The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 23, 1897, Image 1

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    vt-.-Jftj!.' wr- a r - - ' ....... ,
ilOlvlu'i i uwn;v "'" -
The Dafly AstorUn
0rw Ha a miiA
...Family ClrcpUtlon... :
Much hom tha tmimi im
m Astoria.
Ex no use IIqw?
mid worry ""a
An "Ad
In Th AnniiAi't
NO. 19
i lijfttto
?X.i4 A.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes
rKil Tip. Colon Made. Vorik 2 5l
Laird, Schober & Co.'s Ladles' Fine Shoes
TV) nd In Shoea. Id Diyi.
Columbia Shoe Company
S23 Commercial St.. Aaterla. 0
A Full bine
Calendar Pads
Blank Books
Tide Tables f iss7
City Book Store
The Lrow Price Store
All Dress Goods, Shoes, I'ndcrkcir, CloaK. Cutset, Mild 30 per
cent, off rcqulnr price. If voo bay one dollar'
worth of rjoons til yon pay for It Is 70 ct
491 Horid Ht. ... Attorln,Or.
Do We Have
Because our Goods are
Properly Represented.
Wo Dtul Courteously with Our Customers,
Wo Consider Thoir Wunts,
Ami Give the Most Value for the Lowest Price,
Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.
34 Gravel. Tin and Slate Rooflnf
NINTH QTHFFT Aphalt Pavlnf (or Basements. Sidewalks and Streets
A Asmalt Coatlnr on Tin and Snlngle Roofs .
Fepalrlnrof all kinds of Roofs
Clarkson & Marvin
Promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co.
All Work
Roof Painting
and Repairing Lky Hoote
Emil Schacht
GEO. NICOLL. Assistant.
Kopp's Hew Brewery
Will Ptpt, Arttili' Mittrlili, Pilnli,
Oil. Glm, itc. Jipin.M Matting ,
Rugiind BiabooGoodi
365 Commercial Street.
Cor. 4tb and Gllsan Sts
The -r
Bopm Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
Lmvi r-c1r at
t.U Cmiiiri
N. JEN5EN and R. 0. HANSEN
A complete itock of lumber on iband
la the rough or dressed. Flooring, rui
(Ic, celling and all kind of finish; mold
In and shingle. Term reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All order
promptly attended to. Offloe and yard
at mill. II F. L. LOGAN,
Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor.
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for a
Good Meal...
Eastern Oysters
la the shell or ca
Served to Order or Sold at Retail
Hosm Maying TmU for Riot.
Created In the Senate of Washington
by Atlcycd Threat of lirltaln.
oregovs senator am. rk;ht
Tur4n Tirade Has Not Frightened
Htm What the (Wiai Means to the
PaMe Coast Htatc.
Washington, January 22 Th session
Ut the n-Mta btmy developed three (lt
tlnt niuitliiri. Thu iml ltnirtnl
or tluw thu prnM-ntatlon by Hher
mn ut a Mtrr fr" MltUt.r Hod.
TiiriKi. m,r-it'lv' oT h OrwatT
HlulilU' ut Ciiural Aml-a (inrtudlng
Nlrarairual. I" i(T t prointtlng atfalnit
tht. rixutlm 4 lh NViu-mrua innrnl
irJ-t by ihr L'nitrd HtMti unrlrr the
ii.ya. lin iirMiti-d In JHK7 to the Mr.
rtiKwn CuiihI tVmnny. A the bill
for thl purt"' "Jut l' virtrd
n by lh m-imt. the prwntallnn cf
th It-ttT 1 Trailed rofitfnrnatlon among
It frtiMulii. MrKKii, lt i-lib mi.rt
r. at m d-lr'd th lntti u In
irlrvl by Or.-at HrttnJn. who WMJirtU to
ilrlvr th 1'rUtr.J Htatra fnnn tic Ulh
muM by unlixt th CntHral AnTl-an
Htatf iui a catupaw. II uawrtnl that
MtnlM'T i1rtitur hat evmie h-re to
rxn'Ute inirh a plan, and that It wa
an inn lhrt KKalnia Anutlcan con
tri of ttw canal. The Iwtler made a
infoiitii Impmudon on the wnatr.
