THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, TlUliSDAY MORNINU, PKCKMHKR 24, 18 ' JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TEKMS OP 81'BgCRirriON. DAILT. Bent by malt, per yet? Beat by mall, per month Delivered by carrier, per month. WEEKLY. $4.00 .45 Beat by mall per year, O In advance pottage tree, to subscribers. All communication! Intended for publi cation ebould be directed to the editor. BuslneM communication of all and remittances mutt be addressed to The Attorlan. The Attorlan ruaranteea to Itt tub- tcrlben the largvet circulation of any jewtpaper published oa the Columbia Tver. AdvertUltuj ratet can be had on appli cation to the bualneta manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the tecond oldrtt weekly In the ttate of Oregon, has, text to the Portland Orecontan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jna F. Handler Co., are our Port land ageuts, and coplet of The Attorlan eaa be bad every morning at their stand, 14 Third street The "Aatortaa" hereby olTen to donate ONE HrMiKin DOLLARS to fu Mary' Hospital, payable tut atemtnd ta Father IHelnaa, wheaeeer legal eirldeaee I pro faced (bowing that aay afteraeon news paper pabltbed la Aatorl ha printed wtlhlB tk lat ninety day expiring bo rer thl offer a tingle "peelaT n ther kind f "telegraphl preet report. received ever the wlree entering either f the telegtaph oMcm la Aitarla, frost aay point atalde of Oregon. Atterla, Or.. October 15. taint. The statement of the Scriptures that It Is more blessed to give than to re ceive Is abundantly confirmed this son son. when thousands are finding the keenest enjoyment In planning gifts which will express hearts full of love, and In many cases represent self-denial in their purchase. Untold delight la af forded those who visit the big shops at this imam. The number, variety and beauty of articles suitable for Christ mas presents la simply marv elous. No matter how limited the income, there are useful, ornamental and even artis- I tic articles which may be obtained, and which all through the coming year will go on reminding tne recipient of the happy Christmas time. There Is one rift, however. In the lute, or more prop erly speaking. In the pocket book. Money does not hold out worth a cent at this season. The only consolation Is that everybody is in the same boat People of large incomes and small all have the same experience. They cannot buy half the presents they want to, or near as expensive ones, which shows how thoughts of the greatest holiday of the year soften people's hearts and in vigorate their generous impulses. As the days go by, it becomes clearer that the two wings of the Democratic party, created by the split on silver, will not reunite. Had the silver kings acquiesced In the decision of the people at the polls, and definitely abandoned the IS to 1 Idea, the closing of the gap would have been practical. But they have declared that the agitation shall go on; and it now becomes of interest to know what will be the course of the sound money Democrats. The real strength cf that clement did nt arreir In the vote for Palmer and Buckner. The majority of the Democrats voted for McKlnley. They fired both barrels instead of one, at the silver foe. A vote for Palmer meant a half-vote for Mc Klnley; they each gave him a whole vote. We believe that the course of the new administration will be such tliat the majority of the gold Demo crats will come to Its support. This will mean the breaking of the power of the Democratic party, as at present controlled, in all the great states east of the Mississippi, and north of the free silver states of the South. And such a course would mean absolute hopelessness for any further attempts to debase the currency by the adop tion of the 16 to 1 idea. It Is safe to say that, outside of the residents of the lake cities, the masses ef the American people have a very In adequate Idea of the enormous volume ef commerce on these great inland seas. Tht report of Secretary Lamont gives statistics which seem almost incredible. During the last fiscal year there passed through the "Soo" canal 16,290 vessels carrying an agregate of 14.3&9.332 tons ef freight, which exceeds the amount f freight carted through the Suez canal during the same period by nearly 6. 