The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 03, 1897, Image 3

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    " ...... -f.'i t I i -,-" , "'!" '
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The Oest
1 OnoklngTobaoooMndo
uta. aura M Wk Mnmiir. laeof Hr
fiilnoaa, U Maiiluml, Nlaim? KiiiImIiiiu, rlenriiuaiieae,
Las of ftwft In ileuaratlv lltiiui ol elllief mi raiiMl by i
lion. youthful errore, eioreelna uae l tubecm, opium or tU
which lead to lunrmllr, Ciineiiiuiitiiiimf Ineaiiltj. en be fl
A ! alVitruiiiaU.
J Cp.ii Mo.llJuol'0
it MVUUk IlUivl Mill
JTriii tin
lirliiiiruiiKiiinM.i)OBrM. en ! In iiridiroT Uo!ni fir i....m in an,
lurm. K'hbkali maaaui mr li"l In ln
fall to aiaallw luii-al niaa .limn H(H"unll tutnetr iuhiiii i-.i iu am .
llbl0 H lal iiiu UiWl vv vital a l fur a ovrala alMilutlr aii.r.inu -1 w uruairuu avurf
bar KJ lur imr'l "!.. I Tul.a-.'V "I'll '") f'l!;" "' 'a "Milan utlulM au4
(rnwvl AiUlMl'Maal'KailJjIUIaKMCUt !).. Cklawlwar Karfc.
Hold mi't II iiiunnlmil ! ( Ima llmfi-ra. IruKKlt.
-w v ar r
I 'Mi
1 Columlju Pivci
4 I V
Whin you buy tlaoa laama vaT ow m . !
Are You (Join.; KnsfV
B lur ud m (bat four tli-kt
rsda via
Thl U tba
Ami all I'ointM Kant and
Thflr MHenltlranl Trai'V. IVrleaa V
- tllmleJ DlnliiK anil Blt'cplng Cur
Tralna and Motto:
Hrvb (Ivvn tnli road a national nputa
tlon. All claaari of paaarniteri carried
on tho vtwtltmled tnilna without xtra
obancn. Ship your frelKht and trnval
over thla famoua lino. All aicenta hava
W. H. MEAD, F. C. 8AViOK.
Gan. Anent Trav. F. and P. AU
343 Washington at.. Portland, Or.
A paaaancar train on tha Chicago. Mil
waukea and Bt. Paul Railway. No. IU
tarlna are vaatlbulsd, heater by ataam,
and lighted by electricity. Each sleep
oar berth haa an eleotiio reading lamp.
Its dining cara are tha beat In tha world,
and Its coaches are palaoes on wheats.
This treat railway, connecting as It
doea wltb all transcontinental lines at BL
Paul and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng
public tha beat service known. Tickets
via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt Paul
Railway are on aale at all railroad ticket
offices to any point In the United States
or Canada. For maps, folders and other
Information, address.
C. J. EDDT, General Agent,
J, W. CASEY, Portland, Or.
Trav. Past and Tkt. Acant,
Portland, Or.
For Delioacy,
for parity, and for Improvement of the oom-
lexion nothing equal! Potioxi'e Pownaa.
To Bo
Given Away
llil ytnr in valuuhle
: article, to Miiokm of
Y'u will riml one coupon In cmii 9-oimrc bag, ami two
iiiiiiiii iuiti'lo rwli 4-ounce
lliiyn! n, rrml the coupon
ii. 1 1 . l ' to c.ii your aliatc.
fir min nr. Tonn't TutlcYW Kerr.
III. nils wuuunriui i"w wf
aranl.! In euro ail nrotie ills.
nl llralu femur. UravUMlha, Will.
Kinlaalmia, rlriiuaiioae, all drains,
which trail tu luArmllr! :iiieiiiuiitiiiimf ineaiiltj. i an oe inrnoo in
iwuii ml l iiar bin. ( lor IV lit mall iirauaid. Circular Free, gold
Aak lur II, Uko uu other, MaiiulealiirM by the
,l'rl, rrr. Uue-liaiU lirug Uh, diiuibuuug
.lUUUill !.. I'Uf lUuJ. Clt.
J. w. cunn, Anu juiana.
M. Mmi al ' ! l l-i Hita an lluf
ItiMimi 1 and t. Pythian Dulldlng,
ivirr C. It. Coopor'i atora.
(It. O. II. E8TE8,
8prlal attantton to dlaaaara of woman
Hid aurgary.
