The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 07, 1897, Image 4

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    TIIK lUll.Y AslHUtiAN, Sl'MiAV mouninu, mahout.
Fancy - -"
Ladies Walking Qhrxac
Durable School OllUW
SeasonabU Goods
Rubber Boots, Etc.
John Halm & Co.
479 Commercial St.
Maximum temperature, 44 degree.
Minimum temperature, 34 degree.
precipitation, .6J Jnch.
TVKaI precipitation from September I.
M dae. Inches,
Exww of precipitation from Septem
ber I, 16, to date, 1. inch.
For Coast Threatening weather with
rain, wairmer. rreah east to eita wind
TO RKAIKR.-Ti Hatly Artorlaa"
stats twles aa wwefc resiling "atr
aa? etaer r MIihI la Astoria. It
( the not; paper that prsaesta IU laatara
lih a aally lrail rep-
TO ADTKRTISKIt. rs "Dally As
Vortan" hu mot tha tw !, -
r a eay paper saMtahed Is Aato-
rls. It t, therefor ors tws aa
-aiaabl aa aa MwtUisgsaedIa.
tat ef Ori. (
Wo, the ssrstgse. asasiagar
rsaseetlvety or ts ' i i-.o-.
Ki.i T.lMm mumli fcsreby se
al fy tha the "Dally Aorla" th aaip
pa par pahllsas la Aswwia sacs sow
mr at a- thsv starlag owe eoarol
f MU4 ,.! kaa wrl. aasigrs-
r PMlalTaLO
Money aawra rerythne.
Bat; guilty osclenc' sting.
Whose Immortal tormeats are
Quite uasuppartaMe t bear.
Nor the silver of Pern,
Nor the weak of East do soosr.
Nor the soft bed of down.
Nor the Jf4i of a crwn.
Can give ualo the mind a power
To bear It vlnge half an hour.
Roger Woloott.
"To reach The port of heaven, we
must safl sometimes .whh the wind
and sometimes against It, hut we mm
sail, and sot drift, nor lie ait anchor.
"Gype" ee Swope.
Vote for school director tomorrow.
C m4 V cellars tsd cafls at C.U.Cooper s.
"Gyprfae" the
only durable wall
Ladiea bath and hair-dresaintt parlor,
107 Twelfth, atreet.
Ekstrom haa the only complete stock
of jewelry In the city.
Treatment for dandruff and loss- of
hair. 107 Twelfth street.
Engineer T- H. Curtis was slightly
on the mend yesterday.
Mias Alice MunselL graduate optician,
office in Sbaaaban building.
Have you any Jeweiry that need re
pairing Take it to Ekstrom's.
Stt percales tsd white goods, CM. Cooper's
In the police court yesterday John
Doe was fined S3 for being drunk.
Purser Demia, of the steamship El
der, Is laid up with an attack of grip.
Mr. C.W. Knowing, the Portland hotel
man. was a visitor In the city yester
day. Mrs. Stjernrtmm. 107 Tw-lfth street,
treata rheumatism by massage, the only
Latest inveltiesti ckildres's head near it
C. fl. Cooper's.
Mr. D. K. Warren and daughter.
Maud, spent yesterday with friend In
the city.
Roll up a good majority tomorrow
foit school director and see that no dark
horses are run In.
Creamery square butter. 45c; dairy
butter. 40c, and good butter 35c per
roll at the Webfoot
Mr. H. B. Parker was sjble to be
down town yesterday, for the first
time In quite a while.
At Rescue Club, last might, there
was a full house, and an Interesting
musical and literary program was ren
dered. Among those wh took part
were Mr. Frank Sayle, the Kev. Henry
Mircotte, W. F. nrxlgrass, William
Beijueth. The exercise closed with a
talk by the president. The program
Let's take hold hands,
Mr. Grocer, and dance!
We've got some beautiful
business for you and with
you, and for and with your
Schilling's Best is the
tea. Pay every customer's
money back lhat don't like
it AVe'll pay you.
There's money, in it
A Schilling ft CflSBpaoy
las rnmuc ft.
commute for next week U MIm Flor
enc Turner, MIm Olga No, and Mr.
Frank Sayle.
A family of eight adults from Pektti,
llllnol. are getting ready to start fvr
the Willamette valley.
