THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, WEDNESDAY MOUN1NU, JANi'AHV 80. WOT. Fancy Slippers Uiles Walking CfinAC Durable School OHUto Seasonable Goods Rubbers Rubber Boots, Etc John llahn & Co. Arm 479 Commercial St. THIRD ANNUAL CLEARANCE MOXDaT. JAXtXRT 4 Aid coitlncs tor 80 Days Albert Dunbar Cor. Ota ttd CorcUl Sts. TE8TERDATS WEATHER. Uulmum teinperature, 50 degree. Minimum temperature. 40 degree. Precipitation, 1.36 inches. Total precipitation from September 1st, ISM. to date, 50.29 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septero rbe 1st, 1S94, to date, 11.14 Inches. TODATS WEATHER. Portland. January 19 For Wester Washington and Western Oregon, rain; gales on the coast For Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington. light snow or rain. TO &KADKRS--T "Dally Asteriaa" aatalas twit MaHkMllitMtnru aay etaor aapsr pablUkod la Astoria. It la tfcs sal J par taat pro Its reader with a daily tsiograahls re. TO ADTKRT1SEB9. The "Daily A- torlaa Ua l tkan IwlMM auauj road r. as aay stfcsr paper paMleked la Asto ria. It Is therefore ssor taaa twtoo as valaabls as aa advertising- an ill. tat mt Oreroa. I Geaaty or Clatsop. We, the aadarelgaea. Isaal asaaagsrs raspeetlvely ef the WesMra Caloa aad raetal Taiegraph companies, hereby cer tify that the "Dally Astoriaa" Is the only paper pablishea la Astoria which bow re aatvee. or at aay Um darlag oar ooatrol of said oOeoe has roeolTod. a tolegraphie araes report. B. D. JOHXSOM, Maaagor W. TJ. T. Co. J. K. CLARK. Maaager Foetal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. What oooatitutes a gentleman T A. Not trying to be a gentleman. B. Self-reepeot underlying courtesy. C Knowtedge and observance of the fitness of things In social intercourse. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Signs See Swope. The days are growing longer. Want anything painted? See Swope. Want anything decorated T See Swope. Judge J. H. D. Gray went to Salem last night Dr. Howard, Homeopath 1st, office SS6 Commercial street. Twenty lbs. graunlated sugar for II, at 455 Duane street Ekstrom has the only complete etock of Jewelry in the city. Mr. Dennis Lucy has returned from his visit at The Dalles. Born To the wife of O. Hendrickson, yesterday morning, a girl Have you any jewelry that needs re pairing? Take it to Ekstrom'a. The Easter hat will soon be the cause of luring dollars from feminine purees. The 1897 annual passes issued by the O. R. end N. Company are works of art. 4 Captain Chas. T. Kamm is in charge of the steamer Lurtine during Captain Gray's absence in the East The most attractive and inexpensive light furniture of bamboo made to or der at 618 Commercial street Mr. Hammond la expected to return this week and remain for a number of days looking after tils interests here. Family tickets between Warranton, Flavel and Astoria will hereafter be old by Agent Stone at the Telephone dock. In the Justice court yesterday after noon, R. li. Jeffrey was fined $35 for assault and battery upon -George Col lins. F. J. Bchofield, general landscape gar "It is a startling feet that, almost without exception, the adulterated teas are dangerous to health. Some of them are actually poisonous." N. Y. Herald. Yes; some not all. But that isn't the point. You drink tea because you like it not because it is good for you. The wholesome tea is also the best-tasting: Schil lings Best at grocers' in packages. A Schilling A Coapsay tw Francisco 77 dener and sanitary engineer. All work guaranteed. Leave orders at Astorlaa office. We offer all our cast iron stoves at 10 per cent below cost. The latest air tight stoves also on hand at 431 Bond street Swn Harris yesterday afternoon re ceived a bag of fine rook oysters, sent up from Haystack Rook. Elk Creek, by Bob. Gibson. There will be a special session of the city council at I o'clock this after noon for the consideration of city san itary measures. The -year-old daughter of Mr. E. A. Seciey. agent of the White Collar Line at Portland, died a day or two since from diphtheria. Invitations to masquerade ball to be given next Friday evening, the !Snd. will read Fisher's Hall instead of Kearney's hall. 0 orMlcoter le nt