The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 04, 1897, Image 4

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Lailcs "Walking Chnac
Doratle School OllUCa
Seasonable Goods
Robber Boots, Etc
John llahn & Co.
479 Commercial St
Coan tiers
Aia co.ti.ats for
30 Days
.Albert Dunbar
Cor. Otk nd Conaercial Sts.
Maximum temperature, 49 degree.
Minimum temperature. 43 degrees.
Precipitation, ."S Inch.
ToUl precipitation from September
1st, ISM, to date, 84.47 Inches.
Kxceea of preclptutton from Septem
be 1st. 189, to date. UK Inches. '
Portland. February i For Western
Oregon and Western Washington, mod
erate galea on coast.
For Eastern Washington. Eastern
Oregon. light snow.
TO KBADEKS. Th "Dally Aatortas"
estate twlcs aa aaacs rasdisg matter as
ui stkar bumf NblUhtd la Astoria. It
la the Ml 7 papT tast prnU lu reader
wit, a dally tsleanrasaie report.
tsrlaa" as aon Utaa twice a aaaay lead
are aa aay tkw papar sabllshed la Aato
rla. It la therefore aiora tkaa twine aa
valaaMa aa aa arfTerttalag ssedlaaa.
tat r Oragoa. I
Caaaty ml Clatsop. (
We, taa msaeraigDod. leeal aiaaagata
MspeetlTely af taa Westers tales asd
Tests! Telegraph eoaapaales, karaby ear.
Mfy that taa "Dally Astsrisa" la Uta aaly
aaaar sabUahesl la Aataria whleh aaw r
slees, at at aay ttaae aarlag aa eoatrol
f said sBcee hmm received, a telegraphic
press repert. - D. JOHXsON.
Meaager W. V. T. Ca.
If aaagar raatal Tel. Ca.
Far up the slizn twilight fluttered
Moth wings of vapor and flame;
Tne lights danced over the mountains,
Star after star they carae.
The lights grew thicker unheeded.
For silent and stfU were we;
Our hearts wer drunk with a beauty
Our eyes could never see.
Gurge William Russell.
Signs See Swope.
Want, anything tainted? Sea Swope,
Want anything decorated? See Bwope.
Dr. Howard,- Hotneopathlst, office 6S6
Commercial street.
A large number of contractors were
m the city yesterday.
Ekstrom has the only complete dock
of jewelry in the city.
Is the real Joy of life to be found
chiefly In anticipation?
Twenty pounds of granulated sugar
for $1, at 45 Duane street.
Have you any jewelry that needs re
pairing; Take it to Ekstrom's.
A soft velvet toque is, as a rule, be
coming to almost every type of femi
nine beauty.
Jewelers are displaying many pretty
articles set with February's birthstone
the amethyst.
The days are perceptibly growing
longer, but so far have brought little
additional business.
Mr. L. Duchaney, Pillar Rock; and
Al Streem, were in the city yesterday
purchasing supplies.
Superintendent Holt, of the street de
partment. Is BtiU patching holes along
the principal streets.
If it was not for the railroad work,
the boat lines would have little or
nothing to do this winter.
The most attractive and Inexpensive
light furniture of bamboo made to or
der at 618 Commercial street.
The regular weekly meeting of the
W. C. T. U. will be held In Rescue par
Ions this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Charles Higgms yesterday found
an athletic club pin, which the owner
can "have by proving property.
The only "Queen" heater for sale only
by Fisher Brothers. Call and be con
vinced. Beware of imitations.
