The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 09, 1897, Image 4

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Ladies Walking Cfinpc
Durable School OlIUGd
ScAaormMc (iimhIs
Rubber Boots, Etc
John Hahn & Co.
479 CommercUl St.
kid coatliies lor
80 Dv
Albert Dunbar
Cor. Qtk Cosjacitial Sta.
Maximum temperature, 4 degree.
Minimum temperAture, 3 degree.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipltatloo from September
lit, im, to dte. 47.09 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, im. to date, 11.75 (nchea.
Portland. January I. For Oregon and
Washington, fair weather, cooler.
TO AAADIKs Taa "Daily Astasia1
eatalas twiaa as Back readlag ssatur as
ay atasr pmmmw fHsblUasd la A tori. It
to the amly paper that fiiiuM itt readers
vtth a tally a.saxTak. raaort.
ia rl an" Aa mare thaa twies a assay m4
ta a eey athar taper s-abliafcaa la Aato
rU. It la tkarefeN Mora thaa twice a
ealaaala aa aa sat Terttslag bmII.
tatta Oreaoa.
. Oaaaty CisJ
r Clatsop. I "
Wei the aaatersigaatl. leeal asaaukgars
T ynttsaly af the Wastera Vataa east
Vaatal Telegraph paalaa. hereby aar
atfy thai tke "Dell? Aateriaa" la the aaly
pa par paMIsa la Astoria whteh aew ie
aaavas. ar a Bay tee startag ear eeetxol
f aaM esasa hat reeeived. a telsgiaphls
pre report. m.St. jOfUraoN.
. (uiin w. r. t. Co.
.... . .. 4. au CIAU, .
. Maaaca festal Tel. Cm,
i ,
There Is no calm like that when atorm
la done.
Thre is P pleasure keen aa pain's re-
There Is no Joy that lies so deep as
No peace so deep aa that by struggle
won. Helen Gray Cone.
Signs-See Swope- j ,
A swift winged angel Is opportunity.
Want anything painted? See Swope.
Want anything decorated? See Swope.
Moire velour is the swell material for
dress skirts.
Decorated fern Jars at the Palace
Jewelry Store.
Owners of dogs are rapidly paying
their licenses.
Captain Ed. Hallock Is laid up with
A sprained ankle.
Mrs. Hettich left this morning for
a visit in Portland.
Charles Lid berg, of Long Beach, wag
In the city yesterday .
Today is the last day In which to
pay your water ratal
Miss Cornelia Rockwell, of Portland,
is visiting In the city.
Ekstrom has the only complete stock
of Jewelry in the city.
Alex Gilbert left this morning for
visit to his Olney ranch.
August Erickson has gone to Tilla
mook on a business trip.
Have you any Jewelry that needs re
pairing? Take it to Ekstrom's.
The opening of "Our Corner" tonight
promises to be largely Attended.
Chauncey Depew, or, rather, Chaun
cey McDonald, spent yesterday in the
School Clerk Ferguson has com
menced taking the school census for
Congregational Church fsual ser
vices on Sunday. All are cordially wel-
Captain Richardson, of the Colum
bine, and wife have gone to Portland
on a visit.
Tea Is " f;M ', 'v. hcn you
like it; nut guJ when you
If you don't like Schil
lings Best, the grocer pays
you back your money; we
pay him to do so.
It is a good tea, well
cured, and fired in San
Francisco not in Asia.
A ScHMinr ft CottpM
r sfa X
Mr. V.ughan .of North Shore, and
H. 1. Alhrrg, of tlray'a River, were In
the city yesterday.
All was quiet at the city baatlle yes
tenia y. Judge NelMn not having a
single case befsre h'm.
The new nation at Warranton la In
full running order with a well equipped
freight and ticket office.
World's Almanac for 1J7 Just receiv
ed. Mailed to any addrea on receipt
of t$c. Orimn Reed.
Mn-hants were so surprised yester
day by the sun that quite a number
of thorn were pnstrated.
Mrs. A. M. Wheeler and son Rogers
left last evening up river for a visit
in ClatHkaule and rortland.
The most attractive and Inexpensive
light furniture of bamboo made to or
der at 1S Commercial street.
Mr. George Kalston. of Foard A
Stokes, loft last night on the Telephone
for a short viett at Monmouth. Or.
