TIMC IMIU ArtTOIllAN, FRIDAY MOKMNU, MARCH M, DH'7 THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the Country People kIiouKI cull to tlf ir aid the foluiillirt of llic WVcklv Ah toriun TIhto art novcrnl ri'UHoim why tlm WVekly Ah toriim'M circulation in ho 1 urge. Ono in that it h column con tain iuort reading mutter than any otlur iujht in, Oregon xcf I'tinj; a Portlaii'l publica tion. Tlie News of the World foreign, intcrrtattt and local, in pulilinlicd in its column. !t is ubsolutt.iy reliable ; hence its jMtjmlirity. The Weekly ABtorian contains 50 columns of read:ng matter every week. Just th'nk! All tho newa of the world for $2 a year. If you are not a nul Hcriher to this great jmjht you hliould Hcnd in your name at once. Second Oldest Paper in the State Ah nn advertising medium tho Uekly Antoiiim in iin MupaHsed ly any paper in the State outside of Portland. Thirty-three hundred copies are mailed each week to every home in the territory, both in Oregon and Wiisldngton, trib utary lo the City of Astoria. Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. and McKee Ave. Good Reason Why Lots , ..Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. Established 1873 Situated on the south side of Astoria's hills. Tweuty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days iu advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res iliences, overlooking river nnd bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed MARINE NI'.WS. I II Kill WAIKM. " WA'tKM, DATK. A.M. , f. II . ,; ' ,li.m ft i'li.niirt i ll m ft ii; ,ft Tlinr.duy II, ft y1 i ' I iM !!"' I 1 , ' hrMHY , J 1 a , Ui 7 ii "I ' 0 Hi ' ;l ifW I Hniiii.luy in 1 M7U:I0 MMII' Wit SI'I m ,11 l,i 7 a III Vi 7 u IS: i III 4 lirll Mutiny. . i,-i'o 1,177. ;u vrttiu H"A ?"'!" ...ln.i li; ; 7 7. M lril! ! B Vl o The oIpuiimt Kanny arrived down Ih rlvi-r y-nhTiliiy, with a lrK quantity of railroad ll. Ti... .i..iii,iIiIii Ktiiti. of ('ullfor mil .Ii.-. I ukt ..filii i mjtriit nif frmn Hun iiirn .t,i j . - Frnnrlm-n, and arti-r oin niirKing hit. irrfii)i'il up ttin river. frHich Tin .tti'niiiT K'cJJnnt cleared y-n-r iluy for Ni'liuli-m with nn aaaortinrn uf gem-nil im-r-' nd!m. Hli il 11 . mill yi'nlcriliiy. n sci-mitit "f the wen l ln-r, but will probably leave nut to iluy. Tlie steamer Hlgnal arrived down Ih ilv-r yesterday and He.rd for Han I'mm Urn with four hundred thouiam) feel of lumber i-inlgnrd In the llllili Lumber 'niripa.iiy . Hlio will probably ihII Imluy. A kIiuw i- at the "Viwe Owmi-1 on l he i'urlfli- ('j"t." recently taaued liy I In- (ViiM'inri IhI ruljllnhliiic l'tn,mi)' will iiiw tlutt tln'r urn a litrK niim Iht uf vi-ni'lii tin till ciiant wtiniM' nivima arc 1uiIIiImI. TIi r-tlcn of rii'i'iitliiK iiuiniK of vmiii'U oftiwi i u,- troiililf. iuhI imikIii, In fact, to l4i pro hlllt-l !' I'nllccl Htalm atatulrn, f,.l IowImh tlie (K'ttlcp ilinartn-nt law III rrH'r't to lnw iw localvj In the 1.1111 Ktatc. AliH'tiK the tllBrlnr mlohajt recently nolliml la Dint to the ily ateumer. A irm ilKuti'h from I'acUlc OroVe, Cnl., iluleil iliiri h . min: "At 10 a 111. the I'aclllc riiam ntpanmhlp iliiy lii'i nine illaahled while atteiuitlnK to leav Mm iJHiillna In a heavy nml tdroiiK Rule of wind. Her itlen f,ulml her irieller. KriuiiHtely, the ir..mtili Huiila t'rui wan there, anl tnweil her to Monterey, where ahe ar rlveil at 3 30 p. an., ami where It U li'ipe-J thr )nM-llertl hirH-il. NOTIC'K T1 MAIUNKIlrt Hw-nn lalnml lr (lower) pool lialu Willamette river. Notice la herehy alven that the Ihre.' lle tx-tutui, from which the flxel while IlKht Im tilutwn on tha lower end Hwan Inlanil Imr, WlllmiHMle river. Or. t'K'Oi. that waa oarrlej away nn the IMh f Kehruary lant. ha l.ren re placed, and thr IlKht I rc.emtahlliihed. T notloe affeot the IU( of Uichta and f,t ulaiiala. I'urlllr count, isyfi. pane :'4, alwi the lUt of beaxina and bouya. I'aclflo cut, lssi, patce 60. Hjr order of the Hirht h.ua board. JNO. J. MKItKEI.L, IJ.nit. Cotniiuuid)'. V. 8. Navy, Irmpentor 13th I II. DUtlrlot ottlrw uf V. H. !,lrhthiu Inniwtor. Portland. Oregon, March I. 1K97. KllOM CltllTLE CHEKK. I After the bla ftre In Crtin.ie rwv ""' vrry eevere cold and trie,! many i-rMKvll.fi wtthout h.-lp. the cold only lNmlnir nmre aettle,!. After twin fhreo amnll liottlea of Chamberlain' (Vuh Hiinly, lioth The counh and tJd left me. and In thla hlirtl uMltude It tokivi m. nw-rltorloua couch remedy to do any miod. . 