Mr. C. W. Hodson of the Hodson
Printing Co., and Theodore Gladding,
. -More Cbm fort and pleas
ure from tea -try Schillings
No risk if you don't like
ft, the grocer returns your
money in full
4 Schilling ft Coonaaf
ice inmate mm
nmruhsnt. Portland, ara visiting In the
W. H. Street, of th Pacific Elk, IVrt-
land. pnt the day visiting brother
Elks and twfclentolly did a little bus
Family tickets between Warrenton
Flavel and Astoria will hereafter be
old by Agent Stone at the Telephone
The weather was so thick and foggy
yesterday that outward bound steamers
wera ahllifed lo lay over in the har
bor. F. J. Sohofteld. general landscape gar
dener and sanitary engineer. All work
guaranteed. Leave orders at Astorlan
Captain Jonoa, of the Pritlsh ship
Dalcadrnle, la laKl up in Portland, sick,
and has not yet returned to Astoria,
as waa reputed.
Word was recWved yesterday that
Miss Jessie Jewvtt, who is visiting with
the Misses Wagner, of the Willarmst.
Hotel, Salem. Is quite M.
John Smith, Seaside; J. W. Bunn. T.
Hsrsirlckson. F. E. Wallace, Portland:
and C. H. Wheeler, Nehalem. are reg
istered at the Parker House.
Mrs. M. C. Crosby has rented the
house In Uppertown, formerly occupied
by George H. George, and will move
in a few days to her new residence.
The remains of the late P. Jensen
wore buried in East Astoria, at the
old chapel burying ground. A large
concourse of friends followed the re
mains to the grave.
William Heckard. Lewis and Clarke:
Jake Wilson. Skamokawa; A. M. Lind
hold. Youngs River; Howell Lewis,
John Day; Chris Peterson. Olney; were
In the dty yesterday.
Massage Hot and cold water baths.
vapor and aloobot baths, combined with
massage scientifically administered, by
Mrs. M. Abrahams. 469 Puane street.
Rheumatism specialty.
It is predicted that Astoria will get
the balance of the rate for this season
during th month of February. Let
it come it can't come too soon, seems
to be the general opinion.
Old-timers say that yesterday was
the dullest dy In local business circles
In many years and It la thought that
the upgrade has been reached, and
that times from now on will Improve
Captain Al. Beta, of Portland, visited
9alem the other day, and while there
called on Captain Phil Johnson. He
says Mr. Johnson does not know any
one, and Is In worse condition than
when he left Astoria
Miss Buckenmeyer will meet her la
dies Claris In the gymnasium at 3
o'clock this afternoon. The lady has
met with great success and has for
her class the leading ladles in. the city.
The A F. C. has made a popular move
in allowing the ladies the exclusive
It Is understood that Captain Cork-
hill, of the ship Crown of India, con
templates giving a ball on board his
magnificent ship in the near future.
The captain is a royal enttrtalner. and ;
his handsome vessel is well adapted
for two or three bails being carried on
at the same time. All three decks are
smooth and In good condition. I
A clerically dressed gentleman, an
umbrella and a gun were seen walking I
down Bond street yesterday. Just what .
that man was after, or whether he was j
looking for a loft text, could not be,
discerned by his countenance. One i
thing is certain, he narrowly escaped
collision with a post, whioh might have
exploded the gun and killed himself
or some of the bystanders.
8. F. Phinney, W. L. Whitmore. C1J- I
cago; J. W. Cook. C. S. Hudson, Phil.
Hoensburg, A. B. Oehicke. Theo. Glad- j
ding. Geo. W. Simon. H. S. Campbell,
Frank Hoberg. E. T. Johnson, Miss
Leewton, Portland; H. H. Hens, New
York; L. W. Cole. New York; A. R.
D. Patterson, F. W. Pettygrove, O. M.
Kisser, A. F. Elli'tt, San Francisco;
J. C. Spenser, Clifton; C. C. Dalton, 11-
waoo, were guests of the Occident yes
terday. The steamer Bakf.r yesterday brought
down from Kalania a large lot of dump
cars, fence rails and other camp out
fits to be used on the railroad work
near Rainier. If It was not for the
construction work now being done by
the railroad company, boat captains say
they would have little or no freight to
haul. In spite of the hard times, the
railroads have been keeping up their
business, besides branching out in con
siderable new construction work.
