TI1K DAILY AaTUltlAN, WEDNESDAY MOIIMMJ, MAUCII tf. IBU7 Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... BHBTJNKS mm THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN Established 1873 Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the Country People nliould call to tlx-ir aid the coluuuiH of tin? WYeklv Ak tori ati Tliwru aro Hovcral ri'iiHoiiH why tin Wtvkly As torian'n circulation who large. One in that itn columns con tain more reading matter than uy other pupcr in Oregon excepting a Portland judica tion. The News of the World foreign. iptcMate und local, i jxihlinlicd in Uh columns. It is nt)Holutely reliable ; liencu it popularity. The Weekly Astorian contains 50 columns of reading matter every we k. Junt thnk! All the newH of the worhi for $2 a year. If you are not a eub Hcriher to thin great paper you should nend in your name at once. Second Oldest Paper in the State An an advertising 1 medium the Wetkly Astorian w un MirpaHsed ly any paper in the Stato outside of Portland. Thirty-three hundred copies ar mailed each week to every home ii the territory, both in Oregon and Washington, trib utary to thti City of Astoria. nmiiTiiawinrn Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. ond McKee Ave. Situated on the south side of Astoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 483 Bond Street. MARINGJMIiWS. TIik Karallwi" arrival In ymt-rfay. Ymtwlay tli All IManoliard ar rived In from Hun Kmmto, Tim I'm-iiIi Mull HtmunMlilp ("ompiuiy him dr.,.l in tfttntillMh a rcifulur tr- frlu-mir system H 1" wxuit. The Bh-imii'i-n riiiiiilntr l J'Hmwia 111 lie uuli-ned llrMi so I hurt rl frull can l.i. ImiiukIiI I" this ""X Hint vi-KiMitliUn grxwii and rlfiifil In dm tropical iDunlrli can I lruhl here out if siwm wtin prlne for as linruKiM, pM, luiiml" and th IIKs ur vi'ry lilith. An Important trad' will In' developed I" Oil llB 'f expiv.ta- tluim r riltr.-Hafi Vrunnmo full. Th IninrxiMHit"! rHiiM of I'o. ill-Mirrft wharf Urn rnie at last. 1 1 to mvlriv In. nd l" 'H'n oiniitlly declared danfteroia. Tim Farallono ".ls (lmri(1 m Hunday lat pro ofluiii I T nii'i IuOm, and sltK that time th wharf has shown weakness. Nutlrr ha ln-on swit to tli 1J. II. Iilt'li Turn lii-r Company and Die H1mHin l,uml). r (Ninipuny f remove all ttnir muff from lh wharf. A ll-rnuin will l . Ballt-d t the wharf Palay t kwl' I flshmtien mid iithem fnn coin (in II for fmir of a raumtrophs.---Kran-ilaco Kxniiilm-r. Cnrlnlii KHIy. who mauler of III mnuil wti-niin r IVrry at Cook Inl.'t lam MmMon, lion charttM'nt a 4M-tm Klrnni li.m..r at Han Krni Wi (o rnira' In I hi- t'liok ltil-t trwl- thin fumincr. ay Ok- IVrt-InliHllifriMr. Captain Ki'lly piiiit'ti to li-aw H-attl thl moiitti fur Coal llarlmr liy wjf of ili lnlli iaaui'. l"ti Wii at Juneau. !! will tak" up tiir.ii and mi.iH- . r llix Ibwioti Mlnlnit Cnitiiany, oi.itj.Uhk at Aim iMir I'ulnt. atml will UnnmllaiWy n-turu to Hi-altlf On the rrturn trip hi will run ihrouirh ! HI -Mile -r- k. on Turnucaln Ann. Thr rate hn.ve im: it hcin ili-tlnltHy nilii uin, and will ii -tiil HonM-wluM on the np ' Ion he tm to mewrt, trut tt In thinurht that ltd will he tin- piii r for nrat-niiui a- .i aiwl l.'j for lmTHr, H-m' 1 1- to Conk Inlet or Turnairaln Ann. TIIK COMINO OF UAIIY. Wlwn a bihy ounuw to the teniae real haiitwaa outnea. The cart and am lty count for nuthln acalrwn the otlnic km toui'h of the Ultto hand and I he aouml of the little vi4r. Tha hU'henl function riven to humrji b4nit I hrtnaitiff hUthy, hajniy children Into the v.ortd. Ovr thirty yam ao the rtnnU of wonwn at4"d to Dr. fler.. now rlili'f ronnultinr phyiritian of the InvnJIdn' I!ut4 arWl rturv'! InMttute. of MuffaJu, Nrw' York. The iult of hi atudy Improved by thirty yeax of traotti tm wivbodlad ta Dr. IVrrv'a Fa vtirho rre)iiiUon. It mrmrtfxTia, pu nn. and moaea healthy tho organ dlMtlmitly femlnln. It rlvea weak o nui the atrenirCh and ln.lth nroeaaary fur the produirliin of healthy chlldn-n und It makfl the orajvic at thnar rhll dnn nwy. It In ur to rure any wreak-tti-m or denvniremt'tu peculiar to wo tiHn; Nto pain, ontlM Inllainmatlon, mrt" ijrthcn. purtrlea, InvlKonui Knchind mlirht make tM nAtl- fne for arbitration with the I'nlted State, and another for war with the -nae. ChUajro New. "Thla I the way I Ionic have aouffht; Aiwl nvainml liauim I fnuiid It not." It tin been the peon of )y and aatla- fanim of many a traveler, who, after wwry day of unpleasant exirlenoe wttn this, thiu or the other line, rttle hlnelf for a oomfortable ride fnwi Mlmuoll or St. Paul to Chkmro or Milwaukee In one of the elegant marhei of the Wkn-otmln Central Itrtve. Then aoiJn, Cha kimplrtj ne of the oet come to mind a he wrAa hlmeolf at th table In the dining car or thla same WlmiHMilri Central and find hlmMf rrd w-Hh the beat nuJ at a rea- onaihle prkie. For parelrulara addrea Oeo. 8. liatty, K.