Sprihq styles nca's e clotsisg st C It.
Topa and marblea made their appear-
nc vesterday among mU toy. In
spite of the east wind.
I.. B. Seokyand A. S. Irne. of the
Hotel Flavel Company, were down
from Portland yesterday.
The jreneral merchant of tha rlty
yesterday reported doing the Uryext
day's buKlmwa in a month.
We have a full line of ccrn, wheat!
and other Nvds, genuine mtddllntrs, etc.
at the WebnwK ComnUaMton.
The moot attractive and Inexpensive
light furniture of bamboo made to or
ler at OS Commercial street.
Mba Munsoll,
the opttolan, can be
found at her office In the Shanahan
building from a. bi. U) S p. m.
V dress 8e4S .d silk aovelties
C. . Cooper's.
Walt for th Huseby," the best
bicycle on earth for the leaal money.
$40 and F. U Parker, agent
Mr. W. W. pey. the Portland cob- .duped. One man bought candles which
tractor. Tnt yesterday vlalMng S.a- i afterward he leariu he had pJd 15
side. Warmiton, FUvel aad Aatorla. lr rent too much for. and another
i man paid ti for a hundred pound 'k
Serricea C.rare church uxlay ax u'' c" a "gar, while at any of the
a, ra. and 4 p. to. Bvenln prayer 'ther store he could have bought 109
at Holy Innoceata' Chapel, rppertown. 'Piunds of American wsiear for IS.
Another touch of winter yesterday "Tat a. Kde of Immigration I netttng
demonetrnted that the weather bureau toward Oregon Is evidenced by the
tin Ttat) none of Its freeilng powers amount of Inquiries coming from eaat-
Litest styles faacy boson skim at C. H
Monday Is the day wiien all patriots
will turn out and see that they are
properly represented on the school
A special meeting of St. Axnea Guild
wtu ne new uaa afternoon m the v
try room at S o'clock
A jrye ttend-
ance is desired.
Prunes, evap. pears, peac-hee, apri
cots, pitted plums, cleaned currmata.
raisin in fact all Unda of dried fruit
at the Webfoot
Just received, my first shipment of
shirts. Every one la & beauty. .No two
aiilce. A faw tailor-made .raits ax
Cohen's Low Price Store.
little pricea and big values In new
spring oheckn and fancy black and
colored dre goods judt received at the
Low Price Store, A91 Bond street
A prominent physician said yesterday
that the yearly observance of Lent,
from a point of health alone, Is worth
thousands of dollars to humanity.
White collars isd cslfs for ladies it C. U.
It la .understood that the Manzanlta
will go on the ways in Astoria In a
few days, and the Astoria Iron Work
will commence the work of repairing ft becomes a dls.-a. effecting disas
her. t troualy that riieerful view of both the
Friday afternoon Jim McCamey fell
through the railroad trestle near the
Parker House dock, and. It 1 reported,
broke his leg, necessitating hi laying
up for repairs.
Martin & Co.. the Portland mer-
chants, yesterday signed the papers for old of eternity. The worth of religion
the completion, by June 1st, of the therefore, as a practical factor Is be
mile of railroad trestle between Hooth's 'ond the reach of computation, and
cannery and the Eagle cannery.
Some of tnoaeiwho attended the Hext -
Walther concert said yesterday that
great artiats could touch the hearts of
the pei,jIe hotter by giving a (tittle
le tragedy and a little more of the
home music and comedy.
Tickets are now In the hand of Sec
retary Ounn for the entertainment to
be given in the A.F.C. rooms the night
of St. Patrick's day. during whioh the
returns will be received from the big
fight at Carson by special wire.
J. H. Seymour has purchased the
stuck and fixtures of the Palace Jew
elry Store, and has removed his es
tablishment to the quarters lately oc
cupied by the latter institution, on
Commercial street, between Tenth and
Next Sunday the O. R. & N. and
White Collar lines will commence a
dally service, including a Sunday night
boat. The Potter will take turns about
with the Telephone, each running one
week as a night boait and the next as
a day boat.
Mr. C. H. Wortinan, manager of the
Olds & King dry g"ds establishment
ln Portland, spent yesterday In the
city. He said the appointment by Gov
ernor Lord of H. W. Corbet t as United
State senator was more than pleasing
to the business men.
