r ASTCKIA FUbUC liBRABf ASS0CU110H. TIME The Daily AstorUn Has a Rm!A SO PZRSiUHNT Kxpuiih HOW? and worry "." ".L ...Family Circulation1... Muck mom than thm timm a USOI A THATfUP ASY OTHIS PAeSS. IS AtTOMA, An "Ad". In Thi Aitohuk'i "Waal Unoms." EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLVI. ASTORIA, ORKfJOX, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1897. NO. 22 $10 Ladies' Kid Button Citcst Tip. Caatoa Made, forth 12.10 Laird, Schoter & Co.'s IVfttl nd to Slots. Columbia Shoe Company 923 Commercial A Fall Line of- Office and TYrc Pocket . . uiams Calendar Pads Blar?k Books ?S5Sg Supplies Tide Tables 189? GRIFFIN City Book Store The Low Price Store IS CLOSING OUT IT'S BUSINESS. All Drew Goods Shots, ratlcrwcar, Cloaks, Corata, Hold 30 per cent, off rcqular prices. IT yon bay one dollar's worth of goods all you pay for it Is 70 cts I. COHEN, 4 Of I to titl H. Antorln, Or. WHY Do We Have Because our Goods are Properly Represented. Wo IVnl Courtt'ounly with Our Customers, We Consider Their VVuntH, And Give the Most Valuo for the LowtBt Price. FOARD & STOKES CO. Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co. 34 Gravel. Tip and Slate Roofing ninth ciTHFFT Asphalt Paving for Basements. Sidewalks and Streets Jt Asphalt Coatlnr on Tin and Shingle Roofs Repairing of all kinds of Roofs Clarkson & ftcnin LONG FIR PILING Promptly Famished Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. All Work Roof Palntinii ad Repairing Lky Hoof. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. NIC0LL, Assistant. OFFICII: Kopp's New Brewery B.F.AlillEN&SOfl Will Papor, AroW Material. Palnta, Wt. Glau. tic. Japanaaa Mattlngi, Rugs and Bamboo Gooit 365 Commercial Street. UNION MEAT CO. SHIELD BRAND Hflias, BAGON, IiflRD CONDENSED MEATS GUARANTEED THE BEST ..IX THE MARKET... Cor. 4th and Clisan Sts PORTLAND OREGON Shoes Ladies' Fine Shoes HI Ijr. 4 50. St., Astoria. 0 A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL & REED The - LARGEST BUSINESS? Boom Company 216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon l.vt order at R.1J Commer cial sstrsst Guaranteed N. JENSEN and R. 0. HANSEN SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tle, celling and all kind of finish ; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II. F. L. LOO AN, Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. The Palace Cafe Is the Place for a Good Meal... Eastern Oysters la the shell or can Served to Order or Sold at Retail W. W. WHIPPLE THE PALACE J. A KASTABEND, QENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOUSE, BRIDGE AND EHARF BUILDER HOUSB MOVKR. Hoaaa Atovlng TmU lor Rant. ASTORIA OREGON ORIENTAL TRADE IS INCREASING Steamers Loaded In Doth Directions ami Cargoes Even Ktfused Space. ASTORIA'S PART IN THEfiAME Oeneral rrMgM Ag.nit Hill Ttilnks Khc Has a tlood Know for a large lluslnna. Mr W. II Hill. iT.ral freight agent of th Or-at Northern Railway Com pany, with hradquorlrTS at St. t'aul. spent yeaterday In Astoria with Mr. Wtii, Hardrr, gcnrral agent of the com I hiii y a Portland. Mr. Hill l a young man 4 prepos iivalnK appearance, ami with a clear rwad Uxn hie shoulders. He has 'm hi way upward from thr ranks, and la nw at llir head of the freight de partment of one "t the large and tiinal uc ranful rull'vay companl. west f the trunk lines. The nreat'Northern la a modern railway, built m nul rn tuindplaa, aiul jtIi has Ins rurvra arid fruiXnt thiui any of the 'rtli.f tmiii()n-iHiil Uni. It ex- ti-nda frn Ouluth, on tak riupcrlnr. utd Hi. I'aul. Mlnmwa. wi-atward via 8inkni a'MU thr Cawaulr ran- to Hraillr. w II h Mirloiia braiu-Ji llnra In ttu Ulr of WiuttilnKUKi. liwauee of lis way anutr and straiKht llrw. It ran haul tmrtlr. ax Wm expanse than can nan' of thr ol.),-r traniatontlnrnlal ntada. It is the only traruMantlnrntat llnr wtilrh has nt rwvnily bon In the tuinda rtT m-Hvers, eirafK the Kiinaet Jiout. When swn last evening by an Aamrlan rnirvmiat1ve. Mr. Hill said that he was weet lmiJy on a pleasure trip, and that he found it summer wrthiT hrrr nimparrd with the East "This la in) :irm vUu to the