Otttra orar Danatfari atom. Aatorla.
Talrphona No. U.
Office, roomr f and t, Pythian Rulldln.
I lour. 10 to 11 and I to 5 Realdenoe.
Ce.lur atrret.
iniW T. I.tOHTER.
Offlca. upatalra, Astorlan Rullillnc.
ii. t. cnosnr,
41S Commercial street
Office on Ilonil street, Astoria, Or.
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlinn.
Cheater V. Dolph.
Portland. Oivgon, ' 21. 2J. and J7.
Iliimllton ItiillitliiB. All lok'iil anil rol
I'Ttlon liunln'e promptly attnnded to,
cinima iiKnlimt tho itovprnment a ape-
pociety MKirriNua.
TKMI'LK LODOK NO. 7. A. F. and
A. M. Rciiulnr communications held on
the drat nnd third Tuesday evening of
each month.
a. W. I.OI'NSnKRRY, W. M.
E. C. 1IOLDEN. HecreUry.
rriLooD poison
lllarr ill.dDO 1'OISON pannancntla
J.'iiredln luloto diya, VoucnnlHitrnnU'ilrii
Jiiouia furaame pricounuer anmeKUnrim
iv. if tou nn'fcr id eouie here i.ewiilciiDj.
"irnctlnliity mtlriMiilfiiriiaiiilhotolrilllH.Rtid
Ik Miarce.lf we full Moire. If routmo taken iner
rury, luillde potiiah, and still hnve arhc nnd
rini, Macon" Vaiclien In mouth. Hore Tliroav,
l'luiplca, Coppor (nlnrtl Spnts, lUrera on
tnr iSnof HietKKlr.llttlror Kyelirows fnlllns
outjlt Is this Ueoomlnry Ill.OOl 1'OlsoS
tte anarantvetoeiire. WeauliritUiomnAtotiatl
uate caiea and oiialleiiKe the world fur
cnan we cannot ctira, Thla dlienae hitaalwara
bruited the aklll of the moat emlneut phval
rlMiia gtAOOiUOO ennitnl btihlrd our unnindli
Uimnl snamoiy. Absolute proofa ni aealed oo
enXU.nriddn.M 4'(Mft KKMKUY CO,
Beaver Hill
Gil man Coal
...Try It
For Family or
Steam Purposes.
Reasonable In Price
Agents, Aatorla,
(DflRlflE (DflTTERS.
. i llllllt W41RII. WATHH.
IJATK. . N. , .. M. ' I A, M. I'. H.'
Ill, III ft III HUff III III ft III III jfl
"ii ii ii uy . , u hi n .1, : it mi ti n ii wi; i .
Mmiiliiv',. 4 7WIH.M tiMl
TiiMilntr., t) m rt.T II wsj
ni'iliiml'y Mi k li uu In 4
Tliiirnluypil Him ii f, r.,7
r,. M I . , . .
i '.i.
a wi.-.i
8 11,1.1
In in. .11,1111, -III. nui, Ih'IiiW iTfl.
('Iiiingiai of MiKin -ii, IjiiI Hr. 4, ew
Jlooii. II, Klral Hr. i;, Kull Moon.
TIk- slcaviiH'r Klnmro iajol out ym-
Till- atritir lUrrlanti arrlvtMl In yes-
Tim Anwanaly aallnl fur Australia on
Tin Maiiianllu niailo a trip to the
IlKhlalilp i'iTlny.
The All. Illuiiiliuril sailed for Han
"laiiclru'ii Ni-w Yir's Iay.
Tlin'riti-amiT Kini'lrc clitcreil yiatiT
d.iy from I'allfornla -1th a gi'tn-ral
('iiptaln f'nrnr-iilf, iif.lhn i'l-islnn, has
. colveil liintrurtloiui to l'od lumlicr at
Kiiaiiitnii for .Mi'llHiunn or Fremantl'i,
Auatrnlls. Ho will move across
'in, bay tmliiy or toiiHirrow,
Thv llrltlati ship Cluiiiiiilon, Cn plain
lllll. urrlvi-d ilnwii fnun 1'nrtlainl ys
'i'iily am cli-anM for (Juwnntown or
'alinouth for in-di-rs, with a cargo of
'l l.'.i aurks, or ko,4h7 bunhels of wheat,
t ulunl at fill. Ouo.
