THE DAILY ASTUR1AN. THIIKSUAY MultMNll, MARCH ll. IH7. Fancy Slippers Ladies Walking C fin AC Durable School ollUCa Seasonable Goods Rubbers Rubber Boots, Etc John Hahn & Co. 479 Commercial St. An YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Maximum temperature. 44 deg. Minimum temperature. U deg. Precipitation. .AS Inch. Total preolpltarton from September 1, 1, 18, to date, SS.50 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1. todate. 1&.S2. TODAT'S WEATHER. Occasional shower, cool weather, frwsh northerly wind. TO RKADERK.-T1IS "Wally Aitoriu" oatalna twtes a mack reading manor a Bay aithsr par pabllahed la Astoria. II ! ta amly paper that praae.ta Its raadara arils, a dally talegraphle report. TO ADVERTISERS. -Taa "Dally As arlaa" has aiara tkaa twlea a anaay rad- r ai aay olfcsr pap' pablUk4 la Asia rla. It U tkarafor aiora tbaa twlca a salaabls a aa adrtislag Madias. Mtata af Oreana. j Caaaty af Clataap.1 Wa tka aadarslgaa-d, local saaaagor. raapaatlvaty af tka Wsotara Caloa aad Postal Tolograph eooapaalra, karaby a U(y tka Ua "Dally Assorts" la tka oaly apor pabllshod la Astoria wale bow ra ooiroa, or at aay Us, .arise aar ooatrol af aaM ! kaa rooolvod, a tolograpkl. prat, rsport. . D. JOHNSON, Maaagor W. V. T. Co. J. R. CLARK. Maaagor Postal Tal. Co. railroad contractor.. Good result, are being obtained, and if you want to keep pace with the times, keep your eye. on railroad. At the session of the Royal Aroh Man Chapter, Tuesday nljrht, -veral candidate were admitted to member ahlp. One of the strange coincidences In the circuit court this term waa a Jury last week on which there were four one-eyed men. r.ngineer CurM m rvorted yester day afternivw to be In an Improved condition, although the fever has not yet been broken. Just revived, my Ural shipment of aklrta. Every one U a beauty. No two alik. A few ults at Cohen's Iaw Prtc. Stor.. Mr. A. V. Alton's residence is being moved front the corner of Ninth street and Franklin avenue to the corner of Eleventh and rYanklln. Utile price and big value In new spring oheoka and fancy black and colored dre goods Jvurt received at the Low Price Store. 491 IVnd street. AROUND TOWN. Our lives are measured by the deeds we do. The thoughts we think, the objects we pursue. "Oypstna" ae Swope. " Orpine" the only duraU wall service, are being well at- Lenten tended. The Mil evening. TaJlant wUI entertain this Had a penson attempted yesterday to change his apparel to conform to the weather, he would not have had much time between change to smoke cigar ettes. The Kasil Japslca of Nations promises to be one of the unique f.-u irs of tne period. The ladles of the Presbyterian Missionary Society are working hard t make at at success. Yesterday Henry Sherman and Thou. McGlaushen completed the purchase of the livery stable and transfer business of F. S. Dement Co.. and took pos session last night. Miss Clara Buchanan, who has been qulto til for the past two weeks. Is rapidly recovering. The young lady was able to leave her room for the drat time yesterday. TOCNKCfX9COC70C3X)OC00C reoeoooec Ml 8 Warrenton Is the Best... fried in COTTOLKNK h a 'most toothsome morsel to tempt a fickle appetite. . Once tried, then all desire for lard-fnea thints will vanish. Evcry- v:r r-A :., rnnvu wmp t..t some and hcalthtul less greasy, tastes better, more digestible. ' TbtOttaIataul-m4rkau'VlaM'ta4 xr" 4tn mnllnil-iiiHi) tu. v 1 HE N. K. FAIR8ANK COMPANY. 