i'stlfii- rnaat. and this la thr first day of sun shine I have luul mine living flt Paul. I am taking alvaniAe of this outing to fnmlllurlte mjurlf with the extreme wratiTn territory which our line serve. We have vlsltrd Vlrtnrla and Vanrou vrr, II. C, P.atllr. Ttti-oma and Prt I11111I, ami will n-turn vln thr (1. It. and N and HiMikane. To say tliat I am sur prised at thr wise iumI avpnrent prns- lrlly f mir ity. and the magnllli-rnt lmrlxir In front of it. d'-s not expresa my f-i-Jli)K. Many K4lrn (irople have an Idea that Atrtu Is but a small lUhlng vllltr. whl.r In rwllty you have a -lty of im ntraui 1'rojKirtlons. and in liandomly luratrd. I can not are hmv anything can now slop the rapid Mid proejrrou growth of Asto ria. With railroad connectiniat open to all the transcocrttnrntal linns, and with manufacturing enterprise to produce Umiiago tr ehlpnu-iu buth by land and era, there 1 no limit to the poaslblll- ties of Awt.iria. "As mranls traiTki with the prlent. whli'-h was wHiio ilnif since predicted U be on the incivam., J would say that contracts are now lieing made for the shipment (T S.ooo tons at fluajr fnm Minneapolis to thr Hrlent vlo SoeJtle. Rvenu are turning the tide of .trsflo more rapUlly than wa anticipate!. Mr. Hanli-r t nie thnt ihr stinnnr Chit tiMronK, on hir lust voyage to this port, wh.'ii Hhc nrrlvxl in l'mtlnnd upon Monday of this week, yens obliged to Imve behind a Inrge amount of freight offered h. The et.wuners westliound fnnii Setutle ar unable to acciiniuio- dftte the bustneHs preeiitd, and I un- ilniKlaixl the mine thing Is true of the steamer leaving the CVIumbla, It Is unprecedented, lvnvever, that the east- bound at earners from Yokohama and Hongkong must leave freight behind. I am told, also, that the big flouring mills 1n Portland, wwr having a large stock of wheat on hand, iwfll probably be Idle four or Ave rmmths this war awaiting the new crp. I believe the time Is coming wIhd the w heat from Minnesota aaid Dakota will, to a great extent, go went Instead of eaat. The railroads are now transporting con stantly Increasing cargoes of machin ery and other American products to Japan and China. Steel rails sve be ing shipped across the continent and the Pacific to the Ortent. It la diffi cult to predict w hat tremendous revolu tions may be made In Oriental traffic when the great Russian railroad Is fin ished to Vladlvostock. The Columbia lUver port at Astoria should come In for a large share of this traffic as her natura.1 ponltlon and advantages are equal to the beat." During the day Messrs. Hill and Harder were the guests of Mr. A. R Hammond, who, In company with sev eral Astorlans, took the visitors across the bay to Flavel and showed them the lower harlior and railway terminal facilities. The gentlemen left on the evening hont for Portlsnd. having spent the afternoon visiting the Astoria Iron Works, Pncllle. Sheet Metal Works, and the various canneries. CL.HAN OFF THR SNOW. "The condition of the city sidewalks during the past two dnys has been disgraceful," said a IiuIiuh man last night. "I know of no city where prop erty owners and storekeepers would not le compelled to clean off the snow on their sidewalks, or cover Icy places with ashes, sawdust or salt. Many ac cidents have occurred during the cold p It. and the narrow tauai of flrlfTln !;eer plate gls wlrwlows this evening, owing to thyl'-l Incline from the lire engine houiw, which rauwd thr heavy engine and tun to slide serosa the stret, was only due to extraordinary goid Judgment ar.d skid on the part of Ir1vrr Cordes." J1BT AN ALARM. Iast Night's Fir In an Astar Htrret CUnrse laundry. An alarm of fire was turned in from fvx I U4t lO.Ut turn, night. No. 1 and No. t chetnk al responding The cause of Vm mliunn was a Uawi In a Chinese laundry at Zl Aator street. The s.