THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, FRIDAY MORNING. DKCKMBEK 11, 181HI. Jprtihj glotovian. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. 68. TKHM Or Ht HHCKIPriON. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yecr $4.00 Sent by mall, per month 60 Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, 12 In advance, poetag tree, to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor. Business communication! of all and remlttancea muat be addressed to The Astorlan. The Aatortan guaranteoa to It sub scriber the largest circulation of any Jensimpw published on tlie Columbia Iver. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest Weekly In the state ot Oregon, has, next so the Portland Oregtuilan, the largoat weekly circulation In the state. Jno. T. Handley A Co., are our Port kusd agenta. and ooplea ot The Astorlan ean be had every morning at their stand, m Third street The "Aitorlan" hereby offere to donate eNI Hl'NDRED DOLLARS teSU Mary' HMpltal, payable en demaad to rather DMsu, Ut legal eviden la pm- elaeed sswwtag that say afteraona news paper pabllehea la Astoria ha printed wltktn lb tost alaety daya expiring bet-sea tbla naTar a atari, apeejar' nr tner kins' of "telegraphic press report,1 raeld nr the wires entering either f the telegraph oflleee la Astoria, rreaa nay point nntstele of Oregon. Astoria Or.. October IS, The surprises brought out by the elec tion Wednesday convinced many Asto rlan that the younger men of the city axe preparing themselves to take a band In the local government and occu py the seat of their fathers. It la con fidently expected that some brilliant records will be made In Astoria within the next few yearn. How It Is possible for any sane man. property owner, or general business man of Astoria to allege In all good faith that this city cannot establish manufacturing industries until Mr. Hammond lays the corner stone of each proposition, or posts up a placard upon the public streets naming the day and hour when the Astoria railroad will be finished, passes comprehension. Mr. Hammond has already set the ball to rolling, and while there may be doubt ing Thomases In Portland as well as in Astoria that the road ever will be fin ished, yet there are those light in this city, perhaps few In number, who know that within the limits of the contract, the railroad will be finished and In op eration. It should be a simple matter for property owners to raise money from eastern capitalists to be used In Industrial enterprises. In view of the work now under way by the railroad company. A paragraph la going the rounds of the newspapers, for which nobody In particular seems to be responsible, to the effect that Russia, has It in mind to call an International conference for the purpose of establishing a fxed price for wheat. The Idea in contemplation Is that If the leading commercial ar.d neat-growing na.:anE or ;.ie worid would Join, they could fix the price of wheat, to be maintained uniformly through various seasons of over-produc tlon aud unsatisfactory crops, caused by drought or continual rain, and thus make the principal grain staple upon which the millions of consumers depend for food aa unchangeable In value as gold. This Is really a scheme to fix a ratio between wheat and gold, say 15,500 to 1. The Idea of a fixed ratio between wheat and gold Is not intrinsically more absurd than one between silver and gold. The difference Is one of degree. not of kind. Of course It Is capable of Indefinite extension. A ratio between corn and gold would be equally desira ble and feasible, and If preceded by a wheat-gold ratio, would Ipso facto es tablish a ratio between wheat and corn. As this plan, once carried Into effect, would put an end to "corners" In wheat the speculators would oppose It. and