9, Et.laU, tbtr.iito. lumril, Knatlaoi, t'ui:lan O... !. W Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mads on application. THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? and Jim Is the horse who doo the Ira.vlnjr ami goes from Iiuua- to h mo without a driver in advance of r'rtts. who, perchance. Is making deliveries. Jlkit knows hla lu slm-w, ami even hl master can't fool him us to where the next customer liven, hlthough he often tries it. All three are -'Me friends. UTU STKKKT HKWKIt NiTlt'K. The news Notice Is hereby given that the coin mou count-it proptwc to rnsiruct a sewer on 11th street. In the cliy of Astoria, frm the south side of Irving avenue to the south line of llond tr. t j ine uiMinci to ic embrncc.1 upon I w hich ass.;neui shall b levied to defray the cost of constructing said f the death of ex Soiufr sewer shall be bouiuled us follows, tiv- NOTtCK. NolUv is hereby given that Ihei-o are nnuls In the city tn-astiry to y all warrant Indorsed prior o March I. IS!4, except warrnnts drown Wail Inlercat will e an.-r lliln date. J. V. HN. t'Hy 1Y.-astir.-r. Astoria. Maivh . IV.'7. A aeiiMtlile girl will not keep a l"i of e.miuetW's mi, I rouges on iiei toilet table, but III. it. me n few nrdi'les nhe should lw-a-s have In a ron enleni place. BREMNER & Tnlel'llollo No. OJ HOLMES Blacksmiths l.NOKIt8 HI-' 1 1 Itl 1'. loseph N. Iolph was reielviM here wMh many expressions of sorrow. The .leceasvd had many warm friends In Astoria, and his wit: WAItNtNt! i.eKI,m,K m inenortnneatt-urneror Any ,,rl1)l, r det.H-ted In lot i. bl.-k 113, McClure's Astoria, a krcAUm, tle feiH-. or otherwise trr.- sudlen demise wa... extended by Cyrus Olney. theme north- linjwln- mh. ..r.rty of the Klav a aunnse W ail. Tne ,UspacJ In yes- eny mrougn di.h-ks w ami H to the AIU, ,n( jwelopmnit Company III b tentaya Astorlan. stating that his nonnwewt corner or lot m,h k h, xrvna Mv nn- cnances ror reovery were improving. "em-e nuieny aiong me norm line Thta order will Im rigidly enforced Ttie KlavW Ind Ivvelopinent t'o. J. M TfltNKY. Sec. Flavel, Fobruary 0. H97. not yet come to and end, and the later thereof; thence northerly through the news of his death was a shock to all center of blocks Tl. 4S, 4. (0 and to hi friends. the northwee corner of Jot S, block M. . i thence easterly along the north line of I The danger from l.a Urtppr Is of Its rivultliig In piieiliiioula If lea soititble enre Is iihp.1, however, and I haiitlM-rltUn's Cough lienieOy taken. (all danger wtll lie avoided. Among Hie leu of tliolliutll'tn who have Ue tills jroinedy for la grle, we have et to learn of a single cane having resulted III pneumonia, which shows coii-lutvs ly that this rmiNMy Is a wiintn pre ventlve of vluu ili.tul disease It will effect a permanent curs In lea time than any ther treatment. The and 1 W cent slue ftr sate by Katea-Coiin ! Prug Co. A SNAP. W.H-Jcs i and M to a point lb feet eaat If King Oeorge Is compelled t.i ti..,Me between an alHlicaUon and a Hiking, he 'will doublbsut take the IK klug of the northeast corner of lot 3 of said For saJ. cheap and on easy terms, I block SS; thence southerly throuan four choice building lots In MeClure'. I blocks W. 61, 64. Si and 70 to a tiolnt Astoria. Fr particulars call on Mow-ell feet east of the northeast corner They ar. small that the m.t sen- 'of lot S. blm tl; thence easterly along "Uv. persons take Iheiii. they are so lerreotlve that tlte nxstt oiMtlnate oases 1 She sluNild have an array of