The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 19, 1896, Image 4

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McKinley and Good Times!
Now Is Your
Situated in Clatsop County
Hear Astoria .. ..
MOW being sold in tracts
1 1 given with every purchase. , . . Each buyer has a
chance for the CArUAL
Trustee Snlea Agents
Misses, Youth's and
Ladies' and Gents'
Autumn Footwear
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
479 Commercial St.
White Metal
Celluloid Goods
See the Display at
Faicy Goods Counter
of Caoice Novelties la
Watte Metal ail
Celluloli Goods
.Albert Dunbar
Maximum temperature, 48 degree.
Minimum temperature, 44 degree.
Precipitation, .17 Inch.
Total precipitation from September
1st. 189C to dme, tlil Inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber Int. 189C, to date, 15.41 Inches.
Portland, December 18. For Oregon
and Washington, ram; southerly galea
on the coast.
TO KKADKKS Tt "Dolly Aatortao"
sea tain, twice a ech raodlsg Hatter as
aay etkes oaser pabUsaea la Astoria. It
Is the eely sopor that present IU readers
with a dally taiegnphls report.
TO ADYKTISKK8.-Tbo -Dolly As
toria has tors taaa twlco mm naoay ttmi
srfl as say other sopor pabllshad ta Asto
ria. It Is tborofor sure ihoa twice as
eel sable as aa saWortlalag Mdlm.
State of Orogoa. )
Coaaty of Clatsop, i
Wo, the BBdanigaod, local sssaagors of the Wester raloa aad
Vestal Tslegraph companies, hereby cer
tify that the "Daily Astorlaa" ta the only
paper pabllahed la Aatoria which bow re
solves, or at say time dariag oar control
f said o facet has received, a telegraphic
press report. B.D.JOBSSOS,
Maaagor W. C. T. Co.
Maaager Postal Tel. Co.
Care keeps his watch In ev'ry old man's
And where care lodges sleep will never
But where unbrulsel youth, with un-
stuffed brain.
Doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep
doth reign. Shakespeare.
It was very high water high up.
H. B. Ferguson Is visiting In Portland.
Buy your Groceries at 10th and Duane
Mm. Madison went to Portland last
Just received Lowney's chocolates, at
The Spa.
H. C. Christiansen went to Portland
last night.
Born December 18,
J. Sloop, a girl.
to the wife of B.
Peter Grant and wife went to Port'
land last night
George Bartley has gone to Portland
on a business trip.
Tou can get the best potatoes at 10th
and Duane street
Lewis and Clarke people are looking
for that central market.
Mr. J. W. Hume, ex-mayor of Astoria,
went to Portland last night
Don't forget the A. F. C. ball at Foard
& Stokes' new hall on the 21st.
Merchants yesterday In all lines of
goods reported a large business.
Just think, 72 Christmas tree candles
for 10c this week at C. B. Smith's.
C. J. Curtis, it -is understood, is to
be the captain of the newly organized
football club
,We are spending more
than our profits on Schil
ling's Best tea to get you to
try it just to try it
Your money back if you
don't like it
At grocers' in packages.
4t Schilling A Conpuiy
Sot rrsaclsco an
of all sizes. Bond for deetl
PRIZE. For particulars call on
On the
appear In large letters, "Queen." None
genuine without It. Beware of Imlt
ttons. We are ole agents tor the
560 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
rise use or.
Watches, Diamonds
Suitable for Christmas Presents,
, Very Low Price.
Ettrr Article rirckiscd Eiarsvtd rree.
General Land Agent W. G. Gossltn
will arrive this morning from a trip
over the line.
Low Price Store is selling 88.00 navy
blue, velvet collar double cape mackln
toshes at 15.00 ,
Don't mlsa the A. F. C. ball on the
21st, at the opening of the new Foard
at Stoke ball.
era now in stock and for sale only by
Fisher Brother.
With the other passengers the steam
er Telephone took 230 bundles of box
shook to Portland.
A. S. Graham and wife, who have
been visiting In the city, yesterday re
turned to West port.