-neraJ agent, !4 Stark mreet, "ortland. Or., or Jaa. C. TiMid. Kwieral raaenirer agent, Milwaukee, Wl., or apply to your nearent ticket agent. When the Siberian railroad le oened iU ixin go around the world in forty day If you can get a paa. Horttim Olobe. A OOOD LETTER From the clork of the Circuit Court. Ferniuidlna, Fla., Feb. IS, 1SH6. Mr. J. Oeurgn SuhnT, Prugglat, City: Dear lleorgv: PUmuw. ynd a tiottle of Chiuiiberliitn' Couch nemedy. I would not tifvi osy If I know there wn none of thin valuable remedy In the hiL. I have give-n It a fair test and conalder It one of the very lost renie- lltw r oroup that I have ever found. One done tin ahvay Immhi gutlU-lont, al though I uiw It fretly. Any cold my children oontraet jielda very readily to thin medicine. I can ooruwleiitliiusiy riHMmmend It fir croup and cold In chlldrvn. Youra reeipectfully, GEO. E. WOLFF. Sold by ICatea-Cunn Drug Co. Of onurae Senator Morgan is opposed to ar1traUon That man's warlike ut terances convince us that he must know of an excellent hiding place,. Cleveland Iejder. . ANNUAL ELECTION NOTICE. Notice la hereby given to the legal voter of School Dtotrlot No. 1, of Clat kP county, Oregon, that the annual school election for said district will bo held on tlhe second Monday, being tho 8th day of Maroh, A. D. 1S97. This election la called for Che purpose of electing one director for the term of live years Polls to be open from 2 to p. m. of sold day. Voting places, old anhonl 'building, Adair's Astoria: houm of Ueecue Engine Company No. 2: house of Asturla Engine Company No. t. H. B. FERGUSON. School Clerk. Dated Astoria, February 21, 1897. titt Unlilf rri:ni.n. pmm Pa power u Hmtmr tneilarln tm io'. t In ar liiriii. tt'eKelM. la n (nMMMnerra.fint In 't world, alanr H'llu n pwin.ti in XkLit. aj.fl It nurel tall, to r.lua w.aaln.p..ni man aironc. li(irmal dniin. Jo.i irr rx.t V-m wlllba '.n Hrhlmt Wna.iawt i.ni It) lw. a al(l w Uf, fif a , ura la laulnl"lr (ilaraiiUwl hr Omaalala rrarr irhera. rwl i our I ' n..iriT'"'"': eili ai.4 iim Ifuiir l-.fa A war. wriiUn (uaraaiaa an? traaawila. Airaaal U Jt 1 iitl,I0 kiatitii OO,. taJa gw fwra. Sold and Ouaranteed by Chaa, Rogers, Drugglf l ... .. .. . 111 .J.. !".-' II XVeficiuble Preparation Tor As similating ihcroaiandkcuti-tlxlta5lonuuhsaia113owclicf Promotes Die9lion,Cliterrul ness and RcsLContalns neither OpTum.Morphine nor MincroL Not Naiicotic. muftm'OUlkSAMLXLPmMK yUaalit Smi' Ancrfrct Remedy forConslip- tton. Sour Sloniach. Diarrhoea, Worms rConvulsions Teven sh ocss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE 3ICNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER CP EVEEY BOTTIiE OF llll a1 txAcr copy or WKAPPrn. j Caitorti Ii vA tn la osa-iiia Wrttlai oelr. It 1 sat aol4 U bai. Doi't ailov aayoo U wll yos aoytiln iIm aa tla pl r prceija tatt it U "Jest ii gooi" aad "will awwtr mrjmr- o Uat jot (et u-a-B-f-v-a-l-a. fott. ' - Uat jot (et l4-B-l-t trf Tutu sauti U.MsJi manhood mmssSjSS. aats.soeh at Weak Memory. Loss ol Bralo fw, Hadax WaAa. luloa. Lost kUnbood. KlhUy Kmlsalopa. ""f.ii,?; Inaa of power la OeaeniUTe Onnuu of alUcr sex oa broTCT-rer-tlon. Toothful errats, exoMsWs oat of tobaeao, opium orstliaalants, wblcb lead to loflnalty, CoommpUoo or Inaan tr. Can bs earrted lo veatpockeL II par box, lor A, Vy mail prapald: Clrenlar tryalTdranl Aaklor It, Uka do oW Mannhared by the f aau Motlioina Co., Part., fraioe. Uua-DarlJ Dru. Co, dliUibuCn. aceataa IlUld tad Yamhill sta. fortlaad. Oc t. W. CONH. Agaat Astoria. WANTED. WANTED Young lady to no opy- Ing Mum write a plain hand. Call at the parlor of the Aitor house from 10 to I today: 110 per month. S.