Claaraaaa Sale prleaa oa
Cereal at
Thre will be a mass meeting In War
renton this evening to coneider th
new charter for the town of Clatsop.
Ninety-four inches of rain fell here
during the calendar year. This ta the
record for a yearly rain-fall iu Astoria.
Family tickets between Warranton
Flavel and Astoria will hereafter be
sold by Agent Stone at the Telephone
We offer all our cast Iron stoves at
10 per cent below cost. The latest air
tight atoves also on hand at 431 Bond
The state legislature will meet at
Salem next Monday morning. It is ex
pected that there will be an Interesting
Senator H. D. Borthwlck had the
honor of sending the first message from
the new Warrenton station over the
Western t'nlon line.
Mr. E. E. Brodle, who has been spend
ing a vacation ashore, returned to his
post at Tillamook Rock on the Mania
nlta yesterdajr morning.
Call and see the Queen alr-tlht heat
er at Howell Ward's before buying;
they can aava you money both on the
price of the stove and wood consumed.
Dr. KJaerbye and Dr.Finch returned
yesterday from Portland, where they
took examinations for certificates to
practice medicine in the State of Ore
gon. Before purchasing, don't fall to see
those celebrated air-tight stoves at
Foard A Stoke.' They have them in A
dosen different styles. And every pos
sible sixe.
The ladies yesterday afternoon took
advantage of the bright sunshine and
were out in large numbers In the prin
cipal thoroughfares. They owe Sol a
good turn.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Powell,
one of Clatsop's pioneers, took place
yesterday and was largely Attended by
ber numerous friends throughout the
city and county.
13e will bay aa alt linen hsad-embrel
dared handkerchief at Daabar's Clear
ance gals.
President T. H. CUrtlf And Engineer
J. Q. Jamleson left early yesterday
morning for an Inspection trip over the
entire line of railroad. They will be
absent a day or two.
General Agent Lounsberry's new rat
trap yesteraay created quite a sensa
tion. One man. in fooling with the
machine, very nearly lost the forefin
ger of his right hand.
Massage Hot and cold water baths,
vapor and alcohol baths, combined with
massage scientifically administered, by
Mrs. M. Abrahams, 469 Duane street
Rheumatism a specialty.
The famous Freid lander Brothers are
now at the Louvre, appearing nightly.
They are two of the best specialists
on the coast. Go and hear them. If
you don't, you will miss a rare treat.
The "Our Corner" saloon will be re
opened on Saturday, the 9th instant, by
Carlson Bros. A fine lunch will be
served. And all customers will be oth
erwfee made welcome.
Superintendent Johnson, of the West
ern Union Telegraph Company, was nut
last night In a white choker. It was
understood that he was one of the stars
of the entertainment at the Columbia
opera house.
S. P. Marsh, F. Normiley, Portland;
Thomas Boyle, Westport; E. E. Brodle,
Tillamook Rock; L. A. Borchers,
Knappton, and Geo. McFarland, Youngs
river, were guests at the Parker hnune
Mr. Robert Wakefield, the well-
known Portland contractor, Is figuring
on the bids foV the special work called
for by the railroad company. He re
ports that general business In Portland
Is very dull.
You will never be sole to buy a goo4
watch or clock or anything In the line
of Jewelry or silverware for as little
money aa you can now at the Palace
Jewelry Store, as the entire stock must
be sold by January 15.
The air was so clear yesterday after
noon that the British ship Persian could
be clearly seen at her dock in Knapp
ton with the naked eye. The foliage
of the trees on the Washington hills
was also distinctly vlrtble.
The fog early yesterday morning was
so thick that the shlpa In the harbor
ranit their alarm hetle and blew thel
hlstles. At noon a strong east wind
cleared away the fg and the sun shone
brightly the rest of the day.
The large consignments of foreign
liquors, champagne. Scotch and Irish
whiskies for Ford A Stoke Conipan
were Inspe ted yrsterday by the cus
toms house officials and were dls
charred from the steamer Signal.
Yesterday MstwKee Johnson put In
his new switchboard and machinery
st the geneeai onVe. The line has
been completed to Flavel and eoon
there will be a number of offices on
Clatsop Plstns reporting to the main
omce In Astoria.
tvnool 11 era nop rerguaon say
that James Kearney can't keep hi
promises rvg-aiMinK the school census.
