THK DAILY ASTOHIAN, SLNDAY MOIJMNU, JANUARY It, 181)7 JOH T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. SI tkbms or auBHCRirnoN. DAILT. Sent by mall, per yew,.... Bent by mail, per month Delivered by carrier, per month .tcoo . .SO . .46 WEKKLT. eat by mall per year, H In advance, pottage free, to subscriber. All communication! Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communication of all kinds and remittances must be ad'ivsecd to Tbe Aatorlan. The Aatorlan guarantees to tie sub scribers the Unrest circulation of any jewspaper published oa the Columbia .hrsr. Advertising rate can be had on appll eat! on to the bustness manager. The Weekly Aatorlan, the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, baa, t.tit to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jdo. F. Handley Co., are our Port land areata, and copies of The Aatorlan sea be bad every morning at their Hand, tH Third street The "AitnHaa" keraby erTar to doaal. ONI Hl'NWRKD DOLLARS ta St. Mary' Boapltal. payable oa dernaad to rather Dtalmaa, whenever legal evldeaee I pro aacad shawtac that aay artaraooa sews aapT pabllahed la A.tarla has prhatad wtthla the last alnriy days expiring be fore this offer a slngls special" ar other klna at talegrahle press repart," taeslved ever the wires eatwrlag either af the tslagraph la Astoria, rrosa asty patat oaulde of Oregoa. Astoria. Or., Oetoher 15 IS. THE OREGONLAN AND THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. The Oregon tan Is making a serious mistake In Its attack upon the state board of equalisation for raising tbe assessment of Multnomah county. There can surely be no sane person In Portland who doesn't know that that city has always evaded Its fair propor tion of the burden of supporting the state government: and whether th peo ple there realise It or not. the Asto rian has quietly to suggest to them that Clatsop the only county singled out by the Oregon ian for its abuse is the last county they want to have any row with on that question. There are single buildings in Portland which, it Is no disparagement to Astoria to say, cost nearly one-third of the total value of all the- improved property In this city, and which have been allowed for years to almost totally escape taxation be cause the people of the balance of the state took a sort of pride In Portland's metro polltanlsm, and were too public spirited to raise any fuss about it. . Tbe day has gone by, however, when the oppressed tax-payers Of Oregon can longer afford to Indulge any qualms of that nature. Multnomah must and will be made to walk up to the rack: and do her duty from this time forward. Clatsop, and perhaps every ther coun ty in tbe state; wants to get s-'ong ami cably with Portland, but as long as Portland enjoy the distinction of being the largest city In the state, and Is thereby able to exact a tribute from nearly all other sections, she must take the evil along with the good, and pay her full share of public taxation. The difficulty with Portland'- people ii they have had their way so long, . and have become so accustomed to It, that they are intolerant of tbe Idea that there is any other section of the state outside of Multnomah county whose rights they are in any way en titled to respect. To show how little merit there is In the puerile complaint of the Oregonlan that Clatsop county is instigating a Popullstlc vengeance against Portland because she has got a good deal of money while other portions of the state are poor and struggling. It is only ne eessary to contrast Multnomah s as sessment on the roll of '95, with the one Just revised by the state board of equalization. In 1895 the Multnomah county board returned a total assess ment of 5,673.109, which the state board, either through an excess of kind ly consideration for Portland, or for some other less scrutable reason, re duced to J52.863.031 a difference of 13, 810,078. Clatsop county's board In the same year