THK DAILY ASTlMUAN. SATl'KPAY Mt'KMV.. JAM'AHY 1. IBV? Pniltf UUuian. JOHN T UOHTKn, IMi. Te),-hO he. or MiHuirtiiK, t.AlLY. Ural by mU. P" r"W ,J ! by mail i nwiith Served bjr rrrtr, r k Vi KK.KLT. rVnt by nw'l. per year U adiano ',ta- fr to ut rlrr All lntndd fit uMI etln should be dlrrld t the Puatn? of all kind utd rranlttano. mul l l'ln'Mi 1 1 The A Morten. The Ad'Tlui :u.-nt to It sub (rrllmn th larirt i-lrvultl.n of ny H-wr-rmrwr publlhed on th Columhl river Ad vert 11 n rat can be had on appll- klln In th buslno mnirr. I The Weekly AsUHian. th oond old-i et weekly In th state nf On-cm. h. next to th Portland Oretronlan. th j lar! weekly circulation In th Mat. John F. Handley Co. ar our Tort land airn. and ol- of h Antorlan ! n h. had vrr mornln at thlr ! Mand. i: Third trt. TIm Aatortaa' brhy rra 4al VB Hl'MIKID DOLLAR St. Mary inrakJ tma4 to ralkvr aXalfaa. kMrr lcl Mam t pr tmti t4 tkat f aftoraaM w gmptf traWWIiMt A Ha haa trtaM4 wttkla (he ImI aty tay axsilriBC tara MU ..r iu la plat" mw 4 br klat "f ilrrl praM rarart," tatad Tr lk rM aatortac ltlar f Mm alarap la Astoria, fiaaa amf paimt wiUUt f Oracna. Aatoria, Or., Ovtobar II. IftM. On of Utc cioauieat newapapr pro auoUona ever kamed on tha Columbia river, typographically and othrwl. a No. 1, VoL 1, of the Atorta Lnntar. which U printed hi the Finnish lan (uaite. The rnral make-up f the pa per. Its moral and political tone, are rood, and without doubt It will be an Influence for rlftht In the community. Why not build a county courthouse from the proceeda of the ala of prop erty for delinquent taxes? Most of the property has already been sold and purchasers who nave not paid up should do so at once and be given their eeJa The entire delinquent list Is re garded as a dead loss, and if we can snake it produce a new courthouse we are that much ahead of the rune. If, as alleged, the heavy Inshore cur rent to the north of the mouth of the liver which prevails in a southwest rale Is not shown on the government charts but is known only to pilots, the gov ernment can not too soon rectify the emission. The wrecks of the Glenmorar and Potrimpos are all the experience aeede to show the necessity of com plete charts for the Washington coast If a few more Clatsop county farmers employ flying sledge there will be lit tle need for Improving the mad. Build as a market. Air. Council, and appro priate a sum for aluminum sleds, Mr. County Court, and you can not only save the city and county tax-payers from the expense involved in building roads, but you will have given the far mer a better method of getting bis pro duce to market. The New York World publishes so.T.e Interesting figures on the popular vote for president. The total vote a-as about 13,573.08, a gain over 1892 of 1500.000. McKinley's gain over Harrison was 1,874.40. Democrats and Populists poll ed 576,194 fewer votes hi 1896 than they did in 1892. Four years ago Cleveland's Harallty was 380,810. This year McKln fry's plurality is about $30,000. The sound money majority, that Is the unit ed vote of McKinley and Palmer, is 68,534. This shows the weakness of fusion in a bad cause. It also shows that the American people can be de pended on to settle all great and vital public questions in the right way. And yet there are those among the Populisms who cannot understand that their de feat was overwhelming. The Astorian says "Hurrah!" for Rep resentative Johnson, of California. F.v. ery word he said about Hearst and his ExamlutT in the house on yesterday is true, and will be backed up and sub stantiated by thousands of fair-minded people up and down the whole Pacific Cooct. THis man Hearst and his obscene- and sensational newspaper is only saved from being the greatest nuisance and disgrace to the Pacific Coast by the presence here of Hypo crite Sutro, to whom Mr. Johnson also !aid hli; re.peis but in terms hardly strong enough to do Justice to the sub ject. Both Hearst and Sutro are