The Augusta, i-ntircO yestcrdny with
a cargo of ninety tuns of coal from H.
attlf, and i lcaml In the evening In Iml
luat fur the biiiiic xrt. Him will lenve
toiluy, having had very iulck dlriputch.
The lati-at news from North Hnaih la
to the effi-i't that neither the lilenmorag
or l'otrliiinw has yet Immh floated Into
'lii'P Mater. Tint (llenmorng was par
tially floatiil, but the am-ero storm
dnive her back w ithin the breakers, on.
h-.'.vner having partisl. Blie la strain
on the sand. The same storm drove the
l'otrlinos further upon the aand.
Hhlplmllillng la mailing rapid progrvr
In JaHn. At thv Mltau lllnchl yard.
Nagasaki, which was grratly enlarged
a ahort lime back, three Urgn sti-am-mill
' are now on the stocka. the carry
ing ca.NW'lly of which U MOO tons, 2.600
t ins, and 1,500 tons respectively. The
'.I'iMoii tt Is the largoat ever built
in Jaeji up to the present time.
An unknown derelict threatens the
nl ram e to San Francisco bay. avixord
ing to a report which reached the
Ilerchanui' Fxchaiige In a rather round
About way last evening. It Is a schoo
ner, tail torn aide up. and. It Is said,
nas sighted by the American ship In
vincible off Point Itcyes on Kunduy
evening. Captain Chlpierflcld has made
no report of the matter to the exchange
its yet. and It lias not been (Minted as
. Itlclal. Call.
The old bark liathcrer and the tugs
Sea Witch and IJberty had' a, rough
time of It eel, -May morning. It was
blowing fri-ali ami as the Imrk was
light the tugn bad as much as they
could do to handle her. When off the
f-rrles the wind and tide brought her
lirowlnldc on, and the firrybouj Kn-
liuil hud to lie bniught to a dead stop
in order to give the tow boat captnln
time to get the (iatherer out of the
way. The bark was being taken from
Iteale to Union street In order to take
In ballast. Chronicle.
tloodnll. Perkins A Co. have Issued
the following circular to all the agents
and receiving clerks of the PhcIIIc Coast
Stinmnhlp Company:
"Referring to the AUutkt route, we
are Informed by circular by the Treas
ury Department, under date of Pecem
iicr Ii. IW. that all rent rict lima nnd
prohibit limn heretofore placed upon the
luiliortatlon Into the terlrtory of Alaska
breech-loading rltlca and ammunition
therefor nnd the sale thereof within
the said territory, excepting u)H)n the
litinnds of St. Cieocge and Pt. Paul, are
Much hits been mii! and written dur
ing tho past few months uliout the
nwtnless Isles of St. John, In the South
sens, inn! Captain Hergnum, of the
American bark ltlg Honiniia, luis been
iiuoted In plcturesiiie dcscrlptloiih f
the beautiful women ther nnd the life
of luxury that awaits the man who
Is bold enough to make one of them
his bride. The ltlg Bonanza dropped
anchor In the harbor yesterday after
noon, und It required but a brief Inter
view- with those who accompanied Cap
tain Rcrgimin on his visit to the Islands
to demonstratu that the entire story Is
A myth. Captain Adolph Hergman, wli
wius In the bark a year ago when she
sailed past the St. John Islands, and
who Is aecredltod with first having
given the story publicity In n Sydney
paper. Is no longvr In command of the
vessel. His brother, Captain Alex
Hergman, formerly of tho Majestic, oc
cupies the cabin.
Th re are only two members of the
crew who accompanied Captain Adolph
on the voyage that Is now famous.
Hoth are boys, and only one speaks
English. When the English-speaking
youngster was tumbled out of his berth
last night and piled with questions he
soon exploded the oft-reiwated yarn.
He said that the Big Bonanxa did not
atop at the St. John Islands at all. SI i
merely iassed close by. A crowd of
natives) all men put off In boats and
boarded the bark, begging, stealing and
trading, as the opportunity offered.
No women came, nor did Captain Berg
man or any of his men go ashore. The
sailor boy said that the natives might
have related to the captain the story
he la said to have afterwords repeated,
but there was no evidence that there
was any truth In the yarn. Chronicle.
ROYAL hamng Powder.
Highest ot Mil la leavening
Strength V. t, 0vnmnt Report
Tfis Favorite Home lm
For all dlxiitts caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
Keep It always In the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Hills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth taMes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS LlVLR REGULATOR will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LlViiR
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
t J. U. Zellln Co., I'Mladelplda.
