The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 25, 1896, Image 4

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    '.;.v;' - -
Misses', Youth's and
Ladies' and Gents'
Autumn Footwear
Rubters, Rubber Boots, Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
79 Commercial St.
Maximum temperature, 40 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 3 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, IS, to date, iS.SS Inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber Ut, 1SS, to .late, MT Inches.
Portland, November M. For Wash
ington and Oregon, Fair weather, ex
cept light snow In the mountainous dls
trtat of eastern Oregon.
TO REArKR.-Taa "Dally Astarlaa"
oaUlai twlco u aaaeh raadlag natter aa
amy elkar paper pabtUhed la Astoria. It
a the aaly papar tkat preseata IU raadara
with a dally telegraphie report.
tarlaa" hae mere thaa tw lea aaaMay raad
ara aa aay athar papar pabllahad ra Aato
rla. It Is therefore aaora thaa twice aa
valaable as aa artvertialBg aMdlaoi.
tats af Orerna, I
Coaaty af Clataop.j
We, Ua nomlpal, local aMaacers
raapaetlTaly of tha Waatcra raloa aad
raatal Telegraph eoaiaaal.e. haraby ar
tlfy that tha "Dally Aatortaa" la tha oaly
papar pabltaaed la Astoria whlrh aaw ra
ealvaa. ar at aay tlaia arlag aar aoatrol
af said enVwa has raaalvad. a talecraphle
praM report. .D. JOHKSON,
ataaager V. T. Co.
Maaager rostal Tal. Ca.
Republican primaries today.
Great cloak ssje at Shaoahao Bros.'
Pianos for rent Grlffln Heed, City
Book Store,
Judge Abercromble is In Portland on
legal business. ..
Mr. W. C. Rigg. of Chicago, is visit
ing In the city.
Mr. M. P. Callender, was over from
Knappton yesterday.
Money to Loan Astoria Abstract,
Title and Trust Co.
Col. John Adair, of Sunnymead, was
In the city yesterday.
Don't fall to attend the Red Men's
masquerade ball tonight
E. De trick. Jr, of San Francisco, was
at the Occident yesterday.
Two hundred gallons of sweet cider
at the Foard & Stokes Co.
Gunther'a, the only Candles In the
city. C. B, Smith, sole agent
Received, at Foard & Stokes Co.'s,
200 turkeys, alive and dressed.
Hon John Fox has returned from a
business trip to Puget Sound cities.
Just take a loov at C. B. Smith's
famous Ounther candles. It will do you
Novelties for stylish house dresses. 10
cents yard. Just received by McAllen &
The Orau Company will arrive to
morrow morning and play at Fisher's in
the evening.
Fancy Eastern apples, new crop rai
sins, nuts, figs, mince meat, etc. Ross,
Hlgglns Co.
Mr. T. J. Conroy, a well known San
Francisco Insurance man, was (n the
city yesterday.
Next Saturday night the Young Men's
Institute will give a social dance at
the Y. M. I. hall.
For best cooking wines and brandies
sweet and boiled cider, call at Foard
& Stokes Co.'s.
ers now in stock and for sale only by
Fisher Brothers.
Mackintoshes, perfect fitting winter
wrappers, Jackets, wraps. Wholesale
prices. Low Price Store.
Dr. Howard's residence Is at 525 Com
mercial street over the "Spa." Night
calls promptly attended.
Hon. J. C. Young, ex-repreaentatlve
to the legislature from Baker county)
was In the city yesterday.
Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist. Teeth ex
tracted without pain. Price reasonable.
No. 662 Commercial street.
Several nice little Jobs are reported to
be In process of cooking and will be
served in the primaries today.