KarlU-r In tlw Any the annate unex
ri tlly found Itm-lf dlafUaalnR the new
AnW-Anertin trmty. While the
tr-"ny hi l"n relued. all dleru
lm of K ta reatrlttl to rXM-utlve a
ikm. NiKMlthtan'.llng thl rule, tt-pn-Mloni
arre free and full from Rher
man. Oray. Cullom, lxlice, Hoar, and
Hhortly after the liin began Tur
il rauwl a preliminary flurry by cjit
li'lllng the ri"rted MTrwement belaeeii
S.vretarlee Olney and 8hermni by
hli h nu action wa to be 4akea a to
Cuba hefre itanh 4. Sherman em
pharteany denlMl that any euch. iree-
nmt had bren njulr. aid atlili-l he
had n4 had a -orl wHih Otney In that
Wahlngton, D. C. January S3. IW,
II. Van IHiwn. Chairman of the Cltl
iin Meeting. Aitorla. Ore: Keaolu
ttn received. Oreirm deteatlm In
nirn- camemiy eupportlng Icglsla-
Unti providing for conetructlon of the
Nli areKua canal.
The telgram quoted alwve, from
Senator McJrlde. ta e'Mnce that Ore
gun' rvprcaenUtive U not ai ail fright
ened by Turple'a tirade and dtuplay of
t'lrcu oratory ngainat the Nicaragua
oaniU bill, IVefdte that gentlaman'a
effort to mAe a ehowtng for the eoa-
tltucnta hi have lined nil pocket
with gili t flirht the meaure, the Pacini-
coaat taitia mull and will have
the bill aMHHl. In repeated eieeche
In the I'nlted State eenate. John It.
Mitchell of Ongun hue ehown where
ho stand on thla qurstlon. Senator
MrltrUle hiw Hiied up on the right eldo,
and the nwijorlty of the representative
of Cailfornla. WanhliiKton. Idaho and
M.uitana have himn their luiml and
taken a poattkxi favorable to the Mil.
Ixk at the eltuation from any stand
point, and It at once biooiiie appa
rnt t an unprejudlcetl nn that the
NtoorihtrM canul nnnn tx built by the
1'ntted Htute under the auiierlntend
enoe of American engineer, and that
the completion f thl trk I the only
mean by which the commerce euid
development of the entire country can
be accomplished. Ocean of vacant
land on the Pajolfle dope await oc
cupation by the farmer. Immigration
oan only be Induced, to any appreciable
extent, when cheap mean of trana
IKirtiathm are afforded. That a coun
try, now with a population of leat than
two million, but oupable of supporting
thlrty-flve million, should go begging,
seem supremely ridiculous. When U
1 taken Into consideration that the
building of the Nicaragua canal not
only means the bringing .to the raclllc
Ueeert Ue people which shall make
them bloom like the Garden of Eilen,
but that It also means, what is of atlll
greater Importance, the placing In the
hand of the. United States Uie control
of the oommerce of the world; Llver
pool within thirty day of Astoria; New
York within three weeks of Pan Fran
cisco; Lxmdon within thirty days of
Australia, by sea, aJ nienns an entire
reortriuilaatlon of kvui trafllc.
How congress can hesitate longer up
on the passage of the bill which means
such great prosperity to alt of Its peo
ple seems strange to the smallest mer
cluuit or fanner In the country. Only
Ave years will be required to the
cannl, snd bring almut a change In
business conditions throughout the en
tire country which will , aou vindi
cate the wisdom of the measure.
Astoria, Jan. 21. (Rdltor Astorlan)
In a few days the council and the
school district will meet to estimate
the cojrts of operating their different
department the coming year.
Times have been hard for several
year and Is atlll contracting. It U
ln'H Ibat better tlmwars coming, but
while coining, they havt. nut eone are
not here. It may ! tu y-urt IWor
they reaoh here. Kveil then IiUhIik-m
will be organlicd and done on a very
different ImuiIi than tertfir, and
will be on close margttia. It behoove
the tax -payer U Uxik tut now and see
that he do rwft lose all his property
by ponfttton befora those better
tlni.- get twre. Irt private, all Iiimi
have tieen rnducerl. Ilvr and wage
are greatly reduced, ftent are down
arnJ yield no revenue." Merchant are
tl n g up thnlr auicka btad of In
ireaolng. Outside of ('Mjp cmnty
many husltm Until are going to the
wall, and only a rarfvll adrnlnUtratlon
of public affair will prevent disaster
Ut many In Clatsip codnty. ,
I'ubllc irxmttim- have not been cut
diwn. Whi li the result? The city
Is nd.M. dlr tly IMxJXM. The f hool
district whb-h hi In the rtty limit.
