ASTOEliPOEUCUBBARTASSOCIATlCJ 1 The Dally Astoria n . . . QSr' " mm: " ' H HeouuS AND pJMWIUKT ...Fimlly ClrcuUtlQB... Much mos than tmsss Tmi At UROR At TMAT,f ANY CTHI AS 111 Astoria. SAVE TIME F.xnim HOW? u4 worry An "Ad". In Tmi AtoiaH'I "Wnl CsllMS." ICXCLUSIVK TELKGKAPHIC PRESS REPORT. YOL. XLV1. ASTORIA, OHEGON, TIOSDAY MORNINO, FEBRUARY 4, 18!)7. NO. 27 Vfe it SsAA' yW e wmm NOT THE CHEAPEST, BUT THE BEST BOYS' SHOES Tim In What . Wo Hovc- A CIiciiji Shoo ran not be a tfooil hIioo. If )od want u good artielo, vonw here; K not, auywhoro oIhh will do. A CJootl HcrvlcortM MHoe A heller iirntto for The very beml COLUHBIA A Full Line of Office and fjUt-Joc pocket . . uianes Calendar Pads Blar?k Books &3J ?STX Supplies Tide Tables ?r 189? GRIFFIN City Book Store The Low Price Store LOSIUTJ;SJUSWK. All. Urcv-i Good, Shoes, ladcrwesr, Cloaks, Corsets, hold 30 per cent, off rcqular prices. If yon buy one dollar's worth of QMd all you pay for It U 70 cts I. COHEN, Bond Ht. - - ' ' Aftorln, Or. WHY Do We Have - LARGEST BUSINESS? Because our Goods are Properly Represented. We l)eal Courteously with Our ( 'ustomcra, Consider Tlitir Wants, And Ciivo tho Most Value for the Lowest Price. FOARD & STOKES CO. Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co. 34 Gravel.' Tin and Slate Roofing ninth ctdfet Asphalt Psvlnj for Basements. Sidewalks and Streets wn 1 " 5 ' rtt 1 Asphalt Coatlni on Tin and Shingle Roofs a34 Repairing of all kinds of Roofs Clarkson & McIrvin Booni ComPany LONG FIR PILING promptly Furnished Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. AH Work Roof Painting; nd Hpalrln Leaky Roof Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. NIC0LL. Assistant. OFFICB: Kopp's few Brewery UNION MEAT CO. SHIELD BRAND HftiaS, BflCOR, IiAfyD CONDENSED MEATS ouaranteedthe'best ...IS TnCMARKCT... Con 4th and Glisan Sts PORTLAND ; . , t ; OREGON FROM NOW tTNTIL BPRINO Overcoats and winter wrapt will bs la fashion. Thsy can bs dlsoardtd, ttmpor rlly Willi traveling In the stlam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Faul Railway. For solid comfort, (or ipd and for safety, no other Una oaa eompar with thla rraat railway of tha Wast for. i,K to 2,a SHOE CO. A PROSPEROUS MTiYV YEAR TO ALL & REED The 216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon l.rnv orders at SI. 1.4 Commer cial Mtroet Guaranteed N. JENSEN and R. O. HANSEN seaside sawmill A oombleta stock of lumber on hand In the rough or drosned. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and price at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H F L. LOGAN, Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. The Palace Cafe Is the Place for a Good Meal... Eastern Oysters is the shell or cia Served to Order or Sold at Retail VV. VV. WHIPPLE THE PALACE J.A PASTABEND, QENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOUSE, BRIDGE A1D OHJlHF BUILDE8 HOUSE MOVER. Hosss Wtovlag Teols lor Rat. ASTORIA ' OREGON THE BRIDGE BIDS WERE OPENED County Court Spent VcMcrilay and Last Sl(ht In Discussion. WHAT ;oi KOAD MEAN State Might WHI Copy After Mr East ern Sisters I ncrea of l"IulUon l.y Prop, r Improvements. At th. wi.lin of 0. county court ymt.nliiy. and the tt.lJoiiniixl mwUng limt rvrtiliiit, tie prlwilpal subj.-t un. iliw uiftlim Vicuna's IHver brMit". laffc'' numlx-r of farmers .wro In fnn tlk tlv Lewis sxl Olsrke to urH the early oMi)pltlnii of the brtilge. Tliry jvancil tlr arguim-nt thai If CttttJK cmnty. "r any other Mrtim of the fctate of On-S'xi hled to pH.' and develop iM farming ll irlrtn. kmh! roiwln are a tiecliy. Not only do Ctie faiuient nrl Convenient means of iCea to the city, but the . iii.h, ti-rJ .hI driveways for the pU-Mure and reTnotlon of Uielr cltl sens. Astoria, purtl'-ulnfly. neeU good country ru1ii. The rity Itself Is built mi a -rl of hill", hum no boulevards or public parks, and while being only about Ikji tiulwa from the ocean tjeai-hes. has no driveway or even bridle path over