glaaa stoppered Isittle .Mitlnliiir alcli .1. caitthor. gtyerlne or vaseline, alum, borax and ammonia. BIDS WANTED. j Bid w ill be received by the Grimes ! southerly through blocks 1 and t3 to Recorder Williams leaterday received th. follora'lng deeds for record: George A. Dorrla et al. to Mary J. Dubois. l t 10. bkx S. Ocean Grove, ITS; Annie Feake to Max StraU tot S. block . Adair's, tso. Boow, sunshine, rain, and a gale all Id one day! Ladies" batlt mod hair-dreaaing paxlor, 107 Twelfth street. August Erickson Portland yesterday. was down from Ekstrom has the only complete stock of Jewelry In the city. Treatment for dandruff and loss hair, 107 Twelfth street. of Utaa Alice Munaell, graduate optician, offioe to Shanah&n building. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. n at I o'clock. 17. Grov. Land Co. for ivpaira to the rail-! the northeast corner of lot . block road bridge at Seaside up to 10 o'clock IH; thenoe westerly along the north Saturday, March 13, 18t7. Plana and ! line of bloclu 114 and 113 to the place apeclflcfctlon will be furnished by E. Z. of beginning. Ferruaon, Sec. The lot, blocks and parcel, of land - .embraced la such sewerage district TREASURER'S .NOTICE. above described, are as follow.: Lots S. 'J. 4, 5. , and 7. block 4. I Notice is hereby given to all partleailots t 3, 4. S, t and 7, block W TWO Strike .-U- not t.-t afrlk 1Kb! .... I noldlnr ClStsnn nmntv WBmnl. In. lots S 1 A an. I V.t... .1. -1 . I . "Tru "u,la dorsed prior to November 1. 18M. to J. 4. S. and 1 block 43; lots 3. 4 minds or a great manr businvss mn ' .. . .. - ... ' . preseui me same to tne county treas-i and (. block 44: lots 3. 4. S snd impression urer for .. ' KLiek an. i..i. t t . ui.u Win VlU I na.(H.I fhl TICK tv nt Tk & r. kir A . . It t,l l. ru. a a w II, UH'V t I, 13. 1:'. 13. 14 and wettt half of 4 and 11. block (I; lots 1. I. 3. II. 13, 14 :and west half of 4 and 11. block 4; AFTER HCNTINGTON. lot 1. 2. 3. 12. 13. 14 and west Ihalf is 4 and 11, block 5; lots 1. 2. 3, Frankfort. Ky .. March 10 Attorney 1 12. 13. 14. and west half of 4 and 11. General Taylor today filed four suit i bl,Kk 0; 'ol" ;- 3- 5. I". It. sor. on the Drlnclnal that all wither against the Southern Pacific road for;. . "' DIO,K sl: - i. ... ij, sno the north line of said block tl to the northeast corner of lot S thereof; thence "1 ""-""' neaun.-e ami iorpi.1 , . ., Witt'. Uttle Early Riser, are known aa the fwmous little pill. Chas. Ilog line Webfoot Corn I'ure. No re no jmy. For hi tea-Conn Iratr Store. i A little ainphor and water should ,!, Ulj M m .jsh for the in. ruth and Ambassador 1'ayar.l say that looking thr.iat If the breath I not sweet over his record In England he has. , nothing to take . k (' w ill take something back next month strike. If not, good Astoria this summer. time. The gale of last evening may have been a fartrweii gift of winter, and today may be a pleasant one, owing to the change In the moon, but there are those who have placed bets that today will be as ugly as Its predeces- vistt Dated this 11th day of March. A. B. L. WARD. Treasurer of Clatsop County. Many oases of "tliipie" hav. lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cur. This preparation seems miwlally adapted to the our. of this disease. It act quickly, thus preventing serious oomptloattona and bad affects In which this disease ofte leaves the patient. Chas. Roger. OAHTOniA. rvths- riall sit. wsrf nst- WANTED. Hpnclal Attsntlon