TIIK DAILY ASTOUIAN, KRIHAY MOUSING, FEIIKUAUY SO. Fancy Slippers Ladles Walking Clmae Durable School OllUCd Seasonable Goods " Robbers Rubber Boots, Etc tar John Hahn & Co Are Warranto 479 Commercial St. YESTERDAY1 S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, M dfma Minimum tempera ure, S5 (degrees, to date, 6.&S Inches. Total precipitation from September 1, 188S, to date, 66.5S t noting Excel of precipitation from Septem ber I, 1896. to date, H.I5 inches, TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather. TO READERS. Th Daily Aeturlau" aatalae twice at much reading mailer aa ay other paper paMUhed la Aetiirla. It I tha ! y papar that prtwnU Ita readers Witt a daily telegraphic report. TO ADVERTISERS. -Tha "Daily Aa arlaa" haa mora thee twloe a many read me alhar papar published la Aato. el sable m as id.rw,' d'B" Uta of Oreroa. I Coaaty of Clataop. ( Wa, taa anderelgaea, leeJ Muagera raepacUvel f WMin raJoa sad Tea tat TalagHph eoaipaalra, hereby m illy that the "Dally Aiterlaa" U Ua aaly papar pabllaked la Aataria which saw re eel eee. ar at aay tiaia darlag ear control af aald a Sloe baa reeelred, a telagrapht preaa repart. B. D. JOHXSOM, Manager W . O. T. Co. J. R. CLARK. Maaager Faatal Tel. Ce. Linger not too Ions In the thoughts oC thy ahortcomings, "For one look at thyself, take fifty at Ood." Now for ruah to the Cannon Beach gold field. Mr. J. Tags, of Warrenton, tbe city yesterday. wma In Ekatrom ha the only complete stock of Jewelry In Uut city. Mia Alice V unaell. graduate optician, office In Manaell building. v. Born, to the wife of Mr. Cnkmtown, Tuesday, a son. Mattson. Get your ticket for the Taylor tie ter first thing thl morning. Hat you any jeweiry that need re pairing i Take H to Ekatrom'. There was no busineaa done in either the police or Justice courts yesterday. Lieut, and Mr. C. A. Flagler, of Portland, visited Fort Stevens yester day. Mr. H. B. Parker returned from Port land yesterday considerably tmprored in health. E. A. Seeley is In the city from Port land, looking after the interests of the steamer Telephone. The Silver City bootblack stand at Seventh and Astor streets Is now open from It. m. until 4 p.m. . ' Miss Munsell, the optician, can be found at her office in the Mansell build ing from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. The most attractive and Inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or der at 618 Commercial street The only "Queen" heater for sale only by Fisher Brothers. Call and be con vinced. Beware of imitations. - The Taylor slaters have made one of the hits of .the seenon. The house prom ises to be packed this evening. Wait :for the "Huseby." the best bicycle on earth for the least money. $10 and ,50. F. L. Parker, aent. Yesterday the Potter did not arrive until after 9 o'clock; hence the mail was several hours late in. distribution. Yesterday was ladies' day at the A. F. C. gymnaMum and !ar?e num bars of the fair sex were in attendance. There will be no swwion of me teach ers' institute this afternoon, but Instead ail of the teachers will visit Fort Ste vens. uet prices at the Low Price Store rorthe latest in silk pongees, all shades, for waists and underskirt, 191 Bond street. The devotees of terpsichore yester day reported having had a jolly time at Miss Lewis' domino party Wednes day night. It Is understood that a new and com modious depot will be built by the railroad company at Seaside sometime this aeason. p ' Gangs of workmen Hre now ,busily engaged on the Wg cuts above Rainier and Mayger's and between Clifton and Westport. Work on the tunnels will be Good tea is extremely goode you may not know how.good. 