THK DAILY ASTOKIAN", WEDNESDAY MORNINU, DECEMHEU 2, MINI. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. fit TERMS OF Kl'BSCRirTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yecr M.00 Bent by mall, per month .SO Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WKKKLT. Bent by mall per year, t In advance, postage tree, to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor. Business oommunlcatlona of all kind and remittance muat be addrened to The Astortaa, Tha Astortaa guarantee to It tub acrtbere the lanreat circulation of any Mvpaper published on the Columbia tear. Advertising ratea can be bad on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorian. tha aecond oldest weekly In the atate of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Orrgonlan. the largest weekly circulation la tha atate. J no. p. Handley Co.. are our Port land a (rent, and coplea of The Aatorian - be had every moraine at their atand, IX Third street The "AetorUa" hereby or to doaate Baepttal, payable u demand to Father Nelmea. wheaeeer lefal eeldes is pre tested eaowlag that aay afteraooa ewe sap pabltahed la Aetarla hae prtated wlthta tha last alaety daye exsirtag be thl oBer a elaata "aveetal" ar tteer ktad af HetefTaphle see report." veealeed aver the wlree awriag either f tha telegraph Bee la Aetorla, from aay polat aaUlda of OregeJ. Aetorla, Or.. October 1. IW. . Wny not add a cold storage plant to Astoria's Industrie? . If the opening; of the Manchester ship canal in England oat create such a stir In business circles, and form such roe Ue view of prosperity. In the future outlook of the British business commu nities, what would not the opening of the Nicaragua canal do for the United States? . If the. statements which axe made in regard to city warrants being refused in certain quarters because of the In sufficiency of the tax levy of last year, and the fear tha the levy to be made ext month will not be great enough to cover our legitimate expenses are true, there Is certainly something rotten In Denmark, and explanations are In or der by the city council. The official showing that India is not a competitor for our grain export busi ness because her grain crops are de clining, and because she haa now not enough wheat for ber own use. Is fol lowed by an official statement that the people of India are too poor to buy the wheat that baa been shipped to them to supply their deficiency. This shows the beauties of the silver standard, which tha Popocrats were so eager to have adopted. Carroll Cook, a candidate for superior court Judge In San Francisco, at the recent election, waa the object of spe cial attack by the American Railway Union because he conducted the prose cution of a railroad striker, accused of murdering an engineer and several United States sj'diera in 18S4 by caus ing a railroad wreck. The appeal against law and order did not avail. Judge Cook received a large vote, larg er, in fact, than that given any other candidate for superior Judge with one exception, a very popular man running an the nun-partisan ticket. It must be plain to the most casual observer that now is the time for the erection in this city of a central market for the use of the farmers of Clatsop, Pacific and Wahkiakum counties. It must be equally evident that large prof its will ensue to the business men of this city, as well aa the farmers, by the establishment of such a market When a large city like San Francisco finds It necessary to add another im mense general market to its resources. It must be apparent that not only has market day and the market house not gone out of style, but that they are more than ever matters of necessity in any community. It would seem to be incumbent upon our city council, or chamber of commerce, or both, to lake such action as will insure the locating of a general market in Astoria. The red tape necessary for the formal election of President McKinley