Boy's set clothing it C. H. Cooper's.
Tlw Hercules Gas Engine Works' rep
resentative, Theodore Poindexter, has
been in town for several days, making
contract for Hercules marine gasoline
engines. Parties figuring on anything
in this line can find Mr. polndexter
at the Occident Hotel.
Yesterday was a busy day with the
merchants. A large number of people
were In from the country. Among
those who were noticed upon the street
were S. G. Williams, editor of the Ska-
mokawa Eagle, William Anderson, Eric
Hanhllla, Deep River; F. Olsen, Mr.
Ferrell, Olney; George Ahler. O. B.
Wirt, M. Raumgariner. skipamm, j.
Hayaeth, John Hunk and wife. Theo-
dor Chrtstlen. K. J. Kleiawsn.
F. IKvkner, F. HarMdua, Valluskl;
AlHlrew Youmr. Hans Sa.muen.
Younn'a IMver; , Pavld Kef'. J'"
Payn; Fred Uvirk. 0thlamel; Mr.
Judire MoOulre, 'alde; W. J. t'k.
Alex. Ti?ir, Clt-p: J- 'H'vkard,
MlaaHaAler. A. Aylmore. 1. H H "
arl. K. LUke, UU and Clark; Ctii.
Hatulct, vf the llshthU: H. 1
Thoniaa Rush. Swenaon; F. Uh.nle, Jlo
Coy'a Indln; C. and A. Soremwit.
H. T. AhlN-rit. C. U.iMlHr. U. K1M.
GrAy'a Ulver; lwr.-n.e Knyanl. Hilar
Rovk iVorue llnndt, Nrth Slun; Mn
iAtremo, Warrcuton.
It Is reportcl on good auth.tflty thAt
h,morrw morning another candidal.' I
to appear In the flold n- hvd dlr-hr.
ami that arrangements JiAve lceti nutdc
to ruh the polls and allde the dark
horse In. Voter should i it "a
m one but the right man. Mr. J. K.
HUnrtns. ahould Ret tr votes.
It wa ri'PrttM yeaterday afl.rnivn
that there would le an a.ljourne.1
nteettn miun n-luhl f );.iie Kn
gtne Company No. i. for the purp.e of
i taking step to nave ino cuy piin im-r
la new team of horae for the ,yimany.
The one now in have IhvO In con-
,,rvUw fk,r "'" y'"4" ln
parunei. aiw ineir ua "i
arv over.
Those whs Hit tended the auction aalc
of groceriea yeterlay on Twelfth
street wiw how easily humanity ron be
ern mate," said the Rev. J.J. Walter
yesterday. "I have received letter
from Nevada, Minnesota, and many
from Illinois, my own home. A bua
laem man In Carson say he haa beard
uch "voraWe favorable report from
Astoria that It Induced him to ask for
a candid statement of the farts. He
expects to move his buslnem here."
A Cuttin Affair. At W. J. Sculley's
hardware store, 451 Bond street, where
he " c,olhM l,n ' s cnta a doen.
rouing pins iwc, pntato masnera w
sto-e lid lifters Sc. stove pollah Sc. as
bestos cooking mats 5c. candlesticks 5c.
garden trows 10c. curling Irons Sc.
all sixes egg Water Sc. two-foot rulea
10c. hatrheta 25c. N. 8 copper aj,h
boilers $2, -ood frame clothe wringers
KOR 81' N PAY.
(Contlnoed from F1rt Page.)
for It would very quii-kly seek re'!-f
from them In the peace and silence of
sleep. While we live this life Is mure
Important than any other life.
Rut love of life, curiously enough.
must be modified, controlled, disciplined
by the truths of religion before we can
enjoy the higher kind of happlnt
The clinging Is well ,nougrl ln Its way.
and It has a divine purpose to luhieve
namely, to keep u Just wnere we are
until the One who in .wiser than we
thinks It time for our removal; but
unless we listen to w hat religion has
to say about the future the clinging
13 Hk a jnlsr's grasp on hi dollar,
present and the future which ! the
peculiarity of tho Idea; man. ltellglon
Is the greatest boon that ever fell to
the lot of mankind, because under its
benign Influence we are resigned to the
Inevitable while we remain here and
look forward to aomthing different and
better when we shall cros ithe; threh-
nd ln so far as you succeed In mak
ling It practical you render yourself
1 aatlsfactory to yourself and to the
Suppose we take the etatment of
'this scholarly and critical and logical
'Paul and examlmi It with some care.