'OA';'hi ttryScMlwgts West; 1 if you don't like it, your gro cer will pay youmoney back in fulL ASckitliar ft.Co.paa rln wion, but aa alt of the tunnels are ahort oik, they can be pushed through Jn quick order. Don't forget that each day work on Mie railroad Is being pushed forward, and that before many month the frad Inn wIM be entirely finished. Little price and big values In new spring oheek and fancy Mack and colored dree good Just received at the Low Price SUire, tl lVnd street. A larye scow of lumber from Uoble wa towed over to Warrenton yester day afternoon. The lumber will be used in the construction of cottage. Alex Olds went hunting yesterday at Smith' Point, but the only game he brought home was the recollection of a rabbit which got away from him. The wauaona of the teaclwra' Insti tute he) J yesterday attracted many vUor from tbe general public and the exorcise were rxtretnoly Interest ing. ' ' The big pile driver work again today In railroad yards, iwhere work will pletlon. be at once puehed to com- The driver for the Webf.Kt Comml-jktfC a Ju)V, Wtts exc.,, Nr ,, jerni. alon CVmpany i hving for another Ludwlg chrfatatitp-n. a native of Nor leap year to relieve him of the Jtm-,wy w admitted to cltienshlp. M.-a. culty of choosing In-tween half a doten x,,t..1.J, er.;u. . ,m-orr. A private letter received yesterday stated that Mr, J. B. Copeland. lately of Astoria, 1 very sick In the hospital at Olymplo, and that his family have also been ill. The big pile driver at work at Scar- borough Head yesterday dropped " big hammer overboard, which will ne- cewttate the emloyment of a diver - fore the work can go forwara The performance of the Taylor sis- ter tonight wlU be for the benefit of the Columbia marine band, and the en - tire proceeds will be devoted to the pur - chase of new uniforms for Its mem- bers. There were only a few who made any kind of a kick against the weather yesterday, and they were people of . K-wmy naun a w pre.er a sieaay season of storm to an occasional gleam of sunshine. ; ' ' , ' ' The charming HUle Taylor sister promise a grand surprise for all who', attend their performance this evening, They intend to leave Astoria on their ' eastern tour with the praise and best wishes of all Its citlxens. Capt Hirsch, of the stranded Potrlm pos, was over from North Beach yes terday and sent his buatsw-aln and two ; apprentices back to Hamburg. The captain is now alone with the excep - tlon of a mate and cook. In the county court yesterday came up the matter of the appointment of ! E. S. Ferguson as administrator of the j estate of J. L. Moore in place of C. Bottom, who was recently appointed, j Judge Gray took the matter under ad- ( visetnent. Foreman Morrison, of the Western I'nlon. and his force of men left last night for Portland, having finished the navri ana aeasiue lines, ox cent mat the wire on the Seaside line will not be strung until the new depot at Side IS built. - In order to dispel any concern which may exlm in the minds of those de- sirous of attending the inaugural ball to be given at Foard Stokes' hall as to the admission of Improper charac- ters, Mr. J. T. Itoss desires to announce Ohat he will personally be In charse at the door that evenine anl thae l , . .... om persons 01 unaouwea respectability will be admitted. A grand inaugural ball will be taiven at Foard & Stokes' hail on March 4, 1897, in honor of our President, William McKtnley, under the auspices of J. G. Rials and F. Brown. Two gold medals will be given for the best lady and gentleman waltzer. A Jo hat for the cake walk. Judges for the gold med als: Hon. John Fox, Hon. J. C. Curtis and Mr. John Ruth. Judg for the cake walk will be H. J. Wherity, F. J. Carney and Geo. Smith. A cold-storage company on the Co lumbia between this city and Portland have announced their Intention of put ting up a btg plant In this city a soon as the Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Is finished. They claim that As toria will some day control the ship ments of frozm fish from this part of the coast, and do not propone to be the last to start Into the business here. They will not only handle Columbia river salmon, ubt deep sea fish as well. There will be another performance by the Taylor sisters at Fisher's opera house this evening. The management will put on an entire change of program and from the praise unreservedly ex pressed by all who were fortunate enough to be present last