Homer Fletcher is a passenger on
the Columbia this morning, on his way
way to San Diego, Cat
If you want any of those fine tree
ornaments at C. B. Smith s you bad
better get them this week. I
Stone and Trullinger, a team direct
from Astoria, in fancy dances of 1900,
on the evening of the 31st.
Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist Teeth ex
tracted without pain. Price reasonable.
No. 562 Commercial street
Mr. Steve Campbell, the Mill Creek
logger, is .In the city, and Is suffering
from an attack of the grli pe.
The high school eleven held a very
enjoyable party last eever.lng at the
residence otMr. C. J. Curtis.
The entertainment to be given Tues
day evening for the benefit of Mrs. Iver
son promises to be well attended.
The children's query now is: "Which
Santa Claus of the many they see in
the shops will visit their homes?-'
Captain Bull, who brought the British
ship Midas from Wlllapa Harbor to
Astoria, was In the city yesterday.
Mr. W. H. Roden, a member of the
San Francisco firm of Norton, Teller
& Roden, is In the city on a business
Much fun Is promised at the A. F. C.
ball on the evening of the 21st, upon
the opening of Foard & Stokes' new
We offer all our cast Iron stoves at
10 per cent below cost The latest air
tight stoves also on hand at 431 Bond
Christmas tree decorations, the finest
assortment in the city. Candles, ten
cents a box, all sizes, at Griffin &
Angelica, port, sherry, and claret
wines. Best ever Imported and brought
to Astoria. Price very reasonable. At
Alex Gilbert'.
Mrs. J. S. Gtbbc and daughter are
expected to arrive today from Minne
sota to remain for some time with rela
tives In Astoria.
Books, all kinds, sizes and styles, In
neat and tasty bindings, the finest as
sortment ever shown In the city, at
Griffin & Reed's.
The new telegraph office at Flavel
will soon be opened for business. Supt.
Morrison and his men are rapidly
stringing the wire.
Money to loan In small sums on gold
watches, family Jewels, diamonds, etc.
Call from-S to 5 p. m , at room I, the
Mannell building.
Mr. Grant Scott, formerly well known
in Astoria, has gone Into business In
Portland with Mr. W. Summers, hav
ing leased the Pantheon.
C. B. Smith, the confectioner, Just
Coffee 6c, Woodcock's, 674 Com'l St
Ladies' Misses' and Child's
The Largest and Best Selection of
In the City at
received his shipment of Gunther can
dle for Christmas. You will do well to
place your orders at oooe.
Dr. W ,D. Baker left last evening for
San Francisco via Portland. The Dr.
said he had had enough rain for a while
and wanted to try a sunnier clime.
The re-opening of work on the rail
road line on a large scale by Honey
man. Dellart A Co., has caused much
favorable comment throughout the city.
Call and see the Queen air-tight heavi
er at Howell A Ward's before buying;
they can save you money both on the
price of the stove and wood consumed.
And now the person who has resisted
temptation In the matter of breaking
open the penny bank feels that the dol
lars thus saved will buy half the unl-
erse. y
Before purchasing, don't fall to see
those celebrated alr-tlght stoves at
Foard A Stokes.' They have them In a
dosen different style, and every pos
sible slie.
If you have not decided on what to
send your Eastern friends, a handsome
calendar, booklet or Christmas card
will fill the bill. We have them; Griffln
St Reed.
T,he Levk-k Stock Company, assisted
by the Zayarows aerial artists, open a
week's engagement at the Columbia
Opera House Monday night. Popular
prices will prevail.
Don't forget that the Low Price Store
has the only perfect fitting wrappers. ;
the handsomest line of Jackets and j
cape, and is selling them at wholesale :
prices. 451 Bond street other articles too numerous to mention,
i land all at the lowest cah prlcis. We
PacJflc Lodge, K. of P., had a very j take pleasure In show ing goixls, wheth
lnteresting meeting last night. Mr. jer you buy or not. knowing, after ex
Parker, one of the high officials of the lamlnlngr our stock and prices, you will
order In Seattle, was present and made Call w hen In need of anything In our
a very Interesting talk. line.
