUn. win quirk 1 cur ynunf JI n-rv too or oat- oi uw c uvrftUiva Every Ball Guaranteed Report mperfections Beware of Imitations InaumnlBtJ Halna In Um Hack, Ha-inhial Kttilaakma, Narvmia lktimr, IMmpir, VnHuiaoi lo Marry. Lihauaunc Ural,, Varirorii a A CDcurtlpaUoa. 1 1 aui-a aJMnaan br taf or nlsht Pmmia ai.a-k. iarka,t batata to HparmaturrtxM and aaaa of diarbana, lik-h If not rh BEFORE aaa A FTC II an Uieborraraof imsotM-r, iripur.i'inun muf, tue Ct7Sif BKIVBl all iia-tboiai mnd laafanaaaroajl woak omit. Tba rnno auftrrrra are not earad hr Im-inra la bfanuiaa nrnfly per eenl aie lrnoM4 otia Ftoatolllla. rl'PIDKNKIaibaonly kaoara rmdr locaraolilMiulanoKnUon. kiairailmmik a. a a wrltui snarmniPvfftTvaaHl mofMf riom4 If an Dtntai o.mw nut adoct a paruiauat I aura U0aboi,iz f.ir liou.br null Hand for FBasdnular ami ItoUuonkUa, A&lrwm DA TOI, MIDICIHB CasF.a Bat R,Su rrncoro,CW. TV !bl4 bf CHAS ROOER8, 461 Commercial Street. Every Ball Must Be Marked INDIO p? Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate otMlarrnrTeto. U MM tmirint! - 'j .'iiiuqie i siiiioi nrKntiiiiirr iiiuoii:iniaa r IT IfrJp,ft'rtoe"imberi.uiui. i tnsrttoD.TTrallrtHwtfafoariJ hotel biiu.atrf , IV thtrv. ll wtlaiil t"riir6. If jr"nh-ouutn iur A CPFhl III Tf rnnmrf.KM, i fW H - X1 home f"r tame pricotitiaranni4Ku:iraa i aaw w cury, ludldo potttah, anii allll bava trliaa tn4 ra'ii. iiuonua i ai-nin mijutn, nor iiirnan, i rliiiplna, t'opiMir C'lilnriiil hMtlt, I lrrra ua f inr purtof theb-idr, llalror Kyelirowa fullln nine 1-iON Pronounced by Physicians th? most Favorahlein America for sutferers from . . , Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures ml. II la thw oeeondurv lil.ODIt I'D! ' ieiruaranteotucaro. WoJiriiUionH.l olMti ' Lft ca.aa and challenra the avorld fur a I i nan wtflaamitcura, Thlt diaiaa b jm a'aart lxiltlt Iho aklll of the moat rmuiriit plijal rliina B)oOO,4K0 capital brhlnd our ttnf-tila .h.nalsearalktr. Abotilutepronfaannl jaalados , .; hcia.o. Addraa I 1IK KK.MKUV CUa, ii Maannlo Xamolo. CiUcAUU, ILL, SHREWSBURY MILLS Sis SI It a bon.ftfiaanfWMaa rmaHv for (Joniirrlma IllMt. Baarmalurrbiaa. Whltaa. anBamrai dio ixri-0, i,t ana liinamma- l a ttruwr-. If.n, IrrlUtlntl ur alrara. nail wwa I, on of nilicnua mam. i'rFviarivri Hd. branaa. Nun-Mirlnaani. .ir:imtri,a B'"J lraiSSlaa, H. a JlJor anl In plain wratDar. r"ja. .!Vll I''-' '""i f'Pai'l, I"i ,-a . ty apr,-aa. ir..palil, for II Oil. or 1 lollK.. ti n. rrinr arn- wu naiaaal The objections urged asalnst Indlo In the past by the larre tiumbers who otherwlae would have been clad to take ' advantage ot IU Lwneflclal climate, haf ; ten a laclc of aultJtble accommodation ! The Southern 1'aclflc Comnany takw t pleasure In announcing that aeveral ; , Commodious and nvi rl r"l YIN rrrtl. I ! Caveata,cnd Trarte-Marlct obtained tnd all Pal- PftrnfirinkU i j. r Jrnt buamtaaconiliicltd lor MoclaaTC rciS. COmiOrtable LOt tageS JouaOmecisOeeoamU.a.PaTCNTOrnec i aanij te can ar. lira twlrnt la Icat tiuio tuau thuac nave juat Deen erftctnri ai m o atatlnn. irtnmij imm aauimiiw, that will be renlM to abpllcanta at r sonaoio rates. may are furnHhed wli'. i. u.r, ir i.a n, ,!, i,n ,irm la u, Many a woman who dues a Kreat lot of talking about her Ideal eould eanlly define It In the words, ."The first man in can Kf't to propose."'