It Is perhaps as startling an utterance.
as ever fell from human ll. If he
had said "To live Is gain," and had
reveaieu tne secret or longevity, we
should follow his directions gratefully
and implicitly; but when he tell us
that at a given period In our career
it I much better to go elsewhere than
to stay here we wonder what I Is men
tal and spiritual point of view may be,
for from our own point of view we
have doubts on the subject.
If there I any truth In w hat we) think
we believe about the future, then to die
would be gain. Just as It would be gain
to leave an unconvcnlent residence and
move Into one that is .more roomy and
better suited to our need. With heaven
a glorious reality, iwe could hardly
help being glad when the time came to
go there. If It I a place where we
shall not be forced to struggle fur the
necessities of life, where the limita
tions from which we now suffer will
be removed, where we shall have more
opportunities and more encouragement
to develop the best that is ln us than
Itblng, irritated, scaly, enured 8clp, dry, Uiin,
and falling ilnlr cleanxd, purified, sod beaatl.
Bed by warm ib.mpooa with Cuticuea Soar,
and occailonal drenli,g of Cunousa, purett (4
emollient, tie g reatett ikla caret.
Treatment will prodnea a eleao, beilthy aeilp
with lomrlant, Itutrou, taslr, when ail ,1m ft!!,.
Sold (hreaehA, tfc world. FottsbDbco.sdCbs.
Coar., Sol. rrop,., Boston.
sa''Mw to prodaw Laierlaat U.u," aulM foe.
SKINS ON nRE.aVSalljrr4
the prevnt iai xxlly aiTord, tlun
It become clir that when our friend,
carry our bodlini to the churchyard
tlu-y do us a KorvliH-. and the bell
ouifht not to Ml, but to chime. I'util
evidently hd till ftillh, fur lie de.larod
tht he had a liijlit to home
which at time wa beyond hi power
to control, lie av plainly what we
see only dimly tha the moet preclou
thnitrht ttuvt cornea In our dny l tl'
ihoiiKht of our tomorrow, and he I jftro
I twin mm told u that h wmiiUI
Ha I
to rejoin In that other aphc fl
low worker In who,, tmny , on the earth. ftVlt vvfrt) mu,
their farewells an j ukt- thr (V,r,
5illl. th present llf,. I. Important.
Why wa ra born In till lower level
and must fait on si.vp before we can
reach the high level I do not know.
It U ,i myMery. and wtll alwny re.
n0n uch. Hut of tin 1 m certain,
that fr aonie ginvl rean the provl
donco f UoJ lut, d.vrcvl tlwl a cer
tain amount of ex-iitnce and discip
line and educatlim nre mvenMiry lef,nt
w can be preparnl for the lietter
thing to wine. We get arquHlntcd
with oumclvcH here, and ttn-n, when
we have found out who we are and
w hat w. nre ami what our deallny I.
th cuctnln la drawn iilde and we cr
tle threshold of the temple.
Thom who have cie aw Alt our coin
ing, our ow n lcni I not yet learned,
but thHr I. And (Vxm tlielr higher
vantage ground they watcii i er 'W
aivl guard ua In ways uia; we cn.;i t
f,'ilhoii. A"ne day the . II will be
heard, and we shall obey it. 'I'll- HrM
of a Melting un gilds the evening
WihkIs with aplemlor, the rainbow 3pnn
the heaven, ami we have !he rich
promise of a fair day tomorrow,
All metnliers of liescue TSlglne Co.
No. 2. A. F. U.. the rcMueated to be
present at an adjourued meeting of the
company to be be held Monday even
ing. March , 1H97. at 7:30 o'clock sharp,
Kuainefc of Importance.
Attest: F. J. CAHNBY, Sec.
The members of the Pioneer and
Historical Society of Oregon will niei
at Wm. IPohl'a undertaking parlors
today at 2 p. ni , for the purpose
of attending th funeral service of
Mrs. Iaura FViretl. a pioneer of 147
It will be held at the Methodise church
at 2:30 p. in. Interment will be 4n
tha family K In the Hillside City Crtm-
etery. J. H. I. CRAY.
