THE DAILY ASTORIAN, WKDNKSUAY MliRNINU, MARCH X 17. J JOHN T. LIOHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TERM! Or M HSCKir HON. DAILY. gent hjr mall, per year 12.00 Rent by mall, per month 50 Served by carrl", per month 45 WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year $2 In advance. Poftaire free to subscribers. All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Busings communications of all kinds) and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub crlbera the larfjcet circulation of any ewspapcr published on the Columbia river. Advertising- rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. the second old est weekly In the state of Orefron, has, next to the Portland Oregnnlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Port land agents, and eoplea of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand. 124 Third street. for various reasons, 4,815 more are also excluded because they are filled ty ap pointment of the precedent aid con firmation by the senate, and ,."4 are outside tfhe provisional of the atartute because they are mere laborers' berths. This leaves no Ice than T2,37t ad yet unol.uisllW, but not unclaMafiable. and of tlvls great number 66,725 are fourth olass rotnvMertilpa. Tlvere ntv quite number of people who are hoping that Prewtdent-elec McKlnley nn1I take a, backward tuep by undoing wume of the vrk ot his (Predecessor. When Cleveland took of fice fur years atnitmly 43,000 pUccs ha I been brougltt Nctrhln the classified sor vlce; now the number Is $7,10. This brings the new administration face to face with this problem: More moa want ing office than ever before, and a much smaller number of nlarp netVNlth tn suttlsfy them. Hence the dWimisHitm to urge MJor MeKlriley to let down the bars and relegate lnwlt to the many thousand positrons which have I FREE TO EVERY MAN THK METHODS OF A OKKAT TKKATMENT FOU WEAKNESS OF MSN. Which Cured Him ..iter Everything Else Failed. Gainful diseases are bad enough, but when a man la slowly wasting away with nervous weakness, the mental L. Smith, of Fredericks- a uulI.M with chivnle diarrhoea, p over UUrty years. He had become ftitljr salUtled tlvat It vni only queartloi. of a short ttma unlt ho wwild have to g-lv U up. He hnd bvn tripled by somen of thai bout phy. Mmm In Europe and America, but got no relief. Oive da' h picked up a nowopaper aji.l chanced to read an ad vcrtlscationt of Chamberlain's Cotlo, Chohm and HituThoea Kemedy, He got a bottle ot It, ajd the Hint doa i..l..t k. 1 . .... ii. . forehodlmrs are ten times worse than ,,,-,", n,u' " eonnnu.n use raw the most severe pain. There I no let ,,,m' ,'"r ' Ksto-.Comi Drug Co. up t the mental sulTcting day or nlitht. I Step Is almost Imposslhle. and under! " 'I-'' t rnvm pomi that the Co.. such a strain men are scarcely respon- l-'K-Kttislmmons ArM will amount to siMe for what they do. For years the '-thlng. Neither ha as yet referred writer rolled and towed on the troubled tu ,h ,,hr " "ownnUy .ur ."- 1 levelnitil Leader. sea. of sexual weakness until It was a iiucxtion whether he had not hotter j take a dose of poison and thus end all : his troubles. lut providential Insplra-! jtlon ciune to his aid In the shape of a I combination of medicines that not only ! completely restored the general health, , placed wthln the pJe of tne classlfl.M 1 hut enlarged hl weak, emaciated parts wrvtce. The Indentions are that thi.-ijt,, natural slxe and vigor, and he now. will not he done. He believe i ne.v as an esesiHhtl for crllce, (thn Kiny l.iwlty; and every jllcan In the nachm, except tho lesjre office. Is with him In tills. In tit rather repu'--e w ho Fim ever) w lictv cm. wr,U of prniM for Clutmlx rlaln's (Vugh Itrme. dy, "Allow me ti eoiiumtulato you on the merits of your Komedy. It cured mc or chronic liiichllls w hen the d' tor -uld do nothing fr me."