7 M ATOR PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIMiOH. SAVE TIME The Daily Astoria n Tw Haj a Rsoiiub J0 PfKUKtHT MllH MODI THAN TMH TIM. 3 AS lAIW.B At THAT Of ASK OTH1H KAI't w Astoria Iliiil Ufjkfttt VTT I worry An "Ad". In TMI AnTOKIAK't "WanltoluiM. ' EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. Mill i ?! . , n islTT" in i mi, f ..I in V3 New To-day. Sicct-Mon to COrtlAXD THORSCil Men's Boys' and Youth's SKooFShoes WdtH Cork SoIch Now Toes Colombia Shoe Go. 523 Commercial St. ASPHYXIATION ScnMitionnl Demise of .Mrs. Cooper unil Her Diniyhtcr Hurriet. matricide AM) SUICIDE Thought That the Daughter, While Temporarily limine. Turned on the (Ian. Largest and Finest Lines of Holiday Goods In the i Toys, Toys, Toy. Dull! In endle varlnty. Iron and mml wagon; velo cipede wagon; dull carriage. I'lmtu and autograph album; flne rhtna and Venetian glaa ware. Christina and New Year card. Large assortment of books In latest tyle of bindings, Call and examine our stock. GRIFFIN & REED CITY BOOK STORE FOARD & STOKES COMPANY THE ...Leading Merchants... 1 GltOCKItlEH. flour. MUX FEED. FRUITS. tobaccos, liquors, ktc. hardware, tioat supplies, ship chandlery, chock kiiy. glassware, taint". oils, etc. Special to the Astorlun. Han Francisco, December II. The death by asphyxiation of Mrs. Ha run 1 1. Coopif and her daughter, Harriet, this morning, 'has procured a profound sen sation In this city. No woman In Hun Francisco or on the Pacific Coast waa so prominent aa Mrs. Cooper, who had devoted her life to religion and philan thropic work and waa actively connect ed with every reform movement. She waa assistant piurtor of the First Con gregational church and took a promi nent part In the prosecution of Itev. C. O. Hrown for his alleged Immoral relations with Miss Mnttle Overman. Hhe waa a cousin of Col. Robert Inger sol, with whom, despite their opposite religious views, she maintained a warm friendship. The mother and daughter were found lying dead In the same bed alxmt o'clock by their Chlneae servant. Miss Cooper had wrapped the clothes care fully about her, but Mrs. Cooper had evidently attempted to arise wheu ahe di.-tw.led the escaping gas and waa too much overcome to leave the bed. Two gaa Jeta were turned on full and all window and doors were carefully clos ed. The coroner and police detectives made a careful examination of the room and concluded that, while the mother slept, MIm Cooht hsd arisen, turned on the gas Jeta. clo,-d the doors and win dows, and then calmly returned to bed. The officials are convinced that It waa la case of matricide and auMde. Dr. clerks nf election. $442.60; messengers of Worth, the fnnilly physician, state that jclectlon. Jttf.20; J. O. Hanthorn & Co.. I Mis X!Kpec had Inen suffering - for I JJO.OO. rxnt ioli'n --' No- 7. J.. W, month from melancholia, with homl-1 Welch. 110 00. rent polling place No. 5 cMnl and suicidal tetidt-lu-lcs. Her fath- Thus. Mitchell, $3.00, making bMiths ler committed suUlde .-n yours ago and jand rent, Corrle precinct: J. W. Bur- two cousins, nephews of her father, preiiant. $16.S. lumber and labor er.vi. also in mm It ted ulrlde. Harriet CiHr j lug guurd rails; C. H. Nelson. $2.00, con- Ihad made several previous attempts to; stable Hear Creek precinct; A. W. Me. enu ner uie, once attempting io jump , me, i.w. laKlllg election supplies to from a Terry boat, and several time Corrle precinct; J. W. Hare. $20.00, sun uniiouiiclng to her mother that "she dry election expense. southeast corner of Section 27, Tp. 7 N., II. H W., all In Clatsop county, state of Oregon; arid It sutlefm torlly appearing to the tourt tliM due notice of the pre sentation of this petition has been giv en; It I ordered that N. Huxler, John Adulr and A. it. McMillan be anoint ed viewers, and P, E. Hickman, Pur veyor, to view, survey and reiort upon said road, and that they meet at the residence of Chris. Peterson, Olney, on Tuesday, December 15th, IfcWI, at 8 o'clock a. m. Hills on General fund examined and allowed a follows: '. C. Nordstrom. 