v.-. - i i . . .1 . THE DAILY A8T0KIAN, TIIl'ItSDAY M0ILN1NG, DKCKMISKB 10, 1806. AVc SrtoMr Preparation for As simtuiiiitguicrcxKifliKiKct ling He Smnmchs niilUow Protriotrs Disllon.Clwrfiil nc3inivllkst.Contiilnsncithrr OjmiiiT.Morphirie iut Mineral. Wot Nahcotic. Ililii Jli il ajtaW AhrrfW I Rrinrilv fnr f ninlln. Ilon. Sour Stonuich Diiiiilnn'fl. Worms .Convulsions . r'c veri sh unt at vd Loss of Sleek facSimiW SisWura of NEW YOHIC. ft X ACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ifiirnr Ar)out Columlju livcrs OAlmoh 1 ChAf mAKe if far Aopeno to any other. Whin vow buy CUaoeaa Saanee veu Know wi)M re gelling) Cook Aiiltanse f.,.,.4 T, OA Are You Uoing East? B wn ul that your ticket twti via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. tk CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This to th GKEAT SHORT LINK Btw DULUTH. ST. PAUL. CHICAGO And all Points Eiint und South. Thlr Magnificent Traok, reerleea Vea- Ubuled llnlng and Bleeping Cir Trains and. Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME " ' Have (Ivan this roart a national reputa tion. All olftM of passengers carried n the veatlbuled tralna without extra charge. Ship your freight and tmvi over thli famou Una. All agents bava W. H. MKAD, F. C. SAViOit. CJon. Agent. Tray. P. and P. Act 141 Washington at., Portland, Or. Mi THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A pawenger train on tha Chicago, MB waukea and St. Paul Railway. No. Ita Urine are veetlbuled. heater by team, and lighted by electricity. Each leap car berth haa an eleotrlo reading lamp. Ita dining eara ara tha beat In tha world, and Ita ooaohea ara palaoea on wheela. Thla great railway, oonneotlng aa It doea with all tranaoontlnantal llnee at it Paul and Omaha, aaaurea to tha Urvellng public tha beat aervloa known. Tlcketa via tha Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul Railway ara on ala at all railroad ticket ofllcea to any point In the United Statea or Canada. For mapa, foldera and other 'Information, addreea. C. J. EDDT, General Agent, I. W. CASET, PorUand, Or. Trav. Paaa and Tkt. Agent, PertJand. Or. For Delicacy, for parity, and for Improvement of the oom- lezloa nothing equala Foaiom'e wwdm. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE , OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEKY BOTTLIS OP Oaitjrli li cut la en.a!ia t-tttaa sb.1t. It U sat nil la balk. D'l allow aaju to Mil rn tBulai t o tli. pUt r eraiie that ll U ")e u fturf" a4 "vill eaevw fry nr. pa." & list ion nt 0-A-B-I-O-K-I A. it fM- , - r-t- A!" ntoancliV Foairiu $uf Rniftl Ca."i 'W ( PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH, :t DENTIST. "r . JiTl' Rooma 1 and t. Pythlao Dulldlnf. ovarr C. H. Cooper1! atora. DR. a & ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Special attention to dleae of woman and lurtary. OfBoa over Danilaart atora. Astoria. Telephona No. It JAT TUTTLB, M. D.. PHTSICIAN. 8UROKON AND ACCOUCHEUa Office, roomr f and I, Pythian Building. Houra, 10 to 11 and I to I Realdeooe, M Cedar (treat. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Office, npitalra, Aitortan Building. 11. T. CROSBT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4M Commercial itraet I. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond (treat. Aatorla, Or. J, N. Dolph. Rl.-hard Nlioo. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, H. O. SI and II. Hamilton Building. All legal and col lodion btialnaa promptly attendM to. Clnlma agalnat the government a apa MhIIt SOCIETY MKETINOS. TKMI'LK LODOIS NO. 7. A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the flint and third Tunaday evening of each month. O. W. LOUN8BF.RRY. W. M. E. C. HOLDKN. Secretary. fnlLDODPOISOM P f aa aP n a XV I'ritllftrT. MrWfc Itlurr lll.tttlU 1U1SON p.rni.ncntlr UJurodln llitoUdar. Ynucanhetroat.il at jhomefiirMiiiepriieuiKier auiuegunrua- ly. II r ""i"r Miwiui.ii.i- ,.mwiu- trnotto pny mllroait f arcaml httel btlU.and oochn arae, I f we lull M cure. It you nave laaen iur- cury, loom, pociian, ana etui iirt. a"ea aa nam., Miiooiin l'atrlira In mouth. Sore Throat Piiuplee, C'onptT t'idoreil Kpota, Ulcera on nr partof ttieVdr, llalror Fyrhrowa flllnjt Jut, It la Ihia Socoiulury !I.OOI I'Olsofl aie goa rente to cure. Wo eoliclt the mn.t oli.U uate caaee and clmllenire Ilia world fur a ceaeweeiumototire. Thla dlie bosalara Balllod the) aklll of the uiuat eiulneut phyal elena. alnOO.OOO eai.ital tx'hind our unrondt Uonalaaaraiitr. Abeolute pro.tfa.eni jealerf on IM.Hoaik.n. I Xewple. CU1CAUU, ILL, R. I Boyle & Co. Heal Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 83 B COMMERCIAL, ST. if fDAHlNE (DATTEHS. I II III II WATKH, I! IW A1. A. y. ''. I.. M. A. at." V, P. M." 1IATK. 