TIIK DAILY ASTORIAN, Tl'KSIUY MOKNINU, b'KUUI'AKY n, WW. Fancy Slippers Ladles Walking Chnpc Durable School OHUC5 Seasonable Good Rubbers Rubber Boots, Etc John Hahn & Co. Warrant 479 Commercial St. TK8TKRDAT8 WEATHER. Maximum temperature. 45 degree. Mlnumum temperature, 34 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total preclpltatkwi from September 1. 1S9, to daw, S. Inohea, SH, to date, 11S1 Inches. TODAT8 WEATHER. For Oregon and Washington Fair weather, cooler. TO KEAIKK.-Ta laally Aaturlau1 eeatalna la Ire an much reading Matter a Bar ether paper pahlUhed la Aatorla. It ta enly paper that preeeata IU raawtara with a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVERTISER. Tha Dally At- arlaa" haa aiare thaa twice aaanaay read ers aa any ether paper pabllahed la Aato rla. It la therefore more Uiaa twice aa saleable aa aa advertising medium. tate ef Oregon. Coawty of Clatsop. I We, the aadaratgaed. loenl naaaagare reepeetlrely ef Ho Weatera Taloa aad Postal Telegraph eoaapulee. hereby eer ttfy that the "Dally Astoria" U the eJy paper pabllahed la A Mori a which aew re BBlrea, ar at aaf time daring ear control af aald orBess hae received, htalegraphle prase roper. D. JOHXSON, Manager . C T. Co. J. R. CLARK Maaager Foetal Tel. Co. AT EVENING. God flushed the sunset through the cup Of misted hilta and said. "Now tha day la dead. Earth dart, let thin eye look up!" ToM sleep care lulls, now cease Tha tumultuous wheels of day. And the sun's last ray Sprcaula the purple of night's peace. The curtained mists above The darkened railey spread. Hush! God has said His sunset word of love. Herbert Bates. Ekatrom has the only complete stock of Jewelry in the city. 4 ' ' Mr. Charles Kohn. the Portland mer chant, la In the city. Have yon any Jeweiry that needs re- palrlngl Take tt to Ekatrom' i. It to reported that Mrs. Brach la put Use up new house 1n East Astoria. 1 - ' Manager Bowers, of the Portland ho tel, la taking in the eights of Astoria. Nace Grant and George Bartley at. tended the bail at Cathlamet last night. The Hon. C. C. Dalton, of Ilwaco, was over yesterday, visiting his friends in the city. Sheriff Hare will today commence the collection of taxes. It will not be a holiday, either. The most attractive and Inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or der at (18 Commercial street. .t , The only "Queen" heater for sale only by Fisher Brothers. Call and be con vinced. Beware of Imitations. Mr. Alfred Tucker, of Meyer, Wilson & Co., Pwtland, la In the city, looking ofter their ahlpping Interests here. Assistant General Passenger Agent A. D. Charlton, of the Northern Pa cific, Portland, is visiting in the city. Prof. Grlbler'a orchestra will play at the performance at tho Columbia opera house next Thursday, February 25. Reports received yesterday show that the properties of the Acme group of mines at Roesland. B. C, are pan ning out Al. The "Big Four," Mead, Charlton, Bowers, and Kohn, are down from Portland. Brother Elks took them In tow last night. Assistant Mayor W. H. Mead, of Portland, la In the city, taking notes as to the best 'methods of reducing mu nicipal expenses. Yesterday Mr. R. F. WUaon. of the Portland office, t'jok charge of the O. I. Co. 'a ooaj agency in Astoria, vice Chas. Powtll, resigned. The Arctic owls In the Office, brought from the frozen North by Captain Ma son, of the steamer Jennie, are attract ing much attention. The Columbia opera house will be wall heated and comfortably fitted for the occasion of the entertainment Thursday, February 25. For the past week a locomotive ten der has been standing on the track noar the O. R. & N. dock. Yesterday mechanics finished attaching a "cow oatoher" to the rear end of the tank, "Actions speak louder than words" ask your gro cer ifwe really mean money back if you don't like Schil ling's Best tea. A Sctaillbif fc Coapaa Sas r raadace Md during tha afternoon the train waa backed up and coupled on. taking the whole affair across to Warrenton. whew It will be attached