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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1896)
'1 "W s AC .... t -7 . : . i '-'. ' 3 v (41 1 a W'" e. iJi-A""-. !,... Now Is Your Opportunity WESTON BY T(1E SEfl McKinley and Good Times 1 SEASONABLE GOODS! IVoplo wiio have liwn lami'ding away tlirir 11101117 me mw buying Warren ton and Warrenton Park Sitnated in Clatsop County Hear Astoria -C ' THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, SATIRIUY MOttXINO. PECKMBKH 13, 1. , Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. nans on application. .LOTS Blankets... MOW beinsr sold in tracts of all size. Bond lor deed 1 N given with everv purchase. . . . Each buyer has a chance for the CAPITAL PRIZE. For particulars call on Of Oregon and California manufacture, in oil colora and slze, at bottom price. .At Special Price E. Z. FERGUSON, Trustee ASTORIA, Misses', Youth's and Children's QCHOOL ; UHOES Ladies and Gents' Autumn Footwear Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc. John Hahn & Co. 479 Commercial St 37 SHADES IN BABY RIBBONS Ho. 1 Ho Edge Baky libbot. 1c yi. Oc pc Xo. 1 Satia Ribkoa - - e ). I7e pc So. IK Satia Rihboa - - 9c 4. 25c c Ha. t tia Ribboa - - 4c y. 35c pc Vc call amnio Jo tbe tact Tbat keep eoee bat best Quality All-Silk Ribboas. aaa Sell tbea lor less tbaa otbers Sell part-tottoa Ribboas . . l ALBERT DUNBAR SIQNAL SERVICE REPORT. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum tempera tare. 51 degree. Minimum temperature, 43 degree. Precipitation, .80 Inch. Total , precipitation from September 1st. 189. to date. JS.94 Inch. . Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st, 1S96, to date, 14.50 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland. December IL For Wash ington and Oregon, tight rain or snow, cooler. ' TO READERS. The "lally Astoriaa' atalBS rale as ataeh raadlag matter as aay attar paper pablUaaal la Astoria. It la ths aaly paper that preaeata its readers with a daily telegraphic report. TO ADVERTISERS. -The "Daily At (arlaa has mors thaa twlee aa aiaay reaaV ara aa aay other paper publi.hed la Asta rla. It la therefor mora thaa twice u valaable aa aa adTertlalag mediant. State or Oregna, I Cooaty of CI. loop.) " We, the aodrralrned. local managers saepectlvelj ef the Weatera I n t on ud Peatal Telegraph eompanire. hereby cer tify that the Ually Aatorlaa" la the only paper pnblLhed la Aatoria which aow re eelvee, or at aay time daring onr control of said oatee haa recelTed, a telegraphic preaareport. B.D.JOHXIO.N, Maaager W. TJ. T. Co. J. R. CLARK, Maaager Poatal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. O blessed life! the mind that sees Whatever change the years may bring" A mercy still In everything. And shining through all mysteries. William Tidd Hatson. Katie Putnam on the 14th. Buy your Groceries at 10th and Duane street. Just received Lowney's chocolates, at The Spa. You can get the best potatoes at lOtb and Duane street. The managers of Fishers' promise a surprise next week. C C. Utzinger went to Portland last night on a business trip. The Borthwick Lumber Mill, at Goble, Is again running on full time. Preparations for Christmas festivities are being made all over the city. Just think, 72 Christmas tree candles for 10c this week at C. B. Smith's. .The box sheet for the Katie Putnam engagement opens today at 9 o'clock a. m. The Cambrian Princess was yester day towed to Sand Island for anchor age, j All sorts of holiday "goodies" are now temptingly displayed at the gro cers'. Mr. J. w. Hume, ex-mayor of the city, Is visiting his old friends in As toria. It is promised that the old fashioned Cheap tea you think we mean trash; we don't we mean Schilling's Best. It is the cheapest tea in the United States. If you don't like it, your grocer will give your money tack. It costs him nothing. A Schilling Company Saa Fnucuco 428 Ribbons STUART BROS.. Bales Agenla OR OREGON ... On the QUEEN HEATER appears