THE DAILY ASTOKIAIW WKDNKSUAY MOltNLNU. DKCKMBKR . 11IU0. & fitly gVotovimt JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. tit. terms or si nscRiprios. PAILT. Bent by mall, per yet? , Bent by mall, per month Delivered by carrier, per month W.00 .80 .45 WEKKLT. font by mall per year, $1 In advance, posts? free, to subscribers. All communication! Intended for publi cation should be directed to th editor. Bualnesa comaiunlcatlons of all kino's and remittance muat b addressed to Th Astorlan. The Aatorlan guarantee to Ita sub scriber th largot circulation of any .tewapaper published oa th Columbia trer. Advertising rate can b had on appli cation to th bualnesa manager. Th Weekly Aatorlan, th second oldest weekly In th state ot Oregon, has, text to th Portland Oregonlan, th largest weekly circulation tn th state. Jno. P. Handley ft Co.. ar our Port fcutd agents, and copies of Th Aatorlan eaa b had vry morning at their stand, IN Third street. Th A.torlaa" hereby offers to donate OXI HI'NUKID DOLLARS to St. Mary's Hawaii ul, payable oa snuad to rather Melataa, witnr legal oeWeoce Is pro atueed showing that aay afternooa -papor pabllahed la Astoria haa printed wHtala th las atlaety days expiring be for this r a slagl special" or other kins' of telegraph! press report, roeeWod oeor the wire oaterlng olther of th telegraph offices la Astoria, froas aay point oatslde ororogoa. Astoria, Or.,'Oclber 15, IW. The recent storm showed where the weak places were In the county roads. When Hammond cornea It la said there will be a stirring of dry bones. The republicans can make a record today at the polls " they all turn out and vote for good city government. The great storm of Sunday and Mon day only demonstrated that the dikts built In this county will stand any strain. Let the good work of reclama tion go on until every foot of tide land in the county is made highly product he. Why should not Astoria not have a smelter? She Is a great port, and will soon have rail connection with tne mining districts of Oregon and Wash ington, and being at tide water, pos sesses an advantage over other local ities, rates from the mines being equal. Here can be had cheap fuel, plenty of good water and every known shipping facility. The question Is certainly worthy cf careful consideration, and there would seem to be at the lirst blush no reason why this Industry should .not be added to Astoria's man ufacturing enterprises, in operation, or to be constructed. The reclamation of the tide lands of the Columbia promises to be one of the greatest resources of wealth In the state in the near future. The work already done In the vicinity of Knappa and what has been done on the west aide of the bay at SunnymeaJ and War- renton demonstrates fui:y, not only t.e I prattles dim ty or this, but tie profits to be derived from It. The Co lumbia ride lands are destined to be the future dairy supply sources of As toria and Portland. The fact c'early stands out that Clatsop county, aside from timber reserves and fishing In dustries, has the means of supporting a large population In its cities from the soil Itself. Some points of Interest are set forth in the annual report of the Japanese bureau of merchant marine, which has Just been received In the United States. The report discloses the fact that Japan Is making very energetic strides In the development of Its merchant marine. It shows that Japan has registered for for eign trade 109 Iron and steel steamships, of 231,139 gross tons, whereas the United States has registered for foreign trade 103 vessels of the same kind, of 226.503 gross tons. The Japanese merchant fleet includes 114 vessels of over 1,000 tons, chiefly steamers of British or Ger man build. The American merchant fleet on the Pacific coast numbers 119 vessels of this size. The chief Japanese steamship line, which has recently made Seattle one of Its terminal points, owns fifty-one steamers f 28.000 tons. whereas the Pacific Mail line employs fifteen steamers of 43,000 tons on the Pacific. Since 1S90 twenty shipyards have been established in Japan, gime of them of very large capacity, and the subsidyjav.