This Popular Amusement Foclologli ally
In a recent con vernal Ion about amuse,
ments, the general utility and propriety
of dancing was canvassed.
A lady ohnerved that by tradition and
education being a member of a some
what strict denomination she was up
lcd to tills form of recreation; but In
the community where she was living,
there seemed to be nothing else In a so
cial way. and her object Ions were being
gradually undermined.
No doubt thla Is a subject of more or
less perennial Interest not only to pa
rents, teachers and guardians, but may
be to sociologists and atatlstlclana. The
following Is submitted from the point
of view of the social statistician, who
would segregate facts, and discover
their beating on human welfare.
In a certain small community that
has come under the observation of the
writer th line was very strictly drawn
on the subject of amusement; one part
being consistent danoers of the entirely
genteel sort; the other non-dancers of
the strictest sect. Vital statistics of
each class after a period of some years,
are as follows:
Non-dancers, young ladles, members
considered, fourteen; married, at pres
ent, fourteen; living at present time,
fourteen; total number of children, fif
ty; average age at marriage, "t.
It should be observed that In every
cose tho young Indies married well, men
of Influence, abundant means, strictly
moral, and total alwtalrers. In the en
tire flock of their children there Is not
one defective physically or deficient
mentally, or that shows signs of moral
iwrvcrslty. It might also be added
that every one of these young ladles
was college-educated, anB at some time
taught school; quite Independent and
able t take care of herself. At pres -
ent. with but two or three exceptions.
their health is vigorous, and they are,
without exception, women of high
standing and Influence.
Vital statistic of the young ladles
who took their amusement In dancing.
are as follows:
Number considered, fourteen: number
married, fourteen: average age at mar-! be of any service. The teams were
rlage. 21: number now living, nine; to- stopped at Grand avenue and turned
tal number of children, twelve. j hack to the city. The horse had hard
Of these fourteen quite a part to climb the steep hill. The Incl
rled unfortunately the greater number dent demonstrated the fact that an
to the drinking or sporting man. aome j alarm box and hose station Is greatly City of Astoria, extended south to said
of w hom' were actual drunkards; and need somewhere on the hill. The near-J river. Said point and direction of cross
some of whom are no longer living. t est fire alarm box to Irving avenue and ing being located and described upon
Three of these wives have been sep- jthe neighborhood In the vicinity of 14th the map of said river on file In the of
s rated from their husbands, and as ai'ind 15th streets Is the Central Hotel! flee of the County Clerk. The bridge
rule, the husband of none of them was 'box. By the time a man runs down at this location to be an Iron or Steel
a man of either means or Influence; al- j hill and the engines can climb up to the jdraw wtih 130 foot openings, and 18-foot
though this was by no means altogether ! place of a tire, a block of houses might pile trestle approach on each side there-
It may be thought that the espe
cially fortunate non-dancers and the
esioclall' unfortunate dancers have
been selected; but It Is not so. Ill each
case all that could be remembered In
each sot have been counted In. The
dancers ns well as the others belonged
to good families, were well educated,
and In no respect behind the non-danc
ers; yet much more than half of them er faila ln coIds' crouP and lun r0
have bi-en unhappv In their later life, j bles- Children like It because It Is
Moth sets lived ln the same town, went 'Peasant to take and it helps them,
to the same school and churches; sang l l,as- Rogera
together and
went to the same socia
bles, and were good friends; alnnit the
only line of division being on the sub- j
Joel of .lancinc
Certainly it would not do to draw
a sweeping conclusion from these facts',
yet the following can hardly fall to be,
Just. Those that deprived themselves !
of whatever enjoyment there is In danc-;
ing imrtles, and thus Incurred the stlg- .
nui of prudery or old-maldbiiness, have j
not missed the good of life, but during ,
tlielr maidenhood became accomplished
, . , . , , , , . ,.
independent and useful; and In their
nuirled life have been singularly fortu
nate. They are still living Intellectual
and generous lives, with increasing use
fulness. On the contrary, the majority
of the girls that danced cut short their
time of preparation, and made a failure
of their domestic life.