w ill be gin today, when the electors of each state will meet at the state capital and proceed to ballot for president and vice- president. There are triplicate certifi cates of the result of this vote. One copy is sent to the president of the United States senate; a second is de livered to that officer in person by one of the electors selected by lot. while the third is deposited with the United States Judge of the district In which the electors meet. Then there comes another breathing spell, and at last, on the second Wedensday in February both houses meet in join session In the hail of the house. This session is pre sided over by the president of the sen ate, and In the presence of the mem bers the certificates from the various states are opened and the vote of the electors made known. The president of the senate will then declare Mr Kin ley and Hobart elected president and vice president of the United States. The dispatch in yesterday's Oregonlan giving an account of the murder of Spanish soldiers In Havana by- organ ized civilians, shows what kind of peo ple the Insurgents are. The fact is too much sympathy has been wasted In the United States over the "brave" strug gle these rebels are making. Fully three-fourths of the men now in arms are full-blooded negroes and mulattos. They are utterly unfit for self-government, and if they should obtain their in dependence, unless the island were an nexed to the United States in a few years they would Inevitably relapse in to barbarism. It would. Indeed, be an act of humanity on the part of this country, to interfere In the Cuban dllli culty, not to secure the Independence of the revolutionists, hut rather to aid the S)uilsh authorities to recover con trol of the Island, It la true that Siwn ish rule In Cuba has not been exaotl the highest Ideal of g-overnnient, but It has probably been quite aa god as the Spanish themselves enjoy In Madrid, The Spanish style of doing anything not calculated to Invite emulation en the part of other civilised people. If the United States should intervene put an end to the rebellion. It could be easily stipulated that future rule In Cuba should more nearly conform to the custom and idea of nineteenth century civilisation. So far as the prop of It km of annexation of Cuba to thl country Is concerned, there Is reason to helieve the favor It Inspires In certain sections of the South is not due so muc to pity for the rendition of the Cubans as It Is to the desire for commercial and political advantage. SOUTHERN SO A K K OVER. Ever since the reconstruction era. the spectre of "necro domination" has kept the South solid. It waa the cry which ralHi! all the whites to the Democratic standard, irrespective of the merits of the issues involved In the campaign The attempts to pass federal election laws, to checkmate the known corruiv tlon at the polls, were interpreted to mean a return to negro rule, and the scare was thus perpetuated on the force hill." But the evidences are clear this year that the Intelligent portion of the Southern people have recovered from their scare. When the whites of Ala boina recovered control of the state and adopted A new constitution, they chang ed the time of electing state officials from November to August. In order to escape the presence of federal officials at the polls. In his recent message to the legislature. Governor Oates urges that two elections a year every other year are too many, and advises a con solldation of the state election with that for federal officials in November. Recalling the fact that fear of federal interference was the cause of the change made In ISTj, he says that the federal election laws were repealed three years ago, "and now no reaaona ble person apprehends their re-enact ment, or the passage by congress of a force bill,' " A bill providing for consolidation of elections has been In troduced in the legislature, sad it will probably become a law. It will be remembered that the people of Florida, In October, by an over whelming majority, ratified a constitu tional amendment changing the time of their state election to November, show ing that they, too, no longer have any fear of a force bill. These are cheering indications, for they mark the deca dence of the old sectional feeling in the South. That feeling has long since ceased to cut any figure In the politics of the North, and its disappearance in the South will bring into that section the Northern enterprise and capital which It so much needs. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phceb Thomas, of Junction City, IIL, was told by ber doctors ah bad Consumption and that there was no nop for her, but two bottle Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and h say It saved her Ufa Mr. Thomas Eg" gers, 133 Florida street. Saa Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach' Ing Consumption, tried without lesult verythlng else, then boueht on bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and In two weeks was cured. Ha Is naturally thankful It la such results, of which these raa sample, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in Cough and Colds. Free trial -wttla at Cha. Rogers' Drug 8 to re. Regular alas U cents and U.0O. One of the most experienced librart ana In the vicinity of New Tork is Miss Emma Toedteberg, of the Brooklyn His torical Society library. Miss Toedteberg Inherits a taste for books from her fa- ther, who was a connoisseur and collect or. She selects and purchases all the books for the library, and has done so for more years than It would seem pos sibie. considering her comparatively youthful appearance. The library is probably the richest for Its size In the country' In historical and biographic works. It now contains D8,000 volumes. OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medicine to reg ulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy In Electric Bitter. Thl medicine doe not stimulate and con tains no whisky or other Intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It act mildly on the stomach and bowels, add ing strength and giving tons to the or gans, thereby aiding nature in the per formance of the functions. Electrlo Bitters. Is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it Just exactly what they need. Price DO cents per bot tle at Chas. Rogers' Drug Stor. Mrs. Russell Sage is a devout church woman and one who carries her rellnlon Into the practical, every-day affairs of life. "I consider it my duty," she says, "to teach my servants economy. The women will marry, and If they do not understand the art of saving and mak ing the most of everything, they will make their husbands unhappy and ruin their homes and the whole of their fu ture lives." BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for pile, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. It Is said that the queen has ordered at a factory at Milan, a splendid bi cycle for Princess Helen, who Is a fa mous rider on the wheel. ' It is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt's Sarsapa rilla. Chas. Rogers. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay s little mote tluin the cost of ordinary trade rirarrttei will rind the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the hi;het et tlold I.r. grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY "IF Tw o characteristics of I.ord Randolph Churchill were his very "painful and free" use of bad language and his as siduity. He never knew anything even of simple arithmetic, w hich Is possibly w hy he was made chancellor of the ex chequer. Sir Algernon est tells how- Randolph said to a clerk who put some figures before him, "1 w ish you would put those figures plainly so that I can understand them, and when the clerk said he had done his best and reduced them to decimals, the chancellor of th