- which went Into effect In October gives shipbuilders a bounty of 10 per gross ton on steel vessels over L000 tons. However much room there may be f ( r honest difference of opinion as to some of the suggestions contained In Hr. Cleveland's message, no one who has Btudied the government's present finan cial system will dispute the necessity which the president plainly shows for some form of Immediate remedial leg islation In that connection. As the first step In the improvement of the treasury situation Mr. Cleveland recommends the permanent retirement of the green backs and Sherman notes, and while there may be some opposition to this plan at first, there Is reason to believe enough of the leading men of both par ties are already agreed upon the ulti mate importance of such action to en sure its accomplishment. While these outstanding gold demand obligations exist the treasury will be liable to the same embarrassment that It has under gone in the past. Nearly J350.0O0.0O0 of United States notes are still outstand ing. When the resumption act of 1879 went into effect the government ac cumulated by the sale of bonds, nearly $100,000,000 In gold, In order to pay these notes as they might be presented. The weak point in the resumption act was that It provided for the paying out of these notes, as fast as redeemed. In meeting the current expenses of the government. The books ot the treasury are said to allow that not only haa the entire amount of t'nlted Sltos notes In existence been redeemed In gold, but nearly H25.000.0O0 In excess of that. Tn order to do this the government has been compelled to Issue additional bonds to the amount of fc:i2,000,00fl. and thla haa been done without any specific authority of law other than thnt which say the treasury shall maintain a gold reserve of JUW.000.0Oi. The fnot that over one-half of the proceeds of these bonds has gone Indirectly to supply de ficiencies In the revenue, and thnt this state of affairs can be remedied by pro viding more revenue, des not niter the necessity for the retirement of this class of currency; for so long as It re mains a part of the system there will continue to be at times a risk of further bond tasuesi to maintain (lie gold re serve. Of the so-called Sherman notes, which were Issued In payment of sliver bullion purchased, to the amount of fl.hVQM,i0n. the treasury has redeemed over 4VS.000.000. Notwithstanding this fact mere are still outstanding, as a perpetual menace to the treasury. Sher man notes to the value of f I2.t.000.000. CORPORATE AKl'SKS. Because the Republican party Is In favor of a protective tariff. It does not follow that It la not opposed to trusts which seek to advance the prices ot ar ticles by combining to dvetroy competi tion. It Is the purpose of protection to stimulate domestic production and to cheapen prices through competition, while the trusts seek to destroy this competition through combinations. During the recent campaign the Pop ocrata urged that because the Republi cans did not believe In free silver and did not endorse the extreme Ideas of the Demo-Populo fusion In regard to the government ownership of railroads, telegraphs, etc., but stood boldly by the principles of protection, that party is a friend and defender of trusts. Such a view Is not only narrow, but absolutely untrue. In the tariff plank of the Republican platform adopted at St. Louis last June the party renews and emphasises Its al legiance to the policy of protection, and the closing sentence of that plank Is: "In Its reasonable application It Is Just. fair and Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly to sectional discrimination and indi vidual favoritism." "Such Is the princi ple of protection as believed In by the Republican party. Thj people of the I'nlted States, with out regard to party, are opposed to trusts, monopolies, combinations