--Chnrl I'. Ilcinll, Tollo, Ohio. For sale I I he KMiw-Coiiii Drug Co. OUTWARD HOUND OR IX JON (3 RAIN KliMMT-lS!)ir7. (Kevtueil ttid t'nre'te.l sry KrMsvl Hcit. ik.,. Ney. Tks "Astoriaa' hrby eOra to donate MI HfSHRKD DOLLARS to St. Mary's RMpllAl, payable nm demaiMl t Father Met an, ttnnn legal evleenee U pro in i showing that nay afternoon nw eaoor noMlahod In Astoria hna printed within the loot ninety days expiring be fore this offer a single "speelal" or ether kind of "telegraphic prose report," reealved ever the wires entering either of the telegraph omeee In Astoria, from any point entstde of Oregon. Astoria, Or., October IS, !. It Is not to be believed that the sober roood thought of this communUy wUl sustain the bish-handed resistance to the process of the state witnessed In As toria yesterday. The first duty of Amer ican dtltenship is that of yielding respect and obedience to all forms of law. The papers produced by the m- j enger from Salem were In due form. I and they represented on their face one of the hlghewt and most Important processes of the state. The legality of the authority by whom the papei wero RACK FKOM THE GIIAVE. We cannot come, hut we can often stay our progress thither. Disease, like everything else, must have a begin ning. All chronic maladies tend to shorten life, and render It a specie of martyrdom while they last. Ma laria, kidney complaint, chronic Indi gestion, rheumatism all have small be ginnings, and may be stayed at the outset with Hooletter's Stomach Bit ters. This excellent tonic and alterative la adapted alike to the prevent kn of disorders of the system and to their removal, and Its early use csjinot be too strongly advocated. To renew ap petite and Insure tranquil rest, there is no surer and pleasanter means than the Bitters. The effe-ts of overwork and exhaustion, mental or pcysica.1 are counteracted by K. and the busy mer chant, the tired clerk or operative, and the brain-weary student, author or newspaper man, derives from It prK ent relief and future energy. rrlnoe tieorge of drvoce ts a, cvclls That aoiilea It. The Turks may i well lot Crete he annexe) to Urret rue prince win "scoron" his wa , , through. lUiilulo News. declare that any man who will take the trouble to send his name and ad dress may have the method of this wen derful treatment free. Now when I say free I mean absolutely without cost. because I want every weakened man to get the benefit of my experience. I am not a philanthropist, nor do I j n nnthnslHsi hut ther are " hen people are ohllged to take me.! thousands of men suffering the mental i UJ" " ,h,'y W,,,M ,,,u, " ,illU tortures of weakened manhood who n'1Uf a"1' m" a,ul discomfort to th. would lie cured at once could they but i""'"' rhUv re.non why pwj- get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage ; stamps necessary to mall the Inform-1 tlon, but send for It. and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and ! mean a lifetime of happiness to unt j of us. Write to Thomas Slater. Dos 3SS, Kalamasoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a velope. vwm suffer with .metluutlon nn,l nil luuc should take l iver Kegulator: "It Is Hotter than 1111 does not gripe; it gives vitcK relief, an diwn not weaken, but trigth.-iiN an refreehrns the whole vten"-J. Hlland. Monroe, la An automatic singer Is on extinction In lrls which cn le hcar.1 :;"0 yar.1 on: ami Hope going Indefinitely E plain, sealed en- ,'""" fr""e is simply trying to outd iour Bryan. Chicago Journal. President Cleveland has pardoned a clrlxen who was Imprisoned for swear ing irtside the corporation of Washing ton. D. C. The president hlmt.Mf. per- ,j ,. ..t A, ..rf. !a. knowis the temptations In that mit of serious question, but the only appointed method by which such an Issue ran be determined is through the court. The mere opinion of laymen, and even eminent lawyers constitute no proper rule of conduct for any pa triot or self-respecting citlxen to fol low under such circumstances. So far as extra Judicial opinions are con .