returned $4,458,197, which the state board reduced to I3,S6,846 leaving Clatsop's people to pay Just about the amount of state taxes put by the board in the pockets of Portland's rich property owners. But now mark the difference In 1896. The rolls show that this year the Multnomah board returned an assessment of $44,695,490; a reduction maUe by themselves under their return of 1895 in the astounding sum of $11,(77,619. Such remarkable de cadence in the short space of twelve cionths, even for an Inland town like Portland, is incredible. But the state board merely Increased this preposter ously low estimate to $52,659,555, which, It will be observed, after all the noise the Oregonlan has made about it, is actually $4,013,554 less than Its own re turns of 1895, and $203,476 lees than the amount which the state board kindly and voluntarily reduced Multnomah's assessment to, and upon which her cit izens gleefully and Jubilantly paid their state taxes for that year. So far as the threat to advertise As toria as a town which has declined In its material wealth, "according to the estimate of its own Inhabitants," since last year is concerned. It should be borne in mind, in tbe first place, that tbe state board of equalization does not perform the function of assessing the taxable property of any county that work being all done by a county officer elected and qualified for that es pecial purpose. What the board does is merely to equalize the share of state taxes to be paid by each county; that is to say. It is Its duty to determine what pro rata or proportion each ought Justly to bear "of the whole burden of state taxation. In order to do this fair ly the state board necessarily has authority to inspect the assessment made by the assessor and passed upon, revised; and approved by the local board In each county, as the basis upon which that county proposes to levy Its own taxes for county purp"'- In or der to equitably distribute the state's taxes, the state equalisers exercise their Judgment In grading down or raising, as the cam may be, certain specific items of taxation awring on these various rolls, after a careful compart son of all the rolls with each other. This Is the extent of the board's author ity to alter th ameasment previously agreed to by the county, and that Is all the board has ever done in this or any other year. It can thus be readily seen that In the case of Clatsop county the state hoard has simply exercised Its prerogative to lighten Clatsop's proportion of slate taxes for IS9 a few hundred dollars less as compared with that of Multno mall county. And as to the Oregonlan's allocation that the reduction made by the state board in Clatsop's assessment Is equivalent to an admission by her own cttliens that the value of (heir proiierty has decllmtt, this doubtless has reference to the fact that the mem berof the lul from this district hap pens to be a resident of Clatsop county. i-assing me imputation thus cast on the Intelligence and honesty of the oth er members of the board, the Astoiian has only to say that In view of the nature of Its duties as here explained, and the system under which the board is organised and conducts Its labors. such a charge Is utterly silly. In Multnomah, on the contrary, the difference of over $11,000,000 noted be tween the returns made by Its own board in 1S95 and the return made In 1S9. evidence Is really furnished by Its own cltlsena tending to show a depre ciation In values in that county which Is either so alarming as to entitle them to the sympathy of other and more prosperous sections of the state, or else they are guilty of a deliberate and scandalous attempt to shirk their right ful share in the support of the state government which will bring dowa upon their heads the contempt and ma, edlotlon of every other county. we would advise the Oregonlan to say nothing further of an offensive na ture against Mr. Wtngate. nor concern' lng the depreciation