The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 26, 1897, Image 1

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The Dally Astorlan
Has Rfoiius
mid worry
...FmHy Cffcnlatloti...
Much mow than mwi Tim Ai
ni Astoria.
An "Ad"
In Thd AtToaui'l
NO. 21
u a
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes
rtcl Tip. Ctmnm Made. Vorlk I'iMW
Laird, Schober & Co.'s
Ift iMi n4 a Shoe.
Columbia Shoe Company
S23 Commtrclil
A Full Iiine
Stand Diaries
Calendar Pads
Blank Books
Typauniting StipplieS
Tide Tables f ibq?
City Book Store
The Low Price Store
All Ore Goons, Shiics, I ndcrwcnr. Cluaki, l'orcts, wild 30 per
cent, off requlnr prices. If you liny one dollar's
worth of good all you pay for it in 70 its
4Q! Hone! Hi. Antorln, Or.
Do We Have
Because our Goods are
Properly Represented.
Wo I)ful Courtoounly with Our CuntoinerH,
We Consider Tlu-ir Vuntn,
And Give the Most Value for tho Lowt'Ht Price.
Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.
34 Gravel, Tin and Slate Roofing-
ninth ctmtft Asphalt Pavlnf for Basements. Sidewalks and Streets
Vti Asphalt Coating on Tin and Shlnfle Roofs
vJ Repairing of all kinds of Roofs
Clarkson & ftclrvin
promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. Hs3
All Work
Hoof Fatntini
and Ropalrlnu Leaky Hood.
Emil Schacht
GEO. NICOLL, Assistant.
Kopp's jNew Brewery
Will Ppr, ArlliU' Matarlalt, Ptlntt.
Oil., Glut. ate. Japanaia Matting ,
Runt and Bamboo Goodt
365 Ccmmerclal Htreet.
Cor. 4th and Glisan Sts
Ladies' Fine Shoes
10 Dy.
St.. Astorli. 0
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
l.onvo ordtra at
N. JEN5EN and R. 0. HANSEN
A oomplete flock of lumber on band
In the rough or dressed. Flooring-, rus
tic, colling and all kinds of finish; mold
ing and shingles. Terms reasonable
and price at bedrock. All orders
promptly attendod to. Ofllce and yard
at mill. II F. I LOGAN,
Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor.
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for a
Good Meal...
Eastern Oysters
la the shell or can
Served to Order or Sold at Retail
Hoass ntevlsf Tsols far Rant.
Arc They Kcxcrtililc to the City After
Collection hy the County.
Qii.-Ktlnti in Ho Considered at the Ad
journed Meeting of the Council
Friday NUfht
At Hi- meeting "f th cMy council to
lm h-ld Friday night Uie nxxil Import
.nl iUi'tln I" be rnlderrd In that
t the uy ix lvy for the ensuing
y.-sr. The ways and mens committee
have been f the "pinion the "Hy
entitled In the nd taxes collected
within tho Ity limit". Tber- Is Involv--d
In this question, al-iut IT.fiO 10 the
r.ilt i-fdhe city, and If the opinion of
Dip -inniikiu.- Is correct, it will als..
iimkc a considerable .llffi-rfiir.' fuvi.ra-
I, k lo the liy In the amount of Ihe
li-vy to he Impoard. The matliT uas
r.-f.-rrl 'y Attorney Curtis for sn
..,liM. h.h fulUiwii In dftall:
AKtortu, Jan. 27. 1W7.
II. m. Ja. V, V.-Ih. ClmJnnan lorn-
mittiT on Ways Mild Mns:
Vour iriu-t for an lnin to
li-llirr tho Oty of AM.-la Is intllled
to Uio n-ul urn' i4lxted within the
-lty llmils. I lK to suhmlt the
full. mm r"iMrt.
na tion Hi (rf the i horter uf the City
uf Astoria pnivloVs:
"All rijiJ tuJ-e on iirnxTty and polls
within I1m illy Hunts of the City of
Antoiia rlmll lie turned vnr to Ihe
vHy In the siune manner as other taxes
ci.lle.-ted for It, and ehall be expended
enluslvely uion r-ids. highways and
StreK (iMwtlngs within said city."
The nu.-etlon Is. do Ihe pruvbrtuns of
the eliurt.-r i-oiillUt with the eunetitu-
llin uf the stule, Artli'le 4. 'iX sub'
dlUniolis 7. I. which Inlitblts tile leg
IwlaV.ure fruu jwollin Mcilai loeeJ laws
fur laying, opening aJWl working high
nays, etc."