President of P. II. ft. of O
Notitv I hereby given that there ar
funds In the city treasury to pay all
warrants lndred prior to March 1
1S94, exct warrant drawn on Wall
street. Interest will cease after thl;
J. W. CONN. City Treasurer.
Astoria, March . 187.
Hbls will be received by the Grim
Grove Iuid Co. for repair to the rail
road bridge at Seaside up to 10 o'clc
Satunlay. March 13. 1X!7. liana and
specification will Ik? furnished by K. 7.
Ferguson, Sec.
ror sale chi-ap and on easy term,
four choice building lot In McClure
Astoria. For particular call on How e
& Ward, M9 lUrnd street.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beta awarded highest
honors at every world's tali
where exhibited.
It tak.-s about thr-e end for
message to go from one end of th At
lantlc cable to the other.
Salton Sea Salt tor baths at
the EHtes-Conn Dniff Store
10c and 25c per package.
ROYAL baKing Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength V. S Oovsrament Report
use Webfoot Corn (,'ure. No
carp no pay. For sale at Eh
tes-Conn Drner Storp.
Drlghit red Is Introduced Into home
decorations with rare artisUa effect.
After the big fire in Cripple Creek, I
t'Kk a very severe cold and tried many
remedies without help, the cold only
booming more settM. After UHlng
tliree small bottles of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, both (the cough and
old left me, and In thl hlgTi altitude
It takes a merltorlou cough remedy
to do any good. G. H. Henderson, ed
ltr I-mlly Advertiser. For stile by Es
tes-inn Drug Co,
The HrltlKh miners' federation h-ia de-
clare.1 for naturalization of railroad),
land and mine. '
TO t:VHK A CfM.ll IN 0B HAY.
Take laxative Rrorno Quinine Tablets.
All druKclsts refund the money If It
falls to cure. 20c. For sale by Chas,
Roger. Druggist.
A member of the Typographical l'n
Ion of Lynn, Mass., Is the mayor of
the city.
When people are obliged to take med
icines they want that it shall give ulck
relief and not add discomfort to their
sufferings. Three, wny people
vho suffer with Constipation and IMI
lousnefs should take Hlmmois I Iver
Regulator: "It Is Better than Pills, It
loes not gripe; H gives quick relief, an I
Joes not weaken, but strengthens and
refreshen the whole ytem "J. R.
Hlland, Monroe, la.
Warreitcon Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Alison truncation.
You nmv tv iired thai the Wr
am friend of today con nmke the bit
torest enemy of toinonow
When annul n.i blo.-ded Horse he
Is nlway .ivr..l of It.- I'"h "
,.,.k after Us I. i nd t- pn tleular
-lull the f Ilns -- '"' rulr and
right. While I, Mi lll It "k"lv
..s not that he Is lliii.v.f '.lOei lnt f r Mil
S'OMO or !,!
W hell t ll"
tivuhl. g.xs o .;ul Hu' b- """ or
he will begin to ;i' li!in''lf the c.ire
be gnve the horse at (he lut Hood
pure, rich rod bl.wl Is th.. best It sur
nmv agHliiHt disease of nnv Wind ,M
m.t all dis.s -o"i" fr," l'"Pr
or ltllls.verlsh.-.l bloo.1 Keep :" ',,,mmI
pure and strong and dls.s,. ran rind
no foothold That I the pilnetpl mn
which lr MT.e Holde Me.lcal lt
covery wrk It Wina.. purlfle and
enriches the hlod. P ',, ,h
whole lxly In Tf. ord-r; make
appetite rood, digestion strong, nastm
tltlon p.Tf.vt It bring ruddy, virile
neallh. It build up solid. wh.Jesome
tlesh (not fail when, ft'n any aue.
reduwl below the Iwlthy standard.
The tall. Wonder, languid beauty I
the type that promise to rule at the
ummer resort tbl cilug i"ii
After having been confined to the
house for sleven dy and paying out
f.'S In dts-tor bills without benefit. Mr.
Trank tvlon of Sult Ste. Marie. Mich .
wn curel by one larttle of Chamber
lain' laln Balm exiting :5 cent, and
hu not since been with hat
complaint. For sale by Kstea-Conn
trug Co.