-r-vl'-rs of the d'tjurtmerrt were not need d. as the flrr was easily extinguished The fire originated in the rear of the liulVHug. ami m a blaz nhot up. The llM-rmoinrter was pmtty low at the time, and. strange to rvlate, the blaze froxr. A quick-witted hathen. seeing an irixirtunlty to distinguish himself, grasrd the fr)n blaxe, broke It off. and threw It Into the river; and the building was saved. When Chemical No. 2 came out of Its building It came out In a hurry, and the h-sea slipped on the ley pavement. Uefore they could recover a foothold the tmm was on th opposite side of the street and It looked very much as If there would be a great smaahup. With gr prrwwe of mind, however. Driver Iuls Cordes whipped up the nursed and. inetead of backing them, drove around a sign post pt, over the sVlwalk. and onto the street. The crowd which saw Mr. Cordes' neat plrce of work heartily applauded him for it. THK BIO MILL. Where the Ring Will lie No One Know Precisely. Chicago, January M The dispatohes from Nevada, referring to the passage of the bill under the provisions of which Dan Ntuart could pull off the Corbett-Fitxslmmons battle, have set tile eiiorts here agg. Geo. Slier, who Is to referee tte big mill, and who In conjunction with Malachi Hogan, Is to run a special train from Chicago to the ringside, would aotcxanmU himself as to the location of the proposed ring. "All the wiarhl will know In a day or two Juat where the ring is to be pitch ed." suld filer. "We have a train en ggid, and yet the general manager of the road with whom we are doing liualni M does not know, except in an apptoxlmato sort of way. how far he will have to haul us. I will say, how ever we will be at the rlngaide sixty hours after we pull out of the depot In Chicago. Ho(tan and myself have been kept busy fur the past week an swering letters of Inquiry. Thus far we have advUed our correspondents to bide their time, and when the proper moment arrives we will acquaint them with all the details. MCST FIGHT IT OCT. State Department Will Keep Hands off the San Francisco Chinese Fight. Washington, January IS. The state departmit has declined to be drawn Into the great factional right now going on In Son Francisco between the two big Chln.'se secret societies, the Sam Yuiw. a,nl See. Yuiw, which have been marki-d already by murder and other deeds of violence. Aliout two weeks ago, at the Instance of Senator White, Assistant Sectvtary Uockhlll listened to a statement from a San Francisco attorney, reiiroeentliig the See Tups, who sought to have the etate depart ment Intervene to prevent the Chinese consul at San Francisco from taking aurtlon hostik- to that society. It was soon made apiMtrent to tho state de partment that his was not a matter Air action, certainly at this time, if at ail. It ta held In the department that tho aggrieved society must find Us re course in Che local law. THE WEATHER PROPHET. Washington, January 26. The weath er bureau Issued the following: The temperature has risen slowly on the Atlantic coast westward over the Ohio and Upper Mississippi Valleys and the Northwest. It continues low and has fallen slightly in the Southwest, and has fallen decidedly in the Central Oulf and West Coast of Florida, where It Is bolow free xing. The temperature will re-maln about stationary Wednes day In the Middle Atlantic states, north of Virginia, with fair weather and It will rise slowly In the central valleys With light local snow storms. The bammntor has rlsrai In the St. Law rence Valley and New England, and in the Southwest, and It has fallen from Florida northwest to Manitoba. It Is lower northeast of New England, and higher north of Montana SPOONKIt IN WISCONSIN. Madison. Wis.. January 26. Both liouses of the legislature voted for John C. Spooner for United Statet. senator. The election will be ratilled in joint convention tomorrow. JONES ELECTED. Carson, Nev., January 26. Senator John P. Jones received a majority In both houses today for United States senator. WHY CANT THE HOUSE ORGANIZE Was tbe Question Asked bv .Mlscncr la the Kump House Yesterday. SENSATION IN THE SENATE A Flat Mtompt to Rule the Oregonlan Reporter Out of the Senate for Criticising a Henator. Special to tlx Astorian. Salem, January it. Just after the lienson house met this afternoon. Mix- ener. Democrat, arose and asked per mission to say a few words. Being granted, he said: "I have