-er.i.d. just a respectable authority may be uoted on the one as on the other side of the controversy. The question of whether the Davis temporary house Is a legal organization or not, ts a mat ter too complex and too serious for any individual to decide fbr himself to the extent of justifying his offering forcible resistance to the authority of that body. The fact that the most j line wnich teset a fellow as soon as he reaches Washington. Chicago Inter- Ocean Eastern husbands who have lost a juarrelAtnie half of themselves have .ihtpped In JJ0.000 to test the D.ikot.1 ind Oklahuma dlvoroe lawn. Some men never know when they are well off. MlnnetHMlls Journal. ROYAL basing ftowder Highest of la leavening ttrtngth l rW-vTnmnt Pnyyi The V. S. Gov t Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Butler, the American w ho S charged with having killed fourteen men. Is un duly encouraging the Holme brand of s?n-w.lional Journalism. Chicago Times- Herald. They are so small that the most sen sitive persons taxe tnem, they are so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, head ah c and torpid liver yield to them. That is why De exalted Judicial officer of the state of I Witt's Little Early Risers are known Oregon resolved the doubt In his mind j the ftuIOUJ, UtUe pills chas. Rog aa to the legality of that organization er- in Its favor to the extent of leaving his own appointed station of duty and go ing to the place provided fbr its or- Many people are surprised to learn that any liciuor gets Into the senate. are always dry because their speeches are. Birmingham Leader. OASTOniA. Urn t'ti Thuee women who want to enter the dipVmvtic service evidently don't know things that they are not allowed to tell. Cleveland (Teadr. ionization and there performing the , llUt then they musn t think the senators solemn function of swearing in its members, affords a sufficient color to its authority to command at least the tem porary respect of every peaceable and law-abiding citizen. When It Is further considered that the avowed purpose of the whole performance of yesterday was simply to get the question of Us rightfulness before the ribunals which are alone competent to dedde It, and that this eminently proper and reason able endeavor was derided and defied, and the regular and constitutional forms of the state spit upon and de spised, even by some of those who are sworn to defend them, makes tne oc currence of yesterday far more repre hensible and lamentable than many are prone to believe. The dearest and most cherished right of an American citizen is the right of personal liberty, and for the protection of this right the great wrft of habeas corpus, like the Magna Charta of the English peopce, has been engrafted upon every constitution and code of law adopted by every Amer ican state since the foundation of the government. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., writes us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he completely cured them by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. Chas. Rogers. A few months ago. Mr. Byron Every, of Woodstock. Mich., was badly all' lot, d with rheumatism. His right leg was swollen the full length, causing him great suffering. He was a.lvb.e.1 to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably, and the second bottle effected a cure. The 2.i and 50 cent sixes are for sale by the Estes-Conn Drug Co. l'otttitl.-m. the drum major fancies h bws the pnnule. It Is that way wit some ioUtloijui. heeausv they are I no- i'i . tt-ivm mey imagine iney are lea. ling the party. Baltimore Inter! i -jiji. Leg-Matures which Imponr a line of : 12 or $.1 for wearing a high hat to the j .titer may. after all. have xocom-1 nltahfti ntithinv mnrw than t.. In........ I the expense of the occasion for lady's escort. Washington Star. .vunuies tc.-iii like nours when a life Is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may inran death. One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and Insures recovery. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Rogers. Druggist .Mse the m liy trnt lot every crrlxen of IVlaware be a Cnited States senator and pass the Job round regularly In rotation? Chicago Record. Many oases of "Grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cur. This preparation seems especially adapted to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly, thus preventing serious complications and bad effects In which this disease often leaves the patient. Chas. Rogers. CAflTOIUA. - - itna A SNAP. rr sue cneap ana en eaey terms four chtilee building lota In McClutv's ine taxawe wealth of the nero pep- j Astoria. For particulars call on Howell ulatlon of the t'nlted States ljon.000.000. There are 23.462 negro church bodies with onurch nrrP-r'y val ued at over I26.000.0no. There are over l.Ooo college-trained ministers. -Toledo News. Is over, Ward, 519 Hv street. There are a great many of the un fortunate ones In this world. erAt..r ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. In number than those who are blessed 'of course, with good diegstlon. legalizing prizefights is disgraceful oui ii wouki uimfi-iue some To some people states less than others. Nevn.ln u,.'i me greatest misiortune Is not to be hurt much.-Kansas Cltv Jowrm.1 able to eat everything set before them. UI,erea ror Hh Dyspepsia, ; D.m't allow the lumrs to be mnlr. r.rry.nuig i aie aisagreeu with ' by ithe wntlnunus Irritation of a oough. me. i was induced to try Simmons It lthin las: twenty years the number 'if s-a vess-ls annually enter ing the harv-,r of H.ime.irsj li.u do. bled. It Is surprising what a "wee bit of thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, It Is made the supreme constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach. duty of all Judicial officers, under high dlzzlnuss, are quickly banished by De palDs and penalties, to Issue U' h writs wltt'8 L'tUe Early Risers. Small pill noon the demand of the humMest eft- i Best I'il!- Cha. Rfigers. izen who is molested or restrained tn bis right of personal liberty. The cir- T" "de1l" In a print shop Is some- euit court of Clatsop county stood wide times a very pretty young Jarty. open yesterday with a fearless judge I uiHm the bench, fully panoplied to pro-' teot and enforce every Judgment or le-j gal decree pertaining to his office, and it is not to the credit, and will not add to the goo1 reputation abroad of C1at-' sop county, that wine of h-r h.t Hti-' zenrt were congregated w ithin the very j portals of this court, counseling a coure -' and advtK-atlng an armt-il distance! subversive of the very authority that court Is constituted to exercise. This is revolunion and anarchy. bn; s ,oner or later there may be cause to regret that an example pernMous and danger ous was ever set in Clatsop county. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. The annuwJ report of the olvll service Ofmunission its thirteenth gives the latest figures as to the extension of the classified list in the civil service of the United States. These figures are of in terest Just now, when a new admlnis tration is going into power, and a vast number of the republicans of the coun try think so highly of themselves that fliey expect to be provided with oillces at the government's espouse Hei.ce It Is interesting to note how many places have been taken out 'A reach of the spoilsmen. There are 178,717 places or all soru in the executive service, and of these $7,107. or nearly half, are tieyond the reach of the partisan office-seeker. Of the 91.610 remaining, 5,570 are excluded from the operation of the law of 1S83 rmm i.Niiiiy.iinii,iii,n m Wat'! si limits SIMMONS kRGULAT0R Tfie Favorite Boms temelg. For an diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequenl headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver Regulator will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Kegulator. ' J. 11. Zeilin Sc Co., lliUadcIplds- Liver Regulator and was cured. I now eat everything." M. Bright, Madison Parish, La. If the eyes were really windows .to the heart, green goggles would become a universal necessity as weil as a fad. One minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. Chas. liogers. to prevent cuuatimntion