410.00, care of Horg lund; Anna Ward, $10.00, care of Or born. Mrs. Schroder tt 00, Mrs. Handy M.M. Mrs. Pise Ifl.OO, Mrs. Gulnon $1.00. Mrs. Nordlur.d $00, aJlowances for No veni'xT; Oeo. flrown I.17.S0, ir. I. Find- ley $.'17.50, H. A. Kozer $43.M, copying tax roll; J. W. Hare. $93 M. board of pris oners; Jay Tuttle $5 00, Dr. W. l. Uaker $5.00. examination of In sane; Kd. Hanson. $12.00, care of Phil lp Johnson, lnsaie; II. N. Wright $.0O, H. F. Lyman $3.00, C. A. Gearhart $9.00. teat hers' examination; Foard Htoke Co. $S.M, Ktove for alierlff' o(71c; Dally Astoiian, $14.35, publishing proceedings and notices; Herald Publishing Co., $.00, publishing proceeding; W. E. Jop. Iln, $2.20, Juror mileage; F. I. Dunbar, tamps, $1.00; Griffin Reed, $14.S, sta tlonery; J. H. Delllnger, $3.50, blanks for sheriff's office; F. W. Ferguson $3.50, ilas Irudhomro $3.14. blank for clerk' office; I. W. Hare. $3.00, stamp.; J. W. Hare. $.S8, expense serving pa pers, circuit court; H .W. Sherman $l.W expressae; costs, State vs. C. You.ig, $25.30; cost coroner' Inquest A. Vi-arae, I78..5; A. Davidson, $16.00. building two bridges In Road Dlst. No. 14; W. J. Ingalls, $$.00, fender boom for Lew Is andClarke brldtre; Campbell Bros w.iw, provisions Mrs. Raymond. Onto. ber and Novesnber; Rosa. Hlggins & Co., $S.W, provision Murphy. $5.S5. pro- visions uannisn; A. v. Allen 110.00, pro- vlklons Polio. October, $10.05; provis ions Pelter. November, $.00; Mr. Buk- ko, $i.00 ilakku, $5.05 Mary Peterson, 16 10 Westerberg; Hcholrleld A Hauke, $4.5. prnvutkitiB Matson; judges and W sr. iHislcr In the Atxiv. I. In... and carry th. Most Complrt Stock ol mh In the NorihwMl. e i j t Clarkson & McjrYin Boom Company LONG FIR PILING promptly Furnished 216 mi 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Orefon I.KAVK OKOKK AT S3 -MMKK-CIAL. HTHKKT Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co. All Work Guaranteed N. JEN5EN and R. O. HANSEN Moof Paiintlnu and Hspalring Luky Riwla, longil to turn on tlu gas at night, so that 'she and her mother could puss away tiethers" Mrs. Cooper concealed her daughter's condition from all except a few Inti mate friends and had arranged to take her daughter East soon to place her In care of relatives, hoping the change might restore her health. Harriet left a note to the coroner requesting that the bodies might not be removed to the morgue. Mr. Coopers will, dAed two months ago, refers to a probability of her early demise, and also alludes to the possible death of her daughter. All her bequests are made with the Idea that her daughter would not survive her, as If she anticipated a double death. J.A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOUSE, BRIDGE AND (OHARF BUILDER HOUftlC MOVKR, Moms Moving Tool lor R.at. ASTORIA ORKOON Emil Schacht ARGJ1ITECT GEO. NICOLL, Assistant. OFFICE: Kopp's fiew Brewery J. B. WYATT, Phon No. ! A .tor la, Orsgos THE COVNTY COt'RT. Compiled by F. I, Dunbar. County Clerk, by Order County Court Groceriea, Proviaiona, PAINTS and OILS. psclal Attention Paid ta Supplying Ships. B.F.AUIiEH&SOjN ' Wall Papar, Artists' Malarial.. Palsti, Oil., Glaa., etc, Japan... Mattings, Rug. and Banboo Goods 35 Commercial Street F. B. Morgan PASSCNOER AdHNT 0. R. & N. Company Columbia Rlv.r Rout 254 Vahlti(tnn St, Cor, Third Portland. Or. ALLEN'S Cut Rate Ticket Ottkb ...TMCATRICAL BOOKING A IT.CIALTY.. no TniRii st FYm,TLAia, or, a. Vx Allen, , Dealer in , Groceries, flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruit Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cot. Tenth and Common lal street. SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand in the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus Uu, colling, and all kind of finish; moulding end shingles; also bracket work don to order. Terms reasonable and prtoes at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office r.nd yard at mill. H. r. L. LOO AN, Prop'r. Seastds, Orron. Hardware. (omdai Report.) , I" the county court of the State onip W IlQuaiery, l Oregon, In and for the County of Clatsop, Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 1S96, 1st da;-; present, Hon. J. H. D. Gray, Judge; C. I'eterson and Howell Lewi, commissioners; F. I. Dunbar, clerk; and Jaa. V. Hare, sheriff. Court met and was duly opened at t0:30 o'clock. Petition from Frank M. Warren read, asking to have