Ounbar'e eleamnes sale. Havs you noticed sow many people im the word "grand" as indiscriminate praise either of a comedian's antics or a gorgeous sunset? The dirty weather yesterday was welcomed by all who recognli. that it meant a return to norma conditions and a quietus on disease. Call and see the Queen air-tight heat er at Howell & Ward's before buying: they can save you money both on the price of the stove and wood consumed. Contractor Joseph Surprenant reports that the finishing touches have been put upon the Kopp Brewery. The first brew of beer will be tapped about May 1st. Before purchasing, don't fall to see those celebrated air-tight stoves at Foard 4k Stokes." They have them In a dosen different styles, and every pos sible site. Word was received yesterday at the United States custom house from Washington, D. C, that W. E. Warren and J. M. Miller have been appointed temporary inspectors. Mr. C. F. Overbaugh. travelling freight agent of the O. R. and N. Co.. who was in the city yesterday, has had added to his other duties that of trav- eilng passenger agent Massage Hot and cold water baths, vapor and alcohol baths, combined with massage scientifically administered, by Mrs. M. Abrahams. 449 Duane street. Rheumatism a specialty. J. P. Eberman, Seaside; J. Williams. Salt Lake; J. W. Aust, Portland; L. C., Saginaw. Mich.; J. C. Adams. Clatsop, and M. M. Craig. Olney. regis tered at the Parker yesterday. Ladles' Valoa clearance Bale. Suits Bsc at lubars In the county clerk's office yesterday the following marriage llcenes were is sued: Chas. E. Anderson and Mary L. Wolland; John Fry and Mary Bartoi. dus; John Qulnn and Alice Mullen. At a meeting of the board of school directors yesterday It was decided to close all the public schools until fur ther order of the board on account of the uneasiness In regard to contageous diseases. There will be a meeting today at the house of Engine Co. No. 2, of the clerks favoring the early closing movement. The committee met with considerable success yesterday in securing signa tures to the agreement. Word was received yesterday that ex-Manager LaRose, of the Columbia Theatre, had forged the name of L. E. Seilg to a 125 check in Portland on the Astoria Savings Bank, w hich was cashed In Portland. The outcome has not yet been learned. Mrs. Mary Peterson was yesterday adjudged insane by the county court. and was taken to Salem In the evening by the sheriff. The cause of the trou ble, according to the testimony of Drs. Fulton and Beckman. was that of child birth about three months ago. W. H. Insley. F. W. Jennings, W. Whelan. H. Geraon, A. Vasey, M. J. Monteith, C. F. Overbaugh, Portland; A. Wilzinskl, San Francisco; E. W. Dixon, Oregon City; J. A. Cass. St. Louis; J. C. Stofner, Fort 9t evens, were guests of the Occident yesterday. Children's school hoal.ry ISe st Van bar's clearaneo sals. They are the 2Se quality. The two pictures, exponents of the new art In oil painting, which have caused something of a sensation, one being a representation of a sunset soene In South Dakota, and the other a Mexican landscape, it Is understood are to be raffled In the near future for the benefit of the artist. Money and Goerlg have been awarded the contract for the building of the trestle work from the present terminus of the railroad near the O. R. and N. dock to the new depot at Scow Bay, Including the necessary trtllng for three tracks and an enlarged plat form around the depot building. Mr. Goerlg, who was over yesterday from Scarborough Head, where the firm Is doing the work for the new government wharf, said that they would commence Immediately on the trestle at Scow Bay. At the entertainment given last night at the Columbia Opera House In the Interest of the order of the A. O. V. V., there was a large attendance. Mu sic was rendered by the Mandolin Club, Miss Pearl Holden, Mrs. J. T. Ross and Mr. J. W. Belcher. The aldress of the evening was delivered by Mr. D. f Herrin, who eloquently dwelt upon the progress and history of the order and The Third Week "Great Annual Sale Is Now Going On And Lots of Bargains Left In FineSDry Goods, Clothing Furnishing Goods, Etc. Thi9 is the only genuine sale of Fine Goods placet! before the public during the year, and now is your opportunity H. COOPER THE- Leading House of Astoria. made a telling comparison between old line and society Insurance. Mr. Her - rln will remain In the territory for several days visiting outside lodges. A DIFFERENT VIEW. Astoria, Jan. 1. 