. 11u umUui wuj llrai rained io Ihe
euso of l-Umi lNirtlnd va Multnomah
eounty. nM.rti-d In lh Oregon, l'age
J. whenin llie supreme murl held,
Hie iruniouiil und primary control
of IiIkIib-ii In a mate, and of streirts
In el ties li vejtietl In Hie Ie!lliilure."
In ither words, Umt the Jnrl"lture
IukI power to delegate to a city the con
trol uT the nul n.l highways within
tlui c4ty llmils and such delegation of
power dMii not coiiiiu-t with the constl-
tutlunal i11lUbllH.11. This was reofllrmed
In the cujie uf Multmmmh vs. Hllkrr,
10 tiremm, Iage 61, and City of As
toria vs. Clasp county, not reiried.
A teat cast. Mas nwde a abort time
tuga In the cane of the city of Oregon
City vs. Misnv. In this oaee the city
of tiregon City uuule a demand UfKin
the county treosurer to pay over to
the city the 'money colleited within
the limits of the city for road taxes,
etc. Two proHHltUqis were submitted
to the supreme court. One, that the
provision in the charter of Orvgon City
wan In coiilllet with the constitutional
Inhibition. Second, that the tax Intd
not ben upport loned when ulio demand
nils iitmle.
tin the Hift proposition the supreme
court says: "If the Icglxlalure may by
npivlnl law lm-oi'ioruilug city, con
stitutionally vent In the municipality
exclusive Jurisdiction over the county
nuiils within its iHiundurles, it sevma
lo us that no valid objertluns can be
made, on cunsUluliotial grounds, to a
provision In such on act merely conferr
ing Uhii the municipal authorities the
right to control the expenditure of
funds applicable to the Improvement of
nxiila uml t r wis w-itlUn the munioiiwj
Ity, collated under general laws." In
oilier words, the supreme court holds
that the aot Incorporating Oregtm City,
relative to tills provilon ia ronatltu
tlomil, and does not con II lot with the
constitutional Inhibition.
Hut where the supreme court affirm
ed the dovlHlon of Uie lower court was
In the demand made by Orego C4ty
uMn the roumy treasurer for tho funds
collected, bufore the apportionment had
been made.
It follows, then, that the provision In
the charter of the City of Astoria la
coiiHtltutlonal and docs not conflict with
tho constitutional inhibition cited.
In my opinion the City of Antotia Is
entitled to all the road and poll taxes
collected within the limits of the City
of Astoria, and as soon us the apHr
tionmeut Is made, the city can demand
of the county Unit they turn over all
such money collected, such money to
be expended by the city in the manner
provided by Its charter. If the county
court refuse, mandamus proceedings
should he brought to compel them to
do so. Itespect fully submitted,
C. J. CUltTIS.
City Attorney.
Many Matters of Importance Conslder
ed. but No. Action Token.
At the meeting of the Chamber of
Commerce last evening, there were
present, Q. Wlngate, president; R. C.
Holden, secretary; Meosrs. Kendall,
Bergman, Kinney, Welch, Flnlayson,
Tee, Mansell, Tallont, and others.
Tim peHl nniil(tt. on the con
struction of the squall reported lhi.t
they tiMl under consideration soveraj
ni"th"ds which hud Ix'ti iiKicetd
with rngard lo Ihe ways and m tis of
mftlng the ivmts of suc h an undertak
ing. Tho mmrnltt.-o asked for further
time, which was granted.
Thit iin-sUlent ca.ll.-d attention to the
foot 'tlial in compliance lth a memo.
rtsl sent from the Astoria Chamber of
(ommerre the TnllH KlMes senate had
piwd a Mil aiirfrtatlng lio.o'yi for
a quarantirin station at Or nof Asto
ria 'n motion tho e retsry was In
slruct""! to ivinvoy to frefrin's cmgres-
stoiisl rwnwntatlvos the thanks of the
Chambwr for the Interest they had tak
en In tli" mailer.
Advltmi having hern rooelvod that to
lay lti.Tal Kroight Agow V. H. Hill.
of tho f.roat Northern ItaiUay, would
visit Astoria Vn canpany with (Jenersl
Agent llardor, of the same line, the
r.ivirflon inmmlUoe s ro'iuesrt.l to
meet the visitors at the Incoming boat
and s. that tlw-y were prnory enlor
t nl twl during tho day.
Hevecal matters of general inti-est on
the sulij.xts of ih-wImJ harlur Improve.
iiK-nls. a drainage system to prevent
the sliding of city lots on tho hill sldea,
iU. wero dla-ussed with a view to
future a-llon.
The lumping alJiMjrned.