Tom Llnvllle. however, has pronvlsej
to help Mr. Kearney out with the loan,
If nereeMi-y. to make go, the require
ments of the school clerk.
The novelty of a cannery on the Col
umbla employing only whtle labor In
all of Its departments will be watched
whh the utmost Interest. "The
scheme Is certainly a very commenda
ble one. and 1 hot It will succeed,'
said a well known merchant yesterday
Mr. Archie Cook, having purchased
the entire stock of the business for
merly conducted and known as the Pa
clrlo Commission Co., begs to Inform
his friends and the public generally
that he will conduct the same as here
tofore under the name and style of A.
Captain Corkhlll s report In yester
day's Astorian of the unrecorded Incl
dents of the revolution In Rk has cre
ated considerable talk and Interest In
the city. Several British captains who
were not In Rio at' the time of the
trouble rather took exceptions to some
of the statements made In regard to
the remlsness of the British navy. But
truth Is truth, and the eighty or ninety
British captains who were harbor-
bound with Captain Corkhlll will bear
out every word he uttered.
In the county court yesterday Sheriff
Hare was ordered to notify all per
sons residing In the dty who are receiv
ing aid from the county, to appear he-
fore the county court at 1:30 p. m. to
day. Failing to make their appear
ance, unless by reason of sickness, the
allowances heretofore made them will
be cut off. To Auditor Nelson's petition
asking that the road through the city
cemetery be vacarted, reply was made
that Sections 40C And 40(3 of the Laws
of Oregon govern in such" rases. A
number of tax aale matters were dis
posed of, and the court adjourned un
til this morning.
The J:W train coming in from War
renton yesterday afternoon very nearly
caused a tragedy while crossing the
Parker house dock. A negro, carrying
a large satchel, was walking Along the
track between streets, where there was
no chance of getting off the road with
out Jumping Into the water. The en
gine oame upon him before he was
aware of Its approach, but fortunately
the engineer saw his predicament and
slowed up, giving him an opportunity
to reach the next street crossing. The
incident clearly Illustrates the wisdom
of the warning of the railroad com
pany that It la dangerous for persona
to walk on these tracks.
The V. S. Oay t Reports
thow Royal Baking Powder
superior to mil others.
Is Made to
the Question
of Social
Astoria, January 8. (Editor Astorian)
In your Issue of January 3 I And an
article upon the subject of dancing
which Is worthy of more than a passing
notice, and which I shall be pleased to
consider In your columns If tt be agree
able to you. While the article on the
whole Is very profitable reading not
only for the facts set forth, but also on
account of its admirable literary style
and easy diction yet It seems to the
writer of these lines that there is fault
in the reasoning to which attention
should be called.
"I anticipate that "II. S. L." views
his subject from only one standpoint
his own and that he is a man whose
habits of though and activity are such
that he could not possibly And enjoy
ment in the pleasurable art of dancing.
His conclusions are very good for one
of his Inclinations, but It takes all
kinds of people to make up a world and
It is questionable whether it would be
best to have all of one turn of mind
and all possessed of the characteristics
of "H. 8. L."
Our friend sets forth statistics that
show that out of twenty-eight ladles of
a certain community fourteen danced
and fourteen were mm -dancers. He
states that the non-dancers married
better, were more successful, reared
better families, and lived happier lives
than those who danced. The conclusion
drawn Is that the one class dancing
and the other class abstaining made the
difference, and we are given to under
stand that the same results would uni
versally follow the same circumstances.
The reasoning. It seems, (s faulty In
several particulars. A rule so general
in iu nature can not well be drawn
from the particular oases cited. It may
follow that dancing was Injurious .to
some of those fourteen girls, though
that may be questioned, yet It does not
follow that dancing is or will be in
jurious to all girls. Prof. Baker, of
Harvard, condemns this style of rea
soning and characterizes it as one
phase of the fallacy, Ignoring the ques
tion. It will be noticed that our friend
hes not In reality discussed the subject
of dancing, but has given us a disserta
tion upon the abuse of dancing. The
whole trend of the argument shows
that, and the conclusion drawn should
be changed accordingly, so that not
dancing Itself, but excessive dancing,
Is to be condemned.
Dancing is the result of mental and
Sale cx
Tim only Kullahle
Stic of
Fine Dry Goods
Goods, Etc.