evening, it is anticipated that there will be a crowded house. All who contemplate going, therefore, will do well to attend to reserving their seats, at Griffin & Reed's book store, as early as possible this morning. f An old gtAitleman from away out on the Upper Nehalem was In the city yesterday laying in a supply of grocer ies and provisions for the summer. It was his first trip to Astoria in about five months, and the first human being he ran across and spoke ai word to in all that time wias when lie arrived at Oiney, on his : wiay to he city. No sooner nad be landed in town than he asked of the first acquaintance he met: "Who .was elected president, Bryan or McKmley?" The member of the Astor Assembly No., 22, the United Artisans, gave a ery. pleasant and enjoyable enter- NO-TO-BAC VmtAAftWKtraetnld.im.ltiVeu.el Ita ttmn Ki.ulie la Hie eruftleal nerxe.fvKht 111 (Us to nuke I be weak luuoH-nl man ttnoia. lifhird. w eeineet to Vet wh we V2h!Z "ZXLvJm m mi?ViZZ.WiL' CfivTSiJVV "''J,'f'ataai Sold and talnment at thvlr hall In! evening. Mr. Cenm and Mr. Snoditra- ren dered two In.itrunwmal pieces on the piano and trombone. Airs. Mooer caused a JauRh by telling of the pre dicament of the deacon and hU wife. and Bhetr rcue. Maoter Arthur Hoa- worth recited .ml Mm. Hkon:h i. The wrta alenu-nt la a pedl feature of the i1er. and tt' kx-al aimemWy hoiea to iiwke It prominent hereafter. In the circuit court yesterday the caw of the Mate va Ou Siuitrg and Jab Nauha iH-uptl mivrly the en tire aewlon. F. D. Wlnton ik1 A, M. Smith aiH'eared for the dene. H- Itrlet Attrne- fieotiHl and Allen pro.- "!eiitel. Several luuvwee were exam. ! Ine.l Hnd the case wen over till jo'clvK-k today. In the c-e of H. Sol will commence , Jwnlulrf vs, thl. Afiwia lM.-klng the the Sixnv bay ld,.munt,r na UverruUl ami five days the foundation h0wh1 in whK to tile an answer D. K- Warren, as-olttnee. va. M. J. Kln ! nw Ji'murrer overrule!. W ilaya al- I lowed In which to anawer. Fred Itar- Ifrom K. I- Mitchell. AXXt'AL K LECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of Silaml District No. I. of Clat sop county. Oregon, that the annual 0.t election fnr aalit district will p! Monday, being the 8th day of March. A. D. IS7. This Ueotlon to called for the purpose of ' electing one director for the term of I flv vfHrg pMll to w open from 3 t0 p. ra. of said day. Voting places. oK1 wlhon, -buiidin, AdaJr' Astoria; ;houie RtscUe Engine Company No. !,. Mt)iiriA r.ngiiw Company 1 ... . H B FKROL'SON I a-wwj owi. I k.lrvi. ivK,.n n i97 TEACHERS INSTITUTE. A teachers' county institute will be ABtorU the last week In Feb- 'lruajv Thurrfav. Fridav and Saturday. ,k , -k iwi trth inat ' r,t ! Irwin, Pres. Chapman, and Pre. Camp- Ml wll, k nrt. An excellent pro- has been arrAiure.L Day session i ah k, Keld at MoClur. school house: Evening sessions at the Methodist ; church. All are invited to attend. I H. S. LYMAN. Softool Supt SHIP CROWN OF INDIA. An Uils due on the Above lnanuH. ,hiD mu, k, nnm-ni in d. 'r.11,.0. io..,.i r-. on or before the 27th Inst. J. E. CORKHILL. Master. A SNAP. For sale cheap and on eay t-rms, four choice building ltrts In McClure's Astoria. For particulars call on Howell A Ward, 51S Bond street. RECEIVER'S SALE. ' v.t,. 1. h,,.k h .. derslgned. receiver in suit the of C. T. Sea-'crosbv. administrator, vs. Sol. tK.iH.n- fu-lmr l al u-UI ruvliu a (hu jof the Astoria Irn Works, In the city f Astoria, on Wednesday March 10. Ds97. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., Valed bids for tlw purf-hase of the nHrefw r n,i m.h.i. jisg and store fixtures, shop nxtur and J ! tools contained in the store b.illdlng 1 uIk.oi u, v.. sin oh tn . ... . nirrcti, intm t;uy ,j! AoVMiut lonneriyi owned by M. C. Crosby, deceased. Se-paraite bids will be re?lved for the ! stock and tools and for the More flx tur. I The right to rej-t any and all bids Is reserved. All bids will be opened at 2 p. m.. March 10. next. JOHN FOX. Receiver. FORMER ASTOHIAN'B AFFLICTION The many friends of Mr. land Mrs. Chas. Butterfleld, formerly of Clatsop. ! Oregon, now residing near Santa Claus, j Cal., will sympaithlze with them In the loss of their only daughter, 1I'pe, who passel frsn earth after week of suf fering with heart trouble, on February 18, aged 17. The Oregorrian Ik lequi sted to copy. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Occident J. Dunlap. Portland; E. M. Shipman, Chicago; H. Ging, Portland; C. F. Heath, F. F. Boody, H. Alger, W. P. Srrath, Mrs. N. J. Taylor, Tay lor sisters, E. A. Seely, Portland; E. M. Shlpman, Chicago; G. M. Irvln, Salem; I. Lock wood, G. M. Clour, pan Francis co; C. H. Chapman, Eugene; F. J. Calef, Chicago. Parker House. A. Z. Jackson, Ohio; John Hogan, Maine. Inatant relief fur akin-tnrturi( batile and rot fur tired mothers In a warm ba'b with C'vticcba Smp, and a single application of t'LTicca (ointment), tbe great skin cure. The only speedy and economical treatment for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply bunion of tbe skin, scalp, and blond. cum liaold thrmiftvwttTi worA. Vnrru Dwio UbClikV tCAh i'unkATit,H, Hoi Proprietor, Bna. mr aw n cart ivttj uuj uum BABY BLEMISHES HrA Cyii GUARANTEED TOBACCO mmm HABIT A In tar tbntrmw tad aiwurlto. Jtui t a txu t , M a ewre l ihhi-It ureiito. h d anaiiueet i lll be de uimiiift everf- Guaranteed by Cha. Roger. DruggUr THK tXMINO ItAHY. When a bby eontoa to the hue real hapjUneaa coimm. The nar and anx iety count for itotbintT Agulmit theollng ing uwioh of the Uttk hand and the ound of the little Vote. Tho hlelHal function given to hunu.n betna I J bringing htsUthy, htqpy oltlMmi 1nti j v orld. Over thirty year nito the of women atHUeO to Dr. Pierce, rv ctxht tvnaulting physician of the InvaJIda' Hotei and Surirh-aJ Inatltute, of Iturralo, New York. The, reault of his atudy lmiroveJ by thirty year of practice Is etnlKMlW In Dr. Jterce'. Fa vorite PretwirtpUon., )t 8trengthaia, m rtilca an. I nuUte henlUiy the organ diatlnotly feminine. It glvi weak o mti the atreitirch and health int.'ary for the prvxluctlon of hoajhy cWldr-n and It make the teanng of thoie chil dren eaoy. ' It la aure to cure any weak- rw or oeranirhMirt petnillar to io men; to. pain, aootho nrtamnuutn, atrevnhene, purttlve. Invigorate. Florists and wine merchant, say tht theyrivtnot cuinploln of 'buaini-as. Peo ple will have luxuries though they let th Mils at the baker's wait for pay. nen(, I A GOOD LETT Bit From the clerk of the Circuit Court. Femandiiw, Fl,. Fob. 3S. 1SS. Mr. J. Creorge Suhrer. Dmgglat, Clty- Dear Oeurge: Please send a txJttle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. I would not feW easy if I know there was none of this valuable remedy in the house. 1 have given It a fair test and consider It on of tha r.ry bast rem dkM fur croup that I have ever ulld. One doae has always bean suffloioot. al though I use it freely. Any oold my children oontraot yiold very readily to this medicine. I can consvienlioualy recommend tt fur mmp and colds la children. Your respectfully, , GEO. E WOLFF. Sold by Estea-Conn Drug Ob. It is not generally known that the manager In "the frrdSt of the houe" is allowed as a perquisite a single dower from evry bouquet aent ever the footlights. Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No cure no pay. For sale lit Es-tw-Conn Drusr Store. The fur thatt hast figured on the street costumes this winter ran be made to do service on negligees for summer wear, a fashion haa decreed that auch use of K Is permissible. WARNING. Any person or persons detected In bonking the feneas or otherwise tres xuwing Uon the proTty of the Klavet Ijind and Investment Crmj)any will be subot to arr-st ami fine. This order will be rigidly enforced. The Flavvl Ind & Development Co. J. M. Tt'RNEY, Sec. Flavel. Feln-uary 20, 1H97. The woman of an economical turn of mind never throws 'away a drm skirt. It is made to do 'duty as a pet ticoat when its days of usefulness us an outside garment are an end. Chloora, Pa,, "Herald:" Richard Vensel report On. Minute Cough Cure the greatest success In medical science. He told