they would cunningly begin by asking fts advocates what particular ratio they proposed to establish. The latter would be Justified by precedent In replying that they do not Intend to be drawn into any such trap, and that there is no ui-e in discussing that question until we know whether a sufficient number of nations will Join to make the plan 8UCO-68. HAWAII. The New York Evening Post, enthusiastically supported Mr. land's extraordinary Hawaiian which Is in a critical mood toward the obser vations of ex-Secretary Foster respect ing the present condition of the Hawa iian Islands and the necessity for prompt action by this country in the mater of annexation. Mr. Foster re ports the islands as enjoying much prosperity, but doubts the ability of the present Hawaiian government much longer to sustain itself. He thinks that the monarchy is dead, but points out that the territory Is so desirable, Japan, or some other Interested country, will acquire It If the United States again neglects the opportunity. The Evening Post, In Its superior way, makes merry over Mr. Foster's statement. It cannot see how the Is lands can be so prosperous and the Dole government so weak. It Is very certain of detecting a contradiction In that assertion, and it again opposes an nexation. It says: "After waiting four years to see some Impudent monarch lift a 'grabbing' finger, we are not to be frightened into doing something fool ish by the assertion that If we don't do It speedily we shall lose the chance to do It at all." The Evening Post fails to notice, or is not frank enough to acknowledge, that the United States, despite Mr. Cleve land, has been the sustaining force be hind the Hawaiian government these four years past, and that that explains the failure of any "Impudent munarvh to lift a 'grobblng' finger." Mr. Cleve land's policy was so emphatically re pudiated b' the American people that all the world took warning. Countries with land-grabbing records and propen sities have kept their hands off the ls lands, believing that Mr. Cleveland policy would be reversed as soon as new administration over her could at the Imalne. The same fellng has prevailed In Ha wait. The people there have been ad vlsvd of the friendship of the people oi the t'nlted Mate for them, and hav been assured that Mr. Cleveland's suc cessor, supported by public sentiment herv, would give sympathetic heed ihrlr appeal for recognition. And tha accounts for the proa res they hav made, and for the unusual dearie prosperity they are enjoying. They have worked with all the gieater ener gy for tha assurance that the day their permanent uellveruncc from a peril and fur the fruition of their hope wan approaching. The day for the realisation of the I hopes, or for dashing them to th ground, l now close at hand. The question of annexation of the Hawaiian Islanls will be presented to the new administration soon after It assumes power. If the project Is supported will, of course, prevail. If It is rejected the moral support of this country will be withdrawn from the Islands, and the present government there, wot thy as It Ij and beneficial In Its operations, will not be able to support Itself against stronger powers that will begin at one maneuvering for territory so valuable. Prompt action by Mr. Cleveland would correct the most conspicuous blunder of his administration's foreign policy placing Hawaii with Venetuela in the list of names which mark notable and historic triumphs of the American re public. If, however. Mr. Cleveland can discover no change In conditions suffi cient to enable him with good grace to modify his original Hawaian policy the glorious opportunity will fall to Presi dent McKlnley, and doubtless he will be quick to take advantage of It. The islands need not be admitted to state hood In the Union