THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12. IK17 JOHN I. LIGHTER, Editor. Teltphon No. id TKKMs OF tl BHCIHPriOX. DAILY. Sent by ma.ll, per yeeir KM Sent by mall, per month .60 Served by carrier, per week 10 WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year 12 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Rualnesa communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub- Kribtts tbe largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan. the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley A Co. are our Port fend agents, and copies of the Astorlan an be had every morning at their tand. 154 Third street. The "Aatnrtaa" hereby offer to donate e!K Hl'MtRED DOLLARS to St. Mary's aepltaj, payable sa deaaaad to rather Malaaaa, wheaevvr legal evtdaac I p re s' . aaawlnc that say afternoon aewe paper pablWhed la .Xetoria baa prlalad ' wltala tbe last alnety days expiring be far tbls sr a eliv.le "apeelal" or akar klaft i.f telegraphic preas report, tsasWad over th wire eawring elUier of tb lotoa-rapb offleea la Astoria, frosa amy point .inlaid of lirogoa. Aaaarla, Or., Oritnber 15. ISM. The president's message to the senate an the Veneiuelan arbitration matter most commend Itself to every careful reader and every patriot. It voices the sentiment of the people that the English speaking people have set the paae for the settlement of International difficulties. It appears from the coiffure of th modish maid that locks. In order to be au fait, must look aa though they had no sympathy with either brush or comb, A disheveled head Is a stylish one. AN OLD SETTLER. When the rheumatism first pre-empts certain tracts of your anatomy It may be ousted easily, but when it becomes an old settler It Is pretty hard to budge. Uemember this when you experience the first twinges of this obstinate and agonising disease, and attack It with Hvwtetter's Stomach Hitters. It will then "make tracks" and possibly leave you unmolivted and In peaceable pos session of your own comfort In the fu ture. Perils always attend rheumatism, If It become chronic, on account of Its tendency to attack the heart. Csually It Is complicated with kidney trouble. Certain It Is that the kidneys, when aroused by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities which give rise to rheuma tism ana dropsy, in inclement or wet condition of the weather, the Hitters, taken In advance, will often avert rheu matic trouble. I'se this genial family medicine for dyspepsia, biliousness. headache and conltpatlon. The joy some Individuals apparently get out of drawing up In hired cos tumes cannot be understood by the average mortal, who stands on the sidewalk and watches the New Year parade go by . The arrival of Mr. Hammond this week will probably sea some activity in kical affairs, which have been In a dormant state during his absence. It in understood that the projectors of many important enterprises have only been waiting for Mr. Hammond to meet them half way in order to start the ball bo rolling. The plans outlined by a prominent government engineer for the building f a crib, bulkhead or seawall along our water front, is deserving of the most careful study by every property own er and business man in Astoria. Of all the enterprises, next to the railroad, there is none which will so quickly bring good times to the city and ad vance its future growth as the com mencement of this great internal Im provement, which of itself will em ploy hundreds of men whose earnings will be spent for living in Astoria. The entire coat of the improvement will be returned with interest as soon as it is completed in the increased value of property and the establishment of per ananent business streets which will not have to be re-built every six months. A woman's headaches may come from several causes. She may have a headache arising from nervousness, of from digestive disturbances. Nine cases In ten. her headaches come from disorders peculiar to her sex. It may show itself In the symptoms which are characteristic of a doien disorders Thousands of times, women have been treated for the wrong disorders. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was com pounded for the sole purpose of reliev ing womankind of these ills and pains. Thousands of women have testified that after taking treatment from several physicians without benefit, the "Favor ite Prescription" cured them complete ly and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and has an unbroken record of success. The woman who hesitates Is Invited to send H one-cent stamps to cover only the cost of mailing a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad visor, which contains plain, clear in formation about all the organs of the human body and their functions. FREE TO EVERY MAN THE METHODS OF A OltEAT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Him uer Everything Else Failed. Painful diseases, are bad enough, but when a man Is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness, the mental forebodlnirr are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There Is no let up to the mental suffering day or nlitht Sleep Is almost Impossible, and under such a strain men are scarcely reapon- slide for what they do. For years the writer rolled and tossed on the troubled sea of sexunl weakness until It was a question whether he had not better take a dose of olson and thus end all his troubles. Hut providential Inspira tion came to hi aid In the shape of a combination of medicines that not only completely restored the general heallh. but enlarged his weak, emacinted parts to natural site and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will tnke the trouble to send his name and ad dress may have the method of this won derful treatment free. Now when I say free I mean absolutely without cost. because I want every weakened man to get the benefit of my experience. I am not a philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast. Put there are thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at once could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mall the Informa tion, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mean a lifetime of happiness to most of us. Write to Thomas Slater. Box JSS, Kalanuaxoo. Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed en velope. The free trader have sworn them selves out of politic and politic have Improved, The length W Ut may be Increased by lessening Its danger, Th majority of people die from lung trouble. These may be averted by promptly using' One Minute Cough Cure, Chas. Rogers.' The war cloud still hang over Eu rope, but It has erased to frighten any body . Soothing, sud not Irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of lv Wltl's Little Karly Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Roger. The year promtoa you a K'd living, but you will have to hustle to collect It. IVWItt'a Sarsapaiilla Is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitution lmlrvd by disease. Chas. Rogers. OUTWARD BOUND OUKOON GRAIN FLKKTH8!)(r7. (Hsrlned Slid Cnrnvti'il svery Friday) Oulbr Nov. MHr lil .. A4r b.'V.,.. Kr bark. .. NltMiar.. . . NHrahlii iMtrhailt Hjllmlitn vlllr lurk . ......... lllllrtwok ..! 1'J llrilmi i'J llr twik .. PMIralilii ."JiHer Sinn . ... '! llr Intra..... . '.'.titir lil '.'I llr uatk ainlra.l A'-llr bark. tiaUtirttt I'lulle. 'Jin ttr ehiit Kierr K.tielU vurhirk Java ' Hr tnii.. Antieile ' Hr liui r-iilvuMi Hi iluii Mrinweii , . 0 Hr hli Uiirlrlile Hr lili Nareiwii. . rl In dark .. Ilavl la Wiltr lili .. illeiilnl tiMIr baik I'helmiliml This will be a year of protection am' prosperity. CASTORIA For Infants tnd Children. km It Is proposed to erect an arch of Cal ifornia fruit over the route of the In augural procession In Washington next March. Few people who call the amethyst their birthstone. know that Is Is sup posed to be a talisman against drunkenness. That Astoria's time has come to take a decided stand for her Industries al ready established and those to be es tablished is evident to every thinking person. The fact thit! and Frit ish Columbia packers have been able to sell their salmon under our very noses, in markets where we have here tofore held the upper band, simply