00,000 tons. The commerce which pass ed through the Detroit river during the year amounted to 25.8i0,Uov tons, valued at J275.000.000. This tonnage is In excess of the combined net tonnage of London end Liverpool for the year 184. Tet a dozen people know all about the Suez canal to one who Is able to even locate correct the Sault Ste. Marie canal! The Suez canal, being In a warm climate, Is open to commerce the year around; while the "Soo" canal is frozen up every winter, and for about six months has no commerce. Hence Its traffic in a half year the season of lake navigation Is almost double that of a w hole year through the Suez canal. England boasts of her commerce, and is called the greatest maritime nation on earth. Yet the tables of the United States bureau of statistics show that the aggregate tonnage, coastwise and internal considered, of this country Is very largely in excess of that of Eng land. THE SILVER SENATORS. The silver men elected to th ' ilted who ould States a band- '- a.- Republicans, Jiiit 'arty because it a falw- ard pern not tr. i i monets 'e ed on 1 jiy in the i"lous 'I'-rrr.-. ?re not to be depend- V "iicrvrncy. Their course will i-e-dictated by their desire t any wit latlon. ; i tne (rilvw fallacy, not by i pro-mote I'l-publloan legls :t i abundantly proved 1- ready. The R -i i (Juan strength In the sen ate laFt m ti'w fit 44, or one short of a majority. Leaving out these tlx silver malcontents, the straight Republican vote Is but SS, or seven lees than ma jority. As the senate Is a continuing body, the defective of these six sllver Ites raises the question whether the Re publicans can hold the senate commit tees and their chairmanships the es sential machinery In shaping leglsla tton. The control of the finance com mittee of the senate la most Important, in view ot prospective legislation; but the SS vote which can be depended up on give no assurance of the Kepubll cans retaining this control. In point of fact, there Is a new align ment of parties In the senate. The free stiver forces. Including Democrats, Re publicans and Populists, number SS: straight-out Democrats, 13; vacancy t Delaware), 1; total, 90. Republican control of the senate dur ing the present short session Is not of so much Importance as it will be when the new congress meets. The problem now before the Republican Is to obtain a majority of that body, I'nless they can control the upper house, the pros poet of relief through a straight Repub lican tariff measure, and common-sense financial legislation. Is remote. tt Is already certain that the Republi can vote will be at least 42 at the next session, and may reach 45. There will be active work in those state legisla tures which have senatorial elections this winter, to secure enough vote to give absolute control. Hut three more are needed, as 4 Is a majority of the senate. GOD'S OWN LATEST DREAM. Oh, lands of liberty and law. Awake to God's own latest dream Of love and life without a flaw. And less the tiger's selfish gleam. Oh, nations! with your hoarded gold Of usury and plotted gain; What are ye but the brothers, bold. Of time's first murderer, named Cain? Why not arise to valor strong As God's own chosen sunlit soul. And Join the clear, eternal song That must throughout the ages roll? William Henry Thome. THE DISCOVERT SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. Q. Catllouette. Druggist. Peaver- vtUe, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis covery I owe my life Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physician