197. (Editor A0- rianV-Considering the present state of feeling In the community I wish to make a few comments on the commu nication In this morning's paper of Rev. J. J. Walter on the treatment of diph theria. I am not aware cc the gentle man's source of Information, but It would be difficult to And any one posted In homeopathic! there.peutios who would confirm the statement that belladonna. In any attenuation, is prophylactic against diphtheria. As to the use of sulphur and alcohol 'as a hx-sJ application, rt would be hard to find a greater refinement of torture than the repeated application of abso lute alcohol to an ulcerated and In flamed throat. There are few children who would submit to such an applica tion without vigorouc and dangerous resistance. Such torture Is not neces sary, aa there are other applications which are more effective In removing the membrane and which are also pain less. The safest way to handle diphtheria Is to call a physician whom you are confident understands his business and give him ocsnplete control of the case, disregarding entirely the suggestions of outsiders. J. S. BISHOP. M. D. AT REST. Matilda Sloop was born at Knap pa. Or.. February 2, 1VS0. Father, mother, three sisters and six brothers are left to mourn her loss. Her Illness was very brief, but diphtheria claimed her a victim Monday, January 17. after an Illness of only ten days. She was pre paring herself for a teacher under Mrs. Krager's instruction, arxl at school and at home wan very studious. Every where quiet and thoughtful. While In the city she lived with the family of L. H. Pederson, a, whose residence the death occurred. When told by her mother the probable outcome of her sickness, after a thoughtful moment she said, "It is all right." She was ready to go. No complaint had crossed her lips; with n hand In her mother's, her soul took its flight, and without a struggle life had gone. Ail that was left was the house not made with hand. 4, the earthly abode of her spirit. The fortitude and strength of the moth er during the illness and death was the greatest the writer has ever known. The mxlU;al skill in attendance was of the bent, and the nursing constant and faithful, but to her the summit of life ha1 been reached and the Journey over the river of death wao quick. The sym- pathy of the entire community Is with the parents and relatives, but owing to the violent nature of the disease the body wan Interred as soon as pos- slble and Is now resting In the Knappa cemetery. She was a member of the church of that place, and next Sun day at 1 o'clock the pastor will hold her funeral services In the Knappa church. As she lived she died, quietly, peacefully, and loved by all. But loved ones In that far-away land draw heav en nearer. May her spirit be a guar dian angel to iher loved ones, to draw them to the other shore, where there shall be no more partings, but the en tire family be united. THE CROWN OF INDIA. One of 'the most handsomely fitted ships In the merchant service Is the Crown of India now lying at anchor In the stream. She belongs to the famous "Crown" line, formerly owned by Robertson, Crulkshank & Co., of Liver pool, now the property of J. and R, Young, Glasgow, Scotland, who have purchased the entire fleet. She is a four-masted Iron ship built at Lelth, by Ramage & Ferguson In 1S85, and at that time was the sixty-second ship of the line. The builders are the famous yacht builders and the Crown of India sails like a yacht. When she was built money was plenty and freight rates were good. Her cabins and accommo- datlons for of71:ent are fitted up In i luxuriant style, the trimmings being In I mahogany and bird's eye rnaple. The ' quarters for the crew are amidships, I and comfortable In the extreme. i i ne vepw-i measures TM iet in lengin j nxrvw alt V7r. I.... V.... n..