frauds and demagogues (,f the most dangerous and despicable character to be found anywhere in the country, and Califor nia can never attain the full measure of prosperity the Almighty Intended for her until she has Ehown tlx- courage and enlightenment necessary for the suppression of both of them. A couple of years ago, David B. Hill, of New York, was induced by a news paper man to give his impressions of Major McKinley. His pen-picture Is given below. Considering that Hill is, politically a bitter opponent of his sub ject, the picture he draws is interest ing: "He is eaeily described. Of small stature, Napoleonic In appearance, af ways dignified, his face 'aa solemn as a benediction,' his manner polite but nev er obsequious. Impersonal in debate, Websterian In style, seldom nitty, vig orous In the presentation of his argu ments, apparently candid and anxious to convince his hearers rather than to aisplay himself, deliberative and self possessed, conscious of his own reserve powers this is a faithful pen picture f the great apostle of protection. . . . Aa a Democrat, I am opposed to Gov ernor McKinley's political principles. but this does not prevent the people nor myself appreciating his high char iicter as an American statesman." The Paris correspondent of the Lon don Times informs bu paper that the , aahinit.. r "irl ha b t i t understand in a frle..lly ton tbt the rr n.'ul.l nt remain aet hould th lnltd Clatr ro'-nl rf rtirour t'uhan lndi'ifid-ri.- A. wrvlini in hi lnf.rmtl.n. Wet-many I rim m rdr t ik r-in vl 'h.nitd ih I'nlted Htatr h a dl f.Mtth orn, tally t. aid iTh th tb i" Th woty ha ben dm 14 fiiHn aahinttott. bl all th m there l a lutklna better that th.-r I we datt.Hl It Thltfr-flv aw aitt th VunHn i,wi.r v.r mil- a to nn'. .'(mil' th b I U -it ny nf th t"inf.d rrat tl,e. and n rrl ..-!. ne er- on th brink nf m-iihliln their Iti.t.-iM-n.lini' Th oon.lltlonn ate . lLeii-al no, and douM hrlhr thtai icmmnt will W dli'iri fvm tVI is hatr a. tton It mav fit In th titn niattr by any Intlmatlont fiN-ni Kuroi1 Th ltun.n omt thi la t airhlm-.! for anv if th ir. x.iall) irmany. t.i un Irtnko war on Ul. of ih Ailanth'. It would load to a final aolutlon of th v:trn qatlon. with !:ola In p.o!on of CVntantlnot'l FA MINK IN INlIA "War, iwwtllon1 and famine" ha In all a bn dradl a th rcourf ,,f mankind, ami th luur. of .om ohun-h. wntaJn a total ,.. tltlon for deliverance thrform. Famln I th laat nantnl. and th mot drvd-d. Tt It stalks abroad among the teeming million of the Indian vnlnula, and one-third of the 0.0no.iVO popt are not only thratnd with It, but actually dying of starvation. The offi cial statement i that TlOOtVCMO of th native inhabitants are starving or on the brink of starvation. Here is a calamity t which th civ ilised world mutt stand appalled. The rainy season did not come as usual. Be cause of too little rainfall, or none at all, the crops failed this year, and there was no harvest for the husband man. Deprived of their food supply a population equal to that of the en tire I'nlted States is tn Imminent dan ger of starving to death! This is the most stupendous in Its proportion of any calamity which has befallen the human race within historic limes. U t(oe far beyond the c"truc tion of any war the world ever heheld; beyond the desolation produced by any pestilence which ever attacked th hu man race The British government can not cope with this awful disaster. It has to face the greatest emergency of historic times. The horrors of the Se poy mutiny of 1SS7 fade Into Insignifi cance in the of a famine In volving one-third of the population of Its Indian Empire. TO worn or relief is so enormous that It will transcend the powers of the British government. For the feeding of these starving millions must be maintained for ten long months until a new crop can be planted, grown and harvested. But relief must be given. Tremendous as is the work, humanity demands that It shall