been here a week and this house has not yet been organized. Why can't H be organised? It Is time to do something." Missmer stood fir several moments, evidently expecting a reply, but none was made. He then sat down. Mtsener'a remarks created a stir, as he Is one of the two Democrats who helped oragnlxe the house. A number of bills were Introduced, but a question of privilege afforded the sensatkm In the senate this morning, relieving the feeling of sleepiness caus- id by Um second reading of bills. Sen ator Haseltlne. of Multnomah, was the author of the breeze. He objected to the statement printed in yesterday's Orvgunlan saying that he has solicited the appointment of the chairmanship of the committee on municipal corpora te ma He ohanaotertsed the statement as false and asked the senate to with draw the omirtesiea to the reporter of Che Oregonlah. There was no second to his motion and the matter was dropped. Ther Is apiawirtly no prospect of an early settlement of tne complications between the senate and the Benson house. It is now said to be the Inten tion to vote for United States senator next Tuesday or Wednesday. CLINK'S CHANCES. Frlend3 Think He Has aGood Show No C igarettes in Washington. Olympla. January 6. Speaker Cline's speech In the Joint assembly today does not mean that he has actually with drawn from the senatorial fight. The speech is the result of an agreement entered Into by many of the Populists to support Cllne for a given number of ballots, and then In oaee be was not elected, to take up another man and ree If he could come nearer concentrat ing the entire Populist vote. Tomor row Lieut. Governor Daniels will be pushed to the front and next day It Is said Judge Winsor wilt be given a chance. Cline's friends claim he will come nearer uniting the Populists than any other man, and that future balloting will prove It. It Is generally believed that Cllne, in cas? of a caucus, will be Turner's most formidable opponent. Both branahes of the legislature worked earnestly today and two im portant matters were disposed of. The house passed a bill to prohibit the manufacture or sale of cigarettes or cigarette papers In the state. A sim ilar measure was passed at the ses sion four years ago aod repealed two yvars ago, and a tax of ten dollars on cigarette dealers Imposed. Tbe bill to day passel by a large majority, but will probably be opposed vigorously In the senate, on constitutional grounds. The entire morning and afternoon session of the senate was absorbed by a debate over the motion to sustain Governor McGnaw's veto of the bill, passed by the legislature two years ago. repealing the deficiency Judgment law. The veto -waa sustained by a vote of seventeen to fourteen. The Republicans voted solid to sustain the governor. GENERAL CRAIGHILU Will Be Retired, on His Request, from Office of Chief of Engineers. Washington, January 26. General William Cralghill, chief of engineers, after a most brilliant military and scientific record, will be retired next Monday on his own application, under the forty years' service law. The re tirement will leave to the president the filling of a -most desirable position. It Is not yet known whom the choice will fall upon, but the general opinion seems to be that It lies between Col. J. M. Wilson, superintendent of buildings and grounds In Washington,' and Col. H. M. Robert, division engineer at New York. THE MARKETS. San Francisco, January 26. Hops S'jilOc for fair to choice, and ll12c for fancy. Liverpool, January 26. Wheat spot, nulet: demand, moderate; No. 2 red spring, 6s 9d; No. 1 California, "s. Futures May. 6s 8'-jd. RESULT OF POPULISM. Olympla, January 26. The First Na tional Bank of Olympla failed today. President Phillips claims the Institu tion will be speedily able to pay every d4lar due creditors. The failure Is due ! to unexpected and heavy withdrawals. THE WHY OF IT. What Caused the Failure of the Olym pia Bank. Tacoma, January 24. An Olympla special to the Ledger says: The following notice this morning waa posted on the door of tbe First National Bank: "Owing to unexpected heavy with drawals of deposits this bank Is com pelled to suspend until we can realize on our assets. Depositors will not lose a dollar. A. A. Phillips, president." Phillips stated that the immediate cause for the suspension was the with drawal by the state treasurer of S33.000 of state money. This frightened the other depositors, who made a run on the bank, forcing It to close its doors. The state deposit were withdrawn on January Uth. The liabilities of the bank are $100,000. 