TllK DAILY ASTOKIAN, WKDNESUAY MlMNlNU. FKIUIHAKY 10. UK7. gaily glstovimts JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. TeWtdione No. t TERMS OF Ml'ltHCKirriON. . DAILY. Bnt by mall, per year 13.00 tent by mail, per month M Ssrvsd by asxrler, per r.ionth 45 WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year IS In advance. Posts free to subscribers. All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of alt kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. the second old est wwkly In the state of Oregon, has. next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Hondley Co. are our Tort land agents.' and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand, 124 Third street. The "AitxrlM" hereby are to donate OWK HUNORKD nOLLAKS to St. Mary Boepltal, paysbla a demand to Father Dlelnsa, wlmnn legal eldeeee U pro- daces) showing that any afternusm ' paper sahllsked la Aelorla has printed within the lut ninety day. expiring he- fare thla elT.r alttrle aneelal" r ther kind nf "telegraphic press report,' receives! ever the wire entering either r the telegraph oftlcee In Astoria, from any point ost.lde nf Oregon. Astoria, Or., October 15. Where Is Astoria on the halibut fish Ing business? Can she not as well as Taooma. send .Paoifks halibut to the Eastern market in the winter? We certainly can as n aa the railroad Is tfnltusd and now ts the time to be making prelimina:ry arrangements for flt-hlng schooners end tenders. American rule kcth to be protin an unqualified tUsing for Hawaii. The Hawaiian Gaiette declare that "the lam year has been Unanrmlly the most prosperous rn the history of the Is lands." A new sv.inr ;jrnpany ha I n organiied with a paM-up capital of Jl.SiKi.ocO. Public buildup, hm-ims blocks jand dwellings to the valu-? of 1450.000 nave beeo erected, and real es tate values have been largely en hanced. The custom house returns show that Hawaiian exports, which I t the yeur ending Septen.ber 30. 1835. were about I7.WO.000, Increased for the cor responding period in 1S to ll4.4.0O0. or very nearly doubled. Pour-fifths of fhehe exports have come to the United States. It looks aj if these mid-PadSe yankeee we're abundantly able to take aare of themselves, annexation or no annexation. If congress decides to hoist the stars and strip's "vir itiwaii it will not be because Its Aiiifrl.'an ruN-rs n"cd their flag's protecting folds, but out of sheer admiration for their pluck, shrewdness and tenacity. remedial legislation prevented the cap ful scrutiny vhloh the measure I now receiving In the senate It Is ctwlmed that the phraaxwlogy of the bill la ma general and unqualified that It wouM probably cut off from second clasai mailing facilities thous amis of newspapers snd magaslnes all over the country. This was not the Intent of the bill aa proclaimed by Its oharnvrons In the house. One of the objects of the bill was Ho prevent the use of "second-class" mall bag for the transmission of bo. or reprints of books purporting to be Issued "a pre miums or supplements or parts of reg ular oew-siaers or pwlOkHvals." Pnder strict construction of the bill, should U ovoi law, none of the weekly ami Sunday newspapers which Include special literary and Illustrated pajres as part of their regular Issues could send them out M second-class matter. Any printed matter "segregutexl from the rest of the puMlcall. n" would he oompellod to pay the thlrd-clasa rate. If tho department wore dominate I by a hmui who was dls;sed l secure to the government the advantages of i narrow construction of such a law all the big Sunday newspapers which ;uv printed in three or four separate -o-tlons for vonvenlen-In fo! Hn .'d mailing mignt be denied the seen! class privilefres for all sectHis but me of each papvr. Each section, under the provisions of the boud hill, could be regarded as a separate publication mailable at third-class rates. Such a requirement would subject the vast publishing Interests of the country to ntvdltw experw and annoyance. There Is no popular demand for such radical abridgements of the rights that have