all that portion of the town of Warrenton Center lying north of a line running east and west across the N. A. Eberman Donation Land ClnJm from a point N. 15 E. 89.99 chains from the southeast corner of said Eberman D. L. C, vaoated; no ob jection appearing thereto same Is grant ed and so ordered. Bond of C. W. Canmhan, county As sessor, for $5,000.00, with J. N. Grlffln and F. A. Fisher, sureties, examined and approved, It appearing Id thti court that the recent frcsheta hive further damaged the brlrlg across Hear creek, in Section 27i Tp S N It. 9 W., necessitating fur- tiler examination; It Is ordered that the opening of the hid asked for Tiy the su pervisor be and Is hereby deferred for the present. , , 1 The engineer pot being feavly at this time to report In the matter of the loca tion of the proposed bridge across Young's Klver. It Is ordered that the matter be continued until Monday, De cember 21st, lS9. Now come John dinner and presents the petition of himself and thirteen others to locate a ounty road, as fol-lowsi Regaining at the 8S mile post on the conftly road running1 from Astoria to Jewell, vli., Olney (said road being com monly called th Nehalem road), said 85 mile post being situate In Section 19, Tp. 7 N., R. 8 West, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, thenoe running by the most practical route In a southeasterly direction through Sections 19, 20, 29, 28, 27 and 34, In Tp. 7 N R. 8 W. to the UNION MEAT CO. SHIELD BRAND Hflias, BACON, M1D CONDENSED MEATS guarantegDths best mlN TUB MARKET... Cor. 4th and Cilsan Sts Portland oregon A.STORTA. tftON MVTjRKa CosconlirSi.lootolJackton Attorl. Goneral Machinists anJ Boiler Makesr Land Knd Marin. Enjlnei. Qollw work, Staaw , boat and Cannary Work s Specialty. . i , j C(SlRi(S of All Dncrlptlon. Mm to Ordar OS Short Nolle.. fohn Fox., ..Preettont and Superintendent A. U Fox Vlo President p. B. Prael Baoretary Fhst National Bank, Treasurer lillls on special road fund examined and allowed a fonws: Ole Estoos $13.i0, J. U. Kepley $S.W, O. C. Hokensinlth $S.00. J. A. Richardson $S.0i), labor, Foard stokes Co., $3.00, mills, Clatsop Mill Co. $13.00, lumber. M. Stenstrom, $1S.00. hauling lumber, bridge No. 5, Astoria and Olney road; V. D. Bell $11.87. Frank Lyons $7.00. laying puncheon, Richard Harry $47.50, D. M. Campbell $18.00, Chas. Stiles $1100. Otto Grinde $12.00. Frank Ttau. mond $11.00. William Raymond $2.60, surveying location Young' Itlver bridge. Astoria Road Dlntrtot: D. F Stafford $4.00, E. T. Stafford $3.75. labor Road Dlst No. J; P. S. Phllbrlck $11.60, A. J. Cloutrie $4.50. labor Rnail ni No. S; Andrew- Pallender. $19.00, labor Road Dlst. No. 4; R. R. Cole, $1.60. labor Road Dlst. No. 5; F. Ohwn 60c, nulls. John Glaaer $4.00, Chris Peterson $o.2u, John Stalker $10.00, labor Road Dlst. I No. 7; P. Klnnev 115.00. labor RmH Dlst. No. 9; J. Pearson $6.00, A. Moody $CO0, labor Road Dlst. No, 10; E .Cole $6.00, O. A. Cole $8.00. labor T?oa,1 nif No. IS. Ordered that court adjourn until to- morow at 9:30 a. m. Thursday. December 10. 189S second day present term; same present as yes terday. Petition from D. H. Welch read, ask ing a tax sale of lots 5 and 6, block 132, Shlvcley's Astoria, purchased for de- nnquet taxes for 1891, be cancelled same having been assessed to J. W. Welch and tax paid for said year. Same being a double assessment, It is ordered that said petition be granted. Clerk reports the following warrants issued for relief, have not been deliv ered, to-wlt: No. 3396, Mrs. N. Davlch, ?; No. 4518, Wm. Koch, $5; No. 5049, F. A. Wilson, $8; No. 4943, F. A, Wilson, $8 No. 4678, F. A. Wilson. $S. And it appearing that the person named and to whom the warrants were issued have ceased to be a charge upon the county. It Is ordered that the above warrants be and they are hereby re called. TARIFF EXTRA SESSION Idea Meets With General Approval hj Republicans of the House. DILL WILL SOON BE FRAMED Reed Will Probably Again Be Chosen Hpeaker Democrats Do Not Want New land. Washington, December 11. The pro gram of the way and mean commit tee to prepare a tariff bill for an extra session of congress vs the only topic of discussion about the house today and met with genera