Cnld to Mtowjuboal lifc palling. First class Ilorsoaliooiiitf, Kto. LOCCINC CAmP GIODK R SPECIALTY i in ni.Ngv nr., bsi. a.i and 4ia. .SNAP A KODAK. Kt any man runilit. oui if ur stars aiul yuu It a liortralt of a man brininilu. over will) pirawul lti )(. Much quality In th Hsiuon w ban lonetarsutnisli U ile nf at as COM K AND THY TIIKM tlUOME-S & CO. A. V. ALLrlCN, DIAUglH Gr.flrt, Flour, Fred, Ptovltlont, Fruit Vff tablet, Cmcksry, GUts.nd Plated War. LogferV Supplle. Cor. Tsalk and Mfsata. J. B. WYATT, fasas Na. M Astsrls. Onasa- HnrcJ wore, ShlpChaiifilerys Grocerlct. Provision!, PA I NTH and OILM. signs fail irt Oregon. Mr William Edwards yecterday com menced the erection of a handMinr- cut- tage In Warrenton opposite the resi dence of Mr. Phin. Warren. Architect Delln made the plans for this unique suburban residence, and Mr. Edtvards declares that he will build other, dur ing the coming season. '1 i K in ii t it rmnnlllu f..m ..J1lnM. . . . ' ' ' "' ' lal11K lu o tne.DlM.k , th(i (.,ly ttf Af)torljl ai Kentucky state otlleers. The company laid out and recorded by John McCtur was organixed under the laws of Ken- a"'1 extende.1 by Cyrus olney. Nt long ago a lady In Japsit during Illness had 421 physlclaiM In attend- ame. It Is, nerhaiw. iinnereaxnrc i. state that h-r Ulnn wan fatal. lUI.lOl s cMC. tucky and not long ago compromised a heavy claim for franchise taxes on which the stat- threatened t. sue. Th present claims aggregate J132.0O0. CIRCl'IT COl'RT. Weather, and weather of all kinds yesterday regaled pedestrians. Hav. you any Jewelry that need, re pairing? Take It to Ekstrom'.. There .were no case. In either the police or justice courts yesterday. Mrs. Stjeriunrom. 107 Twelfth street. treat, rheumatism by massage, the only cure. m.. ... in crwp games, it is said, win start up about the lath-a sure sign of re- turning prosperity. Mayor Taylor has not signed the spit ordinance. He will, however, because he himself Introduced it. General Auditor F. D. Kuettner's tenor voice haa been spoiled by grip not a railroad grip, either. Kxtlrnate of the expense of said sewer and the plans and specifications and diagram for Ihe nuii snd of the locality to be drained will be deposited by the city surveyor wtth the auditor and police Judge f,ir public examina tion, and may be Inspected at the otllce of suc h ollb er. And unless u remonstrance, signed by the owners of three-fourths of the ; property In suld sewer assessment ills- Persons who are .subject i.i nttiu ks f bilious colle will lie pleased to know that promt relief niny be had by tak ing Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and IMarhoea Keiiiedy. and If taken as son " Ihe flint Indication of the ill-uas-a.-ars. It -n ill prevent the attack For sale by Esti-s-Conn lrun- I'n - SITUATION WANTKv-Hy Japan-' .w cik. In family, hoarding house, hotel, restaurant or sol.K.n. Address j H. K.. tin Commercial street, city. j ! WANTKlv-A g"l girl for general' houewrk at M3 'Fifteenth street Ap ply lmmeill(t.y . f FUR MBNT. Flt IlKNT-Nli'ly fiirnllie. r-M.ins. with Uith, for g-iitlein.