whleJi tt citllen ran reach the mean by team. burse-iMU-k or bicycle. The farmers believe ht If they rmd t, mads and brWKe connections iw rtiwi Young's lliver Into the city, the of the peninsula between v.mns's Illver and the Lewis and Clarke would be quadrupled In I than four years time. It seem to be Uw ofilnlon of those versed In grnrral business matters that roads are to a community as easentlsJ as are the blood veins to the human body. There are some who think that It la uiintnewwry to and any more money on rmuls kt the present, a our intrh-atv aystem of Interior waterways vthlxh haw alreaUy built up the Jty, III continue to serve the purpose. This may b true, to a certain eatent, and it la also proUtbly true, as suKKeHtvd by certnsn Au1a ImwIikks men. that this city and county nesls several other llilmrs in the IminMliate future more thiin It do an additional rxiH-n llture ii ronds ami brldires. It remains the fact. li.evt-r, Unit what riodit the iwuiity bus have been of creates! ben- flt. Haul the waterways have reached their limit of us-fulnese. If there Is to to Increase of population In the country districts. It mum come tnrouirn aitillll.mul and lmpnvel nwlH. Tin more rhdtim-ls f trade that A'o ipeiieil In any community, the jjreater and better the Reneral builniw. Kvin the running of regular trains arrows fiVMii Clatsop 1'laliiH dally has t-lilarged to iui appreciable extent the traltlc of the city. If people are furnished quick iiihI cheap means of traiiHpvirtatlon mender and fnlKht It cjinnot fiUl to IncrpHse bimlin all around. Where i-IUv like lUtltlmore. New York. I'hlla lcl.hlu, t'hlcuK". St. I'aul, Omaha. Kansas City, San Pranctttco, I'ortland, Snlftle, Ta-oma. and Awtotiu have both water and rail transportation, they reai-h the . hlKhcet state of di-velop-merit. Hut with it nil those cities are the iiMil nuccetwiful which have good ountry roods. Tile p0l in the West do not seem to have renllied the Im- IHHtance of this matter, as yet. but down In New Jersey they have brought t Minus to a tine titnt. The following suitemont of the bids pened In the comity court yesterday for the construction of the proposed Young's river btidge will be found moat Interesting: The bids cover sjMUia to be built on plli. with abutmenu and pile pivot and stiM-1 cylinder piers, with W) to VJO f.ret oenlng, sp.uie 204 to feet, and the entire length of the bridge to be JS0O feet, with lfi-foot trestling, and 16 to 20 foot roa-lway. Vakelield Jacobsen, 12,4l; rncJIlc Drldgc Com pany, f!2,"Srt, Sanderson A Maney, $13, S(W; Wakefield and Jacobsen, J17.S:U: Paelllc Tlrldge Comiany, $13,3!0; Pmifio llrldge Company, $13,990; Sanderson A Maney, $1",!K)0; Sanderson A Maney, $19,670; Wakefield A Jacobsen, $22,750; Pacific rtridge Company, $17,390; Pacific Bridge Company, $317,91-0; Sanderson A Maney. $23,030, $25,2r.0, $16,800, and $17, 6(H); raclflo Bridge Company, $16,561. Th entire attention of the court was occupied up to U o'clock last nluht In considering the various bids made by the different contractors on the several styles at bridges. The two county com nilmtlonera were orisved to building any bridge unless they could use the special rood fimd tax imposed on city property. If it Is found that this caa be done, work will proceed vt one. All bidders withdrew their certified checks and gave bonds InxtcAd, giving the county court thirty days in which to consider the matier. It being under stood that the bids are to be resealed and placed n Clerk Dunbar's custody. If It Is decided that the work can go forward the matter of choice between the different bids, It let understood, will be submitted to Chief Engineer Ja mieaon, of the railroad company. It 'may be asserted with, considerable certainty that the treasury portfolio will not be invited to accept T. C. Piatt PKHATB fN NICAHAOI'A HILL. Opposition lias Its Innings Cither Nws from th Capital. Washington, Felruary J After brief parliamentary struggle In the sen ate late