of whatever the name, that seek to con trol production and prices. When a Republican tariff measure Is framed It Is hoped that Its provisions will be such as will make it Impossible for capital to combine at the expense of the public. And right here cornea the suggestion that the new law contain a provision that when the domestic production of an article subject to duty Is controlled In output by a trust or combination, and thia Is proved In a United States court, then the duty on the foreign ar ticle shall be suspended until the do mestic output is neither restricted nor Its price manipulated by such combina tion. The people look to the Republican party to right this matter, and that party cannot, neither will It desire to shirk its duty. The old man who looks out at the world with clear and healthy eyes can not help feeling great gratification at the thought that his children have in herited from him no weakness nor ten dency to disease. The healthy old man is the man who has throughout his lift kept bis digestion good and his blood pure. Not one In a thousand does do it. Germs go through the healthy body without effect. Let them once find lodgment or let them find a weak spot, they will develop by the million and the blood will be full of them. Instead of giving strength to the tissues. It will force upon them innutritlous mat ter, and the man will lose flesh and the more susceptible he is to disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the only medicine that absolutely and infallibly cures all blood diseases, and almost all diseases are blood diseases. It Isn't a medicine for some one par ticular so-called disease. It Is a med icine for the whole body. It forces out all the germs of disease, and replaces Impurities with rich, red blood. The rabbit. Introduced Into Australia, has now overrun that continent to such an extent as to demand special legis lation for Its suppression. Some 2000 men are employed in New South Wales alone In the destruction of this rodent. Since 1X70 Victoria has voted considera bly more than 500,000 for the dectruc tion of the rabbit, and high prices are offered for a recipe for Its extirpation. After meals you should have simply a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You hhould not feel any special indica tions that digestion Is going on. If you do, you have Indigestion, which means not-digestlon. This may be the begin ning of so many dangerous diseases, that It Is best to take It In hand at once and treat It with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that Indigestion makes poison, which causes pain and sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps digestion and cures in digestion. Shaker Digestive Cordial does this by providing the digestive materials In which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up and strength ens the digestive organs and makes them perfectly healthy. This Is the rationale of Its method of cure, as the doctors would say. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to 1.00 per bottle. The great-great-grandchildren of Sir Walter Scott are seven In number, and four of them are boys. The eldest, Wal ter Joseph, Is now In his twenty-first year. It Is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one muat have pure, rich and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWitt's Sarsapa- rllla. Chas. Rogers. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pT a little mote th.m the cost o( ordinary tiatle ctc.uvttrs will tiiii1 th PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made front the hihe-l cwl Cold i.c. grown in Virginia, ami ne ABSOLUTELY "RF Karon Hlrseh has secured at least one monument "more lasting than one of bronie." With the avowed object of commemorating the great benertts which the late baron conferred upon the settlers In hla Argentine colonies, the heads of families there have decided to give the name ot Moses Hlrseh to every male child born until tne nrst anniversary ot his death. TH5 IDEAL PANACEA. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Pr. King's New Dis covery as an Ideal Panacea tor Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used It In my family for th last flv years, to th exclusion ot physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgua, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I hav been a minister of th Methodist Episcopal church for P0 yean or more, and have never found anything so beneticlal or that gav me such spoedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles fre at Cbaa. Rogers' Drug Store, Dr. Edward S. Holden, director of the Llek observatory of the University of California, has received the decoration of Knight of the Royal Onler of the Dannebrog of Denmark. ...Is ancient order was founded A. D. 121 as a mark of military distinction, but Is conferred In the present case for services to science. IT MAT DO AS MUCH FOR TOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving. 111., write that he had a Sever Kidney troubl for many years, with sever pains In his back and also tht his bladder was affected. He tried many so-called Kid ney cures but without any good result About a year ago he begin th us of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters Is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost Instant relief. On trial will prove jur statement. Prlc 50c and too. At Chaa, Rogers' Drug Store. The first agricultural exhibition held within the limits of the United States is said to have been organized and car ried to a successful conclusion at Georgetown, In the District of Colum bia, in 1810. This claim Is disputed. various towns and counties In New England asserting that agricultural fairs or expositions were held In them at an earlier date. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The beat salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. Some evidences of a Roman cemetery have been discovered on the south side of the Thames, In Snow's Fields, Ber- mondsey, Union street, Newlngton, and the burial bround In Deverell street. This district was probably the place of Interment for those who lived in the small suburb which was growing up on the south side of the Rrldge of Ferry. A dose that is always seasonable Is a Jose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicines." It keeps the liver active; the bowels regular; prevents biliousness; and promotes di gestion. In fact, helps keep you well "I have watched Its effects In families wher I have practiced, and find It ad mirable; both alterative and tonic In Its action." Dr. T. V. Mason, Macon, Ga. A movement has been set on foot In Douglas to obtain such a relaxation of the Sunday closing act as would place licensed houses on the Island un der the same regulations as those In England and thereby legalize what Is now, it Is said, ta.'ltly permitted to "visitors" during the season. 'Excuse me," observeed the man In spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not where the liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver Is," retorted the other. "If It was in his big toe or his left ear De Wtfs Little Early Risers would reach It and shake It for him. On that you can bet your glg- Iamps." Chas. Rogers. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbllt hag always been the good young man of the Van derbilt family. A witty (though not altogether charitable) clergyman who once met him at dinner remarked after wards that Cornelius "would undoubt ly be the Vanderbllt family's repre sentative In heaven." The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, Illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog res. It now looks as if Cuban Independ ence might come In with the new Year. "What shall 1 order for dinner today, my love?" asked Kve, as she absently plucked a tireeti apple. "Oh, any old thing," returled Adam, wearily, "as long as It Isn't srerlti. I'm sick of sparerlbs." He savagely swatti-d a rock at gar