The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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'-1- "
The Dally Astorlan
Has a PnuiA
r"" How?
... Family Circulation,,.
Morn oi THA THH Ti a
An "Ad".
In Tin A.tobian'i
NO. m
New To-day.
Sicctaaortlo tort L NO TnOnSr.l
Largest and Finest
Lines of Holiday Goods
In the City...'.
Toy. Toy, Toy. Dolls In endless
variety. Iron and wood wtcom; velo
cipede wagons; dull carriages.
I'hoto and autosrraph albums; An
china and Venetian glass war.
Christ ma and Nw Year card.
Large assortment of book In latest
style of binding.
Call and examine our stork.
...Leading Merchants...
W r ll.r In lh. A ho v. I.lnt.
ol .avh In lh
Qlarkson & ftlclrvin
Promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co.
All Work
Rcnl Painting
and Kapalrtnii Leaky Hoof.
Housa MOVatR.
Hose Moving Tal for Rant.
Emil Schacht
4 GEO. NICOLL. Assistant.
Kopp's flew Brewerg
Wall Papar, Artl.ta' Malarial., Palnta,
Oils. CU.., Mc. Japan.. Mattlnie,
Rut and BamboaGood
365 Commercial Street.
F. B. Morgan
O. R. & N. Company
Columbia River Routa
25 Vashlnntoa St.
,- Cor. Third
Portland. Or.
Cut Rate
Ticket Office.
ana tuihd it., i'oktland, or.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
" Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Tenth and ConunsrouU treat.
Men's Boys' and
CALF and Cfllf Chnp;
Cork SoIch
New Toch
Columbia Shoe Co.
523 Commercial St.
wut supplies,
ship chandlery,
end carry th. Mt Complete Stock
Boom Company
216 tnl 217 Cnamttr of Commerce
Portland. Orefon
Phona No. AS Astoria, Oria
Ship Chandlery,
poclal Attantloa Paid to Supplying Sklpa.
A complete stock of lumo.r on hand
In tha rough or dressed. Flooring, rua
Uu. ceiling, and all kind of flnl.h;
moulding nd shingles; alao bracket
work dons to order. - Term reasonablt
and prloe at bedrook. All order
promptly attended to. Offlca and yard
at mill. H. F. L. LOO AN, Prop'r.
Seaside, Oregon.
fjfllS, BACON, mhd
Cor. 4th and CHsan Sts
Cooconly St.. fool ol Jtckioo, Aatorla.
Genera) Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Land and Marina Englnn, Boll.r work. Steam
boat and Cannary Work a Specialty.
Catting ol All D'Krlptlon. Made to Ordar o
Short Notice.
John Fox... .President and Superintendent
A, L. Fox...... .....Vlo President
O. B. Prael Bscretary
First National Bank. Trsasurer
Several Members Now Visiting Clat
sop County anil Astoria.
Compared With Other Countle. Clat
Kip I Paying Too Largo a Bhars of
the HlaU Taxe.
Meaar. J. A. Holland, of Vale. Mai
nour county; C. A. Johnaon, of Ilepp
ncr, and O. P, Gooilall, of Union, the
new member of the state board (if
equalization, are visiting In the i-lty,
guent of their co-nirmbi-r of the board,
Mr. O. Wlngste.
Whrn s-n by an Atorlsn rtin-wn-tatlve.
Mr. Wlngsts (aid lact evwnlng
'Thf grntlfmen who ar vlaltlng
Cltp rounty with me. and who are
the new mrmber of the atate board of
iualliatl(n, are hire tn beonme person
ally acquainted with the values of prop,
erty In Clataop. and If we have tlins
w will alao vhrit Columbia and Clark
ama counties. They are hers at their
own ripen for the purpo of getting
"As far as Clatsop county I con
cerned, as compared with other coun
ties of the state, valuation of property
are too high. Borne classes of property
have bem raised within a year over
what they were asseesed last year.
causing the county to pay more than
her shar of the taxea. Th board Is
organised to equalise values as between
counties. The county board of equali
sation equalises values as between In
dividuals. I believe firmly that the as
sessment laws of Oregon ned very
careful revllun In many particulars.