be cause they advertised their wares Judi ciously is conclusive evidence that Are must be met by fire and competition must be overcome with competition. As toria expects during the next years im mediately following to build a large and prosperous city. She has the ad vantage of an unexcelled situation and is surrounded by unparalleled re sources. These resources must be so developed that people and money will come here and help carry on and fu ther the great work. Tln-pall brigades must be established and homes for the workers provided. It is contrary to rea son and policy that all this should be accomplished in a night, and the town grow up like, a mushroom. No solid advancement can be made on such prin ciples. To get people here there must be something for them to do. The build ing and opening of the railroad pro vides the way for' the starting of other industries. The handling here and load ing of the great wheat fleet Is the first step which makes all other In dustries possible. The railroad and wheat traffic Is assured, but to sit down, is apathy and wait for this traf He fo be developed would be suicidal for TWO UTE8 SAVED. Mrs. Pbtebe Thomas, of Junction City, in., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no nop for her, but two bottles Dr. lung's New Discovery completely cured her; and ah says It saved her Ufa, Mr. Thomas Ef gars, 131 Florida street. Ban Frandsoo, suffered from a dreadful eold, approach ing Consumption, tried without lesult lTerythlng Is, then bought one bottla Vof Dr. King's New Discovery and la two weeks was cured. H is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these raa samples, that provs th won derful efficacy of this medicine la Coughs and Cold. Pre trial nottl at Chan Rogers' Drug Store. Regular alse to cents and 11.00. If there Is any one thing that needs to be purified, It Is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator Is the best medicine. "I use It In preference to any other." So wrote Mr. S. M. Hysell. of MWdleport. Ohio. And Dr. D. S. Russell, of Farmville. Vt., writes, "It fulfills all you promise for It." RREMNER & HOLMES Telephone No. 01 Blacksmiths Special Attention Paid to 8teamboat R E airing, orewaboeing. Etc. LOGGING CAMP (DORK A SPECIALTY 17 OLNKY ST.. bat. Sd aad 4th. The reform movements of the season are less erratic and less voluble than those of last year, but there Is more business In them. In almost all affairs of the heart the letter-writing is in the proportion of Ave to one, the greater number being in favor of the woman. The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost instantaneous cur by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog- res. We will realize many good things this year If we work for them with a realizing sense of the value of the work. OLD PEOPLE. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er fails In colds, croup and lung trou bles. Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and it help them. Chas. Rogers. .SNAP A KODAK at any man coming oui el our nor and you'll gel a portrait o a man brlnimlu over with pleasant though'. Such quality la the llquon bare tooBVr are mount) te I'leata soy man COMK AND THY THEM HUGHES & CO. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruib Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and PiatedWare. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and ConunarclaJ strasta. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Trains leave Seaside for Astoria at 7:30 a. m. and I p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at m. and i p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 10:30 a. m. and i p. m. dally. Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at :4C a. m. and 1:68 p. m. daily. 