until they have dev. 1 oped in population and resources Into a condition of admitted fitness, and this fact nullifies the strongest argument which have been urged against annex ation. The old man who looks out at the world with clear and healthy eyes can not help feeling great gratification at the thought that his children have in herited from him no weakness nor ten dency to disease. The healthy old man is the man who has throughout his lifl kept his digestion good and his blood pure. Not one In a thousand dues do It. Germs go through the healthy body without effect. Let them once find lodgment or let them find a weak spot, they will develop by the million and the blood will be full of them. Instead ot giving strength to the tissues. It will force upon them Innutritlous mat ter, and the man will lose flesh and the more susceptible he la to disease. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery Is the only medicine that absolutely and Infallibly cures all blood diseases, and almost all diseases are blood diseases. It Isn't a medicine for some one par ticular so-called disease. It is a med icine for the whole body. It forces out ail the germs of disease, and replaces impurities with rich, red blood. The S;nish government evidently .1C3 r. l.-uen::on to suwe..dcr Cua for it has Just appropriated over $300,000 to build a dock at Havana, and It would hardly do that if it had any thought of getting out In a hurry. A dose that Is always seasonable Is a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicines." It keeps the liver active; the bowels regular; prevents biliousness; and promotes di gestion. In fact, helps keep you well. "I have watched Its effects In families wher I have practiced, and find It ad mirable; both alterative and tonic In Its action." Dr. T. W. Mason. Macon, Ga. The route of nearly every congress man on his way to Washington seems to lead through Car.ton this year. The place Is rapidly becoming the greatest railroad center In the country. The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog- res. In making your Saturday purchases keep a lookout for home products. .Money expended for them Is money which will come back to you. j-vt -rir-- regulator7 Tiie Favorite Home lim For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver Regulator will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. J. H. Zeilln A Co., Philadelphia- $8 rail UTTR!1 AN ELEGANT with each SWEET CAP0RAL CIGARETTES AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS WITHOUT COST. oojwinn j ... wniiini n iwn Jackson "It se-ms as If everybody has unpleasant relations." Currle "How about the people who are related to us?" Truth. IT MAT DO A5 MVCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving. I1L. writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with evr pain In his back and also thAt hi bladder was affected. He tried many so-called Kid ney cure but without any good remit bout a year ago he begui the use ot Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters Is especially adapted to euro of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often five almost Instant relief. One trial will prove ur atatemeat Price 50c and JLOO. At Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. The silver leaders declare they want newspapers, but the Impression p re- alls that what they need most Is abil ity to run those they have. THE IDEAL PANACEA. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis covery as n Ideal Panacea for Cough. Colds and Lung Complaints, having used It In my family for the last five1 years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgua, Keokuk, Iowa. writes: "I have been a minuter of th Methodist Episcopal church for 50 yean or more, andyiave never found anything o beneilclal or that gave m such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. The only proper settlement of the debts of the Pacific roads Is to make the defaulting companies fulfill their contracts and pay up. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. Instead of exerting hlmnelf In punch ing a bag the boxer of the future will simply push a button and the referee will do the rest. TO Ct'RE A COLD IS OXE IAV, Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Once more the critical moment ap pears In Cuba and once more the chances are it will postpone itself to some other day. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's Mr where exhibited. Cleveland has evidently starched up his foreign policy to show a good shirt front when congress meets. DeWltt's Sarsaparllla Is prepared for cleansing; the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. Chas. Rogers. The conductor In the street car Is about the only Individual that people do not feel It necessary to fee when he gives them their change. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. Ttifw m ITT eiifpit. BUTTON FREE package of Pugilism In San retire to a back t a long-time. FruncUco eat and t- v. ill now ay there OABTOniA. nft Mai, Uuuut at vnfsa in recent pugilism It Is not so much the fighter as the referee who take the cake. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hand and Hps, cuts, brule. scalds. burn are quickly cured by DeWltt'l Witch Husel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It always cures them. Chas. Rogers. The girl who had a specially nice man on tap always to help her put her big sleeve Into her coat Is sorry that fashion decrees In favor of small ones. To cure all old sores, to beat an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure pile, you need simply apply DeWltt'a Witch Ha zel Salve according to directions. Its maglc-Hke action will surprise you. Chas. Roger. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Captlal for new enterprise. A na containing the names and ad exeats) o 3M successful promoters who hare placed sr COO.ono.OOO Sterling In Foreign In- reetmenta within til last six years, and over 11,000,000 for ttie seven months of UK. Plica, a, or (25, payable by postal order to tha London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cbeapalde. London, E. C. Subscribers wll be entitled, by ar rangement with the director to receive either personal or letter of lntroductota to any of these euccsnsf ul promoters. This lkft 1 first flCass In every respect. and every man or firm whose name ap pear therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found Invaluable Bond or Shares of In dustrial, Commercial and Financial con cerns. Mortgage loan. Sal of Lands Patent or Mines. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPYS. CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFE. Copyright CAVEAT. Lunry nuTt 1 For Information and free Handbook write to hlnji a co- mi Bhoadwat, nw yo. ni.leat bnrvaa for IMiirlnir pnu nu In Amerle. Krery luiteni taken out Mr uit la brouirlit t-fi,re UiO pubUc bjaootloo given InMOtfJtumP. In tnji SffitvtiBt Jtainm lT "l"?'f7" f ,n" r'tltl. paner tn the JT.iC'ii, P "'I'll'".' blu.rratl. N,l "iuwUHinZ man iboitlii l w Diout 11. awn, - , ... - Tearj I..K)ilimomln. Aildreoii;VV cu" Vnsi.HHrin.gui Hruadwr.iir Vorkcite Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ELMORE, SANBORN & CO Agents, Aatorla. WHEN IN rORTLAND Call on Jno. F. Handley Ic Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Astorlan, Visitors need not mis their morning paper while there. V Solentiflo American i Agency ' TRADE MARK, I UKH CM DlTIUTd ll n OUTWARD HOUND ORtiGON GRAIN FI.Kl?M896-7. Itll.IlM ' I - A 1 1 . I NAMfcH ,, Selmhln , , .....rnxumv .,,:MIIIerUllll'.llhet. . nincmnMiiitnilitiii! . Hrviiltttdal ....'Iturimi.l.. lAiiiliip. .,,,.,, ,. I'hiimire . Iu(lmi'll , .. SUMeli . , I r,t ,iliHfilmry., ...jKurNemirt , ....