ter snake. -New York 1'ivss. TO Ct'ltK A ONK It.tV, Take laxative Ultimo Qiiltiln Tablets. All druKKlsls refund the money If It falls to cure. lio. For sale by Chas. Uoirvm, DruKHlst, When the ear, on his recent visit to I'tirK presented M. Hrlsson "lib the St. Andreas cross, the latter eut off Ills much-cherished long heard Invause It concealed the tired (which Is worn around the neck) from view. ROYAL Baking Powder haa been awarded highest honors at every world" tale where exhibited. Hinging In chains wits tihollsliod in Knglnnd by the act of parliament of P3( Tile ltu-t man hung In chains was t'o.ikJn ft:'.' at Leicester for the murder of a Mr. Pass. The body was not al lowed to remain on the pillow for many days. OABTOTIIA. n ru tin:;. tfulu I4S Kllen Lee and Hannah Sllman, two gipsies, were sentence,! to a month's hard labor at Kxeter, Kngland, recently, for obtaining (4 pound and good by promising to rule the planet for a married counle Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and Invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls In colds, croup and lung Iron Dies. Children like It because It Is pleasant to take and II helps them. Chas. Rogers. Some fish exhibit great powers f endurance when deprived of access In their native element. Thus ll Is com mon practice In Holland to keep carp alive for three weeks or a month, the tlsh being placed In net moea and In a net kept In a cool place. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds. burns are quickly cured by -IVWItfS Witch Hmel alvc. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It always cures them. Chas. Rogers. Dipsomaniacs In Sweden, when put under restraint, are fed almost entire ly on bread steeped In wine. In less than a fortnight they loathe the very look and smell of Ibiuor. and when lib erated generally become total ab stainers. The old lady was right when she said the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few dose ot One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Chaa. Rogers. It was often said of Mr. Adrlon Leon, who haa Just died near Mayonne. France, that he saved the republic by a single vote. On February 27, 1S75. when the remodeling of the constitu tion was debated, he suported M. Wal- n's amendment fixing the conditions for the election of president. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cur plies, you need simply apply DeWitt's Witch Ha xel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chas. Rogers. A new diving dress has been tried at Hobart with very satisfactory re sults. The diver worked at a depth of 30 fathoms 2 feet, and remained at this depth 35 minutes without the slightest 111 effects. The length of life may be Increased by lessening Its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. The sultan of Turkey gets 1,460,000 pounds a year; the emperor of Aus tria manages with 912.500. while the em peror William only receives 730,000 pounds a year. Soothing, and not Irritating, strength ening, und not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers. Prof. F. C. Porter, who lias held the chair of botany, zoology and ReolnKy In Iafayctte colli-ge fur more than .'10 years, will rwlre at the end of the pres ent collepiatH year. DeWitt's Sarsaparlila Is prepared fur cleansing the blood. It builds up and Rtrenirthens constitutions Impaired by disease. Chas. Rogers. Herbert L. Mathews, of Kamuis City, who died the other day, wan regarded as one of the Rreateat authorities on old brnikH In the Went. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. "fk fu ll ml la U n riry VTipim. titular Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ' ELMORE, SANBORN & CO A tents, Astoria, OUTWARD HOUND OUKGON GRAIN (Itevlwl sail t'orwelfil evsrjr Frltlsv) MAI I.Kit, 'l til, Atigunt .1 Mil bark.. , It ilor ahlp..,. Si' lir nti .11' Mr llll .... i NAM,, ,, Siiiiunik t'ai'sle ,.., , ititlierlitliildiltet.. .,,. , 'l'lmMttRitititiimiel ., ...Hrviilitl.U; .... Itiriiil ,. Antliit ,M,;riuiiiiM' ..llMiltllewllll . . Slle .Ilor.t KhiilKilmrv .,,,'Kirlieoiiri , .... t'h..a,Ule ,. .... tiiill -irtam. ,.,., ,.,.'i'iile ..illrviiMlita M.wlliwtii ,. Kite la title ., Ili'iitli.ile . .. Vtlerm . , ... I liMiint-true AttiltMtl. ...... . ixtUorm I'lt'll .. si -na l.