w . I, f t I THE DAILY A8T01MAN, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER II, 1806. Get Your Christmas Gifts Free two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of BlackwcH's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. Q GUARANTEED ij' JO cints a-Arjour Salmon EhAf mK if fr ynof tevun 1 An. l lAnih Are Yon doing Eastf B ur ud that your ticket THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA RAILWAYS, no u th GREAT SHORT LINE BtWMO DULUTH. ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points Kust and South. Their Mmrnlflcent Track. PMrltaa Vaa- Ubul4 Dlnlnf and Rlenplng Car Tralna and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " llava (Ivtin thla romi a national rputa tlon. U clawioa ot paaannKera carrtad on lha veoilbulnd tralna without tra charno. Bnlp your freight anl tnival over thla tamoua Una. All agonla hava WHMKAD. F. C. SAVAGE, Uen. Anant Trav. F. and P. At lil Waahingtoo at.. Portland, Or. if -.iK--f-frMi-' THB ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A paaaanicar train on tha Chtcaco, Mil waukaa and Bt. Paul Railway. No. Ita tarlna are veatlbuled, heater by ateam, and lighted by electricity. Each eleep oar berth haa an eleotrlo reading lamp. Ita dining oara are tha beat In tha world, and It ooaohee are palaoea on whaala. Thla great railway, connecting aa It doea with all transcontinental line at St Paul and Omaha, asaurea to the tarvellng publlo tha beat eervlce known. Tloket via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Paul Railway are on aale at ail railroad tloket offlcee to any point in the United Siatee or Canada. For maps, folders and other Information, address. C. J. KDDT, General Agent, I, W, CABHT, Portland, Or. Trar, Paaa and Tkt Agent, Portland, Or. For Delicacy, for parity, "d for Improvement ot the oom- lexion nothing equals rosioiirs rownaa. f 11 IO)Mnillt IlUrtlcU M tUimom-MllMlinTtlMiMm fllf UM'IU In IIIT H-' form. K.fc.tcltlMi,frett nerv. in arM. SUfir iralu HI mii1 In In aet. is U u.vef Iiiii to irik lh vmik fn.Mi4-i,i tinif uriMitf. tIit"Tmm ftml uiwiitfiK-. Jo liry-.hu. tuw;iI1mm Wit ftp-el mi Im Ihi f . tijHii lur rr u i.MiiMU'lr euttriil l'ir ilnmliu Itr4 t- h ur b.idlf-1 "iWi'l-f .DMira-f hi.ii k )j il'uotn Vutir l.lf wrltlffn IU41U1MI Iim lU'l-l A4atwl'UKBI'iUJIUIil;illf IWiIWuhmIIiw forlu yryy- ' ' . t. -.-t-- f ? ""'J jHEfE mmmmnuwmtimmimmm 1 WWM(twM(fc44tWfcWrtWMWtW Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christinas gifts for the young and old, arc to be given to smokers of BlnckwclPs Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each XOhctaOWj MANHOOD RESTORED ES, mm, iuoh M Wail aUmnrjr. 1ies l Hlu 1'iiwer, Unedaalia, W as. IuIimh, lt Manh'ul, rllitMly Knillua, Narrow uoee, ail atelne, iues ol Mr In itonereUve Orens ol either mi wiim1 by over-exw. ll..n, Tuullifiiiemira, uwin umi f lti. opium of etlrauleuu, wlilcfilM4tuluilriiillf,muiiiniUiiaiirliiMnlly. n be rarrleo in net pnuel. l per Us. l.-f V mll Vl1"?. Cl;ult rrw. Bold t .11 drunleu. A.k ..r U, Use .i ohr. H"1''"1"' .J I'mu M.ti.ilii Co.. fi1, rranra. Uii-Itll Dim Ufc,UiUlbuUuf MvuU, Total aud Yamhill t'irtUul. Or. J. W. CONN, Agent Astena. mmm MAUIT Kur mil by C'hiu. U'tm, Drunnlxt. to ny Olr)r.M i vvniif our PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. BMITU. DENTIST. Hi. ' Room 1 and t Pythian Building, overr C H. Cooper's atore. DR. a B. KBTKS, PHTB1CIAN AND BURGEON. Special atuntlon to dlsiaaia of woman and surgery. Office over Danalger! store. Astoria. Telephone No. It JAT TUTTLB, M. D.. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR Offloe, rooms f and I, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 11 and t to I Raaldeooa, CM Cedar street. JOHN T. LIGHTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlre, upstairs, Astoiian Bulldlna. II. T. CROSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ml Commercial street Q. A. BOWXET. ATTORNEY AND COl'NSF.LOR AT LAW. Offloe on Bond street. Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, U. IS, HI and 17, llnnillton tlullillrtg. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims agiUnst tha government a apa 'Inlty. SOCIKTY MKETING8. TKMPLB LODGE NO. 7, A. V. and A. M. RcKulnr communications hold on the Drat and third Tuesday evening ot each month. O. W. LOUNBDRRRY, W. II. B. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. nPODPOlSOra l A Cnrni III TV 'n'ur.Ho. 01ft ajrbl4fnal onaarrorTer. atlorr lll.iitm I'ttlSON permanently fl ii red In l6loS6dn;a. YouonntmtioatiHlat I tiomo foraame price under aanie guuraa tract to par rnllrcedfamand hotel bllU.and noohafire.irwe lun in euro, u you nnTowen mer cury. liMlltte iiotnuh, and atill bnve aches aud paina, M uoous Vatvlim In mouth, Hure Throa ripililra, Vopper Colored Spot. I'Icers oo tnr nartof tlie bodr, llulr or Kyrlirowa fiilllna out. It IS tins Hcooudury IlI.OOM POISON we goaranteatoeure. WesollcltUiemoatobtU uate caaee and challenge the world lor i..mi t.iM alt III of the moat eminent nliv iane waceuliomiirt,. 