In large letters, "Queen." Nona genuine without it. Beware of Imita tions. We an sole agents for the "Queen." FISHER BROTHERS H. EKSTROM Jeweler 560 Commercial St.. Astoria, Or. rixe nxt or.. Watches, Diamonds COLD AND SILVER JEVELRT. CLOCKS E.tBRElUS. rtRSES. STERLING AMD riATED YilRC. Suitable for Christmas Presents, at Very Low Prices. Every Article Purchased Engraved Free of Charge. New Year's calla will be In rogue again this year. It is said that a number of weddings have been booked for the first of the new year. You can secure a Christmas tree all ready for use In private parlors, at the M. E. baaaar. Low Price Store Is selling JS.00 navy blue, velvet collar double cape mackin toshes at 15.00 THREE SIZES OF QUEEN HEAT ers now In stock and for sale only by Fisher Brothers. If you want any of those fine tree ornaments at C. B. Smith's you had better get them thli week. Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Price reasonable. No. 562 Commercial street. Nick Webber, with his launch Triton, will make the run today up the Lewis and Clarke river In place of the Rich. Mrs. Ray, medium and magnetic heal er. Circles Sunday and Thursday even ings. Readings daily. 440 Bond street. We offer all our cast Iron stoves at 10 per cent below cost. The latest air tight stoves also on hand at 431 Bond street. Mr. Andrew Sundstad has Just re turned from the herring fisheries In Alaska, where he made a successful catch. The "Yellow Kid" of Hogan's Alley, has consented to sing for the A. F. C. December 31st, at the Columbia Opera House. The steamer Empire cleared for San Francisco yesterday with a cargo of 425,000 feet of lumber and S.000 bundles of snooks. The steamer State arrived from San Francisco yesterday with a large freight and passenger list, having sixty tons of freight for Astoria. C. B. Smith, the confectioner, Just received his shipment of Gunther can dies for Christmas. Tou will do well to place your orders at once. Mr. A. G. McLean, inspector of ma terial for the Uestern Union Telegraph Co., was in the city yesterday, a guest of Superintendent Morrison. A fire eater, tumbling, bar works, and living pictures, a regular New Tork Vaudeville show. A. F. C, at Columbia Opera House, December 31. H. Svenson and T. E. Karille, of Pu- get Island; Charles R. and Harmon Johnson, Chinook; H. P. Olsen, of John Day's, were In the city yesterday. Call and see the Queen air-tight heat er at Howell & Ward's before buying; they can save you money both on the price of the stove and wood consumed. The Lord Elgin has been ordered to Portland, having been chartered by Halfour, Guthrie & Co. If a tug can be procured she will leave up river today. Superintendent Morrison, of the West ern Union Company, has a big Job on his hands In the matter of stringing the wires across the Young's Bay bridge. Before purchasing, don't fall to see those celebrated air-tight stove at Fourd & Stokes." They have them In a dozen different styles, and every pos sible size. The weather has been so rough at the mouth of the river that the ships ready for sea have been obliged to stay in port. It is expected that a number will get out today. Don't forget that the Low Price Store Coffee 6c, Woodcock's, 674 Com'l St. Comforts... In Elder Down and Carded Cotton, made of the very best material. Very cheap. Warm Underwear We have the lret selection of Uullea' and t.entrV, Mleme Youth' and Children Underwear to le found la this part of the country, and at reasonable price. C. H. COOPER haa the only perfect fitting wrappers. the handsomest line of Jackets and capes, and Is selling them at wholesale prices. 