for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Hat ing Dr. King's New Discovery In my ton I sent for a bottl and be gan Its use and from the first dose began te get bettei, uid after using threa bottles was up alio about again. It Is worth Its weight In gold. We won't keep store or house without it" Get a free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Taken all In all, the City of Broth erly Love Just now- recalls with much force the fact that brotherly love Is quite compatible with a large amount of bitter quarreling and the utterance of words particularly savage, New Tork Times. CTJRS FOR HEADACHE. At a remedy for all forms of Headache, Electrio Bitters has proved to be the very best It affects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual tick head ache yield to It Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electrio Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents, and tl.00 at Chas. Rogers Drug Store. It is stated that Governor Stuen berger, of Idaho, never wears a collar. Of course this refers to linen, paper or celluloid. Governor Stuenberger wears the silver trust's collar, or he never would have been elected In Idaho. Topeka Capital. BL'CKLEM'8 ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. A good many persons are wasting good time building cabinets for Mr. Mc Klnley, seemingly unaware of the fact that the gentleman himself Is as good a political Joiner and carpenter as there is in the business. St. Louis Star. There are some people who are never positive in anything. It is always, "I don't know," or "I guess so." There is a world of such people, and it is re freshing sometimes to hear a person apeaK aa one having convictions, like Mr. Chas. F. Snyder, of Bangor, Pa., who wrote: "I can heartily recommend Simmons Liver Regulator to all who are troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver Compalint." The woman suffragists have now but forty-one more states to conquer. Come to think of It, Idaho has a sort of a womanly sound. Boston Herald. TO t'l'RK A COLO IN OXK DA V. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 26c. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. Old man Bismarck seems to be also the possessor of some Interesting recol lections, but if he is wip he will forget what he has remembered. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. (talrklr.Thorenthlr, Forever Cared. Four out of five who suffer nervousness, mental werry attacks of " the bl ncs." are but paying the penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don't despair. Bend for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (tealed) free. ER'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. FREE TO EVERY MAS TUK METHODS OF A l.KKAT TRKATMKNT FOR WEAKNESS OF MEN. Which Cured Him ..iter Everything Else Failed. Painful diseases are pad enough, but when a nun is slowly wasting away' with nervous weakness, the mental foreboding are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There Is no let up to the mental suffering day or night. Shvp Is almost Impossible, and under i such a strain men are scarcely rvsimn slble for what they do. For years the writer rolled and tussiM on the troubled sea of sexual weakness until It was a question whether he had not better take a dose of poison and thus end all his troubles. Hut providential Inspira tion came to his aid In the shape of a combination of medicines that not only completely restored the general health, but enlarged his weak, emaciated parts to natural site and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take the trouble to sond his name and ad dress may have th method of this won derful treatment free. Now when I say free I mean absolutely w ithout cost, because I want every weakened man to get the benefit of my experience. I am not tt philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the mental tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at