The music at the A. F. C. ball on
the evening of the 21st will be first
class. The floor Is In fine condition for
dancing, and an enjoyable time Is
promised to all who attend.
-m. ...w-.i j - i ;
A lit? iwiuan Irani aiiu a mi ge iiuiuurr
of thfir friends left on the Telephone
last night to attend the game at Van
couver today. Astorians will look for
good reiwrts from Its favorite eleven.
R. P. Scannell. W. E. Burch, Fort
Canby, L. P. Warren. Seattle; L. Mich
ael, Stella: H. Fleckensteln, Portland;
Charles Olsen. of the lightship; and J.
Bays. Flavel, were at the Parker house
The ladles of the Methodist church
last evening ha1 a large attendance at
their bazaar held In the Flavel building,
and sold another large lot of Christmas
goods. The auction of remnants was
postponed until this evening.
The contract with 8. Normlle was
closed ytsterday for the grading and
Improvement of the tn acres of the
Clatsop Cemetery under the recent or
der of the common council. Mr. Nor
mlle will comemnee work next week.
Flsher-s Opera House has been re
modeled by the erection of a first-class
sounding board and the putting In of
electric wires and signalling apparatus.
The acoustic properties now are good
and electric lights will probably be
Chas. Brandt, Mrs. Rarr and daugh
ters, Gray's River; Mrs. J. M. Tumey,
Flavel; Knute Dorwlg, Chas. Ecklund,
J. S. Jonese, John Nelson, John Olsen,
Andrew Carey, Chinook; and John
Lundqulst, Cathlamet, were In the city
The crew of the Delcalrnle yestenlay
dragged the river In a search for the
body of Captain Davles. In a river
like this such efforts are almost u.Heless,
but the first officer and his men could
not give up the hope of finding the txxly
of their late chief.
Mr. A. Morris arrived yesterday from
Sam Francisco, and took charge last
evening as Western Union night opera-
tor and Associated Press receiver. Mr.
si a irLDn,Hin CC
-11 AlN UlXClvwrl I Cr5
Leading House
of Astoria.
Whatever else you do between now
and Christmas, be sure ami see our'tny yesterday without food or water.
beautiful novelties In perfumes before
buying any girts for your rrteniis.
Mind you. we do not say buy of us.
We merely say. see what we have be-
fore you buy, and then do as you choose
about the place you purchase, of
course we have an Idea about what
the result will be after having exam
ined our varied stork, but that need
not In any way Influence your choice.
We are showing our good with the
understanding that we wbh no one to
purchase unless we make It their best
Interest to do so. We have In slock
an elegant line of novelty perfume In
cut glass bottles, all new styles, never
put on the market before, and filled
with the choicest perfumes made by
Adolph Spieler and Solon Talmer, the
best manufacturers of perfumes In
America; also a full line of Imported ex
tracts by Lubin, Roger and Gallet, Ed.
Pinaud of Pari and the Crown Per
fumery Company of London, who are
known to be the leading perfumers of
the world, and some of their entirely
new orders In our stock are Metiukltu,
Orchlda, Peau de Sprague, U Iris
Wane, Bouquet des Amours, Vera Vio
let ta, Violet de Parm. Parqulnta Lilly,
Aurora Lily and QUEEN OF VIOLETS.
We also carry the largest line of toilet
soaps of any house west of the Rocky
Mountains (that is not a wholesale
house ) We have forty gross ranging
In price from 40 rents per doxen to tl
a cake, 12 gross of tooth brushes at
from S cents to DO cents each. Our 50c
brushes generally sell for 75c. 24 doxen
hair brushes nt from lTc to 17 each:
bath brushes from 50c to $2 each; also
an endlexs variety of lather brushes
and shoe brushes, ami hundreds of
Odd Fellows building, Astoria.
Morris is an expert In his line of busi-
I ness, and the San
Franolsco oRlce Is
sorry to lose him.