Held During the Year
Is now on and will
continue during
Positively No Goods
Charged at
Sale Prices
Don't Miss This
but Come Early and
Select the Choicest Goods
Before the Lines
Are Broken
This Is
of the
physical conditions In the Individual.
Like "H. 8. L.," I would ilnd unbound
ed pleasure in the study of philosophi
cal subjects, In reading authors upon
sociology, but never felt the leant di
al re to test the pleasures of the dance
hall. Nevertheless, I can easily under
stand how others, differently constitut
edwould And tripping the light fan
tastic toe enjuystble in the extreme,
while it would be impossible for them
to become interested in ethics, or pollt
leal economy. Of course persevering
effort will to some degree change the
natural inclination, and undoubtedly
this would be very desirable In reitard
to non-dancers as well as dancers. I
can readily perceive how a moderate
Indulgence in dancing would improve
many of my friends of a serious and
melancholy disposition, making them
more agreeable company for their
friends, breaking off many ef the rough,
unseemly edges of their conduct, and
giving them that grace of movement
and politeness of manner which are so
desirable and yet so rare.
Intemperance In dancing Is not to be
upheld, and such Is not my purpose,
nor do I offer any of the many argu
ments in favor of well regulated danc
ing. My sole purpose has been to pre
vent the drawing of unwarranted con
clusions. "M. T."
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It
falls to cure. 26c. For sale by Cbas.
Rogers, Druggist.
The general review of the year In As
toria cannot fall to be a source of satis
faction to all. Notwithstanding that
the hardest times ever known on the
coast prevailed during the entire year;
that there was a protracted Ashermen's
strike which cost the dty and county
thousands of lollan, yet the advance
ment made during the year In the way
of n?w buildings, work on the railroad,
the enlargement of manufacturing
plants, and above all the county's
strong stand on the national issues of
the day, are the foundation stones of
the greater Astoria whose Immediate
growth Is assured. Astorian.
We are Indeed glad to reprint the
above paragraph. It is good news to
all Salemltes, many of whom have
property Interests In the Gateway City,
and all of whom realize that the com
pletion of the railroad from Astoria
to Goblo will be followed by an exten
sion of the Seaside branch up the
coast, and to a connection with the Ore
gon Central, through Salem. It will
mean also a branch of the Southern Pa
cific from Sheridan to Astoria, which.
In fact, ought, for the good of that
great property, to be built this year.
Warrenton Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mi'von application.
while the route Is yet open Ths year
will wltnca the beginning of great
tltini; for Oregon Sub'tn tuiiiiti
A tlKKAT srcvi:srt
Mlnatrol Performance of the Astoria
MlllUu-y Hii,l l-at Misht
One of the beat amateur pcrforiiuuwvs
v hleh has ever taken place In thu city
w As (hit vaudeville (! I veil by the Aaloiln
Military Ntud last lit hi at the Nen
Columbia The theatre was crowded
h-n the curtain rose with a fiuhtona
U audience, and belter pleased people
never aawmbled Krin the time the
curl In went up till the last laugh of
Mr. Sam Krleillitnder died away the
audience was kept III an uproar, except
when Mr. Al. Klilh sang his pathetic
As end men Mesata S and M Krled-
lander, the well known specialists, and
Mexura Husey and Shan, were good.
W. L. Hay w ard's club luting r
fortiMtnce was very unttie and was
loudly applaundcd The club's i-onont-
ed of chib-nluHHsl t'hlne iMiilerns, In
side of which were liioamlrMi-nt Hiitit
The effect was bewildering Th. solo
by Mr. H. IV Johnson. "Ptfty Years
Ago." and Mr Terry McKenn's char
acter sketch, are deserving of special
mention. Mr. Vldalln's solo was also
good. Mr Prank Warren. In bis baton
Juggling, did very well.
The lion's share of applauae fell to
Mr. Al. Ktrth. who In three solos.