be done. The world must show It solidarity; the na tions must respond to the call of hu manity. All of Christendom already feels the mighty burden laid on It, and is preparing to obey the behest of Its Founder, to "feed the hungry." Already Russia is responding to the cry of the starving millions in India, and the United States will not be behind hand. B'li the demand is immediate and pressing. It Is already time to act. Food is wanted, and It must be In the form of prain. for the people of India aru- vvgetartans. From the abundance of our farm must come the food to an rwer this cry for Christian charity to the millions menaced by famine. "Excuse me," observeed the man in spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not where the liver la." "Never you mind where his liver is." retorted the other. "If It was In hi big toe or hi left ear De Wtfs Uttle Early Riser would reach It and shake It for him. On that you can bet your gig lamps." Chas. Rogers. To his cell mate. John Riley, recently sentenced by Justice Bond, of Leaven worth. Kan., to a year's imprisonment, has cor.fess-d that within the last thir teen years he has been in forty-one Jails. The old way of delivering message by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious metnods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog res. Spain may not acecpt the "good of flces" of the United States, but there are lots of statesman all over the country who would like to. New York Press. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need Rltnply apply DeWltt's Witch Ha zel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chas. P.ogers. If this country owned Cuba It would have additional reason for being very respectful to other countries. New York Advertiser. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De- Witt'B Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers. It costs this country (100,000.000 a year to support Its criminals. This, of course, include those In Jail only, not those In office. Commercial Advertiser. WEAK f,1Efi CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood should tend at one for a book that explains ho v. full mauly vlfor is easily, qnlckly and permaneiiUy restored. No man u tiering from weakness can af ford to Ignore thLi timely advico. nook tells no, 'full arfrenirth. fie. velotrmeat and tone are imparted to every portion of the body. Rent with posltlvo pnwft(ealed)ree toanymanonappUcaUuu. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N,Y, FREE TO EVERY MAN THK MKTHnll OF A tlllKAT TIIK.ATMKNT Foil WKAKN1HH OF MKN Which Cured lltm Ft ) thing n riid I'aintul dla are bad enough, but when a naa la slowly wasting away with nrinia wraknea th mental fotvWilinK are ten llmea worse than th nut eerw pain Th la no let up to tV mntal sultertng day or miiht. Sloj l a'.m.wt Impossil'l. and under u. 1 a trwln men ar acarvt ly iin itl f.r what they d For years th ! writer rolled and tot th troubled ! of sexual wraknri until It n a jiucilm whether h had not letter 'take a d of ln and thus end all !hia ttvublc Hnt providential lnlia itl n ram t hi aid an th sha r a oomMnaMon of medicine thai not nly completely rest.M-e.1 th general health. I but enlargvd hl weak, emaciated pail to natural ! and tlgor. and h now l.i lure that any man who will take th trouble to .n l hi nam and ad- ,lrvw may have the nwth.jd of this won derful ti raiment free. Now whan I ay free I mn absolutely without cost. because I want every weakenrd man to get the beneflt of my experience. I am not a philanthropist, nor do I hw a an enthusiast, but there are thousand of men suffering th mental tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at once could they but get such a remedy a the on that cured me. IV not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few poatae tarn i necewary to mall the Informa tion, but send for it, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to sum men