-,nnli. ' lars. She hflji a lrea!fh o Yu-am nt 43 feet, with a depth of hold of 27 feet. Her tonnage was originally 1975, but! under the change In measurement she 'now registers 1SSS, with a carrying j parity of 3000. The ship is well known ithe w rld over, and Captain Corkhlll has been In command for a series of year. The house Hag Is blue with w hite diamond and a crow n. The cup tain's officers are at present: Klnt ofllcwr, E. H. Curtis; second. Louis Aniilh; third. J. Verstroohten; steward. It. Morg-ut. Just prior to entering port and expecting an Immediate charter, the ship was pollKhcd up frvun the keel son to the topmast. Every piece if brass and all the woodwork shines like a mirror. The hold has been arranged fVr any sort of a innco and Is In a clean and wholesonw condition. Sunday evening CmpUiin Corkhlll en tertalnej several friends from shore and the handsome cabins were beauti fully decorated, including the captain's private stateniom and chart house. The steward was not behindhand, and all that could minister t the inner man was forthcoming. To say that the guests had a pleumnt evening Is put ting the matter very mildly. FORCED TO ACCEPT CHARITY. Last Survivor of the Family of John Brown is Penniless. The last survlver of the family of old John Brown, the Kanmut hero. Is penniless and In want In Cal ifornia, where she has lived for a num ber of years, and her frlentl. without her consent and against her protest, are appealing f'r aid for tier and her family. Mrs. Adorns has been living nnr Pasadena, California, for a number of years. She Is a widow and has a fam ily of eight children to care for, nly one or two of whixn are old enounh to be of much awlstance In keeping the wolf from the door. Not long ait" Mrs. Adams' little house caught lire and the unfortunate family wen- left without a home. They saved little from the flames, and a small mortgage on the place made their condition truly a pitiable one. Since then they have had little except what has be,n pro vided by friends. Now those friends have written to Kansas and to Washington telling erf the sad state of affairs and asking fir contributions to aid the family In build ing a new house and living through the winter. H. N. Rust, of l'ajuid-na, writes: "I Invite those who have been fortunate to contribute what they can to relieve the family. Money, clothing, bedding, and all such articles as are needed In a frontier home with a large family will be gladly received. Mrs Adams, I know, would nerer hersir ask for asslstatice." SANITARY CONDITIONS. Astoria. January 19. -(Editor Aslorl an) It Is a foot greatly to be depiorml I that a malignant disease should gain such a foothold In a community as to ! necessitate the closing of 'the public schools of the place. NeverthelewH such seems to be the case In our c-lty, and most certainly there must be a cause for such a spread of the disease. Would not this be a good time for the proper oiriclals to Investigate some of the back yards of the city, and thereby ascer tain whether the sanitary requirements have been kept up to the standard re quired by law? Not five blocks from the heart of the city old cess-pools are allowed to stand. In open defiance to the health of the people, while the drainage sinks runs out and seeps into the ground as best It may. Why is It that the law requiring property holders to make proper connections with sewers is not enforced? A PARENT. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. In the recorders' office yesterday the following deeds were filed for record: C. W. Ston and Wife to J. W. Williams, Lots 8, 12, 1.3, lilock 2, Tract 3, Chlsea addition to Astoria $ 1M TO CI UK A tOI.H IN O.NIC HAY :Tftke laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. Au druggists refund the money If It fag to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Holers, rjmgglst. There are now 500 cotton mills In the South, ROYAL baiting Powder, Highest of all In leavening Strength -U. S. uovornm.nt Ctoort. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mtnsoa application. A TKO: HEAR STORY. Yellowstone ltvat Moml Pink llniln t'.lves Iakwui to Parents. From Harper's Magusine, SpoakliiK of law and thu enforcement of dlM-ipllnp I" Yellowstone Park. I lulled the stry of a bear thre, whloh I iMtmliler rkiMvdlnl) Important, not only a a oMimient on the discipline of the taik. but as a moral lesson to parents In domestic ilMlenec. The Ktory U literally true, nlid ir it were not I stwaild not repeat It. for It would hae no value. Mr. Kipling says the law of the Juniile Is-oN-y. This seems alwo to Ik- the law of Yellowstone Park There Is a lunch station at the t'pper ItuNin, near Old Faithful, kept by a very ItitcltlKcnt and IiikoiiIoo man. He got aopuiintcd last year with a she tMNir. vliu iucl to cmie to his house every day and walk Into the kitchen for fi"d for herself and her I w o cul. The cubs never came The ki"vor sot on very ItltlmiUe terms witn me lx"ttr, w In, was always civil and well le huved. and w nil.l take food from his hand (without taking the hand), one day towards sunset the boar came into the klti'lien. and having receive.! ir i-ttu she went out of the buck d-nir to carry It to her cub. To her sur prise and anger the culsi were there waiting for her. She laid down the r.l. and rushed at the lufiutta and gave thm a rouixug Niukiiig. rine did not cuff them, he ipank-d them." and then she drove them tark into the wimmIs. cufflnK them and kmaklfig them at every step. When slie reached the uptit where she had told them to wait, she left them there and returned to the hoUM-. And there slu atoKt Jn thai kitchen for two whole hours, mak ing the dboibetilottt children wail for their fitat, simply to discipline them and le u h them ollen, c. The expla nation Is very natural. When the War leaves her young In u particular place ami goes in search of food for them. If they stray away In hr slmenwe she has gtvat difficulty In finding them. The nsahcr knew that the safety of her i-ulw ami her own pem e of mind de. peihlid 1111 strict iltsclpluio In the fiwitily. o thai we had more such moth it In the flit led State. PITH OF Til K NEWS. The world's railway capital Is 3ii. Inwu's soil product liixt yar aicxr Kuted II IJ.6:.4.6:u. Arizona's output of gold during the (Mist year was $...-.!. 1 'no of the Duke of Wellington's post lxys has Just ll-d at the age of X9 years. Iist ytir's Increase In the acreage of alfalfa In Kansas Is pluo-d at 23 T cent. 3I3.8'J'.',SI0 bushel of corn, valued at Ji.l.ixxl.iKX), was ruined (In lo-wa luil yar. Ijuit year 3f.3.6S9 acre "f government IuikI In Oregon was surveyed und a'- "pteil. 'oi i.osT in: anythinu kusk. "It's a kikmI thing McKlnley U el-'te'l. Free sliver would have nieunt that all wiik'-s would In- paid In fifty it!tt ilollars." She-"Oh, Harry! think of offering our cook fifty-cent ilolars!" He "Tluit's It! We'd have a free riot and anarchy right away." Puck, WHERE IT JOES TO. Junior 1'artrn-r "Why do you suspect the fusilier?" rumlor Partner "I hear that his wife Is doing the bargain counters."-Puck. FIRE ALARM HOXES. Rox 5 Trulllnger's Mill. Ifox Astor and Seventh street. Rox 7 Ninth and Duane. Box 8 Commercial and Fifteenth. Rox fr-Clatsop Mill. Rox 12 Car Stables. Rox 14 McGregor's Mill. Most so-called "salmon twines" ars col ored with acids. Ths acids rot the fibrs and render the material useless. In the office of Elmore, Ban born A Co. Is an ob- ii ninarmen. II u the whole of ths material used in the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Ga thers and examine the color right through. You will see then why Mar shall's Is called ths best In ths world. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. After January lHt, 1W, freight charges must be prepaid to all stations on the A. and C. It. R. R. where tho company lias no agents. C. F. LESTER, Superintendent. Forty million tu nn of land In Art- zona are mineral bearing. ee rrf .Salton Sea Salt for liatJis at the Estcs-Conn Drug Store 10c and 25c pr package. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. the Best., THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon fce doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? WANTED, WANTlClv-A youiiit woman to do housework and nursing. Apply by mall with references to Mm. E. A. Millar, Port Cantiy, Washington. ruH hint. FOR RENT Furulalied loom with fire, centrally located. 