T1IK DAILY ASTOIUAN, Tl'ESDAY NOliNlNU MAKCH UK.7. 0. 3 Will Conduct Business at 430 Commercial Street Opening on or About April 1 WITH A ri I.L LINK OC Electric Huppl! nnd FIxtwrcB Fancy Slippers Ladles Walking C fin AC Durable School OIIUCo Seasonable Goods Rntbcrs Rubber Boots, Etc sr John Hahn & Co. 1 479 Commercial St. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 4 ieg. i Minimum temperature, 40 dog. Precipitation. .41 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1, I, ISM, to date, T1.S0 Inches. Exceaa of precipitation from Septem ber 1, 1896, to date, 1.1 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Occasional rain. TO READER. Tk "Dally Aatortaa" oa tains twice a aaaca reading atlut m aay otkar pa par pabllaaafl la Astoria. It it the oaly paper that araeeats tta readers wlta a tally telafTapate report. TO ADTERTI1ER8. -The "Dally Aa tarlaa" ha aaer tkaa twice aa aaaay raad ra a aay athar pa par peMlaaeal la Asto ria. It la tharafora Mora tkaa twloe aa valmaala aa aa ad vartialag atodlaav. tato of Orga. l Coaaty of Clatooa.) Wo, the aadaralgaed, local aaaaager roapoctiTaly of tao Wostara Calaa aaa Vastal Telegraph eoataaalra, hereby aai lry that tao "Doily Artorlaa" la tka oaly pa par pabllakaa la Aalnrla which bow ra oItoo, or at aay tiaae aartDg oar coatrol of said afltoaa aaa roeolTod, a tolograpalo proaa report. R. D. JOHUSO!!, Maaagar W. U. T. Co. . R. CLARK, Maaaga Fatal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck. J". A. Garfield. Blue Monday. "Gypaine" oea Swop. A little more rain, too. New Ox fori ties. Columbia Ct.oe Co. New lace shoes.' Columbia, Shoe Co. New strap sandals. Columbia Shoe Co. "Gypsine" the only durable wall finish. James Keating Is down with the STlppe. New (roods arriving daily at C. H. COOPES'd. General Agent Wisconsin Central Lines, Portland, Or. Ladles' bath and hair-dressing parlor, 107 Twelfth street. Gentlemen's hats-spring block at C. H.COOPEBU Ekatrom has the only complete stock of Jewelry in the city. Treatment for dandruff and loss of hair. 107 Twelfth afreet. See display of new wash fabrics at McAllen & McDonnell's. Mlas Alice MunoeU, graduate optician, office tn Shanahan building. White embroidered pillow shams at C. H. COOPER'S. Have you any jeweiry that needs re pairing Take It to Ekstrom's. Mr. W. J. Ingalls. of the Lewis and Clark, was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Stjernatrom, 107 Twelfth street, treat rheumatism by massage, the only cure. The Chafling Dish Club held a meet ing last evening at Mrs. Heilborn s res idence. Great bargains will be the rule fur the coming week at McAllen & McDon nell's. 5-4 stand coveru, special, 26 cents each, at H. 0. COOPER'S. Will commence on Monday a great sale of spring dress goods at McAllen A McDonnell's. Work ' on the Second street sewer will be commenced by the contractor? In a day or two. We can afford to say "Get every sort of Schil ling's Best tea of your grocer, and getyour money back on what you don't like." Your tea-trade for the rest of your life is worth the risk- and besides, there is no risk. A Schilling & Compaay Sao r ranciaco 497 Asto1- Mr. Edward Brown, special agent of the American Fire Insurance Co., is visiting In the city. Saturday was pay day at Fort Ste vens, and a number of the men visiter the city In the evening. The moat attractive and Inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or ler at 618 Commercial street Th steairer Telephone yesterday brought down from St. Holm's ton head of line cattle for Astoria. Club ties and bows, new effect, at C. H. COOPER'S. Mkat Munsell, the optician, can be found at her office In the Shanahaa building from I a. m. to 5 p. m. Walt for the "Huaeby," the best bicycle on earth for the least money., 40 and $50. F. L. Parker, arent. Summer comforters, new stylew, at C.H. COOPER'S. The most complete and finest lliie of novelty dress goods ever shown 'n Astoria will be on sale Monday at Mi Allen A McDonnell's. Just received, my first shipment of skirts. Every on- beauty. No two alike. A few tailor-made cults at Cohen's Low Price Store. Captain Hiram Drown, who returned from San Francisco last Tuesday, Is seriously III at his Franklin avenue residence. Gentlemen's satin-lined shirts; se them atCH. COOPER'S. Mrs. Carrie Ray. medium; circles on Tuesday anl Thursday; readings dally. Magnetic treatment. 