been accorded b legitimate pub lishers. The bill should be amended In the senate In such a way as to leave no excuse for imposing unnecessary hardships upon newspaper publishers. The deficiency In postal receipts can be made up by compelling the government to pay postage on the great mass of de partmental stuff that the postal depart ment must handle every year free of charge and which amounts In the ag gregate to thousands of tons. CupKI breaks his bow at the sight of a faoe full of pimples. Hollow cheeks, sunken eyes, and a sallow complexion will defy his best intentions. Beauty is more than skin deep. The skin te merely the surfa-e on which is written in plain characters the condition of the body. Pr. Pierce's Gold.-n Medical PIs- coverv Is ginnl for the complexion be- ! cause t: makes the whole tdy he-ilthy j lecause h clears and purities the j btood. makes the digestion stnng and clears out lmpuriti;'9 of all kinds. By increasing the ability to assimilate nu tirtious )od. and by the infusion of .Id on n ingredients It enriches the blood and so makes solid, healthy flesh. It cures diseases of the lungs, liver, stomach, bowels, skin and scalp, simply bwause all these diseases spring from the same cause a disordered digestion and consequent Impure blood. FREE TO EVERY MAN THE MKT110P8 OF A OHKAT TREATMENT EOK WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Jllm ...ter Everything Else Failed. Tha battle vf 1U worth where Ulch atl III. lost liia lif was ighl in a little hamlot of the same twine, twelve miles west of lo!ccater. On the hill over ths tvHvn, now called Ctvwn Hill, a monument niarka the s)k4 whore th crown of Itlchard was ilacel on the head of lUiuy. Tht are a givat many of the un rtunai urn 1n this world, greater In number than trswo who are hlesstst Painful diseases are bad enough, but nen a i.Mn - T , Wlth dlegslkm. T) exMne people with nervous -eakms. th nrtutvo v mt t, W Atrsbodlnfs are ten al..e to eat rver,-thlng s,H In-fore them, ih most severe iain. There Is no let i ' " tne nwiwirir i i suffersd -ars with lyspewla. un to the mental suffering day or night. ...... ... P . .. .7 no- .n.i ...i..r',u' everything 1 ate disagreed with Siekp is numei imrtv, such a strain men are scarcely resion-! slble for what they do. For years the , writer rolled and tossed on the troubled : sea or sexual weasnew umu o , question whether he had not better' ' . , ... i is,,. .11 ' The dates officially revognlaod aa the taKe a nose oi i'i" his troubles. But providential Inspira tion came to tils aid in the shape of a 'combination of medicine that not only completely restored the general health, bvit enlarged his weak. em. id sled parts t.. natural slxe and vKvr. anc he now ,1 .lares that a man ' ho ww! take i..- tnutle to s.-n.l li s name and ad i"; ss may have the meth ! of this w. n u --ful trtatment fic'. No when 1 s.iy fr I mean absolv.t ' y wl iiout bvauf- I want ever;' weakened man p :;.-i the i'enei.t cf my exuerl. iice. 1 am not a philanthropist, nor do I poo ;-.s an enthusiast. lul there are thousaiuls i f men url'erlng His menLtl tortures of weakened manhood v ho would be curel at once could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. I not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mall the Informa tion, but send for It. and learn that there are a few thliKs on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happiness to moat of us. Write to Thomas Slater, Box JSS, Kalamaxoo. Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed envelope. me. I wa imluevd -ro try Simmons Uver Hcgulator and was cured. 1 now eat everything." M. Bright. Madison Parish, IvH. ; iHttlnuing and the end of the Civil War are January , PiSI, when the Pulled States stcaiiudilp Star of the V was flri'il uH'i! by stuto trps In dial leston hurlr and April It, lii, when the pis idii protlttinuM tin- lolwlllon at an end Cl l-ora. Pa.. ' IleraiJ " Ulehard Ven ! rt-p'Tts i tie .Minute Cough Cure the,, atift sure!. In nte Ileal science, ile :M u. that I: cured his whole fan:;!.' of it-niX,' coughs and colds, af ter all other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Vensel said It assisted his culldren through a very Imd sh-ge of messles. Cue .Minute Cough Curs mal.ts rXnvtora;ion very easy anil rapid. Chits. Kogera, Pruitglst. OUTWAKD HOUND OKMGON GRAIN FLKMT-IS'.Mrl (Bevlned mil (Mrrwlnl ery Krlilsy) sepl. tkllT All KI1 HM. Aogu t XAni lrk tiller hip... w nr nip. ... SI Hrh!(i,.., I.llr.lvlii , 14 Hrohlp . .. Wihrlili ..... M Of .. lis rrlmrk . .. Mlrlrk. sj Hr shin ... a Hi lik.. Hilt liii V Itr h.irk.. lijllr laik Ifiir liip -U Mr luti k .. in Hr lili rt'ller Slop a llrbrk... j.iiiir l l it '.'I Hi tmk .... Self. Some of the medical journals rvport a new afTe-tion of the eyos. rauseil. It is said, by the prevailing method of s-niing In street cars The effort to fix the gnue upi pa-sing objevi causes an amx-vlmr strain and twitching in the external mudes of the globes The WMldlnx ring Is if very ancient origin, and has always so far aa known iiivn placod on the fotirrh finger. iHir Ing the rttsn of Klliatx'th. however. KtHiHsfiwojnen uvl to transfer it to lh thumb imtncsliately ufter the mar riage ceremony. I1ST A dear little child who made home happy by its smiles. And to think. It might have been saved had the parvnts only kept In the house One Minute Cough Crue. the Infallible remedy for croup. Chas. Bogvrs. druggist. lei Jan. Js Hr uti'ii Mir lurk n hr lnii. . ii Hi hip. . u Hr sln Hr Kii ; Hr lil it ill h.irk . ti.Hrlili .. lii Hr Imk , i; Hi I'urk i: Hr liie IMlr.Inn I Hi IiIi.. Hr vliu .. j.i nrIH. . .'I Hr l'ik -.1 H' I. t .'; Mr I..; 4, l-r .. ,il i.r lMr . . I.r li -iK . . Itr I. .ts i. l ! Ik . H- lir. I l. ,lil .2 u.t l. irh P I.I sl'li 17 Hr lc . 1" r :! . :i lii ist-k .V lif ll. ., Hr lni. .. .I H' snip ..... i Hr lni ., .m Hr l'.iV .. I nr '111 i 3Hr.lui. Hr .rk , h- ;ui. II Hr LiV II Hr berk, . P r ! A -isfi "iil'li do I N 4 a :Millllia . ,, ,', , . .... .... - I siitlu-rUiiiiiViViei",'".'! t'lnemailiiaiieltliet nrriuiiiiiai Hsrlkinl AulliM1.,..... ....... I'Himore llllOlllSH'ltll . , Hiiupi , ,,,, Uihl Sh,iti.liiiry . . Ksilnsmrl ..,... ClyieiUle ..Hull -Insni .... , ,,. , I'lipli' . Ilrriilillila .Mlwvii , HleiilHle Ilenili'tle liirl . I liuU.Mrim Aiiilrsil . ... . lislllollll t's'll . Nierta K'tiella .. Java A" iult' , r'nlMumi MiMlleell , IMirlif iiie .. Nrc.ns. lUrliln. ...... lllriiliil ... .. liieliu'timt , , ., Nll"'ill' .... .. H 'li l ee ,. Mi'lnniipe . IVIiM i'i.iilh.lle . . . irtiesie I. ot'k ... i.ln-li.11 I'., lnll.i'11 , I'w iniwl .le K'irl . . ,. Ki.iOuii! riul i v n.. ... , triflitlt . Ivr ii, niiis . ,. K.osl 'lor.e ... .,,... .. Mutfit il'tlr Co. Ol Hsil.lliItOII.. V!l'.rl i umli'l.oi l'tliiiv ., .. 7:ll'l luiwii Hid Yat.iiiar ... ttiMiftiiuril ...., ii W.ilrr Hollo ..M.twk.iUe 'hum .l.-n ., I nr.l Klgtu .., Irtiiiiiiiirluii ,. Mlil,w . Iliclii nl I'orr-I I .nta.. T'ci.aHki roll "vim VladlvnaliMik . (Jill ISirt Natal,,,. Im UrerptHil H-J Alana Hay I Mi l ork ............ Hnki m. Ui m llilll,., l!W UKHlllulh.,, IT jiiiyii Nov. SI!!.' tNMi. Jl . ., ., Nov II 1.1 I:rr !lni iw Iim ,..,..,,,, .'in ITio IVrk li " lumt " U4 ' M1 " m " n Itol t'otk . aiiK IM Kill Liverpool .... IVMCulk I.ttt Cork is7 fork . JIKTl'nik..... IMM'illk J m tnk iwsi'iuk iwnfiitk (nr.l I'lymnuili.... Icm I'oik ... . i';n imrliati ji M'ork tSkti " ili.'-V " IIIT! !M; Pnlllinmll.. ilHtvKaiiiiiiuili . Ilnni'urk Iirviiii'ork ... 'itmi'ork , jlM.i'ink t.,loik iltva.i'ara . . . (l.vsi Kalmmilli.. l'.'aMKlm.iiilli..., Ia l.lvrHtiil., . 110 Kaliiii'illh. . I ho f aliiuiiiih' . ,Ml lllllllll 7 i nrk IT.M KaliuiHilli .... , lw . nrk Ii:v S UM) Africa ITMl'.irk .li-JCiirt ,i stKViVirk liU Alain Har Value' rll.ixo "ii-t" i(U blili dmiirT viliiiii.'i.ui"ilii"iIoill bran almon. l" I.V) bM tlnnr, alu i..uuu K Al-. il 7 V M.I. rlo r. 'ue r n.nit, talur M ' II -lriAi bblstlmir, Vidua hvi na I Vin l.iA dour, v iltu i.vVu b. ail. value tJ.xu Al Hour. alu.. I.V..KO M A II i,ivm tit.iki (,ni 41. 1I T.;w K 4,lW 7M.44.V SI, 4'.IH ),n:S 4K.HIK SJ.IIU :.i 4H.4MI .Ml Mil a'ci ,v.iJ I. l,lk II IU.NI I I, 11 M.isrt Hi 1117 i:,i Nl.H'Jt ej, IH7 av,p M.iso fcl7l7 MI..III 7M M,'l M,ii II. .'4 ai.lsj Jl.llii .1 .,;w 4VIU 4A.I4J T.t.lMJ 111 ll.' Ik.nm Jll.lO.1 ' (Vl,.ll (I.IMI 7s,mn li.lW.1 7ii,mu aiiiri'sas. I'orllaii.l Klmir Mllla" Hlh.oll A kiTt I..... Ilallinir, UiHHtlii i a i " ,. ii ii " 1 H l!ainsmn (' stnllour. iliilhrlo To Milium . Kvir I'lirllrml rimir Min . Ilalfour. Iliilliilv A I'll .1 II t ainnron ,t i n Pol Hand Klmir Mill' niIhhiii A Karr .. .... Ilullinir, Uiilhila ami i i Co, Hlhaoii A Krr . sia 4, u ',',U nl ,nm ii Jml fci.ui 0 J H iwiiienin . i u Ar,A Ilalfour, linllnlv A I'll,. n l J H rninenni A Oo it,.iim HiHwiii 4k kerr ui n lUlf.uir liiitlirl A I'll ., ni.ioJ sn.iiii Jk Kori I.'i.uul I'liillaml Hour Mill.. 70 II ! m, ml M.IOJ iVi,nm .i.0o . Purl land ftmir Mill j II i aiMi-nm a mi . .1 Ilalfniir. ilmlittaA On., HiiMim A Kerr ,. MtkU I'urlUiid l-iiKir Silll 7 l.mi Halfmir, iluilirle t'o , aiiMnii a aiirr, ,, J H l oiiieron 4) it sii.xiii a Kurr miimir, llulhrln A Co,. I II I'miirnni a I'd llaKour, IliiUirm A Co , I 1'aineri.ii A I'o ....... HaltiHir, (IiiiIiiIi) A i "la'tiT" (.'.in: Ml, I ".' 4.1 liU 4I,n i i V ai,i 4 K.t 4 :i no l !) J1.VMI 4i IIU li, M i.M Hi.', 'V 7il lis ml nj, XI vi. v as !! I IO 1 1" " SI I.' UI . nu M,il ;.i.oi tul.ttM il. all ill. nil I.IIO.I i. : ! :i 1.1 no aji.osi l. " . mi ' ic.iui 7 u 4:,io.i S.'.iOl 4 ai.ol ,l. luio N i4 i '' iSirilan4 Klmir Mi ls lliifoiii, (Inihiio 4k l' ii w Mi' .rar jSilmni A Kurr I all no, llilllllle A I'", Sil. Mill thru Ill iifoiir, niiiliil.. A i n ,. . :A H..W .., ......, llmlule A Cu I i !j It A t'o .,, ... A K"'r ... i.lf..iir tmilir A ' o 1 H. our, Oniliil A i'o ... Si..,m A karr -, il.iiliriK A ' J a l aiurliiil A lu. Ililfoiir, liuihil A ' ... Iialfnnr, i itltila I'o alf.nir loillifl. t'o. , siit.ii.i aul Kaif . tSiolainl r'l.vir Mill II ill n.r, iiii" 'V . I att I III l I iik i ! if: a I Us M I Ilk) I ll I 4 I l I M I II t I Ha III ill lis Ssf UI ll - ait II 4 ill Mi...... ill II (4 4)1 DM ii ill HH ..... ill II M li lu .., ill lie M ll Un ... ail lis 4 til I's ftl SI IM Hit ail ! SI IH....... 4JI a W ill ls ... Si II . Ill II Id . ,.!lil s , .J i Us ivl lii U , kl s Si il - lit s iHl CI l" . . ICl ICl an ajl CI I" ; , ......CI 'CI I" .. ... , S ""f . .11 sa l ... Cl s. CI I Cl ! ...... -j- - tl H' .... ..... Cl .. . Cl .... . cl ll ad V r n. .1 liorl.. raltivl l.m. iu tuna nf I. ran. tslu.t lil.v, an.l a ;. Inulir I7.I1.V bids It.iiir, alln. Ti.tiu N -All s-" bbla, v ilui. i,e' i M. M l brail, raluii li.oo. ami W '-lii aar .llS.M l.'ils floor. H ., i.-n i: lilis J u. so ii'i' n hi , aenie in. no ii.i." ( i.iily, talur I ll.iuu I, - Ami V,:l l.bii There is an erroneous impression abrjad that the near secretary of the treasury, Lyman J. Gage, is either a Democrat or i free trade Mugwump. Neither of these vienva is entreat. He is a Republican voter. That Is to say, be h a beiiever in the cardinal prin ciples of tne Kepubik-an party.. He is , not a Detnocrat, but a "democrat" that Is. taking the word in its original meaning of one in favor of "government by the people," which is the significa tion Is? the word. Here are his own words as to his political belief: "I am a democrat in the sense that I be tteve in a governraent ct the people, by the teople and for the people. I do not believe in paternalism In govern ment. As U parties, I have never vot ed any other than the Republican tick et, exoept onoe, and that was In ISM, when I voted for O rover Cleveland. I voted for Harrison tn 1892. and, of oourse. for McKinley In lf'H. The plat form uf tlr-d last itepulbk an national convention embodies my pr-sent -leu as applied to the political Issues Ui.-n i and now before the country. I'nd.'rj the constitution, revenue can not be j raised by direct taxation. We ar? obllg-1 ed, therefore, to resc.rt to indirect taxa-j lion, and no form of indirect taxatl n is leas tourdenssne or more practical i than th- imixasition of duties on foreign lmiorts. Thw taxation should be so or dered, however, as not to footer, mo nopolies, bred trus, or favor the few , at the expense of the many. I do not know how I can express my ideas mure clearly than by saying that I believe in the raising of revenue by customs dutlis. ! levied as to promote the "en era3 welfarv by wiualizing the diTei-:nce btrtween Amerk-an and foreign labor." Mr. lake's views on the tariff and 'ii racing of revenue are in exact accord with those stated by Presldent-ek'Ct McKinley during the campaign. Th.-re is nothing n his exfKiition of his opin ions but will meet with the earnest and hearty commendation of every Itcptibs lican. And If he makes as goolrt head of the 1reiuury as he ha.4 pi 0.1.6 hrmsolf in conducting the vast interests commit'. rit to his care lii 'Chicago, his name wilTb linked in hlstnry with that of Alexander Hamilton, vho held Mill position, ai: C3ta.bliahed oil' a sound basis thi finances cf the Infant republl". In proportion as our oares are em poly ed upon the future they are ab stracted fnan the present, from the only time which we can call our own. and of which, if we neglect the appa rent duties to make provision against visionary attacks, we shall certainly counteract our own purpose. Dr. JiVhn-son. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. V. Fuller, of Canajoharie, X. Y., ..y inw ne ai'.ia; sr ps ivr. uin u Xew Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman. druggist. Ctuskill, X. T., saj-s that Dr. King's Xew Discovery is un doubtedly the best Cough remedy; that he has used it In his family for eight years, and It has never failed to do all that Is claimed fur it. Why not try a remedy so long tried ami tested? Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' drug .it ore. Regular slie, 50c and J1.00. . : i . m 1 y M' v ; - ?!. b:rie f the dyspeptic's life. When Sl. k. see if .ur sickness N cu-l l.y iiu!iu;i-.stive poison, if -1. tak. Shaker IHs. s.lie Th:s Is ihv only c-rian. wi.y of Iving p-! muin i'.tly Hired, iw -an ll is the way that gets r; 1 ( the poisons. You know that f 'rinMt.d fo.?J is liolsonous. Vo:i know tha; poiMOi Is unheulthy. .h ik r Digestive Cunllal leai-s the st irr..icli of fermenting food. and purifies th blood and i.vsiem of Indigestive pou ini. It cures Indigestion and the diseases that come o' it. 1 L ad- ache, dlxxiness, nausea, stomach-ache, weaknet. fla'ulence, ivinstlpation. toss of appetite, irritaijili'y, etc. Thrse are a few of the eympt mis. ais--1 by Indlitestive poisons, cured by Shatter Digestive Cordial. At druggists. Prii-e. Hi cents to Jl 00 per bottle. Sne Chinose, uftv Iwvutg for ynars in foreign oountrlos to amass an Independence, will gamble the wliole a-vay during the fttsi few day of th.-lr homeward voyage, and have to their passage buck III the m xt ship Ik ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. In I 'aria they first ullllxe rat to cl-ir the flesh from (he Ik.ii.-s of car casssss. then kill the rats. ue up the fur for trimmings, their skins for gloves, their thigh luws for n'th plck. and ths-lr tondons ami boni for gelatine and wrappers. The Sicilian sc ientists. C.rassl and Ito- svelll. have res-ently discovered timt tne Some Idea of the vast extent of the bouse fly is the Intermediate host of a surface of the earth may lie gained ; species of tape worm whk-h do-s imu h when It is raited that if a lofty church harm among chickens. The chickens steeple is atniended. and the landscape (t files, wlvw ldle contain the lar visible from tt Ukel at. nine hun- vae of the tape worm, dreil thousand such landscape must le . viewed In order that the whole earth may lie seen A VERY SEVERE RERI'KE. T I'l'Rlt A rtll.ll IN ONK lk. Take laxative I'.romo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate I'roiuuuiml lv rhpioiftiit' tiV niiisi Fnvorul'ltMii America fur sull't rer. from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha objeotlooa unred against indlo la th past b the large bumbers who otherwise would have been Had to tak advantage of Its tienrflclal climate, ha bD a lark of suitable aocommodatloa The Southern i'arino Cnmpsr.y lakes plraaur In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have juat betn erected at Indlo elation, that niil bo rvntd to