-tiallK .... JllVS ... , .. A-i..ale ... ,. FtllltrtiHl Mepl. ; lirOiii. 14 Mr IH , .,. IN llr alilli .'. ,.r I' k as Pr lurk . . . . ,1 llr lrk ..... Siitr alup .... U Hi ttmk ..... i' llr lili i' llr 1'iik ll'llr luiik !; Hr hin . . . U Hr l-.iiV,. in llr lilit tier Hllt llr Lark . . .'I; llr ulllli . .'I llr balk '.1- Hr I'trk.. . '.V llr .ll li... . llr I. irk n llr liu. . OellT Nttv. i' Hi liii it llr liii ti llr lili 7 llr liu H Hi lurk . . in llr thlii ... It: llr l.tik ..... I; Hi ,., i:!ilr -M.. ... I. 'Mr till' It Hi "inn.., ' '.M Ur IHt ... '.'I'llr hl II Hr lutrk H' l.rk.. Ilrl'sik. . . . . Hr I'nrk ..- A -l,MA "lilila rl.ii HllllOll. l--.lil 1,1,1 llelir. tsllle AttU, I Mcinttrelt .. . .... PurliruUl .... N.tlvlN.lit.. . II 1H lit ,. . ."ullll .. , .... ClM liiisfurd .... Mi. lti .. II 'II I.1M ... Mel tete . . , . I'ele . Ivt'tlienllrn . . .. ... lm'hfn.e nock . . . I tlhlell . . IVinll.tch .. 1 .-rMdAte... "" ""' 1 ...jjj.'..'.'..'.'. "value Itr.liVr il-KTlM Tillk Sour, Vaiiie W.iitl 1.1,1. rimir, lii K-.Mto acm M. I., vi .r,,ll lllllt lliltir. Vitlllt Ikl,!.) INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounml by Physicians the moHt Favorable iti America for tsutlort'i's from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objection urgfd aa-mlnst Indlo Id th past b) th lara kunibart who othmrwls would nav tn glad to lak advutt4t of It brnetlclal cllmst. ha brn a lack of sultabl accommodation. Th Bouthern acina Company tak plMUur,ln aonounclug that lewal Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav Just bn roctrd at India station, that will b rsniM to applicants at ra sonabl rates. They ar furnlahaal with modern oonvnUnni. supplied with pur art Ml an wautr and o ltuatd a to trtv occupants all th advantage to b 1 rlvd from n mor or I protraotad resldmoM la this delightful oilman. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut.) "la th haart of th great dart of th Colorado which th Soutturn Padtlo traverse then Is an oasis railed lndlo, which. In our opinion. Is th sanitarium of th earth. W believe, from personal InvMtlgatlon, that for certain Individuals, there I no spot on this planet so favor able," O. T. Stewart. U. D., write: "Th purity ot th air, and th eternal sun shine, fill on with wondar and delight. , . . Natur has accompllahed eo much that ther remains but llttl for man to do. As to Us poHlbllltte as health retort her Is th most perfect sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soli, for rain Is n unknown factor; pur oxygen, dens atmoapher and pur water. What mor can be desired T It Is the pier, shove all others, for lung troubles, and a para dlse for rheumatic. Considering th number of sufferer who hav bn cured, I hav no hesitancy tn recom mending this genial oasis ss th harea of the afflicted." INDIO. Is 6l2 miles from SAN FRANCISCO ami 130 miles from liJS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles 13-oc For further Information Inquire f any Bouthern Pacific Company agent, or address E. P. ROOERH, Asst. Gen. Pass. Airt. e) 1. Co. J. B. KIKKL.AKD, Dull. Pass. At Cor. First and Alder si., Portland, Or MMsmm I Thet.e tiny Copiules aro superrorj 10 eaitam or topama, i tuDeDtoriiiectionsandliriiUf CURE IN 48 HOURS V the tmi diseases ilhouK Inconvtmence. SM tr all ifrtrfttt. ENOLIS1I CAPITAL. TOU AMERICAN INVB8TMBNTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Captuvl fur now enterprises. A ll containing th names and addr.aa ot 300 ucceemful promoters who have placed over 100,110,000 Storting In Foreign In vestment wltJiln ttie last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven month ot 1M6. Pries, a, or la, paynbl by potrtat order to the