The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 16, 1897, Image 4

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Warrenton Is the Best...
Ladies Walking CfiAAC
Durable School ollUCo
Seasonable GooJs
Robber Boots, Etc
John Hahn & Co.
479 Commercial St.
Mix Imam temperature. M degrees.
Minimum temperature, U drtxroes.
Pr4ltutl 1 V Inches.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1S!6, to dat-v, 64.93 Inch.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, IS!, to date, 17.4S Inches,
Portland. February IS. For
Oregon and WVt"ni Washington, min,
gait on the coae.
For Eastern Oregon atvl Eiu'i'm
Washington, bow or rain, cooler.
TO KKAnKKS. Taa "Pally Aalortan"
oBlalM hu mk reading matter aa
aay other paper pablUtted la Aatorla. It
la the oaly paper that prearaU Ita reader
with a dally telegraphic report.
TO AIVEBTIER8.-Tha "Dally Aa
tartaa" haa more than twlca a aaany read
era aa aay other paper pahltahed la Aata
rla. It la therefor aer thaa twice aa
valaabla aa aa oat verttalag atadlaaa.
talo of Oregon,
Ooaaty of Clatsop. I
We, tha aaderalcaed. local maaagere
taapaatlToly of the Waaler Taloa and
raatal Telegraph eampaalra, harehy cer
tify that the "Dally Aitorlaa" la tha oaly
papar pahltahed la Aatorla which bow re
oleaa, or at aay Uaa daring oar control
af aald oAcoa haa received, a telegraphic
prose report, l. P. JOHNSON.
XaaararW.f. T. Co.
Manager Foetal Tel. Co
At our birtn, the aaiiricaJ elves
Two sack from our aoulder aua-
Tha one holds U fault of ourselve.
The other the faults of our friend.
Tha first wo wee- under our domes.
Out of Bigot, out of mind, a the bck;
The last la mo under our none
We know every ecr&p In the Back.
Household Words.
61na See Swope.
Only a ray of sunshine.
Want anything painted? See Swope,
Want anythlns decorated? See Swope.
Dr. Howard, Homeopatbist, office 5S
Commercial street.
The telegraph line
tmlt way to Seaside.
is now finished
Ekstrom has the only complete ctock
of Jewelry In the city.
The materials for next season s
waists are exceedingly pretty.
Have you any jeweiry that need, re
pairing'! Take It to Ekstrom's.
Born, to the wife of Amil Mattson, a
nine pound girl at noon today.
The full moon appeared for a short
time last night between storms.
Mrs. "Wm. Brown, of Fort Stevens,
was a visitor in the city yesterday.
This to special ale day for men's rub
ber mackintoshes at Herman Wise's.
John Stuart Hltchen, after a couple
of weeks' Illness, to able to be about
Papers for divorce have been filed in
the circuit court in Merrlfleld vs. Mer
rtfleid. Manager Wemern Union Johnson
took a trip on the spWer Sunday to
Alex. Gilbert was out ogam yesterday
after a two weeks' fight with the
Mr. Joe Hwh, who has been laid up
two weeks with the grippe, is aeain
on deck. ? "f'JJi
Mr. Fred Kendall Is contemplating
the erection of a cottage on his prop
erty at Seaside.
A number of Astorlans left on the
Mayflower lest evening to attend the
ball at Fort Canby.
The now government wharf at Scar
borough Head will be completed about
the middle of Marth.
Col. Fred Henry Is over from Pacific
county, Washington, chasing a good-
sized real estate deal.
The most attractive and Inexpensive
light furniture of bamboo made to or
der at 618 Commercial street.
The only "Queen" heater for sole only
You know coffee is used
fresh - roasted. Tea ought
to be for the same' reason
the taste.
Ours are the only tea
firing works in the United
States; Schilling s Best is
always fresh-fired when it
leaves our hands.
A Schilling ft Company
oaa Franciico
by Fisher Brothers, Cavil and be con
vinced. Beware of Imitations.