0.W; th portion of the ouiay m
db.lnww ohargi-aMe to the city 1
a)nu 70.wi0; t'Hal In round numbrs,
.r which thf property and tax-payer
of thH city art liaMe, 'JD.ODO. The to
tal inxaMe pri-rty Is but a little over
lw. million, art the Hy 1 In debt to
an amount equal to one thirI of It
taxable worth. Tbe arinual Interest on
tht lnIWtt-lna Is f40.iyx. eUal to
twirj per rent en th Uxable property.
In irtlu-r wtfTds. h rnw rerjulre a twen
ty mill tax to pay the annual irttreeet,
to say f4htng the tax to keep up
111 rront expmsm. Wkere or what I
the huHrnMi that will Hand tt?
Can Investor be expected to locate
nianufsi torlrn hfre. where there will be
U4-h enornsHi taxes
The county levy I SH milli for the
corning yar. Khrmld J he city le-y be
ten and the school ell. there will be
a total of 8VS mill.
Much of the projierty In the county
haa Ixxm lnHight In by the wunly and
Is atlll hrtd by H r -the reason that
the owner will not redeem nor any
one pay the amount of the taxes for
the imaHTty. J. Q. A. BOWLBY.
"W. C. T. I. WORK.
The good people of Astoria are cer
tainly to be congratulated on having
such a noble band of iromen. as are to
he found In the little parlor of Rescue
hall vary .Thursday flrtexv, That
these women arc fulfilling the Chrlut
principle, cannot be questioned for a
mmiwtit. More than one needy family
have found thnm more than willing
iw render assistance In keeping the
wolf from the dsr during times of
direst distress. When an application
la made for help no questions as to
rellglou belief are asked, the only
thing required I to know If the appli
cant Is worthy. Again tt become ne
neaiairy to call on the cltixen for help,
m the way of donations of cast-off
clothing. No matter what you have,
K can be uttllxod In one way or an
other, and will brighten and cheer some
poor, forlorn mortal. Anything left at
the hall will be most gratefully receiv
ed, or it -word la sent to the Union
meeting, article will be called for.
Every society haa a harvest time, and
that time will soon be at hand for
rho ladies of the W. C. T. U. Mr. Clara
llofrman, a woman of marked ability
aa a lecturer, one of the national offi
cer, state president of Missouri, and
a decidedly brilliant woman, will be
lesre and licture In Filter's Opera
House tin the night of February 11.
Tills will no doubt be a treat that we
seldom have an opportunity of here,
and undoubtedly a packed house will
greet this charming woman. Manager
Sellg will make arrangements no that
aH nwiy be comfortable, so none should
stay away thinking that they can't get
a anat. Hut be sure and come early and
get god seats, as first come, first
served, of course.
A do balonglng to a Utile five-year-old
girl named May, of Pullman, Wash
ington, bad the misfortune one day to
get au crippled as to allow the sawdust
with which It was stuffed to .come out.
A few day later a very tightly-laced
young lady, Mias I , called on May'
man una. After Mies D ' departure
May said to her mamma, In all earnest
ness: "Mamma, has Mis D lost all
tho- sawdust out of her?"
From the Chlcngo Record.
"These buckwheat cakes are not at
all Ilka those mother used to make."
"Well, I should hope not. She had to
make them over nitrht and take the
crock to bed with her to keep them
from freexlng."
From the Chicago Record.
"What makes you say that women
more sense than men?"
"Well, you haven't seen any women
riding around town In wheelbarrow
since the election, have you?"
"Judklns had a ghastly surprise this
morning on an Eighth street smoking
"What was lit?"
"Not a solitary unman tried to force
herself Into It." .
The poster party la at present In
high social favor.
The Legislature at Salem Adjourn
latll Honda .Morning.
Takes the Position that He Can atlll
lie Elected and Seated if the House
I Not Jiecognlxed.
Special to the Aatorian.
Salem, Or., January J2. The muddled
condition of the Oregon legislature can
not be cleared tip before Monday, both
the senate and the Benson house hav
ing adjourned until that date.
The Davis house. In accordance with
their contention that no business can
be transacted without two-third of
the member elected to the house being
present, adjourned until tomorrow,
when they will doubtless meet and ad
journ UU Sunday and then till Monday,
on which day the fight will be resumed.