Woman Is but What Man Make
Her." "Aonias the Bridge," and "My
t"hum Tom." captivated the audience
He was repeatedly encored. Mrs. Firth
was well received In a pretty solo. Mr
Lefompt. In his great A re-cat tug set,
astounded the people. The Fri'Mlattdor
brothers wen- the bulk of the fun of
he evening. Both gentlemen are ar
tists of ability. Messrs. Shaw and Ho
se y In comic solos did Vi-ry well
The three-round boxing contest be
tween Meirs. James Keating and Js
Kyan was quite Interesting lloth are
clever nx-n and for the Arst time prob
ably a select Astoria audience, com
posed In the groatcr part of Indies.
thoroughly enjoyed an exhibition of the
manly art
Mr. LeCulnpt Is deaervelng of much
credit for the manner In which he crn
ducted the affair. Kvery number went
off without a hitch and the large num
ber of Indies and gentlemen present
greatly enjoyed the evening's enti-i .
New York, January S. llrudstreel's
tomorrow will say;
The week's l"tal of buslmss f;ulur--s
In the 1'nlted States Is 4S, the largest
ever reported. This n contrusted with
.US In the last week of tl6, and with
44 In the 11 rut week of lvt.
There were 5 business failures report
ed from the Dominion of Canaila this
week, compared with 37 last we.-k.
brums oonfidknt.
Ilolse, Idaho, January 8. -The sup
porters of Senator Dutols are feeling
conAdenl of hi election. The opposi
tion to him seeinii as much at loose
ends as In the beginning. It si-ems to
be the idea now that the Populists w ill
not select a nominee till Monday. They
are endeavoring to come to some ar
rangements with the Democrats, but
do not seem to make any progress.
Portland, Janury 8. Wheat Walla
Walla, 84'&8J; Valley, H7.
Liverpool, January 8. Wheat, spot.
quiet; demand, poor: No. 2 red spring,
6s lid; No. 1 California, 7s 2'.d.
Futures January, 6s 8';d; May, 6s
Hops At London, PaciAc coast s3 .Is.
Washington, January 8. Arguments
In the election contest of Thomas E.
Watson, late candidate for vice-president
on the Populist ticket, against
James C. Illark, of the Tenth Congres
sional district, of Georgia, were begun
today before the house election com
The following officers of PaciAc Lodge
No. 17, K. of P., elected for the ensuing
term, were duly Installed last evening
I y District Deputy Jens Hanson: Frank
Shoemaker, C. C; J. V. Burns, V. C;
L. R. Burroughs. P.: A. II. Frlcke. M.
A.; N. Clinton, M. W.; A. A. Cleveland,
K. of R. and S.; JameB W. Hare, M. F. ;
J. C. Clinton, M E. ; A. T. B.-lverps, I.
G.; Samuel Greenbaum, O. G.
son & Co., Burlington, Vt.
After January 1st, 197, freight j Tne ab0v. liberal offer is made to ad
charges must be prepaid to all stations . vertlse the reliable Diamond Dyes, and
on the A. and C. It. R. R. where the , . th,.P hook urxin home dvelnir Into
company has no agents.
it M no S7M1I. I
Use Webfoot Corn Cnre. No
cure no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Conn
Drntr Store.
the Best...
Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon tc
doubled. It is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements,
at very low prices.
Is it not a fine Investment?
cd proposals will tie reiclxcd by the un
dersigned until noon of Jstmary l. at
the ulllce "f the A. and ('. It. It It. Co.,
lit Astoria, or., for furnishing ?u,ooo
awed railroad Ilea. SpwIAcalions may
Im- seen at llic loinpuny s olllce. III As-tot-la
Tile Ulldcl Signed eele the
light to reject any or all bids. In whole
or In part, and approved bonds will lis
required of the successful bidder.
NOItTllWKST '0.8ritri'TloN ft), i
TAfeghoM . Blacksmiths
Special Attention Paid to Btaaiuboat Hs-
lorasahosing. Rto.
1ST Ul.ft BY ST., bat. sd ana tb.
si auy hiali tvloltig etc il
nut slot and )iuli gel
purtntlt "I a urn" brlnimiiK
over alti. (Oes.sKI lliu'itfl is
nurli qu. it Iu 111, liqn.M.
mm have looltt-r ar- soougl, is
l-leas as? sa.
Groceries, Flour, FerJ J'rovWotu, Fruit
VtfetsMes, CnwUsry, Glass auj
Putted War, Loggers' Supplies.
Car, Tenth and Oommsreial .traala
Astoria 'and-Colombia i
River Railroad
Trains leave SeAsld. for Astoria a;
7:30 a. in. and I p. m. dally. j
Tralna leave Astoria for Flavel at 1 1
a. m. and 4 p. in. dally. '
Trains 'rave Astoria for Seaside ai
10 :o a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at t:K
n. m. and 1 p in. dally.