Mr. A. E. King and wife returned to
Ilwaxxt yesterday morning, having spent
several days visiting friend In the city.
Lat notice Only a few pieces of Or
egon bacon and hams left at Foard &
Stoke Co.' at S and 9c a pound.
Sunday spring flower-, fern ml
buds were discovered by hve brave
enough to venture out In the wet.
Alfred Menu ywterday filed hi dee
tonttlon In the county clerk office of
becoming a oitison of the I'nlted State.
VMt are again win attvet orna
ments with the ladles, timugh lit la
neocmnry to Import them from Cali
fornia. Soverol of the local sportai are serlous
ly oWemplaUng a trip to Cnrston City.
Nevada, next nnth to wltmva the
prise fight.
Henry IVKlia is sluicing down part
of the hill near his residence and tilting
In has M. The power uned to from a
spring on hi own land and the appara
tus Is homenvide.
The, winner of the prixe Saturday
night ww entitled to a round trip ticket
to Nevada, to witnews the great boxing
content, and will probacy set a sigm
of the two great athlete.
Mr. O. Sovey k'ft yesterday for Koss
land. R. C. the new mining town, with
a view to kioating there. It Is retorted
that several other Astorians will short
ly leve the northern town.
Judire McBrlde wars too 111 to attend
court -ejerday jw IM not come to
Aatorio. Court will be opened today by
Judire 9tarr. of IMrtVand. A large
number of Jurors are In the city.
It to ws-erted t a Sarjr rrt of
the, debris being washed down off the
hills to fill the low kits finds It way
into the river, thero being no seawall,
and It te helping to nU the channel very
Given away! Given away! Granite
ware worth TS with every can of Bak
ing Powder for 50c. at Corner Grocery
and Commission House, 455 Duane at.
3e Teoman for snaps. Twenty-on (ram DoubUeas they ACcuUshed
poumta granulated sugar for II. j their object, wid at t.V same time gavx
""" " 'much pleasure. Tree and flowers aie
If only Observer Grow would ack-!an ,,,,, t0 Bny clty aml alway,
no-ledge the responeibtl y . he would ienhince vaiue of p.lpepty.
be the mom -cursed nun In Amorla for i
the liberal don of wind and rain that Ex -Commissioner Wooden, of Misha
baa been heaped upon this community uaJcai uus Astoria yeetorday. To
during the past three days-three one whQ neveJ. a tr1p ,0 th
nvinth of rain and (three days of V.uthern boundary of the county In the
deluge. winter time, scarcely an Idea can be
" : had of the task it is to follow the mud-
Mr. J. L. Leroy. of Leroy Bro.. who ftnJ alm,wt mpasable Pauls, and it
. a . - ... ..i -- t 1 1 J 1 ah.
nave just struca a non p-m ii . URw a vatft of courage and
Sharp' Creek Camp. Oregon, was in perseverance for one to build and main
the city yesterday on his way to Join ai . ... th iocalltv ah,. M,
his brother in working the claim. This
new camp Is near Bohemia, and is saM
to be very rich, the rock discovered by
the Leroys wlve feat below the sur- '
face being literally plastered with gold.
Contractor Normlle was over from ,
Clatsop yesterday and reiorted that the
work of grading the city cemetery was
about half done, and with good weather
could be finished In six weeks. He de-;
olares that the grounds, when complet
ed will be the handsomest in the state
all the work b1nK done In Al manner
on plans w hich are perfect in detail.
'Ole An,tkpe," as the boys termed the
genial onmrroidore of the 96 rejratta.
has arrived safely in England with his
flagship. It is safe to say that Captain
Banks went Into the English port with
the regatta, commodore's flag flying
from the mainmast (or some other
mast) for he was very proud of the
bit of cloth the committee ptvsentfd
Mr. M. Schmidt, proprietor of the
Hotel Occidental. CorvaKis. and a large
property owner, six-nt Sunday at Flav.l
and made a critical examination of the?
house. He says that when completed
it will be the finest finished and mct
handsomely furnished hel in Oregon,
unless It be the Portland Hotel. .Mr.