and mean a lifetime of happtne to most of ua Write to Thomas Slater, Box JS8, Kalamaxoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed en velop. Street ran are beginning to make way against the omnibuses In England. Petitions for twenty-nine line In Bir mingham alone are now before parlia ment, while Leeds. Manchester. Shef fletd. itrandford. Halifax and Huddles field all apply for power to construct new tramway. AX OLD SETTLER. When the rheumatism first pre-empt certain tracts of your anatomy It may be ousted easily, but when It becomes an old settler it is pretty hard to budge. Remember this when you experience the firm twinge of this obstinate and agonising disease, and attack It with Hoatetter'a Stomach Bitters. It will then "make tracks" and polbly leave you unmolested and In peaceable pos session of your own comfort In the fu ture. Peril always attend rheumatism, if It become chronic, on account of Its tendency to attack the heart. Usually it is complicated with kidney trouble. Certain It is that the kidneys, when aroused by the Bitters, will eliminate impurities which give rise to rheuma tism and dropsy. In Inclement or wet conditions of the weather, the Bitters, taken in advance, will often avert rheu matic trouble. Use this genial family medicine for dyspepsia, biliousness, headache and consitpatlon. In the St. Set.ulchre rhurch in Lon don there was found in an old chest recently the bell which in Stuart times used to be wrung by the crier outside the cell of a condemned felon on the night before execution. The bell will be hung up in a conspicuous place In the church. A woman's headache may come from several causes. She may have a headache arising from nervousness, of from digestive disturbances. Nine cases In ten, her headaches come from disorders peculiar to her sex. It may show it.Telf In the symptoms which are characteristic of a dozen disorders. Thousands of times, women have been treated for the wrong disorders. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was com pounded for the sole purpose of reliev ing womankind of these Ills and pains. Thousands of women have testified that after taking treatment from several physicians without benefit, the "Favor ite Prescription" cured them complete ly and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and has an unbroken record of success. The woman who hesitate Is invited to send 21 one-cent stamps to cover only the ooet of mailing a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, which contains plain, cleur In formation about all the organs of the human body and their functions. A young woman has received the unusual honor of the freedom of a Lon don guild. She is the daughter of Lord Amherst of Hackney, and having writ ten a history of gardening in England, haa just been thus honored by the Worshipful Company of (lard'-nern. FREE PILLS. Send your address to E E Bucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. The pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective In the cur of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they hav been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowel great ly lnvtgoraet the system. Regular size. So per box. Sold by Cha. Rogers, Druggist. The Rev. Dr. John Watson (Ian Mac laren) has made a phenomenal success as a public reader. According to Major Pond, Dr. Watson has refused an offer of $50,000 fur an additional twenty-five weeks' tour. OASTOIIIA. nan. Haii Igutui af iiii tnrf (y The Amn-r of Afghanistan ha b CMlt a id mi of th i. Hti eiai but aa h I ri to using iheiii ncv rmmtv o t4 a bl el a lmdon firm baa butlt hlln nwaWiin oil ltkh h 4 In i oenr.fl title t at ti taut .k ha rOala. all rnrr Tneae th Mr lie Kins' New iHaenvary knew It valua, an those vth hav aot kar now th tptrtunlty I try II fr. Call en tha adimteed anur-glt- and t a trial tattle m fend your nam and a,ttraa to II K I'u. kla A Co, I'hl.afo, and art a ani'l to t Near l.lf 1111 rrr. a well a a ropy of ()ull tn Health and ilousrhold lntrurtor, frwe All of which la uar antre to do yxu food and raat )ou nolhlna I'haa Itoarra, ilrul.t, isld fellow' luilMlng. Mi- I'licU- J i'iici ,.f mii t'mn i n." who ha be. li t.oalU tMn, for t ,.irv U-t week nv,.te,l llt:tlt II. r f.imi! I..