of property In As toria, as confessed by Its own citizens In the unprejudiced assessment fixed by the state board of equalization other wise It may be shocked to find the news going the rounds of the great dally pa. pers, and liter appearing, under the head of items of 'interest," In the pat ent boiler-plate Insldes of country week lies, that the city of Portland suffered a decline In the value of Its property In 1896 the enormous sum of over $11,000, 000, or nearly 25 per cent of Its total property valuation. A LAST WORD. "All roadways," said the Roman pride. "All roadways lead to Rome;" Perchance, howe'er men's paths divide. At last they bring them home. I have not known of mortal mould A wretch so fell and grim But when the story all was told I needs must weep with him. Time takes my strength, but gives my pen A wider range and scope; I view the heaven-shaped lives of men With endless trust and hope. No more I label, sort, define God's dealings deep and dread; I raise to heaven these eyes of mine, And all my creed Is said. By Frederick Longbridge. DID YOU EVER Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your roubles? If not. get a bottle now and relief. TUs medicine has been found - e peculiarly adapted to the relief and of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct Influence In giving strength and tone to the organs. If you havs Loss of Appetite. Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitter: Is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by Its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Land well stocked with the saw palmetto, which was long looked upon as hardly worth despising in Florida, can be bought In the Keuka region at $1.25 art acre, and the plant is likely to prove yet one of the most valuable products of the state. Coffee made from the pits is said to have a fine flavor and to be wholesome. A cordial man ufactured from It Is said to make a spirit-broken sick man look upon life with new courage. And the roots are well stored with tannin. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharle, N. T., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery In the house and his fam ily has always found the very best re sults follow Its use; that he would nor be without It, If procurable. O. A. Dyke man, Druggist, Catsklll, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery Is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy; that he has used It In his family for eight years and It has never failed to do all that Is claimed for it Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. In one of the chief squares of Patras some Important sculpture and an an cient mosaic pavement have recently been discovered. The most important piece Is a statuette which Is undoubt edly a copy of the Athene Parthenog of Phidias. The head and arms and part of the shield are missing, but It la hoped they may be found on further exoivatlon. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' brlldlng. FREE TO EVERY MAN THE METHODS OF A QHEAT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS OF MEN, Which Cured Him iter Everything Else Failed. Painful diseases are bad enough, but when a man Is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness, the mental forebodings are ten times worse ttuin the most severe pain. There Is no let up to the mental suffering day or nltrht Meep is almost impossible, and under such a strain men are scarcely respon slble for what they do. For years the writer rolled and tossed on Iho troubled sea of sexual weakness until It was a question whether he hn.l not belter take a dose of poison and thus end all his troubles. Hut providential inspira tion came to his aid In the luie of a combination of medicines that not only completely restored the general health, but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts to natural size and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take the trouble