(il.teml.'ile ... Hull -in ulu . AiigtM .1 Am bmi., II tier hlp '."J Mr ni) Ul Kr hliUi Sept. ; llralilt 14 Mrililh f'.'itr lm J J r limV XKrhnrk.... Oellir Hr bnrk.. . , iHrnlilp ,,,, iHlr ImiK ..... IMIr lil Mir Ixik ..... II Hr liuik Plrltl.. . . I J Urlmi.. I"'llrlli '.'.',icr Ship . !K Hr lrlt .. . '.Uiiir Mi '.'Hlrhnik Hr Urk. . J', llr ilin. ...ji'Mlilet ., Ilivnhlhla Miiluwui , ItKein.iiilii .. Ileiiiieiiu . ,, .. l.n .. i.liill(rii ., Athll-M.l ,. Mnl,.rm i'h'IIo .. lti KoiielU ... .Im Hiley ,... . . KtllHtUHl . M.'IMUVtt ... I 'urliritljc , , ... Nrirei-.u.. ...... .. Ilnl la . i.iitui ... riielnnMrd .., ... Ml.mlai . . II It ... Mel tttee . . . . . IVien .. .. . IvmiKxllea ... IticheaiH hock , l.iieleil , . , .. I'iIiII,kIi . . fn sUtUtp , Kuraiia ... .... Kcitwit, . I'aluil ... i rut- . Nov, llr lurk...., it llr liie ... li llr Nltlp... llr ilop b llr lilp 7 llr IHii IV llr lrk .. U' Pr hiii .. in llr liik IT llr L ull 17 llr t i w ... I llr hi Ivlli lii .. -'llr thin Si'lir i.lili i llr !rk Si II' li.rk, . J! llr l.' k .. , .'( llr miiii .M llr lirk ... Hr lik llf l.m Dee. A l.i,Ui lien II, aim, in. I vl 17i flour, value Vanu nr. value wi.imi .--I'i.i&l uuiii lliiitr, value li.l.uw i mil i'l) Trail. ,tW lilili fl iiir, value K-AI-o ii,7l MiU He r, ta'uo v,ii, r II -la.Aie libu flniir. value IiO.iH) -Alw U,yl blili llitiir, valtia AS,l)uo. U.-mli. Mint (j.ntu. jp Y) JQ Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounct'tl bv Plivsicinns the nitxt Favorable in America for yuflerrrs from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures t The objection urged against Indto la th past b the large numbers be othtrwl would have been glad to take advantage ot Its beneficial climate, ha been a lack of ultabl accommodation. Th Southern Pacific Company take pleasure in announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been ereoted at Indlo station, that wUl be rented to applicants at rea sonable rate. They are furnished with modem convenience, supplied with pun artesian water and so situated aa to gtvt occupants all the advantages to be de rived from a more or lea protracted residence la this delightful climate. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut) "In th heart of the great desert of the Colorado which th Southern Pacldo traverse there la an oaala called lndlo, which. In our opinion. I th aanllarlum of th earth.' W believe, fran personal Investigation, that for certain Individual, there la no ipot on thin planet o favor able." O. T. Stewart, U.' D., write: "Tb purity of the air, and the eternal un- hlne, fill on with wondr and delight . . . Nature ha accompllahed o much that there remain but little for man to do. Aa to lla poealbllltle sa health retort-here 1 the moat perfect unshlne, with a temperature always pltasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain Is n unknown factor; pur oxygen, den atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It I th place, above all other, for lung trouble, and a para dise for rheumatic. Considering the number of uffrr who have been cured. I have no hesitancy In recom mending thl genial oaal a th haves of the afflicted." INDIO. Is 6ia miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANUKLES Fare from Los Angeles Ij.oc For further Information Inquire ef any Southern Pacific Company agent, or address E. P. ROOETtfl, Asst. Gen. Pass. Art. 8. P. Co, J. B. KIKKL.ANU, Dial. Pas. Agt. Cor. First and Alder at., Portland, Or FOR. TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... A LeL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing date to and Irom Tillamook and Nehalent depend upon the weather. Por Prelght and Pantnger Rate Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS R. 0. N. CO., A genu, Portland (Kvvlmsl aud t'orwcltd svsry Friday) t I'l. KAURI) roiii l'k I J til Purl Natal... I.viii Mvarputtl .., Hvj Alftt liny I.vni Dork , Iimi , uu A II iki.aot I,IM t;i. I ml iVt,lHI K'-IH li ll,! 