491 Bond street County Clerk Dunbar, City Auditor Nelson and Justice Abercromble yes terday canvassed the vote for council men and found that Clinton had a ma jority of ii votes, Trulllnger 10, and Brlx S. Mr. John Kopp had steam up In his new brewery yesterday and made a test of the new machinery. Everything worked satisfactorily, and he expects to have the machinery In full operation In a few days. Mrs. Gus. Iveraon, whose husband died from heart disease Thursday night. is not rich In this world's goods, but the Red Men, of which order her hus band was a member, were never known to deaert the needy. A well known housekeeper of expe rience says,' "Don't buy your huxbevnd cigars for Christmas. You are about aa competent lo aeltvt them as he would be In discriminating between a godt and a basque. Mr. Frank Surprenant Is In from the Nehalem and will today prove up on his homestead claim, the north half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 31, township t north, range 7 west. Lyman Smith, an employe of the Itox Factory, met with an accident )'e terday aftrrnoon while at work at the planing machine. His left arm was broken by being caught ln the belting. Dr. Fulton dressed the wound. Sheriff Hare yesterday received a genuine American eagle from Eastern i Oregon. His royal highness was very I much alive and very indignant at his captivity. He would not eat beefsteak. The sheriff might as well have a white elephant on his hands.. Messrs. Holland, Johnson, Goodall and Wmgate, together with a number of Dromlhent Astorians. vesterdav took a trip through Clatsop county on the Seashore railroad. The gentlemen are determined to learn all they can about the valuation of Clatsop county land. Captain A. C. Fisher and Frank Cook have gone on a hunting trip for snipe up the river. They bok the steamer Lurllne and expect to be gone a num- j ber of days. They will visit a part of the country Infmted by snakes, and did ' not forget to take along the necessary j antidote. Judge A. A. Cleveland returned yes terday from Portland where he attend ed a reception given by the Red Men. Minnehaha Tribe, to the great chiefs of the Great Council of the Great Reser vation of Oregon. The entertainment was a most enjoyable one and was largely attended. Yes, we have a few of those Burbank potatoes left, but at the prices and rate they are selling they will soon be gone. The Webfoot Commission House is selling other groceries at the same rate. For instance: A pound of Mocha, Java and Rio blended coffee for 25c. We grind this while you wait. Auren A. Stafford, son of D. F. Staf ford, a young man whose boyhood days were passed on Clatsop Plains, and who got his first start In education ln Dis trict No. 3, graduated December 8 from the Cooper Medical Institute, San Fran cisco, Cal. Mr. Stafford will begin the practice of medicine at Alameda, Cal. From reports made yesterday by County Clwk Dunbar, It appears that the cost of holding the June and De cember elections In this county was 159.65 for the first, and 1698.83 for the second, covering the expenses In twenty-two precincts, where 3143 votes were cast. The average cost per vote was sixty cents. Mr. J. Q. Jamleson, engineer In charge of the A. and C. R. R. R., re turned yesterday from a trip over the line. He says that the work on Honey- The Leading Hjse of Astoria. Whatever else you do between now and Christmas, be sure and see our beautiful novelties In perfumes before buying any gifts for your friends Mind you. we do not aay buy of us. We merely aay, see what we have be fore you buy, and then do aa you choeee about the place you purchase. Of course we have an Idea about what the result will be after having exam ined our varied atock, but that need not In any way Influence your choice. We are showing our gooda with the understanding that we wish no one lo purchase unless we make It their best Interest to do so. W have In stock an elegant line of novelty perfume In cut glass bottles, all new styles, never put on the market before, and filled with the choicest perfume made by Adolph Spieler and Solon Palmer, the best manufacturers of perfumes in America; also a full line of Imported ex tracts by Lubln, Roer and Clallet, Kd. Pinaud of Paris ami the Crown Per fumery Company of Indon. who are known to be the