Yesterday afternoon the fire and wa
ter committee held a special meeting be
hind closed doors In conference with
the foremen and secretaries of the va
rious fire companies. It is understood
that they obtained the figures from
the various oompanies of the cost of
running the name during the past thn-e
months, and that It was prax-tlcally de
cided that hereafter all bills for supples
must be paid for by the city direct, in
stead of through the auditor's office.
It comes from reliable authority that
Jacob Kamni, of Portland, will have
a new boat on the river this coming
summer, devoted excliwlvely to passen
ger traffic. It will be a three-decked,
twin-ccrew vessel ami capable of mak
ing 24 miles an hour. No vessel now
on the Pacific coast can equal it, so the
projector claims, and It will make a
strong bid for the beach travel. It
will be a day boat, and -will make the
round trip between Portland and As
toria in 12 hours.
From the lock of the usual noise and
hilarity m Chinatown since the begin
ning of their new year's festivities, it Is
And Our Great
Annual Sale Closes...
This will be your lust chance d ur
ine the year to buv first-class uoods
at less than manufacturer's cost.
Sale positively closes on Satur
day, February 6th.
Leading House of Astoria.
very evident that prosperity has not
weighed heavily In that quarter during
the past year. In previous years the
nights would be mad hideous by their
burning of firecrackers and bombs, but
that sort of thing Is not apparent now.
Occasionally a string of crackers will be
popped, amid muoh chattering among
the celestials, but the old style of
bombarding the quarters every few
minutes Is left out. Times must be
hard In Chinatown.
Misos Alice Zlmmern will contribute
to the February .Forum an artk-la, de
scribing the aims ami objects of the
leading Ladies' Clubs of London. Toe
forthcoming publication of the "Au
tobfcraphy and Letters" of Gibbon
the historian in their original form.
after being sealed up for one hundred
year, ts a literary event of rare Inter
est. For tha ftrwl time the world now
has the seven autobiographic stud
ies of the historian exactly as he wrote
them. Mr. Frederick Harrison, the
eminent English critic, reviews the new
memoirs In the February Forum.
A small boy. who has bad the pleas
ure of chopping the family wood, stood
by yesterday morning while his father
showed him how to make better time
with the Job. The old man struck
a knot with the axe, which caused the
stick of wood to fly up and hit him in
the eye. The air was blue for a few
moments and the boy laughed. A few
moments later he hail a seance with
the old man, which resulted In the
seat of his pants being well dusted.
When the boy told the story he was
laughing on . tlv other side of his
mouth. The old man has his eye In a
Henry Hite, a Colored Cook, Has an
Exciting Experience With the
AViut ten days ajto Robert Norrla left
Ast'uria for his place at Norrlston Park
on the Elk Creek beach. He was ac
companied by a laborer and a colored
cook. Henry Hlte. well-known In As
toria. It w as a very stormy day when
they started from Sslde, and K was
ail the pai-k horse could do to carry his
load over the muddy road betwten
that plac and Elk Creek. It was quite
dark and high tide when the tired and
footsore party reached Bllver Point,
which, by the way, Is a nasty place
to round In the dark, especially If the
tide is In and a storm raging as It was
on this particular night, tyr. Norrts
cautioned the rest Lit the party to be
very careful in picking their way
among the nx-ks on the beach and to
Mlow the parkhorse closely. They
started all right and were half way
around when a huge breaker came tum
bling over them with a roar that sound
ed as if the whole ocean had suddenly
started towards shore. The colored
cook was bringing up the rnar when
the wave struck thetn, and for the
next minute he found himself being
bang'd up agaiiiHt the face of the cliffs,
with a pretty good prospect of going
to sea when the water receded. He
managi-d to cling to a rock, however,
until the water had rolled out of the
way, and fearing another deluge, hur
riedly climbed the steep bank until he
rtfached a place of safety at the top.