approval among the Republicans. It Is expected the bill will be brought forward very early in the extra, session and passed under a rule fixing the time for debate, so Its fate will be In the hands of the senate early. All of the Republican members of the ways and mean committee have been elected to the next congress and It I assumed that Mr. Reed will again be chosen speaker, and will not change the personnel of th committee, so that there Is no probability of any effort to do the work again. Democrats are not pleased at the sug gestion that Newlands, Independent sil ver member from Nevada, who Is a pro tectionist, be given the late senator Crisp' chair at th committee table. Chairman Reed seldom sided with the minority about committee appoint ments, and has not done so In this casj. MITCHELL'S BILL. Washington, December 11. Senator j Mitchell, of Oregon, has Introduced a bill In the senate declaring the Intent of the act of 1868, indemnifying the state for expenses In maintaining the national defense. By a decision of the court of claims the interest on the money was not al lowed. This was reversed by the su preme court, but, a the treasury de partment had passed opor. the- claims. It refuses, under the Docery law, to re-open them without further legislation. Mitchell s bill Is to cover this point. Nearly every state Is Interested In the matter and the interest charges have been disallowed. toward their state. There has been. Mr. Fee declared, no change In rates from St. Paul to North Pacific coast points for two years, nor since the organiza tion of the Transcontinental Passenger Association, and there Is no Immediate prospect of any change being made In the present rate. The story had th effect of stirring up the other transcon tinental roads to a large extent, how ever, and there was all Kinds of talk about meeting the rate and calling a meeting of the transcontinental lines and other things of a like nature. Dr. THEY KNEW EACH OTHER. Brown and Alattie Overman Meet Tnder Peculiar Circumstances. MURDER IN ALASKA. Two Women Kllled-A Judge's Plain Instruction to a Jury. Port Townsend. December 11. The steamer WHIapa, from Alaska, brings word of another brutal murder on Douglass Island, th second of the kind within three weeks. Two Indian wom en were killed, the murderer being an Indian named Shoga, and one woman wa his wife. Shoga gave himself up to the police and confessed that he stabbed the two women. He was In dicted by the coroner's Jury. Judge Delany delivered a sensational charge to the grand Jury on the admin istration of Justice in Alaska. It has been publicly charged on the authority of prominent citizens that it Is practl FIVE HUNDRED WEREDROWNED further Details of the Wreck or the Spanish Steamer Salicr, BUFFETED BY HEAVY SEAS The CaptaJo Lost His Reckoning In the Fog and Struck a Ledge of Rocks, Sinking With All Hands. Comnna, Spain, December 11. Tt Is now thought that between 400 and 500 people were drowned in the wreck of the steamer 6aller. She was command eb by Captain Wetnpe, atid had gen eral cargo. The disaster occurred dur ing a dense fog and heavy weather. The Sailer had a fearful passage from Bre men to this port. Two of her boats were swept overboard by th heavy sea which beat over ber and ahe sustained other damage. , The steamer struck Monday night last on a ledge of rocks two and one-half miles from this place. She was bound to Villa Garcia, where she was to ship another lot of steerage passengers cally Impossible to secure convictions 1 bound for Buenos Ayres. It was night in Alaska for alleged violations of the liquor laws and the fisheries law, be cause It Is alleged the liquor men and cannery men work together, with the result that It is impossible to secure Jury that will return a verdict of guilty. The Judge charged the Jury to either indict the men who are thus openly charged with defiance of the law, or else Indict those who are re sponsible for the publication referred to for libel and slander. BUSINESS CONDITIONS. New York. December 1L- tomorrow will say: There has been no Improvement -Bradstreets In tune and th Sailer had to run far enough south to clear the rocks off Cape Corrubedo before starboarding ber helm and heading southwest, gradually pointing up westward and then In northerly direction in order to head Into the bay leading up to Villa Garcia. But Captain Wempe seems to have been thrown out of his reckoning by the fog and rain and to have headed to port too soon, with the result that; he failed to clear the rocks below Cape Corru bedo and went down with his ship and all hands. Of the steerage passengers there were I some Gottmana and about 200 Span iards, according to estimates, all on Petition l.