Steamship Company's
Will be dispatched from Portland, Or
egon on or about November 9, 1894, oa
the route from that point to the Co
qullle River, touching at all Interme
dials points as Inducements offer, and
will remain permanently on that routs
making regular trips.
For rates or other Information apply
at offices of the company, Worcester
lllock. Portland. Oregon, or 121-12J Da
vis street, San Francisco.
Main Street Dock. Astoria
Astoria and Portland
Telephone leaves) Astoria dally ex
cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave. Port
land dally except Sunday at 7 a m.
T. J. Potter leave. Astoria at 7 a. m.
dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland
dally at S p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat
urdays at 11 p. m.
Tickets good on both boats.
U. B. SCOTT, President
E. A. Beeley, Agent, Portland.
C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria.
Telephone No. 11.
Instructions fur Milking Art anil
Fancy Work.
Mrs. Nellie Daggett of ftsjton has re.
eently written a book, "Fancy Work
and Art Decorations," that gives practi
cal instructions for making d'rflles. ta
ble covers, scarfs, traycloths, pin cush
ions, etc., etc., with fifty Illustrations.
This book, together with "Successful
COUPON No. 666
This entitles any
reader of the Astor
will be sent free
to any reader
ian to one copy of
who forwards
the attached
coupon and a 2
cent stamp to
Wells, Richard-
"Fancy Work anil
Art Decorations,'
and "SucCMSsful
Home Dyeing."
. - ...k- . . .1
the hands of women who want to dress
well by making their old clothes look
like new.
The fact that Diamond Dyes have
been the standard home dyes for nearly
twenty years, an that their sale In
creases from year to year, is proof pos
itive that they have never had an equal.
rum hint.
Throe furnished rm ins. on ground
floor, sultahlo for light hoii-k-e4ng,
ami centrally located. 4U KicliMjig.
l-'olt liKNT N.wly furnished rooms;
also front loom suitable for olhci-. Will
rent chmp. Apply to II. ovar
iliai lman's Hhoe tlorr
Two or Ihrre rooms furnished f"r
housekeeping US Tenth si reel
Are, centiully
Furnished loom with)
located. 411 Ki.'hanga
I 'ilt lili.VT Pour rooms with hoAM
or IsNtnl without rooms, At Mrs Mid
den's, (th and Puane at redo
rooms lo rent. Mi Rxchaiiga
Adolph Johnson.
ANi'HK Hoods for Chris! mas and th
holidays, at Wing I'l l, Hi Oommsr
eial street.
Kot'NO- ln a tub at ths Astoria Ijiiiiiilr. a diamond ownar
can have aui by paying for this -I
u-e and proving property.
C P. KJAERliYE, M.A . M.D.
rwTsicm ko suucoi
tJradualed from Copeahagsa I' n I var
sity. Specialty. rantAla DlaAaaea
' No. MO Commercial street. HhanahaA
rtill.'.iiig. t
Hours. 10-11 a m ; 14 and 71 p. m.
T 7 'j " ' "" " Boyle & COa
Gsvoaly Si . tool ot Jackie. Astoria
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Us4 as4 Marls EagtsM. toitt nrk, $
koal sal Cassary Wark a Ssaclsttf .
Casflsga at All DsxripSoat Ms. la OrSa aa
&tMtt Nirika.
John Foi.... President and Rupsrtntandanl
A L. Fog vioe Praefcjso,
O. a Praal Banretar
First National Bank. Tlsasujat
"The Louvre"
rina MnaU. Oa rasa ot All Kinds. Two
Masnlflraat liars.
CVrHTTHINti rmsr-cuss
Good Order; tod Everybody's Rights
Grocers, : and : Butchers
A.tarta aas Upawr Aaurta
Rsa Tsss as4 Co.ati. Takla Dalkadsa. Ooa.tUt
aaa Tropkal Fnilti. V.,.ubk.. Sstaf
Curas Haa.. Bacoa. fcK.
Choice Fresh . and Salt Meat.
'"72 8o
A Specialty
Ship Chandelery,
Iron tt Stnel,
(Jrocei ieH & Provisions,
Flour A Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnished
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbanks Scales.
DoorB & Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagons & Vehicles.
Cut Rate
Ticket Office