than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off fatal lung trouble. Chas. Rogers. any i wry -c tt ea Use Welfoot Corn Cure, enre no pay. For sale nt tes-Conn Drnar Store. Xo Eh- So matter 'how popular a young lady I may he, nobody "Misses" her after' she Is married. Piwrage stamps licking. never take but one TO II ISE A fOI.O IN oK IMV . Snlfmi Sou Suit IV ! liutliu Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tableu.4the KsteH-Coim DrilfcT Store For sale by Chas. MtCkHffe. fails to cure. 2Jc. lingers, Druggist. A scene In (Jrewc- hurnlng candle. Why do printing offices put you in mind of a ship? lii-cause they all have galleys. Torturing, idling, waly skin erup tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by lie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Chas Kog.-rs. Hhips should raise plenty of fowls; they ail 'have hatchways. C'hlcora, Pa., 'Herald:" diehard Vensel p-ports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest success In nicdli al science. He told us that it curr-d his whole family of f-rrllile coughs and oold.j, af ter all other o eile. r (ires had fulhd entirely. Mr. Vensel said It agisted l.f.. ..1.1 I .1 ... , a nm ruji'iieii inruugn a very nau siege of measles. One Minute Cough Cure mitkes expectoration v.ry easy and rapid. Chas. Rogers, Druggist. sAii.xni ri ah. Allium ,t Am bark., , lrtir lilp..., W lirdilp Ill Mr uhlii 7 lirolun II Krahlp .V Hr lilt -..flia-li iifrl'rk. .. tVlhr Mlrhsrk.. 0 Hr uhlii I" Hi l D ili llll Ur lrk , II Hrlmik I Hr iliui . .. I.'lir l'.nk I" lit hli il. r Ship iKIirhsrk,. i.i'T lilp V Hi tn.k W ir Irnik J l .Ii p .. . Ir It-1 a. fi Ur li'i t Hr lii... n lit ihtp Mr .Ii... Mir.litn li III Imrk .. in Ur ililli ,. In Hr li ok i: lii ti.ult i: Hi .hi,. l.llr.tnr P Hi lil. ... J' Hr hIii ii lir khlp 'il Hr t'rK J I H- h rk.. .; Hr lii k .. .( Hr hiii .. .11 Hr h.irV ... Hrli.ik.. A lr teirK Hr bitk I.n Hr hli Kllr.lil. .'Jiior Imrk I lit l'lp IT Hr hn IT r IHi .. , i Hr ltV .V Hr hii -M Hr hip ... U Hi lilp i Hr hii... 7 Mr tuok . nrnii .1 Br hli KHriMiik o Hr ;iiii II Hr .rk, I.N Hr bark . IN ur hip 2J Hrihl i Hr Imrk. ii Hr mIi i U Hr nip 17 Hr lirk Hr brk Hr Imrk Jan. Fell Namr.. ,;iviiiini ,,,11'AIHISIIia I,,,., , ,.,nllierUiidliliii ;i'lsiiiisiiiiiiiiliiiil , .. . iHreiilill.Ui . . ...'Hurlmiil ,. ) A lloi ... I'Iiiiiiiii , . , , lunlinoi lln . !,' bmi fliMrnlmrjr . kflnHiiin ,i('l,ll.l;(H'.... ... Hint IPIIIII . . ., iriuiiiw . . Hmiltllila. M .v In W Ml , ... toieiiiiHle Ilvllllplle . , Minn .. I iiulliiHriis ,,. a inlroli lisUiiini Caii le. . , siena i.atislls ,. ... .IVS v in'.ii'r l-'lllMtHMl Ml'IIIWl'll . Purlindte ... Sarctawk, Haviila I.IH.llllI . i heliiKturd ..,.. ... N, iUI . .... It- it I re ... Midnhiipv , . . IVIeiu .. . . IVntttrallt'it . . , .. liirtli'AIH l.iK'k . . I.hlilrll INilUlliM'll r. plUle .. Kiirm.U keliMKl , t'atml . . . ... t r : ., t'riM-tnii , . lYnwieotuo ... Hntsl ilviiriie .t VUilrim . i n. nl lUddliigtmi. iVslhirl 'nilirtsu I'rlureu ,, ... .aim . Kiii Kill Vi.lur . ... 'Mik-kunm ;il NV WoltT iKiillii ..IUkvUi I'hAiiininn , .. Klkln , liriiiictiirtim .. Hilll nl l'orel IjiriiAi's. . ,J-. I IiVm)i1 llreftttlll .. llllllHIl 1111 . jit,.t.ihii,fti I'Allillitl. 1 Nlir.' w'tilh (' le M".iilnl.lil Ta i iHikKii o w VlillriiiMk IJIH Hurt Nntnt. . . Imvi I.lvriiH)l .... loot Alalia lUy U iSmk I nuii , I It J-xi Hull Iif. SIli.Hli '.Y.-H 1 1 1.1 In l.r.'s Ihw , l unv mil1 . In tirk . itai ., . llH) . im " I.M17 " .. IIW o i Ma m K,.H...... 1M dirk HI in " I tut . Jlill I.IVrr)MMl l;iM'urk , l.'UNl'urk M7 fork ,.,,. . , JIH7 Cork iMft fink J iM Ciirk . .-INdCiMk llMJl'i.rk lw.1 I'ly month Ul Cuik - 'linn IHirbau ,.... Ji w t ork ... IM! " " its! M .. I; Falnimiih. . IIHA falllHllllll . . HN;tN,irk ir.iu'ork lm'nrk i'l,rik iMVik'urk .,.M limit 'lira . I.tvKlinoulli. ni. FHiiuimth iniT t.lvariiiHiL fl Kklri..iitli. lKliii..iuti' ;lwi llrlunl l'ork 'irw rlm,mih ni nrk U7vs.iu-h Africa. ITT.n'.irk .... lJI'iri i ma crk ,U) AIim I" .k lU). lNt Curs il " lull ill" " , ilONS " Z HMIVi, Nhv. jii. I VI , Nov 'M Jll 11 '.... , Keh I Jim .11 . mi Kelm ....... ' u I all nl Kh Id .. A II JO.tVM l,ll 4.1. 