414 Kxchanas slreet. FOR RENT- Four rooms with hoard or board without rooms, at Mrs. Hid den'!. 9th and Duane nlrrsla. Four street. mi Fxehnng! rvKiins to rent. Adolph Johnson. FUR BALK. ALL KINDS OF FANCY AND JAP- I ANi8E tloovls for Christmas and ths holidays, at Wing I-e's, Hi Cummsr flat street. found For.l -A small sum of money, owner can have It on proof and pay ment of notice. J. J. Waller. UHT. Five dllara reward for return to I.ur. ' line dock of roil and w bite row. heavy with calf -estray. I?J 1801 Brothers, Lubricating, OILS A SpevUlty. I Sell ASTOPIA Shir, Chandelery, Hardware, Iron A RttI, Coal. Groceries A Provisions, Flour A Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbanks Scales, I)oora A Window, Agricultural 1 niplemcnt I WagoiiH A Vehicles. Cedar Shingles SEASIDE Ll'MRER YARD. OFFICE SSfi COMMERCIAL ST. ALLEN'S Cut Rate Ticket Office ..TrtrtTRICAL flOOKINu k SrCCUlTT... Its TIIIKK ST., I'OKTLANIt. OK. ROSS HIGGINb & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria sa Upper Astoria Flo Tut tne CoflMt, T.H. D.llf c'., tad Trork.l f-rulii, Vtf tutikt, Suf r CurH Haat, Bocon, tic. Choke Fresh and Salt Meats. AHTOHIA IKON WOHKt) Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Us4 taj Marlst Co(tnM, Bollor work, Suui boat ssi Cann.ry Work s SpKlolry. Cilnfi of All DKilpMnni Madt to Ord.r oa Short Notlct. John Fox.... President and Buperlntandant A L Fox Vlot Prssldent (). B. Praol Bewrstary First National Bank Trsaaursr Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable Id Price ELMORE. SANBORN & CO Asanta, Astoria. Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing: Department Parties desiring th. best of job printing at the lowest prices should call at ths Astoria Job office bofore going where. f C. P. KJAERBYE. M.A..M.D. mrsicu.x kso siRi.ron llraduated front Cilsnhatvn Unlvor. sliy. Stieclalty, Female I'lueases. No. M I'liiiiiiurclal street, Shanaha lliitldltiK. Hours, 10-11 a. in.; S-4 and T-l p. m. BREMNER & HOLMES Teihons Blacksmiths. Hpoclal Attention Paid to Htoaiuboat Mv iialrlnu. First class Ilorwliosimf, tUX LOGGING CRfKP (DORK A SPECIRLTy 1ST OI.NgV ST.. b-. J h. .SNAP A KODAK. at suy wsu ssilii om si our stur aad 'i'll set l portrait ul mao brimutlua ,im wlUi BisMsnt llieuf (its. Much uualllir In lbs ll.pioo bars to Br are enutwn to .lra( f Bias COM IT ANI THY THICK HUGMKS & CO. A. V. ALLEN, biAiiaiN Grot tilts, Flour, FteJ. Provliiont, Fruit Vegetable. CfHktry, Gl anil Plated Wat. l-ocien'Suppllea. Cr. Tenth an4 Casamsrolal stroeU. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD- i ' Trains leave Booald for Astoria M '7 30 a. m. and I p. ro. daily, Trains leave Astoria for Flavsl at I a. m. and 4 p. in. dally, j Trains 'tave Astoria for Heaslds al 1 10 so a m. and 4 p m. dally. Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at : a. m and I U p. nv dally. I Mkrtt4. l.i. ul I r.aa h HiJlm.. T lADt It uf Sloi hlofl (,t. rOUNDRYHEN lllacksmlths, Machinist and Roller Maker M"u';;Xlf"J R11 Kinds of rflaohJMry Iron and llraas Castings ttannral Blacksmith V ork SI'triALTIcS-Wokti P.lwit Smlllilne tni Sl.amtxxl Wofh. Mill M.ihln.ry. Marin, tn Si ,i Hull I u Or J.i. P.IMIt WtlMl. SM h. C.nn.ty onl Sutlus.iy HolU S l.ll lulpp.ij for lrcn' wv Luir..buodn( tll IK 11.4 i8th and I ranklln. Phone 70 WHITE C0UAR LINE TELEPHONE ANDBA1LEY GATZEHT Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves Astoria dally ex cept Hutulay at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m, T. J. Putter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at p. rn., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. in. Tickets good on both boats. U. 11. HCOTT, President E. A. Seeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent. Astoria. Telephone No. 11. R.I Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. e030ei COMMERCIAL. ST. J. B. WYATT, No. 6R Aetorla, Ortgoa , Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTH and OILH. poclal Attention Paid to Supplying Ship.. 'The Louvre" astoim's r.oKceots ENTERTAINMENT HALL S FLOOR Fins Mualo, Oames nt All Kinds. Two Magnificent liar.. CVCKTTIil.NG riKST-ClaS9 Good Order and Everybody's Rights , COLUMBIA II WORKS TltlCTLY OBMKKVEP..