-II. v, Un. iv. a .1 X 111.- .It, llMWI.'tl fcl.' ttli'tll ITI response tn constant 't'ct IUVKI.EN S AltNk'A SAI.VK Th heat aalv In lb world for cut, brill. Rim, ulcer (Hi t rheum, fever orea. tettrr. chafped hall. I, chilblain, coma, and all skin rruptlon. and pos itive cur for piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to iv perfect satis faction, or money refunded Price. H cents per box For al by Charlc Itotrra. iMd Fellow' building. It la said that Emperor W'lllUm Is considering the adviabl!tl of re.wl. Ing all the ..itl.irs whom he loaned to the Chine itovrrnmeiit for the pur p.e of liwtructlng the Mongolian war rior In the arts of civilised warfare If there is any one thing that need to be purtrloJ, It la polltlos. so th r former say, and many re thereto But blood toll, and aa a purlller and llvrt -irre-tor Simmons Uir Iteg ulat ir Is the beet mullein "I ua It in preference to any other " - So wrote Mr S M ll)-well. of Mtddleport. Ohio And lr I. S. Ituseoll. of Fartmllle. Vt wnt, "It fultllls all you promise for It." The Empress of Russia inteti.N to keep a aouvenir of her visit to France ail the bouquet and crown of tlow,rs nfrer,-.l to her t'V Hie French peqte. and him given urd.-r to h,i them prepared for preservation Absolutely puie. iertectly harmless, and Invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls In colds, croup and lung trou ble. Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and It helps thrm. Chas. Itoger A Salvation army woman of Michi gan City, I ml . whose husband, coming home drunk, swore that she should not remain in th army, has asked for a liivorve. preferring t stay with th army rather thnn with him. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. TafSk I There is a cow with eaehtca-n horn at Kerrvllle. Tex. The two on her head are curved like the horn of sheep The others take the lace ot hoofs, two projecting forward and two tovvnrd the rear on each foot. The old lady was right when she said the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few dose of Cm Min ute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Cha. Roger. Although Du Maurler was the richest of Punch's celebrated artists, one of his predecessors. Charles Keen, left a for tune of 17f..oi). The greatest of all. John Leech, bequeathed but Utile prop erty to his family Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and Hps, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for plies, and It always cure them. Chas. Rogers. Somebody wants to increase the num ber of congressmen, so as to one for every Pi.Oofl Inhabitants. Johnny will please get his gun and shoot somebody. Memphis Appeal. The length of life may be Increased by l""s.-nlnc Its dnnners. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using fine Minute Cough Cure. Chas. lingers. In the future it will tie Just an well for congress to stop before attempting to i rons the tnu-k and look out for the Cleveland loinmotlve. Washington Poet. It is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt's Harsapa rllla. Chan. Rogers. The London Globe refers to our Jingo senators as "amusing lunatics." The Globe? should be compelled to withdraw that statement. They are not amus ing. fret nit Frew Press. TO t'I KE A COM! IN ONK lAV. Take laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druBttlsts refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Cha. Rogers. Druggist. Major McKinley, as everybody knows, is a stainch believer In protection, and there Is good reason to believe he would llko to have some of It from office-seekers. Kansas City Star. ROYAL taxing Powder. Highest of all In leaven In fc Strength U. S Government Report OUTWAIM) HOUND OKKdON (J RAIN u n 9 1 A oa m i I'stk . II lief hl . S to ktlli in. Skiellt I le aiilK. ilait,tilie! I laemautiaiiiltliet Hr, iiliil.taj Maiiai4. 