to the engine. Vpportown 1 enjoying quite a build ing boom Jut n Fully a doaen new houses are under course of con struction east of the brewery. Two hundred art tela In one thousand drawing will be represented In the dally Journal pWlurtal art exhibit which opens In San Francisco tonight. A targe number of Astorian went to the ball ait Cathlamet ami Olney last night. WashlngtWa birthday waa no doubt celebrated In proper manner. Some of the buxlneias men on Elev enth atrw yesterday scraped the mud off that thoroughfare so that It la now quite clean. Their aalajiea will be re duced. Dr. Harnett, o rr. Logan's office, met with a avrtoua accident Sunday resulting, It la reported, in a dwp gash i In hta leg. The wound was dressed by Dr. Finch. Theateanier Ihvaeo yeatervlay brought over a large consignment of oyatera from ShowJw-ater. The- were taken up the river laat night on the steamer Manager How-era. of tho Portland, and ( Meaora. Meau), Charlton and Kohn will -lsdt Flavd today. Lavat night they partook of an elegant apread with mine hoat Megler. Workmen will In a few day com mence the fortifications at Scarborough Heaul for the government. The large dock la now ready to receive the boats and barge. Testerday waa a regular spring day. Hyacinths were In bloom and people nave ix-truii w uih -im-jr may something now oemdea ram. a rail road or two. The second barge-load of lumber tor the "Fishermen' Protective Union can- nery" arrived down from Portland yea- trday and was discharged at the new cannery site. The Derformance at the Columbia opera bouee on February 2i will be. nmbablv. the last show In Aatorla for some time, as lent begins tn a few days afterwards. Dr. W. I. Hoiward and family left for California, by way of Portland. Monday morning They were called away by the serious illness of Mrs. H.l'. moW , ; , the hill, and East Astoria vemerday. tak- Ing advantage of the sunshine and hoi- Iday to get a view of the Improvements going coin the city. Captain Jones, of spent Waahington'a the Dalcalrnle. birthday ashore yesterday, but forgot what day It waa until he returned to his sWp In the evening, when he hoisted hla flags. The inveetlagting committee of the city council meets at two o'clock tday. The session will be held In the council chamber and the doings of the public property comitte will be looked Into. The contract for building the treat- im- of the raJlmarf from above Booth's cannery to Tongue Point has been let to Messrs. Wakefield ft Jacobsen, who will soon commence work on that sec tion of the line. Ex-Secretary of State J. H. Price, of Washington, who arrived from Olympla Sunday, returned from Ilwaco last evening, where he spent the day, and mckientally looked Into the fish trap business. Mr. Price said that politics were dead m a sense. Workmen were busy all day yester day on the Scow bay trestle work and will soon have everything ready for track-laying. It will be a pround day for the train men when they run Into thoir own depot and have plenty of room for the handling of businese. Yesterday waa a big day with the Seashore line, all the trains coming Into town being well patronized. Searfde Warrenton, Flavel, New Astoria and Fort Stevena sent large delegations. Ticket Agent Stone says It Is one of the best days he has had this winter. The entertainment given Saturday night at the old school house, Ksat Astoria, by the Minerva Society, was a social and financial success. A good ly sum was raised for charitable pur poses, and the members of the society daerve credit for their persistent work. Chief Engineer Hegardt, and about forty other engineers and men from the works at Fort Stevens, who have been spending the holiday in Portland, arrived home this morning and returned to Fort Stevena on the Dwyer at six o'clock. Superintendent Morrison, of the West ern Union Telegraph Company, waa ovor from Seaside yesterday, having re covered from the fall from his spider, and reryrrta that only one more mile of poles has to be Bet to complete the line