'h.ni ft'Jli.mift !li m rt jli in ift' iHuiirilay Htiuilay ,, Muiiility.. Tinluv. . Hitilii.dy Thnrtiilfiy t'rnlav.. A, I m 7 . a v in v.h ; w n.u Imur. tiki l I Hi It III 1 41 i.'I J .'.l -la I II 7 i in i t a ml-in hi 3VI7.T1 h n M ana ': toiai 'M 4 7.111 h 7.11 0 Hi'7.71 4 lH7.a. IO.W.i.1 j l Mil. A O.IT.1 '!li aa 'f IIMI.l a lin.4'i0((i;.'i: , a in. i. in 4,il, 24, -04. etr, Iwlow ni. I'liuiiai' uf MMi-i7, Ij-i Ctr. 4, (" Miiuii. ll.Klr.iyr. Ill, Kull Moon, The Urltlah. alilp Yallnrol cUmrei y . tnnluv for Falmouth fur ordere with a cargo of 79.271 biiahda of wheat valurd at W"- The alranwr Columbia arrived yca lenluy morning, and waa dWayed In gt'ttlng to a, It hrlng ri-ported In the aftwriKHrn that ah had anchored Inalde the bar, but thli report ha not been onllrmcd. The llrlllah hlD HulloJ, that left Hongkong for Ihle Krt nlnetylva daya ago, loat a valuable charter by not being In port and ready to lake her cargo by DoitiiiImt 1, aaya the Han Franclaco Kxanilner. Hhe waa chartered prior to arrival to take wheat to Llv- erpixil for 27 alillllng 6 rcnce, but when kIib n-achi-e thla harlxir aha will be comiHtIM lo lay up with he big wait ing (Wl and take her chanc.-e at get lug a I'huI for alMiut two-thlrda of the original t hurter flgun-a. The llrlllah ahlp Olrncona, which naa charlvrcd prior tu her arrival by aomtt apwulator during the flurry In wheat lo carry grain to Kngland at 2ft alillllng and t pence, In hopea of aelllng their charter at an advantage, wna m hartered today and ordered to ftrocewl to Port Coat a to load grain for the I'nlted Kingdom. The pecu- latora were glad to get rid of their charter, and It wag it go for 18 ahll- llnga and I pence. Th aperulatora ratlmate that they loat 14,000 on the dal. Examiner. The United Btatee ateamahlp Ben nington la expected to sail for Salvador today, aay a the Chronlcl of Saturday. Her rnlaalon la one of aurvey of th mouth ot th Choletuc. river, with a view of the co nat ruction near there of a aea pier and dock by a San Fran claco commercial company. The Ben nington' officer expect to spend th next four montha In th ceaaele roll that la found near the roaat by all hipping going to Central American porta, where th breaker will not per mit an anchoraae near ahor. 'Excua me," obeerveed th man In apectaclra, "but I am a aurgeon. and that la not wher tn liver la" "Never you mind wher bla liver la." retorted th other. "If It waa In hla big to or hi left ear D Wtt's Llttl Early Itinera would reach It and abake It for him. On that you can bet your gig lampa." Chaa. Roger. The good road a movement haa darted up again, and In all th prugreaalv elate, and Oregon will have to move rapidly If ahe keep up with the pro- ceaalon. The V. S. Oov f Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to mil otben. Shivering Paawenger Why don't you have a fire In theae cars, conductor? Conductor (with frigid dignity) We expect the heat of the campaign to warm theee cars, air Chicago Tribune. TO Ct'KB A COLD lit ONI DAY Taka laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund th money If It fall to cur. 25c. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Drugglit. No, Maud, dear, we do not know how long girls should be engaged before getting marled.' Probably the same aa the short ones. OABTOniA. Tit fU- yf - at ' sj, tww ipa Oct your holiday trading done early and later on you can go down town and watch the late purchasers crowd and crush and have and have all the enjoyment of a free football game. It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer rout than by a course of DeWltt'a Sarsapa rllliu Chaa. Itogers. The sympathy of our climate with that of the Etst Is not cnouKh for us to shake with them, but we can shiver a little. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and Invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls In colds, croup and lung trou bles. Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and It helps them. Chas. Rogers. Thre are over 1400 bills before con gress, but on Mnrch 4 It will get ahead of them and and leave them behind It. Soothing, and not Irritating, strength ening, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De- Wltt's Llttlo Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chaa. Rogers. The follows who prophesied an early winter are now keeping themselves warm with a glow of satisfaction. 'What do you mean by saying that there are all the convenlencea in that block of houses?" 'There Is a saloon at one end and a Keeley Institute at the other." Truth: If you want a sur relief foi limbs, use an Allcoci Bear IN Mind Not on of tton is as good aa tb genuine. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hy pophosphites, with plenty of out-door exercise, pure air and pure water, will arrest consumptive tenden cies, allay the irritation of the throat and lungs, and build up the body and fortify the system against further inroads from this insidious disease. Agents Wanted J,0.&$.20 LIFEo'AVKINLEY And HOBART, Republican Candidate for president and vlcopresldent, by Itobt P. Porter, th noted Journalist present editor of th Cleveland World, and Inltlmat friend of McKINLEY for twenty year. Absolutely th only au thentic LIFE OF McKINLEY publish ed. For more than two years In prep aration, and th only work that baa receiver th endorsement of MaJ. Mo Klnley and bis moat Intimate friend. No book equal to It a a seller. Every body want th book publlahed at McKlnley! horn. Porter's book sells Our agents are clearing from 110 to 120 a day. Chance for thouaand' of others to do as welL This la the oppor tunity of your life. Th highest com mission paid. ORDER OUTFIT NOW. Send 20c (atamps taken) as an evldenc of good faith, whlcb amount will be refunded with agent's first order. If It la only for on book, making OUTFIT FREE. Book on time. Charge pre paid, leaving profits clear. Act quick or while you ar waiting others will cut you out THE N. O. HAMILTON PUB. CO, ISS6 Arcade, Cleveland, O. TELL IT OUT. Don't alt down and wait for trade, 'Taint th way, Oct a bustle, make her show, Push your basin make her go. Don't alt down und wait for trad. Taint th way. Taint th way. If you've got something to sell. Tell It about. Let your neighbor se you're "fly," Get up "bargain," don't say die. If you've anything to sell. Tell It out. Tell It out. ' Folks don't know you If you don't Advertise, Keep thing movln' every day, Talk about It; that' th way, Folk won't know you If you don't Advertise, Advertise, A TWISTER. A twister u twisting May twist Ma a twist, For In twining a twist Three twlata mak a twist: But If on o th twists Untwists fror th twist. Th twtst untwisting Untwist the twist. That Is, whan It' twisted with any other twin than MARSHALL'S. Most M-called "salmon twines" ar col ored with aclda. The aclda rot th flbr and render the material uselesa In th office of Elmore, Sanborn 4k Co. Is an ob all fishermen. It la th whola ot tb material used In th manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Go Iher and examine th color right through. You will se then why Mar shall's la called tha beat In th world. FIRE ALARM BOXES. Box S Trulllnger-a Mill. ' Bos 6 Astor and Seventh street. Box 7 Ninth and Duane. Box 8 Commercial and Fifteenth. Box 9-Cltttsop Mill. Box 13 Car Stables. Box 14 McGregor's Mill. Reuben E. Moos, w ho has just died at his home In F.Imlra, New York, was a lineal descendant In the sixth gen eration from John Moss, who settled In Js'ew Haven, Conn., In 1639, and who waa a signer of the "original compact" and a representative In the Colonial legislature. The length of life may be Increased by lessening Its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. Out of 100 teeth of adults that 25 years ago would have been ruthlessly ex tracted, 99 are now saved by science. The old lady was right when