Schmidt will probably opn the Flavel
hi May.
Chief Engineer Curtis and General
Land Agent Gosslin went 'to Portland
Sunday night t m t Mr. Hammond,
who Just returned from San Francisco
and expected to have beon here Sunday
morning. On reaohing Portland, how-evfa-,
Mr. Hammond found several tele
grams which demanded his immediate
preaenoe In Missoula and New- York,
and he probably left for thoe points
last night.
The Elder harged here on Sunday
twenty-five mil of No. 8 telegraph
wire, the heavleM used, for the new line
be-tween Seaside and Tillamook. This
means that P'rtlafid will have direct
communication with Tillamook through
Astoria and Seaside over a first tlas.H
line, lntad of a roundabout way, as at
present, via Forent Grove, and over
the mountains, where It Is hard to keep
up a line.
A fccene of xtrajige beauty occurred at
5 o'clock last evening when the sun
appeared, immediately after a hanf
Htorm, tliiounh a low rift In the clouds,
'asting a golden halo over one half of
the harbor, leaving the lent In compara
tive darkness, the Lines being as sharp
ly drawn as If a curtain had been sud
denly hung across the ky; even some
of the hip were partly in darknss
and partly In the light, while at the
same time In the east was a brilliant
Sunday was an exceedingly rough clay
along the city wab-rfront and ma,ny
piiople visited th? docks out of curios
ity to view the scene. The mosuito
fleet, as well as many larger steamers,
were snugly made fat at the various
wharves, but were in constant danger
from the continual bumping against
the piling. Yesterday morning the wind
was even stronger than on Sunday, and
and wholesome.
Daniiln.Cottol.naUaoMararywhara with trad mark. "CWMriw" an4
ttnr i in eomm-pluM wrealA on .rary Uiu
K hnannwljr llluairatol Kwm Con.rrof aataitairMlan, r lt. nmwlnlnt Thr.
rtunriml ami wtJv HleMl KHa ay Ui Mai knoarn Wflir,.lua trilno
auokiry. WUl b mn on rrcallM at Utl ndrwtlMwaut aaa all crate lu Uiui.
kiekiHl up ft tivmoiuliiu ct on the byn.
N aoot.lonta of uy luuortance v
eurred. however.
"Soldier" Wtln wn over from brt
Canby ywtenlay. brhrinir the tr-K n-
Waahlnirtkin AmviiMhm :Kll ti( !'.
prcaonled by Mr. C.coiko luu-tlcy, of il.l.i
city. Ilaio wn the cup, but there
arose a dlsinite iu to the fairness of
th antuM. South IWnd. which also
oontewtevl. wo the prliiolpMi nlia( r.
and. although the awiul aj made tlve
or six iooutlv atro, the of that
town and lhvu are cat 111 iiruulins. The
trophy will b contested for ur.itn this
To one who was hn and grew Into
manhood on a farm In the Middle state
where one hundred and sixty acre f
well-tllWrl land eeoma but a carden
xit. the slht tif a Clatsop cttunty
farm of but a few aorea of cleared
irround. looks absurd from farmer'
stand(nlnt. Vet, 10 umv of well-tilUM
land In any part of Clatsop n ill xiy
as mui4i. and very ofti iikre profit
than ten time that amount of kind
In any state west of the Mfcwuri ajid
east of the mountain.
The Emperor of Russia, It 1s said, on
his recent visit to I'aria In the fall of
the year, was much surprised to see
every tree and bush along the boule
vards covered with green leaves and
blossoms. Tlve springlike appearance,
however, a entirely artlrlcial and cost
the bediutv-lovlnir French people 1W.0O0
Wooden has lived for years. After all.
It is only such hardy plonewr as Mr.
Wooden who brave the haiUhir of all
new localities ami make (it eJl.le f,r
men of less spirit and fortitude to move
in and exist.