440 Rond street. corner 10th. Mr. C. O. Terry, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Chicago, Burlington at Qulncy railroad, was in the city yesterday. little prices and big values In new spring check and fancy Mack and colored dreaa goods Just received at the Low Price Store, 491 Bond street. English long cloth, all grades, at C H. COOPER'S A gentleman who was up from Sea side yesterday stated that a new com pany had been formed to handle Sea side property, known as the Herr Most Land Company. The Foard Stokes Company have just added a retail cigar department to their main store, and have placed on sale a line of fine cigars Just re ceived from the East. Mr. Phil. Carrol was married for the second time Saturday evening by Jud?e McBrlde, Just before court adjourned, to the wife from whom he was di vorced about a ye ir ago. A. F. Krager, the Scow bay wood yard man, who has been shut out from the river by the building of the rail road, will have to move his quarters before next season's supplies come. Contractor Normlle yesterday com pleted the work at Clatsop cemetery and moved all of his horses, traps and outfit to the city. The engineers will now block off the new grounds Into lots. The bulletins of the big fight at Cir- son will commence to be received at the A. F. C. at 9 o'clock on the morn ing of the 17th. The entertainment to bo given in the evening is for gentle men only. Tbe school board held a meeting, yes terday afternoon, at Clerk Ferguson's office, to consider the question of changing the location of the John Day school house. A number of John Day people were In attendance. Contractor Goerig has completed the connection on the railroad line between the O. R. & N. dock and Scow Bay depot. Work Is being pushed vigorous ly by all of the contractors, and pile- driving within the city limits will be finished in the near future. At the evening session of the circuit court Saturday, after the returning by the Jury of a verdict In favor of Fred Webber against the Clatsop Mill Co., for 1313 damages, the court adjourned until April 5, and the regular panel of the Jury was excused until that time. Sheriff Hare reports that a large number of taxpayers are paying up, particularly among the smaller property-owners and non-residents. Only a few of the larger taxpayers have yet turned In their money, but on the av erage it is a better showing than was made last year. It is rumored that the water com mission made a surprising discovery of some description regarding the con sumption of water in Uppertown. The particulars could not be learned yes:er- day, but will doubtless transpire in due time. It is probable that tne disclosure will cnate a sensation. Mr. Bob .Mcintosh, the well-known ship carpenter of Portland, ha be"n appointed In the place of Captain In gram, who sailed yesterday with the City of Madras, to superintend the work of moving the Glenrnorag off North Reach. Another attempt w ill be made next June to get the stranded vessel into deep water again. A Cutting Affair. At W. J. Sculley'g hardware store, 4!jl Bond street, where he sells clothes pins at 2 cents a du?en, rolling pins 10c, potato mashers 5c, stove lid lifters 5c, stove polish 5c, as bestos cooking mats 5c, candlesticks 5c, garden trowels 10c, curling Irons 5c, all sizes egg beaters 5c, two-foot rules 10c, haitchets 25c, No. 8 copper wash boilers 12, wood frame clothes wringers U.75. I 'nine' Celery Com pound la the Best Spring JVIedicine In World It Makes the fccik strum.!. Ve sell sad rtcoitarsd it. ESTES CONN DRUG CO. Commercial Stree In (he Justice's court yesterday, th case of George Wroten. cnarged wl larceny by bailee, was tried before it Jury, which returned a verdict of no guilty. John Heed, charged with as sault with dangerous weapon, was al iMught before Justice