There neems to be no power, for In-
Mancu, to compel any county to have
Its roll on tile In time for us to equal
ize It. Our awaton Is thirty iiy trom
the flint Turily In December. If th
roll la not lit on time, we have no ay
to compel It to be a-tnt In. There are
many oth-r points In the present law
which nevd revlalon. If the tax roll of
the county I not ased upon by the
hoard na to hether the taxe are equit
able or not a between counties, It fre
quently place counties falUna to sent
In their roll to much unneceaaary ex-
H-nne and create uncalled for burdens
uion the. tax payers. There Is a great
luck of lutereat UKin the part of the
leople at large In the matter of taxes
They do not look after their taxes at
the right time. After assessment nils
have been turned In and paused upon
by the bAnrJ of equalization. It I t'K
late to make protests. Now- Is the time
to protest and secure readjustments.
For example, take the one Item alone of
town lots and Improvements. The as
sessment under this column In Clatsop
county has been raised this year over above what It was last year.
A compared with, other counties In the
stall" It should have been lowered by
that amount Inatead of having been
ralwHl. My business Is to equalise the
valuation of property as between couiv
ties, and I do not want to criticise any
one, but It does seem to me that we
ought to take the same action In the
matter of taxes and our fair proportion
as a community, of the state taxes,
which we have to pay as we would
In our personal affairs. In other
word we should ue every endeavor to
make the business of the community at
large succesaful and keep down Its
expenses. One only needs to examine
the record to learn startling facts. We
have paid $100,000 more than we should
have paid on account of state taxes, all
because due diligence was not used.
know it Is claimed that we have a
valuation In this county of over 4,',00,-
000, but I do not believe It. On a legit
imate basis, compared with other coun
ties In the state and other sections of
the country, we should not have a val
uation of over half of that amount."
An Aatorlan Talks About Climate and
Pome Other Things.
The following letter from a former
Astorlan will be read with Interest, and
need no comment:
San Luis Obispo, Cal., Deo. 7, "96.
My Dear M.;
Your puiiers containing the news of
he weather you are having came to
hand and were read with much Inter
est. I am not going to make you feel
bad by telling you what climate wo are
having here, but It Is Just delightful.
I am In love with It more and more
each morning as I wake up and see the
sun and go to rest looking at the stars.
But I must say that tho laboring men
here do not go around with more 20's
n their pockets than dollar pieces as
was the case with the fishermen In As
toria during my three years' sojourn
with you. I tell you, M were I to come
back to Astoria I would elect myself a
committee of one to call a meeting of
every property holder and business man
of that county and provide some means
of advertising Columbia River salmon
on the same plan that I see Schilling
s advertising his tea In your local pa
per. 1 11 bet there are grocers handling
the tea In Astoria that never heard of
k year ago and yet if the Astorlan
would harp on something like this as
It does on fai-tories, there are plenty
ahort-slghlvd enough In Astoria to say
"It Is one of 'Ham's' Bvtwme." I have
been to every grocer In this town and
there are some a large as Foard &
Htokes (though they don't do the vol
ume of bunlne) and I could not And a
can of Columbia river salmon that' I
thought was packed In the spring or
ever saw the Columbia river, and yet
every one of them think tlw-y have It on
ale. The proprietors or clerks abso
lutely know nothing about the goods
except the ront and the reading on the
can. It made me slrk to think how ig
norant they were on a subject so Im
portant to Aatorla and It made me Juat
aa 111 to remember how Astorlans will
think because they know all about
salmon that the whole world dm- also.