between Warrenton and Sea side. In another couple of days the pile- driver will have completely closed up that portion of Scow bay where the woodyard Is located. All of the wood schooners have been removed, the only craft remaining being a couple of barges loaded with bridge Umbers for the trestle. Yoeterday noon the crossing at the corner of Twelfth street and Franklin avenue was thoroughly cleaned by a new combination. First came the preaching giant who marked out the lme of work with a hoe, followed by the banker who shealded himself under a mighty spade. Next, with pick In il!Kshortcns Sg$ Iryyour food, lcngth-if j ens your life. i 2tto!ene i (J The N. AT. Fairbank I t Company St. Loni. Chicago. Moo Jjb lj NWjr ,''1 hand. eme the little Zelgler. and all was superintended by the thing of nine, ty pounds, assisted by two hundred nounds of iwiHiw The walk wa well cleaned and inspected a o-- ly A. Iounaberry. The exhibition of drawing at the Partington school. San Franckaco, which opens tonight, for the benertt of the Chronicle relief fund, promises I to ho one of Uie events of the ecason on the Parlflc cout. There will be i eomrtburiona fnm all the loading dully JourmUaof the I'nltetl Sta. A pay crowd of young people were those who took advatttage of the tine wewther yesterday, and, with Mta Catherine Powell aa chaperon, walked out to Hay Home farm above Young'e ' VSdnt for a Dlcnlc and good time gen eraJiy. The rada were not m th beat of condition, but when youn h carta are buoyant and spirits pay such trlllee ara nc notkvd. The day waa ient In game and strolling over tho farm. and a deheioua dinner waa served by the ladle of the party. Early In the afternoon they wended their w ay home, all voting It one of the moat pleasant affairs of the aeaaon. At Seaside the other day there waa a basket pWnlc. The basket of lun rheon each contained a numberde card wJre jj at auction. The pur chaser waa conpelIed to dine with the lady holding the duplicate of the num ber In the basket purchased. Judge jjoGuire. U la auid. bid a good round mim orj a particularty fine Viking bas ket -hk-h ha had a tip belonged to a pertain handsome young lady. When knocked off to him, however, he waa much surprised to have to dine with We own wife, bug enjoyed the Joke as much aa the young people who set up a shout at bis evident Memppotn meat. ' Architect Matt de Lin returned yes terday from a week'e vialt with Robert Oibaon at his Elk creek home. Mr, de Lin la preparing to draw plana for eaW "' Mr. Gibson tne oeacn. l nree years ago me mun ster raft that went to piece oft Necar nle mountain, fumlshed the inhabit' n "'" " lamoofc Head, wun a large auppiy or nne P'""- Thousejiikt of piles are scattered along the beach, having been thrown high up by the winter'a tides. It ' l1" P"ea that Mr. Gibson cemotruct hla house, a hlch no diiubt will be quite up-to-date. Log cabins will undoubtedly become a fad with property-owners on that beach. At the Columbia opera house. Thurs day evening, February 25. the favorites, the Taylor sisters, will appear, assisted by a company of Astorla'a fa,vorlte and talented profess-nals and amateurs. In the funny dance entitled, "Oh, What an Angel 7 and also the exceedingly r"nny drama. "Irish Justice." under the direction of Al. Firth. Also, the ex- citing and 'amusing club swinging. elrlcal effects, by W. L. Hayward, and a great variety of specialties will be given. A fine orchestra will be In attendance. Ticketa on sale at Strauss' New York Novelty Store. Box sheet will open Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Reserved seats, Wc. What the press has to say about the Taylor sis ters: "These little artists, in their ape i rial dances, are the poetry of motion, ; and have Justly earned the title of Portland'a favorites." WARNING. Any person or persona detected In breaking the fnnees or otherwise tres passing upon the property of the Flavel Land and Investment Company will be Bubjeot to arrest and fine. This order will be rigidly enforced. The