1 S. FBFFW.A, hr of ft Holtnrt. K. T. Eablc. late or Stockton Cal. Old people who requlr medicln to reg ulate the bowels and kidneys will And th tru remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicln does not stimulate and con tains no whisky or other lnuxlcant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, add ing strength and giving ton to tbe or gans, thereby siding nature in the per formance of the functions. Electrlo Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find It Just exactly what they need. Price 60 cent per bot tle at Chas. Rogers' Drur 8 tor.. In the very modern house the newel- post light is given great attention, all sorts of unique devices being employed n the hall illuminations. BUCKLEY'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or monev refunded Price 25 the city. a. that besines. J'e ; x For y charl.a The best spirit with which to work for the coming twelve months Is public spirit. The old lady was right when she said the child might die If they waited for tbe doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Chas. Rogers. We cannot have much prosperity un til we get a new tariff, and that will come In the spring. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS FOUNDRYHEN Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Maker """pn',"4 A" Kinds of MaehlMry Iron and Brass Castings General Blacksmith Work Patent Wheel. Shit a. Malthlnf and steamboat work, cannery ane . 11111 machinery, marine an buuonary noli 'er Built to Order Specially equipped for krrrV work Correspondence eollclted 18th and Franklin. Phone 78 ROYAL baKing Powder. Highest 0 all la leavening Strength V. S- Oovanmwat Report There are good prospects that labor will And its opportunity and industry its reward. possibly very largely Increase popula tion or bring many more people here to boy lots and build homes. A busi ness like and foreeighted policy would suplement and co-operate with the rail road construction to have established at the time of completion of the road, or shortly afterwards, such manufac turing industries as a flour mill, dry dock, export sawmill, tinplate factory, and flax spinning mill. All these Indus tries mean hundreds of skilled workmen earning good wages, a largely Increased population and a constantly growing and profitable commf-rce. That our nat ural advantages are more than equal to all these conditions none will deny. Why should not the work of securing these great enterprises go on simulta neously with the building of the rail road? Times have been hard, to be sure, but there is plenty of property and many available sites with which to tempt the unemployed capital of the Eatrt, Every foot of ground put into the pool for a factory means that the remaining feet will be eventually quadrupled in selling prices and a mar ket be furnished even at present high prices where now there Is none. Ordi nary business policy would seem to suggest a vigorous campaign on these lines before it is to late to reap the greatest benefit Let the railroad be once completed and in successful op eration and there will be others to get the largest profits besides present own era of property in old Astoria. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. The glury of the laj-ge hat is dimmed if Its owner is rash enough to wear It with Its burden of plumes on a wet day. 'Excuse me," observeed the man In spectacles, "but I am a sungeon, and that Is not where the liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver is," retorted the other. "If It was in his big toe or his left ear De Wtt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig lamps." Chas. Rogers. The woman who insists on cleaning up a man's desk ought to be made to marry a man who won't stay out of the kitchen. VWJLY VIGOR fVNCe MORE la harmony " with the world, 2O0O completely cored men are auiaoug nappy pralM for lue greatest, grand eat and moHt uo eeseful cure for ki bal weakness acl bmt rigor known to medlrl science. An account of thlswon drrfui dUcovrry, In book form, with ref erence and proofs, Wrill htant In an. fc-ring men (sealed) free. Foil manly rleo permanenlly natural. 7aUurs impossible ERIEMEDICALCa.,BUFFAlO,N.V. I- It ?-m Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and Hps, cuts, bruises, scalds. burns are quickly cured by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It always cures them. Chas. Roger. WHITE COLLAR LINE TELEPHONE AND BAILEY GATZER Astoria and Portland The old year was a good one for Ven ezuela and this should be a good one for Cuba. TO IXRE A COLD IN ONE DA V. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. The disappointments of the old year die with it and hope is born again with the new. It Is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt's Sarsapa- rilla. Chas. Rogers. Make a home market for home goods and you will see the Btate flourish. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply DeWltt' Witch Ha zel Salve according to directions. Its maglc-llke action will surprise you. Chas. Rogers. The outlook is bright for all who are blight enough to look out. Vke fu ll al. 1 OASTOniA. if witfya Telephone leaves Astoria daily ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at 8 p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. B. SCOTT. President E. A. Seeley. Agent. Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. 21. Iieo. Wltlrt'ark . I jKrililu . I 'lllr lil .. H III lii ... 'Jiilir tiu... Ji'lir.hlp HI Ur lrk HI Hr I. ,rk . .': llr I'm k .. .'I llr ulii .... J llr hark... Mir l..ik Hr t-rk ... Hr I) 11k.... i. Hr liln I Hr liii tHivr liark.. In Hr t'lt. 17 Hr ehut IT "r elui' .. Hi t.ark .... ;v Hr hip ... '-"J Hr ship .. -vi Hr ilup.. . aVHr lll... Hr hti. HrHark. , NIMnlal , . Hmi le ... Ml'lltllOlM' . . IVIein . . Ivnllioallea ... luclu'ai't Htick . U.Unltm ., . . T.UIallooll . . TweUilaii, Kiiraxla .. .... keimtll . Cai'Ul ... i'rf)i ... I'riK'um . . IYriii auce .... ... Km al inir.v ... ... Maiilriit , ... r,i ni IWJ.Iu.i . 'Yallorl . ii'amlirlati k'rliici . ... I. niiia U Hill 'Yeii!ilara ,! HtM-kmmt W Wolf)'. ..illaakvlaie Koll.. . haii.kk, ri.aii. nm.. r .!. anu roni shivi. i'ntm. Aitaxnt ra bark., Sonoma "mm VU.IIronlwk . II Her hl riaiv I,.., li.'iu Port Nalal.... Nov. J.. j ur amp !iiiiirlaiiilritii MV l,lrriiNi , liee. .i ... , U) oil nr piiip n iriMiiliailMIIIl .... Algoa OaJ NIIV JB... sept. nr u iiriiiiii,i ..ICrni Wrk 1. nr nip. , nariaiiu iua auiwi ,., 1.1 riiininr , . ,... Jaw Hull " 111. !,..-.. lit, IIM, Siiaaei ll.'lJSlllulh., 8lriliur) urs m KariMVUtl , ,. IIM , I'lv.liwitnlr I.v . . tiult Mrvaia u;st I lllitl'l lllW Hiyiilillila. l Mn. Iwmi UiriiaU Itrnrleite . i:m lVr ... niria U " ... ImltRUrm .. . Itee.fe " ,., ...J " .,. ... 117 " l . U w iwi fork ' . . I MM " .... J 11! 1 Liverpool , . U-nCiirk . ... ... 111 fork II7 fork .... JP'J dirk ... i.vift Cuik MM Ontk lAMI'lHk Isut'ork lmt.1 I'lymoulb . Niemiik .. .... lira Hurlaiii .... .... Jl W-Oirk .. iuml ' .... l"-v IlKs " il.ti; Kalmciiitli., llltniFaimuiitl) . jlt Crk ....''ork ...,:U"J'i'iirk .IISMjt'nrk UnsVOira !nM'i.rk .il.vttyaliuoiith. I'vniK.liiioiilu, . Ismt l.lvrKL. IDIil Kalmoiiili . . ln'Kaliiiulh' . IMi It, i. ml : Kalinoulh .. i7j fork A-U.0A obli flour. u"l.tkti . t I rui i.Gln dour, lue ICvAu vi rlT aimon. i aio imw tii no'ir, value an.uu k a l iiTel hi. rlo r. vaiua awvarj r flour, value V iM II - ia.ii.yi hli Hour, valui- I -A lao l.i.v blili rlour. value .,iM uiau. va.uv aj.-w ki .v ion 01 ntiri. vaiuei riw, clou.. II I,IVM 111, 111 4.1, l;M IUt,lMI M.JWI TC.iW K 4,l'j H'.Kkl 4-,'a: 4K.IHS ti J, 1 10 A.-.or.v 4tf,K .iki arwv .yi.iiM l:l,ltV1 II M.-ti tl,HI M. 4.'.14 lM If.'.IHT ki.rTa now aTU a..i I 7t M.l 11 .'' H4..IKJ .'1.110 rci,t:i V" tk.U) VM.iVlJ FXlWJ 4.-,-T 4J.ISI il,l."i 4A.TH) tl.WO l.7. 7S.1i l M,ll tMJ 4V 7l 11 1. ml ,ie .br '.il.ikaj ' Ml 4I.IXI 7.V1 41." '1 miii'iaua, Porllau.! Klinir VU1I1T IhiIkoii Kirr Hallour, Uullirle Co J N famnron A (' .... Mallnur. liiulirl A (III .... MliMoti A krr I'.irilrinl Klour Mill hullour, ilullirle A Co , J H raillenrtl A t'n Portland Klnur Mllle IU . Mll.xui A Karr Haliinir, (4nllirlani t'n.. Nlliaon A Kerr , rll..ij 4",'u (.-i in Mm 41. jii ft.vut i 4 11 1 iupmu a iu ...MM, .'. lUlloiir, liiiilnla A Cn HI. mii J H riimoron A 1)11 il,.uu SIIkoii A kiur wi mi Hallour iluilirla A Co fi,akt mlwon A krr Mt- l,ii I'oillaiiil flour Mlll .,. . IVirlUinl Klour Mlll,. 7nrti J It Cameriw A Iki .,.. MI.IIU 1 " " ' . ... .n.imi Haltoiir.tlullirlB A li k,i" Hl.ui A kerr .i.iW hr ..., MM TorlUml Flour Mill 71.1MI -HnKiiiir.lliillirle Ad nj..tfii an.iH A krr J II HmneMii A Co fittwm A Kerr Hallour, Ilullirle A Co I K I'allterou A Co lUlloiir. Hulhrle A Co .1 K lUiin'mu A Co .. I Hallour, (iiilhrla A Co 1 uui llM.AHI iij am ii. fttl JJM iia.ikii .1 K iUiuru A Co .... 