'iui.uii.eaev nu. .ih.ii cIhiis. a)500,000 oanltal behind our ancondW umi.l ffcarautr. Abeolute proofs aont aealed oo ippllenlain. AddreM tillOR, KKMKUYUu, inliueuuc Xemple. UlUVAUtAj ILL. I' fi v ft S-."' s"?M R. I Boyle & Co. Real Estate . LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ...B3S COMMERCIAL. BT. (DARIJ1E fllATTERS. II Kill WATKH. A. N. ii I. M. b in n lli.m fl Ml WATKM. i A. V ill III fl. ill III ,fl DATK. Mill ii rilny A Huniluy ., Ii MiHtriuy,, 7 Tutailuy. , H Wi'iliiMly u Thuruluy M Krliliiy,, II I HI 7 1 IMIIIM C .' 7 mr.i.i' T.'J -IK 117 -lli 'ill-Ill ID m n III MOT) HiM fill 1 ;tVA fi MTi) Hl 7.7' ft , 7.11 !l Vl V I I7.S.H' 4 III? M 0 l.l ft 7.1 li 41 J i ft Mil.. i0l UA l":7.7l I II III. 1 rlinliSHe Moon, II, p. ill -XII. Z4, -H, U', ImiIiiW wri. .if .m-7, Uil nr. 4, Hr.t yr, r,, Kull Mixm. Tha ilrlllah sliln Cumbrian 1'rliiceas, grain laden for I lie United Kingdom, arrived down the river yeetnrdvy. T. K. Jarvla, sit ward ot the 0nll Hti-aiiialilp Company' t earner Auatra tin. plying lietwnen Han Francisco Slid the Orktit, has resigned, kftw fiavlng miule 101 trips on the veeiaet. He haa accepted a position aa manager of a Sow Orleans hotel, He was at tha wharf lo a. the Australia make the first trip without him and gave aomo rnmlnlaceiices) to a party of friends. "It wae on the Itlo Janeiro, and Freeman waa purser then aa now," said he. "We were on our way to Yokohama an'? we met nothing hut a auccrsMlon of galea. Kvorybody was seasick, and the son of a Milwaukee brewer waa the worst of the whole lot. Time and again he aaked me for aomi-thlng to give him relief, but nothing would stay on his stom ach. One day when there waa a vi-ry heavy sea, he snlil: "Oh, Jamea, If you u-ould only give me something that would stick to my Insldea for half an hour I would be out and about Inside of six hours.' 'I'll fix you,' waa my re mark, and his face showed the joy my worla brought. 'If you do,' he auld. 'you will earn my everlasting grati tude.' I hurried to the purser's room and got a bottle of mucilage. With that I went bark to the young million aire's sUterixmt and handing It to him aald: 'Here, drink that; If It doesn't stick to your Inaldi-a, why nothing con cocted on thla subsidiary sphere will.' He looked at me, looked at the mucil age ami then burnt Into a roar of laugh ter. I think that laugh cured nlm, aa he waa up and about next day.' Jamea will probably leave fur New Orleans the latter part of thla week. WOMAN SUFFRAGE AND THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Itev, Ada C. Bowles, Gloucester, Mass. Suffrage for women haa been urged upon every ground of right and of ex pediency for the laat fifty years. Never haa a great question commanded more ble advoratea. Their tvaniea are among the foremost in the land, and are, of themselves, the witness of the Import anre of the reform and the surety for Its complete final triumph. Much haa already been gained. Many atatea have given school aufTrsn-e; a few atatea, full su(T rage. The reaulta given have been such aa to encourage Ita extension to the whole country. In spite of these facta, the church la strangely Indifferent to the question, al though It la one ao cloeely connected with Ita own needs. What more than the uplifting of three-fourths of Ita unit to rltlaenahlp and political equal ity with men, could raise the church to higher Importance aa a social regen erator? What more than thla would win to Ita fellowship the men now ao wlduly apart from It? If three-fourtha of any organisation are deprived of the authoritative ex pression of their opinions by the same law which deprive Idiots, lunatics, paupers and crlmlnaia of auch expres sion such an organisation cannot ex pert to win and hold the confidence and respect of men. la It then any marvel that men have ao largely fulled to Iden Ify themaelvea closely with the church? The secretary of the national commit tee of the Y. M. C. A. not long since sent abroad the printed statement that "but Ave per cent of the, young men throughout the country are church members, only fifteen per cent attend church with any regularity, while seventy-five per cent never attend church " i If the women now ao largely consti tuting the church be given full cltlxen- ship, they will lift the church to a high er place In the affaire of men. The mlnlnter, preaching no longer to a class whose opinions are not counted at the ballot box la llkewlae a sharer In the change, and not. aa now, undervalued. The morality and religion of women will tint be looked upon aa a hand-box pornicMlon, but as weapons of warfare upon wrong doing thruogh better gov ernmenta government whose duty Mr. Gladstone