It was awfully dark; the black man
was wnite In comparison. Norrls and
his companion had rounded the point
in safety and ha1 proceeded down the
beach, thinking Henry would follow.
But Henry was a stranger on the
beach and when he found shelter under
th trem at the top of the cliff, he
PUnplu, blotchei, btsekhndi, red, rough, oily,
molhjr akin, Heblng, scsly Milp, dry, thin, sad
falling hair, and baby blemlibea prrreotd by
CtmcCK Hoap, Ui moat ffecUr akin purify,
lag tnd besutifylog wsp in tha world, mm wall as
pnrwt sod awaatcst for toilet, tola, tod Bursary.
bMMtkiOTfhnrtdiawwta. Snrrrt D.imC Cm.,
"'rrapL.Buaiaa asr-HawaHaittr aa tJs,"paa
decklel to camp for there the the night.
Whon morning dawned the pour, water
aoajted wok ane and stretoned his
weary limbs. He looked about him
and was overjoyed to And a house Ices
than a hundred feet away. It t''k
but a minute to got Inside and imo
an Inviting bed that sevmed rvudy for
Just such a vk'tint.
About 10 o'clock the mailoarrier canve
down the beach frm Seaside, and stop
ping at Norrlston Park, was axkwl if
he had seen anything of a stray col
ored man along his route, on txtig
answered In the nevutlva Mr. N orris
became alarmed and started liucmdi
ately In search of hU cook. It was
late In the afternoon when they finally
found him In the cottage at Silver
Pomt. half dead from cold and hunger.
Mr. Nurris says he has no fear of
losing his cook in the near future, a
it would be a hard matter to indues
him to make the return trip to Seaside,
Astoria, February 2. (Editor Aato
rlan) Much attention is now being di
rected to the question as to the legal
ity of thi "Benson House" In the Ore
gon legislature.
By Section 2. of Artkie IV. of the
Constitution of Or-Bm It provided.
"The senate sha'l consist of sixteen,
and the house of represontatives nf
thirty-four tntinbers. whliii numlier
yhaJl not be knt'P'used until the year
lsSO. after which time the legislative
assembly may th- number of
senators ami r-prweniat !', etc,
I provided : That the eeiuUe shall n.-ver
exceel thirty and the house of repre
sentatives sixty members."
By the statute of 1SST (Code, S.-c. 2is
the authority of liwnnislng the number
of senators and representative wasi-x-orclwd
in the -following terms: "The
senate of this state shall ci'iisiM of
thirty members, and the house of rep.
resnntatlvos of sixty memters." Wa
the t-miis "house of representatives
are clearly defined by the .n.tltutl n
and laws asd by Its authorities to
be a Ixxly compoed f "sixty mem
bers." The next question that priw-nts Itself
is what Is a quorum of the hoim of
representatives? We also find this
question "defined by the nm Itution,
by rVc. 12. of Art. IV: "Two thirds of
ea'h house shall constitute a quonim
to do busineHs." As we luive sn the
term "house" has be4-n defined by law
to be sixty members, the quorum, then,
"to Io biiHlm." muKt l: a numtier not
Itm than two thirds of "Hlxty mem
bers." whlh are frty raemlK-rs. The
term quorum signifies a minimum num
ber, less than which is prohibits) frrm
acting aa a fully organize! body. A
greater number than forty may art but
a lesser numlxT cannot. The "Benson
house" is now composed of but thirty
nwnnbers, hmce too snuill as a mini
mum or quorum number "to do busi
ness." If the provisions of th? consti
tution may bo disregarded, and a b-ss
numlx than forty may meet, organise
and do busimaw, then there is no nilnl-
not one atom
can be lost without the whole
body feeling; it The bodjrU
like a watch, a machine. This
accounts for the success of
Cod-liver Oil in all wasting
disease. It feeds, nourishes,
keeps up the strength when
ordinary food is rejected.