The feature of today' proceeding
was tho attempt to keep Temporary
Speaker Davis out of hi chair, on ti.e
part of the Benson men. They feared
that Davis, whose house wa to meet
half an hour before their, would shut
them out altogether or repeat yester
day scene of a dual house. For a
few momenta trouble was Imminent but
wise counsel prevailed and Davis wa
allowed to take hi Mat on condition
that be would adjourn his bouse be
fore tbe time set for the meeting of
the Benson houoe. The agreement wa
carried out to the letter.
It wa generally expected that the
question of organisation would be de
cisively aeUied today, but events seem
ed to indicate, that Senator Mitchell and
hi friends were not willing to hasard
It until they learned definitely what
action the senate would take In the
matter of recognising the- Benson
house. Therefore the joint resolution
was not sent to the senate relative to
the notification of the governor. Tbe
opposition to Senator MUchetl say that
If the acTTsSe 'retoaiilxe " the DensuQ j
house they will come In and proceed
to business, but under no other condi
tions. The situation Is very complicated
and there Is a wide divergence of opin
ion as to the. legality of the proceed
ings already had and those contemplat
ed. The spirit of the opppaltlon to trfis
majority organizing is the deaire to de
feat Senator Mltrftiell for re-election.
Senator Mitchell has taken the position
that even If the senate does not recog
nise the Benson house be can be elect
ed and seated. The member of the
Benson house, and those member of
'the senate favorable to him, can meet
In Joint convention, he claims, and
proceed to ballot, providing they num
ber a majority of the legislature. It la
now the plan of the Mitchell mea to
take such ballot one week from next
Tuesday. They claim that the organ
ization of the Benson house yesterday
make a de facto org animation and
meet the federal requirement of vot
ing for senator on the second Tuesday
after organization.
No Change in the Senatorial Contest at
Olympla, June 82. Three more bal
lots were taken today In Joint assembly
of the legislature In an effort to choose
a United States senator and no candi
date seems nearer eelctlon at the con
clusion of the ninth ballot than when
the first ballot waa taken Wednesday.
It seems to be an understanding among
the majority, which includes the Re
publicans, that three ballots shall be
taken each session unless tome can
didate shall develop a surprlning vote.
Judge Turner gained another vote to
day, although he received but 24, the
same as yesterday. One of hi sup
porters, however, was absent. Squire
gained three vote, which gave him on
the second ballot of the day six votes.
On the next ballot he dropped back to
five. Speaker Cltne and Lieutenant
Governor Daniels lead the Populist can
didates, and the race between them was
neck and neck the last two ballots.
Rev. Clark Davis, after the first ballot
today, withdrew from the contest,
Hodgdon, Populist member from
King, created warm. )applause from
the Republicans by casting hie vote for
the Republican candidate on the sec
ond ballot.
"I desire to express my admiration
for and confidence In, my old pioneer
friend," he said. "I will therefore cast
a complimentary vote this ballot for
one of nature's noblemen, Arthur A.
Warner, Democrat, voted for Judge
Turner. The vote was received with
hisses by the mlddle-of-the-roaders.
Huron, S. D., January 22. As a result
of last night's blizzard no trains were
sent eaat or south today over the Chi
cago and Northwestern. The Milwau
kee line is blockaded and the Great
Northern has been under three to ten
feet of snow for two week. An engine
and a snow plow were thrown from
the Northwestern track nar here thl
afternoon by a broken rail. Assistant
Division Superintendent 8tniorn -nd
Fireman Jamleaon were badly hurt.
But Price Are a Trifle Lower Accord
ing to Dun.
New York. January 22. R. O. Dun A
Company' Weekly Review of Trad to
morrow will say:
Ther I more business, though not
at better price. It la interesting that
almost all prices Which change at all
are lower than a week ago, and yet
bull nee Is unquestionably larger.
There Is a larger production, but a
yet not a much increase In consump
tion, and there is larger buying of ma
terials, THit at present only because
better price are expected In future.
The number of bands employed, all In
dustries considered, la slightly larger
Hhan a week ago, with adverse change
In tve rate of wage. All apprehension
of foreign disturbance of the money
markets haa passed away, but there
is still great caution In making loans.
It la a mistake to reckon this a a
symptom of depression. On the con
trary, in apite of the lower range of
price In Important industries, tbe con
dition all Indicate larger production.
and consumption Increasing, not a yet
largely but steadly.
The failures tor the seek have been
40 in the United States against 373 last
year, and K in Canada against (1 last
The aggregate of gross earnings of all
railroad in the United States report
ing for the flrqt half of January Is
19.137.7:4, a decrease of 4 per cent com
pared with last year, and of LI per
cent compared aitb the corresponding
period In 1&93.