this afternoon the friends of the Nicaragua canal bill were unable to hold a quorum aw! alt out the ob struction to that measure, vtlass had mntlnued his sfn-enh in opp(lttim, this bHng his third day. At 4 30 p. m. ft ctwsi fire of motion to adjourment, 4id calls of the siate t-gun. The friend "f thw Mil resisted adjournment, while the opoMltlon sought to clow? the srlin and give Vllus a rest from his iiolr,ii ti'd elforts, The parliamentary cont't continue at Intervals for half an tiour. and the senate refused to ad journ. The friends of the bill finally gave up hope of securing a quorum and yielded to an adjournment Vilas con tinues to hold the floor. The senate agree.) t the houw reso lution llxlng February 10 for the cere- mony of counting the v.te fsr resl ilent and vice-president before the two hotisem of congress. Altlioiigh defeated for re-Hecilon, Senator Dubois, of Ida Iwi, w as wnleonvd ba k to the senate tUy with marked cordiality and with an bundam?e ? floral tributes. His dtk was Irterally overWhelrnel with dowers, while tablM, chairs, and ad joining dk avere thought Into use to NUifort many unique devices Into within rosea and violets had been wrought. A great cluster of violets was Med wrth HMsm. bearing In sliver, "lssio." The main design, rfcrtng eight fet from the floor. as arch pillars, be ing of white roses and the capstone of tmmortHlea, bearing the word "honor." THE t J It AND CHANGE. Washlngtim. February J. (me month from tonjorrow thore will be a change of occupant In the White, House and In antkitatin of this there Is already a gtmeral pu king of the personal effects of Prellmt Cleveland and his family. These are Hng made ready for ship ment to his mewiy purchased hohne In IMm-eton. rreldnit and Slra. tievoland will fol low ttvH usual custom of invhing the pivaicUMrt -elect and his wife to be their (.newts at dinner at the executive man sion tin the vvenltig of March 3 Presi dent llarrlwon oirtertalncd President and Mrs. Cleveland in this way before the !.iHt clunif of aiminUaratlm. The lumii usually given by the retiring onwl'l-nt In bon.-r of his miwwmir Im .iicitlifly aftr lu formal Inaugura tion will Ik- or lilt ted at the coming In auiiurution u avoid delay In the move ment of the procetwWn following the cvrciiwa'iieM at l lie cailto. HHAVKilY KKWAHDED. Washington. Flruary S. The East Tunniwv bridge burners have been romrnndl by the hue committee n Invalid pensions a worthy of a higher rate of p.islon than other sol diers'. U-ciiUMe of the perilous churacter of their duty and the sufferings they mid rwont. A number of eltlxens of I'tMl TwuiesKtiv In lfil enlLsttl In the Cti'.on army as brklge burners, under standing they would lie shot or hMlged If ca.ture.l by the enemy. Some wore captutxl nod shot, sonic csoaiHtl to tha mountaJns. wid others Joined th t'nlon army. In view of th"!e fais the committee thinks sei lal nvognl tlon should 1h giv.-n them. A bill Intro duced by Anderson, of Tennessee, pro vides) that thirteen M-rsons who were thus ongiigetl in tills service Ije placed vi th iiitlon list at $-1 per month. DECLINED WITH THANKS. No Necessity for Nebraska's Proffered Kindness to Chlcapoans. Lim-oln, Neb.. February 3. The sen ate this morning killed the Kennedy resolution offorvd last week and adopt ed ono offering to send corn to Chicago free of any cost to the city If It would lie accepted by the mayor. "NO, THANK YOU." Chicago, February 3. Mayor Swift has heen advised of the action of the Nobraska legislature and sent the fol lowing telegram: "Hon. James F. Harris, State House, Lincoln: Answering your mesAge, we sincerely Cmnk tho generous people of Nebraska for their profforcd donation of corn, but respectfully decline, as the response of our own oltisens has been so abundantly generous as to give all aid that will be required to meet the wonts of the suffering." WANTED FOR ROBBERY. Uosoburg. February 3. Deputy Sher iff Stephens goee to Salem on the morn ing train to