175.000 being Individ ual deposits of residents of this town and county. The assets are stated to be I224.O0O, a large amount of which can be realized on very soon. The principal stockholders are A. A. Phillips, John F. Gowey, Olympla; Ladd aV Til ton, Portland; and Dexter Horton. The bank has been In business since 1HS3. When the financial crisis came, a number of the principal debtors of the bank were forced to the wall. The bank was crippled and has never been able to fully recover. It being unable to make collections of notes taken dur ing tbe halcyon days. COOL NIAGARA WEATHER. Niagara Falls, January 21 The cold Is intense here, and a glittering ice bridge waa formed In the gorge. Frozen spray upon the trees of tbe parks and faces of the cliffs presents a dazzling spectacle, and trains are bringing many sightseers. THE FISH TRAP BILL. What They Think of It In Waaro County. The Dalles Chronicle. Senator Smith, of Astoria, has Intro duced a bill abolishing fish traps and all other fixed appliances for catching salmon. The bill provides that the law ahall not go Into effect until 1899. It also regulates the length of leads trap's and wheels may use. The bill ought not to pass, for the reason that It Is unjust. It pretends to be made for the purpose of protect ing the salmon, but in reality It is for the purpose of turning the whole fish ing Industry over to the fishermen of the lower river, and should be entitled A bill to prevent persons catching salmon on the Columbia river above Warrendale." for that is what it will do, and all it will do. It la claimed the Ash-wheel catch so many salmon that the industry will be ruined; but it does not provide tor limiting the catch at the mouth of the river. Asotria catches all tbe salmon it can and all it can can. If protection of the salmon were the real Intention of the bill, k would be only fair to place some limit on the number of miles of net to be used on the lower river. We of the upper Col umbia have made no complaint against the methods of Ashing followed on the lower river. We have been content to take our chaices on what Astoria and the lower river leaves to us. The same methods used on the lower river for taking salmon cannot be used here, for conditions are entirely different. There the river has a eand bottom and a moderate current, all well suited to drifting. Here the bottom la rocky, the current swift, and the stream filled with surging eddies. It wouldj be as fair to say to the fishermen of the tower river, '"You roust only catch salmon in fish wheels," as to say to ua. "You must catdh them only In drift nets." Esther proposition Is an ab surdity. The lower river has the best of the law now by long Adda, aod should be satisfied. The fishing season Is made In reference to the run at Astoria. It be gins at the time the fish enter the river, and It continues until they cease to come In. Originally the season ended August 1st, but a few years ago a big run of chinook was coming In at that date, and to cover a recurrence of that event, the season was extended to Aug ust 10th. The Astoriane have, in an average season, three weeks' or a month's fishing before it begins here, and they fish during the whole time the salmon run. Here the wheels are stopped August 10th. Just when the beat run Is on, and the flab, that escape tho nets of the lower river In July, nearly all pass the Cascades after the close of the season We realize the n cessity of protecting the salmon Indus try, but we certainly object to that form of protection that turns the whole business over (o the lower river. Highest of all in Leavening Powers-Latest U. S. Gov't