to send his name and ad dress may have the method of this won derful treatment free. Now when 1 say free I mean absolutely without cost. because I want every weakened man to get the benefit of my experience. I am not a philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the mentiil tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at once could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mall the Informa tion, but send for It, and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men snd mean a lifetime of happiness to most of us. Write to Thomas Slater, Box JSS, Kalamasoo, Mich., and the Information will be mailed In a plain, sealed en velope. A well-prejerved mosaic, the central figure of which. Is believed to be a por trait of the poet Virgil, has been dis covered at Susa, In Tunisia, The figure has a smooth face. Is dressed in a white toga bordered with blue, and Is reading from a papyrus, which shows lines of thj Aeneld. to the muses of History and Tragedy standing on either side. The mosaic is believed to belong to the first cent try after Christ. The things that people see are Inside of thorn and not outside. No two o- ple see the same thing exactly alike. One woman may look out at a beautiful landscape and see all the beauty and rest fulness and grand ness that there Is in It. Another one will look out at the same scene and see nothing. The man who Is perfectly well and vigorous en- Joys life to the full. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery makes people well. There Isn't anything -miraculous about It It Is the most natural thing in the world. It simply puts the digest ive organs, the stomach, the liver, the bowels. In perfect order and thereby makes the blood pure and rich. All diseases live and thrive on Impure blood. Keep a stream of pure, rich, red blood flowing Into a diseased spot, and the disease will not stay. A man lives on rich, pure blood, and disease dies on It. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery makes pure, rich blood. Send 21 cents In one-cent stamps to W orld s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffa lo, N. T., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser,' profusely Illustrated. Harold M. Sewall, of Bath. Me., fa mous chiefly as tbe republican son of William J. Bryan's running mate on the silver democratic national ticket, is the republican candidate for Bath's representative In the Maine legislature, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of John O. Patten. His fate as a candidate will be decided at a special election on January 9. THE GREATEST MONARCH. Is a fit subject for pity if he Is troubled with dyspepsia, while his poorest sub ject who digests properly may well be envied by a prince thus afflicted. The dyspeptic of every clime and nation owe a debt of gratitude to Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, which rescues them from one of the most obstinate and troublesome complaints against which medical skill Is directed. On this con tinent. In Europe and the tropics, this sterling remedy la pre-eminently and Justly popular, not only as a stomachic, but also as a means of preventing and curing malarial, rheumatic, kidney, bil ious and nervous disorders. It Improves appetite and sleep, hastens convales cence and the acquisition of vigor after exhausting maladies, and counteracts the Infirmities of age. A wineglassful taken before retiring has a tendency to promote tranquil, yielding sleep, a boon much coveted by nervous InvallilB. Rtfntly an experiment was made by tho owners of a paper and wood pulp factory to test the time required to convert a standing tree Into a news paper. The tree was felled at 7:35 a. m., and at 9:40 a printed Journal was In the hands of the party the process requir ing only two hours and five minutes. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers. After a long and luxurious yawn one morning a West wood, Mich., man could not close his mouth. His Jaw had been dislocated. He was so frightened that since It was set he doesn't care even to smile broadly. CASTORIA For Infant and Children, alalia Km trify JP4. stfutsi. St A Herman court made nn odd ruling last wevk In a rem.irksble ease of lar ceny. A man was accused of stealing several thousand amperes of electricity by tapping alight coiupanyVwtrcs and using It to run, a dynamo. The court, on aiiel. ruKI that only a movable material object could be stolen, which electricity was not, and therefore the man was acquitted. The best regulator (o regulate a peo ple Is Simmons Uver Keirulntor. It regulate the liver and the liver reg ulatea the person. If the liver Is reg ular then health Is good, but If slue Rlh or diseased then theie Is eontnnl HIIIouuh'ss, Indigestion, llen.litche and all the disorders of the stomach that one hours of. Try Simmons Uver Keen lutor nml prove this. IN puli.-t W.islilKKl. p.ltrolMC tlovern.'r-elei't lowers of n liiis firmed om the slut to a .'opimlltee In leli county, consisting of ivpfwenlatlvos of the populist 'he silver repul'llciin. and the denuvratic parties. Only those persom having the appiovat of this trl I artlle exinmltt.s' vvl'l lie appointed ! oitlee. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's tale where exhibited. On the lands of Judge Russell and John Foster on the Ixuiks of the little Niagara river, Mo are two schools of beaver, six In one school and eklit In the otho. The Judge and Mr Foster will mt allow Interf.Tence with the an imals. TO li Kt A t'OI.U IN ! IV. Take laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. Sic. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. In the Russian army two days a week are observed as fasts Wednesday and Friday on which days all the sol diers get In the way of Is lentil soup and black bread, and a drink con sisting of water in which rye bread has been absorbed. OABTOniA. Ii a VTtfps, Old socks seem t have h-l-1 other coin than gold In St. Joseph. Mich., prior to election, as slmo that event great numbers of nickels have appeared in the ritmmunlty. and one bank alone has shipped to Chicago $'"0 worth at one time. The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone. Illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Hog res. In India only H.OOO.lXiO out of a popu lation of 250,000.000 can read and write and these are the people the Hrltlsh government boastvd should, under Its benign rule, be brought to a high plane of civilization and enlightenment. 'Excuse me," observeed the man In sectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not where the Uver Is." "Never you mind where his liver Is." retorted the other. "If It was In his big toe his l-ft rar Pe Wtt's Mttle Early Risers would reach It and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig lamps." Chas. Rogers. It is said that Emperor William Is considering the advisability of recalling all the officers whom he loaned to the Chinese government for the purpose of Instructing the Mongolian warriors In the arts of civilised wareare. The length of life may be Increased by lessening Its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. In a drove of eighty-five hogs In Ia vies county. Mo., the average weight of which Is between "HO and l.OnO pounds there Is one which measures almost eight feet both in length and girth, and weighs nearly 1,200 pounds. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at the office of the A and C. R. It. R. In Astoriu, until noon of January 10, lh!7, for the construe tion of certain trestli-work and pint forms, at "Scow Itay," In the city of Astoria. Also, under separate cover, for the construction of the trestlevvnrk on the line of the A. and C. It. II. R between Tongue Point and Knnpi.a. All the above In Clatsop Co., Oregon. Plans anil specifications can be seen at the office of the company In Astoria, after December 25. Approved bonds will !) required of the successful bidders. Tin- undesigned reserve the riht to reject any or all bids. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned have duly qualified In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county, ns executors of the ast will and testament of John Hob- son, deceased, ana ail persons nuvlng claims against the estate of said de ceased must present the same, duly verified, to such executors at the office of Fulton Brothers, Attys., In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from this date. Astoria, Dec. 15th, 1S96. C. W. FULTON, G. C. FULTON, Executors. Most so-called "salmon twin's" are col- ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre and render the material useless. In th office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Is an ob all fishermen. It Is the whole of th material used In the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Go there and examine the color right through. Tou will see then why Mar nhall's Is called the best In the world. OUTWARD HOUND OliKGON GRAIN (Hevlwl iiitt'iirrwtrd vry Krldayl saii.i. ri.Aii. nam.. Aiutuvl S Am Imrk , Soiioma II Her lil t s.xmva 'll MilhrrlamWIiliel aiiHnlilp lisenuminimliii,.; , Sept. 'Urslvli llreiililliUt ,,, 14 Hr all. iLrlmid.. VH.rilU . ,ulliiia M.trbivk ...irinmere tr bark Iliiuiueielln . Ocllir Mir bark., ., 'Siimoi ... NJ'r fhlp ;lor.l ShHliwbury.., Hr l'ik. Ksrlvsiun ,, I'l'r bll Clvdenliile ";Hr t'rk ., Hull iiia u or mo i ,i ii i.i I'J Hi shin . I.' Hr bark.. I'Mllr slim ... .'.'ulrr sti ll 1 Mr Imrk. ill i'r hip :'(ilrl.iV .. a- Hr Isok -V.. II. -I.... v.... :,. .t 7' "" """ "'"'"l' A. lie.le. IIVll TiHk ""'.TZ " Hr liii KnlvviMHl ails " " IT ship ,-iii.-ii n ?'!'r ''"I' IHirbriilse ,,aij Liverpool 'T'? Nitrelwiiv. , . U.'iM'ork tW i bsrk.. . Mavbla IttW'ork H' Hr shin ... i.leolol . Hr7 fork . , "''f l''K t'helnitfortl ,vrk ..." .... Kjlir l.rk Ml ..,L! twM'ork I'I'r "bin II-a l4e 'JIM Cork I'lltr-lup , Mel(Mioe. busrotk iiiir iiie... . iviem . . .. iitwiNiik Slj!!"!"" IVHtlUMrtlee... hw.1 Plymouth..".'.'.' Jii irlil. liirheatM Koek ItiMtVik . , it Hr b rk,. I'ellallis ll 'Jim v'erk ... .'; Hr baik .. . 'Tuveedtdslr j I SMI " ." Ir iilii Kuraila ...Jkw " .H Hr bark .. Kenvoli 1 Tisf " ee. MlrtMik. t'abul ilWPalmoulh. Hr brK ..;Vr II..; lIsv Kalmmuh. 'rbok ITO.-VUII IwuiVrk Hr liln....,....:IVri.veiiie 'inwv'ork Hr ilup Heval Hoone lemWk "'' bark ;Maiplsen hanrork ' ."" I'rablp 'c t Haddington.. li'mk Hr illlu lYallurl lies, c,,,, ' ' hip ,1'auibrlau I'rlmvsa .... u0 Kalmonth....... 'llrship . . IKsliiiemli i " i V !"" ?:'"'; 1U'f "''! ''' tl"iir, vslue twain U (Hi Wan aliiioii l- klan l.s.ii I.I.N, value. Im.iMi K Alan 0.1 1.1,1. do .r. vabi. arj K Hour, va lie J iiu II tit.H Hour. rain. H.1,imo -A l.o ;i,w bbli Itour, raluo tVLWO l7i i8qj Fisfyer Brothers, Lubricatlni OILS A Spedalty, 1 Sell ASTORIA Ship ChaiiilfWy, Hanlware. Iron it Sttl, Poal. ( troctrit's it Provisions, Flour A Mill Fet-l, l'liints, Oils, VarnisliPH, ICtrs Supplifs, Fair! milk's Scale. riwiri it Vindovi, Auriciiltiirii! Implement' Wiiii'Mis t V'ehic le. .SNAP A KODAK- at any man eouiiug out ut our stors and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming oter with pleasant ttiontfhlav. Hucb quality In the lluuon we hare to oSer ar miuh tn pleat aor tnaa. COMB AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO. WHITE COLLAR LINE TELEPHONE AND BAILEY GATZERT Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves Astoria dally eg- cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Tort' land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m, dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at 8 p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. B. SCOTT, President E. A. Seeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. 