-n only Apply at 3U Seventeenth street County Clerk Dunbar yesterday sued a marriage license to Noah Delude and Mary Lambert The most attractive and Inexpensive li-ht furniture of bamboo made to or der at 618 Commercial street An unfortunate accident occurred . Th f,.n,.H .... . . , ' ne roiiouing onlers w ere entered In yesterday afternoon at the n-w "Fish- . ermen's Protective Cnlon cannery." .Ih "Urt y: Tne fraine work for the tit,nain.riii ; Edward N. La Rose Vs. Colunildn uhlch was well under way. was blown Amusement Co.: Judgment for I.V'" W"h ,h" ttuJI,"r an' '- ,w k .k ....... . ' " Julre within ten ilnys from the ii l.l. and attached DroDertr nnl.rnl ru..i ,.i.n....i .n. ---i....... u.fii. u'ui ..i (inn nui lie, lo-wil, mM- n or before Thunnlay, April 1. 1S97. O. E. Ward vs. Howell & Ward- ludir. 1 1 e ",mm"n council will order the con struction of such sewer j Hy order of the common council The time may come when It will Iw necessary to tluiiik Mr. olney for avoid ing war until the justification f,.r go Ing to sr vwut uninlstukablv n.i.(,nr..i,i down by tha heavy westerly gale. is understood that no lives were loat, but the accident will delay the cnmple-, tion of the building. ! ment enwred for the defendant on the There were opened yesterday by Re- i verdict. lver Fox, of the M. C. Crosby store. I h r:ep,n i iv, ... , , . , . . 1 'erson at Co. vs. Andrew Rauma- bids for the entire stock. The first I ., ' two bids Wed. at 2 oclk In the after- 010 " ' "rik' fr"m tne flle" r- noon, were Howell & Ward. 13,?.00: ' ,aln p a,ppr Purporting to be an assign- CV.n kI C dal. s ru-.n . , . a oiu, h,wi, ana. later in ttie 'neni or Anorew Kauma: argued and day. Howell & Wart. W.S0O. The latter j f ubmltted to the court. to rug a t iu.n ts iink iv. Take laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It ! falls to cur. 2(le. For sale hv Ph.. '. Roger., Druggist. j Knit HAI.K Forty fMit sis.w for sale ; cheap. Apply h'i t 'iniii.-rvliil street I'ltOFKUIONAL, CAItUH SCIHmiL 8 1 ' I ' E 1 1 1 N T K N I ) ICN T. II. 8. LYMAN. I ofllce. IbrtH Tlglie. n.rner Hth and: Franklin. Hours, first Wednesday of' every month. a, m, to I p. m. Kvery j Hiiturday, I a. m. to I p. ni. settal AltMltoa Psl4 Is ssstylaf taiss. uThe Louvre" 4ST0HU 8 GORbtOm ENTERTAINMENT HALL a rtouH ' rins stasis. Uuih il All Klads. Twa Magalflrsat Nars. CVCRTTRIXfi riRHT-CUr ; Good Order and Everybody's Rights sTHICTI.Y OHRKKVKII. Lut'fli4tlll( OILS A Specialty. H. A. SMITH. DENTIBT. Attest: H. E. NKLSON, Auditor and Police Judge. A.itorltt. Oregn, March 11, 1H!7. Room. 1 and 2, Pythian Building, i over C. H. Cootier1. .tor.. bid was aocepttd, the others being re jected, and was approved by the court. A Cutting Affair. At W. J. Sculley'i hardware store, 451 Bond street, where he sells clothes pins at 2 cents a duen, rolling pins 10c, potato masher. 5e, stove lid lifters 5c, stove poliah 5c. as- is- bestos cooking mats 5c, candlesticks 5c. A. garden trowels 10c, curling Iron. 5c all sizes egg beaters 5c, two-foot rul 10c, hatchet. 25c, No. S copper wash boilers 2. wood frame clothes wringers $1-75. Mto Munell, the optician, can be found at her office In the Shanahan ounaing rrom a. m. to 5 p. m. Messrs. John Lewis, Howell Lev is and Owen J. Thomas. tlK- sculptor. w re aown rrom Knappa yeslerday. r i- - . . tui ror me "Husby," the best Wcycle on earth for the least money. $40 and $50. F. L. Parker, agent. Judge Gray', court room was yeter day used for a sitting room for the witnesses In the Armstrong case. Mr. W. Elliott, representing the San Francisco Examiner, called at the As torlan office yesterday afternoon. Eenglneer Jamleson is still on the Hne, where he has plenty of work In vestlgatlng the progress made by the Cheap tea you think we mean trash; we don't we mean Schilling's Best. It is the cheapest tea in the