The Telephone arrived early yester
day afternoon and made a side trip to
Flavel, where she loaded the teams and
grading optflt belonging to Bays & Jef.
freys, of Portland, and which have been
recently engaged In grading the
grounds of the new hotel.
The movement for the establishment
of a public landing slip on the water
front seems to meet with general ap
proval, and should be pushed to a suc
cessful Issue. There Is now no place on
the waterfront where a ship's boat can
land except by courtesy.
Mr. Frank Weander, of South Bend,
who was In the city yesterday, left on
the Telephone last night for Portland.
Mr. Weander says that business Is good
In South Rend, and that the prospects
are good for a general Increase next
spring. South Bend's manufacturing
Industries axe rapidly coming to the
"Our Corner" saloon was closed yes
terday afternoon for the purpose of
making a settlement with creditors. It
Ib understood that Fleckensteln & Mey
er, of Portland, bought the stock. Hen
ry Weinhard, of Portland, Is largely In
terested, and will probably purchase
the fixtures. Arrangements have not
yet been completed for the reopening.
E. H. Knapp, Boston; E. T. Johnson,
J. C. Garretson, H. Thanhauser, J. P.
Smith, Portland; A. C. Stagier, P. S. A.;
Smith, Portland; A. 8. Flagler, U. 8. A.;
J. Whalen and wife, San Francisco; T.
8. Harr and daughter, Gray's River;
M. T. Uoyton, South Bend; J. 8. Jones
and T. A. Harberg, Chinook; and Mrs.
KafTiril, II warn, were guests at the
Occident yesterday.
Now that the announcement has been
made of the resumption of work on
the railroad line on a large scale, It Is
much to the credit of the city council
that before this fact was definitely
Known, they resolved to open Commer-
iclal street to a connection with the
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mas on application.
new depot l tnu nw nair way m
",","ul company In the matter or ilc
vel.iilng ami furthering Astoria's plln
i liwl project.
I If ni wish to nave money In buying
I your Christum present, be sure and
go to the Palace Jewelry Store. 4
Coiiuneivlul street, as the business will
I 1h discontinued on January lal aid tlv
'entire stiH-k consisting of watches,
It-lock, silverware, nnvellli-s. out guise,
decorated China ware, eye louse ami
' spectacle must be rinsed out regard
less of coot. Fixtures are also for sale
There was a good case for the society
for the prevention of cruelty to anl
! mills yesterday. Two head of cattle
I w hi eh come In t one of the. smaller
) boats Thursday afternoon, were left on
j Ktahrr's ,i k all that night, and all
' Their piteous lowing w ere heard by
j many. N owners appeared for them,
but dually Fisher Brother fed and
. watered the animals, while one of Una,
liiiggln Co.' men went out to look
(flr ,nr .lu-e to have them looked after.
letter In the evening the rope were
cut and the animal turned loose.
The fine collection of palms In Alex
;Campbrll e window have attracted gen
eral attention. Florist Johnson ha
been yvarj In getting together a choice
lot of theoe beautiful plants, and Triors
day afternoon mails the decorations a
Mr. Campbell's. Mr. Johnson Stan. Is
preemlnvnt aa the Ixwt posted hortlcul
turlst on the coast and la the man w ho
took th premium at the world's fair
In Chloagii for his exhibit. There are
pwha few Astorlana who fully real
lie the aclentMo work which Mr. John
son Is proan-utlng In their midst. Port
land people know his worth and are
always anxious for his latest discover
lea If Mr. Johnson succeed In his ef
forts to Interest the government In the
natur.U trees of the Pacific roast, and
can Induce the government to foster for
entry, he will have ait-umpltshed a lift
long work.