. i: 1 WjP vV Blllgl 1 K3 ,NCR MORE In harmony v wiin me worm, 2CKXI cnmpleUilf cured men htj log happy praiHes fcr trie great t, granu eHt and M su rensful cure for Bex bal weakoem ami iontvliror knowa t i medical rvHenea. An account of this vxm- l&fy$r bik form, with re. cn-ncea and proof". Will Iwunl In ... faring men (sealed) free. Kiill manly v1(rf..; rmanentlf restored. Failure iniposalulc, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. artesian water and so altuated as to w occupants all the advantagea to be de rived from a more or leas protracfd renldencn In this dwlightful climate. (From the Ban Franclaco Argonaut.) "In th heart of th gri-at desert of Hit Coloradowhich the Houthcrn Fnolllc l-averne therj la an oanl called lndlo, which, In our opinion. Is the aanltarlum of the earth. W believe, from Deraonal Inveatlgatlon, that for certain Individuals, there Is no spot on this planet so favorable." O. T. Stewart, if D writer! : "Tha purity of the air, and the eternal aim hlne, Mil one with wond-r and delight. . . Nature haa accompllnhed -o much that there remains but little f.r man to do. As to Ha pontlhllltles as a health retort her la the moat perfect unnhlne, with a b-mperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain li an unknown factor; pure oxygen, donee atmosphere and pure water. What mora can be desired? It la the place, abova an otners, ror lung troubles, and a para dise ror . rneumarlcs. . Considering number of sufferers who have bem cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending thta genial oaati as the haven of the afflicted." Send modrl. drawiiiir; or phrrtn., with nrarrip- tion. We ailviar, il parr-riuble rrr not, Irre oi tbarye. Our If e not one till twlr-nt it rwi urnl. ' a aiHiMir u il"W to Ol.tain I'iilnnta," with Snrat 1,1 aiuiie in the L'. S. and iurciga countnea Jwnt (rce. Adilrraa, i m a mi i a r c. iViHiOliU it ObVUi i Or. Patcmt Office, WMINOTON. D. C. tayavVetaaaArvVVVkAMrV Manufactured from Flax selected specially for Columbia Iiver Fishing ....See that every ball bears the MARSHALL LABEL- 80 VIARS XPIRKNOI. 1 ff f1 OOPVRIOHTS Ao Anffmm htw11 ng a tliMfh n1 6wrlpum mmr qulrklfsw:HrtMln, frn. whwllier an Invantion It protmhlf HimttinU, fV)fumufilrl)mif irintlf CMiHilintlBl, OI'.Ht aetir foriwrurinff pmtmtits la Amnriiim. W hut- m VVmliiiiKiop offlo. fkiwiita tnken tiiruutfb Muiiu ft Cu. rvotlv DM! utjiiot In tUm SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bmnflfnltr lllrirrtrated. larreat clmilatlna of ,4 j inr arrlwitlrlc i'liirrral. waeklf, ternia 9HUI a rari l.aOaix luiintlia. Hti.i-lrrien cplea arid iLaSn e'r. Jjoou os yjtrtsn taut fr. Addws MUNN A CO., 361 Ureadwav. New York. INDIO la 612 iileH from HAN FRANCISCO and 130 in iles from U8 ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles Ij.oo Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE. SANBORN St CO A(eiiU, Aalorla, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 PLY 40's. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, PLY 50's. 7. 8. 9, 10 PLY 3o's. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. AGENTS I Ail BOND STREET