HM-aklng of rltlxens pulling together,
let me tell you what they Intend doing
here. We have an extra large hotel
building where a few Kaatern people
stray In and e-njoy our climate, which
the people of San Luis Obispo claim Is
more beneficial than Kant a Parbara.
The hotel wa built Just as the one at
Flavel was. at th completion of the
railroad to this city two years ago.
but strange to say the tourists by the
hundreds did not nor do they now flock
In and take possession of the rooms
and wait for their turns for seats In the
dining rooms, rteallslng that out of
every 100 tourists that go to Los An
geles. Hants Barbara, or Ban Diego, a
certain number go bark East, sell out
and come back to stay, the merchants.
carpenters, back drivers, clerks and me
chanics of every kind contemplate a
plan whereby each on will contribute
his 10c, Kc or 50c a month and adver
tise this big hotel In the Eastern pa
per and magaxlnea the same as the
cllliena of Ashville, N. C, did Kennll
worth Inn. In this way they hope to
have a tourist when he make up his
mind to go to California, to also have
Ms mind made up to come to Ban Luis
Obispo. Now they can't hope to get
over three hundred In that hotel, and
If they spend 1200 apiece, that's only
$60,000 per season; and ye you AstO
rtans will run the risk of letting the
$1,500,000 paid out to the fishermen In
wages be cut dowa maybe half be
cause the msjorlty of grocers and con
sumers all over the I'nlted States are
like those of this pl--e. totally IgnoranJ
of what Columbia salmon I In cans.
I suppose, M., you will think I am
daft on that advertising of the salmon
subject, hut I must so- that Astoria
has a gold mine in It. Put I am afraid
they don't appreciate It as much as I
do, nor do they realize that there Is
such a thing aa It getting away as far
as revenue is concerned. Tours truly,
as revenue Is concerned. . . .
Yours truly,
Cms. Iverson Succumbs to Heart Dis
ease In Ills Own Home Last
At 10.45 laat night Gus Iversoo dropp
ed In his own home on 6th street, be
tween Bond and Commercial. Heart
trouble was the cause. In the early
evening he and his wife had been out
walking, and upon returning, re:lrei for
tho night Feeling a depression In the
chest, Mr. Iverson arose and went to
the kitchen for water. Befor his wif
could reach him. he was dead, having
fallen to the floor In his effort to reach
the -water.
Mr. Iverson was in the employ of
Alex Grant and was known for his so
briety, faithfulness and honesty, lie
was a member of the order of Red Men
and only a short time ago underwent
medical examination, the doctors re
porting that he was In good health. He
was a kind father and loving hus'jan-3
and leaves & wife and three children
tho oldest being three years of age.
The funeral will take place Sunday
at Greenwood, under the auspices of
the Red Men. The burial will be made
with due ceremony In the Red Men's
Mr. Iverson was S9 "years of age, and
was born In Chrlstianla, Norway.
Steamer Sailer Wrecked and All on
Board Lost.
Vigo, Spain, December 10. There
were 210 passengers on the steamer Sa
iler, which waa wrecked off Corunna,
Celubedo. Her crew was composed of
sixty-five men. All on board perished.
Tho Sailer's passengers consisted of 118
Russians, thlrty-flve Gallclans, sixty-
cno Spaniards and one German. The
Sailer was bound from Ilremen to Bue
nos Ay res, via Corunna and Villlgarlc.
The passengers were mostly steerage.
Why Is It that a man never likes to
have his wife kiss another woman he
Beware of the woman who does not
love babies. There is something wrong
In her composition.
Isn't It otrango how unfamiliar some
words, look even though we have often
written them.
When a woman truly loves a man
no sacrifice Is too great to make for
him. If, however, she does not, he can
not do enough waiting on her and de
nying for her to make himself agree
able In her eyes.
The Senate Proposes Several Amend
ments, One Being Adopted.
Will H Kmployed by the Democrats
Against the Dlngley Bill Comment
on ftepublloen Majority.