411 II Id I.ViUI Ha (our. tllllllll SCO ill :ij!ii N'oriUnil Klour MI'U til He Id" ..ii iiuiiour. ilullirle A 10 (i , 1, .hi a 1 Ik 1.I ilk. "nun 'siii-jou A kerr ,. ., Jl sa ) iw.iiu I "all -or, ilulhrle A ( ... SI M W iii,:i siumuftkerr til iki ULMM " " til Ilia . iii.uai llltllour, 'iiillirle A Co til 1m M 1.4 Her . Ill l ;i !uu,iur. (lulliile A Co kl n.lial I " " " til loa,, ,., u.J J K Cainemn A (' ... kl III M Hl.tirt IsMnain A Karr 'all H III,".! Hailuir liuiliria A i tilH..., IUI ,r, Hulhrlr A Co .! e W ki.iui Siluon A Kerr 11 Im . ... 7. -w luilour, ilullirle A Co fl to i KJ.-xi J u Caiiieiuu A Ci... til Ha ...... t-'.Kii " " " til in T".o aVloiit iirail," value IliUU, ami 4V.ii4 raeaa tit'la flour, value !,. Alto 17 bbl. J-(Iiii..m tilile rlour. value IW..VIU ami WluM KM loin ol bran, valued Ili'U, ami r).i,.k InulieU of Karlev, alunl il.iuu Hit I HM I lie M I lit i la Iki l ie .( ::: t IX4 Hie III M lli III M in til til U M til III Al til iii id til I.,..,, tii iii ti m i w mi 111 jin... til iiiW 11 iua., til Hi ail" til lUB...,. til III M til III A til Iua ed til IIH..M til Ilia..,.., til ai lai til liki ...... ill lis M hran INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate VESSELS ON THE WAV TO OREGON. iKeviied ami forrefU-.! every Krlilayi Mat bailsd ran r . Pronounml lv I'livrfioians tht mom Favoralik in America for suiTerem from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th obJAotiocia urged against lodlo In th put b th large uumbar who otherwts would have bean glad 10 take advantage of It beneficial climate, ha been a lack of a ul labia accommodation. Th Bouthwn Pacino Company take pleasure in announcing that eeveral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Juat bean erected at lndio station. that will b ranted to applicant at rea-i aonabl rata. They are (urnlehed with modern oonveiUenoee, suppllrd with pur artesian watar and so situated aa to give occupants all th advantage 10 b de rived from a mors or ! protracted resides on la thi delightful dlnial. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut.) "In th heart of the great desert or th Colorado which th Southern Pacific averse therj Is an otula called lndlo. which, in our opinion. I the aanltarlutn of the earth. We believe, from personal Investigation. thmX for certain Individual. there l no pot on thl planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart. II. D.. writ: "Th purity of th air, aad ths sternal un bin, fill on with wondr and delight Nature ha accompllihrd so much that tbare remain but little for man to do. As to It posalbllltir as a heallh resort her Is th moat perfect aunahlne, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry toll, for rain I an unknown factor; pur oxygen, dene atmoepher and pur water. What mors can be desired t It Is th place, above all other, for lung trouble, and a para dise for rheumatlrs. Coruldeiing the number of sufferer who hav been cured. I hav no hesitancy In recom mending this genial oaili as th have of the afflicted. NKW YolU Shlp Henry Vlllard . 1.1V ani-iKii iiiNiiMNiae. 111! on f.llou . - IITI Sulu.nA HeelM 77 1-Hr .Inn Hellaue Robinson luUAl Meyer. V, A Co t nrinuiu in lee. imiujiA MtWCASTI.g. N.8. W. nr nark l amlldal Kee .. 1444 lnAl Hr ilup Clly ol Madrai I ilrlrniba..... lr; liUAl Hal four, Ilulhrle Co Hr ihln Ulenelvan. lkerr....H... 7if iihaI J. UMlaw A ' . nr nam .lollerlihlre .1 1 BHUAl nibaon a Serf IUU lrt JANKIKII- Hr nark Doe itobertaou . I IIMiUAl ' IW lierbark IJna...M... .. . ikayiar lie liiMi ! YOKOHAMA- 1 Hr ililn l.l.ilc I'rlm-rl iAndervou 'lAlat iAI INiHT liklK- Hr ship Port Jarkeon Iludg ,.... JIO log A I l.O I'A- Hr bark I'ouway railla. Junea I "lion a I Brililji Aheryaiwllh C'ntUe l'eiklu......- 100 100AI I W MOI.I.KSHK .' Hr e.ilp kluker.. .. MrMurlry IT I0UA1 ..m....- .. .. 7T iter bark Pntrlmpov...., Ilallemje . .... IIM 100AI Mkl.HOCKNK I 1 I rlr bark CambrUn Chieftain. William 'itttioVAl - HONi.KoNit-. 