The production of "Uncle Tom's Cub
In." which w ill be presented at Fisher"
Opera House I'hrUtrmi matinee and
evening, III as new and attractive
form as modern thought and tage In
vention w ill permit, and doubtless not
withstanding Us uge, the cotnptiny will
a profitable Imslne. The cast wll.
ln-!utl- the famous actn-Msc, the Cook
I Twin SLsters, who will be e-n as th.
two Topsics. while Herbert Church, ii
populur colored actor, will play I'licle
Tom. ami the rciiuilndi r of the unusu
ally urge cast limy le considered a
coinietent one. Some twenty ponies
and burros, a large munler of colored
plantation Jubilee singers, a puck of
Siberian bloodhounds, and an unusually
gorgeous transformation scene, necessi
tating Hie utilising In Its unfolding of
nine distinct drop scenes, will be some
of the features that will greet the eye.
Seats will be on sale during Xmas wi-ck
at the theatre box offloe.
Yesterday a sailor named Hamilton
and the cabin hoy on the ship Mngda
lene, anchored off Fort Steven, desert
ed, ronflw-atlng the boat of Jamin
Christie with which to make their es-
caie. Christie hnd gone on board to
truisact some buslnesti with the cap
tain, and when he started to go ashore
again, found his boat was missing. The
captain had a ship's boat lowered at
ont-n and search mode for the runa
ways, but without avail. In the afti-r-
non the stinnier Dwyer made another
search up Young's River bays and
sloughs, but fulled to find and trace of
the men or boat. The IkmlI wo a
Whitehall, with green bottom and white
above, and had oars, sail and rudder
In It. She was branded "J. P." A month
or more ago the same man Hamilton
ran away from the ship Peleua, which
arrived In port October 2. He seems to
be a character, as he gave the officers
of the Peleus much trouble while here
and In Portland.
OTHERS Tho captain of the above-
named ship will not be responsible for
any debt or debts contracted by any
member of his crew except upon his
written authority.
Astoria, December 18, 1896.
P. McKENZIE, Master.
Many women can express their minds
very forcibly by letter, but are meek
as mice In the face to face argument
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist
Tin fa
llal it
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
cure no pay. 4 or sale at Ji.8-
pn-Conn Dniar Store.
ah of our Coats, Caps and Jackets
will be closed out at one-half of Original Price.
Now Is the time to buy your girl a .
... nice coat or cape
IVoplo who have U en hoarding a way
llifir money nro now buying
Warren ton
and Warrenton Pa
Remember that prices on th.e loth,
lite of lh bay, within a slime's throw
people are now living, will be advanced
Following Is Hie pi-ogrnui (or I he en
tertainment to be lilveu for tliu hcili'llt
of Mrs, I vers. in. nt the Columbia Oper
lioiiMfi, next Tuesday evening.
I 'ml I.
Mule qiuu-et, Mcsxi-m. Ilelcller, llur
nete, rietmctt and Darner.
Solo, Mrs. J, S. ivlllhger.
Vocal duet, by Miss Jesslo Jnwett and
Mr. II. D. Johnson.
Recitation, Mis Clara Agnes Dunbar.
String Quartet, by Prof. Frt-drlckson,
Messrs. Law. IVIermm and Anderson.
Solo. Mr. J. T. ItoiM.
I'nit II
I'lsno duet, Mrs. 'Pheo. Olsen and
Mies Kdyth Mile Conn.
Solo, Ml Peurl Hidden.
Vocal nolo (tianjo aivompanlmont) by
Mrs. F. W. Ikmworth.
Iecllallon, by Mr. I lew ley.
Character solo, Miss Jessie Jewell.
String quartet, Mesr. Frwdrlckson, Peterson and Anderson.
The auction announced for last night
at the basaar was postponed until to
night. The room will be cleared and
much of IJ, seated. A fine short musical
program will be rendered after which
Mr. Worsley will sell all rvituilnlug ar
ticle to the highest bidder. The c wr
iest for the piano rd MJ be de
cided before the sale Ix-glti. Tim will
lie called for Vote to cease, after which
tellers appointed by the contestants will
count the Votes.
Notice l hereby given that the un-lei-signed
have duly qualified In the
county court f the state of Oregon
for Clatsop county, as executors of the
last will and testament of John Hob-
son, deceased, and all person having
claims against the estate of said de-
mxe.l must M-erxiit the same, duly
verified. In such executors, at the ofTles
of Fulton Brothers, Atty.. In the city
of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon,
within six month from thl date.