Precisely what the connection In oth
ers may Infer, this would seem to be
true: Time spent In dancing, getting
ready for it and thinking about It,
leaves only an Impression upon the
senses, and ends simply In agreeable
feeling. It stimulates the emotional
life at the expense of the mental life,
and favors Inclination at the expense
of Judgment. It is the well-trained
mental faculties, with Intelligence and
cultivated sympathies, that prolong the
freshness nf life. In women no less than
Take laxative Bromo Qulnln. Tablets.
All druggists refund th. money If It
falls to cure. 25c. For sals by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
In men; and the Urns and fores required
to train Ihs slow-going powers of the
mltiil rai.nni bo spent In agreeable emo-
lions without Ifsvliig the later life .t';i-
,ii"iii-r iiiirrviice woum seem io via
that domestic life, upon which so much
depends, Is mostly determined by the
ac'iualntanc.- Hint one mak'-s. Ca
pacity to shlno in the ball room, whicn
mak. a man fascinating, la but a
slight test of his capacity to shine in
real life. It Is a fairer and honester
way of learning man to see him at
work, as In school, or In conversation,
or at a prayer meeting, or debating
society, or temperance society; where
his mental and moral qualities have a
chance to show. The girls that make
their acquaintances at da noes are likely
to Judge men by their look and cl-rthe.
or other superficial qualities rather than
by their merits, and If dancing monop
olize social life, the girls have no fair
chance to Judge of men truly.
Which, If this Is all true and Just.
is much ground for the opinion, held
largely by sensible perpie, that dancing
Is a sort of amusement that might very
well be substituted by something
improving; and that as a cheap and
trivial way of spending time It Is on
the whole vicious.
Ho much might be Inferred from farts
taken from the best of scolcty. When
we look narrowly at the worth of so
ciety, Aiid find how It cams so, a much
strong' i conclusion might be reached.
It takes a certain amount of Puritanism
to make life rugged and pure; and even
at the risk of narrowness what Is
doubtful and, debilitating may be ex
cluded, nnd still enough that Is good
will be left. H. . I.
Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggists refund tb. money If It
falls to cure; 25c. For sale by Cbaa.
Rogers, Druggist.
(Continued from Fourth Page.)
for the better there will be a large Im
migration here.
Captain Corkhlll, of (Ee British ship
Crown of India, who Is now In port
awaiting orders, went through the entire
revolution In Rio m 1891 and 18M. The
captain has many Interesting stories of
those exciting times when merchant
ships which entered the harbor Ignor
ant of the state of warfare, were prac
tically held prisoners, fired upon at ran
dom, their sailors killed, and worst of
all, their men swept down by the yellow
fever plague without even a chance of
getting them Into a hospital or secur
ing medical aid. Water and provisions
were at a premium, and If it had not
been for the determination and bravery
of the commandant of the American na
vy stationed there, no relief whatever
could have been had. Contrary to their
usual custom the officers of the British
navy lay on their oars and saw eighty
vessels of the British merchant service
suffer for the want of a little, protec
tion. The correspondence at the time
by British ship masters would make a
volume of Interesting history.
The alarm of fire sounded at noon
yesterday was occasioned by the burn-
ing of a tar barrel in the big dip-
i I'lng kettle at the old waterworks
jn Irving avenue where the old mains
Ure bel"" re-dlpped. For a few mo-
I menis the dense smoke from the burn-
jlnK '" frightened everyone In the
I neighborhood, but the men in charge
of the work soon extinguished the Are
by throwing wet planks over the kettle,
The fire department responded prompt-
i alter tne turning in ot me aiarm.
: but did not get up the hill in time to
. burn.
alalia Ugutua
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,
and Invariably reliable are the quali
ties of One Minute Cough Cure. Tt nev-
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns are quickly cured by DeWItt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It Is at present
the article most used for piles, and It
always cures them. Chas. Rogers.
The old lady was right when she
said the child might die if they waited
for the doctor. She saved the little
one's life with a few doses of One Min
ute Cough Cure. She had used tt for
icroup before. Chas. Rogers,
It Is a fixed and Immutable law that
to have good sound health, one must
have pure, rich and abundant blood.
There Is no shorter nor surer rout,
than by a course of DeWItt's Sarsapa
rllla. Chas. Rogers.
DeWItt's Sarsapartlla Is prepared for
cleansing the blood. It builds up and
strengthens constitutions Impaired by
disease. Chas. Rogers.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Cortn Drng Store
10c and 25c per package.
Tit fla
il alia
Parties desiring the best of Job printing
at the lowest price, should call at th.