11. Henderwon, ed itor IHiily Advertlner. For unle by Re tnn Iruif Co. A larce. hritiht red tvinb Indicate layer. A ;en ahowa her condition by thr color of her comb. T I I RIC A CLI IN (INK ia, Take laxative llromo gulnlnt Tablet. All druKKlHta refund the money If It fulla to cure. !5c. For aaJe by Chaa. Itonera, nruRKlat. The hen ouicht to be In the beat pot alblo rondttlon from now until nprlnif. tin't allow tho lunR to be Impnlred by tho contlnuiuui Irritation of & oouRh. It la eAAlAr to prevent oonaumptkm than to cure It. One Minute CaukI Cure takon early win uurd 0ff any fatal lunir trouble. Ctvia, IU(rera. The prlncoM Row n w ill be not -l miionn the npiintr modolH. I 1 I Oiw minute I all tho time neenwrr I to dwildo from iiereonal experlmce that jt)no Mtnutf Courh Cure does what Ita name Irnpll.. Chan. Hogcra. A chilling dish po,in ia ajnonc th- IIOVl'ltll'H for IihIit K-lftll. i Sllltllll Sou I. ..!.. .. ' ' i-nii im uniiiM Ml the Estes-t'onn Drnz Store I Of and 25c per jiiiekage. Why la It that the I .iffy over .vhK-h we have rousted our chooUn In the iiuik Inir always tantiw h,4 much better than the mmin article bought at th c.mfe tloner'a? A VXKCK OF PAUCHMKNT When unw ritten on, la not mor- : i ir Ioh ,than the eadaveroua couutcnanren ,i-m- uui.wiunaie persona wnom we t....... . are accustomed to call "conflrnu-d In valid." What a misnomer! Implying, too, despair, a KlvlnR- up for lost! A long a the vivifying power of llostet ter Stomach Itlttera can be felt, and that la ponlble o long aa there 1 no alwolute collii)e of the. facultle. freh vitality can be Infused Into wasted feoble frame; color and fleah can be brought back to waated, pallid iheks with thla grand aheet anchor of the debilitated and the tlokly. It is a tonic of the greatet potency and uie utmost I purity, and a remedy for and prevent jive of dyfpepsla, blllou. malarlou. rheumatic, nervou and kidney com plaint. Appetite and deep are ureal aided by It; It counteracts the effect of undue fatigue, or excitement, and nullltle the often perilous consequences of exposure In Inclement weather or damp clothing. I I ; iii - AVeficLiblc Prcparnlionfof As slmlla t lug die Food and lc2 uLj -ting Hie Siomnxhs oiid iknvcu of PromotcsDitcsliori,Cliccrrul ncss aiul ncs;.Contiilns nciUrr Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Najicotic. Mx Sm ' HwmSad Urn jfim rmrw. Atcrfrcl Itcmcdy forConslina lion. Sour Stonwuh.Diarrnoai. Worms .Convulsions Tevcnsh ness and Loss or SLEEP. facsimile Sifinoturr of NEW YORK. ' 1 Ti vwvrfxrrr iaWaiaaMit m EXACT C0VOf WRAPPER. if! MANHOOD RESTORED USUAJIIXU CSUiJ TP, UC'"0! .'-f ii. -V0B -i r,, e4 orove It. vr.wrr e. . fva' t. l,.-n'o-(-'J '. n. 'Im world. Many ytu rl i.l': ih I' J. .nl :! it t i itin -el n-nn .n-. ru jtoun und u.Maeiir. Ju.i :ry a nov. tou will ( iv t i.".-l h br. t. .i c.iw.y. (,ir m wrv I. fttrMjIuU'lf i'jrii' ! ,.y l jfcL'i: I vcr-. ., t..li ! ' ii, i 't ., , ,, ;,nf1 t'm.A Your l.lfr Ar " wnleniruA.'aitii.-iJ uaccviui'l UKall-l. HKUCUVCO., LhieourArvr Vtrk. Sold and Cnaranteed by Chaa. Roger. Druggtat- i. I IV There i one disadvantage In bilng flrat l, ly of the lanal. and that ! In the knowhdge that the title 1 l.onn I im day to be transferred to nnother. nilKl'MATISM QUICKLY CURED. After ha1ng lieen cimtlnen to the house for eleven day and paying out I'.'j In doi-tor bill without benefit. Mr. frank lxIeon of Sault Ste. Marie. Mich . waa cured by one bottle of Chamber lain' Ialn Halm coating :S cents, and haa not alnce been troubled with 4hat complulnt. For aale by tite-Conn Irug Co. And now they aay whiskers are reg ular microbe garden. Women, t a rule, prefer smooth-faced n an, I hey will be glad this flat h-ii tne forth. Tlie chninlr grumbler atlll live, but here are lewi is f chronic Indlge. Ion and lypiisla than formerly. Th fai Is. a many people In the past have taken Simmons I.lver Regulator that hey are now cured of these Ills. And a great multitude are now taking Slm mona IJver Regulator for the rune tnmblea and they'll soin be cured. 'It la the beat medicine." Mr. E. Koine, ltaltimore, Md. Many a woman who think ahe ha talent for managing other MH.ple's ffalr might better apply it to looking after her own. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., writs us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he completely cured them by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hasel Salve. It cures eciema nd severe skin diseases. Chaa. Kogers. Colored cut Flass Is heln,T shown, h-it t will never be so attractive to the artistic eye as the brilliant whitenei h:t uivords so well with sIKer i, line linen. CABTOniA. Tit f Don't talk about a third pn'ty over the telephone, as the said individual may lie, some where on the line where ery word Is quite audible to him or r and a nice little three-corner'd is Is the result. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's tali' where exhibited. Every woman has a theory reipirdln hnt she would do If she were I dlj- over a burglar In her room, out In nine case out of ten what actually occurs nev er corresponds the least bit with wit h her anticipated behavl ir. They are so small that the most gen- sit ive persons take them, they are so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headahce and torpid llv er yield to them. That is why De Witt s Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pill. Chaa. Rog- era A Handsome Comolexlon is one of thr ireatest charms a woman can pomen. Puuoai'a CoMmuuoR Powcsa (ire tt. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 14 of J. 1 SJ IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYERY BOTTLE OF Cutorli Ii p-t r j la tzli txittb nlr. It it sot tell j kii'c Dra't Clow arjesa to tU jd aaylluii tn cn U y1a or ynmt thit it It "jctt u rood" aai "will amnrtr rrerj jmr pom. ' " C,t that jn get C-A-8-T-O-E-I-i. ' " " I 1 By titln nr. Pean'i TeHmr Kam Pi lit Tni woodettiU maedy .n.MntMl la rura ail DCOTOO dla eaata, auch a Weak Memory, tot of Bralo Power, Ueadache, Wat. IuIlkm, Lmrt atanbootl, NlKbtly CmlMJona, Nerroaaaa, ail drain. lew of power in ueoeraur uraan oi eiuicr au cwn i 17 "'"7" tkro, Toultiful rrora, axomjra tue of totaaeeo, opium or aumolaota, which lead to lnnimUy.ConaanipUooorlnaanlt. Caobaearriad U cat pocket. 1 per box, lor ti, by mail prepalX Circular Free. Sold byalldraraUu. Ak lor It, take Bo other. Kannfactnred by tha Paaa Medlclnn Co.. Part, rnoe. Laua-Darla Drag Co, rtlatrthMUag taenia, Toiid. ao4 Yamhill Ma.. PonUod. Ob J. W. CONN. AxeaL Aatorta. GUARANTEED TOSACCO HABIT . mmm i j o deatrot ttic4r fwf ftwiM !n aa? I You can't be very despondent w'nen there I a promise of spring In blue lilies and brilliant sunshlni-. I The doctor may be a good old man. hut even so. medical examinations and the "local application" Treatment are abhorrent to every modeet woman. They are em bamuwlng often useless. They should not be submitted to until 'everything else ha been tried. In nine case out of ten. there I no rea son for them. In nine cases out of Men. the dmor In general practice Isn't competent to treat female disease. 'They make a branch of medicine by themselves. They are dbHlnct from other ailments. Thy can be properly understood and treated only by one who "has had year of otual practice and experience in rhl particular line. This Is true of Dr. R. V. Flsroe, chief consulting physician of the Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffa lo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, a remedy for all derange- mentu of the reproductive organs of women, haa been In actual use for more than thirty year. It cure every form of "female weakness." If the poultry house la kept dry and air slaked lime I used plentifully. ti:e lunger from roup will be less. Many cases of "Grippe" have lately been cured by One Mtnute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted to the cure of this disease. It aots quickly, thus preventing serious complications and bad effects In which this disease often leaves the patient. Chaa. Rogers. Oatmeal, or rolled oats, as It Is known, Is an excellent food for small chickens. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. A fla il ai 1. ' bee litutar , Dry earth sprinkled plentifully ui.d?r roosting perches dally cannot be too highly recommended. It acts us a deodorise!, and treserves and increase j the value of the manure. DANGERS OF GRIP. The greatest danger from La, Grippe is of Its remitting In pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we liave yet to learn of a single case having resulted In pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that this remedy Is a certain pre ventive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure In less time than any other treatment. The B5 and 50 cent else for sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Select for breeding purposes the hens that are livelier and more alert than others. They will lay more and are : lea liable to disease. I II'" Nebfoot Torn I'nre No cure no pay. For sale at Estes-Conn Drnff Store. TK4ftlMMirtTtO I.I It. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Train leave Hasld for Astoria a I.mi a. m. and 2 p. m. dally. Train leave Astoria for Flavel at I i rn and 4 p. m. dally. Trains ve Astoria for Seaside a Hi:30 a. m. and 4 p. m, dally. Train leave Flavel for Astoria at t t. m and J:M p. m dally. GO EAST . . VIA ., Library Car Route AMERICA'S RCRNIC LINE. IcaN it Rock Balllit Mo Da it D ii The all-rail route to Kootenai mining district, via Beat tie and Hpokane Shortest and Quickest Line -TO. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Library Observa tion Cars. Daily Trains ...Fast Time BERVICK ASD BC'ENEKY CXEAQl'ELED For tickets and full Information call on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. T. A., Portland. Or. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A.. Seattle. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE MM TELEPHOSE Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m daily except Sunday. Leaves Portland daily at I p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. B. SCOTT. President E. A. Seeley, Agent. Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent. Astoria. Telephone No. 11. Meals on the European Plan The dollar -a-meaj meth od of operating; dining cars is no longer in vogue on the Burlington Route. Something better has ta ken Its place. Meals are now served on the Euro pean plan you ,pay only for what you order. The pay-for-what-you-order way Is the only right way to run a din ing car. It Is in opera tion all over the Burling ton system St. Paul to Chicago. Denver to Chicago. Denver to St. Louis. Kansas City to Chicago Prices are reasonable and the service is as good as It can be. C. SHELDON. G. A Portland. Oregon. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN ' line:. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thla is the GREAT SHORT LINE Betweea. DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and Soutl.. Their Magnificent Track. Peerlesa Vea tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given tnis ro&a a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel aver this famous Una All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD. F. C. 8AVJVQE. Gen. Aa-ent Trav. F. and P. Agt 148 Washington st. Portland. Or. TUansfUKTATION IhM. Going East? IP YOU ARB, DO NOT POHOBT Three Important Points FinST-Oo via the St. Paul becauM the line to that point will afford you the very bent service., SECOND Bee that the coupon beyond Pt. Psul reads vta the WtHConsIn Cen tral because that line make close cod nnotlon with all tha trans-continental lines entering the Union Depot there, ad its service Is first -class In every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket read, lng via the Wescowln Central Unas, or address JAS. C. POND, General Passenger Agent. Milwaukee, Wis. Or GEO. 8. BATTT. General Aa-ent. Portland, Oregon. 0.R.&N. GIVES CHOICE OF 2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha of St. Paul Penman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Franeiseo.' Columbia, Wednesday, Feb. 17. State of Cat.. Monday, Feb. 22. Columbia, Saturday, Feb. 27. Start of Cal., Thursday, March 4. Columbia, Tuesday, March 9. State of CaL. Sunday, March It Columbia, Friday. March 1. State of CaL, Wednesday. March It. Yor ra.ta miA twnwi tMMnMnM. n on or add rose O. W. LOUNBBKRHT. t Agent. W. H. HURLBURT. ' Oen. Paa Agt, Portland. Or. e. McNeill, President and Maaagar. This Railway Company Operates Its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by electricity through. out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago; the Chicago, riilwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestlbuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking oars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor cars, free reclining chair oars and the very best dining car service. For lowest rates to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to ticket agent, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Aupsta.... a A L L a ...Open for Special Charter... Sailing date to and trsa TllliaiMk aad Nehalcm depend upon the weather. For Freight and Paaatagar Rata Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS O. R. N. CO.. Arat. Portlaad r Capsules are tupHb Cooaiba, Cubebs orlilectionsand f J3f CURE N 48 HOURS tha lama diseases without! inconvenience. I Sold tr ft Jrurri,tt. Milwaukee