Washington, December 10. In th
senate today the Immigration bill czune
up as unfinished bualness. Gibson sug-
geat.-d that the measure go over until
after the holidays. Lodge, In charge of
the bill, protested that there should be
no further delay. Gibson changed his
motion so as to postpone the bill until
the first Monday in January, and a roll
call was taken, resulting In yeas, 13,
noes $7.
The vote for postponement was: Ba
con, Bate, Blackburn. Caffery, Gibson,
Mills. Mitchell, of Wisconsin. Murphy.
Pasco. Pugh. Torjie, Vest. Waltham,
Democrats, 13.
The measure brought out an extended
debate. Vest pointed out that the pro
vision ahould be restricted to male Im
migrants, showing that female domes
tics, most of them coming from foreign
countries, did not have franchise, and
could not reduce to our standard of
citizenship. Chandler called attention
to the fact that In recent elections wom
en voted In many states, and that the
distinction urged by Vest waa fast dis
appearing. Chandler said It wa essen
tial that the mothers and girls who
were coming from abroad should not
be Illiterate aa they taught and reared
children who were to swell our coming
Chandler caused a laugh by reference
to Hill, of New York, who temporarily
occupied the chair. He said the re
striction of Immigration had been ap
proved by several national platforms.
If I am wrong, the senator In the
chair (HHI) wilt correct me, and he la
familiar with all plaXforma." . Chandler
said the Republican national platform
and at least one of the platforms on
which Bryan stood, had declared for
restricted Immigration, and he face
tiously suggested that Vest ought not
to be the first to violate party pledges.
Palmr offered an amendment making
the restriction apply to all persons
over II years of age, instead of 14 years,
as proposed by the bill. He urged that
11 was th? usual time of reaching ma
jority, The Vest and Palmer amend
ments were pending when the bill was
laid aside. The amendment by SewaTl
was agreed to excepting the minor chil
dren and wives at admlssable Immi
grants from the operation of the bill.
At 3:45 the Immigration bill went over
and the senate adjourned until Mon
day. The comparatively early adjournment
of the senate today was taken advan
tage of by some of the Democratic lead
ers of that body to hold a meeting for
the exchange of views on the policy to
be pursued In the senate by the party
during the present session.
Among other questions under consid
eration was that of the senatorial elec
tions In various states. The Democrats
are convinced that the Republicans will
make every effort to secure a majority
of the senate through the elections In
the various state legislatures this win
ter, but at today' meeting the senti
ment was that the Republicans could
not win in enough states to Insure a
majority In the senate.
It was announced as a result of the
conference that the Democrats had
nothing interesting In view so far as
the party was concerned. There will be
no caucus called at present, and prob
ably not during the session, unless
some exigencies arise which will make
It necessary. The opinion was general
that nothing could be done at this ses
sion except to pass the appropriation
As to taking up the Dlngley bill, the
Democrats will vote aa they Individual
ly may determine. No obstructive tac
tics will be employed against the bill,
but the whole Democratic party un
doubtedly would resist its passage by
vote and by such amendments as could
be added to the measure. It was gen
erally understood also that party lines
would not be drawn tightly during the
present session.
Sharkey's Conspiracy Disclosed by His
Own Men.
San Francisco, December 10. The ev
idence in the Sharkey case today was
along the same lines as the testimony
previously given, and Fitzslmmons and
Julian have . certainly fulfilled their
promise to prove the story of conspi
racy that would startle the sporting
George Allen, Sharkey's second, and
assistant trainer, was the principal wit
ness today. On cross examination Al
len admitted that, he considered Shar
key had been fairly knocked out by
Fltzslmmons and declares that no foul
was struck by the latter.
Allen said he helped carry Sharkey
Into the dressing room from which all
but Sharkey, Lynch, and the trainers
were excluded. In the dressing room
Hharkey was carefully examined and
the wltrusw --as positive he was at that
time uninjured In the groin. After
Hharkey wa taken to his hotel and the
trainer were excluded from Sharkey's
room, Lynch. Danny Ned ham and Dr.