Astoria JuU ofc a bvtoni going elsw-wh.r.
On first-claws rnal estate security. Prin.
clpala only need apply.
Kinney's Building.
After January 1st, 1897, freight
charges must be prepaid to all stations
on the A. and C. It. K. R. where the
company ho no agents.
Oo to Elmore, Sanborn's office and
machine. Take along soma of th. twines
"as good aa Marshall's," In your pocket,
and test them. Than sa. bow much mors
Mara hall's will stand. It's money In your
iwkat and fish la your net to find out.
thsur new and handsome twin, testing
To cur. all old sores, to beal an Indo
lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you
need simply apply DeWltt'a Witch Ha-
tel Salve according to directions. Its
magic-like action will surprise you.
Chos. Rogers.
Report of tno Condition
'First National Bank
At A-ipirta. In theHtveof im-gxi. si beetsr
of Imiinew, December 17, 1 MM.
bnan' and dlrmiit JI74 tf7 is
(ivernralta aeenred sndiiiiv-ciio-d... 2,M 77
u. ft. noti'ia in M'uro tirruMi4uw.,
rY-tmun.a on tl. . lionils...
Htorka. aeeurlties. et.'
UJ uu
l.(0 00
1L77S 3
'nh-r Keal fnate and Xortgagei
Due lenn nat mial bsiiks (not reaenre
1434 27
3.' W
HjM 74
lefnirs stale hank anil bunkers
Due fir is aiiire I n-wnr,' aenta..
fiiecka and other raib Itrmi
NoU-a of other National Bunk.....
Nickels and cao't .
1 26
Ion Ml
SI 0
LAwrui. Mosar Bkhkbve is Bask, Vis
rwie lioo o o
Legal-tender notes .. 3.110 m 10310 00
Hfdi-nii'tlon fund wdli u. It Ireasurer
6pereepl.ofHreuliitinni 661 5A
I Hie n-oin u. n. 1 rasaurer. oilier man
t per cent redemption fund 23) 00
Capital stock paid In f M.iMO 00
Kurvlut fund luM W
Undivided protia lea ex
penses and Uxea pald 64,164 63
Kallonal bank notes out
standing 10,600 00
Due to Htate Banks and
Bankers.. . 110 SZ
Individual deposits sub
ject to check JTOS.llO 71
Demand eertincates of da-
poilt 41,296 -. 61
-ftateW OS
Btate ol Oregon, i
rUnintv of CulIaod. I
I. rt. S. Uotdon, cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to tbe best ot my knowledge and
belief. B. B. (iOKIMi.l.Caobler.
HutMcrtbed and swnru to oefnre me this 24 tb
day ol Deeemoer, ism.
Notary mbUs.
wrrsn anew :
WM. M. I.ADD. l
J O. HANTIIORN, J Directors
Notice Is hereby given, that sealed
Plans, Specif! cations. Strain Diagrams,
and Bids will be received by the County
Court, of the State of Oregon, for Clat
sop county, nntil Wednesday, February
3d, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the build
ing, erection and construction of a
draw bridge acrom Young's River, In
Clatsop County, Oregon, according: to
such plana, specifications and diagrams,
said bridge to be located at one of the
following points, and herein designated
Ig locations Nos. 1 and 2,
J Location No. 1 Being a point on the
north, bank of Toung's River, at the
J intersection of the east line of the town
of Case's Astoria, with said river. Said
point and direction of crossing being
located and described upon tha map of
said, river on file In the office of the
County Clerk. The bridge at thla loca
tion to be an Iron or Steel Draw, with
M foot openings, and 16-foot pile trestle
approach on each side thereof.
. Location No. 2 Being a point on the
north bank of Toung's River, at the
intersection of Seventh street, of the
iof. Each bidder shall deposit with his
Ibid cash or certified check, payable to
the order of the County Clerk, to the
amount of ten percent of his bid, which
shall be forfeited to the county. In case
the award la made to him and he fails,,
neglects, or refuses for a period of two
days after such award Is made, to enter
into contract and file his bond in the
manner required by and to the satis
faction of said County Court.
The plans, specifications and dia
grams, selected by the County Court,
will be subject to the approval of the
Hon. Secretary of War of the United
States. The payment for said contract
to be made by warrants on the Special
Road Fund of the County, one half up
on the completion and acceptance of
the contract, and one half one year
thereafter. The right is hereby reserv
ed to reject any and all bids.