The two ail'r who had a little JltM
culty Saturday night ap"arei In the
polite court yesterday. Wm. poltuand
was one ar.d was fined 10. Harry
Sternln-rg was the other, and he was
tlr.ed Mr. J. E. Young was the
pnaiecuting attorney, and during the
trial it developed that early Sunday
morning Sternberg made an almost suc
cessful attempt at Jailtirtak. He tore a
plank fcn the nkle of his c-ell and
with it pried ofT the Iron bars covering
the traiiMm of his cell and thus gain
ed the main corridor of the Jail, but
did not succeed In breaking open the
outside doors, though It was evident
from broken furniture the effort had
been made.
Ex-County Commis1orvr Wooden,
who is in attendant e on the circuit
court, myitis that the contract has
c-lwrj hi Grand Ilaplds for 104
roils of puncheon to be delivered by
the tint and plwd In the roed at Sic
xt rl, and that another ten rods, in
c.ludlng the r-Tnoving nt a heavy drift,
will n te let fr 116 30. The c-ounty
court Is of the opinion that If others
were willing to d, this kincl of work
at similar flgurw, which will a little
more than pay the eont, C'lats.rii would
fn have gocMl rieds Iaurt fall pota-t-x-s
were, only liV pi-r wu-.k 'In Atoria,
now they are bringing a good price, and
if farmer c-'.uld c.niy hitul their storks
to town they could make a good profit,
but th.-y are lorred t,y the lai roads.
Liii-fl. fall th-y c-cnjld not bring them
In and c tn-e them lie-aust? thc?re were no
stire hous at reasonable figure to
: had. In the mc-aitlnie Astoria has
xhip-d ita..-s from San Francl
The time is prolrably earning when city
and c-ounty will Joint together and
build goocl roads.
After the hearing of the case against
the two sailors yesterday, arrested for
fighting cm shore, th cjii-s,tloii was
a-vki-d whe-the r it w as wise at all times
to give Jak Tar unlimited shore leave
and plenty of money, particularly In a
port like this, where there Is no place
Soft, White Hand with Hliapely Nails, Loxo
rlarit Ilairwith Clean, Wljolcnoine Scalp, pro
duced by Cctiocra Soap, tbe lucwt effectlvs
kin purifying and beautifying soap In the
world, ax well an parent and aweetcat, for
toilet, bath, ami nursery. The only preventlr.
of inflammation and clogging of toe I'ORra.
Soar k aold Okmufamt tba aorM. Porrsa Daoa tm
din. Co.r., Soto Pmf., BeMaa. D. S. A.
mr " Ham I rarity U4 taaWy Hi Skim, Seals,
aa Hir," aialM tnm.
It is sweet, pure
No lard in it.
10-DAY !
One Day Only
Sale on
Herman Wise
Clothier to the Royal Sov
ereigns of the Pacific
for him to go jetfi'.tpt tlvo salisn and
brothel. The speaker waid "Jack ul-'
was haj his grievances, nt of them j
faini.-l. and after a llmlu-d spurt !
a.-4lwre and his money gone. Is always I
leady to go aUard again. In Hong-;
kong, San Franc Uc-o. .New ork, Phila
dolphin, UveriMiol and other li1s, even
tncludliig INnrtland, Cln-tv are mlnniis
ami reading Psmi, where papem und
books, ganuw and other amusements are
furnished for the sailors' spore time.
Clean and wholesotrie, employment for
his ndnl is supplemented by ecial re
ligious services In the c:haiK-ls and many
a lad is saved from a row or broken
rn-ud. Ttne Irwtitutiotw are largely in
charge of the St. Andrew's Ilrotherhooel 1
awl Salvation Army people, and have j
.k complbchiM muoh g'd. In Meu of
pl!Uis of safe-ty, perhai the hlp-ms- ,
ter Is JuHtl.'le?cl In doing all he can to
keep his men aboard."