When nutrition is impos
sible death is certain. Cod
liver oil, say the doctors, is
the best nourishment, and
with the Hypophosphites, is
beyond coirparison the most
effective form of cod-liver oil
fee. and w at all druggists.
Baths and Halr-dressln
107 Twelfth St.
Plain Baths 2'-C
Vapor Bath 50c
Medicated Batlis (all kinds) Gflc
Shampooing and Dressing of Hair.. SOc
Dressing of Hair 23c
Manicuring the Finger Nails 25c
Foot treatment 60c
Warrenton Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mvson application.
mum limit "",', members would
I authorised t onranUo either nous.
Two thlld of tlu lluw members would
be a quorum. 1 . .members In
ea"h house oould P and rtect
fnitisl Hiat'-KSeiatbiTHsnil do any busl
itia Thr ststennNit of h easv nloii
ho the alwurdlty of altemptlnif to
dtxlne y the plain irnns uf th con
Btmuleu and statutes. In Mter to
stijHrt the contention, of Ui adher
ent ef tile lM,n himse, It U nev-S-aary
t interpolate Into the pr UUin
for ft quorum the wonts, "of tlve mean pn-sent." mskiutf tho constitution
read "two thlnls ft Ow nnilerj piss
ent " or ellh"r housw elm 1 1 conatltuls
a quorum. .,
tim orlllcl!" )uu be'n offered as to
the eoiu of the senator ti refusliut
to njriU the Helmut house. of
tmw senatois U solemnly suorn b
fore entertliK Uiolt the dlmhsttfe of
lus duties thut ho "will suptHrt the
rvnstltutkm of the state of rltn." It
la a .4emt and biudtiis olh. 1 1 is r-
quired of tlHSii llkat they may not llltt-
ly reKanl tlxwe liuatntmnrita Upon lik h
our institutions are built. To act In
tlue itutttera one must aoo unt to his
.M!f-li'iue and hi liod. tits rouutry
requires tluit he plaka" hlnutelf abovv
imlltloiU Inlt litue anil pasMi.m and nwer
yield to tile insidious da-trllH of rXpe-
dleui y. Any other course la stulliDia-
tlon and lreMlji anan-hy sjhI confusion.
To the AmorUn:
The protest of lr. Waller axalnst thr
Kenersi din and tw kK of th Chlnwis
Sow Vmr's, mlifht be nnaili emphasised
hy tho diuier ti life suid property from
their flrwrackvr. Within lh observa
tion of the uiwlersia-rwd oni team per
ray has !eeu sLimpeded the oil tills
mornliiK beliuc a milk waton; the
horse staiulltut Hh customary i4
tience In front of the J isur. when
wlthoiit sny attarviil coosl.leratlon and
nomluilem-e. a Ohlrteaw ottlclary ap
pvared, and let off a half bushel ef
iracki-rs lniiiv.,iutely belilltd the team,
a Kod runaway rnHiltlnK.
Willi. .ut wishlnK to ititerfers with
elthT the fun or the ivllutim of oiir
Chlmw nelithlxTa. e may still ask
thut tlta-tr olwervanres br eomlurll
lth oniiihiry rarv f"T coirtforl and
safety. 'ne c.inaot help uondcrlntt.
too. whi.t effet-t on the ! mid k Iris
who ilmLhI so .MKerlv. till f"'lvnl of
"!. aed vTy Uul iiiunii', may luivi
"Chlrui" N'eu Yiiua limy bwoine
r"(fulnr A m.-rb-jm ti..lllny. TlwTe :
tii'lli-uHons unite a part of the
children already know more ulj'Mit the
('lilin-s. p-liiclon thiiii they do of their
own. II, S, LYMAN.
thk ;ki:at canal.
Tacoma News.