Astoria. lec. 15th, 1SH.
tl. C. Fl'LTON.
oTHKIiS-Th- captain of the ulov- ship will not lie responsible for
any debt or debt contracted by sny
inemlH-r of hi crew except uimhi his
written authority.
Astoria, m-comber 16, IS96.
ROYAL baKing lewder.
Highest of mil In leavening
Mtrtngth -V. t- OovoiomI Rpsrt
Salton Sea Salt for Itatlm at
the Estes-Conn Drucr Store
10c and 25c jer package.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Fisher's Opera House
L. B. 8ELIO, Manager.
Friday, December 25
Christmas Matinee and
Evening- . . .
Magnificent Scenic Froductlon of the
Original Dramatisation of Mrs.
Stowe's Immortal Novel
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A pock of Man-eating Siberian Blood
hounds, Including AJax, the $5,000 cham
pion beauty.
Costing 13,000,
and his typical Southern ox-cart.
Ail this In our grand street display.
The sight of a life-time.
Don't miss It.
Prices! Matinee Children 2flc, adults
SOo. Evening prices 60c and 75c. Dur
ing Christmas week reserved seats will
Ihi on sale at the box office of Fisher's
Opera House.
The Only Place in
rk . LOTS
.At Special Prices
which ar th bt sltustrd uatli west
nf I lis Wan-union depot and where M
Juminry I. If.
rvlt Mi NT.
I'olt KENT Three room houss oppo
site court house Astoria lnd In
vestment Co. 3V- Commercial lr,,"l
. Four room" I" rent W Exihaii
street A.ol-ll Johnson.
"am. kinhh of fancy and JAf-
ANKSE Good for ClirKtma and the
holiday, at Wing M Commer.
rial street.
Cedar Shingles
c. p7kjaerbye, m a.,m d.
rnYsnus jimd nt rtc.rx
Graduated from Copenhagen Univer
sity. Specialty, Female Msr.
No. WO Commercial street. Shanahan
Hours. 10-11 a. ni ; I t and 7 1 p. m.
Steamship Company's
Will be dispatched from Portland, Or
egon on or about November I, 1IM. o
the route from that point to th Co
qullle River, touching at all Inlerroe
dlat points as Inducements orTtr. aod
will remain permanently on that rout
making regular trips.
For rates or other Information apply
at offices of th company, Worcester
Block. Portland. Oregon, or l.U-l:J Da
vis street, San Francisco.
Main Street Dock, Astoria.
IBra i8ot
A Specialty.
Ship Chamlelery,
Hard wan.
I ron it Str-ol,
CirooorieH A Provfsi'oiw,
Flour A Mill Fetd.
Taints, Oils, Varnishe.
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Hcales,
Poors A Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagons A Vehicles.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
Trains leave Seaside for Astoria at
7:30 a. nu and 2 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at
a. m. and i p. m. dally.
Train leave Astoria for Seaside at
10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at 1:40
a. m. and 1:58 p. m. dally.
S. Fbppxas, litt of Frmn ft Hnlmtt.
R. T. Hauls, Ut of Stock ion Cat.
Blacksmiths, Machinists
and Boiler Maker.
"T.XVSf A" Kinds of Jlaehlnery
Iron and Brass Castings
General Blacksmith Work
f-y PfcdALTIES - Wtkh Pt.nt WhMl. Shi
Smllhlng and Slumtw.t Work. Cannary an!
K. Caniwry uii
Stationary Bull.
........ ......?. fTi.Mna ana auwonary null.
art Bulll to Ordar.
Specially tqulpptd for loirara' work
Curreiponjtnca aullcllad
8th and Franklin. Phone 78
at any man oomlng out of
our iter and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
over Willi pieiumnt thought.
Such quality In the liquors
ws have to offer an enough to
pleuo sny man.
Astoria to Get Them.