11. NORTH PACIFIC Steamship Company's Will be dispatched from Portland, Or egon on or about November , 1H36, on the route from that point to the Co- qullle River, touching at all Interme diate points as Inducements offer, and will remain permanently on that route making regular trips. For rates or other Information apply at offices of the company, Worcestet niock, Portland, Oregon, or 121-123 Da vis street, Pan Francisco. NEIL CILMORE, Agent, Main Street Dock, Astoria Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Trains leave Seaside for Astoria al 7:30 a m. and 2 p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at t m. and 4 p. m. dally. TralnB 'eave Astoria for Seaside at 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at 9:40 m. and 2:08 p. m. dally. The Palace Cafe Is the Place for a Good Meal... Eastern Oysters In the shell or can Served to Order or Sold at Retail W. W. WHIPPLE THE PALACE WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Jno. 7. Handley A Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Aatorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. T I'l.KAHNI) roH HUM VUdlVuatilek im I'ort Natal... IMH t.tvorpiMil t ! Hay.,.. lixi furk Iiwi 141.1. j-.h lltill.., law I.'ljjiiiuiri on uii'. is. l.rrs ,.,. I hw law , I.WV .'11.1 ITiWCorl I " v H ,iun i,im 4,1. 1, k NUI '4. Ml K 41,111 74I el., I'J 4l,tlu.i 4" il .1 4i.An 4'oM K'.M A.-.lO , ISO S'i,"v Hl,l. I l.lttt II M .'II ll,tl M.WI si. hi; 4.',ai W.irjl u,iu; ivv-f" an, mi ro.717 M..UI 7-y;i U.iwl V,;mi li..'i S4.ISJ .'1,110 Kl.t.-J H'.-l'J 44.'l 4M4J r.i.ivrj W IM.' 4;.rp 4.',in; mi. i hJ 4V'.J vS. llee. '.'I Nor JS. JIM IM'7 lew H vi r VKSSKLS ON THK I Rented ami t'otreelrxl every PfMa) . roar iah.ii ram asp kaki. 1'alteii NKW YOltK- fihlii Henry Vlllard .... UVkKI'iKiU 1-Hr thin Kellanr Hrhlpileu SKWi'antI.K. N.8. W. KlllilllMIII nr uars I aii.luut Kre Hr itiin City y "( Ma I. llrltllthi.. kerr Hr thin Olaitalrau Hr I'lirk Silkerkahlre .. HID PK JAKIKl Hr dark 1 tier louk Una. YOKOIIAMA- Hrihlp Asiatic I'rlneel llettertMii. har.. Andrriou inni time Hr ihlp I'ort Jarkinu Ilmls I." I'A- Hr liark Conway 4'atl. ., Jonea Hr ah p Atxrywllti ( nlle. I'arkliia MOI.I.KNIIU Hr ..Hp Klnkers- MA 2 A I I A N tier bark I'olrlmpot.. mim.ih'i na , or bark Cambrian chieftain. WlllUnn IIONi.KoSil- 1 HrSir t hlnamii .. Hiitia... ANTrt KKP Hr bark umbrlant (trl(Hilii. ETKN. I'KRT- Hrtlnp I'aatal Kllleerankle . .... Adajna MBCrKMICNCStaa -Not. II h, 1 H, WW. Titfal tonnage ou th way-.!. Same Hustler's Twentieth St. 1 Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 483 Bond i.miiuuuu iiLOiunLUv BCrORC aso AFTER J , ;.'"'? l7,.,!r,',Ki,,K'r' ' V,7.,,;r' ''""" uuv.r. it; kliltipya ariq in. urinary unranaul all ImourliJaa. rCPIDIir ami iraim amall weak iiriraiia. Th. ruaaun anm.rrn ara not rntwl by IHirmra la hmuiiMi nlntr par rant ara tmnhlMl milt, alalllla. etll'l IlKN K la ItioonlT n-m1r tn run, alilioui JiTT.TZV" K!7T??!! la. A wrliu-n arnlr slran ami mnnry miirnnl It an tmim di nut ailaci ITa iiZ lJOa iHii.ali fir, by mall, w-nil Ii.r 1ra.1t clreulw ajul U'aHmoiMala, pruiaii4 l.ur Addraaa OA Vot. EUICIHB CO., P. O, lloa am. Ran rrsHckm, ((, p CHAS ROOEItH. 4f, Commirrlnl Hlrt-rt. Save time and temper by tuklnK the liurllnttion Route to Omahn. Kansas City, Ht. Iritis ami nil other southern ami south eastern Oltll'S. RHOHTE8T LINK, QUICKEST TIME. ItEST SERVICE. Three reasons (rood ones. via Illlllngs, Montana, Two routes to CIiUuko and via St I'aul. Tho service over both lines Is as good as It can be. Tickets via the Ilur llnjfton Route are on sail) at all railroad ticket of fices. For Information about rates and train ser vice, address A. C. SHELDON, O. A., '. ' Portland, Oregon. FROM NOW UNTIL BPRINO Overcoats and winter wraps will be tn fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line eaa compare with this great railway ot the West. aiWMS-7. . allll't'SHa, Ipnrilaibl Hour Mill"" -' j.iii i . k'Tr llsll, .III. VOIllltIS I'll h,i' .M.lOl ii,' 7.VH) 41 .o ' I ;u,iivi I M I III trl I 111 M i la lt I IJa lit I ll M I lla M I Ua il I Ins I lla Id I l" I M I lis M i lla Hit AM II Sil All lis A All lit M ill ... ..