Flavel Land and Investment Co. J. M. TL'RNEY. Sec. Flavel, February 20, 1W. Bicycle made. costumes are now being TO Cl'KE A COLO IN ON v. DAT Take laxative Dromo Qulnii.e Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Remnants t silk make fine skirt lin ings. ROYAL basing Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength V. S- Oovernmaot Report When a woman Is In love even hr own thoughts cast shadows. Instant relief for skin-tortured babies anil rest for tired mothers In a warm bath Willi Ccticcba Soap, and a single application ol Crnci'sA (ointment), tha great tkln cure. The only spealr and economical treatment for tailing, burning, bleeding, scaly, ami pimply humor of tue akin, scalp, and blood. utlcuri aci ' oat-oK ii'it, rVnr PmP'tHor, ltst"n. WT " Hum Ut cart L.ffj bib lluiiMarmalltd It. BABY BLEMISHES rZ2r BABY HOIS TIIK COMING OF 1UHY. Wtwn a biby come to the houao real ha;ii.tnca ., Tha cart inl anx iety count for nothing agwlnat the cling ing touoh of the little hand and tha au:ul of tha little volic The hlght function given to hunu-.n being I bitn.rlng hoAlthy. hi'y ohtllivn '" me r.'uria. ivtr -tnirty i1 ago uw noevla of witinen Uel to Ir. riere. now chlif consulting physician of the InvnJUla' Hotol and Ptirvtl inaltiule. at HuffaJo, Now York. The rault of hla atudy lmprovel by thirty year of proottoe la muIkhIIoI In Vr. rien-a'a Fa vrlt rretevlptlm. It HtrngthvMa, pu-rtrt.-a and maltea honlthy the organ distinctly fetHintn. It gl weak wo nh the atreogth and health nweaanry tho prolue4Jon of IxMvlthy children and tt makva th IxHinng of tlH clill drn tjy. It la auro to cure any weak- ne r dtnrvngenuMit ptvullur to wo- nun; ato pain, i.tlce nfUmtiiattn. atrt urtlxMia, purlllt. tivlgrit'a. It won't be so very long before plunk ed shad dinner will he In ea."oii. Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Frederick- town. Mo., was troubled with chronic diarrhoea for over thirty your. lie hud become fully sat Mini thiit It was only a question of a sltort time until ho would have to give It up. Ho htul boon treated by aome of the bot phy sicians In Europe and America, but got no relief. One day ho picked up a newwtaper and chanced to read an ad- vertlennt Chamberlain' Colic. Chorer and PUurh.iea llotnody. He got a bottle of It, and the tlrat dose ... ... . nNpeu rum arw us conunueo rureu him. For sale by Eatea-Conn trug Co. When people cease to stars at a pret ty woman she realiae that she I get ting passe. A GOOD LETTF3R From the clerk of the Circuit Court. Fernandlnu, Fla., Feb. :, 1KW. Mr. J. George Suhrer, Pnigglst. City: Deavr George: Please send a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I woukl wit feel eavsy If I know there was none of this valuable remedy In tha house. I hve gtveai tt a fair teat and consider tt one of tho very best rero dka fUr croup irhat I have ever found. 0n doss ha always bem sufficient, al though I um M freely. Any oold my ohfJJren contnun yield very readily to this medicine. I ru cora.4entioualy recommend tt for croup and colds In children. Your nwpeotfully, OBO. E. WOLFF. Sold by Eates-Cunn Drug Co. It is not dirflcult to judge a man's worldly experience by the sort of meal he orders whn he la entertaining a woman. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. A teachers' county Institute will be held at Astoria tha last week In Feb ruary, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 25th, 2sth, and 27th Inst Supt. Irwin, Pre. Chapman, and Pre. Camp bell will be present. An excellent pro - gram has been arranged. Pay session wilt be held at MoClure school house; Evening nesslona at the Methodist Churoh. All are invited to attend. The woman who declares that life I not worth living I generally the one who sends for a d'Krtor at the slightest little pain. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? If there is an Individual on earth who la excusable for thus Interrogating himsWf. It Is the unhappy mortal who suffers from malaria in some one of Its diabolical forms. This Is no difficult conundrum, however. Life Is worth living by any man or wranan who en toy good health, and la not harrassed by a reproachful conscience. The ma larial scourge, heavily laid on. Is a terrible one for the poor sufferer to en ar7'.wL"tj!fi limp and as strengtniees as a uisnrag, I are hard, indeed, recurring as they do with fiendish regularity. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitter Is the world-wide known preventive ami curative for this class of maladies, either In the f"rm of ague and fever, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake. I'sed with persist once they will, rely upon It, eradicate from the system. They also conquer rheumatlmn, kidney and blad der complaints, nervousness, dyspepsia, liver complaint and constipation, and renew falling strength. Snake ring are considered mascots. Ross, Higgins and Co. GROCERS & BUTCHERS Antoria an J I'unt Atoria Choice Fresh and Salt Meats Grand Annual Prize VIasquerade Tuesday, February 23 Trite flay Be See In foard ft Stokes' Viadow. Gentlemen Maskers Lady Moakere SrCCTATORS. 50c: CniLDRCV 25c Warrenton Is ...-:::--ir.iz. llt,KAe LOlUIllDla tl(llD0l Land Co. CORNER BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mas on ipplkatlon. NOTK'K. Any persons wntliur trap piling, cor. respond wllh Rogue A Young, fmk Point, Wah. ls Wfbftmt 'ni Hire. No curt m hv. For mile nt Ks-Ifs-Coiin lu-uir storo. CABTOniA. SiaUl vVr ;o Itr.WAKP. ksv... MiiLi-k I Ivive hiaiM I am ... ilui.t Snohla Kchultl iiH'ioe-.i --.-- - - . my- , ,h- nd- rtcidimt me m tne wmru, no 1 been siurtte,! awiay ly my emnde, and U-lle1ng thai her own testimony will i be the best proof of my Innocence, I hereby offer a rewnnl of 120 fr any i inAmiuttlon a t hr w hereajsmt that i will enable nw to have r-r erved w 1th i a -uh.ma. O. R. E3TE8 Salton Sea Salt Tor baths at th KstM-Conu I'ruir Store 10c anil 25c per parkaee. OABTOIIIA, tVtfaf Hall U m alfuiai tairw The Value of a Newspaper ! A on udvertUInu medium I d U(M) K , 1 clreuliitlon limnnn a rlelr- I , , , , . i, H 8 LYMAN ciim - -"- -Sohool Supt. ntondiiiK In the community. ' f rhe Astorian i pn . fully iKJthof the ndvanUiuca If on Works FOUNDRYMEN Blacksmiths, Hachinists .... and Boiler lakers Corner Kiihti-enlh itrrot and Krankllu avenv Emil Schacht ARCHITECT CF0.NIC0LL. Assistant. OFFICE: ropp's New Brewery TICHC8T US DC rito.i .nr. urns 0NU OK THIC Soi?s of ietmen AT FOARD & STORKS HALL 1.00 5 the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements, at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? WANTKIV WANTKI- Situation by pood Jain- eso rHHik; excellent refereneea. Aildi-ea I. K. A., slit OonintotvUU lrt. city. Vlf li " niT WANT lioVK oil loafer to write. In en of ui'imy. lHi to JMW per month, aulary or com. mlaslon. Stale and ge.eral manager. It ACINIC KlltW I'.NtilNK CO, Itn.-lli. WUconnln. rait HAI.K. ! Foil SALIC - A iittivltiy of h.'UMtliold J furoHuiv, at reawuutble price Aiipiy ins Astia' "(reel. I Cedar Shingles 8EA8IPK LUMUKIt YAllP. OFFICE J5S COMMERCIAL PT Marshall Company's Twinfc Freah fnnn Um iiUIU for W1 flailing Every ball guarantee!. Pleaae rirt any timrfevllon IUCWAUK OF IMI TATIONS. Every ball mut U markl "MARSHALL CO.. SIlREWtilU'RY MILLS." Manufactured from selected rlax aiKvially for COLI.'MUIA IlIVF.Hj FISHING. So that every hall bears! Ihu MARSHALL label. . 7, i. . 10. 11. 13. 13. 14-ply W'a. 12. 13. II. IS. lS-ply M'a. 7. . . 10-ply 30 . Elmore, Sotiborn 5e CO., Agent, 4JH liond ML. Antorla Japanese Goods Oriental Curloft NoveltieH WING LEE. 543 Commercial St. W. L. HOI3U Real Estate and Insurance 110 KIKVKTII NT. mica wltli K. A. 'I'oyli.i-. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY RKaDINQ ROOM FRED TO ALU Opra avary day from I a'eloek U I k and IJO to p. m. aubscrtptton rata It Par annum. i.W. COR ELEVENTH DtJANK T. SEASIDE SAWNIlili! A complete stork of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all klnda of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H F L. LOO AN, Heasldn, Oregon. Proprietor. OHDEll OF PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Nowlen, Plaintiff, va. Oliver Btew- M. art, M. C. George, George, his wife, J. P. Eckler, Kckler, hla wife, D. M. Stuart, Kata B. Btuart, hla wife, I. M. Klmbrr and Harah Klmbor, hla wife, II. W. Weeks, Qeo. PeLano, Edith DeIano, his wife, W. E. Htewart. and Lily Stewart, hla wife, Mary Elmore, E. L. Dwyer, and the Aatorla Savings Hank, Dcfondanta: To W. E. Stewart. Lily Btewart, E. L. Dwyer, Qeo. DeLano, and Edith D Lano, of the above defendant, In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and anawer tha complaint filed against you In tha above entitled ault by the first day of tha next term of the above entitled court, to-wlt: the 21st day of September, 18B6; and If you fall ao to anawer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take decree against you for the sale of certain lands In Clatsop county, Oregon, for tne fore closure of a mortgage executed by de fendant Oliver Stewart; aald lands are particularly described In the com plaint on file In this ault. Bald lands are situate In sections 20, 29, and tha Donation Land Claim of Addison Jew ett, T. N., H. 9 W., and for auch oth er relief aa prayed for, and shall be deemed by the court proper. Service of thla aummona la made upon you by publication In tha Weekly Aatorlan pursuant to order of the j judge of tbla court made tha 2iat day of July, UM. 3. Q. A BOWLBT, I Attorney for Plaintiff; f gREMNER & HOLMES Telephone Blacksmiths NpechU Atlontlon IHtld to Hlniboal It. taliing. , lol-oiliiiitg. Ktc. LOGGING CAJBP (DORK R SPECIALTY IbT nl.NRV T,. d and .SNAP A KODAK. at any man eaiulu tml ul ottr star and juu'll Ket a iwrirnll of a man briiiimlii oar Willi piaaaanl Uio'igM". Murh quality 'III III lliio a bat la offer ajroaiiuimliUi ll- nt maa. jCOMtf ANI THY T1IKM ! HUQMCS & CO. A. V. ALU1CN, DEALER IN 1 Grocsrltt, Flour. Fee J, Provisions, FrulU Vrtablri, Crniksry, (! and Plated Ware. Loner' Supplies. Cor. Taolh and Commercial streets. Astoria and Columbia Riyer Railroad SaBBBSBBaa 4 TIMH CARD. Trains leave Baaalda for Aatorla al 7:90 a. m. and 1 p. m. dally. Tralna leave Aatorla for Flaval at I a. m. and i p. m. dally. Tralna 'save Aatorla for Haaalde at 10 0 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Tralna laava navel for Astoria at : a. m. and I U p. m. dally. WHITE COLLAR LINE HE STEM TELEPHOHE Astoria and Portland Telephone leave Astoria dally as cent Hunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port I land dally atrept Sunday at 7 av m. T. J. I'otter leaves Aatorla at 7 av m, dally eirvpt Hunday. Leavea I'ortlanA j dally at R p. m . Hunday excepted. Hat ' unlaya at II p. ra Tlckata good on both boata U. II. BtX)TT. I'raaldanL IS. A. Heelay, Agent. Portland. C. W. Blona, Agent, Aatorla. Telephone No. 11. J. B. WYATT, Pfcaat Na. S Aatarle. Oragaa Hnrdwnre, Ship Chandlery, GrocerieH, ProvlHloriH, PAINTS tnd OILH. peclal AttoaUaa Paid la lupeJylBl Skip. "The Louvre" aSTOKIVS CORCrolS ENTERTAINMENT HALL S rt.OOKft rina Mnale. Oamea of All Klnda. To Magnificent Kara. CVCRTTfllNC riRST-CUSS Good Order and Everybody's Rights NTKtCTI.Y OHNKKVKI). I87 loot Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA. Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandlery, Hardware, I ron A Stfel, Coal, Grocorie & Provisions, , Flour A Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank'fl Scales,' Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons A Vehicles, AHTOHIA IRON WOHKH Front St., foot of 4th, Aatorla. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Land and Marina Englnaa. Bollar work, Staaa boat and Cannary Work a Specialty. Caatinga of All Daacrlptlnaa Mad ft) Ordar oa Short Notka. John Foz.,..lresldant and Buptrlntandant A. L. Pox Tlo Prealdent O. B. Praal Secretary First National Bank Treaaurer WHEN IN rORTLAND-Oall on Jno. r. Handley Co., 124 Third street, and gat tha Dally Astorian. Visitors need not mlaa their morning paper wall there.