4mii..- riltimtr IUIllri hn 'Hlaae I . IM. skMllatllirv . f..rlHHin I l.l...l.le. 11-01 tr-am ...... I ni.. l a- I I ii hiieilale . ... Meltlle'li- M. l--ll I Ii .11. lull ,la ialt"Hi I'aal I l ri kllil J. .a a ii.elet rnlwa.Nl M.-uiaw I'. iil.r-.ii.' . Naleia.ui Ha, I la i.l,ilul I lialMi.tiint Nll.iailal II n U Melall.te l' le. I'elitli elite lneli-aM HihA I lll.lru I'wltalla-li rwMNiMti . I al-ll l'r It- , lh'llHI IVraei. ain- H--I al . viaa-Ulen I .. ,i iiail llli(loll .Wl-.rl rataiirlaii I'rliu-eaa faiol ima all Mill Vati-liiar 'H.a kliur.1 , il. W U'nlrT H.l.l. Koll.i kt Ml lil : Hi tot, . I Mr nii .. 4 .v Hi hii. .'. t l. k .... ri h., . IVIM .NHtL.ik Ht llilf Hi l.ik III lll ... lit I...V .... II III l'.k ... If III .!.,( i: tn i.4ik . f Ill IHI ... i e sini in 'i . ;. 1 'i.ioi. :i in I...V .. a ir trt . X in li( V.. . Ill . t tir nii Mi ktuii .. s lit iut III h hi liie 111 Lark III .Inn III l.k . i: Hi l.sik. i:'io .I'U. r Hr .toil l Hi .Inn nr Imi ii nr liii' . ,'i Hi K.l :t lo t rk iu l.l . .'I in iiii. a in .A . Ihv -Hrl. .ik Hr lurk . r. hi I. uk Hr .Inn . I lit .hi :j lier tisrk I Hr M. ....... IT Mr Inn I; r inn h. Uik nr hq .. .'1 Hr ilii .'I Hi ship . t Hr It i f .. Hr sbitt Hrli.rk. "iVttS" rtU fl..iir. lalniii. i Also l.iu table MI.Kli -I blila Hmir. llu k ill) n.un, lu Vv iii II -b.-au, tain M.xj aim hhi. rlmir. iiu M t..ui ol ihurta. tain INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate l'ltn Oil iK't-ti dv l'h)fiiciai)S tlir iiiitei Kiu'urtililt' in America for sntliTtTH fii'iii . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objAoilooa urged again! Indko tn th paal b) th larg bumbava who otharwls would hav bean flad to tak advantag of It beneficial cllmat. ha beta a lack of aultabl accommodation Th Southern 1'acino Company take plaauur In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav juat bn roted at Indlo atallon. that will b ranttd to applicant at r-a aoaabla rate. They ar furnlihad witl modern eoaviuno, aupplled with pur arlaauan water and so situated aa to gtva occupant all th advantagaa lo b 1 rlved from a dot or hm protract d rcalda-no In this dailujhtfu! climate. (From th Ban Franctco Argunaui.) "In th heart of the great dnaert of thi Colorado--which the Southern I'aclflr laeraea therj I an oaal callad Indlo which. In our opinion, la th anltarluro of thr earth. V believe, from prrauital Investigation, that for certain Individual, there I no spot on thi planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart, kl D.. writ: "Th purity of th air, and th eternal aun hin. fill on with wondr and delight . . . Nature haa accomplished ao much that there remain but tittle for man to do. As to It poaslhllltle aa a health rawort-her Is th most perfect unshlne, with a temperature alway pleaaant. a perfectly dry soil, for rain I n unknown factor: pur oxygen, dense atmoaph-r and pure water. What more can be dealrad? It I th place, ahov all others, for lung trouble, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering tli number of ufTerer who hav bee cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending thi gnlal oaal as tha have of the afflicted." INDIO U 6l2 milfx Mom SAN FU A.N CI. -Co Hilt. 130 .niltf truin LOS AN!EI.E.S Kate from l.o At.K'ic'i M.oc For further Information Inquire t any Southern Pacific Company iignt. or adilre K. P. HOOKItS Asst. C,n. Puss. Act. 8 1' Co. J. II. KIKKl.A.VD, Ilst. Paaa. Agt Cor. Ursi and Alder at., I'ortliind. i Signature la printed In BLlJE diagonally aero the OUTSIDE wrapper ' of every bottle of (the Original and Oenulne) Worceaterahlre SAUGE Aa a farther protection agaiast mil Imitation. ' Agent for th Ulta State. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. N. Y WHEN IN rORTLAbTD Call on Jno. F. Handley Sc Co., 124 Third tret, and ret th Dally Astorian. Visitor Bd not ml their morning paper while thar. J tHilwl ami lWtel if Ptlilati i ci linn ra i 'vaa k . Nll I ,a t.lai,ial ! Ht..... i:.m .Ht il"... ..... III! .I.- Mull Il , . ;l -i Sllljlk. i.v- .llH . I ' . ..Ill . im !. Ill Iniv t.i b I Iiaai " '.' " . .. laif " liw aa laul I'lMk ..... ll I Ml - Kill .lef)u,l , IIIM'mk . 1 CM I'.irk laitr.irk ,'lJH.ik. l.iM.nk ' in tk t i ik . .... iMirmk M riimuuth lM(i,ai . , , l liurbaa ....... . Jlj itrk I ei " lart " I I ri " . I ajar riimuuth . ii ra ni.iuin . Iww ork ............... . rriK iiik .. . . 14 Cork .'ivsi C.i la. I'm I imh r..r ami n II I.UM II. li It. 11 Mini II sal rtMrt II .! t I.SSt a.ia. i Ira I...H aj.iiu ,ii:n H. iai a isu a aal im ia I va il M III tl.1 . at ac I. '.l Nl.l l,ta: ai.ra au.isii Mit ? ral.aal dj.. II KK M.J Jl.llil Ki ill '.' .4JI V.IU :.ot aa usj l.'.T III, 1J i.-4 su.a! .at) r.l.iai Ilea Km lioKalmoulh. I'MyK.liuuulh . I It I .l fne-aV. lia raim..inn . Ia r"liiiuuih ball Hn.tul Ir.M rl mouth . Ta Cork as. .M.I K 1 I awl .-,va) UU jilila i.iuValll lVlU ali K-la.i H.:t nhli Ho r. aan o.iJ V vv I - A ao nM it.Hir lain -,iu - ! t ."'!. ua lima ( hrau. iIuh ln-o. and .1 VESSKIaS ON THK rKii1 auil t'iirrri0 irjr r'rlil rnr iitD ran inn aa. NgV YOltaf- Ship Henry Vlllard . LiVaHIMiib- I Hr thlii kalian Hr ship ill be. SKWi Asri.g, N.H. W. Hr haik I'aiKllila) . Hr ah.p i lly u( Madra Hr ihlit illenelaan . Hr Lark rUilkerkihlr Kill PK JANKlHla- Hr bait )e liar l-auk I tna. YOKOHAMA- Hr ih 1 1- A.lallr rrlna . IMKr I'lHIK- Hr ill 1 (i Port Jx kann I.ol - Hr bark t'nneajr I'a.lln. Hrahili Aharralollh l aalle... Mill.lXMxi Hr itHe Klnkora..... MAZA1IA - tier harl lVitrttauoa . .. Mr.l.HiHKNK rir hart l anibrtar t'hlvflala. IIHNiikHNil- Hr Sir rhiita.iinu ArxKr- Hr bar natbrlant KTKN. I'KBI' Hr ahip I'aaaol Klllacraukl . il'allau Hohlniun Ike lllrlfnth kerr. hajur .,M...'at'draiii Hud . Jinina .. f... I'elklli al.-Murtty... Hell . , .. ,WlUlam I bl he tlrimth. A.iani MKrKMKNCSte I'h. I s, W. Total louuMt on the way-H.'UI. Ham Hustler's TwentletH St. 'iit Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Bond Street. 5 MANHOOD RESTOREDSS a -a ll,tn nl a faiii.u.. Frat-h rid vsa-laii Bijin..i..i. . ....... . J d linnola Imiiuim IT voiaa or Oiara-w 'ail Jnaiimiila. l-ii inalinatlon. 1 1 ana dlarrier. 1 kV v 0 . I'U" sr 1 in aidTiranaihnrtnarynnriiutaliUnunUa Th raaain aulTarera ar not ounat hr K-Inr I hrrauaa ninety per rent ar Irntrhled Wtlh f I aaiuilllla. Ct'l'I UK N K la lh imly kiMiirn rrmair bininiwliliiiulaiinra.rUiin. kuiliaillmiiiil. la A written ruaranl given anil mnney relurnial If at (aura una nui eljecl a liaainan.1 1 aura UJ0boi,ti (urA.uil, br inalL UrnJ fur raBBdrcularaiHl leatlDiuulal. AiUraa DA VOL, SIKD1C1JIB Ca f.fttol Vlt, Ban -riiclacu,(ai. rU4bt CIIAB KOtlRHfl. jr.9 CnnimerclaJ Btreet. Save time and temper by taklna; the llurlltiKtun itoute to Oniuh'ii, Kansas City, St Until and all other aouthi-rn and south eastern cities. 8HORTEPT LINK, QUICKEST TIMK. BKST HKHVIOK. Three reason good one. via Blllln;, Montana, Two route to Chicago and via Bl. Paul. The aarvlc over both line Is aa t-ood a It can be. Ticket via the Ilur llnnton Koute are on sale at all rallroed ticket of fices. For Information about rate and train si-r-vloe, address A, C. SHELDON, O. A.. ' Portland, Oregon. FROM NOW UNTIL BPItINO Overcoat and winter wraps will ba la fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while travel Ins; In th steam-heated trains of th Chlaaco, Milwaukee and Bt Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no ether Una can com par with thr great railway f th West. Mi lif.j FI-KI-rr lS!irt-7. t an 1 1 I Ma. l'..Hlai..l H..UI Mill! .it..,, ii ell jiiailuui, iiuilul Aim I - 'i ' 'J II I aaaenui t n iSalluul. innliila A Til Nil..n a kair l-.uHrail H-"ir klllla Hatlxut. iiiilliriv A I a I II l ainei.iii A l i . -..llan.l I lout Mill tU . niImmiii A Kait llalkuil, llullill aii'l lt la ill' Mini M.C 1 1 - ;.v ii ii -I .11, Sill i.di I M I Iii H I In M I in ad I I M I in M i II M I l 4 I II I Ii M I na I I II M I II Id m ia M i.i in ai Al III hi I ua . i' I lit M a, aw l.l I i ltltaili A keir II ' . Ill t II I'aiiieii.n A i'u ... ilatbxlt. Ilulli'la A I n .1 K i unier"M A ti sii..ii A ken Hait-mr iimiIiii A i n aiiM,M A kir t'.iiiiauil riuur Muii.. l'-.rnaii4 M.