Aborcromble yesterday, and was allowed to go on his ow n recognisance, pending his pre liminary examination at 10 o'clock t hi morning. The complaining witness ! Antone Huber, who alleges Keed struck him with an Iron bar. The men llv on the John Day's river, and are said to be continually quarreling. Mr. Laws had quite an exciting ex perience Sunday, which almost result ed In his getting stuck tn the mud. In the morning he went up the Lewis and Clark In a boat to his ranch, and afterwards took dinner with his friend Llbke. After dinner the latter gentle man proposed that they ride horseback over the new road to the railroad near Camahan'a, so that Mr. Laws could take the train home. When a little over half way the whistle wao heard, and. the horses were whipped up Into a gallop. Out of breath and bespat terel with mud. they arrived In sight of the train just in time to signal It ajid. through the kindness of Conduct r Walker, who waited for him. Mr. Laws arrived In the city looking like a brick maker, and has not yet been able to put his feet together. DR. BCSHONG BETTER. 1 Oregonlan. Rev. J. W. Bushong, D. D.. who has .suffered a serious relapse at his home on East Morrison and East Twentieth 'streets, was yesterday thought to be 'slightly Improved. Sunday night, about midnight, his condition became very critical, and for a time it was thought be was dying; but there was an effu slon of blood from his brain, which seemed to give him relief, and he rested fairly well till morning. Yesterday he could recognize the few friends wh were admitted to see him. Saturday he did not seem to recognize any one I He is showing great vitality, In spite of his age and enfeebled condition; but he is very 111, and it is feared that he cannot last much longer. LENTEN SERVICES. .Calendar for Grace Church During j Each Week. I Monday Morning prayer at 9; Sun iday school teachers or Church Broth- lerhood at 7:30 p. m. i Tuesday Morning prayer at 9; boy j choir at 4. I Wednesday Morning prayer and llt- nocents at 7:30. Thursday Morning prayer at 3; carol practice at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and address at 4; boy choir and litany at 7. Friday Momlng prayer and litany at 9; evening prayer and address at 7:30; choir practice. Saturday Morning prayer at 9; Sun day School Guild at 10. confirmation class at rectory (for young members) at 4. The ladles meet at the hotel Tighe Tuesdays and Wednesdays In the after noon to make the vestments for the boy choir. (Continued from First Page.) for the beautiful, for there :s nothing more agreeable to the average mortal than words which drop from the mas ter pen like dew drops upon the open Ing flower. The pen that paints pic tures a thousand times more soothing than the painting of the artist's brush the latter pleases the eye, out the for mer fills our souls with beauty that makes us feel that God's wonders live, and that we are the proud participants of his generous blessings. For the time being we forget the dally humdrum and breathe a different atr, full of sweetness. I feel under obligations to you and to Miss Young, and bespeak, for the young Astoria lady a bright, happy future. H. W. Most torturing and ulsfiiruring of itching, burning, icaly akin and malp bunion la In stantly relieved by a warm bath with Ccti ccka ftoAf, a ningle application of Cfticuba (ointment), the great skill cure, and a full doee of Cctii'L ha Ukoi,vkst, greatest of blood pari tiers sod buinor caret, when all else falls. (pticira FALUNS HAIR "gtfttELZZZr- SALT RHEUM HOTEL ARRIVALS. Occident V. T. Everson, Al. Roonlcke, IS.rt land; Alfred Gibbon. Glenwood; 3. uouitor. c. c. llto, lwco; J. I Spencer. Clifton; J. W. Flanders. Low ell; Thd. Murray Sjieiuvr, ,St. Inil Arthur M. Brown, San Franclsr.i. Parker House George Hotran, Gray's River; J. 1. Crawford. Portland; J. u. Mnaoti Knappa; John Turpi. Jonn Vav': K G. K. West. Nehlim; Arthur Whltliv Fort Stevens; Chas. Oleson, l.lBitsh A SNAP. For awl cheap and on ,-sy ternia four choKv building lots In McOlury a Astoria. For particulars call on Howell Want, M! Bond