.The very attllitlon .f mir .-ttrthly
pltgrlnuige are presuge "f our future
glory, a shadow ln.ll. ate the un.
If you have ever n child In I lie
agony of croup, you can appreciate the
gratitude of mother who krew that
One Minute Cough Cure relieve their
little ones a ipilckly as It la admin
istered Many homes In the city are
never without It Chu. linger.
The silk ittiiitt. lt"h rufflii t,f liu-,..
Is a lovely mljlin.'t of the toilette, pro
vide! the lni-e Is whole und i lean, but
torn and muddy finery Is .fur worse
thuii isnie at all.
E. K. Turner, nf Conipton. Mo, write,
ua that after sufferliig fmni idles fur
evente-n years, he completely curel
them by using thr- Is.xea of Im Witt's
Witch Ilaxel Salve It run- K ji-niii
and severe skin diaoises Cha Rnger
Tlie wife f a inivi-llng nwin Is apt
to be the ongt mlorisl. He doesn't
hive a chnrn-.. to h-r long einmgh
to get tlnil of her
They are o ma!l that the m.t sen
sitive persons take them, they are o
effective that the most obstinate case
of constipation, headahce and torpid
liver yield to thm. That Is why I
Witt's Little Early Riser are known
aa the famous little puis Cha. Rog-
Hots if gilt Uiii.l ''fnigs" nre Indng
sold in the slioj They nrt. u, w,,rn
on nil clik biwliinim trimmed "a In
Many case of " JrljitMr" have lately
ben cured by rme Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation scin wp.s;-lally
adapted to the cure of this disease. It
at quickly, thus preventing ncrlou
complications and blul eff.ts In which
this dlseasi- oft on leaves th.- i.iiilent.
Cha. Roger.
The exI.ravHgiiKt young tnotber can
spend u sum well up In the hlin.lred
In the ooiilpmcfit of baby's con.-li, If she
so d-slr.
HIMol'H rol,(
Person w lu are subject to attacks I '
of bilious -ollc will he pl.HiHl to know ' 1
that prompt relief miy , M ,,y tttk.
ng tThamberliiln' Colic, Cholera and I
Dlarhoea Remedy, and If tiiken as soon
as thellrst lislicatlon of the .lls,.e
appears, It will prevent the attack. For '
sale by Esles-Conii Drug Co. '
me loveiy designs In wall patmr
haven't -the faintest suggi-stlon of the
horrible spidery efiect tlwut were once
n vogue.
Tka fu
ll all.
Fur heads of nil diwtrlptlotis are seen
on muffs and opera bags.
Uoe-Cake Soap
las No Equal
Made under United States
patent, it must necessarily
be different from all others
-Contains no starch, free
alkali or worthless filling:
the Best...
Everybody knows that Warrenton values wuT soon tie
doubled. It Is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements,
at very lov prices.
Is it not a fine Investment?
i It nmkxs a .niiiu open tils cyon to ee ,
the number of rtUl a woman can'
jcrowd Into the II title Wliopplivg U alt i
enrriis, m tier ,rm.
ho Roy.l liking IWcfar
superior to Mheru
A wM'lety (jlrl lately olunul from
I'nrl e.n-slln.1 In the guy .xiltal the) )
are weuinK Hiwderl i'il(Tili for
evening urTnli-s of a fancy dr. rlmr
For Infant and Children.
INi nmke the w.iHd believe III
you must hikve faith In yourself
Tl greatistt danger from 1 ilrlie j
I of it (vaulting In pneumonia. If rea
sonable care Is usmt, however, andj
C.hamlirrUUn' Cough Iteumly takrn. i
all danger wtll I avoided, Aiming Hi
lens of rhousand wl have used thla.
1.. ... 1 . .- ... .. 'M. Ill'
rrniiiy inr is r.l'e. Te t .--
learn of a single i-ase having resulted i
In piieumoiil. which shown comilusiv-!
ly that 1hl rmivwly I a certuJn pr-1
ventlve ,if thai dread disc. It Ulj
effecl a iHTUMUient cur In less time j
thn any irthrr lr-atmetrt. The ti and i
10 xri,t le for sale by Kates-Conn I
Drug Co.