exchequer exclaimed: "Oh, I never could understand what those dot: meant." The man with a weight on his leg can't hope to win In the race. A man with a weight on hi health can't ex pect to compete In life and business w ith those w ho are not handicapped. If his brain is heavy, and his blood slug gish, because of constipation, he will not succeed In doing auythlng very well. Constitution is the cause of nine tenth of all sickness. Symptom of it are sallowness, llstle&snesa. poor appe tite, bad taste in the mouth, dlxslnee. billousuesa, and lassitude. Constipa tion can be cured easily and certainly by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. They are not at all violent in their action, and yet they are more certain than many medicine which are so strong that they put the system all out of order. The great advantage of the 'Pleasant Pellets" Is that they cure permanently. Send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and get his great book, The People'c Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolutely free. Address World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, No. (63 Main street. Buffalo, N. Y The University of California 1 to receive 14.000,000 in donation from va riou persons, chief among whom i Mrs. Phebe Hearst, widow of the Call fornia senator. The state must spend (400,000 on the building, and, when thl ha been done, the donors will make good their promises. Sick stomach means sick man (or woman). Why not be well? Sick stomach comes from poor food, poor nourishment; means poor health. poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cor dial mean health and a well stomach. If we could examine our stomach we would understand why it is that so little will put it out of order. But, unless we are doctors, we never see our stomach. We only feel It. W would feel it less if we took Shaker Di geetlve Cordial Shaker Digestive Cordial make your stomach digest all the nourishing food you eat, relieves all the symptom of indigestion, acts as a tonic, and soon makes you well and strong again. The more you take, the less you will feel of your stomach. All druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents, Mrs. Hetty Green Is said to have con tributed 1100,000 to the campaign fund of the fusion party of Texas, making the gift in the interest of her son, E. H. Ureen, president of theTexa Mid land railway and chairman of the state committee. If you're in doubt whether your trou ble is Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Just take a few doses of Sintmons Liver Regulator it will settle the whole ques tion. "I have tried Simmons Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia and find It Just the thing to relieve me. A small dose after meals Is sure to prevent indiges tion." S. S. Perkins, Sharon, fia "It is the best medicine to aid digestion." J. H. Black, Duncan, Arizona. Among the gifts of the Prince of Sa les to his bride is a ring formed of four circlets, each with a stone of a liferent color a brilliant, a sapphire. ruby and an emerald. These four coi rs contain the national colors of Italy nd Montenegro, those of Italy being hite, red and ureen, those of Montene- ro white, red and blue. The old lady was right when she said the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup before. Chas. Rogers. It is stated that Cardinal Parroocchi 111 from this time forward cease to act as vicar of Rome. The pope, w ho one time contemplated appointing Cardinal Gottl as the new vicar, ap pears now to have fixed upon Cardinal Jocoblnl, who will be nominated to the post on his arrlvel In Rome. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 1 b m rnit vr'ipn. guccn Wllhelmlnn of Holland l not likely to become eniiiitiiM very soon a little speech she I said to have made recently Is authentic: "I am very fond of my Milijctttn. and 1 hope to pleas them lit every way, but If they think they are to have a voice In the selection of my future husband they never made a greater mistake, If they take any ex ti vine measure. I shall be more dv tcrmlncd than ever, for I am resolved they must not coerce me Into a mar riage which I distasteful. I shall not mnrry iinliwi I am allowed some voice In the matter. 'Exc ise me," observe! d the man In spectacles, "Put I am a sttigeon, and that Is not where the liver Is." "Never you mind where his Uxor Is," retorted the other. "If It was In his big toe or His left ear P Wtl s Little r;ariy Risers would rem h It and ahuko It for him. in that you run bet your gig lump." Ilia. Rogers. Theie Is some Hlllllty." says the Loudon Ki lns "that Count Tolstoi may visit Knulnnd this Christmas. At any rate he Is thinking of going to Sued some time In the autumn, and an effort will certainly be made to extend his visit to thl country. Fortunately the veteran Russian novelist and prophet, w ho has lately abandoned his long novel to write a seml-rellglous book for children, speak English pretty fluent ly," The old way of delivering message by postboy compared with the modern tel phone. Illustrate the old tedious met nods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chaa Rog re. Iirtl Oufferin, English ambassador to, Purls, has Just presented his paper of recall to President Fan re at th Ely see Palace. He was escorted from the embassy, a proceeding somewhat un usual in republican France, by a bat tallon of the Twenty-eighth regiment of the line. During the entire route of the procession, th regimental band played "Hod Save the yueen." TO t'I'KK A rotit IN OMC ItAV. Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablet. All druKKists refund the money if It fails to cure. 25c. For sale by Chaa Roger. Druggist. Mrs. S. Stuart Frackelton. America' most not ml Htter and mineral painter, is offering a diamond medal for the best model for a cup and saucer. In order to encourage modeling, and to s.'e If something truly American cannot be called forth. It Is Mrs. Shack elton's belief that If students would only commence at clay. In time they would arrive at splendid results In the way of pottery, especially as this coun try abounds In choice clays. ROYAL Baking Powder bas beta awarded highest honors at every world talt where exhibited. Visitors to New Orleans always no tice with interest the negro nuns who are occasionally seen on the streets of that city. They belong to the Holy Family of Sisters, which waa founded in 1S42 by four free colored women. In the convent there are at present slxty elcht sisters, twenty-six novitiates, and six candidates. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and Invariably reliable are the quail- tics of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls In colds, croup and lung trou bles. Children like it because It Is pleasant to take and it helps them. Chaa Rogers. As evidence of the extravlgant man agement of public business It is cited that members of congress can have their speeches printed by private firm more cheaply than by the government printing office, although the latter charges nothing but actual cost of pa per, Ink and labor, and uses the plates from which the matter was printed In the Congressional Directory. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and Hps, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by DeWltt'i Witch Hazel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It always cures them. Chas. Rogers. A Yankee milkman In Dover, Me., has made a great reputation for liberality among his customers by presenting each of them every year with an enor. mous pumpkin. It has now been dls covered that he sells enough extra milk for pumpkin pies to not only reim burse him for his apparent generosity, but to moke a handsome prollt besides. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply DeWItt' Witch Ha zel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chas. Rogers. lyoulslana recently passed a law against the thmter hat. The women rebelled at llrst and declared they would not obey It, but when It came to the est they submitted gracefully, and now verythlng is lovely. There are more women seen at the theaters at New Or gans this season than ever before, and hey all tuke off their hats to the new law. This is hopeful. The length of life may be increased y lessening Its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. The only full-blooded negro poet which this country has produced is Paul Lawrence Dunbar, who only a short time ago was an elevator boy in Day ton, Ohio, Ills parents were slaves and he Is a pure African. His poems will appear In the near future In a book for which Mr. W. D. Howell has writ- en an Introduction. OABTOTIIA. Tit fu ll alt in Hcutan Ittrf vufpat, f OUTWARD HOUND 0UK00N GRAIN kaii.mi., AiiKiial .1 Am lmrk , li ner ship,,,, J lir hii. Nn NMIOIII (' mien I iMnllivrUiid.hhi cUcminiMtiiilitiol IllrvnhiliUt ,, llUrlatid til iirnlilp..,, ! limlilii Sl'l't. t4 tir lil i Uh k Tin more llHr-r bark ,lmUneicltH . , ,,. Mir Imrk 'sumci ,,,,, ""hip Iloml ,Klii,tmry Hr Iwtk lhrleiMirt drhl .,,tlv.i...lBle Octbr sinruarK. ...itllllt -treaiu . lllltr Imrk 1'iielc! ,,,a Mwlgwvii . ,. ,, lllrera'lnlii , , Itenrleile ,..., Aatorla , I laiiuitruii Anitrn.W 1'J Hi .Inn ., . 1.' Hr hark. I"illri!ilii.. iiT Slitp SMIr hark ;illr alllp r nip Hi twik . S.iitr hark. ialrm ("Mile 'llt ltn sierra Kalralla Nov. ;,llr hirk. Jv I, Hr lilu. . A"ii!ali .,,,.. . .. Ktltnood , . Mem wen ... .. litrlrtU..., , .... Nareiua. ... IUviiU i...l.ll .... rlitftmtfonl .,., .. Sin.s.lals ,. II a lee .... Melrtltope , . . IVIeMi .... . Pelithealle. Inoltcapi nock . . l.ltHlen . , , . IVilUlloell ., . . Twl-!H!ir!le.,.M.. Mr lili... , Hr ship Mir itis Mir liiti llr Lsrk . . , i. Hr "hie ... hi Hr l!iV ..... Itillr Ixirk i: Hr -inn i:ltr.lii. IniHi 'lllll... llr ship .. Iirhli llr trk . II' h.rk.. . llr l'ik .. Hr ! irk .. A l.Yttti UIM lloiii. Value ili.tUl II 111 wliuoii II Alui t-ViJ lll Hour. Tlo II..U'. value VmI ihi, II - ln.rt. I.I.U il.inr, vslim VESSKFaS ON THK Kevued and t'urrrcisd ererf I rliU) I roar aa I LSi ran and mams. Nr.W VOKK Shli. lUurr V ard I'allou SiwIUiJZ kobliiaon .... Kee , . CAIXAiw Hrlurk lllshland rorMtl Hr hark lisiea 1 UVKhl'OOl. Mr lur Kullanrs NKWCASI LK. N.S. W. Hr Dark caiuliilnl Hr arup ( It; o( Madras . . llr ihio lilaualvau. . ... llr hark Solkerk.hlrn Urimthl. kerr . ... Kill I'K JASK1RO Hr htp Kiln riiiimaal Hr hip IVuKwerml Mr iMiik lie ,.. tier ttark Una. llaim Kulw hayirr YoKollAMA- I Rowland . Audaraou Hrihlp lluiu.a Hall) Hr hli A'latlo Prlueel MOM A ll. KU. Hr lark IIotIiikI ... Brihlp lion-nhy Rail. IHIIT I'lltlK- Hr liii port Jackiou HiiKoliATK- Am ichr I'arrler mira..: .. Wick ham. ,. IIo.Ua ..'Uudvall ... ..Paries . i - Jnura . SANTA KHS.U.I l- Hr ihln Vortlsern Hr ahip CBawpton ... HMII i- Hr hlp lnrliire VAI.I'AKAIMii- swe.l Mi p ..v l.uiil. Hr tmrk l. ird Kluni ...... veiiiimi . . Hirlwrt . . 'Thuniaa . . . Hoat'h . Heu Kraier . McJIiirtry ... t Hlmonarn.. . I.OIa- Hrhark Rnllo Hrah p KockllllrM . Hr !hm Viiitiuartil. NaAs iKI Mill.l.KMin Hr hli Klnkura. !IIANIAI Ami l.ktu t'hrhalli TIKMSIN Am bkiu Athlenila.... . .... Perry . SYI'NKV a-Hrihlp llaokulale HttPKHKNCKN 1 Sot B. went a-horo fire mile north of ()' Harbor. Nor 10 and wna ordered to Portland Total tonnage on the Ham tlm Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. m4 unn 01 a lamnu Vuiii or d-atuw irtaiifiililfA- I'sUiisl BEFORE aRO AFTER fU ilia hormnof 1 VkV u miir-s-sj Bin 1 ,nm nnnmry orwnnmut Usiuuutiut CtTPlDElVK tnkTirthfManil nmUtrfmrnmeiM wik nrirafisv The raon mifTrrf n am nl rarfxl by sProataMIII. jf OKNfClithHoni knuwn aia a wniwn rnpiranirr kifwo aim mnnff rfiiimiu u in imii anra no Ul0abox,iilx mail. Hml tntrmmm circular am) IMLlwoolalsj. CHAS ItOOEKH, 4itt Tell the ticket aent to tli ki-t you via th.