-nator Morgan, as usual, is opneed to abtrut everything In sight, and hla volubility roils on aa regularly as In terenton a'mortgnge. BaJtlmore Amer ican. The Spot Where Custer Fell. to tritK A t-iiLD in m; Take laxative Uroino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. lugers. Druggist. WARNING. i i i Any person or prrnona delected In tx-eaklng the fencB or otherwise tres- iMuwlng upon the property of the Flavel Land and Development Coninny will b subjeot to arrest and fine. Thla order will be rigidly enforced. . The Flavel Land & Development Co. J. M. Tt'RNEY. Fee. Flavel, February 20, 1897. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the auditor and police Judge the city of Astoria untu tTiaay, Marvh 5. 1S97. at 2 p. nr. for the oon- utrm-tlon of a sewer In Second street, from he north line of Commercial street the harbor line of the Columbia river, the manner provided by ordinance No. 2221. Rids miwt atate the price r lineal fit for terra eotta pipe, the lee iht man hole, lamp hole, catch twin, branches, and the price per llnil f.iot for digging and filling trench. also total amount for entire work, ref- nco being had to the plans, speci fications and prolllos on Hie In the of- i.r the auditor and police judge. The rk Bhall be completed within ninety s after the niRnliis of the contract the parlies thereto. The rijrht to reject nny and nil bids Is bv reserved. :y order of the committee on streets pulklle ). ttest: II. K. NELSON, Auditor Hnd Police Judge. storla, fregon, March 2, ISO?, pel prle llee wor il.iv by her ill! I A la wtthta plain view of the Burlington Route's track. The monument that marks his last resting rjar Is little. If any, more than a mile distant. Tou get a good view of h la the train whirls east ward over the solldtst, the smoothest, the best track ever built west of Chicago. A pretty booklet, giving a brief account of the battle In which Custer lout hta life will be mailed to anyone who will ask for It. Write for a copy. Write also for informa tion about rates and trains via the Burlington Rout to Omaha, Kansaa City, St Louis. Chicago and all the other south ern and southeastern cit ies. C. SHELDON. O. A, Portland. Oregon. A Handsome Complexion is one of the greateat charma a woman can poaaeaa. PuaaoNI'i ComsaaafOM lWDaa it- Marshall & Company's Twine Fresh from the mills for 1897 fishing. Every ball guaranteed. Please report any imperfections. BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Every hall must be marked "MARSHALL A CO., SHREWSBURY MILLS." Manufactured from selected flax specially for COLUMBIA RIVER FI9HINQ. See that every ball bears the MARSHALL label. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 1J. 14-ply 40's. 12, IS, 14. 15, 18-ply 50'a. 7, , 9. 10-ply SO'a. Elmore, Sanborn &COa, Agent Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Co via the St. Paul because the lines to that point will afford you the very' oest service. SECOND See thait the coupon beyond SL Paul reads via the Wisconsin Cen tral because that line makes clse con nections with all the trans-continental lines entering the I'nlon Depot there, ad Its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket read ing via the Wesconsln Central ilnes, or addrws J AS. C. POND. General Passenger Agent. Milwaukee, Wis. Or GEO. S. BATTT. General Agent. Portland, Oregon. RECEIVER'S SALE. Notice is heretoy given that 4he un dersigned, receiver in the suit of C. T. Crosby, administrator, vs. Sol. Oppen helmer et al., wfll receive at the office of the Astoria Iron Works, 1n the city of Astoria, on Wednesday, March 10, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. tn., sealed bids for the purchase of the entire stock of hardware and merchand ise and store fixtures, shop fixtures and tools oo retained In the ertore building situate at No. 510 and 512 Commercial street, in the city of Astoria, formerly owned by M. C. Crosby, deceased. Separate bids will be received for the stock and tools and for the store fix tures. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. All bids will be opened at 2 p. m., March 10. next. Only cash bids will be considered. JOHN FOX. Receiver. mm p. E1TT.3 Fresh from the mills for 1897 fishing Every Ball Guaranteed Report Imperfections Beware of Imitations Every Ball Must Be Marked Marshall & Co. SHREWSBURY MILLS Manufactured from Flax selected specially for Columbia River Fishing ....See that every ball bears the MARSHALL LABEL- 6, 7, 8, 9, i o, iivi2, 13, 14 PLY 4o's. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, PLY 5o's. 7, 8, 9, 10 PLY 3o's. Elmore, Sanborn & Go. AGENTS 482 BOND STREET A red bat a brick bat.