leading perfumers of the world, and some of their entirely new orders In our stock are Metsukitn. Orchlila, Peau de Spraue, L Iris Blanc. Bouquet des Amours, Vera Vio let ta. Violet de Parm. l'nrnuliita Lilly. Aurora Lily anj Cjl'KKN OF Vl U.KTS. We also carry the largest line of toilet soaps of any house west of the ltoeky Mountains (that is not a wholesale house.) We have forty gross ranging In price from 10 eent per doxeu to Jl a cake, 12 gross of tooth brushes n I , from T rents to 50 cents earn. Our Mo brushes generally sell for 7.V. 1 d"i n hair brushea at from 15c to IT each;1 bath brushes from 'Mc to J2 each; also an endleea variety of lather brushes and shoe brushes, and hundreds of, other articles too numerous to mention, ; !,,, ,h ,.... r w- . ,llwlirw ln .hl,wln, koimU .h,.lh. ,, . vln .... T I amlnlng our stock and prices, you will call w hea In need of anything In our llno. " CI1ARLK9 ROGERS, Druggist. Astoria. Oild Fellows' building. man- DeHart Co "'vision Is pro- g re suing wen. ine mrce 01 men is gradually Increasing, and doubtless they will succeed this winter In doing a large amount of tunnel and rock wortc. Yeaterday afternoon and evening the ladles of the Presbyterian church held a fair In the basement of the church building, for the sale of fancy work, linen, candy, cake, etc. The fair closed at 11 o'clock, a ad the receipts (igured up 1130, 150 of which goi-s to the new organ fund. The lady managers are certainly entitled to credit for their hard and successful work. Speaking of the question of establish ing a smelter ln Astoria, Dr. Kinney said yesterday that the seaboard was the place of all places for such an en terprise. Astoria has every requisite necessary for success, with the Oil van tage of cheap water rates from the mines In Alaska on the ore, as well as the advantage of flux produced at the factory door. The rich mines on the Yukon, beside the mines In Oregon, Washington and Idaho will furnish the ores for reduction. The following have been appointed by Mayor Taylor's committee to act with them In the revision of the city charter: W. B. Adair, G. C. Flavel, T. O. Trullln ger, D. H. Welch, E. A. Taylor, II. Van Dusen, C. 8. Brown, J. O. Hunthorn, J. A. Fulton, S. Elmore, M. J. Kinney, C. W. Shlvely, J. Q. A. IViwlby, W. W. Parker, C. R. Thomson, J. F. Hamilton, and W. L. Robb. The first meeting will be held Friday afternoon In Judge Ftowlby's office. Suggestions as to re vision of the charter will then be re ceived In writing. The brilliant little comedienne, Katie i-uiimm, wno pmyn a two nignt s en gagement here at the Columbia Theatre Is quoted as the rlchowt actress biday. The Portland Oregonlan says: "Thatpopular little' actress, Katie Putnam, who begins a brief engage ment at the Marquam Grand next I'hursilny night, Is revutod to l an In tensely liUKlm sa-IIke woman. Kite lives .tl the famous Mlchlgnn summer resort, Denton llurlior, ami to visit her when fully in the home rtetmnt. Is lo gel Into iin atmosphere so essentially priw'tlcal tlmt only had pleasant nature and lrlghtlliHJ hint at the remotest a nu tation to anything dramatic. She owns two big fruit farms at tit great Insular fruit town, given over to liea.'hca and llacktcrrioa so plentiful snd excellent that she derives a hand some Income from this source alone. When the late Knuna Abbott saw the poaalbllltlea of IVrtland realty and In vested heavily, Katie Putnam did like wise, and paya today taxea on aom 200 lots, which she holds In great ex pectation of Portland's future. Odd lota and parcels of land scattered from her to New Orleans,' representing oc casional 'rtj.ih' Investments, ar also among her posaeeaiona. but they do not count. On her perfect home and ,lh faniia that pay. the owner expends most of her palna and energy, and the result la an existence pretty near Ideal when taking a rest after her annual tours, which are usually protracted one, "In her stage work sh finds a pleas ure and an enervating