get John Case, who was arrested there today by the ohlof of po lice. He was indicted by the Decem ber grand Jury for holding up a train at Cow Creek Canyon in July. 1S95. Nothing new concerning the Thursday hold-up has developed. Detectives and Olivers are quietly at wvrk. The no torious Jailbird. Bob. ITInman. was seen at Riddle's on Tuesday of lost week. NO WINES AT THE BALL. Chicago, February 3. A special to the News from Washington says: At the requeM of Major and Mrs. Mc Klnley no wine or other mtoxloants will be sold at the Inaugural ball. Mrs McKlnley Is really responsible. It will be the first time liquor has been pro hibited at that function. DARK OUTLOOK FOR SIITCUELLb l.4i...t.s Vnw lr Thst ttie Sena- ia i v tor's Senatorial Sun Ha Set. DAY'S DOINGS AT CAPITOL The Senate and Rump House Went In to Joint Convention to Ballot, and Then Went Out Again. SjwiaJ to the Aatorian. Salem. February 3 Indications to night are that J. H. Mitchell will not to a memlM-r of the next Vnlted States mate, The Joint assembly called today for the purpose of electing a United Stat'.-s senator -was composed of only thirty-nine members, seven less than a majority. As there was not a majori ty prewnt the assembly took a recess till morrow noon. It 1 now the hope of Senator Mitchell that the other seven members can be Induced to come In at that time. Lines have been so closely drawn, however, that It seems that the hope cannot be real I red. Failing to secure an election by means of a Joint convention, the only adtematlve for MHcheU is to wait until the house Is regularly organised. The Joint convention assembled at noon. It was called to order by Sen ator Patterson, who nominated Senator r.rowndl a cliairman. Brownell was unanimously elected. The rolls of the senate and house were then called. The following senators answered to their names: Brownell, Driver, Dufur, Qow an, Johnson, Pateraon. of Marion. Price Reed. Taylor 9. The following members of the house were present: Benson, Bridges, Brown, Chapman. Conn. Crawford. David. Gratke, Gurdan, Hogue. Hope, Hudson. Huntington. Jennings. LangeH. Marsh, Merrill, Mitchell. Nouler, Palm. Rigby, Smith, of Marlon, Somen. Stanley. Thomas, Vaughan, Veneas. Wagner 29. Senators Hughes and Harmon came in later. Yesterday's proceedings In the sen ate and Irnon house were rmd. Sen ator Reed asked the chair If the re use roceedlng required of the Benson hotis temp-ary organiaation. Th. -j-air would not gne Ret-d a definite reply and Reed put on his hat and walked out of the room. After waiting for about three quarters of an liur for forty-six members to come In the Joint assembly twk a recess until 7:30 p. m.. not having been able to secure the at tendance of forty-six members. Tliere was no change in the situation at 7:30. The Mitchell men worked Hke beavers all afternoon and Interviewed every available member. When the hour for assembly arrived, it was evi dent that many less than forty-eix w ere present. The chairman waited for half an hour, and then called the as sembly to onler. The roll was cal'ed and twenty-nine members of the house and ten of the senate, exactly the same a In the day, responded. The clerk reached up to Chairman Brownell and whispered that there were juft thirty-nine. Brownell made no response and there was no announcement of the result. After waiting for fifteen min utes for members who never came the convention adjourned until tomorrow noon. The Joint convention was made of the licnson house, with one exception, and ten of the tjwvlve ewnators who voted yesterday to reverse President Simon. The first exception Cas Lake, of Lin coln ami Benton. Lake told Senator Mitohell several days ago that. In his judgment the prHKsel convention would not be regular and legal and he would not enter Jt. He thought the senator ought not to ask his supporters to engugv In a proceeding not in strict conformity with the statutes. Lake was as good as his word. Senator Daly and Senator