Don't pay ten and twelve dollars for
The best way to buy any
thing is to borrow it first
Get a package of Schil
ling's Best tea of your
grocer. He pays you your
money back if you don't
like it
That's our way of lend
ASchillinr ft Company
au rrancitco
alr-tlght stoves when you can get them
for half the money at Sl Bond street,
St. Agnes Guild will hold Its after
noon tea Friday, November JTth, at the
home of Mrs. Page, on Fourteenth
At the Bonbonnlere Sailed almonds,
fresh on Thanksgiving morning, deliv
ered to any part of the city. Give your
orders early
Jasper Ilovgaard and Adolph Slver
son made final proof on their home
stead claims j-esterday before Deputy
Clerk Whcrlty.
The sale of reserved seats tor the
i!rau Opera Company will commence
this morning at I o'clock, at the New
York Novelty Store.
Mr. Isaac Bergman left yesterday for
his Oray's river ranch, where he will
Inspect the work being done prepara
tory to spring sowing.
LOOK OUT for fraudulent telegraph
Ic news in the Astoria afternoon papers.
None of these papers receives one line
of outside news by telegraph.
Among the Portlamlers In the city
yesterday were J. W. Cook. Taiil C.
Bates. E. Staudecker and E. A. Seeley,
all of whom were at the Occident.
Don't forget that the Low Price Store
has the only perfect fitting wrappers,
the handsomest line of Jackets and
capes, and Is selling them at wholesale
prices, 491 Bond street
The ladles of the W. C. T. U. will be
at their hall this afternoon from !
o'clock until C o'clock to receive dona
tions for the poor. All needy persons
will please call after 4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Roberts, of Olney,
arrived in the city yesterday. Mrs.
Roberta has been seriously 111 for the
past three weeks with measles and hits
come to this city for treatment.
The Red Men's masquerade ball takes
place tonight That it will be a grand
success goes without saying. The Port
land oostumer failed to arrive yester
day, but reached the city this morning.
The Toung Ladles' Sewing Society of
the Bwtdlsh Lutheran church will give
a sociable and auction In the basement
of the church Thanksgiving evening.
A short program will be rendered be
ginning at 7:30 o'clock.
The tea to be given by St. Agnes'
Guild Friday afternoon at the beautiful
home of Mrs. Page on the Corner of
Grand avenue and Fourteenth street
promises to be a very successful affair.
lit Is intended that the tea shall con
tinue till 8 in the evening. An excellent
musical program has been prepared by
the ladies.
For the past month potatoes have
i been very scarce. Farmers In Clatsop
county have been holding oft for better
prices and several large grocers have
been unable to obtain sufficient sup-
i plies. The California product Is now
being shiped to Astoria and the far-
Imers of this vicinity will soon be com
ipell?d to sell.
! Astoria will be well amused during
j the holidays. Tonight occures the Rtd
Men's masquerade ball; Friday night
ithe Young Men's Institute social dance
and St. Agnes' Guild tea, and the Grau
Opera Company will open a three days'
engagement at Fisher's tomorrow
night. The Corinne Company will open
the Columbia on December 10.
"Good morning, Mrs. Jones; where
are you going so early?" "I am going
jto the 'Pat Market' to buy my Thanks
giving turkey." "Why do you go there.
!Mrs. Jones Don't you know Pat is
j Irish?" "That's all right, but it Is the
ionly place In town I can buy a good,
i corn-fed turkey, brought all the way
ifrom the East especially for Thanks
Yesterday afternoon a large load of
lumber for the new bridge being built
Ion the county road near Krosel's farm
'was taken out. The remainder of the
material necessary to the construction
(will be taken out tomorrow. Several
imcn will begin work this morning and
'it is expected the bridge will be com-
Dieted so that travel will be delayed not
i longer than from noon today to Thurs
day noon.
i It has often been stated that the rise
i In the price of wheat does not affect
Clatsop county, but It does, neverthe
less. For instance, the turkeys receiv
ed this year are much poorer than those
of last season. A year ago wheat was
down and market turkeys were fat but
this year, with wheat up to 75 and TO
cents, It does not pay to feed It to tur
keys. The best turkeys now obtaina
ble are those raised on small farms.