London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cheapsld, London, 13. C. Subscriber wll be entitled, by ar rangement with th directors to racoive either personal or lattora of lntroductolo to any of these uccesetiil promotars. This llot Is first Olaaa la very respect, and every man or firm who nam ap pear therein may he depended upon. For placing the folio-wing It will b found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of In dustrial, Commercial and Financial con cern a, Mortgage loans, Bala of Land Patents or Mine. Director: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PBPT, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFS, Copyright. ir-ei.SAssu nnti amiiivxh. Dim VlmlWoainek , ) J4H t'orl Natal..,, K II 1(1,111 III, ll 4J. i.m Nl.lDHI 44,'MI TV..W K ii.tiai 7H.44A r III, Ml 4,ia.'l 4.l'IS 4.1I11 KJ. I lU V,UM 411. 4HI .Vt.tatf M.w.1 lal.mjl I. IJAVI II M.lll II, 'l M,.l SI.U.I7 4JH rw'.ejt SJ.IU? M..-7'l (til, 4X1 M.7I7 (Mil 71 M lw,d .'t i i.ivtiriiooi UJ Altfila HmV Nnv l.'-' I "Ik imai , ma Wwt Hall 14-1 I'lUSilluih ,. IHH IvH I IM, .., IIMI ItiM , l;.v , .... .'U.1 . i;ioirk .... itau " , , , lwil " ,...'444 " .... IW " ... IIM " , . StH ti . cmk Slla ' ....'llj bWeriRiui"".?' . t era, . . . ... l.iJAl'tirk ... It7 fork ,...M .... iv: t'.nk ... l au'ork .... 1 l tvitk . n I'm k ...... ., Wis Cetk . . . . irnvs tn k ... IttHi'.irk ,... ... Ii; .... " 1 101 f in i'llitlellaliraTu.' i no tt4,arj. r I VESSELS ON THE ikevitetl and Coireeied every Krltlsjr) Mat AUn rOlt AND SASI. tililp Henry Vlllanl t'AI.Wtl- Hr berk lllflilaiiil f.iral.,...., ..... Hr Lark Pan' .. l.lVMU'iUH.- I-Mraliiti Hellene. NKwi'Asn.K, N.8. W. Mr balk I aiiilliU) Hr alim t hy of Madnu . Hr ahle tlleuitltrau llr liitlV ."Uilaerkahlrtt .....,.... Hit) t'K JANKIHi- Hr lili Kate 1 le niaai. Hr ahii I'tMtgweruil Hr balk Pee ir txark . . .,... YUKOIIAKA- Hrahlu Mutton llalll . Hr ahlti A-lallc l'rllter ,. I'alli'Q ....... Nie'oll..'.'.! HnblllaOII .. Kee t4rlfRiha..,M ken. rrtiiiniiM , . lt , ItnlierUon.. ;K)a,.f . Hewliiinl , ..Altderauu . I ".'Wlikh.m.. ...lltxl(e . liatlo . ... Hr hark Hea;lnt Hr ill in Ih.TBuliy 11 riiKT riHIK- Hr ahlti Port Jarkaon SANTA Hr ahlp Yurtlgeru ..................... Hr ahlp Champion A- Hr dark Hullo Hr aliip Atwryalnllh ('sail Mlll.l.KS'lHl Hr :iip Klukura. SIlASi.llAI Am I. km Clielialla Tlk.VrHIN Ant tikln Ailitettil.... CAI'K Vtiw N Hr ahlp llrttlih IVr.. - Ill Aim Hr Mine rtawanlif.......,,..... MAiCAIIAN - tier titer k Ptttrlmpo m. II M.IK II MM K itr hark OiiihrUtirhlefulu. .. iThonui . .. Telkhl. (MaMunry , Slmtuien IVrry J.ntea . ., Murray...., llellwoK , Wllllaill.... HKrKltatNCKM Inm I- Not. th, I s, no w, Tutl lonntce on the wy -O.l ts. seme Urn In laKU-t&jdt. Berne Urn la IW4-4J.I00. Hustlers Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... 7f ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Bond Street. (lliiBltrutUiin. T iiiii'irv, VIIUIIIBi man nl u M'lllrffff. BCroRC o AFTER t t'""...'' CtTnOKftlt and rvaUiraaanmll waaJl or nana. Tha rraaun ilffrf.r sr. mil carfwl lalllla. Ct'l'lliKN Ria tlioiil a wrliuin marantiH .Ivan end nmnnv r UBaloi.all fVir (a.l, Iir mall. Maml fur MaKdmiUr aiiil Irallinonuila, AiMrtiaa UA VUI, (IE Dili JIB aVU P, U CHAS ltOUlCHS, m Tell the ticket agent to ticket you via tha Bur lington Itoute and he will do so. Tell him you want your tlikft to read via nil lings, Mont., and the New Hhort Line and It will read that way. Tall him you want It to rrad via St. Paul and the Ilurllngton Itoute and It will read via St. Paul and the Burlington Kouto, The service over both lines Is as good as can be. To Omaha, Kansas City, Bt, Louis, and the Houth, the time via Billings Is several hours faster than via St. Paul. To Chicago it Is about the same. A. C. SHELDON, O. A., Portland, Oregon. FROM NOW UNTIL BPRINO Ovarcoats and winter wraps will b la fashion. They oan b discarded, t.mpor arlly while traveling Q tha steam-heated trains ot th Chicago, Mllwauk and Bt Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for spd and for safety, no other line can oompar with this great railway of th West Mil$l7M89-7. ailll'I'Klia, fVrlUn.l r'lniir Mill , Hlliami A Kerr Ilalliiur, umlirlii A I'u n ,, it it it ti " ,1 K t'miinii I'u Ilalliiur. inillirlv .It I'u Siii. mi A Kerr I'.tiIiihI flour Mill ,, linllniir, ilmlirlti it ('ti , "Tii Jtl.lUI M,iV 4I.UAI TV") "'Ui.nT Vu.iml ""nUtii" 4a,b 4AI Ml fcl 44,kl aVi.KU tl.'