T acorn. January 22. United States
Circuit Judge Gilbert rendered a de
cision here today that the Northern Pa
cific Railroad must pay a draft for
34.200 uasbed by the late Paul Schulse,
land agent of the Northern Pacific at
the London and San Francisco bank
Just before his suicide two year ago.
The draft wa on New York and pays-Mat
waa etopP because Sohulae need
the proceeds for his personal account
San Francisco. January 22. Hops,
8610c for fair to choice, and 11612 for
Liverpool, January 21 Wheat spot,
quiet; demand, poor; No. 2 red spring,
fia lOd: No. 1 California, 7s Id. '
Future July, is 9"4d.
New York. January 22. Dixon knock
Murphy out in the sixth round.
The new steel steamer Heiene, built
by the Union Iron Work for the Wilder
Steamship Company of Honolulu, was
launched successfully at the Union Iron
Works yesterday forenoon. Miss Laura
Dlckeson of Honolulu had the pleasant
duty of breaking the bottle of wine
over the bow of the craft, and Bhe did
It very gracefully, while an admiring
crowd of Invited guests and workmen
looked on and applauded.
The new steamer Is 'built on very
graceful lines. She Is 175 feet in length,
30 feet beam, nearly 15 feet deep, U 700
tons and Is to be supplied with 4.0 horse
power engines. She l destined for the
inter-island trade, principally as a
freighter, but with some accommoda
tions for passengers. The work of put
ting In her engines and boiler will be
prosecuted as rapidly as possible.
The private masquerade ball at Fish
er's hail last night was attended by
about 100 couples and was a most suc
cessful and enjoyable affair.
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
T Borst aaama seweca eo., m vows. T
The Government Will tt Once Tort
close the Entire Property..
Principal and Interest of the Claim
of Uncle Sam Provided for hi Cash
at the Sale.
Washington, January 22. ACtomer-
General Harmon today gave out . th
following statement of the agrsenent .
with tbe reorganisation committee of
the Union PacUlo Railway. Upon the
defeat of the funding Wit In the house
the president directed the attornejr
general to commence foreclosure pro
ceeding against the Union Fsvelfle
Railway Company, - first - making the
beet arrangement obtainable for the
protection of th government interest.,
following the line indicated in hi last
report The attorney general began ne
gotiation with tbe reorganixatioa
committee. Thursday an agreement
wa made which will result ta iaunov
diate step to foreclosure. The .chief
subject of the negotiation wa the
protection of the government against
risk of sacrifice of Its claim by aaia at
a price which would leave nothing sob
tantlai after paying the prior Item).
This protection 1 now assured by
guarantee that the government eiiall
receive for It lien 00 aided portion
of the Union Pacific and Kansas Pa
cific line, including the linking fund.
not Itw than MS. 754.000. The sale will
be public eo the government will ro
oelve the benefit of any higher bid np
to the full amount of it claim, prin
cipal and Interest The um of four-and-a-half
million dollars cash was)
Thursday deposited with the United
State! Trust Company, New York, by
Central Lewie Fitzgerald, chairman of
the committee, a security according ts
the terms of the agreement. It la be
lieved that there will be higher bid,
but if not the estimate shows that
with tk .amount - already, received -from
the company, the government will
at least realize a sum equivalent to the .
principal of tbe subsidy bonds, with
Interest at about 3H per cent from their
issue to the average date of their ma
turtty. or about 3 per cent from the
date of issue to January L 1897.
The minimum of $45,754,000 guaran-
. teed to the government la in cash, mo
that all relations with the property,
will terminate upon the conflrmaSoa of '
the foreclosure sale. The 'course to be
pursued with respect to the Central Pa
cific has not yet been determined. ,
Boston. January 22. The now reve
nue cutter Daniel Manning was launch
ed at Eaat Boston this afternoon. The
launching wa a complete success. The
Manning la the largest revenue cutter
ever built for tbe government, surpass
ing in speed and power many naval
vessels of this and foreign countries,
and In time of war is expected to prove
most valuable to tbe navy.
Chkiago, January 22. A judgment for
1S4.000 in favor of the World's Colum
bian Exposition Company was entered
today In Judge Burke's court against
the Ferris Wheel Company. The Judg-.
merrt is for the World's Fair Company's
share of the gate receipt during the s
Boise, Idaho, January 22. The sena
torial ballot today resulted a follows:
Clagett, 27; Dubois, 26; Nelson, 15; Lew
is, 1; Parkinson, 1.
.. . m