1 '' M,lll II. .Ml TV.i'W K l."it 7.4ia r W.ll"." I'.'.l'" I nia UKI kJ.HU 6T ,I7 .N ih.ii Vi iu1 S.VN l,lJt I l,VN II M .'It 1 1, MS M.NtM HI IW7 IJ.uvil M.njl KJ.IKt IkN.-Tn Ikl.MI M.7IT KI..II I TN M .U.HMl V,."l II J' N.CJ .'I.IIO ' U.i:i ',:iNi ' t:i v;i ; T.l.iU'J ;,.t j.ia; 1 MI.4.M ' iWJ ; H,N) ' Tn u W,iI .Nf.1 IK.TID 1 ,.'0 AIMU JJN.,VI tll.lHI I m..i I M i M .tlM ' 1,1.0 ! V'.H 7li, l ' VN.WAI S'.tJU . H',771 1 l.ll JU,ll .v.mi 1 1. nm ;vn II, I'M ,l.110O SI, mil ! Binri'kH. I',.ii..'n.! Klmir 111 ill. " Hllianii ik Kxrr lUllnur, Miillirls il I il I II ('Riiinriiii I'n illiMir,ii'lli'li A l'11 Mlli.nn ,k krrr r.iilliinl Klniir Mllla , luitnnr. Illllhlln ' .1 it i siiinriiH . I'" Piirllsntl r lmir Mills i Hiinuii a hrr luiliiiir, Uiiilirlu snil i o .,. . IhiIhuii 4 Krr I i.'.Niti ni ni tt in .,iu 0 J II I sill"'!"! 111 ..... .M,JI lll.illl,lllHlllll' ii .raw .1 II I iiinrmii A On iv.iiai Mlli.iiii knrr m , lUllinir iiilli'ln A t ii ,. Aiaai iiiliMtii A knrr .... nai I'liillmiil flmir Mllla I'lirlUnil rimir Mllla TiitHI an.iiu ': iaj pti.iao .ai.iiai M ! iij,al 7n,iio i ml ill ! J,'al no J.n IVJU IW.7IM .1 1. Mil . tatjp l,li ;ti iau ka.iaju HH.aal ll M no !J IN N I.N tai aii,ii a val IK,..) ,!! niui TViaai a.'.iaai aJ.nai i.'.'io V ui as.inr iu.iaaj I lUI II ual S ;.iaj U.','a nj.nal i a ii ak,iui J t I aiuciri ii A lo .1" lUiriiiir.tliillirl A On . ... Hllvuiu A Hull A Hoot ., I'.irl lu. flmir Mill ........ lUllimr. llmlirle At'" Hlliaiill A krrr, J II I .illirr.ll A I'u ulnuii A Kirr Iliiliiiur, tlutlirl A l u I H I'tuiionm A I n llalliiiir, llullirlr A t'o , ... .1 II I'sninrnii A )' Hall.iiir, llmliilai A I'u ,i i. I'uriUii.l floor Ml'la ", iliuhrla A I'u ... il w M.' rr niliinii A korr il mr Otiilille A l a Mha.ui A krrr , llilluiir, Uuilirl A I ii .. . lUIM.'iyiii'l.ils 'A iC!. J H ('aiitemit A I'u..,. ..... 'ill. ..ui A liKir ... "alfinir llullir A in Haiuiiir, iliuhrla A o .. Sihatiii A knrr ... Hallmir, llallilie A I'u J It Camrtuii A i:n.,.. .. , ' Hnlli.iir, llulhrlu I n HaKnnr, II iili'i 1 alfmir. Un'lirls 0 . .. aimnii ami Kail I'.iKlsml Mmir Mill hill.Hir.iiiillirl' Al'u . ., J H l alnrriill A INi , ., .. n V r KU-nlir Co .1 It i ainniiiii Si '' . J H ramoruii A t'ii SATS "i"iia.i" i III kit I Hit IVI I IVa k.j j lia H i II M I iJa 4 I Hai I lit 14 I i I a I I la Id II 1 ail Ail All II nt in. All lla M All It Ikl all HH ..... Al lla M all lua. til lla H til lu.,.,. all lla il til lla M til lua d All H til lua.,..., A'l M W til lua. . til IU M lia aq lla hi A l.s.Uki uma II, mr, lu wl.ikaj it Itt.'aSJl nCUla Sjur, rii'lviiiklu"irttiwVi(ii brn aaluinn l Ala., bbla tlnnr. lu kw.mi K Aim i.i7 blih flu ir. u. Ir.tu II -a,.yi blila Hour, train 1-Aia.i u.Krt tibia tliMir anlim IMiua Hour, value Vtt "O. b,ti. valur V.ati Huur, raJur I.U.Nni 'til lla l. . ilil .MM Si lua,.,.., ilil lla W ... til pia.M. Al l'. Al M . til a W til M .... I ci i.ix.. SI IM M .. Ilil " .til l'"ae.. .... Il ! ..... til la M .. 'Al I" 11 I-.,. , Al M ... ail Ha ici I 4 Al lua i i."T.T (I U til a ... til til I ! Al 7a 4 Al IN Ail til lla k-t. ... I 'l la ml ..... lit All ad 'Vjf ravaJi mi I mo blila 1-Ala.i tl tuua bru, alu IU1 a, a 1.1.1. a.,,, .tii. At.uiai i. AUi -al lima "I ahuru. taiUfl r?Iin, HW lima ill brail, lltiAL ami r liuatmla i liarl. alu.i ll.taai I. knj tl bbl M -17,114 bbla tlrilir. lu, I7S.SUU. N-Alm ?- btila Itmir. name vttal. ll AUi JO, .7) bbla n.iur.aalim 1.-.Ha). 0.R&N. OIVEH CHOICE Or -9- aaas! Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paal Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha op St. Paol Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Franciseo. Columbia, Weilncsdiiy. Kaili. 