A great deal of Interest Is being taken
by local sporting men In the Fitzslm-
mons-Sharkey fight, which takes place
In San Francisco December 2. Many
are of the opinion that the Australian
will take Sharkey's head off in a min
ute, but there are many who think the
sailor will successfully withstand Fltz
slmmons' terrific blows. The fight will
be one of the best ever seen on the
Pacific slope.
Section 12 of Ordinance No. 13S4, page
179, of the city charter, reads as fol
lows: "All vessels coming to dock shall
rig In whiskers; all vessels before com
ing to the dock shall rig In their Jib
booms and whiskers and bumpkins,
and the lower and topsail yards be brac
ed In sharp." Thus, when vessels are
In the offing for for several days, It
may be expected that they are waiting
for their whiskers to grow. It is said
the municipal amanuensis drew up the
ordinance, which defines the duty of
the harbor master.
The Rev. Mr. Dunlap, pastor of the
Methodist church of Warrenton, had
rather an unpleasant experience Mon
day. With several friends he had gone
to West lake to shoot ducks. No birds
flew that way and the party, excepting
Mr. Dunlap, . determined to visit the
adjoining lake. The pastor procured a
Of Oregon mul California manufacture
In all colors and aizea,.nt bottom pricew.
In Eider Down and Carded Cotton, made
of the very best material. Very cheap.
Warm Underwear
We have tle leu-gent (election of Lllet' tuttl Ocntrt',
MlctaesV. Youth's and Children' Uiulerwenr to t found
In this port of the country, mul at reasonable price.
c. h: COOPER
small canoe and p addled out Into West
lake, and soon a large flock of ducks
came along. Raising his gun, he (I red
and several birds fell. The recoil of the
gun overturned the canoe, and the rev
erend gentleman was thrown Into (he
Icy waters of the lake. Not wishing to
lose his gun, which is a valuable one.
he clung to the overturned canoe and
awaited the return of his companions.
For almost an hour he remained In
this position and was well nigh ex
hausted when the-other hunters came
In sight. He was rescued from his
perilous position, benumbed with cold,
and taken to an adjoining house.
The paper wedding" celebration of
Mr. and Mrs. William Ttmson Monday
evening was a very pleasant altilr.
"Hearts" were the favors and the game
of the evening. Many beautiful paper
presents were received. Mr. Horace
Thing carried off the first gentlemen's
prise and Mrs. Gosslln the first ladles'
prise. Miss Bessie Arndt captured the
ladies' "booby" prise and Prof. Thorn
ton the gentlemen's lowest prise. At
the conclusion of the card games music,
singing and dancing were indulged In,
after which refreshments were served.
Among thoee present were: Judge and
Mrs. Lighter, Judge and Mrs. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs.
Thing, Mr. and Mrs. F. Prael, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard G. Prael Mr. and Mrs.
Herman F. Prael. Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Gosslln, Mr. and
Mrs. Troyer, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Trul-
Unger. Miss Bessie Arndt, Miss tSelle
Trulllnger. Miss Edith Conn, Miss Nel
lie Sherman, Prof. Thornton. Dr. M. M.
Walker, and Mr. Richard Curruthera.
A great deal of interest has been man
ifested in intercollegiate football of late
and a match game will be played on
Thanksgiving day. The first and sec
ond elevens of the Astoria Football
Club will meet, the men lining up as
follows: First eleven Oeorge Hawes,
center; B. Marion, left end; Will Young,
right end; Harry Young, left tackle;
Jones, right tackle; Cotter, left guard:
Hay ward, right guard; Geo. Smith, half
back; D. Allen, right half back; Nace
Grant, full back; J. Young, quarter
back. Second eleven J. Johnson, cen
ter rush; D. McLean, right guard; W.
Curtis, right tackle; Geo. Ohler. right
end, Taylor, left guard; C. Brown, (cap
tain) left tackle; Holt, left end; J. Mc
Cue, quarterback; A. Smith, left half
back; W. Crosby, right halfback; J.