By order of the County Commission
ers. F. I. DUNBAR,
County Clerk.
December 23, 1896.
Bids will be received at the office of
Elmore, Sanborn & Co., ln Astoria, Or
egon, until January 6, 1897, for the fol
lowing spiles:
100 spiles 10 Inches at butt, E Inches at
top. 45 feet long.
100 spiles 12 inches at butt, 5 inches
to 7 Inches top, 45 feet long.
100 spiles 14 Inches at butt, 7 Inches to
9 Inches top, 45 feet long.
200 spiles 14 to 18 Inches at butt 10
to 12 Inches top, 45 feet long.
All of said sptlea to be of good fir
timber, peeled, bored and sharpened.
Contractor . to furnish all chain neces
sary for the proper rafting thereof, and
all to be delivered at the station of th.
American Star Packing Company, at
the mouth of the Chinook River, in the
state of Washington, during the month
of February, or part ln the month of
February and part In the month ot
March. 1S97. The right being reserved
to reject any or all bids received.
0. R. & H .
Via Spokane and St Paol
Via Ogden, Denver and
Omaha or St. Paol
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
Free Pedinln. Chair Cars
Astoria to San Francisco.
Stat, of California, Sunday, Jan. 1
Columbia, Friday, Jan. S.
Stat, of CaU Wednesday, Jan. 12.
Columbia, Monday, Jan. 17.
State of Cal., Saturday, Jan. 23.
Columbia, Thursday, Jan. 28.
State of Cal., Tuesday, February 1
Columbia, Sunday, Feb. 7.
Astoria aod Portland Steamer.
R. R. Thompson leaves Astoria at 7 a.
m. daily except Sunday. Leaves Port
land dally at S p. m., Sunday excepted.
Saturdays at 11 p. m.
Telephone leaves Astoria daily ex
cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port
land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m.
For rate, and general tnronnauoo oaA
n or address
Gen. Pas. Agt-, Portland, Or.
e. McNeill.
President and Manager.
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced br. Physicians th
most Favorable in America
for sufferers from ...
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indlo is,
the past b the large numbers who
otherwise would bare been glad to tax.
advantage of Its beneficial climate, baa
been a lack of suitable aocommodatlOB.
Tb. Southern Pacific Company takes
pleasure ln announcing that several
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hare just been erected at Indlo station,
that will be rented to applicants at rea
sonable rates. They are furnished wltb
modern oonvenlenoes. supplied wltb pur
artesian water, and so situated as to air.
occupants all th. advantages to be de
rived from a more or lass protracted
realdenoe In this delightful climate.
(From th Ban Francisco Argonaut.)
"In th heart of th great desert of tho
Colorado which tb Southern Pactfls
traverses thero la an oasis called India,
which, ln our opinion, te tb. sanitarium
of tb. earth. W believe, from personal
investigation, that for certain individuals,
there Is no spot on this planet so favor
able." O. T. 8tewart. M. D.. writes; "Th.
purity ot tb air, and tho eternal sun
shine. All on with wonder and delight.
. . . Nature baa accomplished so
much that there remains but little tor
man to do. As to Its possibilities as a
health retort here is th. most perfect
sunshine, with . a temperature always
pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain la
an unknown factor; pure oxygen, dens,
atmosphere and pur water. What mor
can be desired? It Is the place, abov
all others, for lung troubles, and a para
dise for rheumatics. Considering th
number of sufferers who have been
cured. I have no heeltancy In recom
mending this genial oasis as th haven
of th affllctod."
Is 6l2 miles from
end 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles $3.00
For further information inquire t
any Sou the, u Vacirto Company agent,
or address
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Co.
Dlst Pass. Agt.
Cor. First and Alder sts., Portland. Or
S. Freeman, late of Freeman It Hols
R. T. Earls, late of Stockton Cal.
Blacksmiths, Machinists
and Boiler Makers
M"u XS!i M Kinds o! Machinery
Iron and Brass Castings
General Blacksmith Work
QPECIALTIES - Welch Patent Wheel. Ship
Smithing and Steamboat Work, Cannery and
, 1 mm maenmery. manna ana suuonarr noli-
an Built to Order
Specially equipped for kg;cra ' work
Correspondence solicited
18th and Franklin. Phone 78
No. 92
Special Attention Paid to Steamboat Bo.
orseanoaing, Eto.
17 OLNBT ST., bet. d aaa tkw