United States. If you don't like it, your grocer returns your, money. It costs him nothing. A Schilling ft Company saa rrancuco The property on the goutn-ast corner of Fourteenth street and Franklin av enue, persists in! falling upon the aide walk, greatly to the Inconvenience of pedestrians. The walk Is rapidly rot ting. A bulkhead would asslHt matters wonderfully. The same state of affaJrrt exists on the aoirth side of Franklin avenue between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Here the sidewalk is complete ly covered. H. B. Swartward, business manager of the Keeley Institute of Salem, to In the city In the Interest of the work. He can be found at the Occident Ho tel for the next week or ten days, where he will be pleased to meet those who wish to learn of the Keeley treat ment for liquor, opium and tobacco habits. Leave name and aililmu r,.r private interview, which are always strictly confidential. A very pleasant social gathering of young people was held Tuesday even ing at the home of Mr, f'.usey ,n Grand avenue. Amusement and gaiety held sway during the evening and were followed by the round or t'HithHome delicacies provided as a supplement. The bright scene Indoors was in happy contrast to its wintry surroundings, and the party was enjoyed to the full est extent by all present. Fritz, Jack and Jim are a triplet who make much amusement for the resi dent, on the hill every .mornlg. Fritz is the boss of ChrUrtien's butcher wa gon; Jack la the little dog that rides on the seat and look, out for burglar.. Charles Larsen vs. John Arnqulst et al.; application for an order that the receiver sell the gasoline launch; granted. Foard & Stokes Co. vs. John Arn 'luiit; judgment by default entered lnd order of sale made. State of Oregon vs. William Arm strong; on trial. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House A. Foster, South Bend; A. W. Stewart, A. Johnson. Fort Canby; W. B. Brown. St. Hel ens; John Turple, Astor. Occident James Powell, Albany: J. A. Brown, W. 8. Pond, C. O. Major, Charles P. Little. F. A. Coxhead, J. F. Taylor, R. B. May, Portland; A. Wag ner, Salem; W. 8. Btlll, A. E. Lanier, A. C. Oabun, Chicago; F. H. Parsons, HiHley, Idaho; R. W. Bennett, San Franctooo; F. Hlrsch, Potrtrnpos. The man with a petition Is beginning to arrive in Washington. The individual who does not happen to fknow that petitons do not count in modern politics is tut longer appointed to office. lushing, Irritated, iealjr, ennitd Ifealpa, dr, loin, and failing Hair, cleanud, parlflad, and beaott fled by warm aliampoua wltu Cutiods soap, and occaflooal drculiim of CuTicssa, paretics' emollluu, tbe gret( iklo caret. Itictira Treatment will prodoea s clean, healthy aealp with luxuriant, lojtrooa balr, when ail lUe falU. id threw himf the world. FmiiDiiiiufCua at-'-Haw la pradau Luariaat Hair," aullad baa. SKINS ON f1RE.7r The Daily Astorian Has the Largest Circulation on the Columbia River! Everyone Reads It The doctor way i. tt ,) id man. but even so. medical exsminntlons and i the "loi-al fkppllivttlon" iri-atriu nt are i abhrirrent to every rno..t woman. They are enilMirnisstng -oft.-n usvleas. j They should not be sulmiltted to until i everything el, ha been tried. In nine ut ,lf ,,n j.r,. no son for thom. In nine case, out of ten. the d.Kttor In general practice Isn't ' ooinpntent to treat fetmtle dlsenaes. i They nuike a branch of in.ill. lns bv ! themselves. They are dUtlnct from! other ailments. They ,-an be properly ' undersiKl and tr..t.v only t,y ne j ml... i... ... ".e. i, u.i years or not iml iinuilce "i-Tii-mv. in this imrtlculnr line. I This Is true f !r. t. V. n-ice, chief! consulting physldan of the Invs.11.1. 