-om J. MeCormac, agents for Viola Kant, road, asking for re bate of taxes. Ordered referred to the Astoria common council. The keeper cf the LewU Mut tMarke bridge, having notified the court that said bridge Is being Injured by certain persons fastening Kgs and rafts to th bridge rest tt Is ordered that he be Instructed V) notify all persons that under section 1972, laws of Oregon, "If any-pOTse-lia shall injure or obstruct any highway or bridge, such person upon conviction thereof shall be punished by Imprisonment In the county Jail, or fine," said said law will be enforced and that , a copy thereof be posted upon said bridge. Petition from the First National Bank, read, asking that the assessment heretofore made by the assessor for the year 1896, against Its personal assets. (Continued on Fourth Page.) Chicago. December 11. "The Lord saves; he has saved meof all sinners the, lowest!" Uttered with fervor, these words rang from the lips of a young woman at the Salvation Army meeting In Wlllard Hall last Tuesday noon. Her eyes wandered over the little sea of heads bowd In prayer. At the sound of her voice one of the heads Involun tarily turned toward her. A man with pallid face started as though to rise. The eyes of the two met for a moment and there was a flash of recognition. Then the man recovered control of himself. He resumed his seat and through the remainder of the service sat with bowed head and shame-faced mien. Few In .the audience saw the little scene. The two were the principals In the notorious Overman-Brown church trial In San Francisco Rev. Charles O. Brown and Miss Mattle Overman. At the close of the trial Miss Overman Joined the Crittenden workers. Hence forth she will be known as Sister Mar tha. It was while on the way to Wash ington, D. C. where she goes to assist Mrs. Emily Walter Barrett In rescue work, that Sister Martha happened In to Wlllard Hall. A FATAL MISTAKE. Well Known Operator Takes Morphine to Insure Sleep, and Never Awoke. San Francisco, December 11. Oscar E. Hammond, a telegraph operator known all over the Pacific coast, died suddenly at QaWand. this morning. Hammond was employed as a telegraph operator In the San Francisco office of the Associated Press and acted In the same capacity In Seattle for several years. A coroner's Inquest was held tonight and the Jury returned a verdict of death from an overdose of morphine taken without suicidal Intent. It Is supposed that Hammond was suffering from In somnia and took morphine to Insure sleep. He waa 38 years Old and leaves a wife and six children. general trade this week except in boll- j their way to Argentine Republic If the day specialties. Unseasonable weather 'disaster bad occurred after the Sailer has again delayed the demand for win-; had touched at Villa Garcia, the ksa of ter goods and the approach at the pe--jllfe. would va -bea much greater, riod for stock-taking will prolong the I -season of dullness well Into the month, j OUR ASSESSMENTS. The tendency of prices Is more oonsplc- i uously downward. Many who have Astoria. December 11. (Editor Asto been extremely bullish as to wheat rlan) I notice In an Interview with Mr. prices regard a reaction as likely, not- i Wingate published in today's Astorian. withstanding the outlook for greater; that he makes the assertion that city firmness and higher quotations during property Is assessed this year for $400, the latter part than during the first; 000 in excess of last year's valuation. part or the current cereal year. Thls Is untrue. The assessment made There are 3S1 business failures report-1 by me In 1S96 was as follows: ed In the United States this week, an- j Town lots $1,834,447 other Increase as compared with the