9 Itl.lklJl iu,in.1 llr.lilft x .til 4.VM KJ.IIO (17,117.1 in, mi ta.WM aVwo il,lM l:iM II M.MI tlww M,l I.IH7 I. ',l Nittai rrj.lH? W,ir7 Mi, ml S1.7I7 M..1I I 71 . fVJ.twl .,;. II. 'HI HI, HO J!, I III fJ, i.'j I4,7li Nov, lid... Nov ts Hull I '.HI ..... i.'iJSIIhilh .a mi itn I HO) . law I. '.it Jii.i' , , . inn Cork , ,. lt " 1,1(11 ' HUtUllKI . UU " .. I.'IT " . 111 I ............ itwi Cork . Jlia " . Iiui - . ai-ji I.Werpoe.1 .... U.ii fork ,il rjfi fork . li? fork . . Wl Herk . lt i', iik . 4 HI lrk it'.i,k , . Iii.i I'm k , li.i Plymouth...., , l(Mk .., , li'.n Dttrliaii M . Jl. fork Iltil " j I ITS " l:Ui Knlmtiiitli. . I. .. Kn'miMtih . ...i i I VESSEFaS ON THE (Reviled llttl Cairreled every Friday) Mt itutn ran, axd nam. faw'ViiH'fi Uhlp Henry Vlllard CAI.LAI)- Mrbark llllilan. IMre.ll , Hr bark I 'area I ........., UVaKI'iMH- l-Hr ahin Kellanee, N. g. W. Hr batk i an.iiil.,1 . Hr ah.b I'llr ul Mailrai . ,..M. Hr ill In lllelielvau llr bark S.ilaerk.lilr ........, . HID lKJA.SKIKl- Hr liii Kale llinmaU .... llr iltip IVusweruil ....,.,... Hr balk lee .. rk l.tun...., YOKDIIAMA- HrililMlliiilun llaltf Hr iblu Alaile I'rlneet , Her iltlii ('ml -.m..,,.,.,..,.., MONTKVIIKik- . Hr bark Heeeelllgl hiKT riKIK- llr ihli fiirt J ark aim . SANTA KiKHAI.U- Hr ililb Vorlla-ern Hr ihlp Champion loTA- Hr bark Rellit ,... llr .hli. Aberyatwlth faille Mul.l KMmi Hr liilii Klnkora. Kee Hon. Tit, Hat Kowlatttta . , Aaitermii llaihagen . . Ilile ,')vle . ... ThiHitaa ,, ,1'eiklua . MeUunry , UtmunieDH fnr . Junii . i . Murray...., . Ilellweg . Wllllami ... SlUNullAI Am bkni fltehalli Tl KM THIN Ambiin AJ,lentla.. CAI'K roN Hr .hip Hltllih I'err IIIAtiK Hr ilmr fHeauIr,...,. MAGADAN - Her bark Put rlwpo MKUItOf KNK dr lark fauibrtan f hlettaln. HBtrKHKNCKai i-Nov. ath, I h, an w. Total lonna" on the war -11.701, Ham Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lois ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. .gsflJ tutn ol imihnw im or ait jrwKimitl I'lDltlHI Cnti-JliMiUon. mm nf tliwiMrrn, wlik-h if notrhfrkml li mvwtsmw .... t rr r M wi ui fMirnir turn rfUHin iiifTiTfr r nntrnntd br lriitni Is htmii- rnijftT pur rrm m IfTmhlrxl wtm Miatlllaa. rriMIKSKIUnonty known romwt lortirBWlnifKiCmioTrnUoil. Amittrilmoii. la, A wrttln mirnifilTtn mn nmntf rtnirni if mis imixmi anta nu txlocl a pwuuuhm.ui UJOn bof.iH fVrM, hr miUL Hnd for rnasitlroiiUr auitl UiIuiwiwaU, AOVlrM DAVOL H ED1CIM 0 P. O. ika X Bu liolioo, Cal. JBnt$t CHAR ROUEHH, Commercial Stmt. When you write To your friends vvhu ore iionltiK West to visit you, Junt aild a mst- ncrliit llks this: "lie sure to take the IlurllrtKton Ituutft. it's ninth thii best." Tou are quite safe In doing this because our snrvlce FROM Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, anil all other southern and aoutheast ern cltlfe) Is Just as Kd as our service TO those points. And that aa ev eryone who li acquainted with It will testify, la the best there Is, Tickets and time-tables on application to the lo cal ticket agent. A. C. SHELDON, Q. A., Portland, Oregon. FROM NOW UNTIL SPRING Overcoats and winter wrap will be la fashion. Tbey ean be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In tha iteam-heated trains of th Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, For solid comfort, for ped and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of tha West. aata ""Di,!") ao.ikki M.'.Kill ll.i'O 7.VHI) "'ilin.'