Lee were alone with Hharkey. Shortly
afterwards from his position outside of
the room the witness said he heard
Sharkey cry out aa If In pain. When he
next saw Sharkey on the following dsy
his groin waa bandaged and there were
ataln of blood on the groin.
Liverpool, December 10. Wheat, dull,
demand, poor; No. 1 red spring, (a lOd;
No. 1 California, Ts 4d.
Futures, December ts '-id; May, 6
7Hd. . i,'
London, December 10. Hops, Pacific
coast. (3 10s.
San Francisco, December 10. Hops,
8-giOc for fair to choice, and 11c for
Portland, December 10. Wheat, Wal
la Walla, 81c: Valley, 83-34.
Special to the Astorlan.
Portland. December 10. George W.
Staver, head of the well-known agri
cultural Implement house of O. W. Sta
ver dk Co., fell dead In his office this
morning. The cause of death was apo
plexy. Mr. Staver waa 05 years of age
and one of the most widely known busi
ness men of the northwest.
Peerless Corlnne Drew an Immense
House Last Evening:.
The opening of the New Columbia
Opera House last night was a grand
success. Peerless Corlnne and ber com
pany of talented artists drew an Im
mense house and the pretty theatre pre
sented a striking scene. It must have
been a source of great satisfaction to
Mr. LaRose to realize that the opera
house which be planned waa so favora
bly commented upon. The house was
Jammed to the doors and there was not
even standing room. The play was
worthy of the audience.
Hendrick Hudson, Jr., was the play
presented.' Torlnae' tooSthe -part" of
Hudson and was received with the
same favor that she meets everywhere.
When, In' the second act. she appeared,
literally covered with diamonds, and
rendered a selection on the mandolin,
the audience went wild and the ap
plause that followed Is very seldom
heard. Miss Oct via Barbe, as Man
hattan, an Indian princess, and Miss
Nellie Stricland, & a new woman, play
ed their parts very well and were fa
vorably received.
Honors were equally shared by
Messrs. Cawtoorn, Page and McNeiL
Mr. Cawtoorn played the part of Kill
VonKull, a German, and he kept the
audience roaring from the time the cur
tain went up until its fait His Jokes
were new and numerous and his brogue
as thick aa a London fog. In the third
act he told several stories, each one of
which was full of gags, and, in re
sponse to a hearty encore rendered sev
eral selections on the concertina and
demonstrated that he Is a perfect mas
ter of that Instrument
Messrs. Page and McNeil made a
great hit. They were Sherlock and
Holmes, detectives, and a funnier pair
never appeared before and Astoria au
dience. Mr. Page astounded everyone
with his ridiculous and duflcult tum
bling. Both gentlemen were repeated
ly encored. The remainder of the com
pany was equally good. The chorus
girls are really pretty and the voices
blended harmoniously In the choruses.
The drop curtain painted by Mr.
Swope is a work of art. The scene is
the mouth of the Columbia and is very
life-like. The Ashing boat with the cap
tain hauling In the net and the boat
puller "backing" on one oar and pull
ing on the other. Is true to nature.
Many favorable comments were heard
on Mr. Swope's excellent work.
From the Railway Age.
Railway operation In Cuba at present
ami for the last few years has been
anything but pleasant. To an almost
complete stagnation of business Is add
ed the interruption of trains and de
struction of roads and equipment by
military operations on both sides.
Trains containing troops are ferequent
ly fired upon by the insurgents, and
now and then passengers find them
selves lifted and dispersed by explo
sions of dynamite under the cars. The
annual report of the Western railroad
shows that up to June 30 the damage
to the cotmpany's property caused by
tha Insurrection amounted to- $195,000,
and a claim for that sum has been pre
sented to the government. Trains are
run Irregularly and under the protec
tion of military escorts.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. 3. Govt Report
I I a I V ; ft J T7TV
Pour Hundred and Eight Tins Cap
tared In Honolulu.