Haseltlne were the two others. Daly today declined to go with the minority of the members Into as sembly with what lie termed an Illegal house. Sonator Haseltlne furnished the sen sation of the day. He had become con vinced that the organisation of the con vention had not been effected properly and In succession of the usual vote In both houses the previous day, as re quired by the statute. He thought It his duty not to participate in it, and so he, too, walked out. Senator Reed also went in and, when 'he found that he was expected to sit with the Benson house, he passed out. There is no pros pect that tomorrow will bring an Im portant change. HARMONY ASSURED. American Control of the O. R. and N. Co. Will Do Away with Rate Cutting. New York, February 3. The Evening Post says: Capitalists Identified with the North ern Pacific Railroad Co., members of the underwriting syndicate, and of tfte re-organisation' committee, as well as others connected with she Oregon Rail road and Navigation Company, frank ly admitted today that ai large block of stock of the last named company had been purchased from German bond holders. They said that the stock so purchased, together with that the pur- c.has'-rs already held, will give them '(the new owners of the stock) control of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company and Insure its being maintain- as Independent property and operat- jed m harmoniinM relatkm wKh the Nor- them Pacific. Oreat Northern, and the t'mVm Pacific rtaflways. Members of the $4,000,000 syndicate who underwrite the securities of the Noithwn Pacific Company heartily ap prove of the transaction. There will be no disputing traffic from one to another an no cutting of rate by either of the three roads named, but all will work in harmony with the Oregon Railroad and Navigation' Company, as a feeder for all three on equal terms). By this arrangoment all danger of any one particular Interest securing control of the O. K. and N. Co., for the purpose t taking away business from any one or more of the three roads named Is done away with, the purchasers of the stock being equally Interested In all of them. GOLD CONTRACTS VOID. Washington Pops. Make Indebtedness Payable m Gold or Mirer. Olympla. February . The senate to day passed a bill relative to the gold clause in all existing note and mort-gag-s and providing that all Indebted ness shall be paid in either gold or silver money. The fueioniste all sup ported the silver clause, winning by a vote of 19 to 9. The entire afternoon session waa devoted to a discussion of the menu of the bill and the grounds of the financial problem of the last campaign were gone over. The senatorial Investigating commit tee has been in eeeaon most of the day behind closed doors and several witness? have been examined. Senator Squire seems to be the target of Insti gation so far. although an effort win be made to show than Turner used cor rupt means to influence the rote. SWANSON ELECTED. Washington. February S. The con tented election case of Cornell vs. 8 nan son. from the Fifth Virginia dis trict, occupied the attention of the house today. Three Republicans and three Democrats on the election . com mittee had reported in favor of Swan- son, and three Ilepubl trans offered a i minority report recommending that th made vacant, on the ground that a fair election could not be held under the Virginia election law. When a vote came to be taken, the minority could not muster enough votes to call the yeas and noes, and Sw anson's title to his seat was confirmed by an over whelming viva voce vote. SCRIBE FOR SECRETARY. New York, February 3. It can be definitely stated that J. Addison Porter, of the Hartford, Conn., Evening Poet, will be private secretary 'to President McKlnley. A private telegram from Mr. Porter to a friend in this city states that Major McKlnley has ap pointed him to tJlat position and that he nas accepted. THE MARKETS. Liverpool, February 3. Wheat spot, steady; demand, poor: No. 2 red spring, s uad: No. 1 California 6s 9d. Hops At London. Pacific Coast. 