Improvements B04 05S average In recent weeks. Total $2,32.8,50$ Last year's valuations for town and city lots and improvements thereon were as follows: Town lots $1,776,079 Improvements 550,020 MACEO PROBABLY ALIVE. Key West, December 11. Maceo's death Is still discredited by the greater number of prominent Cubans here. Yet there are numbers who fear It Is true. All await the arrival of the steamship from Havana tomorrow, however, be fore conceding Its truth. The Spanish consul received notice of Maceo's death yesterday. The report that Dr. Zurtel- cha, who was Maceo's physician, had seen Maceo's body exhumed. Is untrue. It Is learned from a reliable source that Zurtelcha was never Maceo's physician. TO FIGHT FOR CUBA. Denver, December 11. Orders were Issued today for the return of all mem bers of the national guard to-Leadville for duty. This applies to several hun dred men who have been at home on Indefinite leaves of absence, and Is said to be due to the fact that over 200 of them are alleged to have Joined a com pany now being raised in Denver for service in Cuba. A recruiting office has been opened here for the last three days, and about three hundred names have been enrolled. Total $2,326,099 Or $2,403 lees than that of 1896. I am aware that the state board of equalisation reduced in 1895 the assess- i ment 10 per cent. They have yet to act on this year's. I sincerely hope that the state board will make a reduction j of at least 20 per cent A. GIBBONS, Assessor. Astoria. December 11th, 1S96. A WASHINGTON SCHEME. Sister State Speculators Resort to Nov el Schemes to Trap th Unwary. Chicago. December 11. General Pas senger Ageht Fee, of the Northern Pa cific, who waa In Chicago today, de clares that the reports of a $25 rate made by the Northern Pacific and Great Northern from St. Paul to North Paci fic, coast points are without foundation In fact. The same story, he says, was started about one year ago and In both In stances It came from land speculators in the Btate of Washington, who circu lated the report of cut rates In the hope that Immigration would set In LIL AT THE HORSE SHOW. San Francisco, December 11. The an nouncement that ex-Queen Lilluokalanl, of Hawaii, would stteud the horse show tonight proved a greater attraction than the blooded horses, and the pa vilion was crowded with society people eager to associate with royalty, even though It was of a dethroned kind. The dusky ex-queen drove to . the pavilion with a party of friends and occupied a conspicuous box. , THE MARKETS. Portland. December 11. Wheat, Wal la, 80c; Valley, 8384. Liverpool, December It Wheat, spot, dull; dtniand, poor; No. 2 red spring, 6s 8VW; No. 1 California, 7a. Hops At London, Pacific Coast, 3 13s CREEDON WINS FROM O'BRIEN. IN SIAM. Railway Age. The oriental, sub-tropical kingdom of Slam, with an area considerably larger than that of the great state of Texas, and with a population of some 6.000,000, has awakened to the desirability of railways, and the United States minis ter there writes that American Invest ors, manufacturers and engineering ex perts may find a profitable field for enterprise. He enumerates five pro posed railways, each from 40 to 100 miles long, and says that short electric roads, water works, sewerage systems and other undertakings are needed. While tt must be remembered that the English, German and Danish have the advantage of precedence In that coun try. It Is not Improbable that American "push" in that direction might be re warded, The minister of public works may be addressed at Bangkok. , " i WHY HE WANTED A DIVORCE. From Tid-Blts. "I hardly think." said the lawyer, "that you can get a separation from your wife on account of ber making a practice of throwing things at the dog." "But," said the man with the haggard look, and the black eye, "every time she throws at the dog she hits me." The discussion on the makeup of th next- cabinet has revealed the fact that New York, December 11. In the fight In the minds of statesmen a senator- between Creedon and O'Brien tonight, j ship Is better than a cabinet position Creedon won In the third round. any day. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. WlsJ S .) 1 ' CP ABSOLUTELY PUCE J M