ja M 1 1' I n ,f v,...., ,r r, THE DAILY ASTORIAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DKCEMBEB 30, 18!)ff. fDAHlHE (DATTERS. r-vv i v o a if r:n v .'; B' ,WT with hlf . imrliaiu l lu uoImm ay HmIC You will oiumii Inaiila u iu ouih bud, and poll Inalil eat U diur uuuou bug of Blackwoll's Gonume Durham Smoking Tobacco lliijr ahaanf (lilaiwInhrnUo Inlieflcnand rmil II WlllUU (I VM a liluf alUUl (.K.MIIU anil how wivirnnn npcTAnrn M A l III II III If voat niotat. I I par FJ0-T0-BA0 liratiiisTiintiiia w9rJntUHtot9$mM. VfHWrn tm pryra tt pnwvr lo doaimr the1lr for uaiwu In ftny ik m. n-wiutc i iiitirMtMi nrtt-in inm lirihuxi vtsaiJMt o bilwt vp wtit , fur NKiklci ' kh I r'tm-Hi Kiiii hold Mti'l Jhere omls "Afjout Columbia Jiver Salmon 4r p H i! A' r.'r 8rw to any olhr. V ll"a taAMaa v.w , m . . Alt I lAtiVa Are You (Joiiiff KastTf Ba aura and aaa that your ttokat raada via T he North-wester line:. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS -ao- OMAIIA RAILWAYS. Thla la tha GREAT SHORT LINK , Batwaaa DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all I'oints EHft ScutL anil fhalr Mnnlflrant Trark. Pr-erlnna Van tlbulrd IMnllif and Blouplim Cr Trmlna and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " llava (Ivan thta road a national reputa tion. All elaaana of pasatinvara carrtad on tha VMtlliuled trains without aztna oharva. Hhlp your fralrrht and traval ovar thta famoua Una. All asanta haw tickets. W. H. MEAD, r. C. BAViOB. Qen. Aannt. Tra. F. and P. Act. MS Washington at, Portland, Or. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on tha Chlcaco, Mil waukee and Bt. Paul Railway. No. Its tarlna ara vaatlbuled, haatar by steam, and lighted by alaotrlclty. Each sleep car berth has an aleotrlo reading lamp. Its dining cars ara th beat In tha world, nd Its coaches ara pataoea on wheal. Thla great railway, eonneotlng as It does with all transcontinental lines at Bt Paul and Omaha, assures to tha tarvaltng publto tha beat servloa known. Tickets via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt Paul Hallway ara on sale at all railroad ttokat offlces to an point In tha United States or Canada. For maps, folder and other Information, address. 0. J. EDDT, General Agent J. w. CABBT, Portland, Or. Trar. Past and Tkt Agent Parti and. Or, For Delicacy, for purity, and for Improvement of the oora- ilezloa nothing equal! Ponoai'i rownaa. MM llluckwoll'a Oaiiulne fir mini nr. ran'a Yellow Here lIIH( Ml l-Ill. i'llli wuuUurliil ntiuody limits X Olid una X ia coupon jf J lUnilllUVW HUWlVULil i1V.ninu.1Woure.ilnrou die mm, turh as Wk Mmniirr, Lies l llr.lu rnwar, UmuImjIi. Wakfc ulueaa, LmI Manhood, Nightly Kuilaaloua, Nnrvousiwaa, all drelua, im of powur lu (leuarallve Orgaua of either mi mumI by orer eior linn, youthful smire. ikwIii umil lobaneo, opium or illmuluiM, rlilitti Inul lo liiDrmUf, l'iiuiimiUmiir liiMiillf. Can be carried In tn. lor y bf nill pnwlil. u;r-"lr rmt. mua I'mu Mcllolii Co.. I'arU, rrmm. l4ti-lvli Vluf Co., dUUlbuUu WcuU, ThUa ua VwiililU (.. furtuuul. Oc J. W. CUNN, A4l. Aston. t CUARANTEEO CORE I UDAvvv HABIT i wucld. MftOr irnltt W KitinU lit and II ltTt wuria. mmaj tintu i Htf. JU'I Iff ft IM1I 1 irti will I OO ft our U tiiutilf tuMriii4Mi ir urutfjfiam afrr ml HitHhn Vimr I. if wrtnn f HfiiilT mt UuibraiilM by (.'him. It'irrii, I'UOrKBfllONAL CAR18. tl. A. BMITH. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and t Pythian Bulldlnc, ovarr C. H. Cooper" atora. Oil. O. II. K8TE8, PHT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. ftpedal attanllon to dlaeaaaa of woman ind surtery. Offloa ovar Danilt-ers stora. Astoria. Talephono No. U. I AT TUTTLK, M. D., PHTHICtAN, BUROKON AND ACCOUCHEUR Offloa, roomr f and t, Pythian Bulldlnc. Houra, 10 to II and I t Raaldaaoa. W Cadar atraat. IOHN T. MOHTER. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Offlra, upitalra, Aalorlan Bulldlnc. H. T. CROBBT, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. 4M Commercial atraat I. Q A. BOWLBT. ATTORNET AND COUNBELOR AT LAW. Offloa on Bond atraat, Astoria, Or I. N. Dolph. Richard Nlion. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH. ATTORN ETB AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 14. H, M and n. Munillton Bullillng. All legal and col lection bualn-aa promptly attended lo. Clnlma iitiMnet the government a sixv Inltr BOCIETT MEETINna. TKMPLK LOPOK NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Regular communlcatlona held on the Hint and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W, LOl'NSDKRRT, W. M. E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary. rflioop poison A SPECIALTYc? 0 tlarf JlLOOU 1'OISON pornim?ntlf ourtMl In 16 to HA dnya. You can be tmainl hooi forumi prion unt)r iniuo Kunriiu tjr. If ynuprvfer to cume here vwll Iodiv imcttoimy t-allnmt Uroand hotolbllli.tiid Ik sham. I fwt ful I toouro. If foil have taken iuer tnurv, ', IIM Hilda) uotutth iii at I II hava achoa and nainL Muaauual'iitvhra in u.outh. Hure Tliroua. icuua I'Hiviirn in u , Cop imp r Colorvi ua i' l'ttnpla, opHPr Colorvil Hpota, lllctsra ua any partof lha Dodjr, Iliilror Kyeitrowa illln if IhetKxlr. IlMlror Kreitrowa fullln out. It la thta Heoonditry llLOOI) TOISON ftaaranU0 to our. WoaolioitthanniitohaU i 9ttBa and ch alien it tlia world for m cime we)onnotf!uru Thla dlieaa baa alwara onllleij th a kill of the moat fttiiinout phynl Clan A0O(K)O oanltAl twhtnd our nncondt tknalffaraotr AbM)iiitJ prooffi ifnl .vled oq appllOMh.n. Addreaa COOK HKM KDY CU, R. I a. Boyle & Co. Heal Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 03 Sa COMMERCIAL ST. f I I l i I l . l l . .).;. r- Ji a J TP; UATK. MuTiirilny i', lllllll WAIRIi, I MW WArrH, Y. M, A. M. Ii.m rt !,li hi ft i'li in a Il III lit II . bVi:ii f 7X) II 41 V.'i lim,j Mio io wi 1.71 Mmiihiy,. 'fihwdny,. (ilfiBtl'y I hilrlit Krliliiy.. . 7ll.l K)"l I U HI VII 1110 11.7:1 t lllt! iH'ty 3ml H 1 .11,4 4 ll'U 611,1,1 umi IMl !IU rif U ft. ill 'il,7 I I! I x Mil.: t u in. ' (.'llHIIK'4 ii. in -2..1, 14. -. kUi, Ih'Iiiw mirii. of M'miii-7. bil Ur. 4, , Klrl nr. HI, Full Mmm. Tim llrltlnh ship Hollo put to yti-ti-riluy. Th wruUn r vu very rough outld yxulttrtlay, anil no ihlp rrowtml In. Tim lftunlilp Columbia, wJId y tenUy murnlnir for Columbia with a Ki'tural 'rn, t'ni.lBjn Kvhim, of 111 Ilrlllnh bark Ia Kxiiktm, vho ha bran In tha ho lilUI wvrral day BulTorlnir from pneu iimnlH. ntyi tlm IMlifW, rturnl to hi vwn'l yrKlcnlay. The Im Khmk'ku u sally dri-med yi'nti'nlay with rvwrRrn-nii. Kir branch! . iir thrw fwt hlifh dlHplayril 1'iwl from Krh miurthnaul, th tl of pviry yard artn in tha apankir and Jllilmoinii. Tim Hiirfc waa dn by thr t.lilp'a crrw ClirlliiMii eva. -hrlHn :ta ivlrbralml on tha ahlp yiwtcnlay tilth a mib-mlld (llnri'T. In hb-h the mi-rli an bird anil Knirllah plum pud dliiK wcrv the atar dlahra. OiMid din v.n won- Tviil alioard other hl the liarlior. Tlie hliliig of clgarettea to the Ori ent Is a romimratlvrly new feature In tha Piharco trade. It only being a fm Keeks since the Drat shipment of any of thla c'Iujw of good waa sent went- ward on one of th Northern Pacific company's steamers. Kach suweedlng steamer U leave Tamma for the Orient has a ronalgnnient of rlgarettea on hoard and now the railroad companies are beginning to realise that rhere may be a source of considerable revenue In the huHlneaa for them and are mak ing a sMH'lal rata on tha little pests, which It la supixMed will Induce man ufacturer to send their product via the Hound. In a recent ailltton to tha Joint uwrt mound freight tariff front th Atlantic aeatioard to Taooma, Seattle and Portland, which has Just arrived at tha local office of tha Great Nor thern, the following Item ara of gen eral Interest to shippers: Cigar and clgarettea In bole, trap ped with wood or Iron, at the end and corded In the center, the cord to pasa In and out of every board on the fnir aide of tha box, and the end of which shall be sealed, a rate of K.44 per 100 pound will be made, the rate to alao apply from North Carolina lilnt where Chicago ralea apply. Rate are alao quoted on plug and smoking