onoe could they but get such a remedy as the one that cured me. Do not try to study out how I can afford to pay the few postage stamp necessary to mail the Informa tion, but send for it. and learn that there are a few things on earth that al though they cost nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and a lifetime of happiness to moat Write to Thomas Slater, Box SSS, mean of us. Kalamajoo, MU will be mailed veloie. and the Information a plain, sealed en- A good deal of public time could be saved and a good deal of Important business could b- facilitated if con gressmen would learn a little something f the things they have to talk about. before makirg speeches.- luiltimore -ricaa. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. We give away, absolutely free of cost, for a limited time only, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pierce. M. D., Chief Consulting Phy sician of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, a book of ions pages, profusely Illustrated, bound In strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only. Over t0,000 copies of this complete family Doctor Book al ready sold In cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. World's Dispensary Med ical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. The insanity experts went Into re tirement at the close of the Parberi trial In New- York. But the question of gas and street railway franchise's is making busy times for the dishonesty experts. Washington Star. Excuse me," observeed the man In spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not where the liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver Is." retorted the other. "If It was In his big toe or his left ear De Wtt's Little I'arly Risers would rench It and ih:J e It for him. On that you can bet your gig- lamps." Chas. Rogers. I'ncle Samuel ought to have his pock ets padlocked for the ensuing four years. A great many people are ex pecting something from him for their busings. St. Ixmls Post-Dispatch. The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, Illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. nog res. Russia appears to have arrived un aided at an "understanding" regarding Turkey, and unfortunately Turkey seems to be the only power that is able to understand It. Chicago Tribune. To cure all old sores, to heal an indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply DeWltt's Witch Ha sel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chas. Rogers. Counterfeit dollar as go.l as the genuine, so far as intrinsic alue goes, are said to be plentifully In circulation. They have the right rin, but are coined by the wrong ring.-Onlveston Tribune. ROYAL baaing Powder, Highest ot all In leavening Strength V. S. dovtrnmcnt Report The length of life may be Increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. The mills of the gods may grind slowly, but the Mills of the I'nlfisl States senate can with difficulty tie j restrained In his warlike Impetuosity. I Omaha lie. 1 The old lady was right when she said the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used it for Croup before. Chaa. Rogers. A scientist says that the entire sup ply of coal will be exhausted In 7:150 years. Not If the coal trust has Its awn way about prices. Chicago Times Herald. CASTORIA For Infanta and Caildren. ha rrit tt """"TV. 'l&lCUtyi When one consider that If congress ttnis war declared tuiiilnst C'lNi It has only to say so, it Is rather strange Hint the able statesmen should put In all their time talking about It. Chicago Record. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and Invariably reliable are the quail- tie of One Minute Cough Cure. U nev er falls in colds, croup anil lung trou bles. 1 Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and It helps them. jt'hns. Rogers A .New torn Sunday paper has an lllorlul article nu the set serp-nt. The ielitor must have drawn upon the July pigeon hole. nils alu t tlie set ser- lent ason. Indianapolis Journal. It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich nud. abundant blood I here Is no shorter nor surer route than l' a course of 1'cWltt ) Sarsapa rllla Chas. Rogers. An xpoMiton (hat would do Tennes see .note gipl til, in uiir other would be (he t p l(lon, wUli proper punlsli ment, of Hie Crime iiKiilni-t Mitt t ime. I.oulsville I'ourlei -Join nal. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, ruts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by lk'WItt'l Witch Hasel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It ; always cures (hem. Cha. Rogers. If Ananias looks up iiikii the affairs of the world he will wonder why it is (hat things went so hard with htm and so many Cuban war corivond enls escape. Atlanta Journal. Smithing, and not Irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective tuch are the qualities of De- ! Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers, Senator Hill Is keeping so quiet that there are suspicions that he Us nailing his chance to catch Miss lenucracy under the inlolli'tot. Baltimore Amer ican. DeWltt's SarsaparUla Is prepared for cleansing (he blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions Impaired by disease. Chas. Rogers. If we mcst tight Spall.. Mis .till will furnish all the ot.nt Is net- siry to bad our trps to glorious lctnry. St. Louis R.-p-iMic OASTOniA. i tUtu- : Hal Urn irtrr nirtt. ROSS HIGGINc & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Alrla tall l'prr Aitarta fms Ta anl Coff. Tabu DsIIckI-i Doan 01 Troplcil Fruits. Vtfmbki. Ss(i Cur4 Hitit. Bitua. Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. Clvrtsra . - OlIC!t tATIHT, COSVDICMTI I For rnfrmatioasiHl fr Hso-ltwok writ to ML SSI CU.SU Bsoiowar. N Yoc, : Ol.irst barea foe aeniriairpAie-ntiiaAnierlcSk ; Krr-rfniwntUkenoul by us la brousht bvfor i (hi pauie bf s noiicegivm Crve otctimnieui ttfe f'rlifJc tBeiias I tawtterirolifioriof hit K-mtlflx rurxT rn tht . World. SplersJlJIr liliuirmwa. N.i BUUt IBOOIJ bo srlUMXU It, WwUIt, H3 OOt .Us, rvi mi atruadwtj, .sr Vuct city. In Medieval Days When people wanted anything they knelt down and prayed for It How ever, that was some time ago. Along about 1400 a fellow named Guten berg, who had "come de Rhine over," wa monkeying around a carpenter shop In Lentt. He whit tled aome little block and actually made an alphabet. Then he rigged a sort of well, a machine that would look something like our let ter pre of today. He arranged hit block in order, put some Ink on ti.em, also a piece of paper, and then screwed hi press down. That wa called printing. Old Gutenberg made a howling success of the racket, and his head became to swollen that he really snuhhed the king one day. The king overlooked it, however, for he. had an Ides what kind of fellows printers would be. Well, finally they got the print ing system down pat, and, as the centuries rolled by, !ekan printing newspupers llrst person. Invariably singular number, any gender and hard case. In This Enlightened Day There are many newsprip.'.- as a matter of fact. But It Is an utter j Impossibility to get a newspaper to I admit It. The advertising patronage of a newspaper depends largely ves, wholly upon its circulation. A newspaper Is a area I deal like the human body; If Itt circulation I good, It prospers; otherwise, otherwise. Some papers publish Want Columns I That It, a column, or a numiier of columns, devoted to small advertlse- ments. If a fellow wants anything j trouble, a wife, a house don't I make any difference what It is he can get It by means of a small ad. I Included in the "want" column are "For Sale," "For Kent," "I-ost," "Found," "Stolen" and "Mlsoel I laneous." Now, just see what chump tome people are! Why, a vman hat been known to hunt over a city thlt city for dayt looking for house In which to live. "Had all rhlngt. look pleasant. TeH the clerk that you want a want ad. in the want column, give him your 22 cent ana go away nappy. A Her man Wise would say, a want ad. will restore the blind, the bald and the bowlegged to manhood. 