Washington. January 21 Reports
reeelved by the weather bureau show
th Intense fold wave to be general
over the entire I'nlted States and there
are no Indication of relief within the
next twenty-four hours. The tempera
ture has fallen decidedly In tho South
ern and Middle Atlantic states, and It
has risen slowly In the lllssouri and
uper Mississippi Valley, and over a
greater portion of the Lake region. It
continues below xero as far south as
tho Ohio Valley and Is below freexlng
on the Texas coast, and generally In
the Interior of the Gulf Uite.
Tin weatlu-r Is generally clear to
night, except In the Si. Lawrence Val
ley, the Gulf state and the Central
Itot ky Mountain dlri4j. where local
snow storms are reported. The Indl
cation are gt n-rol that fair weather
ttlll prevail tomorrow n the central
valleys and on the Atlantic Coast north
.f Florida. It will !e much rolder on
Ihe ixnilh Atluntlc and east gulf coast,
ivith fri-iliig weather In northern Flor
Throughout the Ohio Valley and the
IjUtc region the prevailing cold wave
him been ai-tHimpanied by lower tem
per uutv than any previously recorded
hy the weather bunwu for this seuson
of the year. Following are some of the
minimum temperatures reHrted of the
25th. with their relation to the lowest
previously record xl during the last ten
days of January: Chicago, 20; 3 de
grees Imow. Indianapolis. 14; 4 de
gree beUw. Cl"clnnaU. 10; 2 degree
below; Pittsburg. 8; S degree below.
Dotriot. 14; 6 degree below. Sault Ste.
Marie, 18; t degTO below.
Washington. January 25. The esti
mates by staite ami territory of the
area, product and value of the corn
and wheat rnq of the I'nlted State
for 1S14. made by the statbitlolan of the
dep.irtni.-iit of agriculture, are as fol
lows: Own Area. SI. 6:7.000 acres; product,
2.2S3.875.000 bushHs; value, HsH.W7.000;
yield ht actv, 2S.2 bushel; farm price
kt bUMht'l, 21.5.
WlHwt-Totol area, 34,619.000 acres;
product, 4::7,S7,000 bushel; value, J310,
603,000; 1d ler acre. 12.4 bushel;
farm price per bushel, 73.6 cente.
The minister to Argentine. Hon. Wm.
I. ituuhanan, nnxTt to the state de
partmont under December 9: "I have
followed the newn from the wheat dis
trict very carefully for the p three
month and have traveled through on
of the wheat province. Observations
lead me to believe that the quantity for
export w ill be between 480,000 and 40,
000 tons, probably nearer the first than
the second figure. The amount ex
ported during thia year was 564,459
Omaha, January 25. A Bee special
from Floitfltuouth. Neb., says:
Flra started In the Burlington and
Missouri Klver coach shop tonight and
burnd for fifteen minutes before an
alarm won turned in. The coach shop
and paint shops were entirely destroy
ed, and much damage wo done to oth
er buildings. The Joss Is placed at
llMMHHl. t.eorge Slethner, an employe
of tho shops, w-os assisting In fighting
11,.. dr.. nd Ml from the roof of a
burning building, breaking his neck
He died twenty minutes after.
I,HWlston, ldnho, January 25. Agent
Fisher began the Issue of checks to the
Indians of the Lapwal agency, on the
Ncz Perce reservation thl." morning.
Owing to the cold weather the Kablahs
and other Indians from outside dlS'
trlcts did not appear. About 200 re
ceived their chifk. Alut l'.0.nofl will
be disbursed In this installment. Bus-
lne,w mn ore proiwrlng for a rush to
morrow, particularly the gamblers,
The only bird that lng while flying
is the lark.
"Kump" House Got So Hearing Be
fore ('resident Simon.
But Hi Motion Lost on a Tie Vote
Matter at ftalem SUII In a State
of Doubt.
Siectal to the Aatorian.
Salem January 25. The lobby of the
senate chamber was crowded this af
ternoon In anticipation of action on the
house concurront revjluUin to notify
the governor of the organixotion of the
On-on lerUIture. The resolution
falljd to put in an appearance; but the
matter came up In another form, on
a resolution by Senator King, which
was Vwt on a tie vote, and subsequent
ly by a declclve ruling by President
Hunon, which was against the rocog-
nltlon of the licmson house.
Immediately after the senate was
colled to order. President Simon an
nounced that 4i had In bis possession
a communication from the temporary
house. It was signed by Chief Clerk
Moody and stJaited that the Benson
house was not a legally organized
body. The senate took 00 action on
the communication and the regular or-
dnr of business waa resumed.