tobacco from the sauna point and de- aorlblng method of packing. CorTeA In sacks, from the Atlantic aa board to Pacrflc coast terminal la rated at TS cent per hundred weight In car load lota; cotton waste In balea coat tl per hundred weight less than car load lots; and 10 cent per hundred weight In carloads. Rates are also given on furniture and pipe fittings nhloh are not found In the regular tiirKT. The rates on these commodities went Into effect on the Slat of this month. An amendment to the existing lum bcr tariff has also been lasued, quoting a rite from North Pacific points to I'raliie du Chlen on flr lumber of M cents per one hundred pounds, and on shingles and lumber other than fir, SO cents per hundrer. Ledger. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Bonlta Channel California. It Is reported that Ilonlta- Channel buoy, Black No. S, la (DO fept due east of Its proper position. If so. It will be replaced as soon as praotlcahle. This not Ire affecta the Lint of Bear oins and Buoys, Pacific Coast. 1895, Pace 18. By order of the lighthouse board. FRANK COURTIS. Commander U. 8. Navy, Inspector 12th Lighthouse District. Olllce of Vnlted States Lighthouse In appctor. Twelfth District, San Fran Cisco, Cal., lerember 26, 1S96. WHITE HOUSE ETIQUETTE. The Unwritten Laws Which Govern the President' Social Position. Illustrated American. When the president and hi wife drive out the president site on the right hand wat and his wife on the left. If there atv others In the carrtiig whether ladles or gentlemen, they must Hit with their backs to the horses. When Mr. Cleveland was Hint married sho tried tho experiment of placing her not her opposite the president and her self In the presidential landau, but the people laughed at It so Immoderately and professed to think Mr. Folsom (as she was then) to be the maid, that It was speedily dropped. Whoiv the pres ident's wife drives alone she alts In the rlght-hiu.d corner the place of honor. The lady of the White House cannot set foot within those splendid houses In Washington whose flagstaffs mark the foreign embassy or legation. She oould not go without the president, and as an embassy or legation I techni cally a port bf the country tt repre sents, the president could not go so that she never sees the Inside of a diplomatic, house as long as she pre- Ideai at the executive mansion. The president dines only at cabinet houses, and his wife cwinot dine anywhere without him. President Arthur dined with judges of the Supreme Court and with senators, but aa he had no wife, the whole system waa very much sim plified for him. The president' wife may. If she chooses, go to luncheon where there are no gentlemen, or to teas, both being regarded aa strictly Informal; but the danger of giving- of fense by accepting one Invitation and refusing another is so great that It la seldom or never risked. The U. S. Oov t Reports ahow Royal Baking Powder gopertor to all other, regulator7 Be Favorite Home lm For all disease caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep It always In the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver regulator win cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. ' If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. J. II. Sfellln Co., I'hlladolpbia- WHAT I IK OVERLOOKED. It wus evident that something preyed upon his mind, and, as he was unusual ly lljchl-hearted. they wondered what It could bo. "An oversight." he said by way of ex planation, when asked about It. "Per haps not a aertoua one," he added, "but atlll enough to trouble me considerably. I thoughtlessly let It slip Thanksgiving Day." "Let what slip?" "Why, the thanks that must be due from every sensible person In view of the fait that there won't bea particu larly large assortment of bicycle adver tisement to wtmy. one with their con flicting claims for a matter of three or four months. Just think of what a long rest that Is!" Chicago Poet. TO Ct'BC A CO B IN OltK DAT Take laxative Bromo Qululn Tablet, All druggist refund the money If It fall to