Report II V m. Si ABSOLUTELY PURE WORK OF FLAMES IN MID-WINTER Philadelphia and Chicago Visited by Disastroas Conflagrations. JOHN WANAMAKER'S STORE Badly Damaged Williams Block la Chicago Completely Destroyed Many Injured. Special to the Astorian. Philadelphia, January 26. The moat disastrous conflagration that baa visit ed this city in recent year broke oat shortly before 7 o'clock this morning in the basement of the bif grocery of HaiMComb Bros., at 1317 Market street. Property to the value of f2,SOa,0Ot at more w as destroyed. " Immediately adjoining Hanacawk Bros, on the west side, waa th five story bunding occupied by Blum Bee.' manufacturers of ladles' cloaks. This was soon a mate of flames. The water seemed almost to freeze before It touch ed the building. The next building oa the west to be eaten up was that oc cupied by Oeo. Marshall, as a restaa- rant. then came the hat factory of CL E. Wells, and the rear of the whole tale grocery of Showell ft Freyer. While tbe flames were weeping west on Market street th umbrella manu factory of Hirsch Bros., the largest la the world caught fire. In half an hour the building was a mass of flames. North of Hirsch Bros., Immediately across Silver atreet. stood the new seven story buQdlng of Duolap Bros. Tbe flames swept through this struct ure, gutting It oumpletety. At 1:15 a m., fire was discovered la the tower of the John Wanamaker big dry goods store. A stream of water from one of the water towers was rua up the burning structure, but the sup ply of water was either too small, sr the apparatus defective, as the stream did not reach the flames. The tower contained a handsome dock . and chimes. At t o'clock the tat Irs tower collapsed. the clock falling through tho first floor. Two lines of hose were thea i gotten on top of the gigantic struc ture, and the flames which threatened to destroy Philadelphia's most famous store were soon under control. The fire had been confined entirely to the Market street front, and the loss sustained by Wanamaker was princi pally in the destruction of the clock and chimes, and th breaking of all SSxt targe plate glass window on .Market street. Chicago, January 26. Seven firemea and two spec tabors were badly hurt at the fire this evening which destroyed the Williams Block, extending from 1 to 202 Monroe street. The fire originat ed In tbe basement of the building, and spread with such rapidity that wtthba a few minutes it had become utterly useless for the firemen to attempt to save the building. After a hard fight they managed to confine -the 'fire ta the Williams block, but they were un able to save anything In it. The total damage to the building and contents la estimated at 1365,000. JONES CALLED DOWN. Idaho Democrats Resent His Interfer ence in Their Senatorial Battle. Washington, January 26. The Demo crats of Idaho yesterday sent a dis patch to Senator Jones, chairman of the national Democratic committee, in forming him that ihis Interference in behalf of the re-election of Senator Dubois, was unwarranted. Senator Jones replied as follows: "My action and that of prominent Democrat ic members of the national committee, bus In no sense an Interference In local affairs. Prominent Republicans aban doned their party aod gave hearty sup port 'to the platform and candidates of the Chicago convention, and it would be In my opinion an exceedingly nar row and undemocratic course for the party to foil to testify its appreciation of such conduct. We cannot discrim inate against such men without harm to the great cause. We have acted for a cause, not for any man; for tbe whole country, and not for a state. This question is not and cannot be con fined to Idaho. We, therefore, urge that our friends in Idaho shall not lose sight of the effects of their action on the whole country and our great cause, in their excitement over local affairs. Having proposed for weeks to vote for a Populist satisfactory to you, and be ing denied a opportunity to do so, Democrats cannot be charged with the violation of any agreement referred to. They have discharged every assumed obligation." 01M 1