Il m-om to be (fenerally rowwledl that
the NlruriLKiin canal cannot be con
struct"l umii the plan Wild down In
the Mil pendinir in cotiirrvss. The rep
r. setnatlve of NliinunuA and Its us
:lattl n-publliK says Unit govern
ment l pady. while diH-larlmt the pro,
ent canal i-omrtLiiy's concennion for
feltid, to tn-itt llri-lly with our gov.
eminent for the construction "f 'be
rannl on a new Iwuiln The offer ouitht
to be iiii-epted. The cuiml Is a nit-s-slty
to this country. We have delayixl
Phi long the work of dlxKlnir It. While
Much uiiileriiikliiKs may In a large
measure lie considered foreign to the
theory of our Kovi-rnmeuuU systtnn,
l his one Is a military necessity, and
like the overland riillnsvd, ought to
le regarded us essential to the national
welfare. In whatever way the work
may he undertaken, care can be used to
nevoid the loose methods which have
enabled the builders of the subsidised
roiuls to uwM their olillgatlons. The
I'aolllf! colLHt Is exceotlonfllly InteTesti-d
In this great wati-rway, and our r(pre
sentatlve at Washington City and all
our commercial Isxliis and lnllu-rulal
pi-o ile should lalsir for It unceasingly.
From the Tacoma News.
In the recorders' olllce yesterday th
following deeds were filed for record:
H. D. Adair aisl wife to H. K.
Halz, lots 7 and 8, blk 4, Mer-
riwetlier Down f 120 00
John IavlM to Jens Jensen, a
tract of lavl in NK iuaru-r
of HK (luorter m.-c 10, twp 8,
N R 7, W 75.00
Ht of Oregon to C'ella C.
Hwlgert, 8W (iiarter sec 1
Twp 4 N It 7 W 200.00
Hame to Mary K. Hwlgert, NW
'luarter sec lfl Tw p 4, N it 7 W,
t 200.00
Notice Is hereby given that Dr. A, L.
Fulton has been appointed health offi
cer of the fdty. The existence of con
tagious diseases In the city must be
promptly reported to him as required J
by Ordinance No. 17.W, as said ordi
nance will be strictly enforced.
Chief of Police and Health Inspector.
Use Webfoot Corn Cnre. No
cure no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Conn
Drue Store.
Icebergs sometimes last for 200 years.
the Best...
Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be
doubled. It Is distinctly the best
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements,
at very low prices.
Is it not a fine investment?
Examination M tvtl(liats b leach
In this county will U tixld at llltfli
Hi'loxd Imlldlng, Astoria, Or., Iipglniilni
at 1 o'clock p, tn.. Wednesday, Frbruary
10. ISW, ApplUnta will N present
promptly and ivnmltt until tha cloe.
Kxsmlimtloiv for tat teachers' dlplo.
nut will b hold Huilay. February 1J,
I'il'T, at siuno place.
Hchool Hupl., t'lataop Co., Or.
Ilox -Trullinr' Mill.
R.. i Atir and 8vnth trt.
Ilox 7-Nlnth and Duan.
Ilox I (oininenlal and FlfUenth.
tlox -:Matop Mill.
Ilox U-Cr Ptables.
tlox H-McOrejor' Mill.
After January tat 1T. frlght
clmine must h prepaid to all station
on th A. and t. It. It. R. aherw tin
company has no agents
C. F. t.EHTKR.
Any person wanting trap pllmg. eor
r.oil with llogue A Young, onfc
rulnt. Wh
Cub the pa4er artist have mi
rvprntcd hr, a, "Utile Egytt" will
go a ring way.
Take laxktlva llnuno Quliilo. TsMetS.
All drugglit refund th mousy If II
fall to cur. Siu. For sale by C'bas.
Roger. Prugglt.
The slgnnlntis'r of the lltle 4 Hen
ior Offer' lK.k. "The Way owl."
Is now npu-iit(.
ROYAL baKwg lowder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength -U. t OovwaaMat basort
We Infer that Rev. Pr. Ralnsford
did not receive an Invitation to th
Hr.i.llcy.. Murium ball,
Srtlton Sen Suit lor lull lis Ht
the Kstis-('onn Drtij; Store
UK anil 25c Jut imekaire.