1 Hotel and Surgical Institute, at lluffa- i I K N. V. In-. Pb-n-e's Favorite Pre- scription. a rernwly for all il...,.,.- menU of .the rn.roru(itVe organ of women, has bom In actual use for than thirty years. t cures every form i JOHN T. LIOHTRR, or retnule wikm-wi " DR. O. B. E8TB8. PHTHICIAN AND BURGKON. Rpeclal att.ntlon to dlaeajuw of wornn and surgery. Offlc over Dani!ger. stora, Astoria. Tslephon. No. U IR. JAY Tt'TTLK, PHYSICIAN AND HIJROKON Offioe, nsmis S and , Pythian bulldg. M1'4 Commercial Hi. Residence same Telephone 96. Acting assistant surgeon U. H. Ma rine hospital service, 71 iNj, Brothers, . . i Sell ASTOPIA Ship Chandlory, Hani ware, Iron A Ste?. Coal, Grocerie A I'roviionH, Flour A Mill Fcwl, Paints, Oils, Varnishtv. Isofyjors Supplies, Fairhank'aHcaleB. Doors & Windowts, Agricultural Iinplfrnt'iit VVagona t Vehiolcri, H. T. CHOHBT. ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW. W Commsrclal itraat. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORN BT AND COUNHKIDR AT LAW. OfTle. on Bond afreet, Astoria, Or. It Is too bod that after Jim and Kltx get through with each ther they can t both wade out and give Nevada the thumping she i. serves, CASTORIA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oftles, upstairs. Aatorlsn RulMlng. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxsn. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 14. 23, M and tl. Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection busln. promptly attandad to. Claims against th. government a spa-.Malty For Infant, and Children. Yaa fe ll alia Ufaatut, BOCIETT MEKTINOfl. Those who think department stores ca.n lie put down bv leiin,, o, but a crude Idea of what constitute, business evolution. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday .venlng of aach month. O. W. LOUNSBERRT, W. If. K. C. HOI.DEN, Becretary. Soap Foam Washing Powder QUEEN OF KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY Pure White, It Will Not Make the Clothe Yellow, nor Injure the Finest Luce. AHTORIA IKON WOKKB Front Bt foot of 4th, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Land and Marina Englnat, Bollar uik, Siaaa boal and Cannary Work Spsclalfy. CaiUno of All D'xrrlplf.mi Mada to Ordar us Bson nouca. John t oi.. ..President and Buperlntsndant A. U Tax Vloa President O. B. Prasl Hacrslary first National Bank Trsiirar Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER TARD, OFFICE SS6 COMMERCIAL ST. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GFO.NICOLL, Assistant. orriOB: Kopp's flew Brewery. Japanese Goods Oriental Curios Novelties WIHG LEE, 543 Commercial St. W. U ROHB Real Estate and Insurance 110 KLRVKKTII NT. with K. A. Taylor. Offlc SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete .lock of lumlier on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kind, of finish; mold ing, and shingle. Terms reasonable and price, at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. ' OfHc. and yard at mill. H F L. LOQAN, Heaalde, Oregon. Proprietor. ASTORIA PUBlilC LIBRARY READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Opaa stmt day from I .'dock U l:M . and 1:10 to l:M p. m. i i ubscrtpttoa rata. II par' annua. .W. COR. ELEVENT" DtJANH an.