street. TKKASt'RKK'H NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all nartlc holding Clatsop county wurrants In- dorsed prior to November I. IS9I, to present the sumo to the county tres urer for payment, as Interest ceases after this date. DiiLM this llth day of March. A. IV ls B. L. WA UP, TrcHsurer of Clatsop County There are now made special llttl trunks to contnln only the x Mists 1 my lady's wardrobe. A PIECE OF PARCHMENT vttien unwritten on. Is not more ' r less than the cadaverous countonano' of those unfortunate persons wn.iin v are accustomed to call "confirmed :i vallds." What a misnomer: Implying too, despair, a giving up for lost! long as the vivifying power of ll...t. i ter' Stomach Bitters can be felt, n that Is possible so long as there Is n absolute collapse of the fucultl, fre vitality can be Infused Into wasted feeble frames; color and flesh can be brought back to wasted, pallid Wk with this grand sheet anchor of he debilitated and the sickly It as a ton! of the greatest potencyatnd ine utmost purity, and a remedy for and prevent tve of dyspepsia, bilious, iiialurtous, rheumatic, nervous and kidney com plaints Appetite and sleep are gr.'at.v aided by It; It counteracts the effect of undue fatigue, or excitement, and nullifies the often perilous coiueijiicnc of exposure In Inclement weather or lamp clothing. Few men realise how often they are Judged in a woman's eyes by the nee. ties they wear. FROM CRIPPLE CREEK. After the big fire In Cripple Creek. I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies) without help, the cold only becoming more settled. After using three small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, both Ihe cough anil cold left me, and In this hlgti altitude It takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good. G. B. Henderson, ed Itor Daily Advertiser. For tavle by Ea tes-CVnn Drug Co. Green and violet seem never to lose their popularity In the world of mllll nery. TO IT RE A COLD IS OMR DAY, Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If II falls to cure. 2Sc. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. The new spring shirt walnts are made of cottons In very fanciful de signs. BILIOUS COLIC. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by tak Ing Cliamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarhoea Remedy, and If taken as soon as the first Indication of the disease appears, it will prevent the attack. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The tables at high teas are a-enerally uncovered save by pretty doylies. It Is said that a history or a proph' ecy Is written on every face. RHEUMATISM QUICKLY CURED. After having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying out J5 In doctor bills without benefit, Mr. 'Yank Dolson of Sault Bte. Marie, Mich., was cured by one bottle of Chamber lain's I'aln Balm costing 2S cents, and has not since been troubled with 4hat complaint. For sale by Estetv-Conn Drug Co. Printed velvets are very much used for fancy bodices. IMMIGRATION NOTES. The Oregon and Washington boards are doing good work and should be lib erally supported and encouraged. As a result of this wont many eastern people are turning their attention to the Pacific Northwest. If the reader has any friends in the East who are likely to come here this year, sent their names and adrlresws to the un dersigned and I will see that they get a supply of the best literature and In formation as to this country. GEO. K. BATTY, Soap Foam Washing Powder IH, QUEEN OF KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY I'urc White, It Will Not Make the Clothe Yellow, nor Injure the Fluent Lace. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Me4 on application. i Every lime there Is a rainy day wo men feel the need of some reform In their ordinary attire. OAHTOniA, -..! Vill'l.'l. urn Mitr.r.1 .-r... ... Notice is hervny given mm "' " li n moil council prop.we to construct a , tlri "i,.,! n.ppUin,lliii" ,iriiii'lit me, sewer on llth street. In the city of abhorrent to every iinl.