! Hawaiian Island Firms Party to the
Transaction Portland Co. Knows
Nothing of the Matter.
Honolulu, December 4. per steamer
China to Sao Francisco, December 10.
Four hundred and eighty half-pound
tins of opium were captured by the cus
tom house authorities on December 1st.
They were found concealed In tins of
soda crackers in a shipment of 174 cases
per Mount Lebanon by the Portland
Cracker Company, to th Washington
Feed Company. Morris and Lowden,
of the latetr company, are under arrest.
They probably did not know they were
contraband goods.
Portland, December 10. H. Witten
berg, manager of the Portland Cracker
Company, In this city, says they know
nothing abont the opium. The firm
shippel a quantity of cracker to Hon
olulu, but It Is ridiculous to suppose)
that tbe company la engaged in Illicit
San Francisco, December 10. The lo
cal federal authorities ar much stirred
up over the story brought from the Ha
waiian Islands this morning by the
steamer China that a Urge seizure of
opium was made on November at
A number of prominent business men
of the Islands and of the Northwest are
said to be under suspicion and tbe
Washington Feed Company, of Taco
ma Is also Involved. Four hundred and
eighty tins were captured. . Other
"finds" are reported to have been made
In goods shipped from Seattle and A. L.
Morris, business agent of tbe Portland
Cracker Company, Is under arrest at
The opium was carefully packed. The
shipment of cracker canes was billed
for Morris. J. T. Waterhouse. M. W.
McChesney A Son, and three Chinese
firms. The shipment was forwarded to
Honolulu on the steamer Mount Leb
anon, of the regular Astoria-Hawaiian
line. The seizure waa made on the
9th of November. It is the largest seiz
ure since the capture of the schooner
Henrietta. The freight from the Mount
Lebanon was discharged at Honolulu
on the Pacific Mall wharf at T o'clock
and the vessel sailed that afternoon for
Yokohama, leaving 174 cases of crack
ers on the wharf, shipped by tho Port
land Cracker Co. and by the Wash
ington Feed Co, to A. L. Morris. Be
sides these there were 100 cases of salm
on which were removed for taspectloa
as soon as the opium waa discovered.
The first case of oracers opened waa
found to contain 15 tins of opium. The
salmon and cracker cases were Immedi
ately removed to the custom house.
where 8 out of 40 cases were found to
contain 480 tins of the drug. As soon
as the opium was found a warrant was
Issued for the arrest of Samuel Low
den. of the Washington Feed Co., then
at Honolulu. It was he who swore to
the entry. Lowden was released on
furnishing $1,000 bail. L, H. Thurston,
ex-minister, going his security. Thurs
ton said he did not believe Lowden
was guilty, but that he was being made
a catspaw of by designing persons. The
custom house officials think, however.
that Lowden knows something- of th
deal and aa he has received some cases
from San Francisco also, opium must
have been coming from this city also.
At Honolulu It is said the people be
lieve that three prominent Islanders are
Involved In the smuggling scheme. Ar
rests were expected to be made at any
moment up to the time of the departure
of the China. All the casee which
were found to contain opium were
marked "Sodas," In black letters and
had the words "Washington Feed Co."
marked on them with the name of a
prominent island firm beneath.
Taooma, December 10. The state su-,
preme court today affirmed the finding
of the superior court whereby Geo. W.
Boggs, ex-clty treasurer of Tacoma,
was found guilty of mis-using public
funds and sentenced to six years In the
penitentiary. Boggs spent several
months in the county Jail, and was re
leased last summer on $10,000 ball. He
Is now In Spokane.
Was then ever anyone so self-pos
sessed that a serious-eyed baby couldn't
upset all their composure?
Nut sandwiches are excellent with