Bufflngton. fullback; substitutes. C. So
vey, Gus Woods. H. Cassell. The first
eleven is a much heavier team than
the second, but those who know say
the latter will put up a very good
game. Ohler and Holt are playing well
for beginners, as is also Dan Allen, who
though, has had considerable experi
ence. It has not yet been decided where
the game will be played.
The street committee is taking steps
to repair the damage on Grand avenue
between 9th and 10th streets. Tons of
earth cover the block, making the street
impassable, and people residing In that
vicinity are forced to cut across blocks
to reach their homes. Yesterday morn
ing 350 feet of sluice boxes were con
structed and the hydrants and Are hose
will be used to wash the dirt down Into
the hole near the Tlghe hotel. It Is
doubtful whether this will be success
ful, as the hill gives way as soon as
any dirt Is removed. The buildings on
the south side of Grand aevnue
east of 9th street are In great danger of
being carried away and several houses
are sliding. Chairman Parker, of the
street committee, says he does not
know how much earth can be removed,
but that a beginning will be made. The
avenue has already cost the city sever
al thousands of dollars and now It ap
pears that a full block will have to be
rebuilt. Many are of the opinion that
the council should have all streets run
ning east and west graded down to a
level. As It is Franklin avenue, for
instance, runs up hill and down hill and
has been sliding In several places.
Those who anticipate attending
the Red Men's masquerade bail on
Thanksgiving eve can procure ele
gant costumes by placing orders
with Miss Florence McMullen
Room 7, Mansell Bldg. Prices rea
sonable and satisfaction guaran
Leading House
of Astoria.
Were the streets level. It Is said, they
would last much longer. The cost of
grading Franklin avenue to a lsvel
would not have been groat and the
thoroughfare would have been a good
as rrtpsred by ford M Stokes Co.
Boast Turkey, Oyster Dressing.
Cranberry Sauce.
Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Corn.
Boiled Onions. Chicken He.
Olives. Preserved Peaches.
Pumpkin Pie. Mince Pie.
Apple Pie. Cheese.
Fruit Coffee.
firau's world famous opera company
will make their appearance In As
jtorla at Fisher's Opera House tomr
jrow evening for to nights and a sie-
clal Saturday matinee, presenting for
.the first time In this city two great
'operas. "Paul Jones." and "Tar and
Tartar." This Is one of the strongest
opera organisations traveling and
j should be greted by crowded houses as
it Is seldom that Astoria gets good
(comic opera. Among the artists are
Miss Alice Johnson, Alice Carle, Ger
trude Lodge, Fanny De Costa, Ilobt
Dunbar. Sylvian Lunglons, Ilobt. Lett
Gilbert Clayton, and Stanley Felch, to
gether with a powerful chorus and
iGrau's own orchestra.
The following unclaimed letters were
advertised at the Astoria postofflce on
November 23. 1SWS:
Carlow, Turner (2) Fox, Miss Minnie
Garner, Mr. JesslcMarvey, M.
Gibbons. Johnle Hollem, C. W.
Knowles Bros. Lunkanane. Jno.
Makato. Emell. Ryan. Will P.
Sandas, MIsloulsu3!iamlcy, Edgar
Wiley, J. K. Wolf, C.
Andrea, Deslmom Norman Mrl'rejaml
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
Additional postage of one cent for each
letter advertised is charged.
Take laxative Bromo vilnlne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
fails to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
On Thanksgiving evening, Thursday,
November 26th, the Warrenton Lodge,
No. 52, A. O. U. W will give a grand
ball at the new Warren building. The
committee has provided excellent mu
sic for the occasion, and all are Invited.
The price of tickets Including supper
has been set at $1.50. The steamer Elec
tric will run from Asotrla via Fort
Stevens and New Astoria, for the ac
commodation of those who wish to at
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Inip Store
10c and 25c per package.