17. .State of CaJ . Monday. Feb. Ciilumbla, Saturday, Feb. 17. State of Cal . Thuriwluy. March 4. Columbia, Tuesday, March 9 State of Cil., Sunday, March U. Columbia. Friday, March 19. State of Oil.. Wcdncaiday. March :4. VESSEL ON THE WAV TO OREGON. (Rioflend au4 I'orracUal rasrjr KrliUjr) roar saIlio raoM ad staa UVKHI1HU. Br al,li Hlyihawoml ., l-atraklf 4alsar. Br hi Him j. ... NaNVOASTl.K, N.ft. W. Br ablp tlnaTa. Hr bark Hulkerkablrai h'KT I'lkla- llr ahlp Purl Jarkaoa ANTm EHP Br bark umbrlanl Hr ahlp Kuiihriaa) u lltiSl.KoN'l- Hr an Mnitut LtMiuD IIAMiit'Kil - Ur bait Nurm . Holiluam. Kerr llivti. .'lirimiha. I I VrUtU. lnaT7'i)AI HNS IHAI I.NU liAIAl 'iTvltmAI ll'4 lOUAl ItJjlmAl Htvi iiatAI I1A1AI IVai'lUOAl lUWO.Nl lUld'ur, iluihrla Maaar, W. A l a J Ulillaw A I'd . lalbaull A knit f liif, Ton I'd lla'timr, oulbrla Cu HAS utrt m U. It A M l-.No. iih.l H, ail. TutaJ lonnacn nn lh i MktrKMktNCkta rar- lloo. sains lime tti lt- I I ma Mam Urn In lw .S For rates and general information can on or anarsa O. W. I.OUNBBERBT, Ajrsat. W. H. HUKLHURT. Oen. Fas. Agl., Portland. Or. e. mcneill. President and Maaaaer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SCHOOL SL'PEKINTENUENT. H. 8. LYMAN. urni'., n.rtd nglae, corner IDUi and llrst U lneavlay of p. m. Every ranklln. Hours. every month, 9 a, m, to 3 Saturday, 9 a. tn. to I p. m. H. A. SMITH. DENTIST. nooms l and 2, Pythian Building, vet C. H. Cooper's store. ef tit? DR. O. B. E8TEH. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Hpeclal attention tn iliiu.... .r "u surKcry. OITlce over Dnni'iri.i-. .i.. ... Telephone No. IB. I Menvry is a little treacherous now aid thon, and cauwi one to foritet nie things -orth remembering, un ss one ha an experience like that which came to Mr. D. K. Eaat. MofTatt's Cre, Va., wh says: "I had been suffering for years with a torpid liver ! and found no relief until I took Sim- j mons Liver Rexu!atr, when I was en- ! tlrely relieved of my troubles. I never j inti-nd lielng without Simmon Liver i Kegulator." i ! nat hill gainst the use of profane language in Michigan I very generally eondernnril. If the l-giHlaturr wants to fiirht the governor It should do It openly. Iietrolt Pn-e Prewi. SO VIARI XFCRIKNOI. There aeems to lie considerable per- j plexlty as to who started the latest Ore- j tan uprising and more perplexity as to j who w til st'ip It. Chicago Tribune. ' ofC"'-, I If you have ever sen a child In the ! agony of ctoud. vou can anrirechne he ' gratitude of mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is admin istered. Many homes in the city are never without it. Chas. Rogers. .i TBArjBT lllDri. OOPVAICHTS Ac. nnrrmm anain a afrh anrl dina-rlptlen maf juiriklr awvrtain, free.,,, ,,iin pniltablf ilnlal,li. iiiriiiinl..i .,r, .Irlrllr JM.r.n.Wnll.l. oi-lrt atrmn-r f.,r m- nrm par.uta lu Am.n.a. w. harp a Waaliiivlei" !,,. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beairllfiiliT llliiat rativt, lara-eat clrnilatlrm of arir wieuilrlc J..urn,l weekif,l.mi.Vfjli ar I.Oail iiiontha. (i.e. Hni.n culea ami 11a u Hooa OS fAiKXTM acuiiroa Aildrea MUNN A CO., 301 Breaaway, Nstr Verb, AT TUTTLE. M. D.. PHYSICIAN, HI ItrjKON AND AfCOtXHKl'R. Omne, roomr f and . Pvii,inn . Hours, 10 to 12 anil 1 in A n..i.. I'fS Cednr street. H. T. CROHHT. ATTORNK Y-AT-LA W. I'M Commerelal street I. Q. A. ATTORN K Y AND fOCNSKLOR AT LAW. Office on Horn! street, Astoria, Or JOHN T. I.IOHTKIt. ATTORNK Y-AT-LA W. Office, upstairs. Arorln Ilulldlna . N. Dolph. Rlehard Nlxoo. Chester V. Dolph. rxjLPII. NIXON Sc IJOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 21. 23, 2 and 17, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. iHimi against the government Jlalty. a ape- BOCIETY MEETINOS. ThMPLK LOOOIC NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular cominunlcatlons held on the llrat and third Tuesday evening of eur.h month. O. W. LOUNBilKRRY, W. If. B. C. IIOLDEN. Secretary. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. MANHOOD RESTORED.".-".