A Brooklyn physician translates the
following fnm a (ieftman writer: "The
applo is sui-h a common fruit that few
persona are familiar with Its remarka
ble effbaiious medicinal properties. Ev
eryljody ought to know that the very
lwt thing he can do is to eat apples
Just liefore going to bed. The apple
Is excellent brain fissl, bec-auH It has
more phewphorie: acicl. In an eiirilly dl
gesLlblei shape, than any other fruit
known. It excites the action of the
liver, promotes sound and healthy
sloop, and thorouglily disinfects tluiJih.
mouth. It also agglutinates the surplus
acids of Hire irtoiniac-h, hi-lis the kidneys
se'.retion anci prevents caiculus growth
while It obviates lndlge-jtion, anci Is
one of the best irevntlves of dlse-ose
erf the throat. Next to lemon and
orange, It Is also the best antidote for
Baths and Hair-dressing
107 Taelfth St.
Plain Baths 25c
Vapor Baths Wc
Medicated liatlis (all kinds) 50c
Shampooing and Dressing of Hair.. tOc
Dressing of Hair 25c
Manicuring the Finger Nails 25c
Foot treatment Mc
Grand Annual
Prize jVtasquerade
February 23
rrites May 6t Sees is
foard H Stokes' V'indow.
Gentlemen Monker
Lady Moskera .
SreCTATOKS. 60c;
is; 3.;- t 'MS .-i.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
on application.
the thirst and einMng f person ad-dlet.-d
to the (ilohol and opium habit."
In the reciinl-i ' 'l' "','")r I'1
following deeds wne tiled f"r record.
I!. I,. Mitchell and lff I" w
Jopltn, eertiiln liiud.i il-sctib"!
i .....I u.mitU in SiC
i, j in,.,,.
township s north, iiinue 7 nt
i". It. lllKK'Uut in Kpp. U.'
3 ltt.k is, .VNtmU AMltUm to
S,une to W. K Stone. Ut S.
lliak U. Asl'i'lct AdlULiil to
1 00
IIOTKI. AltltlV.Vl.S
Ihuker lloiua l l W-kwl. Port
land; J S.ilg'l. Siui r'lVivUo. Cluia
J.1I111S.MI. Ullmi SLkikIi. Hugh M.Cor
nlck. WIj, t'harltai Sharp, I'lideii: .'.
S. I'njTullwta. t'Utm'p
(Hi.lont- S Handi'bUMli. S I.oula,
O. timlimaii. C. M rtstii-r. IVxtland. It.
R. Hakltu, A. Markluun, IIwium, Mr
lalalelgh. San Fttuiiim-o.
TO I t IlK 1'lH.ll IX
Take laxative llnuno guliilna Tablets
All druittilsta refund the money If It
falls to cure :5c. For aal by Chas.
Hogers. IiruKKlst.
i A teachers' county Institute will be
jheld at Astoria the ll week In Feb
ruary. Thursday. Ttday and Saturday,
I the :5th, 3lth, and ::th Inst. Supl.
I Irwin. Pres. Chapman, and Pr Camp
'Ml will lie present. An rxc-rllenl Jiro
Igram has l-en arrungeil pay nemlon
jwlll be held al MoClure school hcrtiae;
I Kvenlng eslnn8 at the Methodist
j Church. All are nvltM to attend,
j Kohool Supt.
Notice Is hereby given that I'r. A. I
Fulton has lieen nppolnted health otTI
cer of the city Tho existence of con
tilglous diseases In the city must l
promptly r-Mxirti'-l to him ns riulred
(by Ordmame No. KiJ. aa aald onll
j nance w ill t mrletly rnfurred
' Chief of Pollee and Health lnieclor.
I Warning to iie n h.-mts und other. -I
The- captain of itie nlmve nairnM slUp
I will not ! revnj.ihe for any debt
!or debts e euitrni-ti il by any ninU-r of
I his crew, e'ju-pt uii!i bis written au
!th..rlty J i: CDltKllim
I Miueiar
I Astoria. February
Any perse.ns wanting trap piling, cor
respowl with llogue A Young. Oak
Pcdnt, Wash.