Fine Turkeys
Geese and Chickens
For Thanksgiving
Leave Your Orders Early With
Ross, Higgins & Co.
Coffee Be, Woodcock's, 674 Com'l St.
McKinley and
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ms on application.
lU.Tl'lll.U'AN riUMAItY
Notice Is hcrvby given that a Primary
Election will bo held In the City of
Astoria, on Wednesday, November HMh,
IS'.W, to elect 45 delegates to the Repub
lican clly convention to be held on
Friday. November 27th, SH. at the
clly Hall, at S o'clock p, m. for the pur
pose of nominating one councilman
from each ward for the coming election.
Polling place. 1st Ward Rescue En
gine house (11 delegates). Judaea A.
R. Cyrus, 11. B. Ferguson. Martin
Polling place, M Ward-Welch Bros '
oillie til delegates). Judges Jas. W.
Welch, August Nelson. Martin Foard.
rolling place. M wanlOAles of W.
F. McGregor (15 delegates). Judge
W. F. McGregor. O. F. Morton, John
Poll will be opened from 1 p. in. till
I p. m.
By order of the City Central Com.
' Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that I have
been appointed administrator of the
estate of W. H. Ryan, deceased. All
persons having cl tlms against said es-1
tate must present th. same lo me at '
Astoria, within six months from th.
date hereof. All persons Indebted to
said estate are hereby notified to pay
said Indebtedness lo me. forthwith.
Astoria. Or. October , 1S94.
Box S-Trulliuger's Mill.
nox Astor snd Seventh street.
Box 7 Ninth and Duane.
Box Commercial and Fifteenth.
Box Clatsop Mill.
nox 12-Car Stables.
Box 14 McGregor's Mill.
A gentleman's resort, at corner of
Bond and Twelfth streets. The finest
brands of liquors and cigars always
on hand. Call and try us.
The Sacramento airship may have
been an Illusion, but all the same the
airship Is coming.
The U. S. Gov t Reports
Aov Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
They are talking of nothing In the
East but chrysanthemums, horses and
n fu
ll alii
Use Webfoot Corn (.'nre. No
enre no pay. For sale at En-tes-Conn
briiar Store.
Fisher's Opera House
L. E. SELIO, Manager.
The OrcBtfHt Trvat Ever
Known in Astoria.
and Friday
26 and 2 7
Special Saturday Afternoon
Presenting the following
Saturday Matinee
Powerful Chorus.
Seats, 50c and $l
Box Sheet opens at the New York Nov
elty Store Wednesday morning, Novem
ber 26, at 9 o'cloclc
F. B. Morgan
O. R. & N. Company
voiuniDia Kivar mmw
254 V'sshinqtos St. m
cor. Third Portland, or.
Good Times!
lVopl' wlm liuve lnmi'lii.n iiwuy
tlifir nullify mo now Imyinj;
ami Warrenton Par!
Remember lhat pihf a i.n tln sa loin,
side of Hie buy. wlihlii a sln's ihiow
people are now living, will be adviim-ml
Concomly Tribe, No. 7
Imp. Order of Red Men
will u'ive 11 luill Thiuikngivinu fvo. It will
k' a niiimjuoriulo 11 larp' bull, mul'
brilliantly colored bull, rvl.
Following Are the Prizes:
First prise Best dressed lady, an ele
gant toilet set.
Second prise Best luntKlna.1 lady
character, Japanese tea set.
First prise Best dressed gentleman,
meerschaum pipe.
Second prise Best sustained gentle
man character, silk umbrella.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
Trains leave Seaside for Astoria st
7:50 a. m. and I p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at (
a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at
10:30 a. m. and 4 p. in. dally.
Trains leave Fluvvl for Astoria at t it
a. m. and 1:51 p. m. dally.
I73 I'M
A Specialty.
Ship Chttiulehiry,
I nm it Strol,
tirot't-rit'H &. Provision,
Flour tt Mill Fet-d,
Paints, Oils, Varuinlieti,
IjOfrgerB Supplies,
Fairhank'H Scaled,
Doom it Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagon tt it Vehicles.
The Successor
...To the
Oregon Trading Co.
Has nnide such deep cuts
in the prices of goods
that they don't need to
mako auction now to raise
money. The people have
found it out from the
bargains they are getting
at private sale. We lire
not yet out of the woods.
We must raise $4,000 hy
the 10th of December, and
to continue the tuhIi ho
that the amount can eas
ily be raised we will sell
from 30 to 50 per cent be
low actual value until the
amount is raised.
,.6oo Commercial Street..
"The Louvre"
Fine MokIo. fiamea af All Kinds. Two
Magnificent llara,
Good Order and Everybody's Rights
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for a
Good Meal... '
Eastern Ogsters
In the shell or can
Served to Order or Sold at Retail
Now Is Your
t . LOTS
At Special Prices
which nr. the brat sllustrd on th wast
of tha Warrenton depot, and where WO
.liimmry 1. 1117,
The prises are now on exhibition In'
the Kates-Conn show window.
Ticket. II. Ladles an inaaqua, free.
Spectators, W cents,
A coMiiiiner from Portland Is now
here and can he aeon at llorman Wine's
old stand on Bond street.
Protected territory. Cash commissions,
one of ours earned IJS.MO In five ron
secullve rars. Several rani II.0O0'
yearly. Factory. I. O. 1371. New York.
WANTEIV A competent girl for gen
eral housework. Apply at No, 104 Aster
atrwt. from S to 8 p. m.
for item.
Four rooms to rent 51 Exchang
street. Adolpli Johnson.
FOR IIENT-Hcv.n room hou No.
'.'(SO Commercial strecl. corner Sixth
street. Apply lo F. I. lU!ibar. Court
FOR KENT -A front room slcaly fur
nlshvd. Inquire i!4 Hond street, rlty.
FOR RENT -Thrve or four Minified'
rooms, suitable for lluht houe-kep!ng.
Inquire at Crow's (iallcry.
j FOR IIENT-Three or four rooms,
with board. Mrs. K. C. Ilolden. drnar
;!th and Kuane streets.
j rolt HALB
! A 1.1, Kl N I )S 1 1 F FANCY A NO JA P
AN'i"K OimmIs for Christmas and ths
h'ill,la. st Wing I.'s. f:i Commer
'clal street.
j " FOUND. '
I FOl'NO-Seven Inch mesh gill web,
III fathoms long, and f5 mrshes deep,
found a short dlstiinoe below Mack
(buoy No. 7. Owner may recover by
applying at Cutting's cannery.
Cedar Shingles
Steamship Company's
Will be dispatched from Portland, Or
egon on or about November 9, 1896, OA
the route from that point to th. Co
qullle River, touching at all Interme
diate points as Inducements offer, and
will remain permanently on that routs
making regular trips.
For rates or othor Information apply
at offices of the company, Worcester
Illock, Portland, Oregon, or 121-123 Da
vis street, Ban Francisco.
Main Street Dock, Astoria.
at any man coming out at
our store snd you'll get s
portrait ol s man brlinmlnj
over with piessant thoiiKlita.
Such quality In ths liquors
wa have lo offer ore suougb to
pleaie any man.
S. Freeman, late of Fret man ft Holm...
R. T. bAULH. lata of Siuckum Cal.
Blacksmiths, Machinists
and Boiler Makers
M,nu'C.i" fl" Kinds ol Ulaohlnepy
Iron and Brans Castings
Oeneral Blacksmith Work
SPECIALTIES - Wlrh P.t.ift Wlwl. Shis
Smllhlnj; and Steamboat Work, f.ann.ry andi
Mill Ma hlnry. Marina and Stationary Boll
art Bull! to Ord. r. '
Specially (quipped for Inegart' work
CorreaponJenra tollclled
1 8th and Franklin. Phone 78