-' i l ail r-r. 1KM1 ol ianiaair pbrakaan, arm quarklr rui uu ail NfiHi or dva ul la (auoraua a. wall (mt MM, Inaimiiila, ralna in ui riai-s . a I'ltniilr, t'ndlnaa In alarrr CPORC AFTCH au. km .MvDiinai -iiiuw.m. fr,M)a Il4lllh A.aliattallh IrraliM. Vaflr.r.1. a. i fiMwtipalkin, II amtai all baM br il. rr najrii, ia quA. ra ui J.j:.n, arl.lrh llnutrM-Wrl lawka usavnnaAnrfh.M and UaaUirat, lb all UichuminiatlatsoUnrr. I k klnvra ana tha ariaarr or ran ot all yaiiufiala f FaIDBl1lBl atramATthna are! rvalnraa am all aak 0111 Tha rriaia anrrarar ar nul rtirwt br Ika-aon ka baaawa stiaaty fm eant are kriiialili rUa lalllla. rrri oain KlUionir inaan raowir ancair wiiiMMllari crrauai. aaAJtrailavmA- A arminn rwarania etiran am rooaay rvinrnaai n aia ii atwa rxa auava a mafiaau LiA a boa, a a l, aauu, bv mall. aanU lur raiadrniUtaiRl laaiirrxiiaay A4drra DAVOl, HCPICIXB COf. U Put X,aaa rraintKn,(l. brsuKIa CHAS HOUEItH, tf Comnvvroltvl Stmt aia 1 1 ur iMilWAUKlE) Thl5 Railway Company Operates Its traJna on the famous block system; LlghU Ma trains by lx-trlclf y through out; l'eaj the cnlebrate.1 elea-lrU; berth read ing lamp; Runs splendidly eo,ulpd irassi'iigi-r trains every day and lUgltt Ix'tween t. I"aul and Chicago; the Chicago, nilwaujvee & St. F'aul Also operates steam-heated Veaatlbuleil tm,1n, rarr'lng th lact (iiivate oomiiartment cars, library buffet smoking i-urs, and iHilme drawing nsim Aneaapers. I'arlor cars, free recilnlng chnlr cars and the very lxt dining car service. Kor lowent nwi to any iKHnt In the United Htatcs or Ciinailii, apply to ticket agent, or niMn-avt C. J. KDDY. Oenenil Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. CASEY, Trnv. Pass. Agent frTILDDD POISON i A SPEC ALTYonTrr:; Mil prmrtntj mmnixtirt'iiii j at ft iiiiiiofaiinruii- ts a Jttf If jr'npn'r'rtorininri.awiHocji. vmmammr trurtUtpny rnllmiMi frtinU hotel bllli.nn' i 3hinr.if we fall hM;ur. If voiihiivftUkitniiiiir' curv. toilliln imtimli. end till hnv ei-tioi mtu neina, M uouu j'Aic-litift In moutn, now i nrnm I'inipira, nopprr Mfrri tmi irrr on .ut. It It tlilt HrcninJury lf,OOI I'OlHO. we KUrntelof nre. W)llrlttl.tnfiRt ol,t. tHl ami chMlleiiR tli wo rlil for m t nntt weiniiitriir. Tim d!ut htmmmy 'inmea tneKin 01 tne muetcminfuilpiiyiii jj nn AO,0M enpltiU behtrd our unrnmlfa nnlu rttHin. Aaaru i iiuk If kmkuy i il Are You (iomtc KastV IU sure and sea that your ticket reada via T HE NORTH-WESTERN line:. Pin orcuiftui Inary III.ooia folHt .-uroillnlr)lo.ilara. you Sliriinn furanni prlrii uml . alf lfr'"ipr"'"rtooiini Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It i-or Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ELMORE. SANBORN & CO A (ant. Aatorla. ClDtuletBrAtiinsrrni Daitim or vooaiba. s Cubbiorliertloniand(MID vvnainMHuuRav a the lame dlteatet Vlthoufl Inconvtnienca. SoMtflUrmrHrtt. j CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS -Ml- OMAIIA RAILWAYS. This la Ui. GREAT SHORT LINK DULIJTH. ST. PAUL. CHICAGO Am! all I'ointn Kast ami StMitl;. ThHr MsgnlPcnt Trark, I'rrrleaa Ve. tlhuled tuning and Rlcilng Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIMU " Have given una roan u nmioruil rvputa Hon. All classes of maaengtir carrlstl on th vestlhuled trains without aitra charge. Hhlp your freight and travsi over this famous Una. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD. p. C. BAVAOB. Oen. Agent. Trav. F. and V Agu U Waahlngton St., Portland, Or. ma aflaVsk'SBaj. f w fjaM m irimre rnrnwla l,.i ,.. Jl-l, Hmirmaiorrh.,!; NVhlina, nnnaln.i ,i, -liartiai, t,r an ln.n.n.. tln, Irrliatlun , ulc.ra lion uf in 11 ...J: irFfAHtOriiMirtt Tn. branw. Non aalrlna-nl. old by Uraicilaia, J -! lo alalr, arrappar, ar',.."""?! I"M4 'l Km. .,r Mii,. Jj.n.' i.lmular aanr mi rMitaaat, Caraata, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Par. ent buainea conducted (in- Modisatc ft. oosorrief isOeeoaiTi U, a. fATtNTOrriec 4iid wa can an lira Jialenl la lea tint uiao ibuae rcmot (rorn Waaliintun. 1 bead mudel, drawing or photo,, jrlih deacrlp. tlrm. W sdviaa, II patenulrl or Brit, Ire ol charg. Our (e nm due till naieni la eecurrd. A rAMSHkT, " H'w ' Obiain 1'al.nla," with net l aarne in the IS. U, and lureign cuunme aent iree, Addreaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. I opw. PttTrwr Orriet, Wamintoh. D. 6. H SJ H .. aaskaa,-- - XXXjl