she said, the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Chaa. Roger. The natives of St. Kllda Informed Charles Dixon, the well-known natural ist, that rock dove frequenting the Islands oroes the sea every day, a dis tance of 70 miles to feed on the Heb rides. pains in th back, aide, chest, of Porous Plaster tha ho f counterfeit! and Imlta. THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN Established 1873 As an advertising medium the Weekly Astorian is un surpassed by any paper in the State outside of Portland. -Thirty-three hundred copies are mailed each week to every home in the territory, both in Oregon and Washington, trib utary to the City of Astoria. Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the Country People should call to their aid the columns of the Weekly As torian There are several reasons why the Weekly As torian's circulation is so large. One is that its columns con tain more reading matter than any other paper in Oregon excepting a Portland publica tion. The News of the World foreign, interstate and local, is published in its columns. It is absolutely reliable ; hence its popularity. The Weekly Astorian contains 56 columns of reading matter every week. Just think! All the news of the world for $2 a year. If you are not a sub scriber to this great paper you should send in your name at once. Second Oldest Paper in the State teV 5 Y Vi 5' Vi wY 5y v5 Sv5 vVS Wi 47 V 5V a V y WANTED. WANTED A girl or woman to do half a day's work each day In a pri vate family. Apply at th ofllce of th Astorian. FOR RENT. FOIl RENT Thre room hous oppo site court house. Aatorla Land A In vestment Co., 3".P Commercial stroot Four rooms to rent. 91 FJtchanga street Adolph Johnson. FOR RENT Seven room house, No, 260 Commercial street, corner Sixth street. Apply to F. I. Dunbar, Court house. FOR RENT A front room nicely fur nished. Inquire 224 Bond street, city. FOR BALE. ALL KINDS OF FANCY AND JAP. ANESE Goods for Christmas and tha) holidays, at Wing Lea's, S43 Commer cial street. RREMNER & HOLMES Telepnoo . Rlarlcmltha No. 6a Special Attention Paid to Steamboat Ge- painng, FlrsKslaas Horaenoeuig, Eto. LOGGING CfllGP CORK H SPECIALTY 17 OLNKY ST., bet. S4 as th. "The Louvre" ST0RIV8 CORCEOtS ENTERTAINMENT HALL a FLOORS ria af sale. aaM ef All atlada. Tea MagalSeeat Ban. " tVCRTini.XC flRST-CUSS Good Orde? and Everybody's Sights STRICTLY OBSERVED The Palace Cafe Is the Place for a - Good Meal..; . Eastern Oysters is the skell or ess Served to Order or Soli st Retail W.W.WHIPPLE THE PALACE WHITE COLLAR LINE TELffHOHE ASOBAlLElf GATZEBT Astoria and Portland Telephone leave) Aatorla, dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Fort land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. T. 3. Potter leave Astoria at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland dally at 8 p. m, Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Tickets good on both boats. TJ. B. SCOTT, President E. A. Seeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Stone, Agent. Astoria. Telephone No. 11. 0.R.&K GIVES CHOICE OF -2-. TRflflSGOOTEIlTflli ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul ' Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha op St. Paul aaaaaaaaiawasMB Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to Sao Francisco. Columbia, Sunday, November 29. State of Cal., Friday, December 4. Columbia, Wednesday, December 9. State of Cat, Monday, December 14. Columbia, Saturday, December 19. State of Cal., Thursday, December 24. Columbia, Tuesday, December 29. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m. daily except Sunday. Leaves Portland dolly at 8 p. m., Sunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Telephone leaves Astoria dally ex cept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. For rates and general Information call on or address Q. W. LOUN8BERKT, ' ' Agent. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or. e. mcneill. President and Manager. Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department Give Lis a Trial Parties desiring th best of Job printing at th lowest price should call at th Astoria Job offlc befor going '.-WtMar. I. 1.