3 Lines OC for LO Cents. i J SoItntlHo America! jS Ar,ency tor .Try It. OUTWARD BOUND OMHJON GRAIN I SM .Soiioin Aiupit 3 Ant hark., II tier ihlh., Ji'llr milp ,. 1 i'sli' I MithorlumMiltitt., . CUcmintNiiltlict , tirvtihUdnl Mtrlmol Aittloi , liiimor wur iiti. . 1 Hrltli Kllraltlp ., .'.Mir litit . Sept. UKrlvrk., iiiUtncllii. , Simc I ord ,Sfmtlhurv iK'iilsciiiin ,. ivilir Mir lurk.. Mir ilili - lui . .. . mi i Hi- Imi! U (ivd t llr urn llillr dink ttf Itr -iiiii I.' Mr bark .. I'i; Itr ship .''ier Ship . . Itr l.rk it T llllli '.'Hlr I's.k '.V Itr Lark. .. 'Ji Itr hot -;lr l .rk K Itr hti . o Mr liMv it Hi hii Itr kIiiu Titrnhl'i iiilr bark .. , tivltr lnn .. If'ltr hill Kiltrbiik i: iirlii . .. I.'itr nhi-i I'ill illlli... '.'ilr dm.... .'i'Hr ht. -i llr hark i'l II' b rk . . .llrl'iW .. . .'( Mr 'iiiv -V hr bark . Hrh.ik . A Ur him or b o k ... llr lin Ill xhlp ... tier hark .... Hr ship llr Ino Hr slnp . llr shin ... Unit -irmin l iiile .lirviihllda M Align yit . . ,. Kiveisilale ...... . Ilehrielli . sshiri . 1 ti-illfrtriie ., AuitrM.1.1 . tinltfornt Onsihi . sierra KsiiolU .. .lava . .... Anesley . KlllwoiHI . . . . Mrlliwell ... .. purtiriilr' .. Narelsjoiv, . . Mavl I Ideilhlt ., f holmstord .. NiMs.Ulo . II 11 l ee .. Mi'Ulioe . IVIe is Y..II,.,,. . liii'hOHte liock 'Uii'tiMi . Nov, l'-Mlll-il Tni'iKlvil-Ue.. '"!'.'.'.'".""'jlstt M t-'uriiMti keiooit I In ( ai'iil . ,. t'r It lrn"oll . IVr-eie-ani-e .Kon iivor.e . Mmi-UMo' Co of llad.lllliiliill iVsllnrl t'nitrirtii Prince! I.VftiS nhit riot due lil.iw li-l'.i ssiuion siso in.nsj oitis noor. vsiee .timssi s Also J.I.7KI Mils Ho t, vtHie rl.'i,.ij. Hun., vslue mi. II hhls Hour, value hwl,wu IAlso l.vVi libit tlour, vshio kvl,mi binn. vsluv Fisher's Opera House L. E. 8ELH), Manager. Friday, December 25 Christmas Matinee and Evening . . . A $20,000 PRODUCTION... COOK TWIN SISTERS M lunltu ent Scenic I nstuellon of (he original Dniniutliiitlon of Mra Stowe's liuniiirtal Novel Uncle Tom's Cabin tAHtTV PKOl'I.K TWKNTV I'OMK.s lxiNKIKS AND Ill'RKOS KItiHT OKU'.INAL PLAN. TATION Jl'HI LKK KINtlKHS A ek of Man eutlng Siberian lilood hounds, Including AJax. the K.OOO Cham plon beauty. EVA'S (iOLDKN CHARIOT Coating 13,000. I'NCLK TOM and his typical Southern ox -cart. MILITARY HAND OK MUSIC AH this In our grand stnvt display. The sight of a life-time. IVm't miss It. Prices: Mitlnee Children "c, adult 50e. Evening prices 60c and 75c. Dur ing Christmas week rtsservetl at will Im. on sale at the box office of Fisher' ipera House. C. P. KJAERBYE, M.A..M.D. riUSIlUN AM) StKl.fllN (rnduated from Copenhagen Univer sity. Specialty, Female Diseases. No. 5S0 Commercial street, Shanahan nulldlng. Hours, 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 and 7-S p. m. WHITE COLLAR LINE Astoria and Portland Telephone Waves Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. tn. T. J. Potter leaven Astoria at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at 8 p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. B. SCOTT, President E. A. Seeley. Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. 11. .SNAP A KODAK- st any man coming out of our ur and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant tho'igltt. "uc!-, quality 111 thi) llq.unn ws huvetoofTerareeii(iii,;hto please soy mun- COMtT AND THY THEM HUGHES & CO. l7J 1895 Fislper Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chantlelcry, Hardware, Iron & Stffcl, Coal, Groceries A Provisions, Flour & Mill Fed, ' Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank'sScales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagon a fe Vehicles. WHEN IN rORTLANB Call on Jno. r. Handley at Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Aatorian. Visitor neetl not mist their morning paper while there. (Mi'vlsei! and t'ornvted svary KrliUvl T ('!. S4HKII KOI! "ims VUillviMtiiek , .'III I'orl Nll mi Liverpool IV.J AIo liny I j xi iiurk HUM III! nm Hull IJS.N MHIVKH, Nov. M.'