1 Hr Sir l hltla.uiig .. . Ilushea 1U0AI ANTWERP- ' ' I 1 I Hr bark umbrlanl . ItrlMUhi. 1UV1 IUU At W R Urac A t'o tTRS. PkRU- 1 Hreliipl-aMsfKillU'raukle Adaiua 'In 100 A I l-Nov. m h. I s, W. Total tonnage on the wiy-U.757, StsxratHKNCKat I Iron Maine tint In IwV- 4J.HO, 8 Urn In 1W4 UJ. Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. mid McKec Ave. 1 INDIO Is 612 miles from S5AN FRANCISCO and 130 .niles from LOS ANfiKLES are from Los Angrles Ij.oc Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department Give Us a Trial FROM NOW XTNTJIj SPRING Overcoats and winter wraps will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling, In the Oam-heateri train of th Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Pul Railway. For solid comfort, for peed and for safety, no other line can "ompare with thi great railway of th Wst For further Information Inqulrn sf any Southern Pacific Company agent, or addres E. P. ROOER8. Ant. Gen. Pax. Agt. t). V. Co. 1. B. KIKKL.AND, Dlst. Paaa. Agt. Cor. Flnrt and Alder ta, Portland. Ol FOR. TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Aupsta.... ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER For Freight and Paengr Rate Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AOEIDTb R. O. A N. CO., Agist, Parties Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... Sitiult'd on tlitrHouth Hide of Antoriu'H llillrl. Twenty ilfjirocB warmer iuhI vegetation UO tlayM in advance of the North side. Magnificent site for res idcMices, overlooking river and hay, sunny and shel tered. Easy iuuI natural grades; little or tio grading needed. ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. MANHOOD RESTOREDSS: Uooola lain,K,.r.nrh pliyeb aui, will quloaiy cure viniof all nr. LlZ . V " "'I Manhunt Bernlnal Nervnia IMam. Ineumtila, I'alna In Uia llx b , Hemlnal Nervmi. IMam. s l.nninaai 10 Jiarrr, a.iiiau.una Uraina. -.1 I I . - L ., . . . Pluiulea. OnnatlpaUi IVnallraUon. ll tun a I liaiaea hr rlav or l.laht Prevenli .nil, k. Of Raul uiarnarae. wiik-d 11 rHilrneree.1 lr,l. Nnwm. i irrnar arrm thareirmreiil loipnienrr. 'llll:KelfwaNiliaUvar.Uia aruna an Mr 1 in kHnrraaml lKnnnarr "nraniotallununuaa. The r.Mn eurTereni are nol cured lT iMrlnra la aeranae rrhvaty pee arml r trmrhlMl wtlh lreilltla. I'tJFI l.rN K le Iheonly known remedr tnpiirewltlinul an nrM.rauim. SnllfHiilm.Mil. la A wrltun arjaranteeflven and muner returned If ell bnsr drr nol ailaal a uerinaneiit aiua. UBaboi,elilVirA.ui,lrmaU. HnU fur raaaalrrtilar and imUmutilala. ' a addriaa UiroL aaDIClaal VO P.O. bul It, Ban rranoano, t aj. wtUtbt CHAS ROOER8, 4r,9 Commerolal Street Steel Rails Rock Ballast 5H mm No wcnti'rn rallnui was evi-r itiort' euhetun tlally ronstmotnd than the Ilurllngton'a New Hliort Line via lulling Mont., to the East ami South. , Th country through which It runs pnactita fw engineering ill rTuuI tl. To build a perfect ly straight line, to ballast It rightly, to lay It with the strongest and heav iest steel in use anywhere west of th Missouri river was, comparatively, an easy matter. Travelers who wih to reach Omaha, Kanaas City,' Bt. f Ixuis or any othr Southern or South eastern city quickest and most comfortably, will ask for tickets "via Hil lings and the Burlington Route." C. SHELDON, a. A-, Portland, Oregon. WHEN IN rORTLANB Call on no. r. Bandlsy Co., U4 Third stnet, and gt th Daily Astorlan. ' Visitors nad not miss thair morning papar whll thr, rMtvas Cniaiif ii Co. I"an. Ntin-a.iriiierut. 0 by UrassUia, w. a. e, jl a y e1'" "rappfr. it vsprfta. ir.Hll, for Li i.r tirt-ular 1 DaL'!;'.""'' ',r','H ni " I EMNVhufAL PILLS L M s'- r.7. . ' " tat M 1 nr'"'! tt4M: 4 1 llruitiM. ATSOfllA PUBIiIC LIBRilHV READINO ROOM FREB TO AtU Opm rrery day from I 'elock t :H aad 1:10 to 1:10 p. so. Bubscrtptlon rata It par annum, 8.W. COR, ELEVENTH At DUANB WT. AN ENIQltATICAti BILL OF FARE. Tor a dinner, served on th Dining ears of th Chicago, Illlwauka and Bt Paul Railway, will b sent to any address oa roMpt of a two-cant postage stamp. Apply to Geo. H. HearTord, General Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois.