THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, THURSDAY MOltNINU, NOV KM HER 2, !.). Sally glotovimu JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Teliphon. No. Ht. TERMS Or Bl'BSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per 5tr W.00 Bent by mail, per mouth M Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WEKKLT. at by mall per year, C In advance, postage free, to aubacrlbera. All communication Intended for publi cation ibould be directed to the editor. BuaJnea communication of all ktnJs and remittance mutt ba addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantee to tta aub acrlbera tha largest circulation of any jawapaper published on tha Columbia ,-trer. Advertising rate can b had on appli cation to tha buainaaa manager. Toe Weekly Aatorian, tha aecond oldest araekly In tha atata of Oregon, baa, text to the Portland Oregonlan, tha Urgent weekly circulation In tha atata. J do. F. Hendl.y Co., ara our Port and agent, and coplea of The Aatorian eaa ba had awry morntnc at their atand, m Third street. The "Aatorlaa" hereby anVra ta rioaate h'hO'DRID DOLLARS to St. Mary's asltal, payable oa denia-4 ta Father BMai wheaeve- legal eTldeaea U pra tM4 allowing that aay afleraooa wt gaper pabllakeel la Aatorla haa ariaWd wtthla tha laat ninety dajs expiring be fore thl offer a elare ape-lal" or tkwr klad of "telegraphic press report," vaaaUad aver tha wlrea eas-rlng either f tka telegraph emcea la Astoria, froaa aay point eaulde of Orrroa. Aatorla, Or.. October 15, l. REPUBLICAN OBLIGATIONS TO DEMOCRATS. The Astorlan haa no patlenw with that mawkish sentimentality which In spires the suggestion heard in some quarters that the Republican party ts under obligations to the "Patriotic Democrats" who were driven to favor HcKinley's election In order to rebuke the rape of their own party and avert the disaster to the country Involved In hte triumph of Bryanism. Vnless we have misread history, the last campaign does not afford the only Instance on record when the life and honor or tne nation was so obviously dependent upon the success of Republican leaders and Republican principles that patriotic men of all classes laid aside minor dif terraces of opinion and united their forces for that purpose. It is an old saying that virtue has Its own reward, and there Is a solecism in the proposi tion that one class of citizens can owe recompense to another for loyalty in the common cause of & common coun try. At any rate, if there Is to be any talk of obligation, it seems to us the shoe is on the other foot. If anybody is deserving of especial praise and grat itude for the glorious results of the last election. It Is the Republicans who for years past have never faltered or paltered In their determination to pre serve their party organisation and prin ciples inviolate from the heresies and schisms which took possession of the ether parties, and who by this consist ent course of duty were able in the h:ur of peril to offer a refuge and rallying point for all good citizens who de?ird to aid Id the (W'ns'e of the country against the strongest combination of foes that ever threatened its honor and existence. The Republican party owes nothing to any Democrat, but the pa triotic Democrats owe more to the Re publican party than they will ever ac knowledge. Any talk among Republi cans of a compromise of Republican principles, out of consideration for the delicate sensibilities of patriotic Dem ocrats on the tariff and other great Re publican doctrines, is nothing less than party TREASON. There Is good reason to believe the Idea was Inspired by Democrats who were ashamed of their former political associations and too de cent, now that they have had an ex cuse for leaping the chasm, to ever want to go back to them. These men must be given to understand at thecfn l" her. if she needs persua rery outset of their new alliance that,"'0"' to take Dr' favorite Pre- ff they want to stay with the Repub lican party they must take it &a th?y find it. Take It, so far as Its principles and policies are concerned. Just as it was Inherited by Its present standard bear ers from the immortal Lincoln, the no ble and magnanimous Grant, the bril liant and Incomparable Blaine. So far as the return of this country to the principle of the protective tariff is con- , , , , , passed upon direct y, decisively, and , , . , J ' affirmatively by a large majority of . , , . me y.rr.eriean iirtne ions o-'Wie ine Insane and frenzied promulgations of the Chicago mob convention fired the fagots of discord and hatred on every hilltop and in every valley of the country. Day by day, ever since .. the defeat of the Bryan forces, evi dence has been accumulating that the people are slowly but surely recovering their reason. The millions of men who have -been reduced to starvation and desperation by the free trade and col lateral mistakes of the Cleveland re gime want work, and the Republican party is pledged to give it to them. This can only be done by starting the fires under the furnaces of our own mills and intercepting for the benefit of our ow n people the rich returns now going from this country to fatten the peasant hordes of Europe. Let our mills, our factories, our farms, and every other industry and source of pro duction be revived, and encouraged at the earliest possible moment. McKin ley will be untrue to his party and his country, and unfaithful to actual and implied pledges if he falls to call a special session of congress on March 3 to remedy the wrongs and restore the rights of his fellow countrymen. There will bo. no obstruction in the senate to the. passage of another McKInley bill; the condition of the country de mands it, and no renegade Republican or Northern Democrat will dare lift a hand to prevent It. There can be no such thing as over production, but with McKInley protection to revivify our prostrate Industrie and with the gold en key of Hlalne Reciprocity to unlock the sate of foreign markets, the re cuperation of our country from the shocks and disasters of the past four year will be the moat rapid and mar velous ever recorded In history. THEY DID NOT KNOW. During the campaign lVpocrat sneered at confidence. They said It would not buy a loaf of bread, would not turn a wheel In n factory, and would not light a furnace. They said It was more money, not confidence, that the people were clam oring for. Well, the election is over, but Sic Kinley ts not yet president. No laws have been enacted for the management of governmental affairs. The same conditions prevail now as oid one month ago. And yet a great change Is tiikinis place. There ts a rurh of new accounts nt every bank. The treasury doe not know what to do with the gold that Is pouring In. Factories th.U have been Idle for months are now open. Arrangements are being made to push forward great enterprises. Thousands of idle workmen are again busy. Idle money is now asking to be used. lies) estate dealers are being over whelmed by Inquiries. Mills are being besieged with orders, and these orders are marked' "rush." It Is like the end of a great national vacation. What haa produced thla remarkable change except confidence? Nothing. It Is due to the success of the Repub lican party at the polls, a knowledge and a confidence that for another four years nothing will be done to unsettle business and Intimidate capital. And this is what confidence does that confidence at which Popocrats sneered. Once again the season of general thanksgiving has returned. Today, in all the churches throughout all the land the sound of music and paeans of praise w ill be heard. The people of a great nation v. Ill give humble and hear ty thanks that peace and a promise of prosperity reign throughout the length and breadth of the land, and that the honor and integrity of the nation has ! been preserved against the attacks of demagogues; that work Is being pro vided for the laborer, new Industries developed and the erstwhile silent mills opened on the eve of a severe winter. 1 hanks will be duly rendered that our foreign relations are so peaceable and : atisfactory ; that the Cuban trouble is Hearing a settlement, and that while the face of Europe is 'clouded, the chames for actual war are growing more and more remote. Here in Clat sop county all will rejoice that the peo ple stood together so closely on the vi tal issue of the late presidential cam paign, and paved the way for the free and unlimited Investment of capital at the mouth of the Columbia, There are no distressing cases of want In the city. and each and all can eat turkey today with full hearts and the sense of satis faction arising from contentment and the knowledge of duty well performed and at the right time. If the seawall bill Is much longer de layed, the sluicing 1w the hills into the ibay w ill be so far ahead of It that the ; LcrVir line will have to be re-a-ljusud. Thi primaries passed off smoothly and without opposition. This Indicates harmonious action and Republican vic tor)' on the 9th of December. The man who stands idly by and sees the life fading out of his wife's face, sees her health going, sees her becoming old and faded and wrinkled, when she should still be In the perfect enjoyment of vigorous, useful health, Is either less than a man or else does not know of the one remedy that will bring her back to health and strength. Perhaps her husband cannot persuade her to go to the doctor, because she naturally dreads the inevitable "exam inations" and "local treatments." He enpuon. i nis truly wonaerrul med icine has cured hundreds of women after the best physicians have failed. ilt has been In constant use and tested every day fur thirty years. It isn't an experiment; there are no chances about it. It is a certain cure for all derangements, weaknesses, Irregularl tiesand displacements of internal or gans peculiar to women. An auditor In a Japanese theatre Is '.,., ,). : allowed, for a small fee, to stand up, ,,,, , - . . , ., ,, ar"l the unfortunate Individual behind him has no right to remonstrate or to ri and get a peep ut the stage. He may h-ar, but he cannot see. The secret of a speedy cure in sick ness lies in selecting the proper remedy and this Is difficult to do unless one is sure what the ailment Is. But one thing is sur-had the liver been act ively at work sickness could not have come. It Is then always safe to take Simons Liver egulatur, which keeps the Simmons Liver Regulator, which keeps the liver well regulated and all poison expelled from the system. The specie room on ocean steamships is usually 16 feet long, 10 feet wide and 8 feet high. It is formed of steel plates a quarter of an Inch thick, with a steel door, which has a burglar-proof combi nation H'k. Qnlrklr.Tltoroiiehlr, Forever Cored. Four out of five who suffer nervoasnera, mental worry, at tacks of " the bl lies," are but paying (be penalty of eariy excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don't desialr. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ER'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little iuoim than the COM of ordinary trade cigarettes will fin J ths PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the Inhet r.t Hold It.. grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY - An observer at Dumfries, Scotland. says that there Is a stretch of heather in that district which in the season of bloom Is simply sw arming with bees,. and the nearest hive are from six to seven mile distant. FREB PILLS. Send your addrea to H. E. Buoklen Cow. Chicago, and get a free sample bos of Dr. King' New Ufa Pills A trial will convince you of their merit. The pill are easy In action and are particu larly effective In tha our of Constipation and Sick Headache, For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub. stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by Living tone to stomach and bowels great- ly tnvlgoraet the system. Regular else, So per box. Sold by Chaa. Roger, Drua-a-ist. A stmnge custom prevails In Slam, when a funeral Is passing The female ' observer take down their hair, and ' the men feel In their pockets fur a) piece of metal to plnce between their j teeth. ALL FRKE. Those who have used Dr. King' New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug- gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen j ft Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of New Life Pills free, as well as a I copy of Gulda to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which la guar- anteed to do you good and cot you ' nothing. Chaa. Rogers, druggist. Odd I Fellow' building. , . , , , , , . . A notable municipal scheme has been started in. Glasgow, w here the munici pal authorities have erected a series of lodging houses, which combine com fort aod cleanliness with cheapness. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, feverlhav Pure- r,ch and abundant blood sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corn, and all akin eruptions, and Dos- Itlve cure for piles, or no pay required. T t la ffunrftntMul fft irivat rwrfpet antli , 1 faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 1 , . . .... ; cents per box. For sale by Charles ; Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. It has been found that the imaginary line about which the earth rotates once a day is not invariably fixed with refer ence to the earth, but Is continually changing its position around that body. "Excuse me." observeed the man In spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not where the liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver Is," retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe or his left ear De Wtt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your glg- lamp8." Chas. Rogers. One hundred and nine thouxand lo comotives are now running in various countries. Europe has 63.000, Asia 3.300, Australia 2.000, and Africa 700. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. and Invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It nev er falls in colds, croup and lung trou bles. Chlidien like It because It Is pleasant to take and It helps them. Chas. Rogers. A plant that grows In India called the phllotacea electrlca, emits electric sparks. The hand which touches It Im mediately ex periences a shock. The old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, Illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rog res. In ISOl one person of every three in the Cnlled Kingdom professed the Ro- mlst faith; now only one of every seven belongs to that communion. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply DeWltt's Witch Ha zel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chas. Rogers. Wheat costs in Maryland $15.28 per acre, which must be disbursed by the farnler In labor or capital before his grain can be shipped. All things seem to be coming our way at once. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. fan art vuipan TELL IT OUT. Don't alt down and wait for trade, 'Taint th way, Oct a hustle, inak her show, Push your business make her go, tou't alt down und w ait for trade, 'Taint the way, 'Tain tha way, If you've got something to sell, Tell It about, Let your neighbors ce you're "fly," Get up "bargains," don't say die, If you've anything to sell, Tell It out. Tell It out. Folks don't know you If you don't ) Advertise, Keep things tnovltt' every day, ' Talk about It: that' the way, i'iik won't know you If you don't Advertise, Advertise. FItOM NOW UNTIL KPHINO ! Overcoat and winter wrapa will hi In i fashion. They ran be discarded, tempnr i rtrlly while traveling In the stfamh. ated tialns of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St i Paul Railway. For solid eomf Jrl. for : noted and for safety, no other line ran , eon,,,,-, W, this great railway of lb west I Moat so-called "salmon twtnfa" are oo. artd with acid. The acid rot the fibre and render the material useless. In ths J oince of Elmore. Sanborn Co. la an ob- ; all fishermen. It la the whole of tha ; material used In the manufacture of Mar- ' shall' t twlne-from atari to finish. Oe there and examine the color right through. Tou will see then why Mar- hall's I called the beat In I he world. j The llrst cotton mill In this country was established In Heverly. Mass., In UtsT. It was deelgned to manufacture enrd and bed ticking, I The length of life may be Increased .by lessening Its dangers. The majority .of people die from lung troubles. These Intay be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Itogers. I The first visit of pestilential fever to this country as In 1T0J. It wan brought mini the West Indies to New York by trading vessel. The old lai'.y was right when sin snld the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One M!n- lite Cough Cure. She had usi d It for croup before. Chaa. Itogers. The first American college was liar- Ivanl, which was oened to receive stu- dents In Itit.s. at Newton. Mass, now called Cambridge. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lip, cuts, bruises, scalds, hum are quickly cured by DeWltt't Witch Haxel Salve. It I at present the article most used for plies, and It 'always cures them. Chaa. Rogers. In the province of Ontario. Canada. the yield of wheat per acre I IS. 2; al most exactly the same as Tasmania. where it Is 18. It ts a fixed and Immutable law that to have good sound health, one muat (There is no shorter nor surer route 1 than by a course of DeUitt's Sarsapa- r"la- L has. Rogers. There Is no bicycle factory In Japan ' that has yet turned out a wheel that an u,.-r .uU.u .r tl j mueii ii'H nut?. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's talc where exhibited. The average yield of wheat In Ger many and Italy is about the same; that of the former being 10.2 bushels, and the latter 10.4. Soothing, and not Irritating, strength enlng, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Chas Rogers. The Apit city IncorporuKxl In this country with a charter and privileges was New York, which was granted its papers In 1664. TO CI UK A 101.11 in iim: day, Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. By a recent order ail Boston police men ure prohibited from leaning against any upright object during work ing hours. O-A.STOH.I. n fi ) unlit jf- . . ENGLISH CAPITAL, FOB AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to American seeking Eng lish Capttal for new enterprises. A lfaat containing the names and addresses 01 3M successful promoter who have placed over 100,000.000 Sterling In Foreign In vestments within the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of 189S. I'rlcs, 5, or 123, payable by postal order to tho London and Universal Ba reau of Investor, 20, Chenpslde, London, E. C. Subscribers wll be entitled, by ar rangement with the director to receive either personal! or letters of lntroductoln to any of these succsaaful promoters. This list Is first olasa In every respect, and every man or Arm whose name ap peal therein may be depended upon. For placing Che following It will be found Invaluable Bonds or Bhare of In dustrial, Commercial and Financial con cerns, Mortgage loans. Sals of Lands Patents or Mines. Directi) rai sin EDWARD C. R083, HON. WALTER C. PEPYB. CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFK. j Coprid, WHEN tM roitTLANB Call on Jno. iT. Handley A Co., 134 Third street, and net the Daily Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. OUTWAM) HOUND OUKGON CHAIN (Kevlartl and Corrected every rrlilav) HVll.KH H.MI, MM. Annual .1 4m Imrk,, Sniioiu II tier hli i ' hiv ,, , :y lir M hiIi. rUml-Mi.'l Nl ir litp..., i'l.'muiiaiislltie . Sent. .' llr.lilu Ilrvlilill la II lis .lilp It .r'ainl... V"J itr inn IMtltope .... . tf.!..rlia V , ptnmore H. 9H Cr bark ,.'ililll)llci-llu. .,.,.... IVlbr Mir hark., . . Suaae NMfluo .ur,l Sliatielniry Will iMik ... K irlieoiirt i Hi illllt ,, t lyileailalr.,,. v Itr t r lurk , liui trtiiim ..., lllllr lima... l"ite ...'lliyiihllila. ' M. t'lii w vii ..... KWe-IAl0 .. . .. liottrleili ; .. vtlori ... I tnillaltrm' . ... Amir! . . . iul(.irm i'a'il. ... HI'Tlit Klill . . I n v . . . . A HM'aley , . , . KlllWMOtt . . t(litwn Inirlimli ..., ., NiiriM-u- ... lUvl'ln . . . deulttt rholmb'rd Mtnti ... II 11 . Meliiiopti ... I Vie . .. Ivutliostlea Illrlieam Ml"k . . .. l.llliilMI , ... I'.i.ialliH'li ... ... T. hI1uv , 1J llrlMik.. I"lllr Klilu .'Jlll.T . as, lr 1'itrk . . Jl"f M . '.'iillrlutik l lr tAr , 'JMhr nil i .vilrb.rk tt.llr liin.... ! Ill' -Mi. ii Ur liii 11 llr Hilly ..... Itr -In. 1 I 1 Mr Iwrk - . Inllr 1I1111 ... lei Ur link ITIIIr Imra,... Ii iir-lii,i ... Ullr .hie Willi liii. Nov. . illr.lili . 'ttrlilii llr hark llr l ik llr ln'k . . Itr Kirk ... -LVlltt him rieli' value 1li,iui 0-111 aainmn Mil tl.inr, vl .i.m K-Alao 11, 7 K htls Ou r, 'u a,arj, C-,! iliiur, value .') tm, II - Ih.hi I1I1I, rtmir, valua avi.imu VESSELS ON THE (Keviirtl ami 4'ur isiar smi. id raoM asn Kami. NkW VnltK- Shlp Henry Villanl CAI.IJtlV. Hrliark lll(hland rorl...... r bark Pace I MVkKI-OOI- Hr lnii Kellanre- NKWCASTI.K, N.8. W, Hr l4ik t ai.ili.l.I Hr slim I'll o( Madraa). Hr lili. lll.iielv.ii Itr iiitk Solkerkhlr ....,.., Kill !K JANKIKiK Kr-hii Kute lh. iim,t- Hr slnp IViiKvierii'I hr eai lv lirr liark l.liia.... . . . .,.... VHKHIIAMA- llr hln llntiun Hall) Hr shin M.tle l'mieel JHUS I'KVIIiKi- Itr Hark H.vIiik! . Hr lup Isiyouhy llalL. IHII1 I1KIK- Itr lilp I'urt Jaekvm UllKliUATK- Am ii lir iurrirr Peve SAN I I Kl.SAl.1 .- Mr nhiii Viiriih-eru Hr iil l'na i.ii hi .. II HI V- 11 r .lilp Pnivliu e! VAU'lltAlMn- Mie.t Hi, u I. .1 Hr tark I.or.l KUm i,r- Hr balk Rnllo .. ........... llr sh .1 Km kliur-l llr -lilp X'.tiiiimnii N aii is 1 Kl l-llr.l.a k Zd.lla: Miil.l.KMin Hr 'iilp Klnkora I 1 1 A N 1 . 1 1 A 1 Am likm I'lielialu .. . Am tikln Ailileiuls .XYHNKV -Hf snip Hawkvillr . . .. I'allpu 'Nieoll.. Rutiltimu ., K-e lUrlltllhs an Tiumiaa Hav ea ... Hetiertaim K)ar , HiiwIamU , AoJoroiu Wlrkbaia. Ilixlia llvl ,,' ' llerli-rt , I iThoouu . ,. KlMK'h .. . Heavan,.. .. Krar ,., MeHutttr . Hiraonsrn., IVrrr MK-KKKNCKM I -Nnr U, went a.hoin flvr nil'es north of dray's Harbor. Nov u.ttid wna onlervtl to Portland Tula) tounae on Hi way -4..JU. Mama Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Bond Street. MAfJHnnn RFannrn 9CTORC SO AFTER aii iliaimrro CITPIDKaiR atrpnathans anil muim.millw.iik nrirana. Tha rcaaun .nfTiTfr, ara noi cnrfxl by Ime-inrs la b-rauiMi ntnaty par cant ar tmnhlwl with Proataitllla. CP l'l DKN K la thnnniy known r-mfdy to rura without an onratkm. MaHiitlmtiiiU ta, A wrlttaniniNranl( nmn.y rtnrn1 If sll hixf 4(nhi nut stlaul a par iluuimt aura, UJOa box, ala fur t.Yui.hy mail, Hi-mJ for raBKCIrcularajid ttvilmonlala Adilreas 1A VOL (IEBICINB CO-P. a Bo nBma Vtauolaoo, Ckl. fnr BiiUbl CHA8 HOOmtH. 4fi Commercial Btreot. To the East and South. Wht-n you consult the local ticket OKent, don't fall to OHk hlrn about Ol'K g.'tvke lo the Kast and South. Ask him If our lino Is not shorter and nur time faater than those of any other rnllroiid to Omaha, Kanaas City, Ht. Louis and point beyond. AHk him, too, about our 8t. Paul Chicago and Ht. l'aul Kt. IuIh trains. TEUFKCT that's the only word that fits them. C. SHELDON, O. A., Portland, Oregon. R. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS (53 COMMERCIAL, ST. lilt T SI'I.MKSII roil tl VUillr.ntiH'k I Jill I'ml Jiialal,,, IMU l.lvnr)i,inl ij Als.ia Hay.... Ixi0ork .,. Iiw ..,., 1 4 ll lttMt jt Hull I .... .. I.M1 Sill, .ill..,. ;:( IIU IV I.I7H I IIM ., I Ml IJ.1V -tin' I no Crk Iiw IikkI: " 'imI " I.ViTI " 11! ' sim! - inolll'ork " IM' 111. Liverpool IMU'urk ,. isjf. fork laiT fork ....... . liu; Cork t wM'urk . J oi'tk IIWH Cork . Iim ('or I1H.1 Cork Hut; A II ai.iiM HI, lot 4H.IW rtn.iMH TV, ATI K 4I.IW 7M W y Sl.ltll ait.mut ly.iwft 4,tll 4V. S'J.IIU tw.on 4tl,N) .Vt.lMU avw.1 fai.tM I:i,imo II M.N! 11, KIM M,.M ai.tir, 4J.KU Ni.H'JI IU,IT M.vl'l au.M) Ki.TH hi,:tlt 7 mm M,Wl lio.aif wiTirtiTrfliHirrvahi vS,ij tiu 4ii ells bran" WAY TO OREGON. reeled evr Krlilv) tits oft COHSIUNS. 1471, MAII W'tlHIAI AA1 H ini.ll 1114 lli VI 1,7 I A I 17 V llil I l ej ttUAl Sutton A Hb . Mrjrer, W, A Co Ililnnir. (Iiillirle Co . J Ul.lUx A lu ., Mba.iil A Kerr .. lw: tmiAl UW tl flu IIS iklAI I.. IIIW ItW ll ltH)Al J K Cainrmn Co itia in' A I Jim' ion 1 .ilvie. iuiaI .;.1XI UWAI J KCamernu ft Co , .'. An. Trading Co.,.J 40 , ttM I ml VI jlA4 - .UJ I0SAI '!n'tWAl .il:. 'lii'AI ..M.lMCJIUMAI ,lnlltaiAI I HCaiuan AC. . IVftliiOAl irwiODAI ! . ... ! I Intpano Lumbar Co .1 s,i,an lumbar Co. I I ma t-Arrlred oA Ban franclsas Unit In Isya ll.n.'. gam tlm la lH 4J1. Astoria and McKee Ave. Situutco oil tlifeoiitli sido of AHtoria's hills. Twenty degrees v:nrmer and vegetiition UO duys in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and hay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed. SI !! "CUPIDCNC Tti! trnal V ,tahla IlintlllWWW IliaW I WIIL.UVItalUiMr,li.aaF.rllH tlun ol a (aniuus Jrrneb pliyaklaii, will quickly nut rHl of all mr- ynua or ni.- 01 lit ai-n. r.iiv. uraans, such . Ui Mui.Iml Inuimnla, I'alnslnllmll-rk.Homliial .uiImIiiii, N.rr oil. IWlllly, I'lnililra, llnoin a l Marry, KiIi.iiiiIik Uralna, V.m. .,t InuniiDullon. 1 1 smpa sll Inaan hy day nr niaht prmn qui. k III m il iliiarlianra, whlrh It nolrhwVM lnua u Kfi malorrlMpa and l Impowncr. I'IIIs:n t:-laiMisUa(, umi HI CI Is a nnn.nnfannoiii liln-l, Apnrmaturr hu-a, hltmi, unnatural ill.- rmrair itir i.tiiinrrni... ; cnnrKi'., or anr liillnninia I Inn. Irrllatliin ur ul.r-. 'r.,u M.Mla. linn it tti lit tin. mnltl' itlvimCntsiriitla, urann. Min utrlnai'iit, old ay Urasslala, "or si.nt In slain wrapper. ..j v,i,r I'iriviii, .,( il.m. or b-illl.-a. H.7.V Circular st.u' ou rtKiuoai, P rklahral. I nrll.h Dlaaiaa RraaS. ENNYftUYAL PILLS .FnCinai aaa wnlv wnalaa. a.rc clwt,, rdl.tiL. .miiiuI l)rual.i i, DMalvi wu m. , J llr...l ,, H(m wa til .UI, IImim ,...1 .hi, blM rlla. Taka ll". l'wiH,Mraunwn. lMa.M,M( IMitAlltfn. Atllf-Hl.t. - - 1?. '".',"?. '" I.rillr.. ManU, ..4 " B.llrf fnr I... llr.." la I.IMr, hr Mara MalL I O.UIIIt I, Vam. w MS Is a tarufeaalaal la.,Mal.a a-aai a Ufusuu. 1-aUaZ Zt2 flTSOHlfl PUBLIC ItlBWY READING ROOM FRBB TO T.Tf, Open avtry day from I o'clock to IJI and 4:10 to 1:10 p. m. BubsorlptioD Jiates It per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVDNTH k DUANB ST AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. For a dinner, served on the Dining ears of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt Paul Railway, will be sent to any address oo receipt of a two-oent poeUur stamp. Apply to Geo. H. Heafford, General Pas eiuyer Agnt, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. I 1 i--J )tAlr'l ' B rirt w itn MiiHCiari.o W" m i 'iZ3S& 1 allUsal FL1MT-18M-7. ailtl'1'KHa, I'.irlUn.l l-'iour Mills" Hill 'Slliami Kerr ln.itin iN.lMI ' 'aMM T.VkW "ii!i,i' u,iitai '"iil'.'i'lii" 1, m U, Al run 41, Jim ki0 tit. Ki HI i ti.oi tw II'.WM lil.UUI 'T1M'' Nl.KU n.tJ !ai OO Mom M,tl iiJ.- J si llfc.'Hk) ill. i IIJ.-KW lO.JJO lUllmir, liuiiirm cu , ,. 1 ' e i o l e I It Cano-Hiti Co Mallimr. iliuhrln A Co I d I lis il I lis ' l Mlli.. in Knrr .,.. I I I I I l( 0.1 I'.irtlnnl flmir Hill lUlliiiir. itiillirlo A l o . , lis S'l j lis a.) ii i lis Id I l I as I ill ii 1.1 It I Hill. 'i, 111 , C" ISirllnii.l Kloiir Mill" 1'k . imixmM Kerr ... .. Iliilliiiir, (liiliiilu mill i , Hlbaoll A Kerr. , 11 . " J II Cameron A Co mm . IUKiiiii, Until' Ip Cu J II Cnneniii 0 m Sllnim A Korr ,..., HaltiHir tnillirls Co Hiimm A krr ....,, hm. I'nrllaiiil Kliiiif Mills .. i'lirllanil Klisir Mlila........ Hl'aweriMi A i ... I " " 'llal(iur.lliilliil Oo Hllwmi a aorc.MMM - ill II. M til lis al til lis hi HI loa...... 4)1 Us M til laa M til 104.,.., VI Us M cl ins..., L'l Its Id til los..... Ll IIS M ill lis a til Ins M til l"S. til l.,.... til a M til Ins . ... St Uld 4,1 a -mm ilV.rtUiMl'y'lIIii'r'Wid"! llalliMir.tliiilirlr C,i ... aiiiiMiii a KMir m., J H t'.iini'Mi' Mo, m, ilium a Kerr hul iiiir, llulliil" At Co ... I It 'antrmn f lUilmir, llieline k Co..., J K Caliu-h.ll A t'i Ilalln t', liullule '11.... 111.11 I " " ,;rorManil Clnr Ml l !H'iiiii',il'illirlC i7-".Uo"ari.nis I. run, vain- llltki, and W.jMea. kbls Hour, talue Iw1.!". ''" 0.R.&N. uiveu ciioirK or -2- TRANSGOHTINEHTAL ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogdan, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to Sao FmImo. Columbia, TunsJay, Otl. . Hlate of Cal. Humlay, del. ii. CiUumiila. Krlilay. Oct. 0. Htfrt of Cal. WiaiiiMday. Nov. 4. Columbia, Monday, Nov. I. Hlat of Cal. Batunlay. Nov. 11 Columbia, Thursday. Nov. 19. Stat of Cal. Tupaday, Nov. 14. Columbia, Puuday, Nov. t. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. Potter leave Aatorla at ? a. m. dally rtcept Humlay. Imvh I'urtland dully at e p. m , Hunday exieptcd. Kat urdays at 11 p. m. TelophiHia leavea Aatorla dally rpt Humlay at 7 p. tn. Leaves Port land dally except Humlay at T a in. ror rataa and fan.nil Information oat! on or addras O. W. LOUNHllKilRT, AMiL w. h. ituni.ntjRT, Own. Paa Act., Portland, Or. K. McNKlLU President and Manager. flIVSIT. T ana .. OtllOM aiaTSMT-. OOSHUIUT For tnfnrmatloa anil fr lluMii..,k if.NN a cou u hmutiiir, hsw .., Ol.ii be an fn iinn nau-nu la Am.rl-a, rnry ralanl taken out hy un la brouahl burnes Ua iwuia by douos lra (rMuto uv. is if tit niific mtim r r fuaniaiaa, SSI IHuadwajr, d.w lurk city. WHITE COLUR LINE TELEPHONE A0BAILE GATZERT Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves Aatorla dally ex cept Humlay ut 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Hunday at 7 a, ni. T. J. Potter leaves Aatorla at 7 a. m. dully except Hunday. Leaves Portland dully at H p. in., Hunday excepted. Hat- ,, 11 '! " I It . Ill, Tickets good on both boats. U. II. HCOTT, President E. A. Heeley, Altent, Portland, C. W. Htone. Agent, AHtorlo, Tulephono No, 11. FOR. TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing dates to and Irons Tillamook and Nchalem depend upon th weather. For Freight and Passenger Rata Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AOBNTB R. O, N. CO., Agents, Portland k (oltntmo AmerlMH irwf l .7 ,