-l woman ' Astoria, from the south sale of Irving jriiey are Miilarrnslng -(tcn um'Ic.s j avenue to th south Une of Bond street, i piiey should not be submit ted to until ', Th dlstrUt to be embraced P" ever thing rise lout been tried In! which ass.wstuent shall be levied to!,,,,,,, mINI u, lmf ,t Uwtr Is no r.-' defray the -ost of constructing said fr ttM, n ll,)fI iHUIr4 . f sewer shall be Inminlel lis follona, to- wit: Beginning al the north ,t com. r of M 3. block 113. .f Mot'luie Astoria, a extended by Cyrus oltwy. thence north- erly through block W and ft to tne northwest corner of lot J. block !"';!whjo has hud years f aotnal prattle thence easterly along the north line tx.rlifwa lit that rt.oulr line. of sold lot S to the northeast corner thereof; thence northerly ihroiiKh the center of block 71. 4i. . " and o l th northwest corner of lot 3. t'locK a, thence .-asterly along the north line of block 59 and M t a Mm i: feet euat of the northeast corner of lot 3 of said block &; thence southerly tbrouan block 5S, 61, 4. 5 and 70 to a point S5 feet east of th northeast corner of lot S. bbs-k 91; thenc .sonerly along the north tin of enltl blink 91 to the northeast corner of ld 5 thereof; thenc southerly through block 91 and J to the northeast corner of lot J. block ! 114; them' westerly along th north j line of blocks 114 and 111 to th place of beginning. The lots, blocks and parcel of land embraced In uch wrage district. above deM'iibel, are as follows: IOts t, S, 4, 5. . and 7. block 4. lot 2. 3, 4. 5. and 7, t.. k X), lota 3. 4, i and (, Mok 71: lots' 3, 4. S, and . block 4j. lot 3. 4. S and 6, block 44: lot 3. 4. 5 and block 60; lot 3. 4. S and 6. block ; 59; lot 1. 2, 3, 12, 13. 11 and west half of 4 and 11. block 5; lot 1. 2. 12, 13. 14 and west half of 4 and ' 11. block 61; lots 1. 2. 3. 12. 13. II and west half of 4 and II, Mock 61. lot 1. 2. 3. 12. 13. 14 and west half of 4 and II. bls-k U. lots I. 2. 3, 12. 13. 14. and went half f 4 and U. block 70; lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. 11. 12, 13. and 14. block VI: lots I. 3, 4. 5. 10. 11. 1.', 13, and 14. block 93-all In the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Mct'lur- and extended by Cyril Olncy. Estimates of the expense of mild 1 sewer and the plan and specification ' and diagrams! for the wutve and of the locality to be drained will be deposited by the city surveyor with th.- auditor and police Judge for public examlna- . (Ion, and may he Inspected at the ottlce of such officer. ; And unless a remonstrance, signed 1 by the owners of three-fourths of the property In said sewer asseamnent dl- ' trict be filed w ith the auditor and po- ' lice Judge within ten days from the 1 final publication of this notice, lo-wlt. on or before Thursday, April 1, lH'.i". ; the common council will order the con- ! structlon of such sewer , By order of the common counoll. ! Attest: II. E. NELSON, ! Auditor and Poll.-.. JudK. Astoria, Oregon, March 11. 1W. The Daily Astorian Has the Largest Circulation I on the olumbia River! everyone Reads It the Best- J THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? ROYAL Baking Powder has beta awarded highest , honor at every world's fair where exhibited. S.iin,, ex.ulslte' pretty lump of piipcr are In Persian effect ilntdcs Th bxl.r may ! n good tml etren , m.-ou-iil exumtnn thn ,),,,, k,,,,,,,-! ,rn0t,., .n' ilipetlit to treat fnnmle disease Tnoy, nMlkB fc iipwW, of ,y i j t.msolv.. They are distinct from i other ailments. They cn be properly ' . umteratumt and treat.! only by on . j Tm , f ,,r .. !..,,-,. ,.!,., (X,miltlig phyalclan of the Invalid's H.rtel and Surd.l Institute, at lluffa- ) , y Jlr j.),,,., thorite Pre- rl.tl.m. a remedy for all dorang- inta of th r,r.Ntu.iiii im.ia ,.f I womon. has bvn In actual its for mor j ; than thirty year. It cure every form ' 'nt "remain w.kn." Th happiest woman In the world l ; jth on who has forgotten the in.-a.i-: ; Ing of the word doubt . ' WANTED. WANTED-A g.l girl for gnral I houswrk at 363 Fifteenth trt. Ap-! ply Imtimllately. WANTED Girl for general house ; fork. Aply f91 I'oliuiuTt lal street. FOK RENT. j Klt RENT Nicely furnlsli.