After several bills had been Intro
duced King. Populist, of Baker and
Malheur, Introduced a resolution pro
viding for a committee of three mem
bens of the senate to ascertain whether
or not ettfier of the two pretended or
ganlzaUon in the house of represen
tatives are legally organized branches
of the amembly, and. if so, whloh of
too two are so organized, and report
the condition thereof to the senate at
a early a date a may be deemed prac
ticable. This brought up the matter
of the house recognition in an unex
(ectd form. Patterson, of Marion, at
fklinA SMB U- llria ufw n s-tiA oaoI .. I i
and he moved to lay on the table, thu
shutting off debate. President Simon
immediately put the motion to lav on
liw lauir, miiu it nits lum Ofl a Viva
. .
"' oe. -a vu 01 in ayes ana noes
being demanded, the roll call showed a
tie vote, as follows:
Ayes Bates. Daly. Dawson, Holt.
King, Mac Kay, Mlchell, Mulkey, Pat
terson, of Washington: Heed. Swing,
Smith. Wade. President Simon 14.
Noes Cal breath. Driver. Dufur. Ges-
nor. tlowan. Harmon, Haaeltlne Hughes
Johnson, McClung, Patterson, of Ma
rlon: Price. Taylor 14.
Absent Brown all, Carter 2.
So the senate failed to adopt the reso
The senate proceeded with the second
reading of bills, but had not gone far
when Representative Crawford, of
Douglass, appeared in the lobby with
a message w hleh wo delivered to Pres
ident Simon, who read It. and then
"The chair Is In reoelpt of a commu
nlcation, purporting to be a message i
from the house, stating that the house
has effected permanent organization by
the election of Hon. H. L. Benson as
speaker, and R. R. Hays as chief clerk,
and other officers, and is ready for the
tronsactton of business. The chair has
olready submitted to the senate a mes -
sage from the temporary' organization
of the houae, advising the senate that
suuh permanent organization was ef
fected in an Irregular and unconstitu
tional manner, and without the pres
ence of a quorum, and that such action
was Illegal and void. The chair Is of
the opinion that the pretended perma
nent oragnisatlon, without a quorum,
mentioned In thia communication. Is
not valid or binding, and that the sen
ate cannot recognise such alleged per
manent organization of the house; the
ohair therefore decline to entertain or
receive this communication and rules
that the same cannot be entered upon
the Journal. This decision will stand
as the Judgment of the senate, unless
the senate will overrule the decision of
the chair."
This settled the matter of recognli
Ing the house, at least for today.
Special to the Astorion.
Salem, January 25. A caucus of sen
ators was held tonight at the hotel
parlors adjacent to the Mitchell head
quarters. The principal subject under
discussion was the senatorial election.
Senator Patterson, of Marlon, offered
a resolution, In effect binding the sen
ate to proceed to vote for senator on
February 2. There was considerable
dicsusaion and Senator Mitchell was
called in to expound the law on sena
torial elections. In the course of his
remark!; he said: "If forty-six mem
bes held a Joint convention and elected
a senator, by a majority vote, he was
satisfied their nominee would be seat
ed by the United States senate."
The Paterson resolution did not reach
a vote. Inasmuch as several senators
objected on the ground that a majority
of the senate was not present at the
caucus. It Is said to bo the purpose to
Introduce the Patterson resolution In
the senate this week.
The caucus did nothing about the
house organisation muddle.
H.eaker CHne Cets Near the Winning
Olympla, January 25. The fusion
members of the leigslaturo evidently
were not in fighting condltVm after the
Sunday rerewi. When the fourteenth
Joint ballot for I'nlted States senator
was called at noon today, and after
two ballot were taken, adjournment
wa effected without opposition.
Speaker CI I no. on the first ballot of
the day, fell one short of the 47 vote
he received Saturday, but on the sec
ond ballot Jumped to 39. Julge Turner,
his main opponent, got 27 vote on the
first ballot, which I the same number
he received Saturday, and on the sec
ond ballot moved tip to 23. Squire re
ceived seven votes, one more than at
any previous time. The remaining
votes were scattered a usual, and
there was practically no change from
Saturday' situation.
If any unusual Interest was mani
fested It was the beginning of each
roll call, whon Amos, whose name
hoods the call, cast his vote. Ames la
one of the 2t Republicans and It ha
been whispered about that the Repub
lican were going' to vote for Clin.
When Aim voted for Denny a usual,
however, h? painful anxiety of many
candidates and friends was relieved.
CHne would have received two more
votes, making 41 In all, but for the ab
sence of two of hi supporters.