.i' Tli.Otaj ""iim" i,MU 4.'l (il mm U. hvtiu !:," ii.i ttVlMl 111 WI rli.tMl l.'i.UOl ' TliiXl" Killl M,im J'.no Mllll 7.1.i II'.',') ',,lll Iio.imi U. u UJ.KIO ..'J Kid) Iio IW.JHI .IJ.'OI id, .no M,Uiil "i'Vi ltd J H fampren A Cii , ,., . I Ha M I ua nRiiiiiii.iii v ........ Siliauii A Krr . I U' Oil I'lirilniil riour Mil n.llinir, lliillirle . i n .1 II cmiu'ruii , I'n ISirllnttil Kluur Mlllafi)..,.. 1 I M I 4 I lin j lla Id I la imiIwiiii ,1 Korr I iik I li it r, iiiiilirlffauil ( ... i, it i Hllmin A Kerr " " ' .... I I lla M lia Id J II fttiiinriiii A fo I Halleilr, liiilllil ft On j II I iimemn l)o,...- - HIIwiiii Kerr ... HnlliHir inillirla A t.'i) Nllemii H Kerr IMrllaii'l Klmir Mi!U.,M,. ,. i'urlUii.l Ktiuir Ulili.... H I meriili l I M M . ..... Il.lfmir. Ilulllrle t.-.. hiUwii A Karr ,,..... I'urlUii.l H.Mir Mill Halloiir, lliillirle A I'u 'ihwiii A Kerr, J II fumer-m I n ilimi ) Kerr Ita I n it r, iJiilltrlr 4 Co.,.., I l( f amnion a fu HI ill III lla M III 4 Hi U hi He... ,. i;l III M til la M t)l IN..... tt II M il lie.,... ill lla N III I.,.,. Ill Hi i hi in al all lua M 1)1 li.- ill in.... lit lt ...... Ill UaM ILKiiiif, tluihriv A Cii,.... .1 It I'siiiemu a fu lll.llniir, i;tllliil (V r'iVi'iii" .... iii .... til in la .... ill I'...- tl M ... ... Ill M IS.riUn.l rimir Ml I ll.ili.iir, Uitlhilo !' II W Me ear Hili.nn A Kerr ,..-, ........ a l.el. IIUINr '' ItiiiiSraii, value tiliW, amf l.Ml ! Itettr. value fwi.iMV I.-Ami I7 .li) Ittola Ml bull It'wr, valtn Mnu "! WAY TO OREGON. baa out cuMiusaaa. ailll'I'SHa, Pn'rltai'id KI..HI Willi"" nil.. mi , Kerr Ilalltmr, UullirleA Hi) iAia;.i ittiti I'lllall ..... Meoll..; 1171 WAIt ai'luuAl IW AAl 4uiinn Heebe Tl Hoblumn . HMlWAl Uever, W.nCe.. . . m hill tralll liilltlllti..,. IV. 7 Mat A I 17V Iiiia I lUlfiiiir. llulhrleCu . J IjililUn 4 I o ,sibeua t a,err. ,. . ....... U"ViUAl 'ivii lllltl mi ai ) l e ... illJ nwtt I 119 HuAl II liVAl H.ibertaiu. hayaer .lew MOW ;Ui hai , lU jUUAl jj It I'amerun fo . . (;.::::: ' .14 !(), J Rt'aaieroaalV).,. ..iimiDAi ..! iooai r - J i7a )() A I - ICT louAl i I !J RCamerua )f , as trm iooai i M UT rlnpaoa Lumber Co isieipaiia Lamber Co. !IUI IWAl I . ZVJ IU0AI '., ..!llllAI i... ... IIV5 10OAI l. t Iroa llroe In M.T.M. Bam Urn la l4,n(. Astoria and McKee Ave. Situated on the mnith side of Antoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North Hide. Magnificent Bites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENI- Thl nrrtMi Vmsiski. Vi 11 uur.Ue ft mri i Kmnro pliri.1an. will quickly our timi 0 til Df -mm ;or ui onnrtiv orvu, hk-U m Imi MuirKMMl rniifa, rlniln Vim iU, k,H.iiUi.J Kiululnn., Nrr,i MJllly, l-ier, tiiiuuifsj MMiy, r.M riiuaunT iTalllli, V rkHaf and Ur ltibpiM ItaMrvi hrdnv ur lliarhL lrelvn..ln iwharin, wlilcti If notrtirltml ImkH. to HMrniBt'trrrMM uid 1.1 imitoutirf. rrinKNKPioMuwiiiNliTw, titm Itltf till 1 nn.n,..u. rnnttHlr for iti,rrhr., Wt)ll. ..1. ...tttra! I rhrwi-, ur nv .nilimtiik. linn. Irrllaaf lain .tr 'ft MOW NiilMMB, llntl ut in 11 t on. Ht.r... a Cxi wrii pq. trnnni. Nuti Mtr(nui, 01a n urwniatta. flof nt In Uln wrnppnr. i im, or & lMiiif, 2.f,, ClftuUr mnu on rwtUMl P. Wlekertrr1. ri,!l.a Dlaateail flraae. ENNYHUYAL PILLS Mtsal nrH,t la H4 utA 0.44 mjlU Id Olttrr. Hfut 4o&rwu naikaiuaZ ''nXf asn. it & atfw LejatUmima. i'k'ualjVZ flTSOHlfl PUBLIC LlBHy RBAOINO ROOM FRIH TO ALU Ooen everr das' fram I n'nlnnk tn l.aa and l:M to : p. m. Bubsortpttoa rates P per anaum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH DOANB ITt, AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. For a dtnnnr, served on th Dining ear of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, will be sent to any address oa receipt of a two-oent posta-. tamn. Apply to Geo. H. Beafford, Oeneral Pan. enger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. . A1 - J llMniiw-4 MM alt !'H Ve'iliieiiiiitRO c nf