-i rwm. with Imth, for gentlemen only. Apply; at 314 Seventeenth trot. i FOR RENT 3 dwelling East Astoria, of . 7 and 4 hnuae In ' rliui r- SH-.tlvely. Trnna raaonabl. at I6U Harrison avenu. FOR ALE, lllilllre FR SALE Forty foot uniw for sale i 2. cheap. Apply 674 'otnmcrclal street . i i PKOFKH8IONAL CAKUM j SCHOOL SUPEItlNTENDENT, II. 8. LYMAN, tiiric. Ht.i Ttgl, corner llth and Franklin. Hour, first Wednesday of every mnth. a, m, to I p. m. Every Saturday, a. m. to 1 p. m. II. A. SMITH. DENTIST. CK, Rooms 1 ovet C. H, and 2, Pythian Building, Cooper's store. DR O. B. E8TEB, PIITSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to disease of woman and aurgery. omco over Dani'gers store. Astoria. Telnphona No. tX Pit. JAY Tl'TTLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oriloe, poms 6 and , Pythian bulldg Commercial St, Residence same Telephone 96. Aitlng assistant surgeon U. S. Ma rine hoHpltol service. II. T. CROSBY, ATTOnNKY-AT-LAW. 461 Commercial strsat I Q. A. IIOWLBY. ATTOHNKT AND COUN8KIX)R AT LAW. Office on Bond street. Astoria, Or. JOHN T. LIOIITKR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Aitorlan Building J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlisn. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON A DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, U. tt, M and T7, liiimllton Building. All legal and col lection bualn-aa promptly attendnd to. Claim against the government a spa Malty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODOE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communication held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOTINSBERRT, W. U. E. C. HOLDRN, Secretary. AHTOHIA IKON WOHKM Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Land and Marina Enln.. Bnll.r work, Suia bnal and Cannary Work a Spsclalty. Cartings of All D'tcrlptlona Mads to Ordar oa Short Notlca. John Fox.. ..President and Btiprintendant A. L. Fos Vie Prealdent O. B Prasl "ecrfctary First Nxtlonal Bank Treasurer Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER YARD, OFFICE 3&C COMMERCIAL ST. f BREMNER & HOLMES nowj""" Blacksmith HpiH'la! Attention I'ald to Htaallihoat Ma. (airing, lorsonUiHttitir. KW. LOCGING CAWP (flORK A SPECIALTY 17 Ot.NICY RT.,tt. tit ami lh. I.sn a p a kodak. at anr n.au ixiulua mii urn tuna ami u II n a iwrtisll of man brlmnOnN uf with iieMllit IIioukIiI. Hueb uiiallljr In the Hipioi. wa ha tooffnrah'siixiuili ! Ila hr nun. COM If AM) THY TIIKM nuoiuis & CO. A. V. ALLKN. DKALtRIN Grikerlr. Flour. FwJ. ProvWons, Fruits V...tKI. rm.U.rv P.laaaanJ PlaleJWar. Logger' Suppllf. Cor. Taath and Commercial strset. J. B. WYATT, Ph.na Ma. Aalafie, Ort( Unrdwn re, Ship Chandlery, GrocerlcB, ProvlBlonw, I'AINTH and OILM. Paclal AtUallaa Pal la mpptjma Ml. 4The Louvre" AST0KU i.OfK.rot'i ENTHRTAINMENT HALL I ri.MH Mnale. 41ama of All Kinds. Tmm Magnlnrant Hara. CYCRT THING riRT-ClHS Good Order aod Everybody's Rights RTHK'TI.Y tlHSKKY Kll. IH7a (M Fisrpcr Brothers, Sell ASTOKIA Lubrkatltii OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandlery, Hani wan', Iron A Steel, Conl. ( JrocerieM A Provisituis,. Flour A Mill Fewl. I'ttiiits, Oils, VftrniHluw, L)pp;('r8 Supplies, Fairlank'8 Scales, I)oorn A Windows, Agrifulturttl Iiiiplemcnu VViigons A Vt'liicles. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GF0.NIC0LL, Assistant. ornoB: Kopp's New Brewery Japanese Goods Oriental Curio NoveltleH WINCEE, 543 Commercial St. W. L. ROHH Real Estate and Insurance 110 KI.KVK.HTII NT. nrrtoa with K. A. Tnyli.r. SEASIDE SAWIHIbli. A complete slock of lumtwr on hand In the rough or dressed, Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ing and shingles. Terms reasonable and price) at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II F L LOOAN. Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. ASTORIA PUBLIC IiIBIW READING ROOM FRRD TO ALL. Onan avarr dav from I a'alonk tm I m and 1 10 to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rata tl aar annum. S.W. OO R. ELEVENTH DUANI STS.