-.u Mull .... j N I ameliHl A Co HI Si, 1 I ...KI1 nt mi alum liii in aa! i Hfe . .. . Al III M Al HI ..... a I Ilia, Al lai .. Al III M ,' III hi iMI la hi Al life ill Im all U M la: i b ... II II M A'l m ) Iai .!. . Al laa , Al III hi mi i" al U Al aa hi Al aa h Al 4 A'l Ua Al ll hi lall lua Al b .Al llM . Al II W Al l"l .... Al l"a ... - Al a hi Al im Al lit 4 A'l Aa . Al I" . .. WM) etaa 17 a bhla i; .ail pliilli Ml 1 Ik tl.nal I".'. ; so HW.ail) Hi aai j ail a J.-a aa.lail I '.'ill II- ;ai H. ail il M,'il TO III! tui.aai UI. lli I. ,, Mil ' ;j 1 l hft UNI i,.ui a I. -ail IH'1 an till avail J i .iii .-'' I.'.tin Halb-ur ilullirl A mIm,mi A krr Mar r..MiaH,l ri-ur Mil, Ilullirl A aiuaoa S kerr , ... I M I llaaHl A I ii ailiaoa A karr Hall. -nr. ilullirl A I H rameriiii A I'o 11.11. .Hi. Ilulhrl A .1 K l'ainr,ili A t'o jltall'Hir. liuihil A IVi III Cii .. . . ii'orlla.i.l n-air M l la Hail mii, ilulhrl A l ii II VI Me - ear all. iii A kerr i -alt -ii ilullirl A I pii.aMi A karr llillour, nutlirl A i o I Her jllalluiir. Ilullirl A I'o JJ H l'meron A Co lailiao A k arr .... w "all ail luilhri A i o Hal our. ilutlirla A in... . Hiliaott A Karr Halt'Hir, Ilullirl A I n J II l ailiaiuu A I'u... 1..UI luaii. lal'ia llil1. n-l - AImi al JliCl Mill J Via.. rl.oir lalue MMin. ' An ,aM lihli Itoui, lain li. afcl hail-l. ialue.1 H.'Ui and A'altou tiualiia of WAY TO OKK0ON. In m-t liiaaiuMBft im tun sutti-ii a Heiw . n 1 HVI iWal l.-au luul A 14 IW'AI in luul 17V III' A I I1K1 ItAlAI 1 imAi I lav iuuaI Mi jer. W. I n Itiirniir. ilullirl I'u J Ul.ll 4 l a allin a kerr Kiibertftun . . IM Jill I0UAI JI.C'.IHIAI I1UAI IU luu A I 4 rr ITwiinAl IIM 1 00 A I iws trxui in iuuaI KtVlilODAI W H (irai-e a t'o t . . lw ioiai I Inia time In lsV U. Same time In u4-i)J Astoria mid Mclee Ave. Situate, mi the Hiiuth Hide of AfturiiiV liills. Twenty i.t'rt't's wanner iind vegetation .'!) tlayrt in Htivnnctf of the North sitle. MagnilU't'iit Hiten for ren itltMioes, overltM(kiii)' river and hay, Hiiiiny and nliel tored. Easy and nattiriil gradeH; little) or no grading needed. t-rai-eh pursk-iaii, win qua hir cure i.'amt all ni-r. 11 thr . ru.r.uve ..tiiai.a. au. n aa Lai Mai.hi., 111 Ui f.uiUali,a. Nrrv,.ua lrl,HU) ,plra, Vnninaaa b Marry, im. ih,n Vario..ia a.lA U11 J ,a.a ,1,. r ni,hl .Y uk k. wlik-h If milrharVail t,.HMnKi....i..-. ... Um Ulec, Ui Vait''iII r,'J " n..n r.iinoTH V J74rT r'" l-r ll..ii..rrh.aa, Jf T I tl.l a 1 Hprmal.irrliira, la 1 1. :. l...J Ulill-a, n 11 n a t u r a I .ll g iiaaiai.a-i rj ram.a, or ao luOamni . ,,..U irriiail.111 tir uln-rft- Wnamiim, II. ,11 f 111 11 . 11 11 . mum HilinsOntwrii Pri. hrani. Nun aalrliiei-nt. icirmfin.o Bllul!i olat y lirwval.u. U.S.A. J i 'if a. til In laln wrappar, yt i-T aipraaa. lrwail.l, ffV'B 11 '" J laitllia. tJMl. ' Uirrular ei-u vu naiuaal ENNYtiufAL PILLS --'' ' ' ' "' . " ! i ir.a a. lalL I ii,imio r. u,i. mt. rtlleate rn ATSORlfl PUBliIC LIBRARY RKADINO ROOM FRKB TO ALL. Open vry day from t 'dock to IM and I M to I JO p. m. Bubsortptloo rate n per annum. B.W. COR, ELEVENTH A DUANI ITt. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE, For a dinner, served on th Dlnlnf ear of th Chlcaco, Milwaukee and Bt Paul Railway, will be aent to any addreaa oa raoelpt of a , two-cent pota. stamp. Apply to Oeo. H. Heafford. General Pa. snar Aaent, Old Colony BuQdmc, Chl caco, Illinois. "a. ,,aif waaalae. a. 7,' . ""aaia. .,(. U arv w-al u-,, , He aaa u.r' an. . .mi..hi.s. TakeVtr aa.iki-r. -"."aaaaw.w.WuJ - .a.. aUaal