-I lla Al A'l I M A. 0t...., I" lla At Ll IUS... ... Al lla l A I I,,... Al lla M Al H ki H lua Wd A I Ilia Al HH . ... J H raiiirmii t'i Msllniir. iniiiiru i nn .. S i lun ii .Ii Kerr r.irtliint Klniif M III . Ihilloiir, uuilirle in J It ranirroii 'o , ISirtlnml Hour Mill" 1 1- . Mil, .in A Kerr Hull, .in, ilullnlr ami I " rll.m-J 4s, u 4.',Hl Ml IniIkoii , Kerr 4(,.l I .in u Ml I 'aini'ron ,t l vi .v.. Hi ilslb'iM. mobile A 'n . . ills" hi no it'.mm I i.lMI I II I u-lleri'll On ,,l,., a Kerr IbillKiir unllirls s I'n .... Ii-iMI A h"'t ..... - ..... I' niUinl Kl.iur Mill' I'.iiliaml KIkiii MIIU j II t'siiieron I" Til ll MI..IU M ii bVi.iai ;i.ilu M IXI :.1,iii .','SM TV' lia.mal ill lJ lis. lit lv.SiO lil IK, 'Ml ::j..a' M..IIU l.ll ii'ioi rla,iMl till, ! UL'Oi ILI.IXI ,.m ;v I.V.IIHI ftO.lUl llsll-nir.lliillirla vVi . Hia.ui a Keir A Hers , I'lirlliiml Klmir Mill lUltimr. Ibelirir A t'.i , ti,ott it kurr , J H 1'iimiiriiii A I'n silion a Kirr Ilnlioiir. iliillirls A I'n ... I It raiiiemn A ' llalliinr, Ollllirle A I'n J H raltisrviil A I'n . HaliiKir, tliiiliilvi Al'u I'nrilaii.l riniir Ml l II. II, mi. Uuilirle A ' - Al aa tkl . Al lua ...... , l Hi M ;.'l'l 'lis w' tail .... .- A'l !...,.. all IK At !l I'" tl lua 4.1 a. tfcl Al aa ! Al " l . 'Al b . . A'l IJ ! Al lm ,. Al I'W AI lua , , ...Al 111 Al II Me '.ar sibnui A Korr , ., all mr. Iliillirlr A I a . Sll.,ni A Kurr llsll.iur. iiiilliils A I n A Hern ......... Ilallniir.llllllul' A I n . J II l ainemn A I'n - vi... si l .ran. value llHM, J '" i,:.y bbli v alue k'.nv !' "'a J -kiirVA ll.ii.aliil'W.' Uiih WAY TO ORKOON. HAa olt ( AI-TAIK. tsa SATS I itmaluxaaa i7 "All Sullen S Heeb 77 Mr)tr. W A t il 1 .4 hum l.vv IkiIA 1444 IIVO y.l nu t i it nut I irrj lie A I in liti A I luw nwAl ItKIWAI llitfliur. liutlirlvi Co J l-alillaw A I il ,Ml..ui a Kirr lT I mtijiiDAi iwi'neti . lira lug .VI MrMiirtry ITW iwai llelloeic IIM llAI 'lM li'Al Jir.i iiumi jinru uv.u . lV I0UAI ,W H l.raea Ci I Iron lima In IW4-44.TW. Ham lima lo lH-..TV. Astoria mid McKec Ave. Sittntcii oil ttic mmtli Milo of AntiiriiiV hills. Twenty ili'!'c'n wanner and vt'gctiitioii iiil ilavH in ikIvhiuo tif tin; North nidi'. Magnificent HitVH fur loa idt'tiei'H, overlook in1; river ami bay, minny ami shel tered. Kasy nnil natural grades; little or no grading needed. Street. MAI unnn ocoTflnrn "cupioemi TlH.rm4ViMIulila tlonol a l..n..i.l.'w,irh .....,. ..T.T.L . "I" yuii. or (Ii;b.ih ill tin, ii i ,ir,S," Z.iei. f "1. V. "'. "T iii.mi,i.i'.i,ii,ii,oii" k,ii1ivj.mS.r.i i'M,.,:;r,", OiniilnaUon. 1 4 atia all IM. hr Hay or in.i t IWmhT ,,l k n..l..l,i,art, wiiu-h llnmrhVr.,, IJ,, '.nt,!,, '"'Vih niir fi ta a non -iw.tannnua rrnmlit fr lirrlnra, ill;-!, Hprinlrihir, hllra, 11 11 1, a In raj ill. . nnrii,. or anr Inn.ninia Hon, Itrllatl r uleura tlon ,.r . 'whins Cur." H d. branra. Nin.iuirlii(,.it. imcmmti.t t' 1 Mule by Uranlata, . y.r'.ir will In plain wranixr. Iir Mprra. prpaM (or .1 i. or .1 iNiiti,.., 3.7ft. lar arm uu riaiiLMt PCklrSr.' , . , 'ln niaaiaan llraaS, UtfAL PILLS inland O.I. iu. . aad O.I, a..l.K hruvuii ........... L.Blts 'kl.AMtt aw,, j . uru umI uoi a.ulli.V aaulhrr. I..r, T"' f In .n,i. r, ,.,,i.:, "a. SaW kf ail Uaal Ur.uuu. l-hrrr I MCMalc.ll u "a aal brauuu. -,a4la,a Saaara '.Uaaa. r. RTSORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOM FnEB TO aT.T. .-(?T.W-!U7 ,rom 'el00k and l:W to 1:10 p. m. Bubsortptlon rates It per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANB ITf. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE, For a dinner, served on tht Dining ears of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt Paul Railway, wUl be sent to any address on reoelpt of a two-oent postage stamp. Apply to Oeo. H. Hafford, General Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. jf Jrio I u ft 'l.rSij 4-7 ila.r.nU"! 9 f am I, .uuior. 8 'ii.aul. lonitiija.