- Ilur linKton Itoutu and he will do so. T. II him you want your thket t. read via 1111 llriKx, Mont., and the New Short Line and It will road that way. Tell him you want It to read via Ht. I'aul and the HurlliiKton Koute and it will read via Ht. I'aul and the liurllntrton Houte. The service over both linos Is as Kood as can be. To Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and the South, the time via Hillings Is several hour faster than via Bt. Paul. To Chicago It I about the same. A. C. BHELDON, O. A., Portland, Oregon. FROM NOW TTNTIIj SPRING Overcoats and winter wraps will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling; In the steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for aafety, no other line can compare with this great railway of th. West (Iti'vlsstl and t'orrected svary Krlilay) r aci iuaMi ron t'SNTAI IHN Vlaillviwlock I. 'lit I'orl Nalal.,, I.S4i t.lverpmtl IVJ Also Hay.,.,, I'MiOurk ..... liiMII , Kll A II W,IVM Sl.lNl 4I.JIM k 4l,lt i,arai IIM'Ut 4-J,n;i f.,iiin 4V4 sJ.IIU tiMM m.eo .v.wm M.WCI !, n,u.v H M..MI Sl.lWt 4J,WI NI.IWI J,IJ K..V7't lKI.I-0 K.,71" llll T. M.IMl ANt Hull :i J Sill, .ill as IIWU Iv.H ):rrs Inm H U;rV ITU Cork " Jill! ' I.M'T " HIM, " ,, .,, IMI fork , MMMIMmw. - ill Is, " .i Fwr " tl'Jt Liverpool , U.iuork ..'pus Onrk , .. hi7 fork ...m-.. ... ,'m; ivrk ,. ... I; c,nk H 01 Cork Iuk k M. Iims Cork linn tVirk , Uim , ... h'.'f . . ... JAW ..ilka; . 'tU TiluTn.iHF JOl iV.r.17.." ij,7iV. T.:.l K-AUo JJ.7i fl'.i .1, rauv aiSAH. r vi.i!) WAY TO OUKGON. lui luvt Un UAH Hilttiin A Beb AO AAl HMt'liiAAl itliyW.ACo. KH Haiti l" III) A I I7:V IUIAI 1114 HVAI Hilfoiir. iluihrlv Co . J IjiI.IUw A C , ltim A Kurr. ... Tlt.ttiiaa l!l(? IfMll "Ilwj mm rlauu.. I i l.i liuAl .illlW HWAl ,'iwm iiOai III HUAI J k I'auifMB Co I IH0A I J R Canierua Co .lis UUAI I I .j'il.rj iouai ri . 1k HOAI Am. Tradtuf Co .... . IM I US A I lAuoU l. i 7 IU0A1 iifc ima i IK I II IwiAl ic hai J KCaiasren AO . lsjjlWAI slmnaou Lumber Co . I i SJ7' si.npion Lmbr t'o. I Iron 1-ArrWtd nS Ban FTaMltr In I'aA-.Tt.JSJ. gain tiro In s4 . Astoria and McKee Ave. Situated oil the noutli nidi of Antoriu'ij hills. Iwenty tlercefl wnrmor antl vepctatinn Hi) dnys in advance of tli North mue Macnificont it?n for n. idencoH, overlooking river and bay, sunny and nhel terttl. Easy and natural grades ; little or no grading needed MANHOOD RESTORED " CUPIDCNC VlttllBr,U.riaji-rt. rrtrncD pnyik-uii, will qutrklr nur j ol ili grrxTativ orwn t, ucli Li ir nura ViHjor all tier of all 11 FiiupltTVnauiwN Ui Marry, iCiliaiMtln Dr.i., Vrtror-i tVniii Inutlun. IlatniMi all tmnm hr ilr or tilffhL l' qtiU t brMUl Uirhll. wlilrh If notrhnrVd ImjIn tn HiNnnMfirrtio and lit tli lli'bt sti.rTilnal a .,,-.. .... KJ it. Impouprr. (irioiil VJeluauMallM u Inwioni In brmuiw ntnty preatil art trnvrMM wfih rrmrrtr tciFwUliomnnrrtWm. Im)rtilmnl. Commercial fitret. nt sin snn.pnw.nrmt rnii)r ri.r tiutirrnr( lft, gp.rinatorrliiB., Whtimi, unnatural ill., rliar.'i, ur anr InflMmma Unn. Irrllallua ur ulrvra- r...u W.M.I.. tlon ft ni uc out ninni- lt!mCHIS'rilt!l. sranna. ,,0 f Sol r imnuu, i un. mm In nl.ln .nnwr i vj Fn"i i'"ii, n fi flu, or a Kttl, p.7 l.r vspmai, prvpsiu, mi m uirciilftr wu ua rouu r-.firUli DlataM. Hrm4. rCNNVsjYAL PILLS 7v irrlgliiiil..iriilr Unlv CUntiln, irvKi tntitrt imgtum. Dim Jhali odd MI iff Mil I'l H41 lih bin- TiBi MwtkrP. If turn afaVMsWfM t (sA4ir. IMtW'llfl i(lm. A I Oftiialat. r sasmJalsv 1 lamnp for MnlcnUrf, iMmlJ u3 " Hllr Tnr I.r1lr.n in liter, br r(aPT. ifuotiUli. Seme t'mfer lAlakaalsvl L.aal.aill y.JI... Lam utaatu. VkUayHmtm ATSORIA PUBLIC LIBRflHY RBADINO ROOM FRHH TO ALL. Open svery day from t o'olook to I and :M to I'M p. tn. Bubsortptlon rates It per annum. 