.', No A II i,ivkl UI.IKt I. l.l so It,! K 4I.IW ol,ii 4i.ievl J.: V-.cUrl UM l,uv M.Hf.i IH. Imi ,-w.ik'l .-si.oji l-l.lkV. II M.Jlt II. HHll I,IT I '.IU N1.JI irJ,ln7 M.'.Tn e.lsil M.7I7 ; 7 UM n.',;rsi II. JHi M.IKJ .'1,1 III ta. t.-j It :tij t4.'l t..t tj i.iwa lis HI J 47,7Ts t.'.IST l, I .sA wusm.iih JgfS tll.1 I Mli I:t7s him IKS) I All .'Hi: ITio iirk ui IIK'll " -.'in I-MIT ' Il!l " I HIS " I.VM ('ink IIIIH, " I mi' " .. vl'Ji Liverpool Cork I OA Cork II7 Cork Jis; link lfic.iik J m Cnik luvicoik Il.1 Cork irwi I'lvnioiilh Ii Cuik . . iHMihiriian I KiCerk i:ii! l.i; Kalnimuh . Ksunoulh . muCurk I "it Cork llot Cork ll;Cnrk IMiCdrk I mi Cork 1 Ksliooiiltl . I -linoiilh .. KCI niils rl.iiir" r1u iwau also tan niU bu i' Je.SM VKSSKLS ON TUK iHevin-d siul I'lirrvetrHt every KtliUj mst turn rm sn sam. NKW Vollif- " Ship Henry VIIUM CAI.I.Aia- Hrhrk lllahlmi Hr lurk liter I UVKKI'tHiL- l-Hrshlii Kcllinr Hr ship iiIihi Im M NKWi'A.sli.K. N.8. W. Hr lutik I'aiiiliiUt Mr ahip lily ot Madru. Hr ihlii (.lUnnlvin, .. llr Iwrk Sillrrli.lilrs 1(1(1 !K JANKIKO- llrship Kute Tlums. llr illlp I'eiiKwerni . Hr est a lie (lertwrk I.Iiiil.,.. , YOKllllAMA II r ihlii llnlhiii Ililli Hr ahlp .Kline Prince I ..., tier ihlp ('til ,. alONI'KVIIiKlV- Hr lurk Hmvln.) 1'i'ltr li K lu ll r ahln Port Jtekian ..., SANTA KUSAI.I t- Hr ihtti Vurilfsru Hr ihlp t'htuiiiluu . lorA- Hr l,ark Hollo .. llr ilnp Aherystolth ('Mil MOI.1.KNIHI Hr aUlt. Klukart. I'llleti Skull. HoIiIiimiu . Kes lirtmih.. Hir ThiuiiM ..! M HoliertJMMl. hisr 'Hotiiili , ' . . Ilo-lto , UtrlM Ttmmni I'mklui.. .. MrMunry.... 3HA.i.ll.l Auibklu LiMhails NlnoUlrn.. I If.MSI.N Am bkin Aildsml I'errjf cai'k rows Hr ahlp llrlllah Peer. .. IIIAllo Hrslmr Oiwnljr.... MAAIIA.N (ler htrk Potrltnpos J.uiii MM.IIO! HNK I at hr Ciaiibrliii ( hl.-fliln Wllllitnii PANAMA- I Hr iaii Auhliinh. ' HKKKIlKNCttt I Nov II h, I s,W. Tottl tourraft. on th wtf ,0tl Sims Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 4S2 Bond Street. MANHOOD RESTORED Z1" M linn nf k ftuiKHia Frnrtrh nhvalr-Uti. nnhiu .... ? IS BCFORC S0 AFTER fTtlnt:lia atmna-th.n.aDii rUirimal Th reason nifT.n-rs r not rami by Ixs lnr. la hn-ausn ntnety per rent tr tmnhlM with tstini. I'I'IMIiKNKIl ihoonly kniiwn rm.rlr win.. ml aiinp. anaiirailnmn!. Is. A written ruaranliM.gtyin tint nmnfy rvlurnMl If all Imhisi i(h nut 111 out a lruiu.i Hurn UlOabol.lll f..rVull.ty inML HnU for Mcln-iilar milraunlalt, Addra DA Vol, JIKDICIJI .' P, a Hoi ant, Ban Vrtnobco, Cat, rr Mali dy CHAS HOOKHH, 4H9 Commercial Street. The man who thinks thefc "Isn't much to sec" along the Ilurllngton Itoute's New 81iort Line to Omaha, Kanmis City Ht. IiuIh antl Chicago, Is mistaken. Half an liour after our trnln Ii-avos Hillings, It enters the great Crow Reservation. At (lurry owen, an excellent view of Custer Monumrnt and llattloflcld la ha.1. At Sheridan bfirlns tho famous irrigated district of northern Wyoming. Near Moorcroft, the "Devil's Tower" lifts Its huge bulk 800 feast above the plain. Then come the Itlack HlllH, apd, after ) tbem, N oli cask a' s furtlle farms. Our other line (from Ht. Paul to Chicago and Ht. Louis), Is known as the "Mississippi Scenic Line." For more than 300 miles It parallels the banks of the great "Father of Waters." A. C. BHELDON, O. A., j Portland, Oregon. ' Lnr-iTrrir- FLKKT-1 8.MS-7. SMII'I'KIIS. lSirtUn.1 Klour Mill. " sibsou . Kerr Is.itu ill.lttl 4 l.iltl oVJ ' 4LIIM TlLlllSI lUllour, I rHil I li. J I III d I t Kij I l; tit i ii ! I lla H I l-s fl j lu. i Ms Id I t I w I IN M I it )d J II Csillerim dl ilslfniir. Ilulhrlf it I'll - irillisnii Kerr - I'orllrnil Klmir Mill' Ilalfour, iliuhrle . fit - .1 II I'Hiileroii t i o . ISirllsml Hour MIIU 4. U 4.'