Uh? Wplifoot J'firn Cure,
cure no juiy. For siilc at
teH-Conn Druir str.
It Isn't at all strange that the sugar
trust should tight the ruffe, trust. It
is natuml for thw tuo cotnmo.tte
U "gi-t togelu-r."
ROYAL baKing Powder.
highest of all In leavening
Strength -U. s Crnmnt Report
The Sioux city Jounuil Ineiulrea:
"Who cn-n t.-ll what cold pully Is?"
Try some- on.. w u, him c.urte-d a llem-
Pm se -hooltna'ain.
e fin
Siilton Sen Salt for baths at
j the KKtfS-C'oilll lrig StOl'C
j0 ftn, jjj Fe JUT rtlick HffP. '
1 1 1 rtcir:.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
A.lorla and Upper A.iorla
Flnt T .nd Oirr,, Drllr.rl... Doa.i
na Tropical hrulu, V.Kul-l, Sue"
Currd Ham., Hacun, tit.
Choke Fresh and Salt Meats.
had r.Ko.n
Sor?s of ierman
THE center of development
Everybody knows that Warrenton values wilt soon bo
doubled. It Is distinctly the best property t
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements,
at very low prices.
Is It not a fine Investment?
WANTKU-Hii to do iouMw.irk mid
tiiku cue of baby a couple of boiira
oiinh aflei'iHmti. Ilmpiliv at this oitlco
hmfeia to write, but men of a'dll'V
l.'ixi to i.'iixi Hr month, aalury or com
iiilsalmi. State and genentl nmmitera.
ItAClNK FIKI-: KNiilNF. t . limine.
W,-NTKI Situmlon by g"o l J;-"-.
rte c-nnk; excellent reference. ,,ldtral
II. K. A,. 1111 t iHiiinertirtl alri-'t. city, j
till RENT.
Fvill lil'.'NT - Uiii furtiUlie l room,
exwllent view. Apply at Astoiian of
rt)lt 0AI.K.
Ku; SAUi: - A I'lHW) .mv. nwly
n'w. in ix-iriMit order, pr Appiy
AntorlMl oltlce.
Kult SAl.h-A uuantlty of hmnothold
furnltiir", at rrauMtivnt'la piiiea Apply
lux Atr Mtrit.
IAST-Prae lik. on Ctaiuiisrelal
rtfert, Kinder jdease return to tht of-
flc e.
Cedar Shingles
Company's .
Frvd from tti mllU for lf. fllMng
Kvery tetill guiirniitel. Plea' re,.rt
a; Inilxrfe. Uons. ItfWAP.K OF IMI
TATIONS. l;v-y ball iinirt lo mnrkrl
MILLS " Manufiu'tiireil from aelee-trd
IIcvt ially for CoLt'MlltA
KISillNti. Se that every ball Is-am
the MAItSHALL l'il"'l
. 7. . I. 1". H. 12. 11. M-ply "
1.'. 11. U. 1.1. Is -ply 5rt's.
7, s, :i. 1 ply .lu'.
Elmore, Stmboni
5L Co.. Ajictiia
4JM Uul Ht.. A.trlM
Japanese Goods
Orientnl CuritiH
WI1HGJXE. 543 Commercial St.
real Bsttate and InsuroQcc
no Kt.icvr.jTii st.
(irflcai wllti K. A. Tnyleir,
Open evrry day from I 'clock to f:M
nd t.W to p. nv
Subscription rata It per annum.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clatsop.
M. Nowlen, Plaintiff, vs. Oliver Stew
art, M. C. (leorge, George, his
wife, J. P. Kekler, Kcklcr, his
wife, D. M. Stuart, Kate II. Stuart,
his wife, I. M. Klmbcr and Sarah
Klmber, his wife, II. W. Weeks,
Geo. DeLano, Edith DeLano, his
wife, W. E. Stewart, and Lily
Stewart, his wife, Mary Elmore, E.