amillrant at ra oiiabl rati. Thy are furnished with modern convent", auppllrd with pur artesian water and so altuatd aa to iv ccupnts all th advantage to tie rived from a more or ieea protracted residence la this delightful oilmats. VKSSEIaS OX THK WAV TO OKWJON. ( iu.1 1'uiwlMt rfriy yrt.lay rosT oii-SD raoa aso s. aril . SKW VilllK- SMn Hnnr Villa MVKHPOOI- l-Hrihlp krllaiire Br ship illmi le. NKWi'ASI'I.K. N.H. W. Hr slilii ilaiielan, Hr I'ark !i-lkrkshlre IHIIT I IK1K- llr ship I'uH Ja. kxia . . IIOI.I N!)U Mr l-ark i'..mlibi.k ., MKI Hilt KtK Hr t.srk t'anibttail t'hlvllala. ANTnKHI- Hr bark umhrtaiil - TUi'Altl'ANii Hr Lark lre fallen T on un I! (oanuaaii kobluaiin J) II0IOHI .. I'ao liWAI I I Kerr IJV si'liukl i lit li)M I I tl.tda r KI ... II'.S .j.UI Wii'lam. .... Iivi eHOAl rln-itln. I'M jial ..i-rls.iri. Iliv iul SUII Hiillun HmI , 1 i Merer. W. S To t ui.iw s u. -il...i. 4 Kmr MKieKHKNCKiS fa) lor, You 1 Co I I ma I-Nov. ktB.IH, WW. Total tonnage nn Iks way- Ill Ml Hats tlrne In I. In. Ham. (line IS sjr.- J,r Hustler's Astoria Twentletli St. ami MoKce Ave. Is admlnistertd by tlte stomach when its functions are abusl. Indiscretions in eating; or drink, are rvoulted In the first Instance by acute Indigestion, which. If injudiciously treated or dis regarded, speerllly merges Into ehronlc dyspepsia. BiKh, fortunately, are sure- The famous dragon trve whh-h former ly stiasl n the Canary Islands was estimated by Humlsddt to le six thou sand years old. Constipation In Its worst forms, dya- Mathematical calculations show that an Iron ship weighs twenty-sevpn per rent less than a wooden one. and will 1 -arry 115 tons is cargo for every one hundred tons carried by a wooden ship of the same dimensions, and both load ed to the same draught of water. ly eradicated with HraMetter' fitomach peps a, sick headache, biliousness, ana Bltt-rs. a tonic and alterative as high- derangement of the liver are readily (ly esteemed by the mdl-a! profession cured by DeWltt'a Utile Early Riser as by the general public. The nervous These little pills never gripe. Small pill, safe Pill, hi-st pill. Druggist Chas. Rogers, did tot; EVER I Try Electric Bitters as a r"m-dy for J your troubles? If -not, get a bottle now jand got relief. This medicine has been J found to be peculiarly adapted to the ( relief and cure of all female complaints, j exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the or gans. , If you have Ixsw of Constipation. Heala:he, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Ex citable, Melancholy, or are troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric. Hitters is the medicine you need. Health and Btr?ngth are guaranteed by irts use. 50c and J1.00 at Chas. Rogers' drug store. trouble and disturlxvl nightly repose, uually ajMOr-tated with dyspepsia, are .soon relieved by th;- Bitters, which Is ' also a, preventative of malaria, rheu-' It Is self-.-vldent that Wyler will matic and kidney complaints, and an have to reitlre pn-tty; the Aimtl invigorant of sterling value. Bilious- can pa.ragraph.-rs have exhausted that m-s3 an1 constipation are also thor- subjis-t and will Irish upn a change. oughly relieved by It. A win'-glassful before meals iriirfirts api-tlte, which A weed In the garden can he easily can be satisfied without discomfort destroyed when It first starts. Con through its regulating and tonic influ- sumption can be nipped In the hud by encem. Ci-e it systematically and per-' One Minute Cough Cure. Chns. I'.og sistently. ers, druggist. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut) "In tht heart ol the great desert of the I Colorado which th Southern Paclflol favereee there I an osala railed Indlo, which. In our opinion, la th sanitarium of the earth. Wt bellava, from personal Investigation, that for ctrtaln Imllvlduals, ther Is no pot on this planet o favor-1 able." O. T. Htewart. U D.. writ: "Th purity of the air, and the eternal sun hlne, fill one with wonj'r and delight . . . Nature ha accomullahed o much that ther remain hut llttl for man to do. A to Its poMlbllltles as s health retort hre I the moat ptrfecll urihln, with a temporatur alway plaant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain I n unknown factor; pur' oxygen, den atniosphi-re anrl pure waiir. What mor csn lie fllred? It is th plc. abovt all other, for lung troulilsa, and a para dise for rheumatic. Considering th' number of uftrr who have ben cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending thla rental oasis a In hav'O of the afflicted." Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... sr-rs 1 1 " T i; Situtiteti oli tliemiuth rilt of Astoria'- hilln. Twenty dfjjrfort wiiruitT itrvl vegetation IV) tiny in nivalin of the North niilc Mnnnifioent nitei fr re.i itluiKi'rt. ovurlooking river aii'l hay, unny "l hIu'I-tert-il. Kaxy iiiul natural nradt; little or no grading needed. ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Bond Street. The revolution of the nu,,n aroond ; The compact of the "Mayflower" was the earth occupies 2J.3i:i minutes. 11.5 -Hmrf on the lid 1 Elder flrewer a Appetite, j seconds, or. as it Is eomorily stated. ,''"'' m ""'""" -' "-' 7 days, 7 bourn 13 minut'T and 11.5 seconds. The period from new moon to new moon is two days longer ex anly 2'i days. 1J hours. 4. minutes and 2.7 seconds. INDIO i 1 iiiiMinnn nromnrn ri a n n 1 1 m 1 n r . 1 1 m r 1 ti.- v-...- 1 1 ri iiiivwy iifeaw 1 w 1 bvbbf vi nn ol fftmatM flrlia Of ttiVnMMva tlf lISMAltilam. lmlllB III I i'impl-, jfHUi)j iii Mwry, .xitwUii lriii, V llmiol fftmotMrrtmcb riiywirtan, will quk-Hly uur ou of all iistr lm rai mm or ihM-swssm tit Utm t"fwrs.uv ut9, U .litiinu.ji'wi,,iiiitiiiifti r LnlUiiMN In Marry. I rMissllt.Mtlin. IlaUitsa atl IisMm 1-rilaV of tihflik il IIrtiHTK. riilatiUtHliffirVt4 u r iwrowiiniin., nq "CUPIOCNf 7'lila vreel Vvealalt lUllar.UMiariei'tll ruure vuutif an n i-ll aa lial MaiihrM. :nnaaliitia, IH-Iitllla sl Brmmr ... imfl ail in. imrmrsui imrmsirri -..!." asSSlfini kl,,l.rla lhaiirli.arrnrtaii.ol Sit UUIHUlUea ri!lIDStWaT sCrerHfUieneaml rasuiraesmaii weee cirtfana. Prwrnla iiib k. Mi.rriMeaanei UieU.ef, Ue) Tne rM .ufT.rera are rml rarl hr ln-mr Is hwnia. ninety per sent Srs "wwefl ems rixilallllt, (MU'lliKNICISIheofll kmiern remisljf leiire)llijuuliiiium. HisiiraMrnmik alaA rs.lunie.1 If all hmra iliasl nut eUesI S peruiauet I euro. lljDabui.ali (V.ri'.br malt m-nU for raearlreiilaraiiq imuinotiieia. aiUma I A Vol. II KUI11S to, V. U. ltol M, Ban Fmielaoo, Ud. r Ail ft i It not only relieves; It dw s more, j It cure. We refer to One Minute j 'Cough Cure. Suitable for all ages, nil I Far? from I conditions, at all times. Chas. Rogers, j druggist. Ih 612 miles from SAX K RAX.! I SCO .'ii'i 130 .iuIi-h from ! CHAB rtOOKIlS, 459 CommsrolsJ Btrset. ! .r rn : - AMEND THEJ'LOUD POSTAL, BILL. i ' Chicago Tlmes-MersJd.t. Although th mmln otjecrt sought to be attained by the Lsud postal bill Is praiseworthy and meritorious. Its recep tion In'the ajenatelias disc lop od defects In draftKig, w-hlch, anless amended, will work & hardship' upon publishers of le gitimate .newspapers ' and magazines, whioh Mr, Ixai1 certainly SO, not con template.. The failure of the lioune to disoernn thess defeats) (s doubtless at- trtboxavble to Che earnest desire of the representatives to adopt prompt' and effective measures for correcting he abuses of the iTivileges accorded to , '"second-class rnajtter."abuee that are a fruitful cause of the growing annual postal deficits. The seal to secure this Compreawed air for cJoaning cars Is U!-d on the Union Pacific railroad at lt pirtland shops. The air, under pres sure of 50 pounds per square inch, is de llvered from a flexible hose with a nmall nozzle, and Is used as water would be. . . All the different forms of skin trou bles, from chapped han'ln to eczema and Indolent ulcers can be readily cured by PeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Chas. Rogers. Drugct't. A local fashion writer annsinn thiU "there will be nothing new In bloomers this year." There could Ire no Improve ment In tha dliwtlon. anyway. BUCKLErt b ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. , For sale by Charles Rogers, OdcJ Fellows' building, , He who walks through life with an even temper arsl a gentle patience, pa tient with hlnwelf, patient with others, patient with difficulties and crosses, he has an everyday gTeatness beyond that which Is won In battle or chanted In catihedrals. Tn-. Dewey. Not one minute elapses between the taking of One Minute Cough Cure and relief. Why shoulln't people take One Minute Cough Cure. They should. They do. Chas. Rogers, druggist. Wells says that the annua.1 dew fall of Oreat Kritaln Is eoua! to -1.111, 327,3.5 tons. Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped hands and Hps. Healing for cuts and sores. Instant relief for pll, stops pain at once. These are the virtues nf DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve. Chas. Rogers, druggist. Minutes ne.-m like nours when a life Is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean The United Btates senate Has In formed the ottHT day of the death of death. One Minute Cough Cure gives i Speaker crisp. roe Longreswoiuu instant relief and Insures recovery. The j Rw-ord ought to bounce Its new edl- only harmless remedy that produces ' tor. immediate ' results. Chas. Rogers, ' Druggist. ; A torpid liver means a bad comple- 1 ion. bad breath. Indigestion and fre- Lamps make oil spot, and randies quent headaches. To avoid such corn- want snuffing; It is only the light of heaven tha shines pure and leaves no stain. Goethe. CASTORIA for Infante and Children. stall fT hS sere raPt panlons take DeWltt's Little Risers, the famous little pills. Rogers, druggist. ' Early Chas, m arfwaa Theta tiny Capsules ir upr(orj to Baitim or topaioa, CubeMorlsiedioniandljlUUf CUKF.IN4B HOURS th ism disease. Wi uiconvsnisnee. Cor. E. p. itooiais. Asst. Gen. Pan. A let. H. I. Co. J. H K I UK LAND. Dint. Pas. Atft Plrt and Alder t.. 3'ortland, Oi Swift, safe, luxurious UiSirvre7jI fiur evening train from St. Paul to Chliaigo and Isils Is one of the liand-smn-st 1n the country. Vest (billed and gas llghtwl from end to end, CarrU-s standard and compartment sl;eplng cars as well as dining and free chair cars. Runs ON TIME over a superb track. Leaves Ht. Paul 8:05 p.m. Arrives Chicago 8:25a.m. Arrives Bt. Louis 6:21 p.m. Travelers Who have never tried the Burling ton between Bt. Paul aid ChUago are respectfully reouewted to do so. No railroad between the points named offers swift er, safer or more luxur ious service. A. C. SHELDON, O. A., Portland, Oregon. 0.E.&N. OIVE8 CHOICE or ... -2- ; " Transcontinental ROUTES. , Via Spokane and St. Pad Via Ogden, Denver and Qmaba op St. Paal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Cbalr Cars : Astoria to San Franolseo. 1 Columbia, Monday, January IS. of California, Saturday, Jan. 23. Columbia, Thursday, January 2d. Btate of Cal. Tuesday, February 2. Columbia, Sunday, February 7. Btate of cal., Friday, February 12. Columbia, Wednesday, February 17. For rates and vensraf information sail on or address O. W. LOUNBBERRT, Agent W. H, HURIiBOBT, Oes, Pas. Agt., Portland, Or. b. McNeill, President and Maaagsr. 1 fc I Ss'ni M' OhMSSUmI S S S In III.'.' S1 1 r.tnu hiMia. ny ft la a n"fi rtlswnrnji rftmCMlf ft lT ll(lMirrllee., HI""!. H ps r m i or r Mliiirsi, nnnaitir-ei dla fmrgfsi, if miT Inlliinnin linn, irrlultoM nr ultr. It'ili at in ui turn ni"iii tit in-1. S" r 1 ritfs i.t (soM hf I'raKflaU, nf mnl In pUIn r-iiipsir, tr rtpnsnsi I'rfiNthi, fuf 1 .0i. ir S fxilllfs), 2.7i. Cirr-gUr intii vii fiiiutMi J SolantlHo Ameriein wl ' - AQency Tor aET I U a A r3e eavrsva. TKSDs uiDra. OISION ssatbhtI. COPVUIOMTSi. m. Fnrlnfonnatlnaand fne Hamliwi.k write is MIJNN a (x Wl liansiiwaT. haw V..t Ohiiit bernaii fnr aanirliis tiaunta In Amr1e. Koirr Mken cnit lr ua la bnniahi bafore Ujo puhuo I17 a notioe glran tree ot oliarg. la Hat Urmt drmlattnti of any cinUflrt vtt tn th World. ViilMMlstllf llluttnuvd. to luti'Ulrr-n uismi sisni 114 um wiuiuui Ik iiin WWh1V. At tins sVriSUJSllSBtkSL MM I IlnasufaaraM klaaeas Vaesi. ni- Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ELMORE, SANBORN & CO Agents, Astoria.