tonic that bene fits her active nervous lemperatmenl." Mlaa Putnam will appear In two beautiful plays written expressly for her Monday night "Th Old Lime Kiln." and Tuesday night "Love Finds a Way," both of which tell beautiful slociea and abound In attractive scenic effevta BANK NOTICE. The eleventh annual meeting of the stkholders of the First National Bankl No w,mwu' " " far ron ln ,hr of Astoria, for the election of director. I' th,, K"kn Mek or and tramuictlon of other bUKtnrsa, will be held at the banking other, Tueeilay. January Ulh. lsT, at 4 p. m. S. S. UOItlKi.N, Cashier. lecemter l.'th. lv.' CHl'HCH SKKVICKS TOMORROW. ("ongnvKutlonal Church-The ,hur,h;fUre 110 A. For Sale at F.S will h,. n-oH'ii.rl tomorrow. Itev. C. V. j t t'H-Ctlllll UritlT Store. Clii4P, siiHM-iiiteiul'-nt of Cunuregatlon- al mlasloiis In Oregon, will preach at Mcttny I. the leading tailor, and pays 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. tit. At S p. in. there j ,h, hKri,.,t CB1,h prro fr fur ,klna will Iw a fellowship meeting at w lilch ) i the imstors of the various city churches j WANTED, will make brl. f ad'!ree. N'. sub-; - . scrlptlnns will Ih solicited at any (if I WANTKDA girl or woman to do tlm services. All are most cordially In nnf n ilny's work each day In a prl- vlted. I Sulviiilon Army will have a "Sing Song" meeting tonight In Mrs. Wel iiiun'a hull, AhIoi- anil .'Hi streets Sun day morning, Rescue Hull, Ilollntws ns'tlng 10. .1(1 u. in. Free and Kasy at 3 p. m.. and a heavenly anlvatlon meet- n, ttt II 11. m. A .mind welcome home meeting to Knsign Nelson and his new lieutenant will I held Tuesday night, l.rth Inst. Coffi-ti and cake w ill be se.ved afterward. Everybody lnv!led to at- tend. Bishop Barker, of Olympla, (Western Washington), will be In Ilwaco and Fort Canby on Sunday. There will lie a special service at Grace Church Monday evening, Decem ber 14, at 7:30 p. m., under the auspices of the Young Men's Brotherhood of Grat Church and Holy Innocents' Chapel. The lit Rev. Wm. M. Barker, I). I)., missionary bishop of Olympla, will deliver the addres. At the Presbyterian Church Preach ing In the morning by Rev. Sylvanus Sayre. Ther will Ih no service In th evening. Sunday school at 12.15. Y. P. fl. C. K. at :30. All are cordially In vlted. Swedish Lutheran hurrh Service at 10:30 In English. Text, Mull. 11:2-10. Sunday actum'' at 12:16. Evening ser vice m Hweiiisn. Tuewlay at Z p. m. Services at Wm. Predrtckaun's, on Young's Rlvrr. Wednesday at 7:30 p, m., preaching ln English In the school house at Fort Stevens. Service Sun day a wwk, Swedish In the morning and English ln the evening at Skamok awa. ATTENTION. RED MEN. The members of Concomly Tribe. No. 7., Imp. O. R. M., are hereby notified to meet at their wigwam at 1 o'clock on Sunday, December 11, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Gustav Iverson. I. J. KERN, Sachem. Attest: J. W. Williams. C. of R. THE COUNTY COURT. (Continued from First Page.) to-wit; the sum of $35,000.00, be can celled, for the reason that certain of Its stockholders residing In Multnomah county, have been assessed by the as sessor of said county, upon the re spective shares owned by them In said county, that Its stskholders residing In this county, owning a total of 260 shares of the capital stock, would not object on their part If they were assess ed upon thflr respective stock; and It appearing to the court that the assess ment under the laws of this state should be made against the sharehold ers of said bank, upon their respective I should say so, in all the prettiest shades Imagin able; Special for the Hoi-, iday trade at 30c per Yard Komrtnber that rl. n lh.e lots, side of Hi bay, within a stone's thiuw people are now living, will bo advnnunl xhnrea owned In this county, and that the UMttnarni nt made by the n r hoold bo cancelled and petition grant ed; It l therefore ol'd'ied that tlw . tHoii-nl of the Flral National I lull It for lv.itl, of