WANTED ITiO worth ? real estie
In Shlvely' . M.viurv' Astoria. Iin
pnvet or unimproved, any !.. lot or
lots: liet UirtiiUn will tw tiik.-ii Term
cash. Imiulre or addrsa J J Stok..
Aatorln. ori-gnn.
ee cik. In fiimlly. Ismrding house,
hotel. ri-turuiit or ealism. A.idrrs
II K . l Coinmen lal streot. city
- r , t
K"lt MALI: Korly foot s.iiw for sale
i heivti Apply S7i ' '.Miinienliil sirret. i
II 8. LYMAN, j
ofili-,.. 1 1 at Tlgbo, irner lith andj
Kranklln. Hours, first Wednesday of
every month, a, m, to 3 p. in. Every
Saturday, 9 a. ni. to I p. m.
Room 1 and 2, Pythian Rulldln.
ovei C. H. Cooper's store.
DR. O. O. EBTE8.
flpaclal attention to dlaM of woman
and aorgery.
Offlc over Dsnilger' atom. Aatorta.
Telephon No, tt
Oftl.-e, nsifii Sand A, Pythliin billldg
Ml Si ( 'oimnen'lal St, Ibsjildence ame.
Telephone 11.
Acting asMstiint surginm If. S. Ma
rine hospital service.
It. T
MS Commercial atrsst.
J Q.
Offlc on Bond street, Astoria, Or.
Office, upstairs, Astntian Ilulldlne
N. Dolph. Richard Nixon.
Chester V. Dolph.
. ' I. a"a'."rr'"'
74. a. M and 17,
All Iaom.I anil ent.
t riiiiiiLUii 1'uiiuii'n-
lection busln promptly attended to.
Claim agalnt th government a ap
i Jlalty.
TEMPLE IXlDQE NO. 7, A. F. and
A. M. Regular communications hald on
! th first and third Tuesday evening of
! each month.
! E. C. HOLDF.N, Hecretary.
Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makosr
Land and Marin Engln, Bollar work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work Specialty.
Casting of All D,crlptona Made to Order ue
Short Notice.
John Fox... .President and flup4rlntudnl
A. L. Fox Vice Prealdenl
O. B. Prael Secretary
First National Bnk Treurr
Cedar Shingles
' -e'
Teiiion. niacksmlths
' dpaclal Attaiillon Paid to Hlaainboal Ka-
I itmnnif,
Flint l ift tloivvaliosing. KUi.
kl an) iiiiui Milling Mill ul
nur star uiil Ji'it'll i
t.nill ul a man brlmmlns
! uvnl Wild pleMlit Ulauihl
' Hueh illty In the llijuor,
hs, k ltr am miuti to
nut '
riuanns & CO.
! A. V. ALLKN.
i Grocerlet, Flour, FeeJ, Provisions, Frulbv
! Ve irtables, Crvke ry, (Us and
PiatJWr. Locjer' Supplies.
' Or. Tsata and CQBuasrolal Mrssta.
Al. Orflk
J-J f f(J v O TC,
Ship Chandlery a.
SKlal Altesllsa IHM S Prolan Mis.
"The Louvre
! riua alu.lfi. U,M f All lltil, Tt,
I Magninrasl llara.
; Good Order and Everybody's RighU
' STIlltTI.V
l7 irH1
A Specialty.
Ship ChantlltT)',
Iron tt Sti't'l,
(JrooorioH A rrovisioiinv
KlourA Mill Ke. il,
I'ai nts, Oiln, VaniiHliPs.
IKgTH Supplies,
Fuirbftnk'ri Scalps.
DoorH A Windows,
Agricultural FinplempDi
WagonB t Vehicles.
Emil Schacht
GFO.NICOLL. Assistant.
Kopp's New Brewery
Japanese Goods
Oriental Curioe
WING LEE. 543 Commercial St.
w. u Ronii
Real Estate and Insurance
Ufflos with K. A. Taylor,
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold
ing and shingles. Term reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All order
promptly attended to. Office, and yard
at mill. H F L. LOOAN,
Heaslde, Oregon. Proprietor.
Open every day from I s'elock U l:M
and ;K to : p. aa.
Subscription rates tt per annum, i