thua deflnea: "It Is the duty of government to make It as hard aa ixwelble for a man to go wrong, and ns eimy aa iwaslhle for a man to go rlirht." Sluiil not the mlnlHtera and other lcmleiu of the church rouse themselves lo tho need of the hour, and save the church from the danirer all too appar ent to thorn, who love It? Or will they continue the battle of the higher crit icism anil the contention over creednl changca, while churches dwindle and the forces of evil multiply? "The church that sets a form of creed Above the claim of human right Is traitor to the higher need, And Heaven will avenge the slight " 'Excuae me," obaerveed the man In spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and .that la not whore the liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver Is." retorted the other. "If It was In his big toe or his left ear De Wtt's Little Early Risers would reach It and shake It for him. On that you can bet your glg lamps." Chas. Rogers. Teach vour boy to carve a fowl, and when he Is grown he will not have to call on the cook or his wife to perform that office. Soothing, and not Irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective auch are the qualities of De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers. A well-groomed woman never shows any signs of haste In her toilet The U. S. Gov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder tupcrtor to all other. .Lyl. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a llltlar mora than tlx coat of ordinary trade cigarettes will find tha PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the lii;het ct Gold Lea. gown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY '"RE TELL IT OUT. Don't alt down and wait fur trade. 'Taint tha way, Oet a hustle, make her show, Push your business make her go, Don't alt down and wait for trade. Taint tha way. Talr.t tha way. If you've got something to sell. Tell It about, Let your neighbors sea you're "fly," Get up "bargains," don't say dU. If you've anything to sell. Tell It out. Tell It out. . Folks don't know you if you don't Advertise, Keep things niovln' every day, Talk about It; that's th way. Folks won't know you If you don't Advertlsa, Advertise. A TWISTER, A twister to twisting May twist Mm a twist. For la twutttoer a twist Three twists mass a twist; But If on of tha twists Untwists frora tha twist. Tha twist untwUUac -Cntwlats the twist That Is. wheat It's twtstad with other twins than MARSHALL'S. aoy Moat so-called "salmon twines" are eo arad with acids. The acids rot tha libra and render th material useless. In the office of Elmore, Ban born at Co. Is an ob all fishermen. It Is th whole ot the material used In th manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. G there and examine th color right through. You will see then why Mar snail's Is called th beat In th world. FIRE ALARM BOXES. Bos S Trulllnger1 Mill Box Astor and Seventh street Box 7 Ninth and Duane. Box (Commercial and Fifteenth. Box Clatsop Mill Box 11 Car Stables. Box 14 McGregor's Mill Oo to Elmore, BanTrarn's offlc and se machine. Take along aom ot th twines "aa good as Marshall's." In your pocket, and test them. Then se how much mora Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and flah In your net to nod out their new and handsome twin tasting It rarely happena that the real friend who honestly gives an opinion Is ap preciated as much as the one who doles out pleasantries lavishly, even though one knows that the latter la frequently Insincere. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and Invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls In colds, croup and lung trou ble. Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and It helps them. Chas. Rogers. Tha woman with a new ,muff will drag It forth, even though the weather Is as mild as spring. It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt's Sarsapa rllla. Chas. Rogers. There are times when the most strong minded feel that they would like to be cuddled Just as much as If they were babies. The old lady was right when she said, the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses ot One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup before. Chas. Rogers. The new round latno shades may be more stylish, but the silken flufllness Is more appealing to feminine taste. The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. One who travels much observes that women on trains are far more Incon siderate and discourteous than men. TO CVKK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money tf It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist Mrs. Rorer Is deemed the most pic turesque lecturer on cookery now be fore the public. OABTOIIIA. As ha tits il alia Hfsaiai t'try wmpfa. T The branches of the Mlsslppl have an average length of 15,000 miles. imMi THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN Established 1873 As an advertising medium the Weekly Astorian is un Burpassed by any paper in the State outside "of Portland. Thirty-three hundred copies are mailed each week to every home in the territory, both in Oregon and Washington, trib utary to the City of Astoria. Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the Country People should call to their aid the columns of the Weekly As torian There are several reasons why the Weekly As torian's circulation is so large. One is that its columns con tain more reading matter than any other paper in Oregon excepting a Portland publica tion. The News of the World foreign, interstate and local, is published in its columns. It is absolutely reliable ; -hence its popularity. The Weekly Astorian contains 56 columns of reading matter every week. Just think! All the news of the world for $2 a year. If you are not a sub scriber to this great paper you should send in your name at once. Second Oldest Paper in the State mm RREMNER & HOLMES Telethon. Blacksmiths Special Attention Pnld to Steamboat Re pairing, First clae 'lurtMinlioetnir, Eto. LOCOING CAMP (CORK A SPECIALTY 1ST OLNRV ST., hat S, and 4th. WHITE COLLAR LINE TELEPHOSEAHDBAILEtGATZERT Astoria and Portland Telephone leave Astoria dally cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leave Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. T. J. Potter leave Astoria at T a. m. dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at I p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urday at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. U. B. SCOTT, President. E. A. Seeley, Agent Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. 0.R.&I. ' GIVES CHOICE OF TRflpSGOHTIflEflTflL ROUTES. Via Spokane, and St Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and . Omaha op SL Paol Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Francises. Columbia, Sunday, November IS. v State of Cai, Friday, December 4. " Columbia, Wednesday, December t. State of Cel., Monday, December 11 Columbia, Saturday, December 1. Stat of Cat, Thursday, December it, Columbia, Tuesday, December 29. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. Potter leaves) Astoria at 7 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at I p. m, Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Telephone leaves Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port and dally except Sunday at 7 a- m. Tor rates and general Information sail on or address O. W. LOT7N8BERRT, - Agent W. H. HURLBUBT, ' Geo. Pas. Agt, Portland: Or. e. McNeill. President and Manager. 1 In Medieval Days When people wanted anything they knelt down and prayed for it Bow aver, that was som tlm sgo. Alone about 1W a fellow named Ou tan be nr, who had "come de Rhine over. was monkeying around a carpenter ehop in Lents. He whit tled aom little blocks and actually . made an alphabet Then he ritrged a sort of well, a machine that would look aomethlng Ilka our let ter press of today. He arranged his blocks In order, put som ink on tLem, also a piece of paper, and then screwed his press down. That was called printing. Old Outenbers; made a howling success of th racket and hia head became so swollen that he really snubbed th king on day. Tba king overlooked it however, for be had an Idea what kind of fellowa printer would be. Wall, finally they got tb print ing system down pat and, as th centuries rolled by, began printing newspapers first person, invariably singular number, any gender and hard case; In This Enlightened Day There are many newspapers as a matter of fact But It la an utter Impossibility to get a newspaper to admit it The, advertising patronage of a newspaper depends largely Tea, wholly upon Its circulation. A newspaper is a great deal lik the human body; it its circulation is good. It prospers; otherwise, otherwlae. Some papers publish Want Columns That la, a column, or a number ot columns, devoted to small advertlse ' menta If a fellow wants anything; trouble, a wife, a house don't make any difference what it is he can get It by means ot a small ad. Included In the "WkSt" column are "For Sale," "For Rent" "Lost" "Found," "Stolen" and "Mlacet laneoua" Now, just see what chumps some people are! Why, a man has been known to hunt over a city this city for days looking for a house In which to live. Had all things, look pleasant Tell the clerk that you want a want ad. in the want column, give him your It cents ana go away happy. Aa Her man Wise would aay, a wont ad. will restore the blind, the bald and the bowlegged to manhood. 3 Lines OC for Cents. .Try It. Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department Give Us a Trial Parties desiring the best of Job printing at th lowest prioes should call at th Astoria Job offloe before going what.