I'l.VOoO 00. be and the same . hereby cancelled, and that the hcrll if this county be and lie Ta hereby di rected to ni the reieetlve share In Ulers residing In thla county, upon tluir riapocllve shares owned In aald li nk. Ordered that Court do not adjourn until Monday, lvcoiubor Slat, IHtKl, at li) o'clock a. in. J. II. D. 11 It AY. Judg.. C. PKTKIIHON. HOWKLL LF.WIH. Ciimmlaslonsrs. (Attest! V. I. Ill'NIIAU, County Clerk. TO tTKtt A (Hill IN OMR lAV. Take laxative Promo quinine Tableta All druggists refund th money If It falls to cur. 25c For sal by Chaa. Rogers. Druggist. The woman who makes a study of houae gowns dors not have to cu'tiplaln of her husliand's lack of attention. ROYAL Baxinsr Powder. Hlgheit of ll la kvenlag Strength -U . Omnatal R opart No matter what you wear, so long as It la becoming, appears lo be th rul of the mode thla winter, 1 Salton Sea Salt for baths, at tbe Esti'H-Conn lmjr Store 10c ami 23c per parkajre. and black. OAHTOTIIA, nan. Uallt dgui WMraJ. T, 'Tw Weliroot Corn Cure. Xo vim' family. Apply at the olllce of the Astorlan. ruR KENT. FOR RENT Three psim house oppo site court house. Astoria Ijind A In vestment Co.. S'lf. Commercial street Four street. rooms to rent. 1X1 Exchange Adolph Johnson. FOR RENT Seven room boua. No. :0 Commercial street, corner Sixth street. Apply to F. I. Dunbar, Court hous. FOR RENT A front room nlcly fur nished. Inquire 224 Bond street, city. FOR BALE. . ALL KINDS OF FANCY AND JAP AN 8 Goods for Christmas and the holidays, at Wing Lee's, 643 Commer cial street. C. P. KJAERBYE, M.A..M.D. rnrsiciA.t and sim.r.ox Graduated from Copenhagen Univer sity. Specialty, Female Diseases. No. 680 Commercial street, Shanahan Building. Hours, 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 and 7-8 p. m. New Columbia Opera House Monday and Tuesday Nights, Dec. 14 and 15 Monday Night, "OLD LIMB KILN' Tuesday Night, "LOVE FINDS A WAY" Katie Putnam THE VERSATILE AND TALANTED ARTISTE Sl'I'rORTED BY NEB wmW SPECIAL SCENERY STARTLING SITUATIONS STRIKING EFFECTS. All the Latent Songs of the Day. For Further Particulars About Them... SHANAHAN BROS. See whli h are Ih lt sltiwlnl on ths t f l" Warren ton dep..!. anil where jMiuiary 1. NORTH PACIFIC Steamship Company's SKAMER CKILKAT, Will be dliat'hd from IVrtland. Or. egon on or alniut November I, IM. the rout from that point lo the Co. quill Hlvcr, touching at all lnlnn. dial points aa Induoomants offer, atWl will remain permanently on thai Muta making regular trips. For rales or oilier Information apply at office at tlu oompany, Worcester mock, Portland. Oregon, or UM!1 D via street, Han Francisco. NEIL uILMORB, Agent. Main Street Dock. Astoria. S. FsrsaAN, law of Fraeoxa a Holatt. . T. tii. tat. u ShMklua Cal. FOUNDRYflEN Blacksmith, Machlnlsta and Holler Maktra "7trJ Kindt o! Jaaahlniry Iron and Bras Casting Uanaral Blaoksmlth V7urk SPrCUlTIEJ - W.k aMa, WkwI. Skla, SellM m4 Staaeitwtt Wwk. CaMwy aa Mill Muhlawy. Maria. a4 SUSvaary ttU. ail Bain ta Ot-M $axlalli Kilrrl (.'' ak Lert,eu4aac elkn.-l l8th and I ranklln. Phoa 78 Astoria and Columbia River Railroad TIME CARD. Train leave Seaside for Astoria ar 7.30 a. m. and I p. m. dally Train leave Astoria for Flavl at a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Train leave Aatorta for Seaside at 10 30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at 1:1ft a. m. and t in p. m dally. ROS S H I G G I IN S &T CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Aalerla ana I'pper A.terta Fl Tm. rti C(m. T.bta Mint1.,, fv.a.iu. aa4 TrnpU.I Fnitta, VaevlaN... Sugar CukJ H.aa. Bacoe. tK. Choke Frrih and Salt Meats. 1173 idgl Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Sult Coal, Groceries A ProtisionB Flour A Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales. Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons tfc Vehicles. COfllEDV COMPANY You will Irfingh You will Cry You will Applaud Y'ou Can't Ilelp It COLUMBIA ill WORKS'