L. Dwyer, and the Astoria Havings
Bank, Defendants:
To W. E. Stewart, Lily Stewart, E.
ti. Dwyer, Geo. DeLano, and Idllth De
Lano, of the above defendants, In the
name of the State of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
by the first day of the next term of
the above entitled court, to-wlt: the
list day of September, 1896; and If
you fall so to answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take decree against
you for the sale of certain lands In
Clatsop county, Oregon, for tn foro
olosure of a mortgage executed by de
fendant Oliver Stewart; said lands are
particularly described In the com
r.ialnr nn file in this suit. Bald lands
j are situate In sections 20, 29, and the
Donation lanu ciann ui suuin
ett, T, 8 N R. W., and for such oth
er relief as prayed for, and shall be
deemed by the court proper.
Service of this summons Is made
upon you by publication In the Weekly
Astnrlan pursuant to order or the
;uage 01 mia e .-. - - i
of July, 1896.'. J. Q. A. BOWLBT,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Teiepi...... Ulnckninlth
ttpoclal Altontlo" Paid to otsamboat Ka
pnlrltiif, Flcai id lloi-eeoli owing, I'Ui.
101 III Ntt Sr., kal. Bel aael lh.
. .. ... -
at any man Minn's mil ti
our urs and ymeil at .
I jmrUiell ul Pll Ul llliletllla
uee lih piwaiil liii"ii'ii
! Much e.aliijf la ihe :h'hm
I aa k WwVei art auouale i
.ii-.n mn
nuonns & co.
ritovMlf . Flour, JVeJ. ProlsJons, Fruit.
Vietsble. Crikkery, Glm and
Plate J Watt. Loi f' SiunU.
Coc. Teotb and Comin arc 11 straeta.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
Tralna have Hooalda for Astoria at
7:10 a. m. and 1p.m. daily.
Tralna leave Astoria for Flavel at I
a. m and 4 p. m. oaiiy.
Trains eavs Aatorl for Hld at
' 10 JO a m. and 4 p. m. daily.
Tralna leave Flaval for Aatorls at :4
a. m. and l.b p. m dally.
Astoria and Portland
Telephone leaves Astoria dally ei-
'cepi Hunday at 7 p. in. leaves Pnrt
I land dally except Hunday at T a m.
; T. J. Poltff leaven Aatorla at 7 a. ra.
, dally except Hunday. leaves "oriland
'dally atxp m., Hunday excepted Hat
! urilava at 11 n. m.
Tickets good on both boats.
tl P. HCOTT. PrealdonL
K. A. Heelry. Agent. Portland.
C. W, Htiuie, Agent. Aatorla.
Telephone No, II,
Phana No. 61 Aatarla. Ortfoa
awclal Attaalloa Paid ta Supplying Ships.
uThe Louvre"
Astoria's i;oitorots
s ri.iMiits
fine Mualo, tlauioa nf All Klmla. Two
Macnltlrant llara.
Good Order and Everybody's Rights
A Specialty.
Ship Chandlery,
Iron A. Stel, ,
GroccrifiH t I'roviaion
Flour Mill FcihI,
I'aintH, Oiln, VarniHjen.
IiOgf'ers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doora & Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagons & Vehicles.
Front 8t foot of 4th, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Land and Marin Englnti. Boll.r work, Slaaai
boat and Cannary Work a Specialty,
Ca.Ung. of All D'icrlpllont Mada to Ordar oa
Short Notlca.
John Fox..,.Prealdent and flupsrintandanl
A, L. Fox VIM President
O. n. Prael Bacralary
First National Dank ,.Traaurer
WHEN IN rOBTLANt-Cll on Jno.
r. Handlay A Co., 124 Third street, aad
gat the Dally Aatorlan. Visitors need
not miss tbslr morning papar while than. .