3. Portland. February 3. Wheat Walla Walla, 791180; Valley, S21T83. CHAPMAN DISMISSED. New York. February 3. The police commissioners today dismissed the charges against Police Captain Chap man growing out of the captain's raid on the Seeley dinner at Sherry's. Butler, the Australian murderer, was In Astoria in 1S92 and shipped on the Hritb-h ship Scottish Glens, wiheat la den for England. He then bore the name of Richard Ashe. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated fbf its great , leavening strength and purity. It makes youi cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. aavsL rtsma i STATES ' REPRESENTATIVE J. L. Kawlios Elected Senator on tie PiftyTblrd Ballot. CHARGE CHURCH INFLUENCE Thatcher's Friends Asserted that Relig ious Influences Were Working Against Their Candidate. Salt Lake, February J. J. I Rawllna was thla afternoon elected United, States senator. The vote la as fol lows! Rawlins, $2; Thatcher, 29; Henderson, 1; Brown, I. Rawlins was elected on the fifty-third ballot. This closed the moat exciting political contest ever held in the state. It was such a contest aa could not have taken place In any other state, owing to the peculiar features which were brought into tthe contest This was what might be called "church day." In the Joint assecnbly church talk was in Jectsd into the proceedings so often and so persistently that several times the presiding officer had to call attention to the fact that it was a civil body for (ha purpose of transacting state affairs. ' Consultations between Henderson and Rawlins men before the balloting this morning showed plainly that something important would take plac and word wast passed around that it was to be RawUns' day. On the first ballot Thatcher lost one vote; while Rawlins gained six from Henderson, putting him at the top of tbe list A recess was then taken to 3 p. m., and when the assembly convened again over mm hour was lost on the efforts made by the Thatcher men trying to fores aa adjournment. Nearly all of Thatcher's friends mads open charges of ohurdh influence against their caodldaee, while bis op ponents were vehement in their denial of the charges. Rldoout made a vigor ous speech In favor of absolute separa tion of church and state. Sloan, chairman of the Democratic state committee, and one of the Thatcher men, said he had In his pos session a letter written by a member of the legislature In which he stated that he recognized a higher authority I lhan hi uty to the stata Sloan serv. ed notice that. If a United States sen ator was elected by the vote of that member, he would contest his right to i vote on he question. When roll call was finished Rawlins had 31 votes, or within one of election, while Thatcher had 24. Several members changed to Thatcher from other candidates, until his vote was brought up to 28. Finally Hansen. Republican, who had voted for Goodwin, changed to Rawlins, and his election was officially announced. Rawlins Is 46 years old and was born in Salt Lake county. He studied law in 'this city and was admitted to the bar Id 1S75. He was elected to congress as a delegate on the Democratic ticket in 1S92, defeating Frank J. Cannon, but was defeated by Cannon In 1S94. - FIEND'S DREAM REALIZED. Will Take the Festive Shot and Live In Perfect Happiness. Tsueoma, Wn., February 3. John Kel ly, a morphine "fiend," today received tidings that his mother had died In San Francisco, leaving him $2,000. He has just been released from the county Jail. When Informed of the money left him. Kelly said: "When I get to San Francisco I am going to buy $1,000 worth of room rent and $1,000 worth of morphine and live perfectly nappy until I die." About live years ago Kelly was left $60,000 by a relative in San, Francisco. He started out to spend it and in six months It was gone. ii i 1 . :: RCi-ai. smhi ea.. am veas. fSo VALS ASfclMJ