.MI II I. WW M.uni III rail atam 1.1,000 "''ai' NII.UiU Ai.nai Itki.uu mi.imu Mini T.'l.imo lJ,M 7,ts liaiilml Hi, l I'J.lkl I aaldl I Ha Id I III d I lua Oil I ij II t ii mj in It Id liai A II M lis Id i!l lla a lil II Si) All II W 411 lua ...... Ail II M til IK Sd All H' .... All II M ll III....., All II M All l.,. U II 4il nla.-.-411 III ...... 411 S W 411 Hal., ... All lla H Ail "M. Ij II I'liitiermt ,t ( 'o. . , IS.rlliin.l Klmir Mill l't. MII...IU ,t Kerr ...... lUtlltitir, (lullirlti hiiiI i'ol ...,. Hlltaon A Kerr J II I'm rtteniit A Co ... Haltuiir, lluiliila a I n .1 l (eniKrii ft t'i , rlllMtin ft knrr H. tll.Mir uuilirla ft i'u siliaoii ft Kerr ,.,...,,...., I'nillaii.l rieiir Alllla TnrtUiiil Klmir Mill .J K Caiiinrnli ft 4.M ,(...,....M. ! Ilalliiur. tlullirls Oo..'...'.i!'n hiIukmi ft knrr l'orl"liiH'r1."iif illallnur. llulliile ft Co.... niliaiMt ft Knrr, ., , J II CiiitiiiMii A Co 4iliiili ft Knrr ,.., m- linllniir, llullirls ft Co I 11 CsinnMii ft fit Ilalfimr, lllllhrin ft Co . J It Cslllnnill ft Co .,..,....Mt jUallniir, liitlhrls ft Co ..... 1'iirllsinl Klmir MI'I"""Z! Hifinir, llntlirla Si l it I. iua liiauT talilii (lllW,' ninf tluiir, talus M'.tou. Aiai till, 7. 10 - 1I..I m i,a;.l lilila 411 ,M J runt I U. lb.l WAY TO OREGON. Its mats. 147S MAI1 Hultoa Heele I nil iiiiAI AA t !j4.' 100 A I Meyer, W, Co 1414 IOI A I lV.ii riiT, 'i tn t iir ie' i v' J IjilillaW a I'u 10 . 7 ItDAI 17 im.ll ItVitltAIAI sltteiiii 4t Kerr lint Haiti , f t4 150 e , laVl natAl , i ll IKiAl .jlliw liUAl ..trw. iniAl ..illl IWAI I1'4 U I ..'laWt lUUAl I I jil93 UWA1 ,4tl 100 A I .jlkali ' STA HO A I ,Uva luoAl 1 MlhM HMAI J R CmeMii TO j J R Camertin Co I M I R Camemn ft Co . 41 70 Mmttaou t.umiier Co - 117' slmpaon Ijituber Co, I i 11 lUUAl Jim iooa i JlIM IO0A1 . li'.l'lCUAl Astoria nnd McKce Ave. Situated on the Houth Bide of Aftoriu's hills. Twenty dcgrt!0M warmer and vegrtation' 30 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDtNI VitMiiBor.Uprtwrtif lion of (MiHHia yraiH-b plirafciwi, will i ur. .'hi ,,t ,11 n-VT vim. or dt,' nf ttitt i.iit.rativa urgiuia, atM b m Li UmihimL Iii.innila. I'ajlialn lha lla. k. a. initial Nrvmia Iwlllmr, llaUiiMalll MM All llMOM IV . T JT Wllk'hni)LrhrWlt1 (m1i Jk. ml hr IMrtnni la hrmiiaa ntitaly par rnl sr. trrmhM with j Sniiwn rrm-v to our wlihoul an orH-ntlkin. itllilniiE inr rrturniMi if all nnxra rtiMHi nut .ituvi a wrmaiMiLl.tu llux ant,Su lrntiKlaoo,(l. rtr 44t Commercial Slroot. ri n la s nt.n .soiannno. ramiHlr fr lliniirrlna, i;ii.-l, H.rmal,irrriira, Hlillxa, unnatural ill.. Kliarima, nr aur Inllanima. linn. Irrllallnu ur ulmra. tinn m in it a mam. .af'HItHNiUllltli' m, Mm aalrliipul, yrnCii(ri,o .ff! r Vmimtta, Ss'i V. ZdU'n ."Pn?", friinanl f, rtiitraalrlnul. ti ur J mini,, la.ra. ircular van tiu rouuaat ffclrh.,!. V. 1',,1-tl.h ni. , n - ENNYhyYAL PILLS ... .a,nB. hr nlj Malaa .art, c'.a-i i ,..lau.. ..on aat a-W Hi, KMlaa uJt b.uiii,1 'ia ,. ,,.l i,i, i,iu- rfk... . iX ",! T'm .''"It"""'' I'Mlat..!. aa tTvll.ll. liyMlll r.Mimi.i, ATSOnifl PUBLIC IilBRflHY READING ROOM FREE TO Open v(ry day from t o'clock to l:M and l:M to 1:10 p. m. BubsortpUoo rata 1 per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH at DUANE BTB. AN ENIOMATICAli BILL OF FARE, For a dinner, served on th Dining earn of the Chicago, Milwaukee and BL Paul Railway, will b sent to any address oa rolpt of a two-oent postag stamp. Apply to 00. H. Htafford, Oaneral Pas sengw Agnt, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. "Tjljii.i aj VlUIKhXTj "la I laft-I.M 12 llaar.nUMl M ant la ,lrl,ir. at. ,K