cure. fSc For sale by Chas. Roger. Druggist. The Bay of Fundy has the highest tide In the world. It rise a foot every five minutes, and sometime attain height of seventy feet TOZlXaV, A to nal I fata Vianaa. PROPOSAL FOR A FRIDGE, , '. Notice I hereby given, that sealed Plans, Specifications, Strain Diagrams, and Bid will be received by the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Clat sop county, until Wednesday, February Id, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the build ing, erection and construction of a draw bridge across Young's River, in Clatsop County. Oregon, according to such plans, specifications and diagram. Said bridge to be located at one of the following points, and herein designated as locations Nos. 1 and 1. Location No. 1 Being a point on the north bank of Young's River, at the Intersection of the east line of the town of Case's Astoria, with said river. Said point and direction of crossing being located and described upon the map of said river on file in the office of the County Clerk. The bridge at this loca tion to be an Iron or Steel Draw, with 90 foot openings, and 16-foot pile trestle approach on each side thereof. Location No. 2 Being a point on the north bank of Young's River, at the Intersection of Seventh street of the City of Astoria, extended south to said river. Said point and direction of cross ing being located and described upon the map of said river on file In the of fice of the County Clerk. The bridge at this location to be an Iron or Steel draw wtlh 130 foot openings, and 16-foot pile trestle approach on each aide there of. Each bidder shall deposit with his bid cosh or certified check, payable to the order of the County Clerk, to the amount of ten per cent of his bid. which shall be forfeited to the county, In case the award Is made to him and he falls.. neglects, or refuses for a period of two days after such award is made, to enter into contract and file his bond In the manner required by and to the satis faction of sold Cbunty Court. The plans, specifications and dia grams, selected by the County Court, will be subject to the approval of the Hon. Secretary of War of the United States. The payment for said contract to be made by warrants on the Special Road Fund of the County, one half up on the completion and acceptance of the contract, and one half one year thereafter. The right Is hereby reserv ed to reject any and all bids. By order of the County Commission ers. F. I. DUNBAR, County Clerk. December 23, 189. BID9 FOR SPILES WANTED, lilds will be received at the office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co., in Astoria, Or egon, until January 5, 1897, for the fol lowing spiles: 100 spiles 10 inches at butt, S Inche at top, 45 feet long. 100 spiles 12 Inches at butt, S Inches to 7 Inches top, 45 feet long. 100 spiles 14 Inches at butt, 7 Inches to Inches top, 45 feet long. 200 spiles 14 to 18 Inches at butt, 10 to 12 Inches top, 45 feet long. All of said spiles to be of good fir timber, peeled, bored and sharpened. Contractor to furnish all chain neces sary for the proper rafting thereof, and all to be delivered at the station of the American Star Packing Company, at the mouth of the Chinook River, In the state of Washington, during the month of February, or part in the month of February and part in the month of March, 1897. The right being reserved to reject any or all bid received. mm. THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN Established 1873 As an advertising medium the VVeekly Astorian ia un surpassed by any paper in the State outside of Portland. Thirty-three hundred copies are mailed each week to every home in the territory, both in Oregon and Washington, trib utary to the City of Astoria. Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the '--Country-;:;A::;, People , J .; should call to their aid the columns of the Weekly As torian There are " several reasous why the Weekly As torian'8 circulation is so large. One is that its columns con tain more reading matter than any other paper in Oregon excepting a Portland publica tion. . The News of the World foreign, interstate and local, is published in its columns. It is absolutely reliable; hence its popularity. The VVeekly Astorian contains 56 columns of reading matter every week. Just think I All the news of the world for $2 a year. If you are not a sub scriber to this great paper you should send in your name at once. Second Oldest Paper in the State atfAaaaaaaiBBi 0IVE3 CHOICK tSS AaC Transeontineital;! ROUTES. jfv . Via Spokane and St. Faol -Via Ogden, Denver" isi -Oiaaha or St. Paal . , ' " ' PoIIaiao and Tourist Sleepers : Free Reciimnj waff Cars Estoria to San.Fwwiwo." ' Columbia, Sunday, Iovi(,tr M, State of Cal., Friday, I Member 4. ' Columbia, Wednesday, Iamhert. State of Cal., Monday, Vmbut It. Columbia, Saturday, lKvmber J3. Bute of Cal., Thursday, December U. Columbia, Tuesday, Decrt)ber It. V. . - Astoria and Portias d Stealers. .''": R. R. Thompson leaves) A,for!a at 7 a. . m. dally except Sunday. ,j Leave Port land dally at I p. nv, Sunday excepted. Saturday at II p.m. I Telephone leaves Astoria dally ex cept S'a'Jar at 7 p. m. I Leaves Port land daily except Suadajr at T a. m. For rata and general information sail aw or address - t-. .; C, W, -L0f 'N9BKRBT. ' ' . - - Agent W. tt HURl-BURT, - , Oaa, Pa. At-. Portland, Or. - C McNeill, President And Manager. '' ' - -. -vAbso!if.!e"iy ' Dry and Puro Tropical Climate 1 Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in Amer for sufferers f jQxa Lung Diseases anrj Rheumatism fJanyBsniarkatl? Cure Toe aijitUoa U sd aa&aaat biiU U toe paat, t . tba.Jam kumhara a otherwise would hail bean glad ta taka auvoia-e ei it Deasnciai climate, has been a laek of auluble aommmnrimln,. in. ouuuicm nrno company t pleasure ts aaocMoclf that several Co&modiou and Comforuble Cottages have Juat'baaa areata si Indto station, that will ba ranted to aopUcant at rea sonable rates. Taiy are furnished with modern eoaveaiansaa, supplied with pur artesian water: aa4 wr. sltnated aa to gtr occupants all , the -aatraotagea to be de rived frosa a sMia or las protracted residano le this ilghtful climate. (From th Ban rraacueo Argonaut) -'la th heart ot the gnat desert of th Colorado which h Southern Pacta traverses thane la aa oasis called India. which. In eur eprilon, M th sanitarium of the earth, Wi ;:ere. from personal tnveatlgatlou, tha for certain Individuals, there is so spot & thla planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart, K. D., write: Th purity ot th at, aad th eternal aun- ahlne, Oil am with wonder and delight. . . . Nature, has accomplished ao much that thar reaaaina but little for man to da. Aa ta Jt easlbilltlea aa health recort hra fa) the moat perfect sunshine, with temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry aoll. for rain Is an unknowa fa-tor; pur oxygen, dense atmosphere and pur water. What mora can be desired T It la tha place, above all other, for Pui troubles, and a para dise for rhaunatlca Considering th number of atttrrars who have been cured, I bavej ho rettancy In recom mending this r nlal ossU aa the haven of the afutot IND10 Is 6l3 miles from 8AN FRANCISCO and ijo' &n, from LOS ANOELES Fare from' Ljs Angles I3.00 Wtp ftivthar , InfiirmuHnn Innntp. . any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or addres K. P. ROGERS, Aaat. Gen. Pass. Agt. a P. Co. t J. B. KIRKLAND, A . Dial Vmmm k Cor. . First and Alder ata.. Portland, Oi S. Fwphan, law of Freanua & Holmes. T. caklb, late of btockwn Cal. mm IRON VOHKS -CFOUNDRYHEN - : pJlatVamlths, Machinists and Boiler Maker 1 uCpS? flU K'nds 0! IHaehinery , , Iron and Brass Castings i . (General Blaoksmlth Work -PfClALTIES-Wakh Patent Wheal. Ship w SaiMhlnr and Steamboat Work, Cannery ana IMili Mch.nni. Marina and SuUonary Boll--tn lluUiuOraar racially equipped for logger' work - V 1 CorreipondeiKa aollcltad " tftti and Franklin. Phone 78 hhon. Blacksmiths Bjieclkl Attention Paid to Steamboat Ra- painng, rstrClas Horeeahoeing, Eto. ttOG(ilHC CBJRP BOSK fl SPECIWtTY IvT OLD y ST., bet. ad aad 4th. (