. iNihaon . heir Iliillinir, llullii l Hint i o . M Mil Hllmill l Kerr - 41. .sm N'Mti 0 J II Cameron , Co .V-i lUilinii, iliilhile tt ' tii ti. i m its i a: I lis M til ha , ... Hi III ll ii l 4 til in .... id ll M HI, rati I! ..01 ai mi i,'m I.I.UUII ;o.iJ Miia J 111 ouo'ron a ti NIIisiiii A kerr lUllour loithrle C NIIisiiii A Kerr , I'liilltml flour Mills I'urilAMil flour Mills J H i siunroil k Co... MO lUll.uir. llullirle A 0 Hitniia A kicrr A lir.. I'ortUiul flour Mill Itslfoiir, (Itillirle A C nllisoll A kerr J l( Ctiluer.ui A Co stlisiut A herr MH. Iliil'our. ti hi lirits A Co I It Cameron A Co llslfour, llulhrle A Co .... j l( Cmnersut A Co Ilalfoiir, tiuiliiifi A Cu . il im.,..,, 1,1 Hi 1 til ha. ,. liti.uii 00. 1tio M.ll f.'I.IMI ll.', 4l T .,IUI insimd itj, sm V, sW rm i: lis,Sil 1. lU II'I.IHI J,.Hl fti.isw M.lkll fit III! rin.itsi 0l,.s III, V.I ai.itii l. IBS) iki,il l II M II li a) a: i iim im til tos. Kl llH,..o, III mhI jail M ...... il II Id I a; t n M itil ... .lail I..,.. lilt Us M il l"s li h..... ii m .l ti W ii as l all im t I lis hi tl los . a;l los . .. 1:1 lua ... .til Hi H ISirilaml flour Ml Is H-Koiu, iliillirlo A I n . II W Me 'i'r Hihsoit A kerr slf.uir. litiihrl A Co.. SIIukiii A keir llilfour, 1 ul li r If- A Co . A Mert . ..... llnlfgur.llulhrle J It Cmuenui A Co Viio'il loin iiru, villi itiai, siol 4."4) .i l.l'l. Hour, mine mmiii. i. aiwi i..ssuuii J ilso Mil Horn, nine iH.-i mu mious WAV TO OKWSON. Hal 'ol't rSN HAT. WMIiHIH It TS M.VIl Hillluli . Hoehe . H llll tl -aAI .ti ltl tl I HSI lull A 1144 HUM htiAl i:ni lui.ti Una im A l 1NH KliAl a W.-rrr. W. t o H.lfOur. Iluthrlr I'u J UittUw i n .stluu A hirr rU I IM li HUAl j ll I'll A I 111 HUAl I . j Irani . Ui nu A t , ln iiu il i . At I0OA I I . 41H HUAl , tk hut J ntiniAl .104 luaAl i K rmnrruil I'o J K ('(meruit k Co . I K Cruuen n 4 (' slrnpiou l.umlM'l Co . I7W HUAl Ui n i s upiou l.urnber I'u. . I ;4 lout l i i viurrr MO ittOAl Helium ilM loo A 1 14 V) I on A I 1 1 4tu 'not I I I mu tllni In IUV-44,. limp In Itl - Astoria and McKee Ave. Situated on the south side of Antoriit's hills. Twenty degrees wanner and vegetation I50 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and hay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. 'CUPIOCNC Till. SfMl I'mi.I.I.I. Vii.ii. " ." Hon ol t ftnious l- rnnrh will qul,-ir , ,. .,', , ... Villi sr dlmisj of Uw i.iiiiruiv i.ricm.a. .... h n. f,i M l Imomiil. I'aJnilli Km,,,,, , mu I'lmplri, ViidliiM to Urry, kiliwiallm prnli.i, Vannrri. a. .it t'oiiil Itiatlon. 1 1 iliil all l.nn hr ilnr or i.inl.t rtrvei.ta mil, k. Bins nl Olarliart", wlik-Ullnotrtiwkm Wis In Numial,irrlii til lliohiirmrsor Impnunrr, f TIM la: r.Hjnjii.Ui liter lit. klilnrvl.tid tit urinary imam ul ail luiuuniJaa. w.ak nriraha. riKaau'-l II J'" V ". """ -""I" ,J.iijl fmsily f..r O,.iiorrli,i-a ct'lirl ii,.... Mprm. ,,,,,':: r In I u i.l... lill.-s, 11 it 11 a 1 11 r a I ilia. ""'n""". m ik'-s, nr in, itillniiinia ...I u. auui.r. 11, ,11, itrlui.,,11 , Ur.. r...sia ...iwl-a. Hull f , , m,'. MrEvmsCllIt"-'! f!l. "ran.-a. Nun salilni. ul. c.icisiall.O f aold by 1'rtisslataw " A i 1" '" f'"1 "raptr. r-(F,a r,',"pr'T"l ("rtsaiil, ful ,-v'i as 7, . ' isnii'-s, ft J. ..Muuiar a.111, on ruqmtit - r:..r l.h niaaaaail Inai ENHYh bAL PILLS sal ul ll.l, ilaaalai. A OHtrlrii rr -Mrvii. (.nous 44I '( lfti mA uU itUIUV .IT."' -ifTS tsaiaWllrM. "Hrllr St l.a llrfc-ll,t;,i Mall. I ii.niiii 1 .,i,i, i'l.Tl" W It i.aJis.. l-kUMav. ! RTSOHIA PUBLIC LIBlY READING ROOM FRKB TO ALU Open vrr day from I e'elock to I'M and (:I0 to : p, m. Subooription rates M per annum. 8.W. COR ELEVENTH DUANB ITtX RREMtSER & HOLMES Telephone r i 1. No. 61 LiacKsmiins 8peclal Attention Paid to Steamboat Ro- SlSlI 1I1H, orseshoems, Eto. f. It. W x-4aV WlMl LOGCIHC CfllBP IDORK A SPECIALTY 19T OLNtXT ST., b.t, Sd and th.