Meany I the leading tailor, and pay
the highest rash pries for fur (kins
WANTKIA good girl for general
housekeeping. Iii'iillre lit the Aatorlan
Four rminis to rent. 9fil Exchnng
strwt. Adolph Johnson.
ANKHE i'iukI for Christmas and th.
holidays, at Wing I', M3 Commer
cial street.
LOHT A hull.' silk umbrella with
gold mounted spur on handle crook;
was left In Mr Devlin's pew at tho
Catholic church on Christmas day. Tho
finder will jilcMum roturn the same to
the Asbrrlan olllce and recelvo a re
ward of $1.00.
Cedar Shingles
Cut Rate
Ticket Office
...theatrical booh ho a srccuiTT..
1872 1805
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
GrocerieR & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
.Fairhank'g Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implement
' Wagons A Vehicles. " "
rttTolCUX AND !itniir.ll!
Oradualed from Cuplihaea L'nlvar
Hpvclslty, Fenmlo Ilsnsr.
No. W0 Comiiisrclal lrl. H liana ha
Ilulldlng, i
Hour. 10-11 a. m.; t-4 and T l p. tn.
Tsianhtm. ijjacksmlths
ftpartal Attsnllon raid to BUsmboal R.
First claa IlunHMhtMuntl, Kto.
11 OI.NKV T Wl. Sdssdtlh. '
al an mn cam lug tul ul
out siur. and you'll (l a
iwitrall of a ma.o biimmlnm
avsr silk aaasaattl ItMiwbts
Miwh quality la las !laaan
liaira taoBorsretouiutl) t
Usaa ant Was.
1 1 UO MES & CO.
urAim in
Croitrl., Flour, FrJ, Provltlom, Prulba
VtUblr, Cnkktry, Glm an4
P1tel Wire. Loner' Suppllet.
Cor. Taatk a4 Oosxasro4ad .trMts.
Astoria and Colombia
Riyer Railroad
Trains Iravs Hsaald. for Astoria at
1;M a. m. and t p. m. dally.
Train le.v Astoria, for Flaval at
a. m. and 4 p. m, dally.
Trains ar Astoria for fiaid at
10 10 a. m and 4 p. m. dally,
Trains I cava Flavel .for Astoria al 14.
a. in, and SiW p. m. dally.
& IbarSAS. l.i. f Iim.ii a llnlm...
1 U 1 tl. lala crt htwkma .!
Blacksmith, Machinist
and Hollar Maker
"KM Kinds of fflaohlnery
Iron and llraa Castings
Osiierai lllncksnuth Work
SPK lAlTltS-W.lch I'atasi WKmI. 5hlp
Smlfhlnc anj Slaaaabeat Wurk. Cannary aai
Mill M,M.i,. Mailsa aDj SuiLmai, bvll
ail lltilll laUfJ.l.
SpUllv aulfpaJ (u, Utf'' "ntk
Cufratpu4ania aniLIM
18th and I ranklln. Phone 78
Astoria and Portland
Teli.iihonB leaves Astoria dally rx.
rept Hunday at 7 p. m. leaves I'ort-
land dally except runiiay at 7 a. m.
T T !.. l,.,irM Aal..rtM f 1 M w
dally sxcept Hunday. Leave. I'ortland
dully at II p. m., Sunday excepted. Bat.
uruayi at 11 p. m.
Tickets food on both boats.
U. I. HCOTT, Preald.nt.
K. A. Hneley, Agent, Portland,
C. W. Btone, Agent, Astoria.
Telephone No. II.
R. I Doyle & Co.
Phona Ne. 6t Astoria, Oragsa.
Ship Chandlery
paclsl Attention Paid t. Supplylsf Ships.
"The Louvre"
rine Musle. Gaines of . AH Kinds. Two
Magnlflrsat Kara.
Good Ordev and. Everybody's. .Igbti,