us that it cured his whole family of terrible cough And colds, af ter all other so-called cure had failed I entirely, Mr. Vensel said It assisted his children through a very bad siege of measles. One Minute Cough Cur makes expectoration very easy and rapid, ('has. Rogers, Druggist. Te building trade of Cincinnati and vlnlntty lhave 9.000 members in forty- seven unions. Hoe-Cake Soap Has No Equal Made under United States patent it must necessarily be different from all others -Contains no starcb, free alkali or worthless filling:. ...In Honor of President McKinley... Grand Inaugural Ball March 4, 1897 AT FOARD & STOKES' HALL Two Gold Medals Will Be Given for the Best Lady and Gentleman Waltzers and a 5 H&t to the Win ner of the Interesting Cake Walk. !J. G. Ross and Fred Brown I MANAGERS Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mam oa application. The lighthouses m the IVnmark ciawts are UpMl with oil, which la pmuHl on the waves In time of trou ble1. Salton Sta Salt tor lititlm nt the Ksti's-ronn i'rnjr Stort 10c Hiul 2."h' tT iiai'katre. As soon iw dtMiioinliiients can be tnrth gravftilly Hn-y lose half Ihelr dug I'MTEl) STATKtJ CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. The I'nltwl Slat.-s Civil SitvIiV Coin mlHsbw haa ordered that an examlnrt tlon Ih- held by Ha local hoard In this city im Satunluy. April 3. W!. com mencing at o'dm-k a nw, for all graditi In the customs service. Only cttlicns of the I'nhrtl State can le examined. The age limitation for this examination are a follow: Minimum twenty, tiMixImum mine. No Applica tion will he accepted for thl exnmina tlon unless filed with the Un.lr,-lncd. on the roi'er blank, hefmv tbe )aur of ckaring busltm mi Munh IS, 1S;7. Application shouM'lje (lied promptly, In order that I lino jnay remain for cor rvtitlon. If nwiawary. The cnmmtsstoa take this opportu nity of stating that the examinations are oi to all reputable cltlsens of tha I'ntted Star who may desire to enter the service, without regard to race or to their pwitli-al or tvllgtoue alfilta tlorui. All such citiaena are Invited 10 Apply. They shall be i-iamiited, graded, ami ceOtllU-d with entire Impartiality, and wholly without regard to any con akleration save their efficiency, as shown by the grade Ihey obtain In the examination ' For application blanks, full Inst rue. tlon. and Information relative to the duties and salaries of the different po sitions, apply to J. F. HAMILTON. Set-rotary Itoanl of Examiners. Customs Service. l"ortto(Tlco addrvwa, Ailorla. r-icon. floss, Biggins and Co. GROCERS & BUTCHERS AMoriu and P.ust Astoria Choice Fresh and Salt Meats Columbia Iron Works FOUNDRYMEN Blacksmiths, machinists .... and Boiler lakers Corner Fifteenth rtrrirt nd Krstiklln avenua Emil Schacht ARCHITECT CFO.NICOLL, Assistant. OFFICE: Kopp's Hew Brewery the Best... J THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements. ? at very low prices. ' Is It not a fine investment? WANTKI). WANTEiv-SHuation by gxl Jaian. ea cook; excellent reference. Address !! K. A., dm tNiimrcliil aln-et. city. Cedar Shingles SKASlpid LUMBER YARD, OFFICIC J6& COMMKHCIAI. HT Marshall & Company's Twine Fresh from the mill for l7 fishing. Every ball guaranteed. Please report any 1mterfectkn. BEWARE OF IMI TATIONS. Every ball muat ba marked "MARSHALL CO.. SIIREWHHl'IIY MILLS." Manufactured from selevted flax apeclally for COM 'Mil! A RIVER FISHING. See that .vary ball bear the MARSHALL lalx. . 7, . . 10, U. IS. 11. 14-ply 40 . U, U. 14. IS. ll-ply SO'. 7. X. I. 10-ply SO'. Elmore, Sanborn X COee Agnt 4JH llotxl Ht.. Antorln Japanese Goods Orlentnl Curlow Noveltien VVINGJLEE, 543 ComraercUl St W. U. WOHU Real Estate and Insurance no i.rv:Tii nt. Iirrica Willi K. A. Tnyl.ir. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY RBADINO ROOM FHEB TO ALL. Open avary day from I a'clock t 1:1 and 4.10 to I.W p. aa. Subscription rata It par annum. B.W. COR. ELBVENTH DTJANB ITA SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kind of finish; mold ings and shingles. Term reasonable and price At bedrock. All -order promptly attended to.' Office and yard at mill. H F L. LOGAN, Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. ORDER OF PU11LICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop M. Nowlen, Plaintiff, vs. Oliver Stew art, M. C. George, George, hi wife, J. P, Eckler, Eckler, his wife, D. M. Stuart. Kat B. Stuart hi wife, I, M. Klmbrr and Sarah Klmber. bis wife, H. W. Week, Geo. PeLno, Edith DeLano, hi wife, W. E. Stewart, and Lily Stewart, hla wife, Mary Elmore, E, L. Dwyer, and the Astoria Saving Rank, Defendants: To W. E. Stewart. Lily Stewart, E, L. Dwyer, Geo. DeLano, and Edith Dt Lano, of the above defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit by the first day of the next term of the above entitled court, to-wlt; th Zlst day of September, 1894; and If you fall so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take decree against you for the sate of certain lands in Clatsop county, Oregon, for tn fore closure of a mortgage executed by de fendant Oliver Stewart; ld land ar particularly described In th com' plaint on file tn thl suit Said land Are situate In section 20, tt, and th Donation Land Claim of Addison Jew ett, T. N., R. W., and for uch oth, er relief a prayed for, and shall b deemed by the court proper. , Service of thl summons (s mad upon you by publication In th Weekly Astorlan pursuant to order of th judge of thl court made th 21st day j of July, ISM. 1 J. Q, A. BOWLBT, - , Attorney ror. i'laintirr. CASTORIA for Infants tad Children. 1.11a rk e ep. " m ' " " ; saT t . J. ii i a f: BJL0LMES Tiaphn. uincksmlthi Special Attantlon Paid to Hteamboat Ita- i 'airing, iuraseliosiiitf. Etc. LOCCING Cm DORK A SPECIALTY 1ST OI.NRV T., bet. S.I an. I 41a. .SNAP A KODAK ! al any man aumltii out al I nut tiara and you'll A . iianrall t a man brlinmlnit itvar with pieaaaiit tlitiutlita. MucH quality lu tha liquor a tut la otter AM emiuti U I I'lratt an nta. ICOMIT ANI THY Tl I KM HUOMES & CO. A. V. ALLICN, DCALia IN Orocerle, Flour, FeeJ, Provlsloim Fruit. V(etable, Crock try, GUwand PUltdWtr. Lonen'Stippllr. Oar. Taala and CoaaroarcUl trtai Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Train leav Seaside for Astoria At 7:S0 a. m. and I p. K. daily. Trains leave Astoria for Flaval At a. m. And 4 p. m. dally. I Train eav Astoria fur Heaald Al i 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. daily. I Trains leav Flavel for Astoria at 1:44) a. m. and I U p. m. dally. WHITE COLLAR LIKE IDE STEAMER" TELEPHOHE Astoria and Portland Telephone leave Astoria dally ac cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Port land dally except Hunday at 7 a m. j T. J. Potter leave Astoria at 7 a in. daily except Sunday. Lve Portland dally at t p, m , Sunday excepted. Sat urday at 11 p. m. Ticket good on both boats U. II. SCOTT, President K. A. Heeley, gtint. Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent. Astoria. Telephone No. II. J. B. WYATT, Pheas Ne. Asterle, Ortfea Hardware, Ship Chandlery, GroeerleB, Provllons, PAINTH and OILH. pec la J Atuatle Pall ta Baaplylag Skip, "The Louvre" ASTORIA'S C0IK.R019 ENTERTAINMENT HALL s ri.ooK fine Muale. tlamaa of All Klnila. Two Magallleaut Bare. CVCItTTniNfi MUST-CLASS Good Order and Everybody's Rights BTKICTLY OHHKHVKII. 187a 180, Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandlery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour A Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers. Supplies,' ' Fairbanks Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons A Vehicles. eWSTOHlA ! IRON i WOHKH Front St., foot of 4th, Aatorla. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Un4 b4 Marina Enfln.i, Bolltr work, SUaa boat and Caneary Work a Specialty. Cartsr f AN Deatrlptlem MiU 4 Ortftr oa aiiwsi nvntt, John Fox.,. .President and Superintendent A. L. Fox , Vine PntaMn. O. B. Praal Benr,. First National Bank, Treasurer WHEN IU PORTtNpZriul on Jno . Hasdlay A Co 124 Third straeL an get th Pally Astoria. Visitors naad not mla tnatr morning papar while ther.