Washington. January 25. President
Cleveland received ex -Queen LlHuoka -
lanl at the White House this afternoon,
Palmer, Jier spokesman, called upon
Private Secretary Thurber with one of
the ex-queen' Haw&lian attendants,
and delivered a pretty Metis autograph
ic note from her asking the favor of a
personal unofficial Interview with tlie
president. The note was couched In
dignified and appropriate lanugagejhe engaged extensively in mining and
and tin support of her application ft contracting, and made a great deal of
was stated delicately by the ex-queen
that In her native land It was the cus
tom to receive visits from person vis-
iting the country for recreation. The
president promptly sent word that he
I . . ,
P" -
j queen ana stx we nour or 3 0 clock I
,., , , ,
for the r-ei)ion. Thia Is the first time ;
... . . , . , ,
1 the president he s met Llllu.kalanL
London. January 25. -The Mark Lane
Express today. In Its crop review, eat;.
mates the shortage of the Indian wheat
crop at upwards of one million quar -
ters, and says:
"The Increased pressure of American
flour in the British market is causing
some anxelty to miller, who flattered
themselves at this time in 1896 that
American competition had been collar
About midnight last night Officer
Oberg arrested a man who was In
toxicated and begging on the streets,
and placed him In the city hostile. The
man's name w as Herman G. Fink, and
he is supposed to have come from
' Portland recently.
Chlcoeo. January 25. Mayor Swift to-
. day Issued on aimoal to the citizens of
1 Chicago for contributions for people
'suffering from cold and want of food
and clothing.
Boise, Idaho, January 25. The sen
atorial ballot today resulted: Frank,
Walton, Populist. 29; Dubois, 26: T. F.
Nelson, Populist, 13; others, scattering.
Great Britain' territory in Africa
amounts to 2.615.000 square miles.
The absolutely pure
R OYA L the
the baking powders
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
aatu paama
Theodore Bcnham, Well Known Spo
kane Business Man.
Started East to Engage in Busln
Wlfs and Friends Prostrated by
the Sad News.
Chicago. January 25. Theodore Ben
ham, traveling salesman, to years old,
was found fei a room of the. Hotel
Grace today. Ills muffler was tied
around hi throat and he leaned for
ward In such a way as to cause stran
gulation. Bcnham lived at Spokane,
Wash., and traveled for a Minneapolis
lioue. It Is understood he had trouble
with his wife.
Spokane, January 25. The news of
the suicide of Theodore Benhant, la
Chicago, came as a terrible surprise t
bis friends In this dty, where he was
well known among the old time resi
dent. Hkt widow Is prostrated with
Benham came to Spokane In 1882 and
for year carried on a successful busi
ness as a builder and contractor. Re
left Spokane two week ago last Fri
day with plans to meet his brother at
! Mndon. VlchLran. to encaes with him
ias traveling salesman. On his way he
j visited relatives In Minneapolis and
from that dty wrote a cheerful letter
: to his wife. From there he went to
Chicago to buy a stock of goods.
It is
thought here he must have been taken
111 and in a moment of mental abbera.
tion ended hi life. In 181 he went to
Jacksonville, Southern Oregon, where
money. In 1867 he went to Nevada
and remained there until he came te
this city,
Will Legallxe Prize Flghtlng-flenato-
rial Fight Over,
Carson City. Nev., January 23. A bill
was Introduced in the assembly today
to permit glove contests upon the pay
ment of a license of 1250. The bill was
geoood time and referred ts
, the committee on public morals. There
u a ,tnng public sentiment In favor
! pagmg the bllL Several prominent
J citizens are Interested In the matter.
j Jf u beconw. a hvw will endeavor
it0 indUce rn Stuart to bring off the
' Corbett-Flusimmons match here In
The election of a United States sen
ator was made & special order for to
morrow afternoon. 80 sure are Jofe-n P,
Jones' friends of the result that they
have prepared a banquet to follow on
Wednesday. It Is surmised that he
will get every vote save six Republi
cans' signatures.
j Salt Lake. January 25. The senaio-
rial situation shows a strong indication
j of a deadlock. Seventeen ballot have
I been taken fwith but Rttle change In
! the result. The last ballot was as fol
i lows: Thatcher, 20; Henderson, 16:
Rawlins, 19; Lawrence, 4; Dooly, 3;
Pow ers. L
Pattsdam, N. T., January 25. The
Pottsdam National Bank, with a capi
tal of $250,000, was dosed hy the Na
tional bank examiner today. The fail
ure of the PereefteM Falls Pulp and
Paper Company about a week age is
said to have caused .the bank failure.
most celebrated of all J
in tne woria cei
HOVAL it deie-iti
--Wrf lY PUTS
IWI. V"0! J. I t '
mwsks ee.. Maw veaa.