8.W. COR. ELEVENTH A DUANE TB. AN ENIOMATICAIi BILL OF FARE. For a dlnnnr, served on th Dining car of th Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Paul Railway, will be lent to any addre on receipt of a two-cent poatag stamp. Apply to Oeo. H. HeafTord, General Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Bunding, Chi cago, Illinois. f f 1 1 t d.rU J . J IIUIMlrH SJ at. m Im itrl...r.' viiscimi . a. u. a. a. v. it Msttwaa FLlWTH8-7. NIIII'I'KM, l.rll.i., limit Mill.", Mil.., .ii A Kerr l,ll Jtl.tskl "m,.H) 4 1, OH 7.Vkl "'i,iMi' ;u,.k "'m.ii'iii" . u 4',M (II NO 41. AH ..,iU ft.jwl ill,) ftl1i IU l ni,. li.uuo "hi.rt'nV HI.KI0 r; mi 1U.IHI ft I. Ill) Mng 7,lM ll.',,' ; vi I,..!) II.',,. l J,MM IUII.. .r, nullum A ,. " " 'i " . ,1 II II ( i ltd I III M I III Id I III! IM I Ua Sij I l. d j Ii i in Id I H J It I'Miu'roii A Co Halfour. liiillirln.t no..,. Hlli'on A Kurr . I'nrtlrliil Klimr Mill" Ilal'oiir, ilmlirlii . Do , , .1 It llalliemll a Co. ,, , PorllHiid Hour Mllli t'o,,, ;Mllioll A Kurr . Halfour, lliilluls anil en . HI hum A Kerr., I ;i"' J It Iwiiinnni Co Ilallimr, llullnls A l.'o, J II Comrniii A Co iHHwin A Kerr lUlliiiir loillirl A I'o . lit ill M til In Ml III U Mi .,... Hi IK M fi i M l IH,.,U til III u if lua...... U III M niiHiui n rti'rr .,... ...,.mmm.m 'I'mtlaiiil Mini.,. ,iVHilain rhsir Mlila...... J M Cameron A U ...... H M " IPnlfiMir. Outline A Co .. IhiImoii A K.rr I'urllaiiii Vluur Mill .... lUlloiir, liullirlr A On.. SUmin Kerr, J H I 'ollleMli a I'll 1 ..oii A hrrr Ilnl ntir, IJiillirts A !.., .1 H raliltmiu a Co Itaifniir, murine A Co... .1 II l'llirr,.ll a Co HalliHir, tin l In Is A Co.. All I. ,. Ml lla M till AH l H HI AM l"l ... Kl M l l I0i. v til III W All "I .... I HUM Il'.irlliu.l Pleiir Ml l ,.!.. j. M'ifniirj iluiiirli- Aj Co ., "Tt-Ai;g"ai"iiHii"fu" valun WAo." ijilt ituur. Tutus si,nu, u in, I u.M) Alio 7,.-u lilili 0.R&N. OIVKS CHOICE OF -2- TRAHSCOHTIflEHTAb : R0UTH5. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogden, Denvep and Omaha or St. Paul Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Cbalr Cars sws 1 1 ' i Astoria to Sao Fraoolsoo. Coltmil'l, Butiday. Novonibr 39. State of I'al., Friday, lvinilivr 4. OiltimWa, WeilnrsiUy. IWonirw-r I. rttate of Cel., Monday, liecembrr 14. Columbia, Hat unlay, IHenibr It. Slat of Cal., Thursday, Iei eqilirr 14. Columbia. Tui-dy. U)rmlr I Astoria and Portland SttaoMra. T. 1. Potter loaves Astoria lit 1 a. dally eliept Sunday. Loav) Portlaad dully at I p. m., Hunday excepted. Bat urday at 11 p. m. ' Teloiihime ltve Astoria dally el oept Sunday at ? p. m. leaves Port land dally except Sunday at T a. m. For rats and geaeral Infanaatloa esll on or address O. W. LOUNflUERRY, Agent W. H. IIURLBURT. Oen. Ia At., Portland, Or. k. McNeill, President and Manager. evwT. T)DB aaaatfa. OltlOM TSjTS, COraiOMTS- Ma. !r rnrnnsaririatM n Hivlliu., orlla ki Mt'NN a COu I Baiuuwar, ftw trim. ni-wi bareee per amirtii mmu is n lrr ralvtil lake oul tr u la l.nnuhl liTbrtore the ixiUia by a nuuoe ilraa tree ul abuse la it Ui nrael errraUttm of anr arianttfln paper I the ld. Biilaiulkllr lllu.lrtoj N luu..n a ahnaU b wluxail IV Warklr, a.l.OOa ariljiielannilia A.Um, Ml'Vi uu ul him a SI Unmdwmt. Hew Hark Ctir, WHITE COLLAR LINE TELEPHONE AND BAILEY GATZERT Astoria and Portland Telcphono leave Astoria dally ex cept Hunday at T p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Hunday at 7 a. m. T. J. Potter leaves Aetorla at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leave Portland daily at K p. m., Hunday excepted. Sat urdays at 11 p. m. Ticket good on both boat. U. B. HOOTT, President E. A. Sneley, Agent. Portland. C. W. Btone, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. 11. TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... as. ALasLaat) OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Selling data to and Irem Tillamook and Nehalam depend upon the weether. Por Freight and Paaaengor Ret Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS R. 0. A N. CO., AganU, PortUnd J eottntlflo America I D a T'JSaH